… because the Repubs are sailing On Beyond Crazy. Michael Grunwald, “senior staff writer for Politico Magazine and editor-at-large of the Agenda”:
After five Republican debates, most Americans know about Donald Trump’s provocative beliefs, like his desires to end birthright citizenship, stop Muslim immigration and kill families of suspected terrorists. Much less attention has been paid to Carly Fiorina’s conclusion that the minimum wage is unconstitutional, Mike Huckabee’s pledge to defy Supreme Court rulings he deems incompatible with God’s law, Rick Santorum’s claim that Islam is not protected by the First Amendment or Chris Christie’s threat to shoot down Russian planes and launch cyberattacks on Chinese leaders.
Those provocative beliefs, believe it or not, were also expressed during the five Republican debates. They were just overshadowed by the furor over Trump. It might be natural for an opposition party to sound bombastic during primary season, especially when its front-runner is blessed with a seemingly inexhaustible supply of bombast, but the debate transcripts read like a Democratic opposition researcher’s dream…
… I’ve watched all the debates as well as the undercards live, but when I reviewed the transcripts, I was amazed how many radical statements had slipped under my radar. Ted Cruz called for putting the United States back on the gold standard. Marco Rubio accused President Barack Obama of destroying the U.S. military. Huckabee said Bernie Madoff’s rip-offs weren’t as bad as what the government has done to people on Social Security and Medicare. Lindsey Graham said his administration would monitor all “Islamic websites,” not just jihadist ones. I had even forgotten Trump’s claim that vaccines caused autism in a 2-year-old girl he knew.
Vaccines do not cause autism. Goldbuggery is crackpot economics. The U.S. military is still by far the strongest in the world. And what the government has done to people on Social Security and Medicare is give them pensions and health care. But none of those statements drew any pushback from the other Republican candidates, or, for that matter, the media moderators. Neither did Ben Carson’s assertion that if the United States had set a goal of oil independence within a decade, moderate Arab states would have “turned over Osama bin Laden and anybody else you wanted on a silver platter within two weeks,” which is wackadoodle on multiple levels…
Democratic leaders have expressed glee about these nationally televised festivals of right-wing me-too-ism, but another way of thinking about them is as highly rated, mostly unrebutted advertisements for the notion that Obama is a disaster and America is in peril. So far, the Republicans have had more than 20 hours to tell the public that “the idea of America is slipping away,” that “we’re on a path to socialism,” that “America has been betrayed.” Nobody on the debate stage disagreed when, for example, Christie declared that Obama doesn’t respect the military or the police, or that Americans believed in a more prosperous future in January 2009 (when the economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month) until Obama “stole” that belief. You might not take Christie at his word that Obama is a “feckless weakling,” but when you hear it over and over, you might assume he must be missing at least some feck…
Ah yes, the cult of BothSides — all the GOP candidates are spinning lies and nutcase fantasies as loudly as they can, but it’s President Obama’s fault for not, I dunno, arranging to have the debate stage struck by a bolt of lightning. Grunwald ties up his jerimiad by complaining that “the Democrats are acting like they’ve lost their feck”, unlike the “confident… perhaps overconfident” Republicans. If our proud nation is destroyed at the hands of feral revanchists, at least the Politico lads will have their savvy takes to hug.
Comrade Luke
I don’t think they’re blaming Obama. I think they’re blaming the DNC, which is running the Democrat side of the upcoming election.
Which is justified criticism.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Grunwald is a climate hawk and the author of a pretty good book defending the Stimulus, one that was generally ignored by EvenTheLiberalMSNBC and other should-be friendly outfits. He also used to use twitter to taunt Ron Fournier.
I don’t read that as criticism of Obama but as too-faint condemnation of the media and the Dems who should be more noisy about having Obama’s back.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, based on my limited exposure to him, I like Grunwald.
This shows the value of lots and lots of debates, for the other side.
I haven’t clicked over because Politico, but our candidates IMHO seem full of feck to me.
I just watched a Rubio ad that claims President Obama has been “humiliated by Putin, Iran and Islamic jihadists.” Say what?
@oldgold: Did the ad end with Rubio shirtless while riding a horse? Manly…
@Baud: Fecklicious…
No, it ended with him gulping a glass of water in a very manly manner.
@oldgold: LOL
Adam L Silverman
I have a feeling the President is going to have a lot of fun at this year’s State of the Union address. He certainly has plenty of material to work with.
Latest police shooting in Chicago.
They pumped 7 bullets into a young man with mental issues.
He had a bat.
But, that’s their ‘reason’. I heard his mother ask why SEVEN BULLETS?
How come they didn’t just put him down with one or two shots?
Hearing her pain on the radio….I felt it.
The reporter on the radio brushed past the OTHER person killed by police at that address. I should have known that something was up when there wasn’t a ready made excuse to justify the police shooting.
Turns out that the second person the police MURDERED was a 55 year old mother of five in recovery from ovarian cancer whose crime was…
wait for it…
THAT was her ‘crime’.
I am not exaggerating.
That was her ‘crime’.
The Associated Press ✔ @AP
BREAKING: Chicago police: 55-year-old woman killed by police early Saturday was ‘accidentally struck’
Alex Nitkin @AlexNitkin
Jones, mother of 5, was recovering from ovarian cancer, family said. Was looking for all-clear from her doctor so she could go back to work.
Alex Nitkin @AlexNitkin
Per family: Jones was shot while opening the door for police. She had just been asleep, & was wearing her nightgown.
@Adam L Silverman: Yes. And he still has one more WHCP. That’ll be epic.
@rikyrah: I saw that on the news this morning, but they didn’t say she was opening the door for the cops.
Seems like #VerbWhileBlack should be a hashtag.
Betty Cracker
Anyone know why the Giants-Vikes game is being played outdoors?
@Betty Cracker: How were the beans?
@Baud: WHCD.
@Betty Cracker: The new stadium isn’t built.
Minneapolis, MN (June 15, 2015) – With construction of Minnesota’s state-of-the-art, multi-use stadium more than halfway complete, the Minnesota Vikings can bank on a substantial home field advantage every time they take the field beginning in 2016.
Effective today, that stadium also has a name: U.S. Bank Stadium.
@Betty Cracker: Vikes are in-between stadiums, and thus are playing at an outdoor college stadium.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: Outstanding! That recipe’s a keeper.
@Betty Cracker: Like when Da Berz played at Memorial Stadium in Champaign.
Betty Cracker
@raven & @redshirt: Thanks and thanks!
@Baud: I am all out of fecks to give/ Democrats watching this cluster
@efgoldman: Ya missed the point. Having lots of debates gives more material for the other side in the general.
@Baud: Maybe we should combine the WHCD and the SOTU, will President Baud do that?
ETA: Just finished washing the last of the dishes from Christmas dinner, I’m on a roll!
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@oldgold: Ha! A real man would have quaffed down some Brawndo – it’s got electrolytes and stuff…
@efgoldman: Yelling at clouds again…
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Baud: #GerundWhileBlack
@BillinGlendaleCA: Being America’s first virtual president, I think I might tweet the SOTU.
As far as the WHCD goes, as great as it would be to make fun of the people in attendance, I think I’ll choose to end that monstrosity.
@efgoldman: Indoor plumbing put us on that slippery slope.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@redshirt: I hope the University of Minnesota is charging them a fucking mint.
I heard this earlier today and am furious. It’s not safe to call the police for help.
@efgoldman: I’ve only been to one football game inside a dome, and it’s no longer there.
@BillinGlendaleCA: What did you do?
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’ve been to the Georgia Dome for a bunch of games. It truly six and don’t get me started on basketball there!
Well fuck, just fuck. My best friend in the world — i’ve known her since sophomore geometry class in high school, so 58 years ago — has had bad news. “My cancer has returned, meandering from the lung to the spine and a couple of lymph nodes behind the abdomen.”
Sucks. Just totally sucks. She has a better attitude than I do, but I am devastated. She lives in Tucson, and I’m hoping to see her this May when I drive out to Arizona for my grand-niece’s graduation.
This Balloon Juice crew is wonderful at gearing up the white light and warm fuzzies, so please send some in the direction of my friend Linda.
Deep thanks.
Mornington Crescent
Feck! How did that gobshite get on the television?
@Baud: It’s either Silver or Astro.
eta For my money the Astro Bluebonnet Bowl was the best bowl namer evan!
@Baud: Heh, they tore it down after I left.
@BillinGlendaleCA: See…
@SiubhanDuinne: Exactly the same diagnoses as my boss. She’s in her late 40’s and had both nose and breast cancer. She starts more chemo the 4th. I’ve been her confidant through her treatment and her doctorate and you are right, her attitude is better than mine.
@efgoldman: See comment #45.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: They shot Ms. Jones through the door while she was trying to answer it. There is never such a thing as an accidental shooting, just negligent ones. Take everything else regarding firearms and violence and set it aside and you’re left with an inanimate object that doesn’t do anything unless someone makes it do something.
As to how the police responded to this call: I am convinced that these incidents/events that we keep seeing are training related. Specifically they’re failure to train properly and to maintain standards. There’s a long standing criminology/criminal justice understanding that law enforcement culture looks at the world as police friendly and police unfriendly. When they have to go into what they believe is policy unfriendly territory they do so with overwhelming force and respond to everything as if its a threat. The only ways to overcome this cultural response is through training and supervision. Clearly there is a problem with the latter two here.
@SiubhanDuinne: Tucson is the best place to see the stars in mainland America. Take a tour of Kitt Peak. Also, the Biosphere 2 is only a couple of hours away and it’s an amazing, off world place.
Best wishes.
@raven: With the proliferation of bowls and corporate sponsors have come some some crappy names. Here’s a sample from ESPN.
Raycom Media Camellia Bowl
AutoNation Cure Bowl
R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl
San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl
GoDaddy Bowl (really?)
TaxSlayer Bowl
Motel 6 Cactus Bowl
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m so sorry. Hugs.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Is it too much to hope that he’s delayed getting there and while delayed a meteor hits the WHCD?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@SiubhanDuinne: My best healing thoughts to both your friend and raven’s friend/boss.
@SiubhanDuinne: Very sorry to hear about your friend. Best wishes to both of you.
@Baud: They used to have the Emerald Nut Bowl.
Iowa Old Lady
@SiubhanDuinne: That sounds tough. Strength to her and to you too.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Wasn’t there a purple something bowl?
All best wishes to your boss. Please share with me about her, as I will with you about my friend. Linda has had one chemo treatment with at least a couple more to go.
What an incredibly sucky thing cancer is.
Sending all the warm and fuzzier, hugs, and good thoughts to you and your friend.
Thank you, I am hoping to get in some wonderful sight-seeing this time, and I hope that will include the sky.
@JPL: Google is you friend, there still is: Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl.
@SiubhanDuinne: Bella seems to know more about it than most here. The internet doesn’t do much to help although some talk about 4 or 5 years.
@BillinGlendaleCA: aha.. and the Utes won!
@JPL: [Hangs head in shame, my team is the only PAC-12 team to lose so far.]
Good luck to your friend.
Can I just add, I HATE fucking cancer.
Too many people I have known have had it and some that I know very, very well have it right now. A just god my ass. You call this intelligent design?
@efgoldman: Talk shows complain that a four year old get a participation trophy but it’s okay if mediocre teams go to bowl games. It should have been named the purple people eaters bowl..
Guess it all depends on who will benefit.
@JPL: The thing I hate most about the bowls is hw we are FORCED two watch them! Oh wait. . .
This lady has been through more shit than I can imagine. She got sober some 25+ years ago, met her current husband through AA. He is the first of her four husbands she has agreed to marry while not in an alcoholic fog, according to her, and I must say, they are a terrific pair. Her first husband blew his brains out. Her second husband molested/raped her young daughter. Her third husband was the dictionary definition of “charming and totally irresponsible.” Her brother committed suicide about 13-14 years ago. And yet, believe it or not, she is by no stretch a drama queen, although god knows she has plenty of reason to be.
The best bowl is the Kitten Bowl.
Mike G
Funny, I remember when a Dem president tried to reduce our dependence on foreign oil in the late 70s and the Repuke response was “MALAISE blahblahblah cardigan wimp blahblahblah UnMurkan thermostat temperatures blahblahblah Tear down the solar panels from the White House roof, I’m driving an SUV, MURKA FUCK YEAH”
@SiubhanDuinne: I can’t overemphasize how cool the Biosphere tour is. It’s like visiting a human colony on Mars.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yikes.
I will make a point of building a visit into my time in AZ. Thank you!
@SiubhanDuinne: Cancer is a cruel disease. Last Wednesday I found out that someone I knew died from brain cancer. She had been diagnosed six weeks ago. Until then, she was an avid hiker and healthy.
@SiubhanDuinne: The Desert Museum used to be great.
@JPL: I had one friend that fought it for 5 years and one, this fall, that made it 2 months.
@SiubhanDuinne: I don’t mean to tell you what to do, of course. I just love Tucson, and have made many trips there. I used to go to Nogales Mexico all the time, but their drug war (our Drug War) has ruined that. No one dares cross the border anymore.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): @Baud:
@Iowa Old Lady:
I know I’m going to be thrown into moderation for having way too many links (ANNE LAURIE IN ADVANCE, HELP!!!), but I do want to thank everybody who has sent good wishes to my friend Linda. It means a lot.
@Mike G:
Conservatives have to get ideas from somewhere, for they have no new ideas. Having new ideas makes them not actually conservative and while it’s not that conservatives don’t like the results of some liberal policies, it’s that they have to invent them, implement them before they are “good” policies. Which is a problem when they have no ideas and can not look forward to any kind of solution for things which were never a problem for them, 50-100 yrs ago.
Oh, I am so sorry. Yes, it completely sucks. If the 21st century does nothing else, I hope it can find a way to prevent, mitigate, cure, and/or relieve these terrible afflictions we lump together under the umbrella term “cancer.” Hugs backatcha, JPL.
Well, feck that asshole. Quite a few somersaults and flips to get to the conclusion that, hey, those crazy GOPers might not be so bad after all.
Hey, ol’ Huck is agin’ cancer! Fiornia advocates a non-insane (but over-hyped) budgeting gimmick cure-all! So, gosh, and pound of nuts and and once of sense equals ‘maybe they are worth listening to’. They are not.
Anyway, just two examples of slop from this ass. Sanders may or may not have given the impression to this idiot that he would not mind raising marginal income tax rates on the rich to 90 percent, but he clearly said that he would not (but that the infamous commie Eisenhower did).
And, sure, many of us blame the DNC for too few debates and bad scheduling, but they are not exactly hidden. Millions of people watched them.
What desperate dreck. Which I suppose is a good sign, that the partisan beat at Poltico has to go to such asinine stupidity to get their insinuendo.
I always welcome suggestions for places to go and things to see. While I’m able, I intend to spend a good chunk of my retirement driving all over North America, and visiting quirky and out-of-the-way attractions. So feel free to pass along any recommendations you may have.
@redshirt: Not true, Rocky Point is still very popular.
@SiubhanDuinne: Is Rocky Point Safe?
@raven: I’m sure the coastal resort towns are OK. I’m just talking about Nogales, which turned into a No Go Zone with the uptick in the violence in Mexico over the last 15 years. It’s not a tourist town at all.
@redshirt: Oh hell yes. We go fishing on the Sea of Cortez over from Hermosillo but we don’t spend much time in Nogales!
@SiubhanDuinne: Cool. The Biosphere is HIGHLY recommended. The University of Arizona has a presence at the site (It is an A of U property) and even their buildings are like straight out of Star Trek. The entire site is like traveling to a different world.
@SiubhanDuinne: Sorry to hear about your friend. I remember the desert museum being fun too. Saguaro National Park is cool, and right outside both sides of town,. If Mt. Lemmon has recovered from the fires of several years ago, that is pretty place to drive through and hike.
Chiricahau and Organ Pipe are cool, at the north end of the latter you can get pic of yourself by the Why AZ city limit sign.
@SiubhanDuinne: And if you are driving in from the north, old Route 66 has quite a few goofy roadside attractions.
J R in WV
The Desert Museum is fabulous. There’s a cave with a mineral exhibit, Native arts and crafts, Desert Bio exhibits, and it’s all easy walking. We loved it. Even the drive out to it is wonderful, through rocky peaks with thousands of saguaro cactus standing guard. It’s either close to or part of the Western Saguaro National Park.
I’m assuming Global Climate Change hasn’t killed all the giant cactus off, but I think that would have made the news, actually. In southern AZ they tend to cover southern exposure hills at the right altitude. Elevation makes the weather out there much of the year.
@efgoldman: Puerto Penasco is not closed.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Rocky Point was an amusement park in RI. Long since bankrupt and closed. Only old guys like efgoldman remember it anymore.
I think Grunwald brings up a great, unmade point about these GOP so-called debates, and that is that any one of these doorknobs is espousing right-wing views as radical as has been heard in the U.S. since the 1920s! Return to the gold standard? Eliminate the IRS? Ban contraceptives? For fucks sake, these views are a hundred years out-of-date! I wish someone would call out these corksuckers for this medieval nonsense!!
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: As long as you do your tweeting on the Constitutionally prescribed schedule: “from time to time”.
@SiubhanDuinne: @raven: Best wishes and healing thoughts for them both. And strength to you both as you support your friends through this.
I wanna know how efgoldman suddenly got to be the definition of “old man.” I’m way older than he is, but does anyone ever use SiubhanDuinne to portray oldness? Nooooooo.
@rikyrah: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This country has gone mad.
@SiubhanDuinne: He has an onion tied to his belt.
Thank you, Satby. And, although I don’t think I have commented much, I want to say how much I am enjoying your posts about your “girls” and the wonderful experiences you are giving them. It is a treat to share their experiences vicariously.
@SiubhanDuinne: Whatever grace I have, let it go to her. Prayers for your friend in her illness and you in your grief.
Yeah, like I don’t?
@SiubhanDuinne, Raven
So sorry to hear this news about your friend. Friends are a treasure.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: You’re a woman. It’s impolite to mention age.
Emma, that is beautiful. Thank you, and I hope it will be a long time before I need to deal with the ultimate grief. Although each little moment of sad news contributes to that grief.
@SiubhanDuinne: LOL. So do you also yell at clouds?
@SiubhanDuinne: aww, thanks! We do have fun. Qunoot has taken to saying “Mother!!” in that faux aggravated teenaged way (thanks, MOTHER!). So I just answer her with the same tone of voice (you’re welcome, DAUGHTER!). They just laugh. Right now they’re upstairs singing to Adele.
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m sorry, but that is sexist. Why should it be any more or less polite to mention age for a woman as a man?
LOL, sounds as though total bonding has taken place! They sound like terrific young women. You are lucky, and so are they.
All the fucking time.
Yep. And thank you.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: That was intended as a more or less light-hearted response, playing on “traditional” Western etiquette notions that I, and therefore you, are old enough to remember. If you prefer, I will henceforth refer to you as “SiubhanDuinne, older than dirt.” However, I still would not have used you as the canonical definition of old in my earlier comment because, to the best of my knowledge, you have not lived in Rhode Island and thus would not, presumably, have known of the bankrupt amusement park that efgoldman referred to.
@SiubhanDuinne: Me too. Literally. I shake my fist at the clouds Mt. Washington* sends my way, just for me it seems like.
*Mt. Washington AKA The Cloud Factory.
The ignorance of US Conservatives is only matched by their inability to think.
@SiubhanDuinne: I am very lucky, indeed.
God, cancer sucks. There just is no justice.
“Old man” has certain, uh, baggage that “old woman” doesn’t, e.g., yelling at clouds, onion on belt, vehemently held but possibly unhinged views, etc. Not sure you want to be the standard-bearer for all that. And efgoldman is managing it so well.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SiubhanDuinne: So very, very sorry … thoughts and energy being sent her way. We just learned today that the daughter of one of my husband’s best friends (high school and college) died Christmas Day. She was 48. He had two daughters and a wife, and now all have been taken by diabetes. I hate that fuckng disease. And they were an absolutely beautiful family.
@Gin & Tonic:
That is true, and I apologize for snapping at you. I do, however, remember Riverview, the equivalent amusement park in Chicagoland.
And I got your light-heartedness, I just didn’t respond in kind. Feel free to keep using efg as the canonical “old person” — I don’t want that to be my defining characteristic. But equally, I don’t want him to get all the glory when there are “old people wins” on the line.
Edit: BTW, I have had the pleasure of meeting efg and the lovely and talented Mrs. efg in person. He is about as far from an “onions-on-belt” fogey as you would wish to meet. If he shakes his fist at clouds, he is just toying with you.
@debbie: Cancer is clearly part of life. Maybe it’s super-charged life. It sucks, but our (Life) place here in this world is temporary, and subservient. We should all align ourselves with this truth.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Oh god, I am so very sorry. Horrible. My loving condolences to his family and to all who loved him.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m sure he’s delightful, as I suspect you are, too. It was just a useful device to reference the long-since-gone nature of that park. But I think I have to stop flailing away at this vaguely equine-shaped oil slick in the road.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you. Still kind of reeling from it.
He is the definition of old man. You are not a man. As it is I’m following closely in his footsteps, if he stumbles, I’ll have just enough time to miss stumbling over him.
The other thing is that as I understand it, women never, ever get older than 29 and it’s far safer for men’s health if they fully believe that.
@Gin & Tonic:
Yes, he is delightful, and yes, I modestly like to believe I am too. I hereby hand over all the reins of Olddom (Oldness, Oldhood) to the venerable efgoldman.
I am considerably older than 29, and have never quite understood the trope of women being preserved in the amber of <29. I wouldn't return to that age if you paid me a great deal of money for the privilege. OTOH, I am well aware that there are also several typical "old-lady" stereotypes that I would be just as happy to avoid.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Yes and yes.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: Nest time we’re discussing the Great Chicago Fire, though, feel free to chime in with a reminiscence or two.
@SiubhanDuinne: I, for one, am looking forward to my AARP membership.
Cheap bus tickets!
@Gin & Tonic:
I will. Along with my personal recollections of the founding of Marshall Field & Co.
Too late.
@efgoldman: And what happens to be on SiriusXM just this moment?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYUgGs9IStY (3:31)
Just reminiscing of days of yore. I also find that telling woman about the always 29 thing sort of cancels it out.
I agree about not going back to those days, even if I knew everything I know now. Although at the time I was living with a very wonderful woman who still is to this day……..
Getting old(er) isn’t all that bad, as long as the memory holds out, the plumbing still works, as well as the legs and ticker. It’s just another mile on the bumpy road of life and I’m glad that it mostly is a road enjoyed, even if there are potholes, washouts, snow, unbearable heat, etc, that just makes it a bit more exciting. The one thing I can not imagine is always playing the safe card, never taking risks, all in the hope of another day. Boredom is all it’s cracked up to be.
Love your metaphor. Have probably taken it beyond its natural limits, but to a great degree, it works.
@efgoldman: I’mm disappointed that there is a witness who says that you are not a demented old man Simpson who yells at clouds.
But, just to show I have no hard feelings over the disappointment, I grant you my coming old age and senescence as well. You are welcome.
Edit: anyone know if that gift is tax deductible, BTW? Income tax season coming up pretty soon. Goldman, you might need to write up a receipt.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Do you have any thoughts on the creation of the brownie in Chicago? Because I’ve got a whole thread on that just waiting for a personal anecdote…
And we’ll keep good thoughts for your friend on this end. And Raven’s too.
Your commentary indicates a pretty deep misreading of that piece, Anne. I appreciate the link, but you’re misrepresenting Grunwald’s argument.
Keith G
I reread thrice, but still saw no text that backed this assessment.
Paul in KY
@SiubhanDuinne: Very sorry to hear that.
Paul in KY
@SiubhanDuinne: Glad she finally met a good man.