Some people are pissed off because this year’s college football playoffs are scheduled on New Year’s Eve. I’m not; we always stay home on New Year’s Eve anyway, and I’m hoping the games will be more interesting than watching people mill around Times Square on TV. Here are my picks for the playoffs and remaining bowl games:
I sincerely hope I’m wrong about several of them, most especially Florida vs. Michigan. But while both teams are in rebuilding mode with first-year coaches trying to construct an offense to match a solid defense, I think Florida’s QB is the shakier of the two starters, which gives Michigan an edge.
I’d be delighted to be wrong, and if I am, that probably means Mr. Hargreaves III had a huge day. What say you?
Open thread!
Coin operated
TCU’s QB was just suspended after being arrested for assault. Was hoping for a good shootout, but now the “Fighting Fashion Nightmares” should have an easier go of it.
*sorry…don’t remember who uses that term for Oregon, but credit where credit is due.
Go Spartans!
@Coin operated: It’s never a good idea to hit a police officer.
Mr Stagger Lee
As a Buckeye fan I am jazzed at Notre Dame-Ohio State game. And yeah I want a good B1G Ten showing. So go Spartans! But if not anyone but Bama.
@Mr Stagger Lee: Not a big Buckeye fan (nor Michigan for that matter) but rooting for both to win. Have a total hatred for Notre Dame and a dislike for Florida. Plus Big 10 is looking good so far and could finally convince the country they are for real.
I’m pulling for my Clemson Tigers to stomp Oklahoma for the second year running. National media hates us (because ACC money to ESPN < Big 12 money to ESPN < ESPN constant fellating to all things SEC I guess). Our coach feeds his players on the disrespect we get. Some of our wins looked ugly, but our defense is well rested. And our QB is amazing.
Paul T
Cord cut. Games gone. Don’t care.
David Koch
I can’t believe they’re having the playoffs on a work day. Most people won’t be home by 4 PM eastern. The west coast is 15% of the country and they’ll miss the entire first game.
I understand why they didn’t want to have it on Friday because they didn’t want to compete against the rose bowl, but they could have had it on Saturday, which is the traditional day when fans devour college football.
I was dumb enough to stay up until the end of Wisconsin – USC (or, as BillinGlendale calls them, U$C) – at least the Badgers won. I didn’t have to be at work until 8:30 so the game ending after 1 am wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
@Coin operated: I believe Villago Delande Est is the one who uses the term Fighting Fashion Nightmares. It is an excellent description.
I thought the WaMonthly piece on Rubio – getting (small) favors for his BIL who was a drug kingpin – was going to go a different way, like point out that it is likely a hit from the Bush crew. That is how I saw it.
Ben Carson’s two top campaign staffers have resigned, according to reports.
ETA apostrophe
David Koch
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought Chip Kelly was fired yesterday.
@SiubhanDuinne: Rashi was upset that Pataki is out. Another example that the dream is dying.
@Paul T: I was offered the chance to see the Houston/FSU game and refused. Even though the seats were good, the idea of going downtown, didn’t appeal to me.
@David Koch:
From the CNN link in my comment: “Carson campaign manager Barry Bennett and communications director Doug Watts have resigned.” Piece does not refer to anyone named Chip Kelly.
Betty Cracker
@Seanly: I’d rather see Clemson win it, TBH. Just have a feeling it’s OK’s year.
@JPL: Houston is ahead! I hope they hold the lead. Can’t stand the damn ‘Noles!
@japa21: I’m glad that either Ohio State or Notre Dame will lose tomorrow. I’m only sorry they can’t both lose.
How’d you get so into college football Ms. Cracker? Do you follow the NFL as well?
For those of us New Years Eve-ing at home, are you cooking anything special?
I got a dozen oysters. Not sure if Ill make oyster stew or just slurp them down.
@JPL: Good seat in that place suck.
@Shell: Slurp!
Good article on this “New Tradition”.
It doesn’t matter to me but even in a “football hotbed” like Athens I’m the only one I know that will be watching.
Just kick FSU’s ass!!!!
Betty Cracker
@Rashi: I grew up watching it — my whole family always has. One of my grandfathers was QB at Ole Miss. I watch college and pro but only truly care about college.
@raven: I’d be pissed about the scheduling too if I were younger, single or child-free. I can’t imagine what they were thinking.
Roger Moore
Not gonna happen. To the extent that the media cares that factual information is provided to them as part of a political hit, it’s only going to improve their opinion of it if/when it’s from a solid establishment guy like Bush.
@Betty Cracker: All it says to me is “is you is or is you ain’t”? I didn’t care about NYE when I WAS a drinker.
comedians in cars getting coffee – with Barack Obama!
” how many world leaders that you meet have just lost it?”
“a substantial percentage”
Looks like I won’t be the only one conducting a write in campaign.
Betty Cracker
@raven: My hubby was a professional musician when we first got together, so NYE used to be kind of a big deal for us because he’d always be playing somewhere. But for the past 15-plus years, we’ve stayed home and supervised children.
@Betty Cracker:
Clemson’s the tech/ag school in SC so they’re used to being looked down on. We looked like crap in the last few games of the season but pulled out wins. With rest I think we will surprise folks.
However, if we lose, I know we had a great run and will be poised to do even better next year.
@Seanly: I have a friends in Miami waiting for game time. My son signed on to my computer, so I can stream the game.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I’m pissed. I got a letter three days ago that my Minnesota Care policy is being cancelled because I’m making too much money (which is largely an artifact of the Kickstarter money counting as income without any recognition that most of it has gone back out in expenses until after I file my taxes). THat timing is terrible, since coverage ends today, while the open enrollment to have coverage as of Jan 1 ended two weeks ago.
Then, when I try to sign up for a policy at MNSure, I can’t start an application because I already have one open. (It also needs my to clear my entire cache and cookies, which is another aggravation.) I tried calling to find out what the issue is, but I was on hold so long that I had to hang up to deal with things. This morning, I finally had the 45 minutes needed to stay on the line long enough to talk to someone. It turns out that I can’t start a new application because I still have an open one, which turns out to be the Minnesota Care policy that I’ve been told has been cancelled. If they’re going to cancel the policy, they ought to also withdraw that from the system so I can look elsewhere.
So, I had to call another number to talk to Minnesota Care to get them to clear what they already should have. I spent an hour on hold there, and then got a message that there are technical difficulties and my call has been disconnected.
Bush axed his TV ads in Iowa yesterday and today this news. Seems the lower-ranking campaigns are cutting back and they are doing it at a time when coverage and attention are next to zero.
Most people I know don’t bother going out or staying up to midnight. After Clemson beats OU, I will get on my Xbox and frustrate the fugg out of myself playing Rainbow Six Siege. Unless the friend coming over is still around…
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Losing your health insurance should be a qualifying event, so open enrollment should be irrelevant. Try asking Richard.
@Betty Cracker: Talented Grandpa, Ms. Cracker.
Bugs Bunny says it all.
@Anoniminous: A 35% failure rate on signatures seems awfully high.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Betty Cracker:
I’ve never been a “NYE is a big deal” type. Mr. Q and I have only been out once for a whole NYE and it was when he still lived in NY. We went to one of his best friend’s (who was also a founding member of their brass band) party. It snowed a bit and we took the shortcut past the sharp turn in his steep driveway. Unintentionally. We were fine and it was comical. Once we went to his boss’s 6:30 – Jan 1 open house, and made our excuses at 9:30, claiming another place to stop by on the way home. He asked if we had champagne for midnight and told us that was a requirement. He sent us home with a very nice bottle. That’s a host~
We’re staying in and enjoying WWI artillery. Slowly.
Obama’s going to announce an executive order next week on Gun control. Apparently expanded background checks. Heads exploding in 3, 2, 1…
Roger Moore
IIRC, that’s in the right ballpark for signature failures on ballot petitions here in California. I think a lot of it is from duplicate signatures.
@Roger Moore: Interesting. Good to know.
I hope, hope, hope for a Hawkeye win over the Cardinal tomorrow.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): When Widespread Panic played the Georgia Theater on NYE I got into it!
Roger Moore
I might be overstating it a bit. Of the successful measures qualified in California right now, none of them had as high as 35% rejection rate, though one was about 33%. The rest were in the neighborhood of 25%. But the rate is substantial.
from the Associated Press:
@Baud: Ouch.
Here’s the photo
? Martin
Man, Dubai remains a strange place. 1000′ hotel on fire and a few thousand feet away a huge fireworks show for New Years.
Looking for an Iowa upset.
Stanford is in for some Ol’ Timey Slobber-Knocker football. They best show up with their cleats screwed on real tight.
Go Hawks!
It’s something you can’t screw up. The last time I did this we got around raw 7,000 signatures to ensure we got the 1,500 we needed. 30% failure seems about right to me, but it’s been a while.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I see what you did. There.
The Coug’s are partying like it’s 1999!
I’m hoping first and foremost for a Hawkeye win and a B1G sweep of the remaining games
@raven: The should.
Millions of people don’t give a shit abut the next 8 hrs. Fuck em!
I’m basically ready for it to be 2017 already.
I hate Oklahoma..
@JPL: I hate em both but I love this game!
Gawd, it’s gorgeous here in Seattle. So sunny you don’t really notice the cold much. I had a lovely walk and am now inside watching football, admiring the day from the comfort of my living room. Tomorrow is also supposed to be sunny and I’m a gonna go hiking with a friend.
New Years Day hikes are a wonderful tradition. New Years Eve – I can’t remember the last time I was actually awake at midnight for NYE. Maybe 2000? – because that was special, seeing the world’s odometer turn over all zeroes.
@CaseyL: My buddy and I threw a baseball in the air in one 1999 and caught it in 2000!
Just One More Canuck
How does a team get to a playoff position with such crappy tackling?
Betty Cracker
@Seanly: Good game so far! My great uncles went to Clemson (their sister, my grandmother, went to South Carolina). I’m pulling for them!
ETA: Do you know how “Dabo” got that nickname? Cute story!
Homer Jordan, Athens dude!
@Betty Cracker: Jesus gave it to him?
@Just One More Canuck: How bout that tackling?
Betty – you are betting against my Iowa Hawkeyes! How could you?
Betty Cracker
@Zinsky: Picked against my own Gators too, so don’t take it personally! Plus, my picks are usually wrong, so Iowa will probably win!
@Betty Cracker: Like you believe that.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Busted! ;)
Huuuuge win for the Cougs over FSU! Amazing how much their defense has improved.
Glad to see they coughed up cash for Herman. Hopefully we can keep him for a long time.
@Davebo: The D was awesome!
It’s pretty strange that they are promo’ing “A Rockin New Years Eve” on ABC during the first of two games on ESPN. Who would watch the first game and watch that drivel later?
Kiss it goodbye Sooners.
Big game Bob never let’s me down! Clemson is killing them.
Steeplejack (phone)
Beats me. Although there’s several free concerts downtown tonight with the B-52’s being the feature. At lunch I told my girlfriend about it and she said “what is the B-52’s?”
Obviously she’s not interested and I’m not going alone so I’ll catch all the games tonight.
@Davebo: We live in Normaltown
Friends up the street are having a bonfire and my bride is going but I’ll have to see what up in the second game. . .
Gainesville, GA is NOT 20 minutes from Athens. More like an hour.
Not sure why the Sooners were some sort of favorite to win this thing. Even the quants were fooled. I guess they just didn’t notice that playing defense is forbidden by rule in the Big XII.
@Heliopause: They thought Clemson was going to Clemson it!
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
My boss is a Clemson grad. When the Tide rolls (BTW, great pic BC), next week is going to be interesting.