Has anyone tried the Google Cardboard DIY virtual reality thingy? If so, did it make you puke?
I ask because I’m trying to find out why my daughter and I are throwing up. I’ve almost ruled out food poisoning from supper because my husband had the same thing we did, and he’s fine.
But shortly after supper and prior to the onset of nausea, we were playing with the Cardboard thing and had both tried the kaleidoscope virtual reality app while spinning around in a swivel chair. I think that’s what did it.
I don’t know but I have it too. My kids had a stomach bug yesterday that I figured was too much pizza in the middle of the night. I was wrong. Headache. Nausea. Fatigue.
Going to bed.
VR makes some people queasy. It’s called virtual reality sickness. See this Wikipedia article.
No. But I just looked at Google Earth and didn’t spin around in my chair.
ETA: It worked fine on my Note3(1920×1080) but you could see the pixels. It didn’t work on my Note Edge or Madame’s GS6 where I got double vision on some stuff.
I’ve tried VR with a regular visor and got naseous. A certain percentage of people (can’t remember, anywhere from 5-20%) get ill looking at virtual reality.
I also get very seasick, which might be related.
I have benign positional vertigo and I couldn’t even read about the chair-sp*nning thing without beginning to get queasy. I vote yes.
I had an incredible shitshow of a first day with the new leadership (+ old leadership). I’d like to puke. Then scream. Then resort to violence.
Scamp Dog
Hasbro made one, and it went nowhere. Some of the online marketing material said that they’d soon be coming out with software for outside developers to use, and it never showed up. I was kind of ticked off, I bought one and thought it was great. I still have it, but it requires a cover that matches your phone, and I have an iPhone 6s now, which I’m sure won’t fit.
schrodinger's cat
Does anyone have a good pizza dough recipe?
gogol's wife
That’s what I’m thinking.
And I hope it doesn’t come up from Florida and find me.
Betty, how much of this stuff do you just make up, anyway?
Well, if this one is real, hope you both feel better soon.
Okay, how many of us actually think somebody hacked into Holly Jones’ Facebook account and wrote those vile things without her knowledge or permission?
Anyone? Hands?
I have that as well. I can slowly turn around a chair once if I’m feeling well.
Sue the chair manufacturer.
/Ambulance Chasers, LLC
Sure you didn’t accidentally navigate to bingeandpurge.com?
@SiubhanDuinne: Lol! I just came back from reading the link to ask this very question! How is it that rude comments are always committed by hackers stealing your social media?
@schrodinger’s cat
Have had excellent results with the one in an aged copy of The Joy of Cooking. Can’t imagine it would have changed much in newer editions.
@srv: Pretty hard to do those anymore due to rulings by the Supremes.
I think she’s confusing “hacking” and “the person she turns into when she’s drunk.”
@ruemara: “Kill them all, God will know his own.” per Abbot of Citeaux Arnaud Amalric, 1209CE.
Edited to fix the quotes. FYWP.
Amir Khalid
It must be contagious from contact with Balloon Juice. I threw up my dinner last night too.
Visualize Hurled Peace.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Alton Brown does a fine dough…and I also like this one from an Australian guy..
It prob will work ok even without the diastatic malt powder..
Good luck!
The person the Star talked to was a different person with the same name who got some of the spillover. IIRC, Jones is still one of the top 10 most common last names in the US.
Oh, that is unfortunate.
You’ve probably overloaded your visual cortex with the secret neurosynthesis programming the Google aliens have penetrated into each and every virtual visual map. You are fortunate, as other victims have spontaneously combusted, leaving no trace of their crimes save a whisper of ash and some ozone.
Actually, the two things are most likely completely unrelated, merely coincidental. To be certain, I suggest repeating the exposure after every meal. Three or four more trials ought to do it.
#5, per here.
Li is the most common surname in Canada? Who knew?
next time try Dramamine
Felonius Monk
@schrodinger’s cat: Pizza dough recipe? Yes, several. But lately I’ve been lazy and been buying frozen dough at the market made by Portland Pie. They have several flavors and I think it’s pretty good. Runs about $2.50 and makes a huge pie.
If you’re over in the Berkshires, you should be able to get it at BigY.
I’ll also dig out a recipe for you.
ThresherK (GPad)
@efgoldman: It’s not like my metro area is Times Square, but does anyone else want to know how many folks it takes to ring up a $700 tab at that Indianapolis place, even on NYE? The photos in the article are not of a very ritzy place, rather a nice honest-seeing pub.
Also,,how long til this lady (the complainant) is retconned into a hipster?
@BruceFromOhio: They’ll probably also lose a few pounds as well.
Sorry to hear it.
Randy P
@efgoldman: The response from the owner was great.
I completely buy Ms. Jones story that her account was hacked by someone who knew how much her bill was and about her interactions with the server and manager.
I have an uncommon first name paired with an uncommon last name. If I ever fuck up big on the internet, all of the vitriol will be coming straight to my inbox.
@ruemara: I’m sorry you have to endure that, putting up with sucky leadership is a constant chore sometimes. In an effort to strike balance in the world, today was my new hires’ first day, and I tried to make it as easy as possible. The team is looking forward to a busy 2016, and the new person brings a lot to the table that will help us hit some big targets. I hope some of that positive energy settles in your world. Temba, his arms wide.
Also, too, Betty — my internet diagnosis for you is also norovirus. If so, I’m sorry, because it sucks and lasts for, like, a week
Dunno if this has been mentioned yet (you people talk too much ;-):
John Sepulvado on the Bundy’s brand of Mormonism:
They seem to believe that this conflict will end the way the first Captain Moroni (“Moron-eye”) defeated a bad king and saved the people by writing stirring words and not firing a shot.
Matt Novak on how Oregon’s first constitution was explicitly racist to an amazing degree:
Both are good reads, if you haven’t seen them yet.
Omnes Omnibus
For the Downton people: Have you tried this? I find I am Lady Mary.
Goinga Round is the name of my next Taiwanese goth speed metal anime chick band.
Roommate of a friend grew so tired of having to spell out his last name (or have people mispronounce it) that he legally changed both his middle and last names to be identical to his first name.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You are smug and insufferable?
? Martin
@Scamp Dog: Google Cardboard works fine with my son’s iPhone 6.
Just to lighten the mood a bit, G feels that Neil Gaiman understands his life after Gaiman posted the following on Facebook today:
(Note: I don’t even have the excuse of having a baby when I say things like that.)
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat:
My father’s butler likes me.
ETA: You are the people who deal with me. You tell me.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You don’t strike me as particular snooty.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I plead the Fifth.
This is arguably one of the more important articles in recent years. It explains why suburbs are financially unsustainable, and wind up generating exponentiating costs that ripple out to the city, county and state level to create vast unfunded liabilities that end up impoverishing future generations. To a significant extent, this explains why the post-1970s financial condition of cities and states has so badly deteriorated, and why the deterioration is worst in the the largest states like California and New York city:
The Suburbs Will Die: One Man’s Fight to Fix the American Dream — Engineer Charles Marohn worked his whole life trying to make his community better—until the day he realized he was ruining it.
Source: op. cit.
If you want to know where a lot of the white rage that fuels Trump’s campaign is coming from, this is a large part of it. If you want to know where Larry Summers’ “secular stagnation” starts, look here. This death spiral of endless growth that doesn’t pay for itself is unsustainable, and after three life-cycles of suburban growth (1950s-2010s) quite a few cities and counties and states across the U.S. are on the verge of collapse. Add in the inevitably rising costs of gasoline, and you’ve got a recipe for major decline in America because the very basis of our socioeconomic system, the way we’ve laid out our housing, is falling apart and simply can’t be economically sustained.
? Martin
@schrodinger’s cat:
1 1/2 teaspoon yeast
3 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup lukewarm water
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch sugar
Everything but the water in your mixer, mix it up, add the water slowly until the dough balls up. Take it out and knead it for a few minutes (I have a kneading attachment for my Kitchen Aid and just use it for the entire operation). Either ball it up and freeze for later, or ball it up and let it rise about 2 hours. If you freeze it, I usually take it out about 4-5 hours ahead and let it slowly thaw/rise.
Julia Child, known spy and french pizza expert. I don’t really have anything to compare it to – it’s pretty much the only recipe I’ve ever used but I like it.
schrodinger's cat
@? Martin: How do you keep the crust from getting soggy? Do you bake it before putting on the toppings and then bake again?
From what I’ve read, this was one of those laws that stayed on the books long after it ceased to be enforced. Still horrific, of course.
@schrodinger’s cat: yeah, but I don’t have it right this sec. Give me an hour or so. Do/can you use a breadmaker to mix the dough?
thank god you were here to wikipedia it for her!
FlyingToaster (Tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus: I turn out to be Maggie Smith. Which my husband tells me is “Easily the best of a thoroughly bad lot.”
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m Mrs. Hughes?
About half of the questions I couldn’t answer (e.g. I don’t stream anything, I don’t know Marvell comics, etc., get off my lawn) so I wouldn’t take the results as accurate. :-/
(INTJ/ISTJ at one point in time, supposedly, IIRC…)
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: I will take the quiz tomorrow. I do have shades of Mary myself. I was pretty mean to my brother when we were growing up and I was my father’s favorite too and I am the oldest child.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Had some work done, eh?
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: I will take the quiz tomorrow. I do have shades of Mary myself. I was pretty mean to my brother when we were growing up and I was my father’s favorite too and I am the oldest child.
I hope I outgrown some of those unpleasant characteristics now.
@<a href="#comment-560794
How does that help pizza dough?
IOW, a guy calling himself “Fluffy Unicorn” doesn’t understand why he’s getting mocked from coast to coast.
Well, Ryan Bundy is now saying they’ll leave Camp Winnipesaukee peacefully if the people of Burns ask them to. The Sheriff asked them to leave, but he doesn’t speak for the people you see. Bundy hopes to have a meeting with the community ASAP. Maybe at the community meeting they can negotiate to stay long enough to get the snacks the lovers of Liberty are sending.
Do they wear their Brony cosplay costumes in public, or only to meetings?
@JustRuss: Dunno. The Census numbers for selected cities in several states (116 page .pdf) seems to show that the black population in Portland didn’t start to increase until after 1940.
Portland black population:
1960 – 15,637 (4.2% of total)
1950 – 9,529 (2.6%)
1940 – 1,931 (0.6%)
1930 – 1,559 (0.5%)
1920 – 1,556 (0.6%)
1910 – 1,045 (0.5%)
1900 – 775 (0.9%)
The other cities listed had tiny black populations until about 1960.
Scott. [cut]
@dogwood: Hopeful sign that these hopeless losers realize that they are hopeless losers and no one (reactionary hacks, media con men and GOP pols) they need to support them gives a rat’s ass. I guess the beer didn’t last as long as expected.
Funny that in their fantasy pretend world of US history and law, that the county sheriff is the only Constitutionally recognized lawful authority in each county. But, gosh the good sheriff of Harney county told them to scram and they say the good sheriff can go pound sand and bug off.
Assholes. They are probably pissing their pants now because this time it is likely they will be brought up on some charges after they leave. Were they beered up or high when they pulled this stunt? I wonder if that is a possibility.
Anne Laurie
I have, no lie, been known to get sick on high-rise elevators (once even on a three-story escalator). Even though I always take a double dose of Bonine & put on my Seabands in advance, 3D movies give me a fierce headache. Every time someone tells me I should try some rilly kewl virtual reality device, I find a way to avoid doing so!
@Omnes Omnibus: Cora, myself.
Mary G
@Omnes Omnibus: I got John Batrs, which I wasn’t crazy about , so I took it over and got Anna Bates, which I like even less.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Mnemosyne: “He’s surrounded by men who play with toy ponies; he’s in the least amount of danger possible!”
Oh, and unless things have greatly changed, I am Daisy on Downton Abbey from the last year I took the ,quiz.
They were delusional when they went to Harney county for a big showdown. They were sure that the Hammond situation had created a community ripe for revolt, and they were just the fellows to lead it. They roamed around the county for days looking for followers and came up empty. I think they holed up at the wildlife preserve out of frustration and disappointment as much as anything else.
Sometimes I’m convinced someone is rearranging the words on my screen at random.
@dogwood: Speaking of delusional, the Colt’s just gave Pagano a four year extension.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m Mrs. Hughes. I wasn’t sure how to answer some of the questions, I just picked an answer. Maybe I’ll take it again later.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oddly, that’s what I got too.
Omnes Omnibus
@Satby: And here I was thinking it interesting that everyone seemed to be coming up with different people, you snotty bitch.
@Omnes Omnibus: I was thinking that it was weighted so most would end up as Lady Mary, you wanker.
Omnes Omnibus
@Satby: I rather think that my personal habits don’t really enter into the discussion.
David Koch
@different-church-lady: It’s as if Irsay is on drugs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Satby: FWIW the Mary thing that most resonates for me (aside from being the elder child and having family history and expectations put on me – which I have always accepted willingly), is the (((Spoiler Alert)!!!!)) declaration that she would, in the words of the Lemonheads. “rather be alone than pretend.“
@BruceFromOhio: Thank you. And, Darmol & Jalad on the ocean.
@ruemara: Sorry to hear that. Work can change on a dime and suddenly your whole world can be turned upside down.
This must be part of what you alluded to in your card? I am waiting for the update with baited breath!
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m not surprised.
I’m Carson, which also doesn’t surprise me.
Paul in KY
@Mnemosyne: Good one! True also, I’m sure.
Paul in KY
@Omnes Omnibus: John Bates here. Have never seen the show.
Raven on the Hill
VR sickness is a thing, and women are more likely to get it than men. See: http://qz.com/192874/is-the-oculus-rift-designed-to-be-sexist/ from Danah Boyd, a respected researcher. This was her 1997 undergrad work at MIT. I am not aware of any followups. (Wikipedia, characteristically, does not cite Boyd’s work on the matter, though it is publicly available at http://www.danah.org/papers/sexvision.pdf.)