Go Seachickens! Go Pack!
ETA: I’m making a pound cake using my great-grandma’s recipe. That crazy old bat wasn’t much of a cook, but her pound cake was deservedly renowned. Thinking about making an orange glaze to top it. Can anyone recommend a recipe?
Corner Stone
Hawks off to a rough start but so far no damage.
Corner Stone
It may be just me, but if I’m Subway I don’t think I really want to go with a commercial talking about doing something they know they shouldn’t but it’s just so fresh even they can’t resist.
Corner Stone
Michael Bennett is all over the damn place so far this game.
I know that the Packers are playing the Slurs, but I can’t bring myself to cheer for them.
Mike J
♬♪♫ Do you want to build a Seahawk? ♬♪♫
Corner Stone
I kind of want Kirk Cousins to have a good game and win that matchup. But WAS is going really heavy and all-in on the “You like that!” stuff, and the football karma gods always seem to punish that kind of hubris.
@Corner Stone:
LOL. Srsly.
Betty Cracker
Look at that shirtless moron. The guy in the Chewie costume has the right idea.
Mike J
@Betty Cracker: I like the fact that NBC played the cold miser song going into commercial.
@Betty Cracker:
In that weather, he’ll get frostbite in 30 min.
Corner Stone
Never to nurse his young brood again.
The Sailor
My SO is from St Paul and her mother is a huge Wikings [sic] fan. Since my team is out of the playoffs, I have to go with the Wikings.
Steve from Antioch
Supporting football is unethical:
@Corner Stone:
A significant loss, I’m sure.
Corner Stone
It’s just a busted up nose, dude. Have you never heard the term “smash mouth football”?
Amir Khalid
Why are they called pound cakes? Do they weigh about that much when they come out of the oven?
Betty Cracker
@Steve from Antioch: Your public health announcements would be more credible if you weren’t a gun-fondling knob.
@Amir Khalid:
Because you were supposed to make them with a pound of each of the ingredients.
I’m in the Twin Cities right now and while it is cold (-3 F), the sun is shining brightly and it is dead calm (no wind). So, ideal football weather but a tad nippy! ?
Corner Stone
Why would you challenge that spot? Even if they move it back 4 inches SEA is still going to go for it on 4th. And it’s almost never going to be overturned based on the footage they have shown so far.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Pound of sugar, pound of flour, pound of eggs! At least, that’s the story behind the name.
@Betty Cracker: Pound of butter, too.
Betty Cracker
@Linnaeus: Right, butter! Wouldn’t be much good without that!
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: @Linnaeus: pound your head on the floor after the heart attack. Which will, according to reports, cause traumatic brain injury.
And this from the guy that posted the brownie recipe that’s basically the pound cake of brownies.
Big Picture Pathologist
@Betty Cracker:
And a particularly immature and obnoxious one at that.
No glaze recipe here, but I can recommend some good things to go with/soak in: Trader Joe’s morello cherries, flambéed with brandy; prunes soaked in armagnac or rum (a half a lemon, 4 cubes of demerara sugar, boiling water to cover the preferably pitted dried prunes, and when it cools, add rum and armagnac and let it settle at least a week, up to a winter). Sometimes my SO just pours rum on it (that’s a little too much for me).
Anyway, here’s a great poundcake recipe, if you want to try another one sometime. I make it in loaf pans and freeze one, because it lasts forever with just two of us. But it’s heaven plain with a cup of tea on a chilly afternoon.
Buttermilk Pound Cake
Cream 1 cup butter
3 cups sugar
Add, one at a time, beating well each time: 5 large eggs
Sift together 3 cups flour
¼ heaping teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
Beginning and ending with flour mixture, add and alternate with:
1 cup buttermilk (you can use the powdered kind, with liquid added)
1 tablespoon vanilla
Mix well. Pour into ungreased tube pan. Bake at 350⁰ for about one hour, fifteen minutes.
@Amir Khalid: Ever see “Cross Creek” with Mary Steenburgen as Majorie Kinnan Rawlings? The family that is featured in the “Yearling” invites her to a “pound party” and she brings a pound cake. She is the only guest and has the only food. It’s quite a touching scene (not far from Betty’s)
@Adam L Silverman:
Now I want pound cake.
@Corner Stone: I went to Subway the other day and ordered a BLT. They asked me “what would you like on it?” I thought to myself “oh I don’t know maybe bacon, lettuce and tomato might be nice” they asked me if I wanted cheese, I said no, they asked me if I wanted anything else but bacon, lettuce and tomato on it and I said “no, its a BLT, why would I want anything else?” The girl at the drive though window was just amazed that I didn’t want anything else.
Bobby Thomson
@Betty Cracker: oh, so you’re cold now?
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
So the finished cake weighs about four pounds? That sounds like a lot of cake.
ETA: One more question: How many eggs are there in a pound?
@Amir Khalid:
It is, but they’re not usually made that large. You can scale it down – it’s more about the ratio of ingredients than the amount.
Oh BTW I am joining John Cole and hate watching House Hunters right now. My favorite parody of the show came from Buzz Feed (at least I hope it was a parody) where they quoted one House Hunter as ‘she wants to live in the down town but with no neighbors and no noise”. That about sums up all of the assholes that appear on the show.
Corner Stone
Can Wilson not see a play clock anywhere on the field?
Adam L Silverman
@Linnaeus: I want bagels, but I’m not going out to get them. So I sort of feel your pain. I have a recipe fore a strawberry bread/cake I’ll post later if that helps?
@Amir Khalid: A lot. One egg is 1/4 cup.
@Adam L Silverman:
Feel free, though there’s no obligation. I’ll be going grocery shopping later, so I can get cake then.
@Betty Cracker:
@Amir Khalid:
Depends on egg size, but about 8 large eggs is a pound.
Betty Cracker
@currants: That’s really close to my recipe.
@Amir Khalid: About five or six.
@Betty Cracker:
Aren’t baking recipes supposed to be followed pretty closely to get the desired product? Seems like with the amount of a key ingredient being so different there may be issues.
ETA I’d guess it depends on the end result desired. Crepes might require a close adherence but cake made by the pound might have a bit more leeway.
My grandmother made orange glaze just by mixing frozen OJ concentrate with powdered sugar till it was the right consistency to drip over things.
She would buy a angelfood cake at the grocery store, put the homemade glaze on it (covering the top and dripping down the side) then bring it to the church socials and smile discretely when people praised her “famous” angelfood cake.
Mike J
@Ruckus: That’s why you weigh the eggs instead of just using a certain number.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Economic insecurity expresses itself in the strangest ways, from a CBS cameraman at a Trump rally
Thinking of making a beer cheese quick bread The recipe looks great but its also to have something else in the oven alongside a batch of homemade dog biscuits. Not that the biscuits aren’t important on their own.
Dumb football question: When an offensive player with the ball goes out of bounds, sometimes they stop the clock, and sometimes they don’t. I can’t figure out the rules as to which is which.
Rented the movie The Walk last night, the one about Philippe Petits wire walk between the Twin towers. Now thats one movie I wish I could’ve seen on Imax.
Steve from Antioch
@Betty Cracker:
The facts about the effects of repeated concussions exist regardless of whatever opinions you have of me.
But it is very much like you to prefer trafficking in personal insults instead of dealing with reality.
My go-to site is allrecipes.com
I am pretty sure I’ve made this one before.
Simple Orange Glaze
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon orange zest
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice, or as needed
Whisk until smooth
jay s
@Amir Khalid: http://www.thekitchn.com/medium-large-jumbo-how-egg-sizes-actually-measure-up-ingredient-intelligence-200891
Large eggs weigh in at 2 oz in her test. Large and extra large are common here in the US.
Mike J
@Ruckus: With crepes you usually measure less and go for the right consistency. With a cake you need the measurements more.
I love pound cake — particularly lemon poppyseed pound cake. I think I’ll go make one. As for how many eggs in a pound, 8 is a good rule but if you don’t have a scale and have super large or small eggs, you can always crack enough for a pint of egg on the old, “a pint’s a pound the world around” theory. I’ve done it and unless it’s a finicky recipe it generally works for fluids.
jay s
Hmm, does starting a comment with a link put you in moderation automatically or is WP just messing with me today?
Betty Cracker
@Steve from Antioch: And 30K Americans die due to gunshots every year no matter how much of a boner you get from stroking your Glock.
@Big Picture Pathologist:
Doesn’t that sort of cover all gun fondling knobs?
@currants: What is this “leftover cake” you speak of? I am also in a household of two.
PS I own two kitchen scales (never know when one will be in use) and weigh all the flour and sugar varieties. It has helped consistentize my baking textures greatly.
Betty Cracker
@Scout211: Perfect — thank you!
@Betty Cracker:
Substituting lime juice and zest would also be delicious.
Mike J
@jay s:
The site “improvements” added tracking javascript that is active even when a user has the “do not track” flag set in their browser. Not only is it intrusive, it’s badly written. When you add a naked link (i.e., just paste the url without making a proper link), the tracking software repeats the url several times in the javascript, enough to trigger wordpress’s three link limit, and flags it as spam.
Howlin Wolfe
@Corner Stone: Burns time and makes the Pete Carrolls work harder.
When I was a kid, Sara Lee used to make a marble pound cake. Even though store bought, it was very chocolate-y and delicious.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The OJW is turning out to be quite the gymnast, flipping and flopping all over the place
@Mike J:
Was also thinking of cookies, which I’ve altered recipes to get my desired results but it can take a few tries to get the exact mix. I make an oatmeal cookie but don’t use any water, just whiskey for the liquid. But because the whiskey is partially (or mostly!) alcohol which cooks off it’s not a one to one replacement. Takes a bit of effort to find the right consistency but fortunately they taste great even if the texture is not quite right.
@Adam L Silverman: There is of course my Mom’s cheese cake receipt which starts whit 5 large blocks of Philly Cream Cheese and a free coupon to your favorite cardiologist. But at least you will go with a smile on your face.
jay s
@Mike J: Thanks. I’ll use the link button next time.
Corner Stone
I understand people not being able to time finishing different parts of a meal, or presentation or uniform dicing/chopping of vegetables, etc. But it’s very difficult for me to get how someone can’t figure out just the basics of cooking a meal. Re: Worst Cooks in America TV program.
Betty Cracker
What a catch!
jay s
Egg size from thekitchn:
@redshirt: Depends on if the player was advancing the ball or not. “Forward progress” must be being made for it to stop the clock – or so I understand it.
Myself, I’m just looking forward to the Packers season coming to a merciful end. Not sure the slurs will do it, but GB has something really messed up going on under the hood, and they just need to work on sorting that out before they’ll be contenders again.
@efgoldman: ESPN will let us know tomorrow.
Corner Stone
I thought the D was offsides at first but replay shows that was just an excellent jump.
@GxB: If the ball carrier is ruled to have stopped making forward progress the play is dead but the clock keeps running. A ball carrier can be losing yardage but the clock would still stop if he went out of bounds.
Seattle is looking all kinds of confused on offense.
Wilson is completely discombobulated by this weather. He needs to recombobulate or their season’s over.
Adam L Silverman
@D58826: mine’s three 8 oz blocks of cream cheese, 3 eggs, 8 oz of sour cream, and a cup of sugar. Whip until light and smooth. So I feel your angina.
As I don’t follow football, I’m thinking of going to see “The Big Short” this afternoon. Has anybody seen it?
A sweet, scratchy old recording of Django Reinhardt on guitar (and singing(!) with a group). They do a sublime harmony and then giggle at the end. 1935, I think.
My house is a ten minute walk from the TCF stadium. I took Ellie for a walk just before the game and it wasn’t that bad out as long as I was moving. I almost considered checking out the ticket situation but decided against it. Now I wish I had.
@SiubhanDuinne: I haven’t seen it, but others here have said it’s entertaining and inventive.
@debit: ESPN radio was saying $20.
Steeplejack (phone)
@jay s:
Currently FYWP does not like “naked” links. You need to dress it up with the “link” button above the comment box.
@raven: Now I’m really sad.
Mike J
Agreed. Of course it’s (at the moment) only 6-0. One good play changes the whole game.
@GxB: Yeah, that’s what I though the rule was. It just seems very subjective. I see guys go out of bounds with what looks clearly like forward momentum and the clock keeps running. It’s a tad confusing.
@redshirt: The only way that happens is if the runner was ruled to have stooped making forward progress.
@Mike J:
Two score game now. No sign of life through three quarters from the offense.
@Amir Khalid: number of eggs/pound varies. Serious bakers weigh the ingredients.
@raven: also if a player is ruled down in bounds, but then falls or slides out of bounds, the clock keeps running.
Steve from Antioch
@Betty Cracker:
What do many defects have to do with the fact that you get your kicks watching a “sport” what cripples people and causes brain injuries?
You can’t do anything to fix me, so why don’t you worry about your own fuck self?
@Heliopause: I really think they underestimated the impact the cold would have.
Wow, That was pretty amazing.
Corner Stone
What the absolute heck?
How bout that!!!
@Benw: Right,.
@Steve from Antioch: Go the fuck away you asshole.
Corner Stone
Angry Doug Baldwin strikes again!
@ThresherK: YES, agreed! Weighing is particularly useful when making shortbread, I’ve found. For example, if you are baking on a rainy day, the flour is heavier and things just do not turn out the same way as on a dry day. (Likewise, never make toffee on a rainy day–in New England, anyway.)
That’s Russell Wilson’s bird.
Mike J
It ain’t over yet.
Betty Cracker
@Steve from Antioch: Maybe a veterinarian could “fix” you. I don’t give a flying fuck. Go stroke your muzzle some more, you brain-dead ammosexual shit-weasel.
Oh yes. These are the Vikings I know.
Game over, right? Hawks win.
Mike J
Thanks. I asked the same question on FB and immediately got four strong recommendations, so I’m heading out in a few minutes.
That fumble had nothing to do with any sleeves.
Betty Cracker
@raven: That was a weird bit of “analysis.”
@Betty Cracker: Especially when he said “It’s not cold”.
east is east
@raven: I thought I heard him say, “It’s not rainy. It’s not cold.” Figured I must have misheard.
Mike J
If you’re only going to play one quarter, make it the 4th.
@east is east: Well, I sure he meant something else but that is what he said.
@raven: Compared to absolute zero Kelvin, it’s rather balmy.
Agreed, that was just a flat out take-away. Let’s see if they can hold on to a one point lead.
@feebog: I got no dog in this except I’m a Bear fan so I hate the Vikes.
If defensive backs could catch, they’d be wide receivers.
What a missed opportunity for the Vikes.
I’m rootin’ for the birds, but that was a crappy 3 and out.
Can’t believe the Vikes have Peterson on the sidelines.
@raven: I’m a lifelong packer fan, hate the Vikes but hate the Seachickens more. Live in Seattle, went to the NFCCG last year and I’m still recovering….
@tjm65: What a tangled web we weave!
Death Panel Truck
@tjm65: I live in Washington, and I’ve always hated the Seaducks. Their fans are obnoxious assholes, and they have the ugliest uniforms in the NFL.
@Davebo: Can he catch?.
Well, Vikes. Your game to win or lose.
Big Picture Pathologist
You have a very valid point.
Orange Glaze:
6oz Triple Sec
Pour over cooled pound cake
Cherry Glaze:
6oz Kirsch
Pour over cooled pound cake
Lemon Glaze:
6oz Limoncello
Pour over cooled pound cake
Betty Cracker
Damn. Seachickens are Bengaling!
No Seahawk lover but the NFL should go to NCAA pi rule- 15 yards, not a spot foul. Too many ‘throw it to get a call’ plays in pro foosball.
@John: LOL Awesome.
@Heliopause: Would’ve been called on Gronk. Because Goddell!;-)
C’mon Vikings! Knock down this easy one for a YUUUUGE win.
Betty Cracker
Holy fuckballs!
The Sailor
Missed the field goal! WTF!?
Steve from Antioch
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe someday you’ll realize that insulting other people does nothing to exculpate your own behavior.
@efgoldman: Laces in, apparently.
Unbelievable! Jesus loves the Seahawks.
It wasn’t even close..
To quote Bill the Cak: Gaak!
My bold prediction is that if Seattle fails to score for three quarters in Carolina they will not win.
Wow, just wow, rather be lucky than good I guess.
Mike J
Allahu akbar!
I regularly have to emotionally give up on the Vikings so they can come back just to break my heart at the end.
He was a really up and down kicker for Georgia and has been great for the Vikes. This is why we watch.
Tom Q
Scott Norwood, you have company.
@Steve from Antioch: It’s not possible to insult a lowlife motherfucker like you.
Mike J
Fireworks going off in my neighborhood.
Howlin Wolfe
The Seachickens luck out. I’m depressed. Bootfall is such a stupid game. I hate Pete Carroll’s smirky face, although by all accounts he’s not a bad person.
So the Oceanavians “win.”
What a bizarre game.
Howard Beale IV
Wowsers. Missed a chipshot. Let’s just hope he doesn’t meet harm-in soccer, some folks get shot
Football is a strange game.
@Mike J: I imagine that the neighborhood dogs aren’t rejoicing.
@Steve from Antioch:
You just keep telling yourself that while you jerk off to images of dead first graders.
Howlin Wolfe
@Steve from Antioch: Why do you get your kicks from fellating an implement “what” kills people? And you think you have some kind of gotcha because your perceived tribal enemy, the liebruls, enjoy watching football? At least with football, federal funding for research into its effects isn’t prohibited by NRA-sponsored legislation.
And if you don’t like being insulted, either stay away or don’t troll. Your post is entirely in bad faith. If you are trolling, expect insults, you dimwitted shit-for-brains.
Betty Cracker
Can laces in really mess up a kick, or is that just an Ace Ventura myth?
Howlin Wolfe
@efgoldman: It wasn’t a good hold, either. The ball was slanted, and that could account for the trajectory.
@Howlin Wolfe: he is genuinely happy to be there. It’s not a smirk, it’s not a nasty snide smile. We never see him screaming at his players in anger from the sidelines.
Howlin Wolfe
Roger Moore
I disagree completely. The spot foul rule is necessary to keep defensive backs from simply hacking the receiver if they think he’ll make a big catch.
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know, but trying to kick under those laces didn’t help that time.
@Howlin Wolfe: true. Are the laces really a problem?
And for a moment let’s forget about the missed FG and “luck” and remember that Minnesota had everything go their way for most of the game and failed to score any TDs. That was the real difference.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Well that was a rather different kind of 4th quarter and final 2 minutes from the one we saw last night.
Laces Smaces! He just blew the kick.
The hold wasn’t perfect but still.
“Block that kick! Block that kick!”
(I know nothing about football; not watching the game; just trying to join in the general merriment.)
* Actually listening to Revolution #9 on the White Album.
gogol's wife
@Howlin Wolfe:
Well said.
Forget about the ridiculous sea of guns out there for a minute. The idea that the companies can’t be sued, and that research can’t be done, just makes me blow my top every time I think of it.
Shorter than an extra point!
Here’s a technical question: Whenever I (briefly) tune into a game, I notice the TV special-effects people will paint a colorful stripe down the field to demonstrate something or another. What I don’t understand is how the heck they do it… the camera is moving around, and the stripe moves along with it; it doesn’t look superimposed at all…. The players run over the special effects stripe. I haven’t been involved with video since the 1980s, and back then if you superimposed something over a shot, it covered everything.
That. GAME. Gahhh. I’m almost ready to believe in supernatural influences.
Yay ‘Hawks – but, damn, they have to play better next week. Not being able to get a first down on their last possession was just lame.
Mister Creosote
(After each FG, pointing to heaven): Thank you, Jesus!
(Later, on sideline): You know, maybe it WAS just me…
JESUS: I heard that.
Betty Cracker
@raven: One of the analysts said 97% of kicks at that distance are made. I was rooting for the ‘Chickens, but I feel sorry for the Vikes kicker. That’s gotta suck!
@Germy: It’s computerized, you don’t see it in the stadium.
Villago Delenda Est
@CaseyL: This. The Seahawks of two years ago better show up in Carolina, or they’ll be stuck in a sportsbar watching the big game while crying in their beer.
@Betty Cracker:
Like I said, he was VERY spotty for us and awful his senior year.
@Roger Moore: Doesn’t seem to be a big issue in college.
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again)
He planted his left foot in front of the ball. That’s going to cause anyone to pull the ball.
eta I never heard him called that.
@raven: @Germy: They do the same with adverts on the walls of soccer stadia and, in some places/networks, hockey boards.
It’s like a really good hallucination. You still see everything in front of you perfectly but superimposed over that, in translucent color, isn’t real. You know what’s what but get to enjoy picture on picture.
I’ve been prescribed some good things in my life. Some of them too good.
@p.a.: Baseball too.
@p.a.: I noticed that, and I (old fart that I am) find it uncanny. The stripes on the playing field. Hand-held camera, but they stay in place. Players run right over them, aren’t covered by the stripes. Sorcery.
@Ruckus: Someday the people in the stadium will see stripes and adverts mysteriously appear and disappear.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Wow. Hope he invested that signing bonus wisely!
I haven’t bet with a bookie in decades, but if KC is getting +5 at least next week I’ll bet ’em.
@raven: Even tho I’m aging and slowing down, I can’t do baseball on tv. Radio, or live, no issue.
If I had any control over the hallucinations, I’d know how to do that now. All it takes is a medical license.
@p.a.: I can have it on but I can’t WATCH it!
@p.a.: Currently NE -4.5, o/u 43.5. Hmmmmm. Under.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: But can you watch paint dry? Doesn’t the color change as it does?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Funny you would say that. After all the work done on the house the boss decided she HAD to paint the front hallway. I put up the rolling scaffold and did some of the structural work on the beadboard but now it’s hers. She’s up on the scaffold, bad neck and all, as I watch the game!
There’s something special about Rodgers taking a safety!
I have no preferences in this game but I really am tired of Rodgers.
@Davebo: as hard as it is to root for the ‘skins, I can’t stand GB either.
Ooh, Pack trying to get Jackson to go Burfict/Beckham?
Mike J
@Betty Cracker:
There’s a reason why they actually have to kick it instead of just being given the three points.
Hawks were lucky, but they made it close enough for luck to decide.
@jay s: Anybody ever try subbing applesauce or bananas for some or all of those eggs. 8 sounds gross.
@p.a.: Just amazing. I actually wanted to yell at the TV and tell them to grow up and play the game.
If that’s not a touchdown, I want to see where they spot the ball.
well got my answer
Ground flaxseed is a fine substitute for eggs.
Corner Stone
D-Jack lollygagging on his way to the end zone and his team pays for it.
@Germy: I keep reading that but it makes no sense.
@Davebo: @MobiusKlein: Hard not to root for a 4th round pick at qb in the playoffs despite his team’s nickname.
Didn’t think Jackson got in. GB holds em to 3. Genius: let’s run into the teeth of the D on downs 1 & 2.
@raven: We buy the small bags of flaxseed flour. It adds the same body as eggs.
Corner Stone
Yes, DeSean, it is your fault.
As a long time Seahawks fan, I put that play with the Romo butterfingers play among my favorite, “How did we win that one?” games. The NFC Championship game I know how we won.
@Germy: Huh, ok I’ll give it a whirl.
Corner Stone
I thought Jerome Bettis was retired and in the HoF? Why is he playing wearing number 27 for GB?
@p.a.: Honestly I’ve never been able to get worked up over the whole Redskins kerfluffle.
@Germy: Thanks!
David Koch
@Mike J: It is Written
Corner Stone
Rogers was late on that out route to Jones. Gave Dunbar a chance to close and get an arm in there.
I’m a Seahawks fan, but right now, go Green Bay. Washington may be the one sports team I genuinely dislike, and it’s solely because of their stupid name.
And I know a lot of people despise the Packers, but I like them because socialism. The people of Green Bay Wisconsin are the only ones in the entire US who have an actual right to say the local professional sports franchise is THEIR team.
Corner Stone
That catch by Reed was nutso.
@Adam L Silverman:
bagels are easy. they just take a while.
Mike J
@David Koch: Russel Wilson carries twenty-three great wounds, all got in battle. Seventy-five men has he killed with his own hands in battle. He scatters, he burns his enemies’ tents. He take away their flocks and herds. The Turks pay him a golden treasure, yet he is poor! Because he is a river to his people!
Rodgers is trying to make Hoyer feel better. See I can have a bad day, too.
Seven hungry robins on the patio looking cold and bewildered. Why aren’t they in Tennessee or the Carolinas? TeenFromOhio cut up some apple, and put it out on a plate with some raisins, though this scared them off and they haven’t been back since.
@Geoduck: This. Go Socialists!
Corner Stone
Did that stat just say GB has 11 total yards in the first quarter?
Corner Stone
That was a pretty ball by Cousins.
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again)
Not quite right. There are a lot of us who have never been residents of Green Bay, Brown County or even Wisconsin who own stock in the team, and it’s those of us who own stock who have a say.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
David Koch
@Mike J: yes, yes. but Allah favours the compassionate.?
David Koch
@Mike J: LOB!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Corner Stone
Nice drive by the Pack.
David Koch
@Mike J: LOB! (Take II)
David Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Says the moron who killed the USFL
Can you imagine, America is so addicted to football in all its forms (Pro, College, High School) that any league is a license to print money. Yet only one shit head has ever bankrupted both a football league and a ca*ino.
Betty Cracker
I had to run out and get documents notarized for the kiddo’s school sports participation packet — due tomorrow morning! Why yes, honey! Of course your dad and I are both notaries public! Gah! Oh well, at least I made it home in time to see that TD. Go Pack!
Hmmm. Home teams to go 0-fer?
Go, Packers ! Eliminate those bigoted Washingtonians ! All hail, Rodgers ! Win it for me, guys.
Corner Stone
Looks like all the Pack Attackers need to refresh their feed.
How many fourth-down conversions have there been in these games so far? Seems like the punters are catching a lot of breaks.
J R in WV
@Steve from Antioch:
All those guys are not only volunteers, they know the hazards, they get paid millions.
More skiers get hurt / killed that football players.
The only wild card game where I didn’t think the visitor was clearly more talented than the host team prior to the game was PIT/CIN. 2 of the wild cards had better records than the division winners and it showed in the outcomes.