I suspect I owe someone a hat tip for this… Robert Kirby, Salt Lake Tribune columnist, asks “Why do activists never hear God saying ‘Stay thou home’?“:
Members of the Federal Aggression Response Troop (FART) militia have staged an armed takeover of a federal bird refuge in Oregon. Negotiations are going nowhere. Things may soon come to a head.
I don’t pretend to be an expert on the situation. From what I’ve gathered between more pertinent TV commercials, taking the birds hostage arose out of a dispute regarding how much control the federal government has over public lands.
Ammon Bundy, leader of FART, says …
OK, wait. Let’s change the acronym to something a bit less disturbing. How about Federal Law and Tax Undermining Society, or FLATUS?…
Bundy claims he prayed about whether he should take the bird refuge hostage. He even claims to have received an answer.
Oddly, it sounds like the kind of answer an anti-government activist would have hoped for in the first place. Guys like him never hear God say “Stay home and don’t do anything stupid.” Nope…
Apart from pointing & mocking, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Pobre Jeb! Vamos has vamoosed.
God wants me to comment here.
@dedc79: No matter what the future brings to our country, Jeb!’s floundering will always remain a treasured memory.
@Baud: I left out the best part:
I think she’s right. The Super PAC that never raised or dispersed any funds, and consisted entirely of posts on Twitter/Facebook, probably did show exactly how excited Hispanic Americans are for Jeb.
Which God? How does someone know if it is their God speaking to them, and not another God or an imposter? Could it be Loki, since tomorrow is Thor’s Day? How hard would it be to impersonate the voice of God? Does God have an official form of identification which shows without a doubt that the God the person is hearing is the correct one? If someone is hearing voices, they really need to make sure they’re getting the message from the correct messenger. Most businessmen and politicians hear Mammon, from what I understand – power of the almighty dollar. Money = speech, etc. So when folks speak that they hear God, they really need to specify who spoke to them, and not just who they thought spoke to them.
Al Jazeera America shutting down in April.
Interestingly, some ex-Marine (if there is such a thing as an ex-Marine), very conservative, acquaintances liked a-j america; less bullshit than CNN/Fox etc.
I usually confirm it by checking what God says against what I know to be true.
I know it is not original to me but is required at this point:
I am constantly amazed how often Gawd tells people they should believe or do exactly what it is they believe or want to do.
Also, apparently this Gawd is schizophrenic because it tells some people It wants them to think and do the exact opposite of other people It talks to.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: This is true. I’ve had to dial my expectations down since I was longing to see Jeb and the entire Bush clan humiliated on the national stage by a landslide loss to a Democrat. But in a way, having him wash out in such spectacular fashion in the primary is even better.
God has been punking the Rightwing rubes by telling them to run for office and then laughing like a hyena when their campaigns collapse in a pool of tears and a maelstrom of political retributions.
Keep it up Almighty!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Baud: Some say that talking to G-d is known as prayer, while G-d talking to you is known as schizophrenia. Not I, of course, but some.
@Schlemazel: Lots of candidates say that God wants them to run for President. I’m the only candidate who can say that God wants you to vote for me.
Obviously god is Loki
@Baud: Sez you and your god.
@p.a.: No, it’s ISIS.
Picking up on something from the thread downstairs if you followed the birthers like we at Fogbow did back in the day Citizen Grand Juries were ALWAYS indicting POTUS. They must have indicted him dozens of times and if you listened to the birthers (and Orly Taitz) THIS TIME it was going to stick and they were going to haul his ass out of the Whitehouse and throw him in jail (or worse). His wife and kids too. These people were convinced that they were in the right. These nutjobs in Oregon are just failed birthers.
@BillinGlendaleCA: God is my
@p.a.: Mr. Manning really has some pull. One PED story mentions him and boom goes the network
@p.a.: Yeah, this breaks my heart, I prefer their reporting to any hairball horked up by US media.
Open thread? I’m having a 20% off sale. Valentine’s Day is coming up!
And I got the fantastic news that the educational parts of our spring break road trip are eligible for reimbursement from the exchange service, including the transportation and overnight lodging. So the girls are planning on Mammoth Cave, Lookout Mountain, and on the return trip Savanna and the MLK museum in Atlanta as well as a plantation TBD. Which is sweet, because we were going to have to camp out.
Felanius Kootea
@p.a.: That really sucks. I liked the fact that they actually committed acts of journalism, unlike Fox and CNN, and especially loved documentary series such as “Hard-Earned.” It was a fight to get them on Time Warner in LA though, I remember signing a petition.
I’m reading “The Witches,” an account of the Salem witch trials. I swear those people were the forerunners for the Tea Party. God is speaking to everyone in many different ways, sometimes disguising Himself as Satan — or could it be the other way around? It’s ticking me off how gullible the Puritans were and how gullible these militia-types are now.
That’s great! Is it a 1- or 2-week break?
God specifically told me to take two tablets and call him in the morning, and to thereafter ignore anything God says.
Not sure how many people remember Lester Maddox. He made a big deal out of God being his campaign manager. I don’t remember the columnist but one tore him apart by imagining God talking to Maddox about mundane campaign crap. It was hilarious but Maddox was not going anywhere beyond George Wallace’s base & really not even that far.
Either that of a joker with a really nasty sense of humor. From my life I expect the latter, Loki would be a good example
Got time to make a side trip on a Sunday to Plains to see/hear Jimmy Carter?
Oh, and it’s spelled Savannah.
Sure, we oldsters remember the odious Axe Handle Les.
Clinton lead shrinking: New York Times
The takeaway – Voters under 45 years old favor Sanders by a 2 to 1 margin. Voters who are self-identified liberals favor Sanders 55 percent to 40 percent.
Older voters skew heavily towards Clinton – by larger margins even than younger voters favor Clinton. Self-identified moderates support Clinton 51 percent to 33 percent Sanders.
Combined together, you have older, more conservative voters favoring Clinton; younger, more liberal voters favoring Sanders.
None of which should be surprising, but is telling. Younger Gen X-ers and Millenials are increasing fed up with the Democratic political establishments failure to meaningful address the fact that the economic opportunity has essentially vanished for them – wage growth, the ability to own a home, having enough money for retirement. Older Gen X-ers and Boomers – whose economic prospects are statistically far less grim – are not as strongly motivated by purely economic concerns and more comfortable with a more Establishment oriented candidate.
I look forward to Hillary making the committee look like a bunch of fools again. You would have thought that they learned something the first time around.
ETA: The Deities told me that they approve this message.
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: “Hello – I’m God. Vote for Baud”
“The committee has not raised nor dispersed any funds and would like to accordingly terminate and be discontinued,” wrote Andrea Wong, the treasurer for the super PAC. It’s DISBURSED, you idiot.
I often wonder how God must have addressed GWB when the two of them were discussing whether to invade Iraq & Afghanistan, or not. Did God call him by his familiar name ‘Dubya” or did he use the proper reverential address, Mr. President?
Bundy keeps saying that they planned this for months, but they failed to pack food or sleeping bags.
I’m not sure he understands the meaning of the word “plan.”
I don’t know if anyone is still working on the site but I’m still seeing HUGE (as in tRump ‘huge’) ads at the top of the page. Today is particularly gross cuz its pictures of feet. Can’t the ad be made smaller so it doesn’t take up the whole window. Have to scroll down just to see the Juice logo.
@maya: Possibly apochryphal story that McKinley got on his knees and prayed to god to give him the strength to resist the Yellow journalism push for war against Spain.
godLoki said no.Schlemazel
I knew some would but even folks old enough might have been blessed with forgetting this forgettable POS
@Schlemazel: I blame Randy Newman
@debbie: I figure we’ll make it about an 8 day one, they have a week off.
@NotMax: what a great idea! And FYAutocorrect
Does it really matter, they haven’t done either.
Disbursed – to pay out money.
Dispersed – distribute or spread over a wide area
And they supported ¿jeb? so isn’t calling them/her an idiot somewhat redundant or at least obvious?
a different chris
@dedc79: Fleas abandoning a sinking rat.
Paul in KY
@Just One More Canuck: If you say it right, it rhymes.