Seems there is a debate again tonight. I didn’t see any posts in waiting, so I thought we might need a debate thread.
Let the skewering begin.
by TaMara| 531 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Republican Stupidity, Clown Shoes, Our Failed Media Experiment
Seems there is a debate again tonight. I didn’t see any posts in waiting, so I thought we might need a debate thread.
Let the skewering begin.
Comments are closed.
Mom Sense did a pretty good job keeping us informed on the kiddie debate. I hate to ask her to do double duty, but she was really, really good..
mike in dc
I think this is the one where they all dog-pile on Trump(and Cruz) at some point. 4 establishment guys trying to get traction, plus Carson trying to avoid completely cratering. Shooting each other in the face with 3 weeks to go is unlikely to boost any one of them past the high teens.
David *Rafael* Koch
¿Jeb ? is at the very end of the stage (see photo)
I just ? seeing him humiliated ?
Is Rand Tribble-Top Paul going to try to crash the main debate party? And if so, will we get to see Fox Security drag him away?
@David *Rafael* Koch: At least !Jeb hasn’t (yet) been relegated to the second league.
Villago Delenda Est
Rand Paul got demoted to the second league, and so, in a huff, he took his ball and went to some Town Hall meeting, no doubt with a hand picked audience of drooling Objectivists.
Need it be stated?
None of them are left.
All of them are simultaneously right and wrong.
Villago Delenda Est
@David *Rafael* Koch: ¡Heb! has discovered that The Donald is a jerk. Wow, amazing.
Villago Delenda Est
@mike in dc: Carson still has books to sell, so naturally he’s there.
Mike J
@Villago Delenda Est: Allen West: Captive US sailors should have fought Iran
HRC interview on Maddow today. Show just barely underway right now.
HRC is on Rachel on MSNBC now. First question is about Iran and the Navy boats…
Iowa Old Lady
I hope they follow the national anthem with a stirring rendition of Oh Canada.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: @Villago Delenda Est: What people are not paying attention to, but what Senator Paul remarked about last night on Chris Hayes show, is that he claims that his campaign network has already locked up promises of support from 1,100 delegates. Now I have no way to know if he’s telling the truth or even how to verify that, but I do know that his Dad perfected a very subtle and effective ground game in each primary state. A ground game that allowed him to collect delegate counts far outside his polling results and his seeming electability. We know Dr. Carson has no ground system in place. And no one is sure about Trumps. Senator Cruz seems to have a good one based on reporting and I’ve seen reporting all over the map for Governors Bush and Christie and Senator Rubio. So at this point, who really knows what’s really going on.
Mike J
@Mike J: Sorry, not meant to be a reply to anyone. fat clicking fingers.
Q: “Senator Cruz, explain to us why Obama is a dirty liar”
A: “Iran sucks”
Adam L Silverman
And I see Senator Cruz is doing a President George W Bush put on Texas accent. He sounds like Dana Carvey’s spoof of the first President Bush.
@Iowa Old Lady
Ooh, snap!
Maybe a few bars of “Babaloo” for Mark Blond.
Kill em all.
Just in time for Cruz to advocate for the working person. Barf.
That would have worked out so well. Not just for the sailors but for the two nations that might have had to go to war because of the couple of dozen dead on each side
Cruz’s face is in the dictionary next to “backpfeifengesicht”.
Also, I note that Cruz somehow managed to forget to mention that the sailors in question spent a grand total of 0.5 days in Iranian custody and have since been released.
I’m watching Cavaliers at Spurs. I’d rather be dunked on 50 times by LeBron than watch 10 seconds of the GOP “debate”.
HoKay Doakay.
Dumb sounding donk donk stop sound signal.
First question is for 2012 campaign against Obama (no one tell them he is not running again)
Cruz hypes nothingburger Iranboatgate.
And, seems like BS debate format with different questions for each candidate, skipping from topic to topic.
Kasich squishes out with exempting health and safety from regulation freeze.
Baiting Christie into bad world on fire metaphors on security.
I’ve heard enough of this one. I’m out. Have fun.
And the Joisey Whale tells us there needs to be limits to our patience. NO THIRD TERM.
I’ve got to get my blood pressure under control…the LAST thing I plan to do is watch the latest GOP Debate
Mary G
Tax cuts will save us! Would it kill one of these moderators to point out that we tried that under the Shrub already and it didn’t work?
Taking our Navy ships. Fucking idiot,
@jl: Wait it’s time for jeb?.
ETA: We need more weapons and more troops and project force.
!Jeb: “It’s totally untrue that things have gotten better since my brother left office.”
Old Dan and Little Anne
This is fucking horrible. Did Jeb just say terrorism is on the run? Whoops.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike J: Allen West is a fucking idiot, as well as a war criminal who should not have been allowed to retire in lieu of a court martial.
something about trucks backing up?
Iowa Old Lady
@Mary G:
It’s FOX.
What, no sad trombone? No “moderator” running up to strike a gong?
Mary G
Jeb is still awful.
@Schlemazel: OT I’ve been trying to find you in an active thread to thank you so much for mentioning the youtube series The Great War. I have been watching it regularly (to catch up) and am enjoying it very much! Thanks again for mentioning it the other day.
(a hit new musical, coming this summer to Broadway)
Dodd Frank is a National Security issue.
That crowd is rather, eh, white.
@Mary G:
We did not cut taxes far enough.
Tax cuts cannot fail. They can only be failed.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Too late sound off.
@Adam L Silverman:
I don’t think that Ron Paul’s super secret counterintuitive unskewed attempts at delegate accumulation ever produced anything remotely close to the brags.
Maybe Rand believes it, he is often very into an alternative reality.
There’s a war against ISIS, Marco? How about that AMUF, Marco? You’re still a Senator, right?
Carson is mumbling word salad.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: It did bag him Iowa in 2012. Beyond that I agree it was not that impressive. As I said I have no idea how to even begin to substantiate Senator Paul’s remarks.
mike in dc
Uh-oh, Dr. Ben Carson just went exo-atmospheric on us.
Betty Cracker
Just got home from a lovely dinner with friends and turned this shitshow on in time to discover that Lil’ Marco has donned ranty pants to go with his fancy boots. And now Carson is babbling foolishly. Gyad. Why?
ETA: Why the fuck am I watching this, I mean.
Little Marco has had way too much sugar. He’s going to piss himself if he doesn’t calm down.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Yes, the Paul crowd is great at gaming the caucuses until the Partei steps in and out maneuvers them. Then they have the pesky problem of having no chance in hell of wining many delegates in primary states, what with the GOP’s winner take all system in a number of states. The Pauls, pere et fils, have their hardcore groupies who will go in and grab lots of delegates from caucus states, but it did nothing to get pere even a podium appearance at the 2012 GOP convention.
The important thing, of course, is that they’re raking in the bucks from the rubes.
Carson: “I’ve been taking my foreign policy lessons from Newt Gingrich”
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: He’s been listening to Speaker Gingrich again. He’s the major EMP threat shill.
It got him the vote of the Iowa delegation at the convention.
Beyond that, not so much.
And it’s on to tRump about Syrian refugees.
ETA: Be Afraid, be very Afraid.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Exo-atmospheric salad is really tasty.
Villago Delenda Est
@Betty Cracker: Have you guys seen the anti-Marco RtR PAC ad which shamelessly steals from Nancy Sinatra?
Guys have a lot of money, but not much sense.
The great Syrian Trojan horse.
Strong powerful men, no women and children.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Young very strong men.
mike in dc
Trump is apparently projecting additional fatalities from prior terror attacks.
On to Failgunner Ted and his campaign “loan”.
Villago Delenda Est
@mike in dc: I believe our benevolent blog host has already commented on The Donald’s latest terrorist attack.
Adam L Silverman
@mike in dc: I’m pretty sure anyone who was not going to survive the Paris attack from November has already passed.
Who will be the first to suggest offering the Flint, Michigan special manager to oversee water plants in Syria?
Adam L Silverman
Commercial. Thanks be to someone’s Deity!
@Adam L Silverman: I think he was talking about San Berdu.
ETA: It’s tRump, hard to tell.
So is it Kasich that’s going to be coughing for the next hour and half?
@Adam L Silverman: Nah, lot’s of em are on their way out. Many more.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: It was part of his Paris attack schtick before he got to the California one. But who knows, its not like he’s really coherent or consistent.
@BillinGlendaleCA: No, he was talking about Pareee.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: If only they were young, strong men.
mike in dc
Ted Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs) did a reasonable job rebutting the “attack”, which was more of a softball really. These are mostly meatball questions.
Fair Economist
@Adam L Silverman:
He may have done some of that, but that’s a wild exaggeration. He’s less popular than his dad was, and the Republican establishment has changed the rules to make that kind of thing harder.
Anne Laurie
From Guardian US columnist Jeb Lund:
@raven: It sit corrected.
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
Yes, that’s exactly what he said.
These moderators are something else.
Wish I could watch and comment on BJ at the same time, but I can’t.
See you in the next commercial break!
@Adam L Silverman: The boys with kalidescope thighs. . .
Cruz is wholly unconvincing on his cheapo loan from GS.
His actual “crime” may be a nothingburger, but it’s coming out that he is in bed with the Wall Street and East Coast elites that he constantly whines about.
And, we’re back. The candidates have wiped the blood off their mouths (again), so here we go.
Q: Cruz birtherism.
Betty Cracker
@Villago Delenda Est: Saw it. Good idea but shitty execution as far as the lyrics go. I could have written a better set in 20 minutes (just in case that RtR moron who occasionally trolls us is listening).
@raven: With calves the size of cantaloupes!
@mike in dc: Meatball questions for meatball candidates.
@Adam L. Silverman
“Young, strong, buff men, their taut oiled torsos glistening in the desert sun… um, what was the question again?”
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I thought that was eyes.
@Betty Cracker: kalidescope thighs, cantaloupe calves. . .who am I to quibble.
Adam L Silverman
Senator Cruz is actually quite good in this format. His tone, pitch, timber, and delivery are very good. And he just put the knife in.
@Adam L Silverman: You have to use your imagination!
Thoughtful Today
Hillary’s Rovian scare tactics on Maddow’s show were divisive and dishonest.
It’s a pattern.
It will be interesting to see how Democratic Party voters respond.
Cruz vs. Trump in tonight’s asshole-off.
I just took a little ukulele break. It was very pleasant.
? Martin
@Thoughtful Today: As was true in 2008, Clinton would do better if she worried a bit less about her competition.
mike in dc
Cruz: I’m eligible to be Prez-o-dent, just like Greg Stillson.
Trump: I’m beating you in the polls, Ted. Cruz can’t be my VP because he’s a filthy foreigner.
I got rid of my cable and only have local channels, and I was lamenting it a few hours ago….but then when I realized the GOP Debate was tonight and I didn’t have access to any of the upper cable channels I became content with my bleek cable net choices… :-)
Following The advice that the sailors should have fought instead of giving up. At least some of them would have gotten killed along with some of the Iranians. Those deaths would have encouraged the loons in each country to escalate. It could have gone south very fast
I love history & “The Great War” is well done. Glad you are enjoying it!
Shorter Trump: “They’re not booing; they’re saying TrOOOOOmp.”
Or something.
Betty Cracker
Cruz is handling this birther business pretty effectively, despite being a smarmy prick.
schrodinger's cat
OT: Some respite from the clown show
Since today is Makar Sankranti, which many people celebrate by flying kites: Ruth Aaa Gayi Re from Deepa Mehta’s movie on India’s Partition, 1947 Earth.
So this was supposed to be some kind of debate, right?
Still haven’t the foggiest notion why that was addressed to me.
I wasn’t on the same planet with any such idea and made not anything remotely close to a mention of it.
Shut up, Rubio.
Old Dan and Little Anne
I was invoked in that answer! -Rubio. Total shit show.
Betty Cracker
Someone told Lil’ Marco to channel Grumpypants McCain.
mike in dc
Nimrata Randhawa question to Trump. He accepts the Mantle of Anger. Achievement Unlocked?
@Betty Cracker
Do let us know if/when he brings up (repeatedly) Jose the Cobbler.
@Villago Delenda Est: “These Boots are Made For Walkin” or “Somethin’ Stupid”?
(My musical taste is just the right age to enjoy the latter despite its rep.)
@Betty Cracker:
Cruz is handling things pretty well so far.
Anne Laurie
@Betty Cracker:
Quite possibly McCain his own self. Rubio’s big selling point, to the GOP, seems to be that he listens to his elders like a nice young
puppetman should.As was said of Al Gore many years ago: “An old person’s idea of a young person.”
Old Dan and Little Anne
Rubio just short-circuited.
Adam L Silverman
@Schlemazel: Lets also remember how the Law of the Sea conventions work. Had this been a foreign nation’s Naval vessels unannounced entry into US waters we would have responded similarly. At least one if not two Coast Guard cutters would have interdicted the craft. They would have signaled intent to board and inspect and done so. While doing so, and while speaking to the vessels commander, the crew would have been held under armed guard until a reasonable answer was given and verified. Once that was done, then basic hospitality would have been extended while the vessel and crew were secured, repairs made, and the diplomatic contacts arranged for the return of the crew and equipment. The only things that would have changed this response is if the basic safety inspection turned up an irregularity, a sailor needed more extensive military care – in which case he or she would be taken for appropriate treatment and provisions would be made for a consular official to meet that sailor and remain with him or her, and/or some other irregularity was detected between the initial search and the vessel commander’s answer.
We have rules that govern these interactions. The only states that do not recognize them are those that have placed themselves or been placed outside of the governing conventions. Iran desperately wants to be part of the community of nations. And they finally see that possibility really becoming reality. There is no way, shape, or form that they would violate the Law of the Sea Treaty on something like this.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope thighs
This would be hilarious if they weren’t serious.
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: As I indicated earlier, he’s very good at this.
I thought Cruz’s response awful. Canned answer delivered in an intellectuallyl dishonest manner. Referring to Trump’s mother being born Scotland was idiocy on steroids.
Adam L Silverman
Ooops! Governor Christie just called magazines clips. He just failed in trying to shore up his 2nd Amendment bona fides.
What is wrong with Common Core?
Why has it turned into a right-wing “whipping boy” for what’s wrong with the kids today?
Sorry I meant to click reply to the comment below you, didn’t realize that until now
@gene108: There’s something about being in the hothouse of Fox News in January that makes me think, What kind of test is this for any Republican, seriously?
Richard Mayhew
@Schlemazel: For this crowd, escalation with a bloody shirt is a feature not a bug
Shorter Bush “We’re all a buncha liars. Don’t listen to us”
@NotMax: Not watching. Does it sound like Law & Order?
@Iowa Old Lady: Hockey fans unite!
They do that at all sporting events in Buffalo. I’ not 100% about Bills games these days – haven’t been in 10 years, but they used to. Too many fans come across the bridge from Ft. Erie, ON not to.
@Adam L Silverman: I know this is tacky, but I’m curious about about what they were fed. They seemed to enjoy it.
Adam L Silverman
@gene108: It was actually created as an initiative by the governors of a number of states, both Democrats and Republicans.
Another great example of why no one really cares about Federalism and/or state’s rights (even though, again, state’s don’t have rights, they have powers).
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: I have no idea, but I love Persian food.
Poor Kasich really wants to karate chop but he’s holding his own hand instead?
@Adam L Silverman:
Well, if you are going to let things like international law and conventions get in your way it will be a lot harder to start a war.
What kind of test is any debate?
Cruz glibly talked his way through a couple of issues that were sort of dogging him lately.
@MomSense: He’s babbling.
Old Dan and Little Anne
@Geeno: I’m going to my first ever Sabres game this Saturday.
It was proposed by a Democrat, that is all they need to know – it must be the source of all the ills of the world
Kasich reminds of Gary Shandling’s Larry Sanders character.
mike in dc
Ben Carson: Is This America Anymore? What year is this? Who am I?
Serious question: Has Carson actually read the Bible? It’s chock full of people being assholes to each other.
Not watching either.
Would rather gouge out my eyes with a spork dipped in lemon juice.
schrodinger's cat
I haven’t yet watched a single debate, will tune in after the nominees are selected. I am getting my coverage through the Juicer lens, more entertaining and less aggravating.
Carson is complaining about the comment sections as if it is the progressives who make them cesspools.
And now with the secularists have no values BS.
mike in dc
Next up: how many guns should Americans own, at minimum, to be safe?
“Facebook research.” The worst part is that you can’t even get a decent cabin in the woods anymore thank you Ted Ka-freakin-czyla-nis-z-jksi
Carson showing us what a brain on drugs sounds like. He just gave a stream of consciousness that was pure drivel.
I didn’t know he read this blog.
Adam L Silverman
I hate to break it to Dr. Carson, but there is a Judaic tradition and there is a Christian tradition. There is no Judeo-Christian tradition. Judaism, as a system of beliefs, including its sub-systems/sects, is agnostic towards Christianity. Christianity as a system of beliefs, including its sub-systems/sects, presumes that it subsumes and replaces Judaism, its errors and inaccuracies, and supercedes it by replacing its emphasis on right behavior with an emphasis on right belief.
@Baud: why aren’t you at that stage?
@Baud: Fess up. You’re really Ben Carson.
Dr. Ben
3 million people talking about guns on Facebook, compared to probably 3 billion people talking about cats.
“Carson is complaining about the comment sections ”
You mean like gop debate?
Adam L Silverman
@mike in dc: You need your primary handgun, then you need a backup, then you need your bailout gun. You also need at least one rifle and one shotgun. So I’m going with a minimum of five.
“her incredible leadership in the face of that horrendous, liberal media-fueled desecration of a symbol of american freedom and liberty…”
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: OMG do all right wingers get their BS talking points from the same source. That is something I would except a Modi bhakt in India to say.
ETA: I am referring to the secularist line.
@Adam L Silverman:
Jeweled rice & Fesenjan
Oh yeah!
mike in dc
Smith and Wesson would like to extend their thoughts and prayers to the victims of gun violence.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: Yes, yes they do.
Ooh, cool, I have a kind of PiP on my iPad. Now to see if it cuts off the minute I try to post a comment here.
What kind of a test for a Republican is a Fox News debate?
When I’m sitting here wishing for the moderator to have the pillow-fighting skillz of Anderson Cooper or John Dickerson…
Surely there must be a bird sanctuary somewhere you could commandeer.
I don’t want to answer questions about my birthplace.
If I were, I would lobotomize myself.
No, I’m cool. Okay, this is great!
mike in dc
Apparently the GOP is now the party of expanding public spending on mental health care.
Jeb!: “If you commit a crime with a gun in Florida you’re going to jail for a long, long time!”
George Zimmerman begs to differ.
@MomSense: I just meant you could imagine Bush saying something that insane.
It is a conspiracy between the RNC and the national media to deny him his rightful place next to Ayn Paul on that stage!!
@Adam L Silverman:
Per room in your house you mean, right?
mike in dc
Is the whole stage going to out themselves as proud Ammosexuals?
schrodinger's cat
@amk: Happy Pongal! I made pongal, husband kitteh said it was delicious but it did not taste like pongal, no ghee.
@Adam L Silverman:
Would have laughed even more if I didn’t know and/or am related to people who think this way.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: He’s talking about the 10, 20, Life law. Commit a crime in possession of a gun its an automatic 10 year increase on one’s sentence. Commit a crime while brandishing a firearm, its an automatic 20 year increase on one’s sentence. Commit a crime while firing a firearm, it an automatic life sentence.
Unfortunately Zimmerman was acquitted.
Marco’s getting a bit flustered.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: You know you’re in trouble when Cavuto isn’t buying your answer.
They are saying all kinds of insane things.
mike in dc
@mike in dc:
Clearly the answer is yes.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Did you at least have cashew nuts?
@schrodinger’s cat: LOL. Thanks. Tell the hubs you’re in murka and not in chennai, buster.
Even worse, it’s the Fox Business Network, an outlet whose regular audience is measured in the thousands. And not hundreds of thousands either. Some of the dayparts reel in a total viewership of 8,000.
Mary G
I had to go look at the doggies in the last thread to calm down. I can’t decide which one of these yahoos is the worst Christie just called the president a petulant child. Talk about projecting. I want to slap his face.
Christie bragging that he is going to kick Obama’s rear end out of the White House.
How brave!
How tough!
How classy!
How presidential!
@Baud: but planet klingon must be a surefire hit with voters, surely?
Cruz: DiFi’s coming for ya guns, BE AFRAID!
@schrodinger’s cat
Not inclined to go and check if it already exists, but there’s got to be a market for a product called Ghee Whiz.
@Adam L Silverman: Whoosh.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: How ignorant of the 22nd Amendment.
The only rendition of “New York New York” that matters to the “Under 35 crowd.”
I am not a merry man.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: Whoosh?
Wonder if Carson will be relegated to the kiddies table next time. Is there a next time?
I know I sound superficial but this bunch of candidates are really physically unattractive. Rubio is a lightweight and Kasich does not appear to have a chance.
tRump just schooled Failgunner.
Clarified butter shot out of a nozzle from a pressurized can…I agree there has to be a market…
@Adam L Silverman: with the proviso, they don’t apply to fair skinned.
Bush wants a bigger navy and replace the B-52.
ETA: I thought that was what the B-1 was.
These people are all insane.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, Trump just plain owned Cruz in that exchange.
Trump prudently invokes 9/11 and rag-dolled Cruz over his “New York values” comment.
@Mandalay: So it’s official then. No more four more years ? Jus’ checkin’?
Doug R
@NotMax: 8000? BJ gets 18,000 visitors a day.
Does FBN have some kind of filter on their cameras? All the candidates including Christie and Trumpy, and Bartiromo look skinnier.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: Plenty of white criminals in Florida get caught up in the 10, 20, Life law. The big change has been, as I know you’re aware, is the effect of the Baxley Amendment known as the Stand Your Ground Law.
In the case of Zimmerman he was acquitted at trial. I can’t prove it, but I’m relatively sure that even though Stand Your Ground wasn’t in play in his defense, that it still influenced members of the jury as its just in the air here, so to speak.
There are 22 aircraft carriers in the world. Not nuclear powered carriers, some are diesel electric with limited range without refueling.
The U.S. has 11 of the 22 aircraft carriers on the planet, most of, if not all of ours, are nuclear powered.
Our navy is so much more powerful than any other country’s it is mindboggling, if you stopped to think about it.
You betchum, Red Ryder.
Jan. 28 (Fox News)
Feb. 6 (ABC)
Feb. 13 (CBS)
And more still.
@NotMax: FBN? AKA the “DuMont Network of Fox”, God’s Waiting Room for the untelegenic, unappealing, lame and halt who can’t even survive in the welcoming bosom of Fox News?
Bill E Pilgrim
They’re criticizing the religious right, wow.
Oh wait that’s right, “radical clerics” to them doesn’t mean Franklin Graham and the like, does it.
@gene108: But, but… we have less ships than we had at the beginning of Desert Storm.
This is surreal, Trump is actually the most Presidential candidate on stage right now.
Damning with faint praise I know but there it is, I think Trump is going to be the nominee.
Ohio Mom
Bush wants a stronger military so we can”get back in the game.” Sounds like personal wishful thinking…if only *he* could back in the game.
Lots of name-dropping by Kash. Subtext: I am already in big league.
Came in just after Cruz slammed NY. As someone who was born in the Bronx, I’m miffed. But what exactly did he say?
Adam L Silverman
@Ohio Mom: He repeated his NY values thing. This used to be Birchirite for Jewish.
@Doug R
Nielsen numbers.
Too torpid at the moment to go dig up a recent link.
Miss Lindsey’s in the house!!!
Prescott Cactus
Cardiac patients with portfolios.
mike in dc
Dr. Ben Carson thinks we should ask the military what they need to defeat ISIS. Amazing no one has thought of that yet.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Used to be, Gracie?
Ohio Mom
@Adam L Silverman: thanks. Now doubly miffed (maiden name Schwarz).
Well they are certainly all deluded. And apart from Carson, and possibly Kasich, they are utterly shameless. They will say anything to get a bump in the polls. They don’t really believe deeply in anything except winning.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: You know what I meant.
@mike in dc: And we should bomb ISIS, why didn’t we think of that either?
Bill E Pilgrim
Is there something especially horrific that a surgeon just came out in favor of collateral damage?
@Ohio Mom: “He needs to redeem his AWOL wastrel of a brother. This time it’s personal!”
mike in dc
Trump: Nope, on further review, I’m still an asshole.
Back when toiled at an ad agency in NYC, the in-house library had a near complete set of Nielsen rating booklets going all the way back.
Would sometimes peruse ancient ones just for a spot of quick fun. Each network was color coded. Dumont’s color was pink.
/really, really useless trivia
@Adam L Silverman:
You forgot the assault rifle.
Prescott Cactus
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Professional courtesy, like a respiratory therapist who owns a smoke shop.
Gawd, Bush is awful.
I am a cynic and a bitch. And even I cannot believe how much I hate these people.
For Christmas my sister sent me a case of craft beer. Not my thing, but I just broke it out.
I hate these fucking people.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: The GOP, party of tradition.
All the old, bad, destructive traditions.
Let’s go harass ‘n kill a bunch of Not-Our-Tribe people — for freedumb! And values!
(and then we take their stuff, which was really our stuff all along, cuz reasons)
Bobby Thomson
@Schlemazel: Knockin’ me out with those kaleidoscope thighs.
@Ohio Mom:
The good news is that it backfired on Cruz.
schrodinger's cat
@gene108: Yes and the peppercorns!
Adam L Silverman
@Anoniminous: I indicated rifle. That can be a modern sporting rifle aka a black rifle aka an assault rifle. It could also be a lever action or a bolt action. I’m a big fan of personal choice…
@Helen: Best comment.
@gene108: yup, w.o. ghee and cashew nuts, it ain’t pongal at all. what’s the point of indian festivals if we cannot kill ourselves with fat and sugar?
@BillinGlendaleCA: Apparently George _is_ the smart one. At campaigning, anyway.
mike in dc
Trump going full Lonesome Rhodes now.
Bill E Pilgrim
Trump saying “we’re laughed at all over the world” is like Bernie Maddof saying “some people give this hedge fund field a bad name”.
I can’t wait watch these idiots. You guys who are watching are made of much tougher stuff than I am.
Adam L Silverman
@Schlemazel: Some people prefer that calculus. So, if that’s your thing, sure.
Looks as if you’ve found your White House press secretary.
@Helen: It’s the craft beer talking. Get away from it.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Probably should have doubled it, just in case one of these five primaries failed. I also forgot the trunk gun and the truck gun.
@mike in dc: That may win him the nomination.
Bobby Thomson
@Adam L Silverman: used to be?
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: Tradition! Now I’ve got Fiddler on the Roof earworms. Thanks!
“I am a cynic and a bitch. What the fuck you wanna ask me, Karl?”
@NotMax: What color was used for the Overmeyer Network?
/even uselesser trivia
To be fair to Allan DuMont, building a TV network which was not overlaid on the profits and infrastructure of a radio network was a dragon that killed many knights.
Its my constitutional right as an American not to be forced to look at one of these ugly people for four freaking years.
We don’t have to keep everybody out. We just have to keep the bad guys out.
That’s some plan Christie.
Adam L Silverman
@Bobby Thomson: Again, you know what I meant.
Bill E Pilgrim
Rubio announces a motivation test for immigration. Officials will be issued sincerity-sensing goggles.
Time to change the immigration form.
Love that the second tier “debate” didn’t even rate a front page post.
Carson does Palin: “There isn’t a single problem that can’t be solved with common sense”.
Jesus Christ.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
I think it’s like the old joke about women and shoes — if you know exactly how many you own, you don’t own enough.
Bush sounds like HRC.
Since I’m not watching, I was confused by some of the comments. I went to the Guardian to read their blog and it’s not better. I assume the debate is a bloody mess. Right?
@NotMax: with out the pouting junior, it wasn’t going to great any way.
Bill E Pilgrim
The FOX striped-suited guy’s vocal fry is disturbing.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: These guys wouldn’t last five minutes at any of the five war colleges or the Eisenhower School. One of the major points of the curriculum at all of them is how to deal with ill structured (what we used to call wicked) problems. None of them are solvable with common sense. In fact most of them are only manageable.
@Anne Laurie: sexist!
@JPL: I’m not watching either. Just having fun with the comments tonight.
I’m watching the debate now. HOLY FUCK I HATE THESE PEOPLE.
@JPL: Yup.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: some do make that argument.
Ah, UHF stations.
The wavelet of the future.
Until the tide went out.
mike in dc
God I want to call in an AC-130 strike on that debate.
Bold prediction: Drudge instant poll will have Trump winning.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: @amk: I will say that I have a decent amount of shoes for a guy. Partially because I have about six pairs of different dress shoes because its coats and ties at the office (shirts and pants optional… ewwwwww!!!!). I prefer cowboy boots for casual and I’ve got four pairs of those. I’ve got a couple of pairs of combat boots and a pair of under the ankle tactical style shoes for work in an operational environment. And I always have two pairs of workout shoes at the same time – same make and model – that I alternate by day so I don’t wear them out too fast.
@Heliopause: Yup.
@mike in dc: The problem is that the GOP front-runners would immediately become Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina. I’m not really sure that’s an improvement.
@NotMax: @Baud:
BAUD 2016!!!!!
Plus me!
Marco’s not looking good tonight.
ETA: Maybe he’s thirsty.
Obamacare a “certified job killer”. That would be the same certification board that Rand Paul set up to certify himself?
@Adam L Silverman: bragging rights?
Baud and Helen sounds like the title of a quirky indie film.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Rubio spit out about 9 straight talking points sans water. Getting stronger!
@BillinGlendaleCA: He’s always thirsty.
Rubio: “Obamacare is a job killer”.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: Too much Starbucks:
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: I own 0. I guess I’m going to die a violent death, eh?
What, no Drop the Hammer 2.0?
(Or is it three, four, five or six point zero by now?)
Adam L Silverman
@amk: No, just trying to reinforce your sexism charge. You’re welcome.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Jeb is so motherfucking pathetic it is surreal.
Or sappy bromides.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: shoes or guns? This topic of conversation has drifted a bit.
mike in dc
Jeb! and Trump briefly cross swords. Ew. I’m just going to leave that image in your minds. Because I’m evil that way.
Stop talking about how pathetic Jeb! is. It makes me want to watch.
Adam L Silverman
@Old Dan and Little Anne: He just needs to walk over and punch Trump in the face. Or kick him in the nuts. If he did that when Trump calls him weak, I’d vote for Jeb.
Who is winning? In the repub debate someone is always winning..
My kid just said, “Oh, good, glad this is on. I was feeling like my IQ was getting a little bit too high.”
@JPL: tRump’s winning.
I have missed this whole shit show.
Who can sum it up best?
Failgunner Ted’s answer was too nuanced for the GOP.
@Suzanne: How old is your kid?
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: So you are Carrie Bradshaw of Balloon Juice?
@GregB: No way. No pain, no gain.
Move to Canada if we lose in November.
Mike in NC
In a worst case scenario I would like to see Trump elected, to guarantee the demise of the GOP that wankers like Lindsey Graham and George Will have wrung their hands over. He would be a national disgrace and international embarrassment who would accomplish exactly nothing in office. Scum like Bush, Cruz, Christie, or Rubio would be Tea Party darlings determined to turn the clock back 100 years.
Honestly, every single person on that stage is infuckingsane.
I include the moderators.
They are all terrifyingly stupid and demented.
Come and sit by me. But understand that I’ve already got the job.
Old Dan and Little Anne
@Adam L Silverman: He’d trip and roll off the stage before reaching The Donald.
I want to marry her.
Correct. The usual shitfest.
@Old Dan and Little Anne: Ha! He so would.
@Adam L Silverman:
My bad. I have as many shoes as a woman = sexist librul.
There. Fixed. HappY?
@Baud: She just turned twelve.
@SiubhanDuinne: She’s awesome.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Guns. Here in New England in January we need shoes.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: I have no idea who that is.
@Suzanne: She’s got her mom’s smart ass. I was not that bright at 12.
Joisey Whale: Those poor corporations are being so mistreated.
Bill E Pilgrim
@mike in dc:
At least one of them was wearing punctuation, as you always should.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: and the Money Honey has not aged well.
Chris Christie looks like Rich Little with a coupla extra pounds. I can’t be the first to ever notice this.
Adam L Silverman
@Old Dan and Little Anne: I’d pay money to see that.
@Adam L Silverman: So,Imelda, how do you feel Obama has failed the Philippines?
@Adam L Silverman:
I remember when the term Judeo-Christian values was scoffed at as politically correct inclusive gibberish.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: No, now I’m confused.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
Trump would make a fine Guild leader in Ankh-Morpork, that’s for sure. He *thinks* he could be Patrician, but he’s wrong about that.
Jeb wouldn’t make a good leader of anywhere, real or imaginary, from what I can tell. He’s a born associate vice president — the guy whose best decision was picking his father (or father-in-law), the one who can’t be trusted except to hand out pink slips or get yelled at by ripped-off clients.
Dog whistle. Even these bozos steer clear of calling him “boy.”
Thus far.
Ohio Mom
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, each is stupider, more repulsive and more vile than the last.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: She is the character from Sex and the City who had lots of shoes, played by Sarah Jessica Parker.
@SiubhanDuinne: BTW, you were correct this morning about the building I used to work in was the one with the dodgy elevators from LA Law.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Okay, tracking. Yes, you’re going to die, defenseless and someone on a firearms blog will mock you in the comments with a link to the local news coverage.
mike in dc
Dr. Ben Carson proposes a flat tax with no exemptions. Regulations are a regressive tax because making sure the food we eat won’t kill us is terribly unfair to something something OMG THIS DEBATE CAN DIE IN A FIRE.
Maria Bartiroma is the person who interviewed Sarah. She spoke highly about Sarah’s intellect. Just remember that for all of you watching her performance tonight.
How do you feel about arranged marriage?
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: Sounds about right.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: Sure, if you say so.
These bozos who want a flat tax with no deductions would be slung out of office in a New York minute.
Even Rand Paul supports the mortgage tax deduction.
Adam L Silverman
@mike in dc: I’m pretty sure Dr. Carson’s mom, as good a woman as she seems to have been, never had to finance a fleet of nuclear powered aircraft carriers.
Lord Baldrick
@Suzanne: 12? Sounds like Kid has been raised by pretty Awesome Mom.
Anne Laurie
@Suzanne: You have raised your daughter well!
@mike in dc
Because that worked out so very well for Steve Forbes’ campaign.
These people are absolutely shameless. Just reprehensible.
Ohio Mom
Have to take a moment to appreciate that they are all attacking each other.
Arthur Laffer! Drink!
Old Dan and Little Anne
I’ll kill IRS employees with post cards!
Idiot Rubio doesn’t realize most people aren’t going to know what a VAT tax is. And Cruz is a fvcking moron because who’s going to collect taxes? The Tax Collection Agency? Ohhhh,okay dimass.
@MomSense: I am a big fan of premarital fucking. Does that count?
We’re gonna win 47 states!
@Adam L Silverman:
You are a master of understatement. She is a botoxed, silicone-injected, over-made-up hag.
Am I ageist for saying this? Fucking sue me. She is hideous.
Rubio “Now you got Europe”
These people have never left America.
If I were a sex slave and my choice was Rubio or Cruz I would choose the following.
The audience is awful, too. The meaner the quip, the more they cheer.
@MomSense: So LePage voters then?
@Ohio Mom:
It’s actually kind of fascinating.
Mike in NC
@lamh36: Christie likes to call Obama a petulant child. Trouble is there is video of that fat slob hugging him like a sobbing, needy toddler after Hurricane Sandy wrecked the Jersey shore.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: As a dude, I’ve found one of the keys to a long-lasting and harmonious marriage is to never say a word about shoes.
We just had a flurry of Reagan references in the debate and somebody needs to send a paramedic to Matt Taibbi’s place to make sure he’s OK.
Another no moral secularist!
Wait, I thought this was only 2 hours long. I may start drinking again, if this goes on too long.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: I was trying to be polite. Her looks were her selling point, it wasn’t her understanding of business or finance. I remember watching Matt Taibbi having to explain credit default swaps to her back in 2009 because she had no idea what they were. And she didn’t seem to understand his explanation, which was, I must say, really accessible for the lay person.
Christie acts like a bar room brawler: “No! You had your chance Marco….AND YOU BLEW IT!”
Christie is just vile.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: To be honest, I didn’t really start accumulating shoes until I was well into my 30s and working in an office where such things were noted on one’s performance record. And I have more pairs now than when I was working in that office, partially because the internet makes it too damned easy to find bargains, partially because pretty shoes in odd sizes are more available, but mostly because they don’t wear out if they’re rarely used. I have some pumps that are old enough to vote, which I can be sure of only because I remember buying them before we moved from the Midwest in 1989.
VAT tax.
Linguistically, is that like an ATM machine?
Redundancy is a dish best not served at all. Let me say that again…
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry to hear that.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: Injury time like in world cup soccer.
@MomSense: Damn skippy.
This is horrifying. All I can picture is Slim Pickens riding a nuclear missile and screaming “Yeehaw!”
David *Rafael* Koch That’s certainly possible. MGM created a filter they used to make Elizabeth Taylor look thin.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: My dress shoes, which is the bulk of the collection, was accumulated in the same way as yours.
Bill E Pilgrim
It’s funny because maybe two years ago it seemed like Christie in the primaries would be “the bully”, but now, in this field of candidates you look at him and think “Meh, C+” on the bullying thing. Even though he’s exactly as obnoxious and combative as he always was.
Don’t be dumb. Everybody knows it’s a tax on scotch whiskey.
Betty Cracker
Why is this still on?
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: That analysis was according to the 2nd Amendment maximalists. Personally, I’ll give you at least a 50-50 shot.
Nah – you’re good. Isn’t she the one who fucked the guy she was reporting on? Really. I remember he had a plane.
I remember watching her after the 2008 crisis. She looked like a deer in the headlights and just kept saying “The people on Wall Street need to get their bonuses. We can’t fire them. They are so smart”
With no irony at all.
mike in dc
Christie is asked what he would do to make sure cops can kill minorities freely again.
Christie throws in a sanctuary cities reference to score the extra point.
How long is this thing going to go on?
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: Injury time like in world cup soccer.
@Betty Cracker: It’s not easy picking the next leader of the free world.
@Betty Cracker: Adam said it’s injury time.
@Betty Cracker: Because the forces that took David Bowie and Alan Rickman from us also want to drown us in a deluge of hate and stupidity.
If you ever saw the film version of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, the building that was used as the exterior for International Widgets or whatever the company was called was in reality the Union Carbide building, where I worked for two or three years in the 1960s. It was wild when filming took place.
Ohio Mom
I don’t think Trump understands what a blind trust is. Your wife and kids can’t run it.
Expect a headline tomorrow about a mysterious outbreak of elephant suicides.
Was that a “we want Rand” chant? That’s probably the winner for “most pathetic” for tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: Jack Welch from GE. His affair was with Suzy Wetlaufer.
This is from the Guardian.. heehe
If you spaced out during the economics lesson of the last 20 minutes, you weren’t the only one – as demonstrated by Donald Trump’s limited understanding of macroeconomics. But then, Americans’ economic literacy is so.e of the worst in the developed world.
@NotMax: The highest TV number I ever witnessed was WWHT, channel 68, from New York City. This covered a distance of over 60 miles to my Connecticut home on one of those saucer-sized loop antennas and was quite viewable in the summer when conditions favored that end of the spectrum.
I was not aware that channels 70-83 were removed from TV service in 1983. To be fair,who else knew?
@Anne Laurie:
Excuse me but my brain just went sproing
What POSSIBLE affect could one’s shoes have on one’s ability to do one’s job?
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: So I’ll either die or I won’t. OK, pretty much like before.
@SiubhanDuinne: I worked in the “444” building a few years after LA Law had wrapped.
@Ohio Mom:
We’re going to be typing that phrase a lot over the next few months.
@schrodinger’s cat:
And he has the four Super Bowl rings to prove it.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: Oops. apparently Maria is alleged to have had one with a Citigroup Exec:
@Adam L Silverman:
Okay, so dumb, stupid, and ignorant.
Anne Laurie
@Gin & Tonic:
Not true. If your Spousal Unit asks, are these shoes not cute? you should always agree that they are indeed cute, On her. Even (especially) when you haven’t got the faintest idea how they are different from the other pairs of cute shoes she owns.
In return, I always admire my Spousal Unit’s tool purchases, even if I have no idea what they’re for, or why we need yet another cordless automatic angle-bending rechargeable drill, with bonus titanium blades and interchangeable chuck keys.
@Anne Laurie:
odd sizes?
Like a six and a seven.
@JPL: Most Americans don’t understand the graduated income tax system.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: yep, pretty much. One thing is for sure: you will not get out of life alive.
Kasich is in a celebrity death match with Bush for “candidate competing for the reasonable vote amongst the least reasonable quintile of the population.” Fuck, at least Rubio is trying.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Yep.
Trump thinks a blind trust is one administered by Ronnie Milsap.
It is like an automatic ATM machine. With a teller.
Bill E Pilgrim
None of these people make the slightest bit of sense. Even the guy who almost seems to make sense makes no sense.
The rest of them were actually pushing back on Trump’s “Just impose really yuge tariffs!” idiocy, pointing out why it was idiotic, but then they’d conclude with “The real way to deal with China is to abolish the IRS”.
This is a WTF festival and no foolin.
Bobby Thomson
@Gin & Tonic: Valar morghulis.
mike in dc
Now it’s a war to see which Latino candidate hates Latinos more.
Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but it’s way after nighty-nights on the east coast. Why are they still talking?
Gin & Tonic
@Anne Laurie: Ah, you see, I’ve loved her long time. She knows better than to ask my opinion of her shoes.
We are at the magic time of 11:11
David *Rafael* Koch
Old Dan and Little Anne
Rubio has dumbo ears and a lisp. He’s funny railing on Cruz at least. Millisecond vetoes! Marco 2016!
@Helen: Maria was supposed to have fvcked a Citi bigwig. I believe he got canned. Also, don’t forget Maria asking Anthony Weiner during the O-Care debates: ‘If Medicare is so great how come you’re not on it?’
This is never going to end, is it?
@SiubhanDuinne: That only works for ending world wars.
@Anne Laurie:
interchangeable chuck keys are the real tools of the trade. You just won’t understand.
Adam L Silverman
Anyone notice that now that he’s worked up, Senator Cruz’s twang has disappeared?
Not that I ever cared for Maria Baritomo’s acumen, but once Sam Bee hit The Daily Show as the Cash Cow, the “Money Honey’s” ship had sailed.
@Adam L Silverman:
Nope. I know all about Jack.
Just looked it up. It was Maria and Todd Thompson in 2007. I always get put in moderation when I link.
Google them.
Bush doesn’t understand encryption.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: I did and came back with a separate reply on that as soon as I finished the Welch reply. Its comment # 383.
On a rare good night, if one stood just so while clutching the antenna, could get an intermittent fuzzy picture from WVIA (PBS, Scranton) channel 72 when was living in the boonies of northeast PA.
Only UHF station I made a point of tuning in semi-regularly when in the NYC area was channel 68 from somewhere in NJ, longtime home of The Uncle Floyd Show.
mike in dc
Maybe they should just keep the debate going until they go completely loopy and punchdrunk. So, another 5 minutes or so.
Closing statements coming up! Freedom!
Mary G
This has been going on for decades. I fell asleep in self defense for a few minutes there.
I didn’t start drinking again, but did turn to chocolate.
Bill E Pilgrim
How did Jeb! Bush ever get elected to anything? Whiny, defensive, sheesh. It’s hard to imagine.
Ohio Mom
Closing statements on their way! Hooray,I’ll be able to stop staring at this seven car pile up.
Gin & Tonic
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’d be shocked if any of those bozos did.
You beat me to it – I was just about to say the same thing (a bit less diplomatically).
The most frightening thing is that Trump is the least frightening of them all up there.
Hey, Kasich’s dad was a mailman, what a surprise.
Matt McIrvin
@mike in dc: Well, you’ve got three equipped weapon slots, but you can only have one Exotic weapon equipped at a time, so if you have, say, Hawkmoon, Hereafter and Dragon’s Breath, you also need Legendary weapons as backups to swap in place of the Exotics so that you can equip the Exotic you really want to use at any given time. Also, I find that it’s useful to have a combo of a close-up weapon and a distance weapon, like a Scout Rifle as primary and a Sidearm or Shotgun as special, or a Hand Cannon as primary and a Sniper as special, and that leads to some additional swapping around. And then there’s the elemental damage to consider: some kinds of enemies have shields particularly susceptible to Solar, Arc or Void damage, so a mix of all three helps, especially the ones that don’t correspond to your character subclass abilities. So you see the numbers can start to add up.
@Adam L Silverman:
LOL you and I both googled and found two different plane guys.
@Suzanne: True.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I will if no one stabs that portrait I keep secret from everyone…. FUCK!
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: OMG, the Uncle Floyd Show!! The only thing that got us through the first 4 months with our first baby, who never slept more than 90 minutes at a stretch.
@BillinGlendaleCA: the dolt couldn’t understand how his apple watch is making calls. google it just for fun,
Christie: “I’ve spent my whole life fighting.”
Probably the only truthful statement he made this evening.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: So is she alleged to have had two affairs then? With two different Citigroup execs? She must be great fun at parties.
@dmsilev: Over there …whatever
Face the music — come on boys, take ’em down!
President Donald Trump, knows how
To Make America Great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time!”
scary huh
@NotMax: The Worst Kiddie Show of All Time!
Jeez, he and Joe Franklin were a couple of hosts that mere print could not describe. And the decades cannot improve.
ETA: Surreal doesn’t begin to describe it, and I was a full-fledged SCTV fan at the time. It’s like finding the source material that SCTV was made to satirize.
Oh, Dr. Carson woke up, sort of.
@Anne Laurie
“Does this Sawzall make my butt look big?”
Of course, should he ever gush over a stud finder, and you’re in a playful mood, grab hold of it, point it at him and announce it doesn’t seem to be working. ;)
Betty Cracker
The anger thing doesn’t work for Rubio.
Helen And when he said “I am not old enough” she said “UGGG Ug HUH” and blew him off.
They have sucked all the magic out of the world.
Jeb Bush. His brother’s intelligence and his father’s charm.
Failgunner Ted gets in a movie reference, “13 Hours”.
Apparently Michael Bay bought ten seconds of Cruz as ad time for his Benghazi movie.
And it’s over!
Gin & Tonic
@ThresherK: The Worst Kiddie Show of All Time!
Yeah, which is why it was on at like 0230 or something.
@Betty Cracker: Dave Weigel’s twitter feed links to someone who said Cruz collapsed. Is that true?
mike in dc
Cruz promises Armageddon on Day 1. Trump promises that America will never lose again. I promise a unicorn in every pot, or something. The shitshow is over…for now.
Bill E Pilgrim
Very Biblical of you. Like Lot’s wife, but even better.
and nearly half the murkans would vote for any one of these dolts comfortably. god save the world.
@mike in dc:
I thought Baud!!!2016!!! was doing that.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh hey don’t be judgey. ;). I am fun at parties too. I just don’t party with plane owning Citicorp execs.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: I’ll update your dossier.
@Betty Cracker:
Despite all his tough talk he’s obviously still petrified about being up on a stage in front of the cameras and surrounded by grown ups. Sometimes he’ll go a few sentences mechanically spewing his script and then freeze, and look lost.
The idea of Rubio running the country is far scarier than having Trump or Cruz in charge.
@Gin & Tonic: If I recall correctly, Oogie had a puppet of his own, called Boxie. Boxie was a tiny wooden box. Oogie, being a rather dim-witted puppet, couldn’t actually do any ventriloquism, and simply relayed all of Boxie’s lines in his own voice to Uncle Floyd.
The puppet had a puppet. That is pure surrealist comedy genius.
You forgot “Plus Helen”
@Mandalay: Rubio sounds prissy as hell. Like he’s going to TELL ON ME.
Is Lou Dobbs alive?
Kind of amazing to see how many here were subversive enough or stoned enough (or both) to be familiar with Uncle Floyd.
Haz a happy about that.
Felonius Monk
Does it matter?
I am sure if they were talking about Cruz, they meant prolapsed.
Your kid just got two points up on the board.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: He will as soon as the teacher gets back.
No, prolapsed — as in “prolapsed pig rectum” — would be Sunununununununuuuuu,
@Ruckus: She’s fucking hilarious and smart.
@Omnes Omnibus: Seriously. What a total kiss-ass.
@Felonius Monk:
Just wondering because FOX can afford the best makeup artists, videographers, and lighting techs on the planet, and it’s still open to question.
@Thoughtful Today:
The only candidate not playing into ISIS hysteria is Bernie Sanders, and he’s surging in the polls.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: Not in my opinion. In fact, if I had to name one of the lying shitbags a winner, it would be Cruz.
Which one?
(I know, I know. All of ’em, Katie.)
Hearing Dan Rather languidly pronounce the name Sununu is a tiny moment of pure art in spoken language. Impossible not to chuckle every time.
@Betty Cracker: I think tRump dinged him on citizenship and his New York quip.
Trump is on Fox talking bout the Cruz NY values thing. Can someone please say “THAT MEANS JEW. AND GAY. AND MINORITY. BUT MOSTLY JEW”
Trump is on Fox talking about the Cruz NY values thing. Can someone please say “THAT MEANS JEW. AND GAY. AND MINORITY. BUT MOSTLY JEW”
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: I said it was Bircherite for Jews way up thread in the comments. Like right after Cruz said it.
You say that as though they were mutually exclusive.
Anne Laurie
“Presentation is important. What if a client happened to wander into the back cubicles and notice somebody was wearing unstylish shoes? It could potentially disgrace our entire office!”
If you don’t believe me, ask some of the women in your life. Or Adam!
Double Double. Wasn’t me.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: I’m either not sure how to take that remark or I resemble it.
It’s only just beginning. Christ Matthews is already blathering incomprehensibly about Teddy Kennedy in 1980.
If you thought the fuckers on stage were bad, you can now look forward to the Villagers opining for days. It ain’t over.
She must be, very few get points on the board. Especially at 12.
Thoughtful Today
Adam L Silverman @ 142,
Judeo-Christian worldviews are real.
And influential.
And I think you misread how some that hold that worldview read the Bible (see: Matthew 5:17).
@Betty Cracker: I think Trump actually did a “good” job. As far as “good” goes.
So who won? More important who lost/
Tenar Darell
@Mary G: Did anyone already say”Why yes, yes it would kill one of them, but first there’d be the face melting & the hair on fire & the sound of crackling bones!”
ETA, And I forgot to add: it’s part of all their contracts that this will happen.
2 1/2 hours of this? Imagine 4 years.
Anne Laurie
@SFAW: Yeah, Cruz suffers from a different rectum-related disorder — apparently he can only shit through his mouth. Which explains his waxen sheen and permanent moue.
Chris Matthews: a noun, a verb and Tip O’Neill.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: Everyone who watched lost.
Trump and Cruz won, and everyone else lost.
Bush and Kasich both need to throw in the towel. They stand more chance of winning if they become Democrats.
Adam L Silverman
@Thoughtful Today: they can be real and still not be accurate at the same time. From a Jewish perspective there is no Judeo-Christian values or tradition. There are Jewish values and traditions and Christian ones. I’m well aware and versed on Christian views on this, and to be polite, but blunt, they are, at best, patronizing. It is also every Christian’s right to hold those views and I’m happy to accept that they have that right and do hold those views regardless of what I might think of them.
I smell a TBogg Unit!
@Anne Laurie:
Anne is right. NYC women wear their sneakers to work. Cuz when you are on the subway you never know when you will have to run. Also, too, heels hurt. They then change into shoes in the office. But. There was a NY investment firm in the 1980’s that made it clear that the women who worked there could not come into the office in sneakers. The Times had a pic of a bunch of women sitting outside the office changing from sneakers to shoes.
I am tempted to change my party registration to vote for Trump in the primary, just to watch the GOP establishment’s heads blow up. LMMFAO.
@Omnes Omnibus: thanks.. glad I didn’t watch. I can’t afford to lose anymore brain cells.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: I also did not watch. I let this place and twitter inform me.
? Martin
I’ve decided that I want Cruz to be disqualified from the presidency because that would mean that any random ‘anchor baby’ could be President but Cruz couldn’t be. And that makes me happy.
@SiubhanDuinne: I quit the booze 5 years ago.
Eric U.
@Suzanne: sounds fun. In other news, the machinist, a reliable republican, wants to vote for Bernie. I asked him if he meant in the primary or the general. He said in the general
Of course, he’s enough of a fox listener that he thinks HRC will be in jail
@trollhattan: We’re very close(I’m doing my part).
@Omnes Omnibus:
So my hate is bigger that your hate?
I fucking hate these people. See me up thread. I should stop watching. But it’s like rubber-necking.
Also, too. Amarosa???? Really???
@trollhattan: Just chipping in here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: Your hate seems to be bigger than mine. Yours seems to have compelled you to watch. Mine was less powerful than my sense of not wanting to smash my TV.
Unlurking to do my part…
? Martin
I figured out what’s wrong with the girls at the Trump rally. None of them were strong enough to crush a human skull under their boot during the ‘crush our enemies’ part of the song. They missed the key visual to tie the whole thing together. Just sloppy.
@Thoughtful Today:
Matthew 5:17 ?
I think that is an odd verse to argue for something called Judeo-Christian values.
It points out a split within the early Church that reflects differences between Judaism and Christianity, just as much as any commonality between Judaism and Christianity.
The early church interpreted them in a way (the traditional Christo-centric view of history, Judaism, and the Old Testament) that no pious Jew of any school of thought would have agreed with.
You’ll have to explain what you think it means before I understand.
Because no one else has yet linked it, the coda to tonight’s televised fustercluck.
@NotMax: You win.
Irony Abounds
I’m not really all that enthusiastic about Hillary, but all the Republican candidates are such loathsome assholes, that I will walk over glass for her to beat whichever one of those scum emerges from the cesspool. If this country has problems now, just wait for the disaster that will ensue if the Republican wins.
Thoughtful Today
Adam, thank you for explaining.
Betty Cracker
Is the site slow AF for everyone or just me?
@Betty Cracker:
Nearly stopped.
joel hanes
I know. Ya know? Foxtrot Tango Alpha.
@Betty Cracker
Not just you.
Been happening around midnight for several days now.
I think Trump just won Iowa.
Anne Laurie
Ditto, women in Boston. Hell, half the men in our office would wear sneakers to work during snow/slush/mud season, then change to their expensive wingtips in their cubicles/offices. (The Senior Vice President, needless to say, hated that. The SVP drove his company car into the enclosed garage with the reserved VP section — unless it was particularly nasty, in which case the company-paid limo service would pick him up at his leafy upscale abode and the private driver would take him into the heart of the Hub. But that was cost-effective, per the SVP, because he used that commuting time for important executive functions.)
@Betty Cracker: some times dead slow, some times fast. been that way for days. I intend to write to cole in all caps.
Adam L Silverman
@Thoughtful Today: You’re welcome. I hope I didn’t offend you, that certainly wasn’t the intent.
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: @01jack: I checked with Alain. He thinks something is running at midnight EST that is slowing the site down. He’s going to try to figure out what it is and then try to figure out when he can move it to that the slow down won’t impact commenting, loading, and reloading as much. He was thinking 3 AM EST.
@Omnes Omnibus: You and I have had this conversation. Kinda. You got mad at me when I said I am giving up on America and our system. You kept saying FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.
OO – darling. If you do not watch what is happening how can you know what is happening?
@Adam L Silverman: sorta kicking the can down the road?
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: I watched the first debate. I know that the GOP candidates are appalling assholes who oppose almost everything that I think is good about this country. I have comparatively low blood pressure. Why should I fuck with that to learn what I already know?
Adam L Silverman
@amk: He’s got to figure out what it is, he was just shooting from the hip until he nails that down.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: As the night janitor, I can attest that 3-4:30am tends to be the ‘dead zone’ on this blog. Although generally comments tend to taper off sharply around 2am, when the Left Coaster go to bed.
Anne Laurie
And now that we’ve made a TBogg unit, new post up top: Ted Cruz makes terrible person Donald Trump look good by comparison.
Thoughtful Today
jl @ 499
The real fun would be to get Huckabee, Carson, and Romney in a room to discuss it for an hour.
Adam can then annotate the discussion with his sociological insights.
@Adam L Silverman: If he can identify it, he can kill it with one shot, why kick it down the road?
Adam L Silverman
@Thoughtful Today: I said I didn’t mean to offend you, why do you hate me so?
Adam L Silverman
@amk: I’m the foreign and defense policy and baking and meat recipe guy. I am not the tech guy. So my honest answer is: I have no idea. I said I’d check with him and report back. That’s what he told me. I am merely the messenger.
Thoughtful Today
@Adam L Silverman: I am none of those. Just being the typical bj ah. Good night.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: no worries on my end. I just honestly don’t know. And now to bed.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yep. The FUNNEST thing about you for me about you is “he’s a soldier; and he can cook.”
SHUT UP really? You know. In a good way.
@amk: It may be a maintenance job that needs to be run periodically, like a database cleanup or something. Killing it could make things worse. Changing the priority might be another fix, so that it doesn’t slow down HTTP requests.
J R in WV
Here in WV we get to pick either party in the primary election, a newish thing. I would like to pick GOP to vote for Trump, but there a coal billionaire running for the Dem Gubernatorial nomination, and a pretty solid Dem who was a good US Prosecuting Attorney running against the coal billionaire.
So I feel like I need to vote for the prosecuting attorney for the Dem Gov nom, in hopes that Jim Justice, who never pays his bills won’t get elected Gov. Of course it might not matter if we turned into a red state during Obama’s presidency, a Loon will be elected, and will proceed to help the republican controlled legislature destroy the state.
This is all bad for me, I get my pension from the WV state government. The biggest part of our retirement income.
@Renie: There are couple of other documentaries that are splendid. In 1968, the 50th anniversary year of the armistice (and a year where the U.S. was tearing itself apart over Vietnam and Civil Rights), CBS put on a 26 part documentary narrated by Robert Ryan. It is to U.S. centric of course, but still very good.
@Baud: I am thinking perhaps New Zealand or Australia. The radioactive fallout will take a longer time to reach the Southern hemisphere.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: I’m not a Soldier. I’m a civilian.