@Helen: Maybe she doesn’t know Obama can’t run again.
From what I’m reading online, Trump seemed to start looking like maybe this was a bad idea.
Any time a Palin is involved it’s inherently surreal, and not in a good way. Did Trump make any creepy sexist remarks yet? I give him 24 hours if he hasn’t already.
@Iowa Old Lady: Maybe she knows how racist her followers are.
McCain must be so proud.
Amazingly you can post your kids bail over the phone!
If only she’d been at the refuge in Oregon it would have been perfect!
Gin & Tonic
Imagine how this country looks from Berlin or Beijing or any place, really, that has sentient beings in charge.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tweety: when she gets duded up, she looks pretty good, she struts out on the stage…
My god, dude, did your wife not get mad enough when you virtually molested Erin Burnett?
@Docg: Are we talking “I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeVille” territory?
@Gin & Tonic: Chinese sweatshops are already printing “Chinese Century” signs.
The newsy are trying to be polite. From what I heard, is that she is a strong conservative voice I’m still trying to figure out the main thing having squirmishes. Obviously MSM is better at bull shitting that I am.
I actually want to watch the entire thing again. It was entertaining.
Corner Stone
@BillinGlendaleCA: If she didn’t much mind when he drooled over GWB’s codpiece I find it … hard to see why she would care about a decrepituded out Palin.
She looked bad. There’s no other way to say it when all she had was her starbursty cachet.
Hell, imagine what it looks like from Tehran. The mullahs are laughing their asses off right now, and rightly so.
Corner Stone
@JPL: I fear the stress of dress shopping has taken its toll on you. Please. Call someone who can talk you down from this self-inflicted trauma.
Don’t do it to yourself!
Chris Matthews is a raving, drooling ignoramus. His comments regarding Palin show that he’s thinking with his dick and not with his brain. Palin makes Matthews horny, but she’s a has been. Once the Iowa Caucuses are concluded, she’ll be a non factor for the remainder of the race.
@Davebo: Ooh, quite right. Would you believe me if I said I’d pre-Palinized it?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hilts: I’m not surprised Trump took her endorsement to goad the GOP, I’m a little surprised he pimped it up the way he did. He must have not talked to her in a long while.
ETA: and, yeah, it’s all about the tingling in his naughty bits for Tweety. He and Maureen Dowd always make me wonder that no one in this world loves them enough to reel them in.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: If you find a link, let me know. I missed it, damn it all!
I hope McCain is watching this and being eaten alive with guilt at what he risked back in 2008.
what I wouldn’t give for someone to directly ask Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace and all of em…what da hell?
Nate Dawg
If this had been held in Scranton, Matthews would have had an orgasm on set.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She did “drill baby drill” again? Seriously? I realize she’s been out of Alaska politics for some time so hasn’t had to deal with the decline of the oil revenues that feed their little experiment in socialist redistribution, but surely she’s at least noticed the price of gas?
That’s not what Tweety’s cock is telling him. He should man up, break protocol, and state what is blindingly obvious to his viewers: “I want to fuck Sarah Palin with every fiber of my being”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gf120581: I suspect Cindy and servants went to the movies tonight to avoid flying objects and f-bombs.
@Betty Cracker: Tweety keeps showing clips. Hayes and Maddow may show a bit of restraint. O’Donnell will wallow in it.
Reading reaction comments at Redstate, Hotair, Breitbart, etc. right now is like dumping one of those inch-diameter Pixie Stix straight down my throat. So sweet it’s too much!
Yup. Watch him kick her to the curbs after Iowa, especially if rafael wins.
It’s code for Bristol to have another baby so the family name stays in the news. ‘Doesn’t matter what is said, just spell the name right.’
@tom: To his credit, no, Trump didn’t make any sexist remarks about Palin.
But I’m pretty sure he still wants to bang his daughter Ivanka.
For many of my friends, this election cycle is turning into the fun trip where you hook up then wake up a bathtub with a missing kidney.— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) January 19, 2016
Mahn…I’m ready for Finding Your Roots…needs to cleanse my pallet from that Palin/Trump crapfest…
See ya on the flip side BJ
I am listening to snippets from cnn and msnbc, and I honestly can’t understand how they could watch the same spectacle that I did and react so differently. I saw a screechy woman, past her prime, possibly hopped up on something, who made absolutely no sense. They saw a politically viable speech that gives Trump a leg up in Iowa.
Patricia Kayden
I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Track Palin was arrested for domestic violence yesterday. Hate to say it but that entire family is trashy. Can you imagine what would be said about them if they weren’t White? This country did a great thing when we rejected McCain/Palin in 2008.
I hope McCain is watching this and being eaten alive with guilt
I’m not sure he’s capable of feeling guilt.
Mike J
As much as I dislike Ben Carson, sorry about the wreck. One of the volunteers died.
@bemused: My niece refers to women with too much makeup and fake hair as “crusty”.
@JPL: Betty.. Scan over until there is only thirty minutes left.. link
It starts with Trump speaking about her wonderful family. I don’t know if he knew about the arrest. She brought a binder with her, that I assumed included notes.
Please let us know what you think Betty.
@Josie: You have to keep in mind 1) the deep cynicism and/or stupidity of the MSM, 2) the mental and emotional immaturity of Trump supporters. To Trumpists, a SnowSnooky endorsment will be taken as a double-plus good.
@bemused: That has to be it. I refuse to believe that I am operating in that much of a bubble.
@efgoldman: I have an item that I think Tweety would really enjoy. I think if I hit him in the feels he will pay way more than it would fetch on eBay. I have several categories to spark him with, but I don’t know how to write a decent business letter. Of course I wouldn’t want to come off as crass and grasping. Mostly because that would not work well.
I think he would genuinely enjoy having it, but I don’t see why he shouldn’t overpay. I would be willing to cut someone in to the profit if I put it over on him.
MSM has to keep the Trumpmentum going, good for bizness. They really are looking spectacularly ridiculous and phony pretending Palin was relevant and didn’t look pathetic.
@Josie: The most recent success of Palin was pushing for Ted Cruz in his senate run. She was early and right. Trump decided to take smack at Cruz, and apparently thought no further than that.
Chris Wolf
Wow. I can’t believe how much that reminded me of House Bunny.
Looking around at all of you, you hard working Iowa families, you farm families and teachers and Teamsters and cops and cooks you rock n rollers and Holy Rollers. All of you who work so hard. You full time moms. You with the hands that rock the cradle.You all make the world go round. And now our cause is one.
Does this make any sense if you are drunk?
@ JPL, Jim, Foolish Literalist, Mandalay,
In addition to getting rid of their worthless prison documentaries, it would be nice if MSNBC could finally send Chris Matthews into retirement where he belongs. He’s one of the most nauseating and repulsive human beings to ever host a news program. Hardball is a putrid, steaming pile of excrement and Matthews should rot in Hell for polluting the airwaves with his stupidity and his obnoxious persona. The same goes for Joe, Mika, O’Reilly, Hannity, FNC’s The Five, and Megyn Kelly.
Wow – the Republican spokesperson on Chris Hayes just said on the air that the folks who follow Trump are “childless” men who “masturbate to anime” and are totally irrelevant to the GOP. No explanation how, if this is the case, Trump is lapping the field. That’s a lot of childless anime masturbators.
Also heard Palin’s comments – no way she’s not tanked to the gills.
His candidacy, which is a movement, it’s a force, it’s a strategy. It proves, as long as the politicos, they get to keep their titles and their perks and their media ratings. They don’t really who cares who wins elections. Believe me on this. And the proof of this. Look what’s happening today. Our own GOP machine, the establishment, They who would assemble the political landscape. They are attacking their own frontrunner.
I am listening to snippets from cnn and msnbc, and I honestly can’t understand how they could watch the same spectacle that I did and react so differently.
They understand the Republican mindset well enough to be able to see the speech as a Palinista would see it. It should scare everyone that they’re so deeply connected to Republican thought.
NYT reports it as, “Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Rallying Conservatives”. Huh? If that’s rallying, I’d like to see what dividing looks like. This should be filed under, “Same Planet, Different World”.
And this is a surprise to you? I was tempted – for approximately a femtosecond – to watch. But, after reading the various comments here, I figured “Why put myself through that?” For once, I made the right choice.
And now Chris Hayes is interviewing Michael Moore, the ultimate limousine liberal.
@ArchPundit: Not that esoteric for here. In an earlier thread someone referenced brainfuck. That’s esoteric, and I think one of the reasons some of us like this place.
“Childless Anime Masturbaters” would be a great name for a band!
Dadaist performance art.
“We must force the ISIS octopus to sing its swan song, because that’s just the way the ball crumbles.” Or whatever. When dogs fly overhead in a diamond…
Tristan Tzara would beam with pride.
@SFAW: Betty was the person, that I had hopes for. If anyone could translate Sarah speak, it would be Ms. Cracker.
But even as the Trump campaign staffers celebrate the Palin endorsement, they recognize that they still have their work cut out for them to secure victory in Iowa. “Getting the idiots to support Trump is only half the battle,” the aide said. “Now we have to make sure that they make it to the caucuses without getting lost on the way.”
The man has a gift for satire that nears national treasure levels.
Mike J
@SFAW: I’m way too young to remember the beats, but I’m pretty widely read.
@ArchPundit: @Mike J: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, desirous of everything at the same time.”
Mike J
@Aleta: It’s now cool to say Kerouac was a bad writer, but if you read that when you were 16 and didn’t seriously consider heading across the country, you were dead inside.
@JPL: I fear the stress of dress shopping has taken its toll on you.
Hey JPL, go back to your linky and check out Palin’s snazzy and classy outfit – I think your search has ended – the ombre spangles are only from between 5 (ombre) and 25 (spangles) years ago – so basically timeless – you’ll be able to wear it again and again! You can thank me later.
J R in WV
Well, we don’t have access to CNN, or MSNBC or any of those cable channels.
This makes me glad we can’t see those cable channels !!!
I know there are serious things going on and I should be reading about them, but holy crap, Palin’s performance made my day. The look on Trump alone made me giddy.
@Josie: I think that actually says more about Iowa Republicans than it does either them or you.
I liked the Phyllis Schlafly mention as a righteous rightie Trump supporter – we just don’t hear her name often enough these days.
We know the Palins like them selves some potent potables, I’m thinking she did Jaeger Bombs when she wrote this speech – you just know she was manic, drunk and thought that this speech was genius.
I really loved how “thoughtful” Trump looked when she mention bankruptcies.
Also, new term: “Squirmishes”. It’s like watching an hysterical idiot savant.
It’s now cool to say Kerouac was a bad writer, but if you read that when you were 16 and didn’t seriously consider heading across the country, you were dead inside.
@Curt: Couldn’t he let the poor bathtub even have one peaceful night’s sleep in recovery? Geez…
@JPL: Heh. Seriously though, on your search try Nordy’s, under “Mother of the Bride” category in dresses and read the reviews to guide you for fit and comfort – I found a great dress to attend a wedding there. It was so wonderful and also so me that I just wanted to wear it vacuuming around the house – and I hate to vacuum.
@seaboogie: Squirmish: n. A minor altercation that causes more embarrassment than injury.
man, English has changed dramastically in the last few years.
@John Cole:
That Palin shit was surreal
The really weird aspect was that over some the parts where she was raking over the GOP establishment, what she was saying about the wealthy special-interest elites shucking and jiving the commoners could easily have been said by Bernie Sanders, at least until Palin lapsed back into sparkly Tea-Party mode. Not that Palin really understands the implications the way Bernie does – I’m not suddenly giving her credit for insight and intelligence she clearly lacks, except I do recognize her grifter-animal cunning in tacking her sparkly stars onto Trump’s rump.
After watching as much as I could stand, I’m inclined to agree with Digby that Cruz dodged a bullet. It was just sad and nasty and horrible. Only Trump could survive an endorsement like that. Cruz, weasel that he is, would have been diminished by it. It was that bad.
Wilson talked to Chris Hayes about a very specific section of Trump’s fans; not his mainstream supporters, his “alt-right” fans. The ones, he explained, that have lots of “Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons.”
He went on to say, “Most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime. They’re not real political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity.”
It’s so distressing to see Republicans attacking each other.
@chopper: You’re confusing English (a language spoken in England and, to a lesser extent, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) with Ahmurrrcan (a language spoken in the United States and common in Wingnutistan and Teatopia). Stop it.
I saw a screechy woman, past her prime, possibly hopped up on something, who made absolutely no sense. They saw a politically viable speech that gives Trump a leg up in Iowa.
In Iowa with the rural GOP base there, it probably does help. But outside that kind of setting, she again becomes an Albatross.
Well if you are looking for an actual political speech, one with substance and some level of reality you wouldn’t look at the conservative side in the first place. They don’t do reality and substance. If however you were looking for the best jr high school class president speech from someone in a mental health institution then the one you heard makes perfect sense and will probably help tDump win the nomination.
Eric U.
@Gin & Tonic: when he was 16, my son had ambitions to implement brainfuck in minecraft. He and his friends moved on to other games first.
My fave reaction to Palin & Trump was on twitter, where novelist Richard Kadrey noted that this is Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday and speculated as to which of them would brick the other up in a wall. (Ya know it will come to that, doncha?)
Palin should donate her brain to science so that scientists could figure out its unique wiring.
Just Some Fuckhead
White trash America sticks together.
@Ken: and in other news, the ethanol lobby of Iowa is looking for a new candidate.
If only she’d been at the refuge in Oregon it would have been perfect!
I shouldn’t be surprised if she shows up there, rifle in hand. Sarah Palin is all that shitshow lacks to make it complete, and she’d be treated like a visiting celebrity. They wouldn’t mind if she is hard pressed to get out a coherent sentence, and it might even get them back to page two status.
On the other hand, given the Palin clan’s rep with law enforcement, it might not be the smartest thing she could do. Oh, wait….
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Entertaining in a train wreck way? Just waiting for Palin’s 15 minutes to be over. Her babbling has become tedious.
Just because things don’t go my way, I don’t abandon God.
Saul Alinsky is wrong. The ends do not justify the means.
These fuckers have all been spewing nonsense and living in criticism-free bubbles for years, and now finally they are turning on each other. Attacks from your enemies might make you stronger, but I’m not so sure about attacks from your allies.
Sarah Palin is a skank. She has the flat ass, no boobs and skinny legs of a crack whore. Yuck. Not to mention she is clearly brain damaged and has a low-life degenerate family. Chris Matthews must be mentally retarded.
No companies want to drill with oil at only $30 a barrel.
Also, too, Sarah appeared to be either drunk or high as a kite. I could only take so much of her 2008 shtick.
She did say that Iran violated international law by detaining our sailors. Weren’t we the ones in Iranian territory? Meaning we were the violators?
I know it’s small potatoes compared to the rest of that shitshow, but did she say that she and Todd were in IA “thawing out?” It’s been considerably warmer in Wasilla than in IA for the past week-ish….
Paul in KY
@ArchPundit: You could probably put those as lyrics in some sort of song.
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Corner Stone
Did you watch and listen? I could only watch in batches, had the sound off the whole time.
Nate Dawg
Apparently in addition to being a real estate mogul, Donald J. Trump is an expert on pickles!
At least that’s what I gathered from hearing Sarah Palin tout his great book–“The Art of The Dill”.
When Trump praised the Palin family, I was literally just reading bout her son Track arrested for DMV against his girlfriend…I mean..wow…
Palin’s desperation to be relevant again was palpable. Tried WAY too hard and was not well received.
Community organizer jokes. There were community organizer jokes.
Iowa Old Lady
@Helen: Maybe she doesn’t know Obama can’t run again.
From what I’m reading online, Trump seemed to start looking like maybe this was a bad idea.
Any time a Palin is involved it’s inherently surreal, and not in a good way. Did Trump make any creepy sexist remarks yet? I give him 24 hours if he hasn’t already.
@Iowa Old Lady: Maybe she knows how racist her followers are.
McCain must be so proud.
Amazingly you can post your kids bail over the phone!
If only she’d been at the refuge in Oregon it would have been perfect!
Gin & Tonic
Imagine how this country looks from Berlin or Beijing or any place, really, that has sentient beings in charge.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tweety: when she gets duded up, she looks pretty good, she struts out on the stage…
My god, dude, did your wife not get mad enough when you virtually molested Erin Burnett?
@Docg: Are we talking “I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeVille” territory?
@Gin & Tonic: Chinese sweatshops are already printing “Chinese Century” signs.
The newsy are trying to be polite. From what I heard, is that she is a strong conservative voice I’m still trying to figure out the main thing having squirmishes. Obviously MSM is better at bull shitting that I am.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Mrs. Tweety is too busy running for Congress.
@Ken: 2 point penalty. It was DeMille.
I actually want to watch the entire thing again. It was entertaining.
Corner Stone
@BillinGlendaleCA: If she didn’t much mind when he drooled over GWB’s codpiece I find it … hard to see why she would care about a decrepituded out Palin.
She looked bad. There’s no other way to say it when all she had was her starbursty cachet.
@Gin & Tonic:
Hell, imagine what it looks like from Tehran. The mullahs are laughing their asses off right now, and rightly so.
Corner Stone
@JPL: I fear the stress of dress shopping has taken its toll on you. Please. Call someone who can talk you down from this self-inflicted trauma.
Don’t do it to yourself!
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: Meth is a harsh mistress.
Somewhere a clinic is missing a meth addict. There is no explanation for this sort of thing other than hardcore substance abuse.
Corner Stone
They stomp on our neck and then they just tell us to chill.
God. She is unbelievable.
@Corner Stone:
I read that as starbursty crust.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“We’re not gonna chill, it’s time to drill, baby, drill”
My god.
Tweety thought that was a powerhouse performance. Reminds me of the sad old comedian croaking out his big punchline from thirty plus years ago.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Chris Matthews is a raving, drooling ignoramus. His comments regarding Palin show that he’s thinking with his dick and not with his brain. Palin makes Matthews horny, but she’s a has been. Once the Iowa Caucuses are concluded, she’ll be a non factor for the remainder of the race.
@hilts: He has no brain.
@Davebo: Ooh, quite right. Would you believe me if I said I’d pre-Palinized it?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hilts: I’m not surprised Trump took her endorsement to goad the GOP, I’m a little surprised he pimped it up the way he did. He must have not talked to her in a long while.
ETA: and, yeah, it’s all about the tingling in his naughty bits for Tweety. He and Maureen Dowd always make me wonder that no one in this world loves them enough to reel them in.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: If you find a link, let me know. I missed it, damn it all!
@BillinGlendaleCA: As a No
LiberalsLabels candidate?gf120581
I hope McCain is watching this and being eaten alive with guilt at what he risked back in 2008.
what I wouldn’t give for someone to directly ask Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace and all of em…what da hell?
Nate Dawg
If this had been held in Scranton, Matthews would have had an orgasm on set.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She did “drill baby drill” again? Seriously? I realize she’s been out of Alaska politics for some time so hasn’t had to deal with the decline of the oil revenues that feed their little experiment in socialist redistribution, but surely she’s at least noticed the price of gas?
That’s not what Tweety’s cock is telling him. He should man up, break protocol, and state what is blindingly obvious to his viewers: “I want to fuck Sarah Palin with every fiber of my being”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gf120581: I suspect Cindy and servants went to the movies tonight to avoid flying objects and f-bombs.
@Betty Cracker: Tweety keeps showing clips. Hayes and Maddow may show a bit of restraint. O’Donnell will wallow in it.
Reading reaction comments at Redstate, Hotair, Breitbart, etc. right now is like dumping one of those inch-diameter Pixie Stix straight down my throat. So sweet it’s too much!
Yup. Watch him kick her to the curbs after Iowa, especially if rafael wins.
It’s code for Bristol to have another baby so the family name stays in the news. ‘Doesn’t matter what is said, just spell the name right.’
@tom: To his credit, no, Trump didn’t make any sexist remarks about Palin.
But I’m pretty sure he still wants to bang his daughter Ivanka.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer lot!
Betty Cracker
@Curt: LMAO!
Mahn…I’m ready for Finding Your Roots…needs to cleanse my pallet from that Palin/Trump crapfest…
See ya on the flip side BJ
I am listening to snippets from cnn and msnbc, and I honestly can’t understand how they could watch the same spectacle that I did and react so differently. I saw a screechy woman, past her prime, possibly hopped up on something, who made absolutely no sense. They saw a politically viable speech that gives Trump a leg up in Iowa.
Patricia Kayden
I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Track Palin was arrested for domestic violence yesterday. Hate to say it but that entire family is trashy. Can you imagine what would be said about them if they weren’t White? This country did a great thing when we rejected McCain/Palin in 2008.
@p.a.: Nope, as a Dem
@Betty Cracker:
Here’s an hour’s plus version.
ETA: Apparently the good stuff starts at 27:57.
@Betty Cracker: I think Corner Stone is right.. it’s really not worth it.
They’re flat out lying. Their paychecks depend on it.
Roger Moore
I’m not sure he’s capable of feeling guilt.
Mike J
As much as I dislike Ben Carson, sorry about the wreck. One of the volunteers died.
@bemused: My niece refers to women with too much makeup and fake hair as “crusty”.
@JPL: Betty.. Scan over until there is only thirty minutes left..
It starts with Trump speaking about her wonderful family. I don’t know if he knew about the arrest. She brought a binder with her, that I assumed included notes.
Please let us know what you think Betty.
@Josie: You have to keep in mind 1) the deep cynicism and/or stupidity of the MSM, 2) the mental and emotional immaturity of Trump supporters. To Trumpists, a SnowSnooky endorsment will be taken as a double-plus good.
@bemused: That has to be it. I refuse to believe that I am operating in that much of a bubble.
@efgoldman: I have an item that I think Tweety would really enjoy. I think if I hit him in the feels he will pay way more than it would fetch on eBay. I have several categories to spark him with, but I don’t know how to write a decent business letter. Of course I wouldn’t want to come off as crass and grasping. Mostly because that would not work well.
I think he would genuinely enjoy having it, but I don’t see why he shouldn’t overpay. I would be willing to cut someone in to the profit if I put it over on him.
MSM has to keep the Trumpmentum going, good for bizness. They really are looking spectacularly ridiculous and phony pretending Palin was relevant and didn’t look pathetic.
@Josie: The most recent success of Palin was pushing for Ted Cruz in his senate run. She was early and right. Trump decided to take smack at Cruz, and apparently thought no further than that.
Chris Wolf
Wow. I can’t believe how much that reminded me of House Bunny.
Looking around at all of you, you hard working Iowa families, you farm families and teachers and Teamsters and cops and cooks you rock n rollers and Holy Rollers. All of you who work so hard. You full time moms. You with the hands that rock the cradle.You all make the world go round. And now our cause is one.
Does this make any sense if you are drunk?
@ JPL, Jim, Foolish Literalist, Mandalay,
In addition to getting rid of their worthless prison documentaries, it would be nice if MSNBC could finally send Chris Matthews into retirement where he belongs. He’s one of the most nauseating and repulsive human beings to ever host a news program. Hardball is a putrid, steaming pile of excrement and Matthews should rot in Hell for polluting the airwaves with his stupidity and his obnoxious persona. The same goes for Joe, Mika, O’Reilly, Hannity, FNC’s The Five, and Megyn Kelly.
Wow – the Republican spokesperson on Chris Hayes just said on the air that the folks who follow Trump are “childless” men who “masturbate to anime” and are totally irrelevant to the GOP. No explanation how, if this is the case, Trump is lapping the field. That’s a lot of childless anime masturbators.
Also heard Palin’s comments – no way she’s not tanked to the gills.
Matt McIrvin
@Patricia Kayden:
I still see people insisting that Michelle Obama has tarnished the dignity of the White House. Michelle Obama.
Matt McIrvin
@Capri: He must have seen the guy with the Pikachu hat.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And it’s too overexposed to become a cult.
Are you ready for a commander in chief who will let our troops do their jobs and Kick ISIS ASS!
Jesus fucking Christ this is depressing. And hysterical. And depressing.
Betty Cracker
@debbie: Sweet babby jeebus! Y’all were not exaggerating.
Mike J
@ArchPundit: Lawrence Ferlinghetti is having the type set as we speak. It’s not the best example of the Beats, but not everyone can be Allen Ginsberg.
Iowa Old Lady
@Capri: As you say, how can Trump’s supporters be irrelevant to the GOP? They ARE the GOP.
Maybe some Platonic GOP with “true conservatives” exists somewhere but not in this world.
@Matt McIrvin: Bet he got it from Loot Crate.
His candidacy, which is a movement, it’s a force, it’s a strategy. It proves, as long as the politicos, they get to keep their titles and their perks and their media ratings. They don’t really who cares who wins elections. Believe me on this. And the proof of this. Look what’s happening today. Our own GOP machine, the establishment, They who would assemble the political landscape. They are attacking their own frontrunner.
Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska right?
Roger Moore
They understand the Republican mindset well enough to be able to see the speech as a Palinista would see it. It should scare everyone that they’re so deeply connected to Republican thought.
Lobotomized, on the other hand, is an even bet.
It’s time for William Shatner to go back on the Conan O’Brien show and recite Palin’s speech accompanied by bongo drums like he did once before
NYT reports it as, “Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Rallying Conservatives”. Huh? If that’s rallying, I’d like to see what dividing looks like. This should be filed under, “Same Planet, Different World”.
@Mike J: Damn that’s one esoteric reference.
@Betty Cracker:
And this is a surprise to you? I was tempted – for approximately a femtosecond – to watch. But, after reading the various comments here, I figured “Why put myself through that?” For once, I made the right choice.
And now Chris Hayes is interviewing Michael Moore, the ultimate limousine liberal.
Another person who should stay gone.
Only to you young whippersnappers.
Gin & Tonic
@ArchPundit: Not that esoteric for here. In an earlier thread someone referenced brainfuck. That’s esoteric, and I think one of the reasons some of us like this place.
“Childless Anime Masturbaters” would be a great name for a band!
Dadaist performance art.
“We must force the ISIS octopus to sing its swan song, because that’s just the way the ball crumbles.” Or whatever. When dogs fly overhead in a diamond…
Tristan Tzara would beam with pride.
@SFAW: Betty was the person, that I had hopes for. If anyone could translate Sarah speak, it would be Ms. Cracker.
Shit. One less place I can punch him.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Borowitz, too true:
The man has a gift for satire that nears national treasure levels.
Mike J
@SFAW: I’m way too young to remember the beats, but I’m pretty widely read.
@ArchPundit: @Mike J: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, desirous of everything at the same time.”
Mike J
@Aleta: It’s now cool to say Kerouac was a bad writer, but if you read that when you were 16 and didn’t seriously consider heading across the country, you were dead inside.
Hey JPL, go back to your linky and check out Palin’s snazzy and classy outfit – I think your search has ended – the ombre spangles are only from between 5 (ombre) and 25 (spangles) years ago – so basically timeless – you’ll be able to wear it again and again! You can thank me later.
J R in WV
Well, we don’t have access to CNN, or MSNBC or any of those cable channels.
This makes me glad we can’t see those cable channels !!!
@seaboogie: NOOOOO
Iowa Old Lady
I know there are serious things going on and I should be reading about them, but holy crap, Palin’s performance made my day. The look on Trump alone made me giddy.
@Josie: I think that actually says more about Iowa Republicans than it does either them or you.
How very Rebecca De Mornay of her.
I liked the Phyllis Schlafly mention as a righteous rightie Trump supporter – we just don’t hear her name often enough these days.
We know the Palins like them selves some potent potables, I’m thinking she did Jaeger Bombs when she wrote this speech – you just know she was manic, drunk and thought that this speech was genius.
I really loved how “thoughtful” Trump looked when she mention bankruptcies.
Also, new term: “Squirmishes”. It’s like watching an hysterical idiot savant.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Go back and watch again (with JPL?) – Trump’s expressions are TOTALLY Andy Kaufman.
@Mike J:
And the actual criticism of his writing is really lame.
@Curt: Couldn’t he let the poor bathtub even have one peaceful night’s sleep in recovery? Geez…
@JPL: Heh. Seriously though, on your search try Nordy’s, under “Mother of the Bride” category in dresses and read the reviews to guide you for fit and comfort – I found a great dress to attend a wedding there. It was so wonderful and also so me that I just wanted to wear it vacuuming around the house – and I hate to vacuum.
@seaboogie: Squirmish: n. A minor altercation that causes more embarrassment than injury.
wait, seriously? he said that?
man, English has changed dramastically in the last few years.
@John Cole:
The really weird aspect was that over some the parts where she was raking over the GOP establishment, what she was saying about the wealthy special-interest elites shucking and jiving the commoners could easily have been said by Bernie Sanders, at least until Palin lapsed back into sparkly Tea-Party mode. Not that Palin really understands the implications the way Bernie does – I’m not suddenly giving her credit for insight and intelligence she clearly lacks, except I do recognize her grifter-animal cunning in tacking her sparkly stars onto Trump’s rump.
After watching as much as I could stand, I’m inclined to agree with Digby that Cruz dodged a bullet. It was just sad and nasty and horrible. Only Trump could survive an endorsement like that. Cruz, weasel that he is, would have been diminished by it. It was that bad.
Apparently so…:
It’s so distressing to see Republicans attacking each other.
@chopper: You’re confusing English (a language spoken in England and, to a lesser extent, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) with Ahmurrrcan (a language spoken in the United States and common in Wingnutistan and Teatopia). Stop it.
@Mandalay: Time to buy stock in ConAgra.
Regnad Kcin
She stands on the shoulders of giants:
When I’m driving
To Yankee Stadium and back,
I do it so often.
I don’t remember passing lights.
I don’t remember paying tolls
Coming over the bridge.
Going back over the bridge,
I remember…
Aug. 19, 1992
Oakland at NY
Mike Moore pitching to Mel Hall
@gf120581: you must have a conscience to be eaten with guilt, pretty sure McCain surrendered his a long time ago.
In Iowa with the rural GOP base there, it probably does help. But outside that kind of setting, she again becomes an Albatross.
Well if you are looking for an actual political speech, one with substance and some level of reality you wouldn’t look at the conservative side in the first place. They don’t do reality and substance. If however you were looking for the best jr high school class president speech from someone in a mental health institution then the one you heard makes perfect sense and will probably help tDump win the nomination.
Eric U.
@Gin & Tonic: when he was 16, my son had ambitions to implement brainfuck in minecraft. He and his friends moved on to other games first.
My fave reaction to Palin & Trump was on twitter, where novelist Richard Kadrey noted that this is Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday and speculated as to which of them would brick the other up in a wall. (Ya know it will come to that, doncha?)
Palin should donate her brain to science so that scientists could figure out its unique wiring.
Just Some Fuckhead
White trash America sticks together.
@Ken: and in other news, the ethanol lobby of Iowa is looking for a new candidate.
I shouldn’t be surprised if she shows up there, rifle in hand. Sarah Palin is all that shitshow lacks to make it complete, and she’d be treated like a visiting celebrity. They wouldn’t mind if she is hard pressed to get out a coherent sentence, and it might even get them back to page two status.
On the other hand, given the Palin clan’s rep with law enforcement, it might not be the smartest thing she could do. Oh, wait….
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Entertaining in a train wreck way? Just waiting for Palin’s 15 minutes to be over. Her babbling has become tedious.
The blind squirrel that is Erick Erickson finally found a nut, I see.
@Patricia Kayden: Like watching NASCAR for the crashes.
Glenn Beck: Maybe the press was right about Palin but for all of the wrong reasons.
h/t http://www.mediaite.com/online/beck-palin-abandoning-principles-maybe-the-media-was-right-about-her-after-all
The only real thing that they could look for is how someone with that level of brain process still has autonomic function.
@hilts: From your link, Beck tossed up his own version of a Palin word salad when he found out she was backing Trump:
These fuckers have all been spewing nonsense and living in criticism-free bubbles for years, and now finally they are turning on each other. Attacks from your enemies might make you stronger, but I’m not so sure about attacks from your allies.
Sarah Palin is a skank. She has the flat ass, no boobs and skinny legs of a crack whore. Yuck. Not to mention she is clearly brain damaged and has a low-life degenerate family. Chris Matthews must be mentally retarded.
No companies want to drill with oil at only $30 a barrel.
Also, too, Sarah appeared to be either drunk or high as a kite. I could only take so much of her 2008 shtick.
She did say that Iran violated international law by detaining our sailors. Weren’t we the ones in Iranian territory? Meaning we were the violators?
I know it’s small potatoes compared to the rest of that shitshow, but did she say that she and Todd were in IA “thawing out?” It’s been considerably warmer in Wasilla than in IA for the past week-ish….
Paul in KY
@ArchPundit: You could probably put those as lyrics in some sort of song.