The daily ginned up bullshit by the Clinton campaign has me right back where we were in 2008. I fucking hate the primary season. In my ideal world, regardless who wins, the Clinton diehards who keep ginning up nonsense on a daily basis would still feel like they lost. Today’s outrage is that Sanders saying Hillary’s campaign lacks excitement is explicitly sexist.
How? Beats the hell out of me.
I seriously don’t think I can handle more than a few more months of this shit, so please let either Bernie or Hillary (and that’s in alphabetical order so don’t tell me I am implicitly rooting for Sanders) wins quick.
No links?
Corner Stone
You just can’t help yourself, Cole. It’s ok. Never expect an animal to go against its nature.
And Clinton comes before Sanders, alphabetically. Your choice of first names reveals volumes.
Thanks John!!!
I was Jonesin’ for another Clinton / Sanders flame war thread!!!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Yeah, yeah, but Clinton comes before Sanders alphabetically, so you are implicitly rooting for Sanders by using their first names, you two-faced, lying, snotty faced heap of parrot droppings!
Oh yeah? Then why didn’t you say Clinton or Sanders? Then her name would have been first!
ETA: As usual, Baud is faster and with more wit.
ETAA: and Smedley etc.
So you’re voting Nader, Cole?
John’s not the only one who doesn’t read the comments.
at least John isn’t pushing a Bloomberg run. Bloomberg’s ego is unbelievable. Threatening to run unless the democrats get behind Hillary
Yeah, it’s bad. I am firmly in the camp of willing to support either Hillary or Bernie and think antis on either side are acting dumb. I’m probably leaning closer to Hillary; my wife is firmly in Bernie’s camp. I’m not saying they are identical and that it doesn’t matter who wins. I’m just saying that tearing either one down because you prefer the other is dumb.
Anyway, an obviously-too-young-to-remember-2000 friend of mine posted on FB that he was thinking of supporting a 3rd-party Bloomberg run if Hillary got the nomination, and I unloaded with this:
“Yes, Tom, we all know that you are much too pure to consider Hillary Clinton a progressive, you liberal edgelord, you. However, given your expressed support for a billionaire conservative like Bloomberg who would gladly dismantle the safety net, I’m afraid I’m pulling YOUR progressive cred card, so your opinions on whether Hillary is progressive enough don’t matter. Go back to the GOP and stop concern trolling us liberals, conservatard.”
Accomplished nothing, but felt good I guess.
So you’re calling them out for being secretly Muslim?
John Cole
@Baud: @Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): @JCJ: ALL OF YOU PEOPLE SUCK
John Cole
@redshirt: I’m voting for CLINTON OR SANDERS.
Adam L Silverman
It is something amazing that every other liberal democracy in the world can run an election in six weeks or less, no matter how large or small the country is, and we are currently running a two year election cycle for President and a yearly one for members of the House. I fully expect that the media, in order to keep their revenues high, will start decision 2020 before inauguration day 2017.
Kind of interesting. Mitch Stewart thinks Clinton will win Iowa.
He also shared the Iowa caucus/delegate math formula with us! :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So Lord High Gatekeeper John G Cole has decided that Martin O’Malley’s no longer running?
Fucking super-elite bloggers who can’t wait for THE PEOPLE to cast their votes
I still have no idea what this post is about.
In KS, soon you will no longer be allowed to discriminate against…..wait for it….remember, it’s Kansas…..gun dealers. And no,I’m not joking:
@Baud About 109 words.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: a David Brock tweet, or a Peter Daou brain fart, or something somebody overheard Chelsea say at SoulCycle?
I’m spit-ballin’ here
@John Cole: It’s stuff like this that keeps me coming back here!
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Its a very post-modern deconstruction of the length of the primary process in specific and the presidential election in general.
Adam L Silverman
@Punchy: Your link is dead.
@Baud: Outrage, my son. Outrage.
It’s enough to make my blood boil.
peach flavored shampoo
@Punchy: Damm, thats some seriously Onion-esque legislating. Again, how can The Onion compete when reality surpasses their satire?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
A friend in the UK said a couple of days ago (paraphrasing), “Wait, your election isn’t until November?” He’d been hearing so much about it for so long that he figured the campaigning had to be finished soon.
@Adam L Silverman:
Ain’t taking that bet. In fact I’d say the start day is Nov. 9, 2016 so as to not waste any time.
@Punchy: Linkee no workeee
Iowa Old Lady
@Kay: Here’s more on how delegate apportioning favors Clinton here.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: It wouldn’t surprise me either.
@John Cole: What would MOM think after they win?
@Baud: And Baud comes before Clinton.
ETA: I guess Cole’s not voting for Baud.
@Adam L Silverman: linking on iPad broken. As soon as I hit the link button, the site crashes, auto-reloads, and the comment completely disappears. Happened thrice, so no fluke. The article is in the KC Star, if anyone cares.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Of course, I was late again…
@John Cole: You’re voting Clinton and you know it.
Adam L Silverman
@Glidwrith: Here’s the correct link:
And that’s a solution looking for a problem. What seems to have happened here, which is similar to something else I saw reported today dealing with firearms, is that, in this case, the NRA is capitalizing on the fact that most everyone, including state legislators, don’t understand how the government actually works.
Is it possible that the FDIC could lean on banks to sever ties with all sorts of legitimate businesses? Sure, its possible. Is it probable? Not very likely. The regulation is intended to crack down on abusive pay day lenders and rent to own places that are basically operating like loan sharks. The banks aren’t going to do anything without FDIC top cover as they’d be susceptible to lawsuits and the FDIC doesn’t want any more hassles than they already have from the financial sector. Why would they want to borrow trouble from the firearms sector? The simple answer is they don’t want to.
John’s failure to mention me was explicitly sexist.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: and Bernie too!
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman:Pshaw. They’ll start the horse race coverage for 2020 at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9 of this year. Except Politico, they will start even earlier to be first.
ETA: Ruckus got there first.
I am seriously disappointed in both Sanders and Clinton. Two old white people,neither with an.interesting story and both with shitty campaigns. Seriously, this is all the fvcking Dems have to offer? WTF? Thanks Obama for having a story and a campaign hard to top.
Adam L Silverman
@Punchy: I just put it up in a comment. I’ve got edit permissions, so I’m going to go into your original comment and fix it there for you.
I assume JC is referring to this conversation on Twitter…
Davis X. Machina
@Adam L Silverman: Long campaigns go waaaaaay back. Andrew Jackson started running for 1828 the day after the vote in the House that made JQA president. The campaigns were shorter, but what we now call the invisible primary was every bit as long as they are today. And the Democracy, as the Democrats were then known, had their nominating convention for the 1836 election in May of 1835.
Front-loading and long campaigns have been with us forever.
@John Cole:
I believe technically you’ll be voting for Clinton XOR Sanders, since voting for both isn’t allowed.
(not helping?)
El Caganer
Ginned up bullshit? I got yer ginned up bullshit right here:
I’ve not heard anything of this controversy nor anything else the “news” is talking about, as I have no TV and sometimes listen to the radio.
For me, the state of our nation is great! Local radio news here is mostly informative and helpful. Sports is fun. Dancing is the greatest thing ever.
I’m voting Hillary.
Adam L Silverman
@Davis X. Machina: I know. But just because something is tradition doesn’t mean I 1) have to like it and 2) we can’t get our crap together and actually act like we’re in the 21st Century.
Viva BrisVegas
@Adam L Silverman:
Sometimes we even manage a 4 week election (33 days actually).
Unfortunately there is always a phony election campaign which precedes it by about 6-9 months.
We are in one right now. The election is not due until October and yet the media is feverishly speculating over the PM, “will he, won’t he” call an early election. Which the PM always denies right up until the day he visits the Governor-General.
It’s all very unseemly. Although not quite as grotesque as four year campaigns.
@dmsilev: Well done.
(I was trying to come up with something similar. That big honking OR was so tempting…)
Who’s that guy? ( His name triggers the spam filter)
BillinGlendaleCA Could be worse, we don’t have the GOP clowncar.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Thanks. I always like that stuff.
“It’s assigned by the party based on history, and does not change no matter how many people show up. That means that Sanders could double, triple or even quintuple support in a precinct, but can only win so many delegates there.”
What does “based on history” mean if it doesn’t mean turnout? History of what?
Davis X. Machina
@Adam L Silverman: The fact that something persists long enough to become a tradition suggests its persistence is due to something besides tradition.
Patricia Kayden
This too will pass. We’ll laugh about all this brouhaha when the next Democratic President is inaugurated next January.
@Baud: No idea. I assume he’s not the famous golfer, but otherwise, dunno.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: That’s why you’ll make such a great President.
John’s post mentions the Clinton campaign. I hope he’s not just some random guy on Twitter.
And it’s unnecessary,the South Carolina firewall is holding for now. They’re panicking for no good reason and seriously could have afforded the luxury of being nice until after New Hampshire, but leopard, spots, and all.
Iowa Old Lady
@Kay: I’m guessing it means history of turnout, rather than turnout on this particular day, but I’m not certain.
Just in case you needed more proof that Hillary is the devil.
Turn off TV News!
Get your info from the web, how you see fit.
Free your mind from the poison of MSNBC et al.
The web isn’t better when it comes to this stuff.
Mets fan says it all, doesn’t it?
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I assume that this reflects paranoia in the firearms industry. They are so worried about Obama that they assume everything that happens in the Obama administration is targeted at them, no matter how obviously it isn’t.
@Baud: Oh sure it is.
1. You choose when to engage it, rather than getting blasted by it.
2. You can filter your news sources wisely and thus any news you read is news, to be read.
David Koch
U need a thicker skin, Cole.
this is nothing compared to teh withering Red baiting Sanders would face from the corporate media and gop.
eta: they might even call him a foreign born, mooslim-terrorist
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@JCJ: Actually, I appreciate the use of first names for both of them. While we’re talking about implicit bias, note how it tends to be “Hillary” but Sanders and O’Malley. The Donald is a special case, and only with “The” preceding the first name, and ¡JEB! chooses to use his initials (handy given a toxic surname). But does the press – or even blogs/their commentariat- talk about Marco, John, (Rafael) Ted, Mike, Rick, or Ben? Baby Doc, fair enough – but again there was a different Dr. Paul candidate. But it’s often “Carly” as opposed to Fiorina.
So, go Cole on the evenhanded use of first names. Thanks.
I can do that with TV, mine has an OFF switch.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Yep. No way I’m voting for Hillary in the general election now.
@redshirt: Give me a news source that I would be wise to filter with respect to elections.
Roger Moore
@Davis X. Machina:
I’m glad somebody brought up Jackson’s 1828 campaign. The main reason we have such long campaigns is because we have regularly scheduled elections. That allows us to have scheduled primaries, etc. Even if we didn’t have formal primaries, they’d be going on behind the scenes.
The reason most other countries don’t have such long election cycles is because they call elections at unpredictable intervals, with a relatively short time between when the elections are called and when they’re held. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of electoral politics going on behind the scenes between elections.
David Koch
Sanders ain’t seen nothing yet.
Just wait till Baud! goes negative.
KS in MA
Great … And now, would somebody please organize a Freedom Summer that would send scads of (preferably youthful) volunteers into selected states to register scads of likely D voters? Follow-up might include helping them procure the voter ID cards, etc., that they need and making sure they have transportation to the polls in November. Thanks.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I think it stems from how the candidates market themselves. Plus, Clinton can be confusing because of Bill. I also see Bernie and Sanders being about 50/50. MOM is almost never referred to by his first name.
ETA: There are virtues to being a virtual candidate with only one name.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve noticed this too, and I hate that people make me think something sorta kinda in defense of that snake.
Wow. If that’s all it’s about that’s pretty weak sauce.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Yes and no. My guess its the NRA knows that this will drive donations and state level action, as well as some Congressional, which is good for the NRA. Is there a lot of suspicion and paranoia? Definitely. Some of it is because people just don’t understand how the government works – regardless of which part of it you’re in. Some of it is because people are imbibing Deity knows what as news. Like the loons in Oregon, if your pocket Constitution is the one with Cleon Skousen’s annotations and commentary, then you’d be better off having either a pocket Article’s of Confederation of Confederate States of America Constitution.
If only the victims had access to guns this tragedy could have been averted.
I hope you liberal gun grabbers are happy.
Shoot out at gun shop leaves 2 dead.
In all my enthusiasm for blaming Obama for the shitty Dem primary, I forgot to add the customary I will vote in.the general for whichever Dem wins. I am still kind of debating on changing my registration to Repub for the primary to vote for the Huckster or Carson and against McCain. I just don’t know if Mccain or the whackjob he’s running against in.the primary easier to beat.
Yeah, that could be a rotating tag line for Balloon Juice.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@John Cole:
Now, now, you know we’re kidding. And we love you.
Why anyone pays any attention to the relentless river of endless fucking horseshit eludes me. The twits, the press releases, the posts, the talk shows, the cable news robots, the infinite spew of content because that’s how the game is played now… ick. What a waste of oxygen.
Does it make any difference to what you do, what you think, what you choose?
Turn it off, and breathe deep.
Adam L Silverman
@GregB: I saw that earlier today too. Absolutely stupid and senseless and pointless. And all over $25.00.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I think you’re right.
I read this: “and does not change no matter how many people show up” and thought “ever?”
@KS in MA: You want to support VoteRiders and the League of Women Voters. They’re doing that stuff all the time, not just for a few months.
(I send them money, too.)
[edit: fixed linkies]
@GregB: Its never a good thing when people are hurt or killed.
@Baud: There was alot of confusion in my house growing because of Bill.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
so are my posts disappearing because I’m using the name of the rather obscure blogger (or tweeter) Cole seems to be referring to in the original post? the one who shares a last name with Sherlock’s roommate?
@KS in MA: Trying again…
You want to support VoteRiders and the League of Women Voters.
They do that stuff all the time, not just for 3 months before elections.
(I send them money, too.)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I had that problem upthread. His name triggers the spam filter. Cole’s sweet revenge.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Something broken in posting URLs… is what I was trying to linkify above.
I’ve got an idea John, why don’t you get off of Twitter until this is over.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: The link works fine in all three of the comments you’ve posted with it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: IIRC, it’s because a certain young female actress in a certain movie franchise about witches and horcruxes and so forth was popular with spammers.
ThresherK (GPad)
@El Caganer: Redundant use of “ginned up” re NYP and anything Hillary.
But thank you for pointing it out, at any rate.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Lots of Latin American countries call their big politicians by their first name. In 2009, the National Party candidate in Honduras ran as Pepe. (His name is José (Pepe) Lobo.) And he was known as Pepe all through his term. Even newspapers referred to him as Pepe. I know there are other countries where this happens a lot.
I can’t find anything about a Clintor response to Sanders about sexism or misogyny more recent than November. I did find quite a bit back then that had their supporters sniping more than themselves. Also an interesting article in Vox about how things men could say that would be perceived by women as patronizing because of society teaching us all to perceive women as shrill, pushy, bitchy etc when the same behavior from men is accepted thus Hillary has to push back on certain phrases or actions.
Probably everyone should chill.
For decades now the Republicans have been demonizing Hillary and I know of people who actually agree with her who always think the worst of her and don’t even recognize how they have been trained to react. The surest sign is if they also deride her appearance as if it said anything about her positions.
sanders is going to get caught by our conditioned responses to socialism too. I know it’s not the same. That will be harder to defend for me. I have less experience with the arguments.
John…what exactly are you talking about?
@Adam L Silverman: Any follow up on Oregon Bundy stand off? There is a We The People petition to arrest Bundy and there is a Your Voice Your Vote TV interview with Bundy, sheriff and judge. The judge claims a public meeting in the school was surrounded by armed militia that they intimidated the meeting. School refuses to host any more meetings due to firearms and a meeting scheduled with no guns allowed gets canceled due to tensions and safety concerns. Judge claims four armed groups. The fourth group is the local residents who have plenty of guns and ammo and God forbid some thing goes wrong and the bullets start flying.
@efgoldman: You have a pretty good memory.
It was explained in the thread. Some random dude on Twitter is now the Clinton campaign.
Betty Cracker
I thought Watson’s remark was stupid. But is he an official HRC operative? If campaigns are to held accountable for any random asshole supporter who comments on Twitter, there will be plenty of disgust to go around.
I do disagree that an HRC win wouldn’t be as exciting as PBO’s election. It will be a BFD for women and girls.
I have that Yosemite Sarah Palin cartoon in my head, as a rotating ear wig.
“Right wingin’, bitter clingin’, pow pow pow.”
It was a thing of genius. Unlike its subject.
Roasted kimchee on fries with Korean BBQ ribeye.
And some kind of crazy sour/hot sauce, and cilantro on top.
Lunch twice in a row. Tomorrow’s gonna make three.
Sorry. Y’all were saying something? Snow?
David Koch
Iowa Poll — Fox — Jan 18-21
?Rafael Cruz?……23%
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: I reckon Cole has a spot of cabin fever and the echoes of his twitter feed are ringing in his head like great clanging gongs. Or Sarah Palin at peak volume and peak rhyme.
KS in MA
Adam L Silverman
@Clem: I’ll probably do one tomorrow or Tuesday. I’ve followed the reporting from the OregonianLive and OPD sites, as well as JJ McNabb’s twitter feed, but I needed to take a couple of days and not really write anything. Regardless of the topic.
That and they’ll say he’ll raise everybody’s tax rate to 90% and make you go to the DMV for health care.
Adam L Silverman
@Punchy: Happy to help.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Remember the creepy Uncle Sam ads they (the Kochs, I think) ran against Obamacare.
Let me finish that…
People who will excuse anything she does because they can’t distinguish legitimate criticism from partisan sniping?
@kdaug: Yum, I had Korean Ginseng chicken soup on Thursday.
@Adam L Silverman: Really? In the previous 2 attempts, VoteRiders isn’t colored as a link for me, it shows up as black underlined when I move the mouse over it, but there’s no URL with it. (I see the same thing in IE without TOC’s CSS enhancements, so I think it’s something with FYWP.)
Ugh…I turn to my tv expecting to get knee deep in a whole new XFiles with Mulder and Scully back in action…and freakin’ football is still on!
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I agree,although I agree also with the comment about marketing. Hillary Clinton had the slogan “Ready for Hillary” and her campaign logo uses the “H” with the arrow. Bernie Sanders bumper stickers and signs I have seen frequently simply have “Bernie.” This is not just seen with female politicians. I have read about the same thing with African American pro athletes vs white.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I’m on my MacBook Pro and logged in through Chrome. They all showed in the blue/purple and all three worked.
@Baud: Yup, but this time with hammers and sickles.
@GregB: That one was Less than 20 miles from me.
OTOH The Slate map of how far and how recent murders are shows I am relatively safe.
No where in my post did I imply it was a good thing. It is one of countless idiotic tragedies that occur in the US because almost two generations have been convinced that guns are magical tools and problem solvers and the wielders are great patriots by dint of possessing such a magic tool It is sickening.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
We need to do a clambake when the snow melts. Somewhere in Alexandria. I think there was one a few months back, but I got a bad cold and missed it.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: They should never have debuted it this week. I set my DVR for an extra hour of recording time on the back end because I knew there was no way the game would be done in time.
Corner Stone
My ex had heard of SP’s endorsement speech but was not aware of the Yosemite Sam piece. She larfed for a good six or seven minutes watching that. I still love it, so much.
Let’s, for a moment, set aside the reality television Twilight Zone slow-motion-train-wreck that is the 21st century Republican Party, led by a snake oil selling, carnival barking charlatan and a Talibangelical, McCartheyesque opportunist….
‘Flame wars’ between the Clinton and Sanders camps are pointless – here and elsewhere.
As a Vermonter, I’ve been ‘up close and personal’ with Bernie Sanders for thirty-five years – returning home to Burlington in 1980 after a ten-year educational separation out-of-state. Ironically, I completed my undergraduate Sociology degree (B.A./AKD) at the University of Vermont in 1984.
Campaign funding/finance (i.e., Citizens United) is central to the ongoing drift toward a plutocratic/oligarchic state. Sanders has eschewed corporate/PAC funding; HRC accepts a plethora of such support. IMO, one cannot accept subsidies from corporate source(s) (read: Wall Street) and concurrently bring significant change(s) to our socio-economic/political system.
Yes, Sanders is ‘pure’ in that regard – and bless the FSM for that state of affairs. He is, at the same time, a highly-experienced political animal (Mayor/Congressman /Senator) whose judgement and experience combine to form a formidable CV…
And did I say that Sanders leads potential Republican candidates by significantly larger margins than HRC?
I will vote for HRC, should she become the Democatic presidential nominee – but I will do so without the passion and conviction that a Sanders vote would engender….
Speaking of passion…here’s a link:
President Kennedy 1961 Inaugural Address
@Adam L Silverman: I’m sure the high lead in audience from the game outweighs the uncertainty as to the start time for the episode.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: It was a good attempt, but wtf were they thinking with the timing?
@Adam L Silverman: Weird. I’m using Chrome here.
Just to be clear, there were 2 links in each of my 2 “broken” attempts.
The VoteRiders linkies were broken. (I checked with Safari on Winders too, and those 2 attempts are broken there, also too.)
(Who isn’t getting kickbacks to mention those fine groups. Maybe I should. ;-)
I have no time for that horror show that was Ronald Reagan but he did have one thing that the Dems sure could take to heart. The 11th commandment. I have to believe that 2 Dems could have a good argument about their positions and proposals without falling into the mud. But at this point that belief is based more on faith than evidence. We need to keep the real goal in mind, either of these two would be light years better than any of the GOP contenders.
Corner Stone
@Kropadope: God. Go find a new paci you fucking baby.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: @Corner Stone: Baud’s take is probably correct. But for people that don’t watch football, who either want to watch it live or were setting a DVR, the delay will likely screw them up. They just announced we’re two minutes away from the premier. I stopped what I was watching (the Lucha Underground Season 1 marathon on El Rey Network) to see how far from on time they were going to be so I’ll know how much I have to fast forward through when I finally watch the X-Files premier.
@GregB: Then I must have misread the Hope you liberal gun grabbers are happy line in your comment.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
good lord
Great! So the rabid defenders of the Constitution out there at the “compound” are intimidating people so they can’t assemble and chilling political speech. I can’t wait to see how they run the Citizen Grand Jury. Will there be show trials, or is it straight to hanging people they disagree with?
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks!
So, shoveling horse manure as usual, however, I do read that legislation as a set up to keep investment funds from divesting themselves from said gun manufacturers. Here in California, I believe Calpers has done so. That is a a bloody huge fund and I think others have followed suit. This would be a means to punish people that don’t want to business with them.
Call it Enforced Capitalism – rather like the tobacco companies getting a preferred spot in our trade treaties, then when the country in question tries to educate or restrict their populace from smoking, the tobacco companies sue the bejeebers out of them for treaty violation.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The word is ‘authentic’, Foolish one….a corporatist/hawkish candidate is one for whom I have liitle (if any) enthusiasm….
If you don’t like ginned up claims of sexism, why do you have Anne Laurie as a frontpager?
They break this all the time, though. Kasich is running an ad that shows a man in a suit (Jeb?) covered in mud and staggering around. It’s about not attacking fellow Republicans, I guess. They break the “commandment” while supposedly enforcing the commandment.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@DCF:What a precious and noble little flower you are. I weep that you won’t be able to feel special come election day.
Corner Stone
I can’t wait to see what they try, either. How they haven’t been flash banged and tear gassed into submission by this point…
However, the local sheriff is getting what he has begotten. Who does he think is going to have his back when these kooks “convict” him?
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: The latest reporting I saw indicated that their list of people to be presented as potential law breakers before the citizen’s grand jury was growing and included those in the local community that simply did not believe the same things that the occupiers and their supporters do. This seems to be the way with these efforts I’ve read about in other places. They quickly metastasize into attempts at score settling. Eventually someone within the movement will fail the No True Scotsman test and his or her name will be put before the citizen’s grand jury. Once that happens, then you’ll see a split and competing citizen’s grand juries.
The other issue they’re starting to happen is that as the numbers of supporters either show up to the refuge or just to Burns, you increase the numbers from the different extreme right sub-cultures involved. And they don’t all get along or overlap. The Bundy’s are partially motivated by extreme and non-normative Mormon theology and dogma – some of it influenced by Skousen’s writings, some by others. There’s at least one Messianic Jewish (Jews for Jesus) evangelical there, which is why you’ve got battle shofars (not even real Jews, even the fans of Boromir of Gondor or Helm Hammerhand, have battle shofars…). You’ve got some skinheads, based on some of the photos and reporting. This is not surprising as Portland is the skinhead capital of the world. You’ve also got a whole bunch of sovereign citizens and my guess is there’s some Christian Identity folks there too. While there’s a lot of overlap in the grievances among these different groups, there isn’t necessarily overlap in how to behave day to day, let alone respond to those grievances. The longer they have to interact with each other the more likely they’ll begin to fight among themselves.
@efgoldman: Well, you were a young tot in those days.
Adam L Silverman
@Glidwrith: It could be. My guess is the law, if challenged wouldn’t hold up. Gun dealers would have to demonstrate a pattern and history of discrimination to be recognized as a protected class.
@Adam L Silverman: Well, as long as all the dildos and lube they received don’t go to waste….
Now they do but for 30 years they stuck pretty close to it. Back in 94 when Patty was making a run the powers that be go together and torpedoed him but they did it through the mighty Wurlitzer and not by the candidate.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): We must, SDP formerly Mumphey. And soon.
It will happen.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think your words reveal all that needs to be known of your ‘perspective’…when you decide to behave like one who truly listens and responds – without deprecation or dismissiveness – I am open to any/all discussion/debate….
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Well there’s at least one full family there; Mom, Dad, two daughters. And they’re not coming and going, they’re staying. Authorities have indicated they know who they are but they aren’t releasing names to protect the minor’s identities.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: thanks for that image.
@Corner Stone: It is 27 seconds of perfection. I have not tired of it yet.
@Adam L Silverman:
I read Under The Banner of Heaven and the religious fundamentalists destroying printing presses stuck with me. That seemed to be a turning point for the vast majority who didn’t share their particular faith. That was when they went too far and Illinois finally said “no more- this ain’t gonna happen here”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@DCF: Oh, blow that stilted blather out your authentic ass, Petunia.
Well fuck it John! Write in Dubya. It’s never failed you in the past you whiney bastard!
Keith G
FYWP seems to be eating my comments. Either it is totally setting them on fire and scattering ashes or it is saving them for later. If it is saving them, at some point there’s going to be a duplicate or triplicate post authored by me. I apologize if those pop up.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: At some point I’m going to be able to put up the People’s Front of Judaea vs the Judaean’s People’s Front clip from Life of Brian.
@Keith G: The hamsters seem to be revolting tonight. Lots of us are having troubles (see the last couple of threads).
Maybe Alain is doing something or other…
Adam L Silverman
@Keith G: I’m not seeing anything in the dashboard as one of your comments saved. And they’re definitely not in moderation.
Roger Moore
They can’t hold proper show trials, which require a level of control and media complicity that they just aren’t going to get. I’m sure they’ll have sham trials in which the victim will neither be present nor have all of the constitutional protections these assholes are supposed to be defending, but that’s really a different thing.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: That’s fine. I feel for the minors and do not wish for any loss of life. But if I lived in that area and these guys even looked at me funny. I’d be super pissed local LEO wasn’t working it to protect me and mine.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: My understanding is that everything in the citizen’s grand juries are done in secret. And there’s no follow on trial. If the grand jury finds that you’ve violated the law, you are guilty. And there is only one sentence: death by hanging.
@Adam L Silverman:
Live in the 21st century? What are you, some kind of hippy, dippy, fascist, socialist, communist? We have to permanently live in the 17th century where men were white and everyone else got sloppy thirds if anything at all and the wealthy could do and say anything they wanted or have anyone shot on command. This idea of equality, that’s just blasphemy!
Corner Stone
Ok, this X-Files epi has already leaped and bounded over the fucking rails.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: What I’m amazed about is someone hasn’t gotten violent yet. Oregon is not a Stand Your Ground state, but at the same time one has no duty to retreat if confronted. Not quite sure how those things actually work in the same state, but eventually someone is going to feel really threatened and confront someone else. And then things will get interesting. From what I’ve seen of Sepulveida’s and McNabb’s twitter reporting, the core group at the refuge were the most violent, most extreme, and least willing to backdown or negotiate at the Bundy Ranch standoff. They were the ones that placed the snipers and did everything they could to passively-aggressively instigate an armed response to justify their killing Federal, state, and local law enforcement, other officials, and just every day citizens they believed were their enemies or traitors to their understanding of the US. I think that the FBI knows exactly who is involved here, they know they are just itching, no matter how soft-spoken and easy going some like the Bundy’s may seem, for an armed confrontation. Especially one they can spin as being Waco II. How the FBI is actually using that information I have no idea. Nor do I know how it fits into their strategy.
Keith G
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for the check. Maybe they got lost in a snow drift in WV.
I will reformat it and try again. Maybe it was a link issue.
Dunno if this has been discussed yet. OregonLive:
It’s not surprising that he’s on their side, given his history.
But how do local law enforcement officials get to so flagrantly advocate violating the well-known understanding of the local, state, and federal legal system? It’s like they’re trying to be a 5th Column or something.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: Every year at Passover I always want to know why if this is the 21st Century we can’t have matzoh that tastes good. We must have some sort of space age polymer or something…
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Funny how the 2nd Amendment is sacrosanct, but the 6th can be tossed when it’s inconvenient.
Adam L Silverman
@Keith G: They could be out looking for Bigfoot with Cole’s neighbors:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Are you truly so jaded? My sorrow, your loss…..
@Adam L Silverman:
I hope so. We have community meetings at the school, in the gym. I recognized the photograph I saw, where they’re all sitting on bleachers.
I think it’s great scholars are weighing in to read them the document they supposedly revere, but I confess I still don’t understand why they don’t have to go to court with their constitutional claims like everyone else.
Omnes Omnibus
@DCF: Are you new to this blog?
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I covered this when Sheriff Palmer made these statements about two weeks ago. Are we going to have to start doing pop quizzes?
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I thought all we had was a midterm, paper, and a final.
@GregB: I said the same thing, and someone gave me some convoluted response about “What if the proprietor shot first, and the dude was defending himself? Then who was aggressing first?” As if the person who pulls out the first weapon is the aggressor in any situation.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Kay: I admit I’m rapidly losing patience with these ammosexual fools. I understand the hesitance of the feds to provoke a firefight and the very real danger of violence provoking more armed rebellion, but how much can heavily armed thugs get away with? It’s pissing me off.
Adam, any new thoughts for a Bunker Standoff Update?
@Omnes Omnibus: No. Long-term reader, short-term commenter.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Well considering that the Constitution makes no provision for any group of citizens to just create their own courts and dispense their own understanding of justice, I’m not sure the 6th Amendment really has anything to do with it.
These are, plain and simple, people that want to be able to either tyrannize their neighbors or take whatever they want or ignore any rules they don’t like. It doesn’t really matter what the Constitution really says, its just a prop to make their greed, selfishness, and intolerance sound patriotic.
Omnes Omnibus
@DCF: Then you should be familiar with the tone that exchanges can take here.
@Adam L Silverman: Zooks! The OregonLive story is dated today. Very devious of them to use comments from weeks ago in their headline and as a hook for today’s “news”.
Sorry. My dog Sophie ate my homework.
And you folks talk too much.
Roger Moore
Well, they could go to court like anyone else, but they know they’d lose. Basically, they think the government as a whole no longer keeps to the Constitution, so they have to use extraconstitutional means to enforce it.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Are you in Burns?
As for them having to go to court like everyone else? They don’t recognize the courts or the government or the laws that the rest of us do. And in this case, in Oregon, its not even the Federal Constitution that’s at issue. The Oregon state constitution specifically recognizes and acknowledges the Federal ownership and management of the public lands in the state not directly under state control. This was part of Oregon’s, and many other western state’s, requirements for entering the Union. I think Idaho and Montana and Wyoming and both Dakotas and Washington state and a couple of others all have similar provisions in their state constitutions.
Destroying the printing presses alone was bad enough. But the reason for destroying them was that they were printing factual information about the secret polygamous marriages of church leaders.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: And the interpretive dance project.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Adam L Silverman: Clearly I posted before reading down. ::blushes:: Why do Messianic Jews have battle shofars? I only know regular Jews, though I once got a very nice thank you note from a woman I prosecuted for trespassing at Planned Parenthood, who was a Messianic Jew. She thanked me for my patience and graciousness with pro se defendants. It was quite thoughtful.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): As I indicated in an earlier comment I was planning for tomorrow or Tuesday, but if you read carefully, apparently the comments to this post have become an update.
Every time I think I’m out they drag me back in!
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: There will be a surprise math quiz. Closed book.
Has your innocence been abused, little flower?
Roger Moore
Not just who pulls out the first weapon, but who pulls the first trigger. BTW, could you please explain that aggression isn’t necessarily being the first to violence to George Lucas? Han shot first, but that didn’t make him the aggressor.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Palmer made the remarks about two weeks ago. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s repeating them. If I’m recalling right, he’s part of retired sheriff John Mack’s Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officer’s group. Of course the US Constitution doesn’t mention sheriffs or counties for that matter.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): FWIW it is my understanding that Messianic Jews is the new term for Jews for Jesus. Why they would need shofars is beyond me. Maybe their plan includes knocking down walls.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Man, what an ass face.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Here’s what they say in their own words:—how—when–where.html
I think the short story is that they are not just heavily evangelical, they are also dispensationalists. They assert that they’re actually Olive Tree theology adherents, but the only reason to blow the horn for battle is if one is expecting the final one. Honestly, trying to keep all of this stuff straight gives me headaches that it didn’t when I was 25.
@Adam L Silverman:
We do.
In The Graduate, “There’s a great future in plastics,” was actually my career direction, 4 thousand yrs ago.
It does cause gastric distress in people susceptible to gastric distress from eating plastic. Not sure it’s a deal breaker for you however considering what you are replacing.
El Caganer
@Omnes Omnibus: Ammon Bundy ate my homework.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I don’t accept this. Not any of it. I don’t even accept the FBI having some top secret plan, barring something like a hostage situation. I don’t think police agencies should treat one group differently than every other group, ever.
I want them processed like everyone else or I want each and every lawbreaker given this elaborate mediation process. “Safe passage home” after two weeks of filming themselves breaking laws is new to me. Have you ever seen anyone else get that? I haven’t.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: huh? What have I done now to upset you?
@Ada, L.Silverman
Left out: make up new rules and corollaries which apply only to themselves on the fly.
@Adam L Silverman: I can see a screwball judge deciding discrimination, simply based on the fact of the divestments themselves. After all, all those florists and bakers were being discriminated against when they were forced to participate in gay weddings, amirite?
Seriously, though, what would such discrimination look like? I can think of Planned Parenthood being denied purchase of a piece of property would qualify as an example of what if? I know that Blackwater set up a training facility under a different name and when folks found out they tried to shut them down. It didn’t work, but this was physical property. What would financial discrimination against arms dealers look like? Not buying a gun? Not lending to that sort of business?
Hmmm…which sort of circles back to your FDIC argument. Well, I guess we shall see what we shall see.
‘Nite all.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: also true.
Did something happen today that was significant?
My kid has an invite to spend some time next summer in Japan. The catch is that it is pretty close to Fukushima. He wants to go but I’m nervous.
Screw you guys, I’m voting for O’Malley!
[/said no one, ever]
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Hiya Grace. ::waves:: I got the new name thing, but the battle shofars is beyond me.
Like Adam, I kind of expect some internal strife – Cooper, Payne, and Ritzheimer all seem pretty tightly wound, but I’ve (obviously) got no real idea how it will play out, or when, But I’m beyond being sick of the domestic terrorism. If I just had a big gun and a driver to Oregon, I’d fix their wagon.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): How are you defining big gun?
Dad-blamed stuff is everywhere now.
El Caganer
@Kay: Well, we have seen something similar – at the Bundy ranch.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Little did she know she could have received “safe passage home” had she occupied the Planned Parenthood clinic instead, right?
It’s in the other Constitution.
Corner Stone
Alright, so that sucked donkey balls. And not in a good way.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Adam L Silverman: Whatever someone will provide : ) I have a gun free zone household.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
For me, it would be this.
@MomSense: I believe the affected areas are relatively small. Here is a page with discussion about the exclusion / evacuation zones and how they’ve changed over time.
Japan is a neat country.
Best of luck with the decision. HTH.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I know how you define big gun… I’ve spent a lot of time working with your type. In fact when I was TACON at III Corps my office was in Joint Fires.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): okay, didn’t know if you had something specific in mind.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: The X-Files? Without spoilers, how bad was it?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Of course, I had something a bit smaller and more easily transportable in mind. Truth be told, I’d probably get right up in their faces without a weapon anyway; I can be hotheaded like that.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): But its self propelled. Provided you stop for gas every thirty miles or so to fill it up, you solve both your gun and ride problem at the same time.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Awful balls. I hope we have first responders ready for when Amir sees it.
That was a bad, very poor, disjointed effort to open a reboot/rehash/renew. If they hadn’t already made 6 episodes in the can…
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: She’ll also need a crew.
For any degenerate gamblers out there, the Panthers have opened as 5.5 point favorites in Super Bowl 50.
@Omnes Omnibus: I hear as long as there are snacks, getting people to come isn’t a problem.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Adam L Silverman: So I’d get there sometime next year about after spending $25K on gas. And that’s before I pay the crew. Or get snacks. I don’t have the kind of budget.
Steeplejack (phone)
The word Watson in any context triggers moderation.
Corner Stone
@Cacti: Surprised if that doesn’t go to 9.5 before game time.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): We used to put them on trains to go any great distance. They liked choo-choos.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Okay, I’ll probably not get to it for several days, but I’ll let you know what I think when I do. I honestly didn’t watch the last season as I thought it had started to get meh. Same with the last bit of Millennium. It seems these shows always try to hold on too long.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): As a Prosecutor can’t you establish a task force and just expense it as part of the law enforcement function?
Adam L Silverman
I put up an open thread to get you all through the night into the morning.
@Adam L Silverman:
We have a similar coalition here in Maine. I learned the hard way that the mere expression of one’s reasonable opinion may result in intimidation and worse.
I’m scared for the people of Burns.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: I’m going to go wash the stink of that effort off me. I’ll be quite naked, steamy and soapy for the next while if anyone needs me.
@Adam L Silverman:
Lots of people don’t “recognize” laws. That’s why they break them. They want what they want, just like these people. I don’t need them to “recognize” US law. I’m not negotiating a treaty with them.
That whole “rest of us” going along with laws we don’t agree with is dependent on not treating them like they’re special. I know you’re trying to understand them but from my perspective “trying to understand them” on the part of law enforcement (not you) is something no one else gets in the criminal justice system. Everyone else gets a straight reading of the applicable statute and then it’s applied. There’s no nuance. It’s “was it a BREAKING? Yes? Was the use UNAUTHORIZED, yes or no?”
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have a relative who is both, but while all J4J are Messianic, I am not sure that works the other direction.
Jews for Jesus is an organization created by the Southern Baptist Convention and controlled by it. Obviously, a Jew can convert to Christianity without belonging to such an organization.
@Betty Cracker:
It will not be a BFD for this woman, because I still believe that Hillary is the wrong woman, without the understanding of what it means to be “the First” , and the responsibility that goes along with it.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: To be honest this stuff is always somewhere between terroristic threats (as defined in most state codes) vigilantism to gang activity to outright domestic terrorism. The problem is neither our political system nor our criminal justice system is really designed to deal with this type of behavior when its done by white Christians. When it happens it basically gets everyone running around in circles with their mouths open going “whah?” Technically it shouldn’t be hard to deal with – apply the laws neutrally to everyone. But in reality it just causes everything to cease up like an engine without lubrication.
Thanks for the links. It would be such a great experience for him. Of late I’ve been feeling a lot of sympathy for what I put my mom through traveling all around the world by myself. I really hate the nukes, though.
@David Koch:
when did you start giving RAFAEL the Mapleleaf treatment?
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: enjoy? Do not post pics!
Adam L Silverman
@charon: What used to be broadly called Jews for Jesus has been called Messianic Judaism since, at least, the early 90s. They were originally considered and treated like a cult. The name change was part of an attempt to rehabilitate the group. It was originally created to entice Jews who were not particularly devout and not particularly knowledgable about Judaism into evangelical Christianity. To be blunt: it is impossible to be a devout Jew of any type and to believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
@Adam L Silverman:
I find that when you mention it to people, including LEO, you hear a lot of dismissive language. Culturally, people seem very familiar with these groups and consequently look for reasons to excuse unacceptable behavior.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: I can see deciding that she isn’t the right person, but how do you come to this: without the understanding of what it means to be “the First” , and the responsibility that goes along with it?
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Every LEO I know doesn’t want to deal with them. They always make a bad day for law enforcement. They don’t want to deal with anyone but the sheriff. Then if they can’t get what they want from the sheriff, they don’t want to deal with him or her and the deputies. Dealing with these folks is a rabbit hole to nowhere. Part of it is, I think, intentional. They just keep adjusting their goal posts as necessary and on a dime to try to manipulate things. I also think part of it is they’re smoking their own stash – they actually start to believe their own BS.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: The second one isn’t a gun at all. It is an artillery piece though.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: That’s an awful long distance fare to get a katyusha to Oregon.
Tell it, Kay!!!
@Adam L Silverman:
They behave more aggressively with women. The male LEO experience of them is much different.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The email server issue. A problem, born of arrogance, of her own making.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: That makes her unaware of the significance of potentially being the first female president? Right. Sure.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: That’s definitely true, but that’s more towards their overall treatment of women. Like I said, every LEO I know – either former students of mine or friends – really don’t want to have to deal with them as it just sucks all the good out of the day.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: You mean the same private email server setup that Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice and Secretary of State Colin Powell also had? Because it was legal and standard operating procedure for Secretaries of State until the rules were changed after Secretary Clinton stepped down from her cabinet position? That email server issue?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Kerry is, after all, the first SoS to have a .gov email account.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I think the other three had them, I just don’t think they used them. Everything was set to go through the private servers. I really don’t care who supports whom (who?) for President. But this email server brouhaha is just silly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Whom. And I agree on the server issue.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Luck of the draw…
On that note, I’m racking out. You all have fun here and in the open thread.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: @Adam L Silverman: @Omnes Omnibus: Make it use, not have.
First, I agree with Adam on the server issue.
Second, I don’t doubt that there might be a better female candidate than Clinton out there some where. But I don’t see any other women with their hat in the ring. She’s the one this time. No one else is going to come sliding in to home plate to be the first. Either she’s first or she’s not but those are your two choices. I’m going with first. Mainly because she’s qualified, and in my mind more so than any other candidate. If enough people disagree with me, I’ll be happy to vote for Sanders. Just like the last time she ran I would have been happy to vote for her if my other choice hadn’t been nominated.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: In 2008, I went back and forth but finally voted for Obama in the Ohio primary. I would have happily voted for Clinton in the general had she won. This time around I thing that Clinton the best candidate (I am open to persuasion if new facts come to light), but if Sanders gets the nom., I am all in for him.
I do not, however, understand rikyrah’s insinuation that Clinton is without an understanding of what it would mean to be the first female president. Especially as the email server issue is her evidence of it.
@Adam L Silverman: My understanding is the loons have plenty of lube.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Wrong kind.
ETA: Most people don’t use 0W30 in the bedroom, nor do they use KY in their vehicles.
@Omnes Omnibus: When Joe of the Morning starts on the email crap, I reach for the remote(actually I close the TV window). This hasn’t been much of a problem since the painters fucked up my satellite.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Why do you people watch that show?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m pretty sure I know some, but remember I live in porn valley.
The blah blah blah for months now has been about classified material in her emails. It is non sequitor to associate that with her private server, because a state department server would have been insecure also, and the same issues could be raised – private v. state department makes no difference, classified stuff is supposed to be on a different communication channel.
Just a pretext for her enemies to yak yak yak..
@Omnes Omnibus: For me it’s a test of sobriety.
ETA: If I don’t end up in the bathroom guzzling my mouthwash, I’m good.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: God, can’t you come up with something less harmful like cutting or burning yourself?
@Adam L Silverman:
They both knew that they would not be going further in public office. The President had set what he wanted, but her arrogance went against the President. You get that practice in, defending a Clinton unforced error. It will not be the last time. Like I wrote before, she does not understand what it means to be “the First.” Her belief of what that means is to get this country into war- you can bet on that.
Besides that the classified material wasn’t even classified until later.
Everything given here tonight is why all the committee’s investigations have gone nowhere. The only people trying to make something of this are the conservatives, and not even all of them. It truly is a nothingburger. It if was a problem at least the two SoS before her would also have the same problem.
It doesn’t even fall under shoulda, woulda, couda. It was protocol at the time.
Omnes Omnibus
Evidence? And no, given that it is meaningless, the email server issue doesn’t count.
With whom?
Are you supporting Sanders – whose plans are fixed around the idea that solving economic inequality will solve everything? Who wants to blow up the ACA? Who has invested nothing in down ticket races? Okay. I predict that it would result in Obama being remembered as the first Black president and one who accomplished a lot only to see it unwound over the next few years.
@Omnes Omnibus: if you don’t think economic inequality is the single biggest problem this country faces, then your head is in the sand.
Milquetoast liberal squishes and corporatist mods – your modern Democratic Party at work.
@Adam L Silverman: That those dumbnuts aren’t dead on a slab at this point while Tamir Rice is a corpse is all you need to know about why this country is fucked.
The rest is all just bullshit apologia spewing out of your mouth. Take a fucking stand.
@Cacti: I’m not going to tell you about the rabbits again, George…don’t you go changin’, Buttercup….
Southern Beale
By the same token, the daily roundup of BS from Bernie supporters is equally bad. Today I see that Hillary doesn’t really support women because when Bill Clinton was in the White House, female staffers were paid less than male staffers. And Hillary is really going to be a huge suckup to Wall Street and Hillary is really a dirty polluter because she didn’t come out forcefully against the Keystone XL pipeline etc. etc. etc.
Yes the primary season is annoying but it’s not just Hillary supporters who are annoying. Bernie supporters are pretty fucking awful, too.
Tom W.
Yeah that’s me.
And yes, I meant implicit and tweeted explicit.
Tom W.
@Betty Cracker:
Betty – that’s a bit harsh.
Your last line was why I reacted to Bernie’s smug dismissal as sexism. I think it was, mild as it may be. The left has always dismissed this barrier as minor, and explicitly NOT a BFD. Look at all the calls for “the right woman” in this very thread.
@Omnes Omnibus: I am, having read this blog (and comments) for years…on the whole, BJ ‘Comments’ are entertaining and informative…just don’t ask me to welcome puerile, adolescent responses from ‘select’ participants here….
Our ‘Pundit-In-Chief’ nails it here:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Welcome them or not, if you’re going to spew turgid, onanistic crap (“Bernie has mastered the Byzantine arts of Vermont politics! He’s the Talleyrand of Burlington! He is unstoppable!”) about how the election should be about how your vote makes you feel (“I want to sparkle in the voting booth!”), expect to be mocked, Precious. This is election is too important to be sacrificed to self-indulgent, self-congratulatory fantasies.
Bernie Sanders and the Death of Dreaming
@Omnes Omnibus: if I’m understanding her, rikyrah is comparing Clinton as first woman Perez to so many African Americans who were first anything. In the latter case, there is a pressure to be the best possible example you can be for those who come after you. See Obama as an example: clean administration, exemplary family life.
I think rikyrah doesn’t perceive Clinton, accurately or not, as having that “best example” mindset.
Which is probably a good thing.
Trying to set an example is a no-win situation. As we have seen with Obama, hard core racists will interpret whatever he does in negative terms.