I wish I could pretend I didn’t care, but I am glued to the tv.
Tad Devine was on MSNBC a bit ago and said “In a way I feel like we (Sanders campaign) have already won… income inequality…” which to me sounds like the language of someone who is not expecting the result he wanted. I’ve heard from a couple sources that the Sanders ground campaign was a shitshow. And when I say sources, I read them from people I trust (I think maybe Al Giordano was one) but I can’t remember who exactly, not that I am trying to be all cool and mysterious and insidery.
Yeah, that comment from Devine doesn’t sound like one of optimism. But then, most everything Devine touches becomes a shitshow, doesn’t it?
I’ve always suspected Iowa comes down to ground game and that’s why I’ve always favored Hillary. Obama beat her in 2008 because he had, let’s be honest, the best ground operation we’ve seen in recent election cycles, and she clearly learned from him (well, especially as the bulk of Obama’s machine is now at her disposal). Bernie has shown nothing of that kind and really, he screams much more of Dean in 2004, where, yeah, lots of folks showed up to his rallies, but then conveniently forgot to show up in the voting booth.
I think the system needs adjusted. A few thousand people in Iowa in effect choose the president since whom the parties run is so heavily affected by Iowa.
Is Thurston still barking?
Baud/Jane 2016: Because It’s A Jungle Out There. And Because Thurston Won’t Stop Barking Unless They’re Elected.
The greatest, most advanced democracy in the world counts little pieces of paper while MSNBC looks on.
dr. bloor
Enthusiasm =/= Organization. Learned that one early.
I’m surprised to hear about Sanders ground campaign if that is true. I had heard he had a good one.
schrodinger's cat
Why is Ted Cruz being so creepy?
@Helen: And you would prefer?
@Pogonip: I’d say that might be true on the Democratic side of things, but given the last two winners of the Iowa caucus on the GOP side were the two schmucks parading around with Trump Thursday night, maybe not so much for them.
Yep, it was Al Giordano. Best prognosticator of ’em all, methinks.
@Baud: I had my suspicions, namely because of who’s in charge over there. Again, I wouldn’t trust Tad Devine to run a corner lemonade stand without fucking it up.
@gf120581: I don’t like him either. But I don’t know the first thing about his capabilities.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Pogonip: sign me up, these non-representative states get too much early attention, even if Iowa doesn’t have a great predictive track record.
In this cycle the Village was doing Snoopy’s vulture schtick, dying to declare HRC wounded, maybe fatally
If that exit poll breakdown I saw on 538 is true, Sanders is going to get smoked. Sub-45 population makes up just 30% of the attendees…no way is he going to win with that demographic breakdown.
My original prediction on the Dem side is looking good so far…
So far, the early returns are close. I’m not sure why the Sanders camp is so pessimistic.
Looks like Sanders’ support was concentrated in a few locations, which would pump up the poll numbers but not translate into that many delegates to the county convention.
ETA: that SyFy auto run ad is f—–g annoying.
@efgoldman: I wonder why people even think he has a choice. Being creepy is his state of being. I’ve heard Cruz compared to that creepy guy at the bar who repulses every woman he tries to hit on.
@schrodinger’s cat:
He’s a method actor.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
CNN is talking up the tight 3-way race between Cruz, Trump and Rubio.
Cruz: 30%
Trump: 27%
Rubio: 19%
David *Rafael* Koch
Massive crowd at Sanders’s headquarters (photo)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gf120581: he worked for a lot of “establishment” candidates, including Bob Kerrey. I’m suspicious of born-again virgins.
I’d bet fifty bucks theres an old grudge at play somewhere.
I do like that SG song, though
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Maybe Thurston is barking in indignation about the nutty caucus system. If that’s it, I’ll join him.
Now that Cole is a yellow-dog Democrat, let’s hope his black dog isn’t barking “Cruz! Cruz! Cruz! Cruz!”
pseudonymous in nc
Well, I suppose it marks the beginning of the end of the pretense of campaigning for those who are only in it for the grift.
(It’s ridiculous, and there was a little spat on the Twitters about Buzzfeed UK pointing this out, because apparently Britain has royalty so British people can’t make fun of a ridiculous electoral process that includes a son of a former head of state and a spouse of a former head of state. Um.)
It has been a fucking massive transfer of wealth to the state of Iowa, and particularly to the local TV affiliates of the state of Iowa and environs. Corn subsidies, pig subsidies and caucus subsidies.
God, that Ted Cruz is a vile human being. I swear that all I can think about when I see that ambulatory pile of puke is that Bill Murray had sex with a ferret and it took!
@Zinsky: That seems unfair to both Bill Murray and the ferret.
@gf120581: He’d send me running for the door, that’s for sure.
“Cruz! Cruz! Cruz! Cruz! Cruz! Cr–”
Oh, shut up, Thurston.
El Caganer
What Heidi Cruz sees when she looks around Iowa: https://youtu.be/9C4uTEEOJlM
Patricia Kayden
I hate Cruz like the rest of you but that gif was too much. Lol!
Looks like the Cuban Canadian is going to win tonight. Poor Trump. A foreigner is beating him. That red possum on his head must be steaming.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN (Key Race Alert):
Vote count delayed as abacus breaks down
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: That third place guy is only close because the CNN guys say so.
But it makes me even more interested in how the rest of the field is doing.
Relative to early polling I would say Carson and Fiorina are the biggest losers.
ETA: wrote before looking. Carson has held up relatively well.
@Patricia Kayden: That does make the GOP race more interesting. If Trump had won, I think he could have swept all the early states.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN Entrance Poll (Key Race Alert):
72% of people who love Martha Stewart voting for Hillary
56% of people who love Kristen Stewart voting for Sanders
Isn’t it about time CNN takes Wolf Blitzer to a farm?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN Entrance Poll (Key Race Alert):
84% of full figured women voting for Hillary
42% of waifs voting for Sanders
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Tripod: How about the glue factory?
Eric S.
I’m clearly missing something obvious. How do I contact one of the FP’s? Specifically Annie Laurie.
Trying to set up an impromptu meet up tomorrow, 2/2, in Chicago with me and Elmo.
George Street Pub
2858 N Halsted St.
Chicago IL 60657
On another note, Adele has told the Trumpster to quit using her songs.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Tripod: I don’t think they allow wolfs on a farm.
Iowa Old Lady
Back from the caucus. We elected 4 delegates for Clinton and 3 for Sanders. For comparison, in 2008 we chose 3 for Obama, 2 for Clinton, and 2 for Edwards.
156 people were there compared to 180 some in 2008. There was a long line of people registering as Democrats for the first time.
@Iowa Old Lady: Cool. Thanks for the report.
ETA: And thanks for holding out for me until the last minute.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Anyone who isn’t following Propane Jane on twitter, should. There’s no one better at dissecting the race/class intersectionality of the two Dem candidates and their supporters. One of the better tweets of hers was, when Donald Trump insults women, threatens to bar Muslims and deport all the Mexicans, what’s Bernie going to counter with? Down with Goldman Sachs?
Just One More Canuck
@Tripod: or out behind the barn
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: speaking from personal experience 92% of the people who love Kirsten Stewart are (smoking hot) fat lesbians. You’re data may be flawed.
@Eric S.:
Upper right:: “contact” “select an author”
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN Entrance Poll (Key Race Alert):
57% of voters see dress as blue and black
30% of voters see dress as gold and white
Jeb Bush is sixth.
@Iowa Old Lady: Where are you Iowa Old Lady? City or town?
@PaulW: Your HAHAHAs go waaaay off the margins. It makes it even funnier.
Hahaha, Jeb Bush at 2 percent.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Gin & Tonic
@Tripod: I’d recommend a glue factory.
Eric S.
@Helen: Not working how I expect. I click on that and I get a blank email form. When I try to fill in an author I’m not getting a autofill email address.
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Sorry I couldn’t come through for you.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Nice MSNBC just got “the VA is so fucked up”!!!
David *Rafael* Koch
@TheMightyTrowel: 100% have good taste (gif)
Finished watching the latest episode of the X-Files and while it was a good poignant episode it did kind of play to the fanservice just a little too much.
Caucus-goer uses phrase “fucked up”. MSNBC anchors clutch pearls, swoon on fainting couch.
“There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell— I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise. It won’t be so much ’cause the courts agree with us too.”
– Donald Trump
Bobby Thomson
My vote goes to whomever murders the people responsible for that.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Hey, didja have any luck on the insurance thing?
LOL. There’s a kid on MSNBC calling the VA “FUCKED UP” and they didn’t/couldn’t block it. 3..2…1 MSNBC will apologize.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
what language scandal did I miss on MSNBC?
@Iowa Old Lady: Salute you who actually grind the sausage.
we watched Supergirl get into a fight with bizarro Supergirl.
CBS News didn’t interrupt.
@Iowa Old Lady: It’s a long, hard road.
@Eric S.: You need to have a default email set up. When you hit an author it will launch.
Just returned from caucus. It was well attended. About twice the turnout we had in 2008. It went 2 to 1 for Hillary.
The GOP turnout was huge. It was literally SRO.
John Cole @ Top:
Sanders seem to be doing okay anyway. Not winning, but only losing by a small margin, which is pretty much how I expected him to do in Iowa.
NY Times and TPM both have the Dem race at:
51.0% Clinton
48.5% Sanders
With ~59% reporting
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A female vet said the VA was fucked up.
New Hampshire primary ought to be held tomorrow instead of next week.
@Oldgold: Interesting. Thanks for the report.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN Entrance Poll (Key Race Alert):
37% of Des Moines delegates cast for Deez Nuts
Casey Hunt wearing a nice motorcycle jacket.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@raven: Ah, thanks
God! I hate every person on that CNN panel, except David Axelrod and Begala.
Unless things change soon, Clinton will narrowly win. I want her to have a respectaful win because I hate the way MSM attacks her with republican talking points.
Do caucus sites ever merge? If so, how can you tell whether turnout is higher or lower?
The GOP race is essentially a three-way, with Master Debater on top, Would Sleep W/ Daughter in the middle, and Waterboy on the bottom:
29.2% Master Debater
26.2% Would Sleep w/ Daughter
20.2% Water Boy
61% reporting.
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: At least there are no hanging chads.
@Luthe: Good for Adele. Trump should play Nugent or Country music. Expecting him to call Adele a loser as soon as Cruz gets done beating his behind tonight.
@Germy: I saw that air live on CNN, and when they cut back to Brooke Baldwin (anchor), she laughed and shook her head, as if to say “Oh, that scamp Donald Trump, what will he do next? LOL.”
THIS IS THE PROBLEM. If Trump gets the nomination, the minimizing and airbrushing of Trump’s fascism will be awful, and it might let him win.
Mr. frothy mix coming out at the bottom.
How apt.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The apology by Brian Williams was hilarious. Fucking dweeb reporter had no business sticking his nose in there, he’s lucky she didn’t pop him.
@JGabriel: The vaunted Cruz ground game is coming through.
Bill E Pilgrim
Oh god now what happened.
Oh you don’t mean literally.
I was waiting for one of those great stories.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@schrodinger’s cat:
How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?
@JGabriel: Christ, the amazing thing is I knew exactly who you are talking about. I’ve been following this race too closely.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Hey Pogonip, are you in Santa Cruz?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Tides go in, tides go out – you cant explain that
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: It is a big night for him. His grift train just got a lot longer.
@Trentrunner: I agree; it’s appalling.
Ridnik Chrome
@JGabriel: They’re going to spin this as a victory for Rubio…
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: I live in a metro area of about 100K people. We caucus by precinct. I’ve not seen caucuses merge but my experience is limited.
Bobby Thomson
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I think you mean Marco “Fetch” Rubio.
Is there anyone in the media more in love with the sound of his own voice than Chris Matthews?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bill E Pilgrim: Ha!
and I don’t think we should be embarrassed or apologize for being political junkies
keith p
It’ll never beat the all-time champion – John McCain feeling up Levi Johnston on the tarmac.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Not when there are so many other things we need to apologize for.
She was talking about her specific situation as if it applied to the entire organization.
Absent any details whatsoever about her status, her claims and her case, it may be she who is effed up.
@Iowa Old Lady: Thanks. I guess we’ll find out about turnout soon enough.
Earlier I predicted a Cruz win by a couple percentage points. Looks like it may happen. But, it does look like Trump does get the voters out.
That could push in the next few states into a dominant lead.
@NotMax: Oh I know, it was still funny. My dealings with the VA have been nothing but positive except that the expensive hearing aid doesn’t do much for me.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
CNN (Key Race Alert):
With 64% of Democratic vote in, Julia Louis-Dreyfus takes lead
If Trump loses, what will his supporters do with all their excess energy? Start punching people?
Man on Dog is almost at the bottom of the pack, with only, umm – damn, he’s is so nondescript I can’t even come up with a nickname – Gilmore underneath him.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
So, Carly Fiorina isn’t going to shock the world?
Bill O’Reilly?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: She will, but not by winning elections.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
O/T, and unbecomingly nasty of me, but: Apart from the occasional skeleton, has anyone ever been quite as painfully thin as Dana Bash? If she has an eating disorder, I apologise, ’cause that shit is serious, but there is something weird and scary about the way she looks. If the camera adds the customary and proverbial ten pounds, she must weigh in at about 75 lbs. Seriously, that is a worrisome level of thin.
According to the AP, Jim Gilmore has received 7 votes. Feel the Gilmentum!
Bill E Pilgrim
Whatever happens will be great news for Crubirumpgelina.
If sanders keeps it within 3% (as it looks right now with 70% in), kudos to him and berniebots. Well done.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Couldn’t happen to a creepier guy.
MSNBC needs to apologize for Chris Matthews first.
Dem Caucus:
69.2% reporting
57% reporting
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Yep. Trump isn’t going to win this one. He better turn up his rhetoric against Cruz before New Hampshire. I guess Sarah Palin’s word salad endorsement didn’t pay off.
David *Rafael* Koch
Candid photo of Republicans trading votes in Iowa (photo)
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
No, but she’ll try her best to bankrupt it.
Be careful when looking at GOP. My guess is western Iowa is currently over represented in the early totals. Same would be true with Democratic totals, but variance on vote would not be as pronounced. Western Iowa will heavily favor Cruz and skew slightly for Hillary.
@JGabriel: The Clinton-Sanders numbers seem to have been pretty stable up till this point.
@Patricia Kayden: Cruz needed to win Iowa. Trump should win N.H. South Carolina will be interesting.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Bill E Pilgrim:
The Adventures of John G. Cole: The Epoxy Episode
That’s what my Dad says. He is able to choose between the VA and Medicare and he always chooses the VA. He LOVES his doc there.
LOLGOP 27m27 minutes ago
Ohio Mom
@raven: I don’t know anyone who truly likes their hearing aid. The technology is not there yet I guess.
Patricia Kayden
@dmsilev: So sweet of his immediate family to be so loyal.
CNN Breaking News: Martin O’Malley will suspend his campaign!
David *Rafael* Koch
Kristen Wiig at SAG Awards (stunning outfit)
James E Powell
I never thought Trump would beat Cruz in Iowa – He’s not Christo-Fascist enough.
Cruz will be all full of himself, but so were Huckabee and Santorum. Beside, Village press/media will hype Rubio’s 3rd place more than Cruz winning,
So,who drops out of the GOP race? Anybody? Do they all move onto NH. Do Rand and Ben continue their grifting tours? I’m thinking Lil Ricky drops out but who does he endorse? Does anybody want his endorsement?
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Looks like O’Malley is going to suspend his campaign.
Edit: Just like Hilts said two minutes earlier.
@hilts: Oh wow. I thought he might see it through to New Hampshire, especially with the new debates planned.
Trump had a rally today? Good god, he really is trying to lose.
All that said, Cruz is only holding serve here – Iowa was always going to go to a theocon, and Carson has grifted himself out of real contention. If Trump is within a few percent, then he’ll go stomp NH, SC is winnable, and I’m not sure I know how he sells in NV.
Jeb: HA, HA.
And of course none of these reported percentages really matter, because caucusing is always fucked up and the delegate numbers will be bizzaro-world.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@James E Powell:
I think putting money in the communion plate probably swung some of the fundies away from him.
That’s so sad. I almost feel … nope, nothing, I don’t feel anything for Gilmore.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Right wingin!
Bitter clingin!
Proud clingin!
James E Powell
Who is at Bush HQ? Any comments from there?
So, looks like Senator Backpfeifengesicht is going to hold on to win. Opossum-on-head will probably be second, and Senator Proper Hydration will take the bronze.
And MSNBC reporting O’Malley to suspend his campaign. Not much of a shock.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Haha. You’re killing it tonight.
Not gonna lie. For Trump to actually place a close second in Iowa is telling about his appeal. No more speculation.
@Mai.naem.mobile: I think Santorum and Huckabee are toast. !Jeb, Kasich, Fiorina, and Paul need to do not-horribly in NH.
@Baud: Rachel just said he ran out of money. Staff volunteering, has $100k cash on hand, etc.
It was a learning experience for him. He will be stronger in 2024 if he decides to run…
(Man, that seems like a long way away – it’s hard to believe it’s only 8 years from now…)
So far, this is much less exciting than the razor-thin closeness of the 2012 Iowa contest between Man on Dog and Dog on Car.
@Baud: Hopefully he’ll melt the fuck down over the loss. Cuz he’s a WINNER. The Biggest WINNER EVA.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I hope it’s 2024 and not 2020.
David *Rafael* Koch
They’re literally counting the ballots in a smoke-filled room (photo)
Irony Abounds
@James E Powell: Yep, Rubio is going to be the big story on Fox News as it tries to stop Trump. I don’t see Cruz doing all that well in NH, but Rubio will get a big boost. After NH, Cruz is very likely going to be old news.
Bill E Pilgrim
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Every time I see that name I think of a combination of Gloria Gaynor and Victor Borge.
Who drops out of the GOP race?
Gilmore, Fiorina, Huckabee, Santorum, and Doc Carson
@Helen: Nah, Trump will blow off the state as always picking the looser (he actually said that in a speech I heard on NPR, that Iowa hasn’t picked a winner in 16 years)
@Bill E Pilgrim: Very, very well played, sir.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Steve Harvey declares Trump new Miss Universe
no doubt aqua boy rubio will be touted as da establishment candie.
Anne Laurie
Have to give the NHampsters one more chance to milk the expense-account media — and from early reports, those guys may not be able to get out of DesMoines until later in the week!
No no you need to add about 150,000 more HAHAs for it to work. Start multiplying!
Dem Caucus tightening slightly:
79% reporting
Ridnik Chrome
@Bill E Pilgrim: Every time I see it I think of the old “Chizborger, chizborger, chizborger…” routine from Saturday Night Live…
@JGabriel: Suspense!
@David *Rafael* Koch: I think I love you. Almost as much as Baud.
@Baud: LOL’d
@satby: Even though I underperformed in Iowa?
WTF has happened to Steve Kornacki?
He used to be great, but he’s sold his soul for a paycheck. He’s become a moron spewing meaningless drivel in front of a map. A less awful version of John King, but not by much.
Bill E Pilgrim
Or who can forget 2008’s Moose on Squirrel.
@Baud: I’m with the folks that say Super Tuesday is where you’ll break out.
@JGabriel: If Sanders does just barely lose, or even if he just barely wins, it seems like they made a mistake being so pessimistic these last few days. I tend to think it cost them some votes.
The GOP results have been stuck at 62% reporting for a while now.
They must be taking a break to rig the results.
Chris Matthews’ hair becoming quite Trumpesque, ain’t it?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Iowa to Donald – YOU’RE FIRED!
@Mandalay: Yeah, the Bridgegate thing got to his head, I think.
@satby: You’re the best, Satby.
Trump is disappointing, but I guess having zero ground game only gets you so far.
Clinton-Sanders also a lot tighter. Guess I was off on my predictions…rusty!
Bill E Pilgrim
@satby: So it’s like high school, you’re saying.
mike in dc
What if it’s an actual tie? How does that get spun?
Trump got crushed in Dutch Reform/Republican stronghold of Sioux County. Cruz won. Trump was 4th.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Sometimes it seems like all of life is an endless replay of high school, doesn’t it?
Victory of the battle to have technology make information crystal cloudy.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Ridnik Chrome: Oh that’s funny. I never thought of that.
@mike in dc: The GOP and the media want Sanders because they think he’s easier to beat. It’s already close enough that it’ll be spun as a loss for Clinton.
David *Rafael* Koch
More gorgeous gowns – Sophie Turner (Game of Thrones)
Maybe. To be honest. even as someone who is leaning Sanders, I didn’t expect him to win Iowa. Keeping it this close in Iowa is something of an achievement on its own.
I suspect he’ll take NH, though.
From that point on, I haven’t a clue yet how it will play out.
@JGabriel: Very much an achievement. I agree about N.H. I always expected that to be a cakewalk for him.
Bill E Pilgrim
@satby: Well the breaking out does tend to heal up at some point at least. Though just replaced by other problems of course.
The Golux
LOL Cruz projected winner.
If Rubio snatches 2nd place, is El Trumpo gonna assplode?
Dem Caucus still tightening:
83% reporting
Meanwhile, on the Republic side, Waterboy is closing in on Would Sleep w/ Daughter. This could be a close race for second place, folks!
83% reporting
James E Powell
I believe it was David Letterman who once said, the third grade never ends.
The concession speech is gonna be EPIC
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
MSNBC called it for Cruz.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Interesting. The race has been tightening. Who is Decision Desk?
Splitting Image
80+% reporting for both parties now. Kudos to Sanders for keeping it so close. Cruz looks like the winner on the GOP side.
Sanders might even pull it out. I suspect the last arrivals on the Democrat side will be the precincts with a (relatively) large number of O’Malley voters on the first ballot. I recall a poll suggesting they would break for Sanders.
Rubio did way better than I expected.
Bill E Pilgrim
Come on, Ted, finish him off. You know what they say, when your opponent is drowning, throw him an anchor, baby.
I told my 14 yr old daughter to knee any man doing the Cruz creep move in the groin. Especially a politician. She asked about hitting, but I thought that would lead to more trouble.
99% reporting:
Cruz 43,221 28%
Trump 38,029 24%
Rubio 35,791 23%
Carson 14,489 9%
Pau 7,046 4%
JEB! 4,385 3% (Unlimited Corporate BRINKS TRUCKS didn’t do so good.)
Kasich 2,953 2%
Fiorina 2,833 2%
Huckabee 2,730 2% (Note: won Iowa in 2008)
Christie 2,713 2%
Santorum 1,524 1% (Note: won Iowa, barely, in 2014)
Another big loser are the various polling companies.
@James E Powell:
I have a friend who refers to third grade as the best three years of my life.
(searches frantically through closets)
Where the bloody heck are those water wings? We’ve gone off the deep end.
Ridnik Chrome
@JGabriel: The Village goes all in on Rubio now…
Clinton campaign declaring themselves the winners, but it’s clearly too close to call.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Trump Flips His Wig or Canuck Shocks Bowery Boy
Huckster is out. Wonder who gets his peeps? Trumpy or Cruz?
@pseudonymous in nc:
Iowans overall not stupid (except for when they narrowly re-upped on Bush the Younger in ’04). Voted Dem in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections.
As we round into the closing stretch of the GOP dog race, Master Debater maintains the lead. Water Boy, in third place, is closing in on Would Sleep W/ Daughter. Doctor Grifter follows distantly, in fourth place, and That Dog Is Not The Federal Government’s Responsibility, Jr. trails behind in fifth place:
85% reporting
Songs shall be sung of how much Internet that GIF wins.
All the Internet you say? I tell you there is not enough.
Saw on 538 that more Hillary precincts remain outstanding than Sanders. That may be the reason.
You win the thread.
James E Powell
@Ridnik Chrome:
Does the Bush Family Criminal Empire just sit by and watch that happen?
@Ridnik Chrome:
I may not have predicted the winner, but it seems that I did predict “the real winner”
Huck out.
@Cacti: Makes sense. I remember that was the reason they called Ohio in 2012 which caused Karl Rove to melt down.
@Ridnik Chrome: Yep.
David *Rafael* Koch
@Baud: Here’s their bio — they’been solid all night
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ll take Adam Sandler Film Fest for $600, Alex
James E Powell
Elected Joni Ernst
@JGabriel: A (very close) three-way between Master Debater, Would Sleep W/ Daughter and Water Boy (would that necessarily be a four-way?) somehow brings me great glee, even as I try frantically not really to visualize it.
@James E Powell
“It’s time to take the gloves off. And slip on fresh gloves.”
Mr. Twister
@Bill E Pilgrim: Good one !
George Hayduke
Well, Iowa’s a draw. With proportional delegates.
Drawing to the Clinton Juggernaut is the kind of shitshow I wouldn’t mind.
Anne Laurie
New post up top, in O’Malley’s honor.
Santorum just said he’s staying in — going to South Carolina to stump the state.
Earlier this week, Hucksterbee said he’d have a ‘big announcement’ next week; conventional wisdome is he’ll be endorsing Trump (presumably in return for some quasi-legal form of payment).
@Baud: No, they lowered the expectations and won in the end.
Jefferson county went Sanders 72%. That was hard-core DLC territory when I was living in Iowa.
@Ridnik Chrome:
Almost certainly. In a way, it looks like Rubio is going to be the biggest winner – he should get a lot more support from the part of the billionaire club that’s been holding out for a clear leader to emerge in the “establishment” faction, while the rest of the GOPers below get quietly sidled out by lack of funds.
Cruz might pick up some billionaire support too.
Not much will change for Trump, although if he loses NH too, I suspect his campaign will start to fall apart.
Ridnik Chrome
@James E Powell: Don’t think there’s a hell of a lot they can do. Their guy just finished behind Ben Carson and Rand Paul, with three percent of the vote…
Joe Bauers
Hillary is the least inevitable inevitable candidate evar.
If that’s the case, Sanders’ high water mark was 49.4%.
He’s dropped back down to 49.3% now.
“A moron spewing meaningless drivel”
This phrase could just as easily apply to Kornacki’s MSNBC colleagues Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, and Mika Brzezinski.
Technically, it would only be a three-way: four people, but each can go three ways.
Then again, it doesn’t sound like Trump would share.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
¿Jeb?’s concession speech is really bitter:
@Tom65: It’s a tie on the Dem side. Not enough for either side to claim a big win. And in this case, I guess the tie would go to Sanders for doing so well. But he is still toast down the road. A tie in a two way Iowa race really does point to a paradigm breaking revolution of political alignments. I wouldn’t imagine that Sanders’ tying Clinton in Iowa is going to change many votes in SC, NC, FL, TX, NJ, PA, etc, or as some call it…the rest of the country. Hopefully Sanders’ youth voters will come along for the big win…but one wonders.
@different-church-lady: Clearly, there’s a lot for me to learn in practical higher math. How sad. (but not unexpected.)
@JGabriel: Trump might go third party if he doesn’t win NH. He’s got his story ready: he was leading big in the polls, so his losses “must have been caused” by the GOP establishment rigging the vote. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear the first rumblings about that tonight. Of course, Trump going third party would be disastrous for the GOP.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
LOS ANGELES — (Variety) Hillary Clinton to star as Snake Plissken in “Escape From Iowa”
@scav: It’s a very common mistake. The only reason I’m on it is I came up at the tail end of the New Math movement, and set theory was a big part of that.
Awesome sobriquets. I think the repub poo-slinging is going to be pretty interesting for the next little while. And if Rubio maintains the spot he has now, he is going to become such a target that Flint is going to be sending him bottles of water.
Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee. It’s common knowledge that Hillary can’t win the general election.
@different-church-lady: So New Math is what they’re calling it now :)
Annnnnnd…. fixed.
Major Major Major Major
@mclaren: hasn’t stopped us before.
@mclaren: You are aware the nomination comes first, yes?
James E Powell
@Ridnik Chrome:
I’m assuming they have dossier on Rubio
Sure, but it has always been true for them. Not so for Kornacki. He was great until he hit the big time with his Bridgegate coverage. It’s been downhill all the way since then. Seeing him humiliate himself tonight was just sad.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
live coverage of a speech by the guy who finished third in the caucus of a small rural state?
@Joe Bauers: wasn’t inevitability one of the arguments against her?
@Cacti: Nope. He’s at 49.5% now and Hillary is below 50%.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
From 538:
@Joe Bauers:
For which I am glad. It gets her on her game – and she brings good game. She is that smart gal who tries hard and is wonky as all hell…
None of us are as inspired by Hillary as we were by Obama, but I really respect her, and think that she would make a really good president – possibly even great.
ThresherK (GPad)
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Am I supposed to be hearing William Conrad announcing the next episode on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show?
Bully boy Christie is getting a serious shit kicking in Iowa. He’s losing to Fiorina and Huckabee.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NR: oh man, somebody really put up the dingbat signal
Major Major Major Major
How much does Bernie have to lose by for us to declare it a ‘win’?
randy khan
@Major Major Major Major:
He’s won already because HRC didn’t win by 10 or 20.
mclaren has decreed it, and so it shall be. Common knowledge.
@Baud: They make decisions, sort of the decider(that term got a bit tarnished though).
Matt McIrvin
Why does it matter who “wins” a super-close race in a caucus with proportional delegate assignment? Clinton and Sanders are going to get practically equal numbers of delegates regardless, and the remaining margin is going to be insignificant come convention time.
Bobby Thomson
@Matt McIrvin: because reporters on this beat are stupid and lazy. SATSQ
@Anne Laurie: The most important and telling thing Trump said in his astoundingly brief and surprisingly gracious concession speech was that he’s become really good friends with Huck of late.
@Matt McIrvin
Iowa and New Hampshire traditionally have not been selection processes so much as they serve as rejection contests.
Nate Dawg
Chris Matthews: HRC has to win. If she loses, shes loses.
Uh???? Say What?
She could bounce-back in NH a la 2008.
Or even later (See, e.g. her husband in 1992.)
Bill E Pilgrim
@Matt McIrvin: It actually doesn’t, or not much anyway. I mean even to the people pretending it does, what they were going to say is pretty much preordained. Rubio coming in either first, second, or third, or anywhere really, is “great news for Rubio” (I just saw my first “Rubio exceeds expectations!” headline), Clinton winning by a little or losing by a little means that Democrats are doomed, and if Sanders doesn’t get 80 percent then it was clearly all a terrible, foolish dream.
Matt McIrvin
@NotMax: Yeah, but the Democrat getting rejected here is O’Malley.
Matt McIrvin
@Nate Dawg: Hillary is probably going to lose the NH primary, though it’s another proportional contest and it’s not going to be a blowout, so that means less than it sounds like.
South Carolina is probably the place where we get the stunning comeback story.
Meanwhile, for what it’s worth, the very latest numbers show her widening her lead a bit again. I’m thinking people start calling it soon. Still pretty much a tie, though.
Bobby Thomson
@Nate Dawg: Matthews is an idiot. Not news. Clinton already has won a majority of delegates according to the HuffPo tracker. The meaningless beauty contest matters only to really stupid people – like Chris Matthews.
Sanders needed a big win tonight to set the narrative he wanted, and he didn’t get it. Even the slow to learn will eventually figure it out.
Nate Dawg
@Matt McIrvin: Yes of course.
I’m just saying that he is far too certain. Even if she lost both Iowa and NH, she’s going to clean up in SC and have a comeback narrative there.
Also, don’t take NH polls at face value. Everyone was certain HRC was dead before NH primary last time, and see how that turned out.
I don’t see Sanders having the path to victory Obama did unless mass amounts of AA voters in the south start turning out for him.
Bobby Thomson
@Matt McIrvin: no, she will get blown out in New Hampshire and the usual suspects will hyperventilate until other states start voting.
mike in dc
Ted Cruz is what you get if you splice Joe McCarthy and Dick Nixon…and remove all of their good qualities.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Was traveling. Sorry you’re having so much trouble.
Matt McIrvin
Meanwhile, delegate-wise the Republican caucus is pretty much a three-way tie, but people are going to obsess about Cruz’s upset. Trump did underperform his polling.
Omnes Omnibus
@mike in dc: I tried to retweet that and then realized I was on B-J.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Matt McIrvin: if anybody can make the Village pay ayyention something the GOP doesn’t want them to, its Trump
@mike in dc: I watched his victory speech just now, and was indeed reminded of Tricky Dick. Ugh.
@Calouste: Donald–make my day. Please.
Jesus F Christ, Cruz already looks like a child rapist. He doesn’t need to act like one too.