…noting that the last/next laugh may be his tomorrow.
Hugh Atkins forwarded news of his latest video styling — and I think you’ll enjoy it:
There really just isn’t any there, there, beyond an acknowledged gift for delivering memorized lines with some appearance of carbon-based sentience.
I’d say this was yet more thread…
How dumb must Rubio’s advisors be? He couldn’t even be bothered to change the wording?
Just saw an Emerson poll putting Bush at 2nd place and Kasich at 3rd. Really don’t want JEB? coming back from the dead.
@Renie: I do. I’d much rather face Jeb than anybody else.
Haa, that was great.
Also, Marco has obviously really worked hard on minimizing his lisp. Kudos to him.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: He is not pretty enough to be a himbo.
Maybe Sen. Rubio should use a teleprompter?
OT anyone know where i can watch the oj simpson movie online? have trouble viewing it on hulu and fox nothing loads
Rubio voter?
@efgoldman: Alas, I saw it a bit too late for Betty’s open thread.
@gratuitous: I don’t think he’s misspeaking so much as lying.
The media was salivating at the chance to replay the 2000 election with Rubio cast as a young, photogenic version of the affable empty suit GWB and Hillary as Al Gore, except even more joyless and prone to lying (claiming she is even when she’s not). David f’n Brooks in particular seemed giddy at the possibility.
They’re clearly rattled and hedging on that plan right now, but they may yet run with it. It’s probably the only chance they have at a competitive election other than John Kasich somehow becoming the nominee. But Rubio is such a pathetic fraud that he might not be capable of not fucking up, which is pretty much the only qualification necessary for being the beneficiary of a 2000esque media-enabled snow job.
Open Thread – Maybe Interesting
Crisis brewing?
Houlihan Lokey Inc., the investment bank that has advised on some of the world’s largest bankruptcies, said the volume of restructuring work has reached the highest level since the 2008 credit crisis as struggling companies find it harder to obtain financing.
“Our total number of active restructuring engagements as of Dec. 31, 2015, is now the highest since the Great Recession, and up over 25 percent from one year ago,” Beiser said.
After watching the dowdy himbo Cruz debate himself, I clicked Trump’s address to the nation.
I learned that Trump likes waffles drowned in syrup and butter. I like waffles drowned in syrup and butter. The Shrek 1 donkey likes waffles. Trump will get us a great fantastic, the best, deal on waffles.
I’m for Trump now.
Sorry Baud! 2016! Brokeback Boomberg. I haven’t heard jack from your campaign about waffles.
@jl: I can’t beat waffles. Go with your heart.
@Turgidson: Rubio would be tightly controlled. The media will have no problem promoting him.
@Baud: That reminds me of Kasich
Heard a clip on the news of his campaign. Kasich says “I’ve had so many Democrats come up to me and say ‘Hey, you make a lot of sense. You are a sensible experienced moderate. Of all the GOP candidates, I’d like you to be the nominee. I won’t vote for you, but I’d like you to be the nominee’ ”
Did I hear that wrong? Is Kasich a more inept campaigner than Jeb?
@Baud: Personally, I’m on team thin pancakes.
ETA: With butter and syrup, of course.
OBUMMER KNOWS WXACTLY WHAT HES DOING! (Sez rich white wife of client who doesn’t know she even KNOWS a liberal)
@BillinGlendaleCA: See there is a hunger in this country to address breakfast pastry and griddle cake with butter and syrup issues. Only Trump has the guts to address it.
Edit: note how the GOPers are all ham biscuit and grits and pone when they get down South. And people wonder why they are guaranteed almost 50 percent of the vote.
The campaign is yet young.
Nate Dawg
Just saw breaking news on MSNC that FBI is confirming it is investigating Clinton over emails. Wasn’t a whole lot more specific than that but fuck.
There’s that feckless tyrant theme again.
How does he do that?!?
@jl: I gave that up when I did low carb 10 years ago. While I appreciate the buttery sweetness, I can’t go back to my old ways.
@SIA: Wow! Who said ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is ignorance.
@trollhattan: Pure. Evil. Cunning.
@trollhattan: His very name says he is blonde. It’s a dogwhistle kind of thing.
I’m sorry. I’m out of anger over chain email outrage.
If you post this on five blogs, you’ll be blessed, by the way.
eta: By out of anger, I mean, my magical bag of fucks is empty.
I’m on thin pancake team too. I never order pancakes in cafes, too thick and gooey and makes me queasy. I grew up with the Scandinavian thin pancakes.
@JPL: This “lady” also said “maybe he’ll get shot”. God can hardly type the words.
Since his debate faceplant probably occurred in part because of tight control run amok, I’m not sure that is very comforting. Hillary is just as capable of hilariously derailing Rubio’s train of thought as Christie was, maybe more so.
@Nate Dawg: From what I can glean so far, it looks like non-news. We’ll see.
@mapaghimagsik: No need to give a fuck. And thanks for the tip about posting on five blogs.
@SIA: All of a sudden, someone is a complete idiot.
@Nate Dawg: Breaking news that Lynch is reaffirming that FBI investigation is free of outside influence, in response to dissemination of an existing FBI communication released through a FOIA request.
So, I guess that is worth a news story. Watch for explosion of lurid tales from Fox News.
@SIA: The Presidents speech about Islam and mosques was so powerful.
If I were quick and witty, I’d mention that Jefferson was called a secret Muslim also. Unfortunately, I’m not quick and witty.
@OzarkHillbilly: Sadly, the idiocy there is of long standing.
@SIA: And people ask why the GOP candidates are running against Obama.
@jl: Fox has done more with less.
@Baud: I am pretty sure the Baud v Bush head-to-head polls favor Baud. If only because a Baud in the hand is worth two in the Bush.
@JPL: Heh. I just seethe. Alternate universe those folks are living in.
Eric U.
we just gave Hillary money in December and now they are calling us all the time for more money. Sorry, it don’t work that way
@Renie: I do, but I want him running against Bernie, because all the anti-establishment Rs could cross over.
What I don’t want is Bush Vs. Clinton. This is NOT ‘Groundhog Day’.
@Baud: I love Obama and wish he would declare martial law to anoint himself king as I’ve been warned, but the upside when he leaves office they’ll have to demonize someone else. Sick, insane, and delusional “opposition”. Gah.
Nate Dawg
@jl: okay but what is the purpose of the investigation. Going on 7 months now. Is it a security review as Clinton states or an actual criminal investigation. Personally I haven’t seen anything awful but I’d rather the whole thing actually be a non-issue than just a non-issue in Dem-world.
@Nate Dawg: Relax: Yep, the “Top Secret” Emails Were All About Drones Something tells me that if they are going to prosecute Hillary for this, Condi and Colin better lawyer up.
@Gimlet: Yes, obviously. Bank of Scotland has also been sounding alarms. Yes, finance is collapsing. The status quo is unsustainable and unbailable.
@goblue72: HA!
@Nate Dawg: my guess is that it’s ass covering. They don’t want to be accused of not looking under every rock when they conclude no one did anything illegal.
Oh boy. Between this news and the report that Mike Bloomberg has publicly confirmed that he’s considering a presidential run, Ron “Severe Dementia” Fournier might die of pleasure overload. His 2nd and 3rd-favorite things to write about (after his trademarked “[x] happened, and it’s both sides’ fault but mostly Obama’s because he can’t lead” column, of course) are Hillary’s emails and swooning over wealthy deficit scolds who think the answer to every question is to cut Social Security (Bloomberg is one of them, I believe).
Think there will be limited news and discussion until the crisis is on us like last time?
Number the one: The Atlantic is an Ocean, supported by the ocean floor.
Number the two: This is oddly specific and just….well…wrong. 30 seconds of googling gets you this:
CV Locations
Just a very odd point with all the other points.
Why do so many people fall for this fear baiting bullshit?
@Gimlet: Betcher bippy. Officially, it will come as a COMPLETE SURPRISE OMG WFTBBQ.
If the Bank of Scotland warnings are this public, God knows what they’ve been telling each other at Davos for years. We’re literally the last to hear these warnings, so it’s well and truly upon us at this point.
Certain economists like say Mark Blyth have been saying this for years, so it depends on who you listen to…
That sounds dirty.
I like it.
@Baud: I can not reply to Nate, please forward:
FYWP. keeps eating my comments. Relax, Nate. Yep, the “Top Secret” Emails Were All About Drones We all already know Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever run for President without any body any where ever being able to dig up any dirt that actually sticks… Look, at some point they are going to say that HRC personally ordered global warming.
David *Rafael* Koch
Clinton sent a couple staffers dressed-up as Robots to a Lil’ Marco rally.
Are you kidding? Jeb? coming back into second place in NH would be AWESOME.
If Jeb? takes second place in NH his donors would be wasting more money on him. He’d go into SC attacking Cruz and Rubio, Rubio and Cruz would be attacking him. Trump would be attacking all of them – it would be phenomenal. I might cry.
None of them would drop out. All four of them would fight on until at least Super Tuesday. And then, Eris and Loki and Coyote and all the other Chaos Gods Be Praised, we could go into the convention with nobody having a clear majority and all four of them insisting that they should be President? It would be amazing.
Rubio is Spanish for blond.
Marco, sadly, doesn’t yet translate as empty-headed sycophantic putz.
@David *Rafael* Koch: How do you know it was Clinton?
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
apparently he’s still saying it, right down to “dispel with”
@Nate Dawg:FYWP I give up. Go read Kevin Drum. Click back to page 2. Read, “Yep, the “Top Secret” Emails Were All About Drones” We all already know Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever run for President without any body any where ever being able to dig up any dirt that actually sticks… Look, at some point they are going to say that HRC personally ordered global warming.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: He’s like retweeting come to life.
@Nate Dawg: And just for the record, the purpose of the 3 dozen investigations to date is to bury her under a mountain of conjured slime.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Okay, now it’s getting creepy.
Kasich is the governor of my state. I guarantee you he made up that last sentence in the anecdote he was sharing.
@SIA: Trumps first act as Commandant Hologram would be to host a reality show in which Democrats compete to be the next Rethuglican Demon, followed by a very special episode of Who Wants To Torture My Dad in NBC.
She couldn’t just put on a sweater like everyone else?
@David *Rafael* Koch:
I think it was the Super PAC supporting her. And since the candidates have no idea what the Super PACs are doing, we can hardly assume Hillary sent….bwhahahahaha nevermind.
@SIA: WTF????!!!!! The lady (trying to be polite) definitely needs some major medication.
@Baud: I’ve heard that when you’re good, you’re very good. But when you’re bad, you’re even better.
Everyone knows she commanded Vince Foster to place the order.
@Nate Dawg: @Turgidson:
My understanding is that classification bureaucracy is retrospectively re-classifying documents that were sent to HRC and on her server. So far, nothing has been ID’d that was marked classified at the time. But some material was either public info that parallels classified info, or becomes classified when put together with something else in the email, or suspected to be material related from memory that is similar to, and may be from classified info (that is special compartmentalized stuff).
OK, so now that these things have been re-classified or in some cases newly classified, FBI is looking into whether anything should reasonably have been known to be classified by someone when it was sent. And if so, criminal charges may result.
This is unnerving I admit. But I don;t see any real new news that came out about it at all today.
Today, I learned from Balloon Juice that the word you are looking for is hysterical.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@debbie: Second that guarantee.
@debbie: I take that to mean Ohio Democrats would like to see his ass retired from public life asap. That correct? Or, that there are Democrats in Ohio who would vote for him in the general?
There playing the Stone’s “Time is on My Side” at the Trump rally. Bastards.
I believe the word you want is Shah. Or Sultan.
@Peale: Vizier!
Another panic piece from Reuters dated 39 minutes ago
Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) alone sank 9.5 percent as concerns mounted about its ability to maintain bond payments. Late Monday, the German bank said it has “sufficient” reserves to make due payments this year on AT1 securities.
The cost of insuring bank debt against default also climbed to its highest since late 2013. Borrowing costs in Spain, Portugal and Italy jumped as investors demanded a fatter risk premium over safer German paper, where two-year yields hit record lows at minus 52 basis points.
“The ‘fear factor’ in markets has morphed from being about an emerging market hard-landing and collapsing oil prices to being about the extent of the slowdown in the developed world and the ability of central banks to reflate asset values yet again,” said analysts at Citi in a note.
The Bank of Japan’s recent shift to negative rates has fueled concerns that ever-more exotic monetary policy is rapidly reaching the point of diminishing returns.
I get the vapors just thinking about that.
Now where’s that fainting couch?
Ron “Severe Dementia” Fournier does not require actual “news” to be encouraged to write a few more articles about Hillary and her emails. The very existence of an FBI investigation proves that “suspicions remain” that will “dog her campaign” and the “persistent allegations” “are causing concern even among some of her loyalists”… etc. etc. etc. ad fucking nauseum.
I basically just wrote that insufferable asshole’s column for him. Since the FBI is a wing of Obama’s DOJ, maybe he’ll even work in some word salad about how “Obama can’t lead.”
@NotMax: That’s why she had to kill him.
Rubio is dead meat. The robot thing is getting all the attention, but the bigger unsung story was that Christie skewered the myth that Rubio had any accomplishments to run on.
Rubio might be able to fix the robot thing in the next few weeks, but he won’t be able to do anything about his lack of accomplishments. Not to mention that he opposes abortion for rape victims.
The Clinton campaign would shred that vile fraudster if he got the nomination. With the exception of Kasich I despise all of the Republican candidates, but Rubio is top of the list – for months the piece of shit has been saying that President Obama has been deliberately destroying America. I wish nothing but misery and humiliation on Rubio. He’s far more than an empty suit. He’s a vile human being.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
speaking of Kaisch… How hard are Trump and Christie gonna hit this if that second place for JK comes true, and nut-picking aside I can’t see how else he saw this working for him in front of a GOP crowd
He pretty much said he’s to the left of HRC– which I suspect some of our Usual Suspects will agree with
@raven: Time is on our side. The day will come when he is dead.
@NotMax: she told Vince Foster to stop global warming. Then iced him after she sold us out to the bankers.
I cannot imagine any Ohio Democrat voting for Kasich in the general election. Not even labor. After the way he tried to shaft them on SB5 (getting rid of unions), I can’t imagine labor would get behind him. Those guys never forget!
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: she thought he was Martin o’Malley?
@debbie: Huh? Didn’t Ohio reelect him after all that?
Howard Beale IV
Looks like the leader of the anti-abortion crime syndicate CMP is jonesing for martyr status.
David *Rafael* Koch
@Nate Dawg: it didnt say that.
it said:
That this is being leaked the night before a primary shows you it’s a political ploy.
Steve in the ATL
Sorry, got off that train years ago! Too much whiny, pessimistic navel-gazing.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@Peale: heh, as good an explanation as any
@Baud: the 60% approval rating is frequently cited, but I’ve never checked it out
@SIA: OMG i don’t even know what to say..the stupid it runs deep
The Dems are very weak in Ohio. They ran a guy (Ed Fitzgerald) and didn’t support him at all (in words or in funds) because (horror!) he drove for 10 years without a driver’s license. I could have won an election against Fitzgerald, and no one knows me!
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
It was 60%, but as I said, he basically ran unopposed.
@debbie: I hope Bernie and Hillary have current licenses. And all their shots.
Steve in the ATL
We get that same shit from our unions every day…I wonder if they’ve gone Muslim….
This actually sounds like a dog whistle–code for lazy blacks.
@Steve in the ATL:
Exactly so.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@Renie: apparently at GOP campaign stops, there are any number of people who think they’re walking in the shoes of Rosa Parks and John Lewis every time they say Merry Christmas
(Also, I have never seen a Muslim prayer rug, had pork the last two times I ate dinner out, and couldn’t read beyond those)
@debbie: You haven’t been around union politics of late.
Steve in the ATL
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Pork loin was the special today in our company cafeteria, so praise Allah, er, thank God! that we haven’t been converted yet.
David *Rafael* Koch
That’s wicked funny. Mr Super Pac himself wants to eliminate Super Pacs because he’s discovered it helps his cash poor competitors stay afloat.
Law of unintended consequences.
From your lips…
Steve in the ATL
@OzarkHillbilly: True. Most of the union members at my company are openly Republican.
Kay will know better than I, but as RWNJ as they may be, they will never forgive Kasich. Aside from SB5, he very publicly called the cop who stopped him for speeding an idiot. Whatever the male equivalent of hysteria is, there was a lot of it.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Kasich has spent the entire primary running for the nomination of a Republican Party he would prefer to believe exists rather than the actual braindead, poo-flinging mental ward that actually does exist. It’s kinda cute.
In a reasonable world, Kasich would be the candidate for the right wing loons rather than the purportedly sensible moderate. He actually is moderate compared to Tailgunner Ted and the glitchy beta-version android known as Marco Rubio. And that’s pretty terrifying.
We have GOT to put more money into Public Mental Health.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
At my house, “Usual Suspects” refers to the use of onion carrot and celery in beginning a dish.
Who here thinks Kasich is to the left of Hillary Clinton? If you have someone specific in mind, please say so.
Steve in the ATL
Ohio is left of New York and DC on a map? Best i can do.
@Steve in the ATL: Thank you! I do enjoy specifics when I can find them.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Such an odd locution. “Dispense with,” yes. Or just “dispel.” But this is just weird, and every time he said it Saturday night, it got just that much weirder.
David *Rafael* Koch
CNN/WMUR —- New Hampshire Poll — Feb 4 thur 8
Not much drama. Sanders will be projected the winner the moment the polls close (7PM Eastern).
The quirky town of Dixville Notch will cast it’s votes at midnight, in about 3 1/2 hours.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
Tad Devine, whose resume includes getting John Cornyn ( of Goldman Sachs, for those who don’t know) elected governor of New Jersey, on my TV railing against big money and Wall St.
Again: When is some gonna ask when he regained his virginity?
Racism IMO. Even with a white president, a Democrat is going to (supposedly) act for the benefit of those other people.
@Anoniminous: agree! But too late for that particular crowd.
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Unfortunate transcription typo which took hold.
Obama is Voldemort, bent on undoing the white magic cast by the wizardly Founders, don’tcha know.
@David *Rafael* Koch: I would expect Bernie to win NH just out of regional pride, I don’t know that it says anything about the primary in general.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: I noticed that too. It’s like seeing the same typo repeatedly in a copy-and-paste.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: Keef or Mick got anything to say about that?
@debbie: Essentially unopposed sums it up. Fitzgerald kept stepping on his dick to the point that many Dems stayed home in disappointment, though I wasn’t one of them.
David *Rafael* Koch
CNN/WMUR —- New Hampshire Poll — Feb 4 thur 8
Canadian Cruz..14%
¿Jeb?………………..7% ◄
We get to hear Trump call everyone looooosers tomorrow nite.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Okay, but the problem isn’t Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager (who does seem sort of slippery although I was never aware of him before this).
This is David Axelrod, today:
I don’t think he’s talking about Bernie Sanders.
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: I thought Hayes got him pretty good in that “who’s the establishment” line of questioning.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Kathleen: LOL!
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Keef Hartley? :)
Steve in the ATL
This, combined with the small number of delegates at stake, means that this primary result will mean jackshit, just like Iowa’s did. And yet we will hear about it endlessly….
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Saw what you did there. ~~shiver~~
@PurpleGirl: I know right. It’s depressing and hilarious at the same time.
@David *Rafael* Koch: I think he was just noticing that the super pads are required to NOT be controlled by their actual “candidate”. At best it means some real armatures put out adds that make their supposed candidate look bad, he gets blamed by voters, and can’t do a darned thing about it. At worst it’s going to result in some real serious rat fucking. Just because you say you are for someone doesn’t mean you really are. Play along till the right moment then pretend to do some dump ads….no one gets to see the books either so I expect some of them to just take the money and run.
I get that some of the Supreams court thought it would help the GOP, but I think they were idiots by all measures.
David *Rafael* Koch
Chip Daniels
Pace yourself.
There is a lot more bile and invective to be spilt yet, and the campaign is still early.
The environment is so target-rich, I am rationing my seething rage in short 3-round bursts.
@Turgidson: Good to hear from others that few Ohio Democrats would vote for Kasich now.
My political instincts are not the best, but Kaish was the GOPer I feared the most in terms of producing a GOP win in November. But that was before I saw his odd campaign style.
@Applejinx: @Gimlet:
From your link Gimlet:
This is not a repeat of 2008. This is a problem with the energy sector and retail.
@Peale: Tsar works as well. Or dictator!
@Steve in the ATL:
Only for 10 days or so and then everyone will move on to
fretting overanalyzing South Carolina.Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@Kay: Okay, but the problem isn’t Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager
Yeah, I just don’t like him, and I have a hunch it’s not a coincidence that about the only “establishment” candidate of the last twenty plus years he didn’t work for is the Clintons.
and that Axelrod tweet was…. interesting. I always said Hillary needed a Bubba wrangler. I nominate Begala.
David *Rafael* Koch
Hilarious attack ad – Rubio as a little boy who can’t stop drinking from a bottle, with a fat Christie impersonator covered in mud. ??
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
I thought John Cornyn was from Texas?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Kay: I meant to say yesterday, your son cracked me up by telling you that your theory is
“not widely accepted. Because it’s insane.” That’s such a well-raised kid.
randy khan
@Eric U.:
Long experience shows that your best bet for new contributions is the pool of people who’ve already contributed. It’s annoying if, like me, you decide how much to contribute and then are done, but it works enough to be worth the trouble.
From tonight’s Trump rally: Ted Cruz is a p**sy.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: believe he meant Jon Corzine
@Steve in the ATL: Last year there was some talk in Vermont that we should go first, so that it counts for more like it does in NH. When this arose, NH came out and said that VT couldn’t be first, because NH had a law that said they were to be first. Like a NH law is going to rule what Vermonters do, psh.
But then once people got in the middle of thinking how we could grab all the $$, it was generally realized that then we would actually have all that bullshit going on here and all the stupid media peeps etc all over the place. Suddenly no one wanted to be first anymore. Keep away!!
Reminded me of a bumper sticker that was popular here years ago, it said Welcome to Vermont – Now Go Home.
Call me paranoid, but I’m not the only one who immediately thought that the banks are restricting credit to try and get the Republicans elected, right?
Matt McIrvin
@SIA: Sounds like the target clientele for Old Glory Robot Insurance.
Because they’re made of metal. And robots are strong.
Why is everyone being mean to the poor little RuB2io? The thing is barely out of Beta and the O/S still needs some Real World testing and people are poking at, expecting signs of animatronic life.
@randy khan: Not just for politics, but for any non-profit.
Though most non-profits have a keen ear not to lean too much on donors, either large or small.
@Steve in the ATL: South Carolina will be extremely interesting.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Dude, get your Jons and Johns right. Is it Jon Corzine, former NJ Governor, or “Big John” Cornyn, Senator from Texas. Which is it, Jon or John?
@Steve in the ATL: I’m quite sure it is. Every item on there is a huge dog whistle, delusion, lie or outright projection. Or all of the above.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: D’oh! Corzine
@Steve in the ATL: Yup
schrodinger's cat
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Hillary needs to muzzle her husband and send Steinem and Albright home.
David *Rafael* Koch
Donald Trump promises to reform health care by going after the drug companies. He says they are going to “hate him.”
Eric U.
@randy khan: oh, I know, the suckers that already contributed are the ones that you need to bother to get more money. It’s just that you should be able to say one and done and be left alone. We have been getting multiple calls per night. The guy tonight was whining like a 5 year old who missed his nap by the time I hung up on him.
Next person that calls, I’m going to ask how to get our money back and see if that stops the calls
@Matt McIrvin:
@Eric U.: I have not donated to anyone this cycle, but I did donate frequently to the Obama ’08 primary campaign and bot of his general election campaigns. They never called me for money, though they frequently asked me to volunteer ( I sent the kids). The fundraising emails were pretty incessant and still are to this day.
@Renie: Deep and wide, and I’m surrounded by it. :-(
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Think you meant John Corzine, retired CEO of Goldman Sachs, whose main accomplishment was taking the firm public.
David *Rafael* Koch
@Baud: Sanders is getting massive crowds in SC (photo)
Iowa Old Lady
I’ll donate in the general. That’s the one that matters to me.
@David *Rafael* Koch: That’s why you play the
gamecampaign. Anything can change in 10 days.Steve in the ATL
Now that’s something you don’t hear everyday!
@Steve in the ATL: South Carolina is a lot better when you exclude the Republicans.
OT Trump at his rally tonight, just called Cruz a pussy for not supporting torture in the last debate. Didn’t someone here lay a bet that he’d use that word or the n word sometime soon?
Some state should hold their primary in November, a year before the election, and so by law NH would have to hold its primary earlier.
Then another state should do it in October and New Hampshire would have to bump back its primary,
And so on, until NH changes its law.
A video of Trump’s P**sy moment for your viewing pleasure.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I’m depressed they didn’t knock out Kasich, one of those other Republicans.
Imagine a Kasich v Clinton in Ohio. Pure horror. Everyone always tells me “they’ll never nominate X Republican because he supports Y, which is a deal breaker” and then they always nominate that (somewhat) electable person.
@gene108: Guam.
@Betty Cracker
Hayes is so very, very young and so very, very prone to stretching terminology to try to fit his prepared narrative.
Mark Rudd – anti-establishment.
Bobby Seale – anti-establishment.
Mario Savio – anti-establishment.
Bernie Sanders isn’t within shouting distance of anti-establishment.
Eric U.
@beltane: my wife didn’t ask me before she donated. The kids are berniebots, so she might want to watch her back. One really annoying thing is campaigns that respond to donations over the Internet with phone calls. For some reason, it doesn’t surprise me that Hillary is running such an old fashioned campaign. What’s next, scary postcards?
Speaking of which, I just got a letter from Cruz, “dear fellow conservative” ha.
@Baud: Have you had all your shots? I’ve heard rumors to the contrary.
@Applejinx: Sanders can build a new coalition, but I doubt that crossover Republicans will be anything close to a significant part of it.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Kay: People nationally have no idea how thin-skinned and nasty he is. If one of the others rattles him hard enough, the annoyed Kasich will be on full display.
Q for people who know (otherwise) sane RW folks – how do they exist? I have a friend who is both brilliant and fanatically right wing. He seems too smart for that, but he told me the other day that Trump and Obama “are identical. Scratch the surface of either and it’s Il Duce underneath.” I just cannot understand the combination of intelligence and insanity. His wife is normal; they’re both psychologists and he is the more impressive intellect.
Mike J
Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign preferred other candidates because they’re part of the establishment. Doesn’t that make him anti-establishment?
@Eric U.: Fundraising phone calls from any source tend to arouse suspicion in those of us under a certain age. Judging by the behavior of elderly relatives, they are a great way to target the senior crowd.
Rest assured Baud had all the shots.
And several mugs thereafter.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Baud! 2016! has survived rabies, distemper, and (miraculously) heart worm. Only a few physical and verbal tics betray the clinical history.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Need to do something about the fleas before the gneral, but so far they seem to be going over well with his base. They think they show ‘authenticity’.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Don’t you mean John Corzine?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Kasich (allegedly) hired staff and has ad time in Nevada. What does that mean?
Is it like… midwestern retirees he’s after? Golfers?
Isn’t it a caucus? Do you think of him as someone one would caucus for? I can’t even imagine his supporters having that much energy. I think of them as vote by mail, frankly.
@Mike JNo.
No more than my being unable to snag a reservation at the latest chi-chi eatery would define me as anti-restaurant.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I know and you know but now he’s nicknamed himself The Happy Warrior and compared to the rest of the snarling mob on the debate stage he’s happy go lucky. I can’t believe it. I don’t recognize this person he’s invented.
I haven’t infected anyone in a long time.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): do people even know what scratch the surface means? Its like the opposite of “dig deep.” You really have to dig deep for and make a bunch of dirt up to make Obama appear like Benito II.
I wonder if conservative websites are celebrating their version of Fitzmas. Remember that, when any minute now Dick Cheney was going to be indicted?
Rubio got stuck on repeat again today.
Nevada caucuses are coming up on the 20th. IIRC, don’t mean a thing since the GOP state party officials granted themselves the power to appoint delegates to the national convention.
Video for Markie the Parched.
@Steve in the ATL: I do not understand that.
ETA On 2nd thought…ATL…GA…The South…voting against interest. Oh yeah. I get it.
@gene108: the 2024 New Hampshire Primary can be held in October, 2019. Why even bother to finish electing one president when you could start deciding on the next one.
@Anoniminous: It is interesting that there is a prospect of the Mittbot 2012 being followed up by RuB2io_2016. Which is less human-like?
@Peale: I think it would be more fun for other states to make their primaries explicitly second – like close the polls 5 minutes after NH – and so force the same coverage as NH gets.
I think the RuB2io_2016 needs more work. His internal control programs fail too often for him to go prime time.
Well, then, what is he up to? :)
I would rather have Rubio than Kasich. Rubio is a moron. I hope NH doesn’t mess this whole thing up.
@dslak: Damn he is one dumb toddler.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
There’s a little piece of me that wants to feel sorry for him but, happily, I’m managing to suppress it.
The Lodger
@efgoldman: Or, according to spanishtranslation.com, Si sólo fuera Rubio.
El Caganer
@catclub: They’d be perfect together: “All the trees are just the right height, and Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.”
I don’t know if he is thinking ahead to 2020 or if he is running for the grift of it all or if he still thinks he has a shot.
ETA: As completely & totally whacko as it seems to me: it’s looking like Trump will get their nom.
@Anoniminous: He’ll win NH and was leading in South Carolina last I checked.
Trump is leading in most of the states for which we have polling. I don’t think he has broken 40% anywhere, yet. But he doesn’t have to. As long as he is above 20% and nobody else is, he’s good to win the lot.
I just don’t want Democrats to have to insanely defend the Great Lakes states. I can just hear Chris Matthews now. He’ll be talking about John Kasich bowling in Pennsylvania and his fantasy of “Reagan Democrats”.
Was that a plumber’s crack?
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@Kay: I’ve said before, Katich was Tweety’s original man-crush, before the Aqua-Velva, before the thrill up the leg, there was Katich. I think it was in the ’08 cycle, before he was elected gov (?), he was doing a bit of punditing for Willard, and he appeared on a talking head segment opposite Joan Walsh. He started on his “I’m just a green-eye shade son of a postman” schtick, and Walsh brought up his stint on Wall St. Katich started to respond but was drowned out by Tweety bellowing that he wouldn’t tolerate that kind of personal attack.
On a show called “Hardball”
Matthews is on drugs. There’s no frickin’ way we’ll lose PA. “Reagan Democrats” are (1) dead or (2) GOP voters, that was 32 years ago for god’s sakes.
@David *Rafael* Koch
Hart’s Location don’t get no respect.
And they began the practice.
Steve in the ATL
@SIA: No, we are a national company. Most of our bargained employees make good money and I assume don’t want to share it with *those* people.
I find it quite ironic that I, the union buster, am more liberal than the bulk of the union members. I suppose racism uber alles, as usual.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Oh, it gets better:
Pittsburgh! My God, we’ll never hear the end of it. They’ll swoon. Clinton will have to move to Scranton, maybe Joe Biden too.
David *Rafael* Koch
@Anoniminous: he is bizarre. he was saying Dems will lose Connecticut if Trump is nominee. Dems won CT by 18 points in 2012 and they have won CT 6 consecutive times. The delusion that a wig wearing buffoon turns those circumstances around can only occur in a broken mind.
David *Rafael* Koch
@Kay: I think they’re hiding his usual “my dad was a mailman” bit because the base hates unions and they hate everything involving the government
@Steve in the ATL: Crap that’s depressing.
Don’t forget he called himself the Prince of Light a couple weeks ago. There were more than a few raised eyebrows among local reporters afterward.
@David *Rafael* Koch:
He’s running nationally differently than he runs in Ohio, though. He’s the suburban candidate in Ohio. That’s his base. Ted Strickland got the voters he was supposed to get (enough) white working class/labor + AA+ the youngs. Kasich beat him with the suburbs + rural areas.
I’m hoping he’s too twitchy for a long campaign. Plus, he can’t talk. He doesn’t seem to have words at the ready. He doesn’t have a sufficient number and variety of words- not enough for an adult.
I love how no one cares if he’s here or not. Usually you get that “where is our governor?!” fake-outage in newspapers. No one even bothers with that.
All it would take is someone calculating just how much Kasich’s forays onto the national stage have cost Ohio voters, and then they’d care plenty.
@debbie: ahura mazda called, and he is angry.
But he’s been a weirdly distant and hands off governor, so you don’t notice he’s been gone for a year. I think he’s allowed the other state officeholders who are all insanely ambitious to create little fiefdoms where they’re all running their own shows. They’re all attention hounds and they’re all running for governor. I have never in my life been as up on the doings at the auditors, or the treasurers. I keep waiting for this massive scandal due to Kasich’s deep indifference to doing his job.
He’d be a terrible President. He belongs in a legislative body.
He belongs in a legislative body
I’m thinking more along the lines of a McD last shift asst. manager.
Think he’d last more than 2 weeks?
The specter of Mary Taylor as governor is truly frightening!
J R in WV
Now, really, who dreamed this odd, sick fantasy up?
You gotta tell us where this came from, if you have any clues.
J R in WV
If you read that list of locations, you will see that several of our most powerful Carrier Squadrons are currently gifted to Arab potentates!
So there, Obama is giving us to the Muslims!! It’s a done deal!!
Some of the carrier groups are in and around the Persian Gulf, to help deal with ISIS, or whatever the current name of Arab terrorism is today.
True fact, sometimes our Navy participates in warfare! Even not just off the east coast of North America.
Well, THAT part is easily explained by the Bundys and the other ammosexuals reading rants like that one…
Is whatever that person has treatable?
@J R in WV: I do love how the Teahad is geographically challenged.
@singfoom: Easy: The. Earth. Is. Flat. Ever notice that geography is not especially heavily weighted in schooling – especially now that STEM (or “Training Our Next Generation of High-Tech Serfs”) is in vogue? These idjits can hardly find their own state on a map of North America, let alone anyplace else on the planet. And a goodly portion of them fall into the (unsurprisingly high) percentage of US residents who have no plans to travel outside the US because there’s nothing outside the United States worth seeing. It’s tempting to believe that Li’l Macro’s insistence that BHO wants to make the US “like the rest of the world” resonates because his audience can’t visualize a “rest of the world” bigger than California.