With little commentary, I present this, Del. Azinger (R-Wood County), explaining why he voted for the WV RFRA pro-bigotry bill:
I got nothing. Well, this:
Delegate Azinger said America began veering off course in 1965. Ironically, the year he was born.
— Phil Kabler (@PhilKabler) February 11, 2016
I want to know right NOW! who iz hating on Kris Columbus.
peach flavored shampoo
Having trouble remembering what iconic law might have passed in 1965….something about voting…..something about minority voting…..nah, he couldn’t be this blatant, right?
Little commentary is what this deserves.
Amir Khalid
I have no idea what that man just said. I’m not even sure if he managed a single grammatically complete sentence in two whole minutes.
Just Some Fuckhead
That was very educationy. We need to elect more armchair historians.
He’s an elected official? He sounds like someone who wandered into an open mic to complain about trees on his property.
cynthia ackerman
I don’t think he understands that Jefferson had a very secular reading of the Bible in mind, and that Jefferson meant for knuckleheads like this to absorb the secular wisdom in the Bible rather than reflexive idiocy.
@srv: This guy would make a perfect VP for Trump. I mean, if Sarah Palin turns down the job.
Chip Daniels
@peach flavored shampoo:
No way!
It was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution!
That precipitated America’s disastrous involvement in a land war in Asia, which, as everyone knows is only slightly more insane than going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
But no mention of precious bodily fluids. How can that be?
Yup, the natives hated Columbus because he believed in God. Also, if God told Chris he could get to the Indies via heading west from Europe, God was playing a little ol’ joke on Chris. And plus also, let’s ignore the Jefferson Bible that Tom wrote, when he took out all the Jesus miracles. And ignore the fact that Tom Paine was a passionate atheist.
Ignorant bigot.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Svensker: Holy shit, it’s damn near like a Balloon Juice reunion these last few.
Just Some Fuckhead
@cynthia ackerman:
You could stop there.
I was taught a Biblical world view… with a yard stick and a pointer and an Encyclopedia Britannica and…. I always kind of wondered why they never used the Bible?
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Ultraviolet Thunder
This is your democracy, America. Cherish it.
(Pierce, Charles P., every week)
Muy stupido.I don’t know enough spanish to call him out properly.
Words fail.
@Mai.naem.mobile: chinga tu madre
@Mai.naem.mobile: Pinche joto.
patrick II
Anyone who has read Howard Zinn
Voting Rights Act of 1965….yeah, some people still have a problem with that, go figure….
LBJ is quoted as saying “this will lose us the south for a generation” — and I guess this guy is the generation.
Check your mailbox for the fundraising letter. It can’t be far behind.
That’s what a diet of rainwater and pure-grain alcohol will do to a brain.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Kentucky Representative Mary Lou Marzian (D-People’s Democratic Socialist Kenyan Sharia Republic of Louisville) offered up this gem this week in the General Assembly:
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Moderation hell!
Liquid lunch?
I don’t speak in the language that he speaks. Guess I need to learn English like all of the other real ‘Murikans, and not that fancy doohickey language they speak in European countries like England.
patrick II
His attempt at logic befuddles me. People hate Columbus because the Lord put it into his mind that “It would be possible to sail from here (Spain) to the Indies? And as a result this country went on the wrong path in 1965?
Also, if you’re going to pick a Lord inspired quote from 500 years ago as a demonstration of how we went wrong, it would help to pick one where the Lord got it right. Chris ended up in the Americas, not the Indies as he was “inspired to do”
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
O/T but holy crap, just heard that two girls were killed in a high school shooting in Glendale, Arizona.
My grand-niece is a high school student in Glendale, AZ.
Good thoughts, everyone.
@Amir Khalid: For everyone who thinks the US education system broke only recently, he’s the poster child for It’s Been Broken Since 1970 At The Latest.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Kentucky Representative Mary Lou Marzian (D-People’s Democratic Soc!alist Kenyan Sharia Republic of Louisville) offered up this gem this week in the General Assembly:
Yeah, actually giving rights to those who just had them in writing was totally where we went off the rails. Asshole.
A giant asshole as a legislator. How new and novel.
This one may be elected, but others like him seem to be everywhere these days. Casually house-shopping in outer NoVA, I stopped into one new development to look around. One agent there, when she learned where I am now, said she grew up in the same community “when it was a nice place” (i,e. before it’s segregationist incorporating documents were struck down and Those People began moving in). Her companion though the community was well placed because there were two Walmarts in easy driving distance. Walmarts. And the homes START at $600K. I left thinking they’d helped me to no end with my home search: they’d convinced me that community was NOT someplace I cared to live.
Mike in DC
1965 was the year of the civil rights act and voting rights act, and the beginning of the Great Society. Impossible for him to be referring to anything else.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Well, [cough] speaking as a no-longer-young, non-cisgendered, (currently) unmarried person, while I appreciate what the legislation is trying to do, I’m not exactly thrilled that should I need those meds I’d have to find a husband first. OTOH, the number of wingnut males taking same for their recreation (and the subsequent slvt-shaming) who would be sorely inconvenienced by this does freude my schaden enough that I could survive the inconvenience.
@WarMunchkin: Is it just the two of us, or does wingnutsery require either learning Ahmurrrcan™ or forgetting everything we ever knew about English sentence structure?
His contemporaries grew to hate his guts and had him jailed.
He was a shitty human being, but apparently a competent sailor.
His brutality as governor of Hispaniola led to his demise at the hands of the Spanish, who got sick of his shit.
Matt McIrvin
@cynthia ackerman:
There’s a whole trutherist movement devoted to “debunking” that. David Barton is the central figure.
Democrats who voted FOR RFRA (16 of 36):
Bates (D-Raleigh)
Blackwell (D-Wyoming)
Boggs (D-Braxton)
Campbell (D-Randolph)
Eldridge (D-Lincoln)
Hicks (D-Wayne)
Lynch (D-Webster)
Marcum (D-Mingo)
Moye (D-Raleigh)
Perry (D-Fayette)
R. Phillips (D-Logan)
Reynolds (D-Cabell)
Rodighiero (D-Logan)
Shaffer (D-Preston)
P. Smith (D-Lewis)
P. White (D-Mingo)
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
That is awesome!
Felonius Monk
No Child Left Behind obviously left one behind. Shouldn’t at least an authentic G.E.D. be a minimum requirement for public office?
Matt McIrvin
@boatboy_srq: I grew up in outer NoVa. In the mid-1970s it was super-white, wingnutty and fairly racist. My old neighborhood is a rainbow now, though. Lots of East Asians and Middle Easterners.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel:
Well, the dead girls are a couple of years younger than my g-n. Haven’t heard anything more but am assuming she’s safe. But this sure brings gun violence close and personal.
@cynthia ackerman: The “quote” from Jefferson is a fake that gets repeated on certain blogs and in certain writings. My followup question to the delegate would be “To which bible is Jefferson referring? The King James version or Jefferson’s own version that contains only the New Testament minus all miracles, supernatural events, and the resurrection?” Jefferson attributed those additions to the authors, whom he called “ignorant.” I guess the answer would be Jefferson’s bible, since we don’t want our children reading material written by ignoramuses.
@Mike in DC: i bet it is a shorthand for 1962 and 1963 when the Bible was taken out of public schools.
Mike R
Best part it can’t be confirmed as a real Jefferson quote. See link . But you know who cares if it is true or not. The important thing is it sounds good, so what else matters.
Sorry Yellow dog you beat me to it.
@gene108: Columbus was so violent, murderous, and greedy that it scandalized the court of Ferdinand and Isabella. Ponder that for a bit.
Was that supposed to make sense? I’m not actually sure he finished making any particular point. Maybe I’m just not on enough of the right kind of drugs?
@Mike in DC:
I remember reading stuff, growing up in the 1980’s, that America was great, but then “the kids” started doing drugs, had free sex, moved away from God fearing beliefs and so 20 years later families fall apart via divorce or wedlock births, crime rates became high, once great cities were hollowed out husks of their former selves, etc.
In theory he can be referring to everything from Miranda rights to hippies to integration to feminism, etc.
So, the Deity told Cristoforo Colombo that he could sail to the Indies, but dd not tell him anything about those continents in his way? What a joker.
maybe he’s referring to the Beatles. “Rubber Soul” was released in 1965.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I sure like the cut of her jib!
More Azinger crap, from December.
He most have taken The Sarah Palin English 101 course. I have no idea what he even is talking about.
@Brachiator: Bob Dylan went electric at Newport in 1965. That might be his reference.
Yes, that might be it!
Or the release of John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme in February, 1965. This hurt the hearts of people who thought that the only real jazz was Dixieland.
@boatboy_srq: NoVA’s a funny place these days, a funny place indeed.
Interesting and sad when they let the mask drop like that…
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: And lo, the spousal carnality shall be for the purpose of begatting only.
Emperor Snapper
@cynthia ackerman:
Also, the Jefferson “quote” he references is BS. The first sentence is apparently wholly invented, and the rest was apparently from a quote by Noah Webster, long after Jefferson’s death, relating something Jefferson had said to him. It is amazing how many historical quotes used by right wingers are falsely attributed or simply false.
Of course, even if Jefferson had said those words, it doesn’t make them any more true.
Villago Delenda Est
This man is not sane.
Villago Delenda Est
@Emperor Snapper: They are the people of the lie.
Kate Koeze
According to Monticello.org, Jefferson never said that the Bible is the source of liberty.
“The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty.” (fake) Jefferson never said that.
I figure the Mullah Of the Right Wing Christian Taliban is getting his talking points from serial liar, theocrat and fake constitutional expert David Barton.