What Jesper and his person are doing is skijoring, a legit winter sport. If you click over to the Deadspin link, there is video — yes, the cat is doing this of his own free will (notice at the beginning how happily he climbs into the backpack). And, being a cat, his participation ends when he says it ends, thankyouverymuch…
More extremely cool Jesper adventure photos, courtesy Buzzfeed.
Apart from applauding the versatility of the cat tribe, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Betty Cracker
Haha, that video at Deadspin is hilarious! When the cat has had enough of pulling the person, it’s just all NOPE and lays down until she picks it up and skis home with the cat in her coat!
@Betty Cracker:
I want to know that cat’s secret. I try and stop things that same way, but people just drive over me.
Taking shallow breaths, as much of the island smells like smoke.
Big brush fire ongoing since Monday. Some areas evacuated.
@debbie: Are you a cat, or asking for a cat friend?
Randy P
Kids in our very-snowy neighborhood were always trying to talk their dogs into pulling sleds, but the dogs almost universally rebelled.
But most dogs (at least big ones) at least love snow. Where do you find a cat who likes it?
I’m asking for me, a person. If it works for a cat, why not us?
Roger Moore
Even better, do try this, and send us video. There hasn’t been enough of Steve recently, or of bizarre Cole injuries. We can kill two birds with one stone!
Mike J
If that woman can compel a cat to tow her, what’s to stop China from demanding a tow?
@Mike J: deep
Better call Trump..
lurker dean
@NotMax: whoa, take care on paradise!
my cats can’t walk around the house without scaring themselves to death, forget leaving the house! that’s some cat!
gotta love when the judge says the criminal “is hardly a criminal” and give him a slap on the wrist.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
I told you so.
The funny thing is people say Sanders is pulling Clinton to the left. That is certainly true on economics. What people who should know better overlook is Clinton is pulling Sanders to the left on social issues.
If it wasn’t for her, Sanders would still be humping the NRA, shouting down Black activists, denouncing immigration reform and Planned Parenthood, and attacking the President (oh, wait he’s still doing the latter).
Roger Moore
@Randy P:
I think you find a cat that likes being outdoors and is willing to tolerate the snow as a part of the outdoors. We had a cat when I was growing up that was like that. It was funny to watch him the first snow of the year. He’d act surprised as if to say “what’s this stuff?”. Then he’d bat at it a couple of times, remember what the cold white stuff was, and go on outside.
Jesper is a very cool cat and gorgeous. I am a sucker for the long hairs. I found his facebook page and I spent over a half an hour watching videos and didn’t see them all. Jesper is calm and collected on a plane trip. He seems to enjoy watching reindeer, goats, cows on the country roads while riding in a car. Jesper must live in the northern regions of Norway judging from the reindeer, type of trees and vegetation.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Over and over the articles from people who’ve worked with Bernie, like Barney Frank, and reporters who’ve covered him for years in Vermont (can’t find the article I read about this, or I’d link it), and from constituents who’ve had occasion over the years to meet with him, all mention his dismissiveness when he’s pressed on things outside his shouty wheelhouse. That hand waving away thing is his MO. Not feeling the Bern.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I just can’t even. What a waking nightmare for all concerned – FUCK GUNS!
I’m so sorry you are all suffering through this. No family should have to.
Shocking. Sorry to hear that.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Whether or not I’m chosen the nominee, I’d like to think I’m pulling both candidates to the top on all the issues.
I didn’t see your post, but I hope your mother-in-law can find the strength to bear this tragedy.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“Broad City” returns tonight at 10 PM on Comedy Central. (Clip)
@efgoldman: I’m so very sorry. Condolences to all of you.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
His supporters are exactly the same. Plus, unlike Bernie AFAICT, mendacious condescending assholes.
@efgoldman: it doesn’t make up for the loss, but I’m happy to hear there’s lots of support for everyone involved.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: The Vertical candidate
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
A pretty bad set of polls for Sanders from PPP. A whole lot of folks not feelin’ the Bern. The whole thing is oddly turning into a white versus black thing, and that just can’t be good. I gotta trust African-Americans’s judgement on this though. By all accounts they tend to make political decisions using the old saying, if it sounds too good to be true….
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Wishing you and mrs efg and the rest of her family the strength to get through this as best you can.
Been thinking of you, your wife and her family a lot. Just terrible. Fucking guns.
Arm The Homeless
Just imagine what the Finns could have done during the Winter War if they had deadly snow cat units?
What if they also had frickin’ lasers on their heads?
@efgoldman: Sometimes hugs are not enough. I can’t imagine how difficult this time is for your wife.
I’m so sorry to hear that your family is dealing with this. Best wishes to all.
Again, condolences. I’m also “the baby” of my family who had to step up and take care of my older brother’s unfinished shit after he died (of cancer) last year, so you can let your SIL know there’s an invisible friend who knows what she’s dealing with. We at least had a chance to do a little planning since he had terminal cancer. You all owe her a nice spa weekend when this is wrapped up.
You may want to ask if the city/county/state offers specialized counseling for families of murder victims — I think the prosecutor’s office would know?
@Roger Moore:
Jesper looks like a Norwegian Forest cat or a similar breed that has an undercoat. He rolls happily in the snow like all cats will roll on pavement or dirt on the ground so he is well insulated. He looks much sleeker and slimmer in the summertime videos.
Randy P
@efgoldman: OMG, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I missed whatever your initial reports were on this incident, but this sounds terrible. Your poor wife and her family.
In my family as well, the baby sister somehow became a real rock for the rest of the family and perhaps my favorite sibling though I hardly knew her when she was 10 and I was 18. Funny how relationships evolve in families.
AAs are the most practical and level headed voters there are. As they go, so do I.
J R in WV
Sorry to learn about that. Worse than regular mainland fires as Hawai’i is so unique. At least it isn’t lava and VOG.
@efgoldman: Condolences again. Your poor mother in law, no one expects to outlive their children.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
My “favorite” part of the Berniebros (male and female) is how they’ve come late to the party (which Bernie was too pure to join over his 35 years in politics until it suited him), swarm into the caucuses etc. with that unself-aware arrogance that only young know-it-alls have and who don’t understand the delegate rules or much else about how these party primaries work, then scream how corrupt everything is when Bernie isn’t rewarded like they think he should be. Miss me with all that.
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: I missed your earlier posts — condolences to Mrs. EFGoldman & her family!
@NotMax: hope they get them out soon! Stay safe if you have to evacuate too.
Wow. In California 5,500 torched acres is referred to as Thursday, but Maui ain’t all that big. Be safe!
No, that doesn’t look good for Sanders at all and I think he’ll be roundly thumped by the end of March. Which is too bad, IMHO, because I think a truly competitive primary has been a good thing so far.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Now, now, didn’t you get the memo informing you that “bro” is a misandrist slur that’s just as bad as using the c-word to refer to a woman?
Meh, one measly cat. Now, if you can get a team of cats pulling in unison…that would be a sign the apocalypse is upon us. Never mind.
Again, very sorry both families are forced to suffer through this fresh horror. I can only add I hope this lout never takes another breath as a free man. I hope Vermont takes domestic violence as seriously as it warrants. Some states, not so much.
The correct and acceptable term is “bruh.” I am so-informed by my teenage expert in all things.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Bro is a state of mind – shorthand for white entitlement and the lack of self-awareness of same. So, yeah, the shoe fits. Maybe Bernie could develop some self-awareness of his own white male privilege and of his followers, and use it as an object lesson on the way it intersects with his message? Hahahaha I crack myself up.
Disgruntled former Baud supporter
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Here’s that link you were looking for, from a liberal former editor of the Burlington Free Press. It may help explain why Sanders does not have more support among the more liberal members of Congress with whom he has served over the years.
Bauddhisatvas are gender neutral.
@efgoldman: So sorry you and your family have to deal with such a horrible tragedy.
J R in WV
We had a short haired orange alley cat rescue for years. He was very self-sufficient, having been abandoned on the west side of the “big city” here in WV. A co-worker was working to tame him, even though he had a collar he was quite feral. She tricked him onto her lap, and then dropped him into a cardboard cat carrier.
When I let him out in our house, he disappeared for weeks. We knew he was there hiding in the basement, because the food and water was going away. Eventually one evening we saw this little orange face, peering from the basement steps.
We named him Harvey after the invisible giant rabbit in the Jimmy Stewart movie, since he was an invisible cat for so long.
He became very close to his people, and near the end of his long life, he would creep into bed with me, and wrap around the top of my head, to help an old cat keep warm. I loved that, and would sleep quite still for Harvey.
He finally died of kidney disease, well, I took him for that last ride to the vet because of his kidney disease. Sadly it was while Mrs J was in the hospital.
He loved the deep woods where we live. Even though he was small, he was fearless.
So orange cats rule!! I don’t think Harvey would have gone swimming on purpose, but I’m sure he would have given it his best if he had to try.
ETA: I really really miss our cats who are no longer with us. Writing this has made me quite teary. It’s a good teary, though.
Oh no! I missed this news. I’m so sorry. Condolences to your family.
Eric NNY
Oh wow. I’ve skijoured with my dogs but cats? I think my cats would tear me apart as soon as one paw hit the snow.
That’s no way to treat a cat.
Skijoring is definitely a thing – my old boss used to tether himself to a pair of English Cocker Spaniels and off they’d go. But DONT try it without the right harness and traces – there have to be quick-releases to prevent injury to yourself or the dogs if a bad situation comes up.
Well, they should throw it into gender “Drive” and hit the gas. Feel the Baudmentum!
Matthews fellating Kasich tonight.
Dem town hall tomorrow night, but Chuck Todd is hosting. Ugh.
@Eric NNY: Well if you want to try it, take pictures and send them to Anne. She loves animal stories.
Feel the
BernBaud!the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Disgruntled former Baud supporter:
That’s it! I spent a couple of hours googling “Bernie is dismissive” to find this article, and all of the hits were about the media being dismissive of his candidacy, which is also true. This article says it all as far as I’m concerned. BJ commenters are the fucking best.
@efgoldman: Had no idea. Deepest sympathy to everyone.
@magurakurin: PPP showed Hillary ahead by 3 in New Hampshire when the other pollsters were showing double digit Sanders leads. I wouldn’t hang your hat on those guys.
@efgoldman: What? What happened? I’m sorry to hear it.
@NR: Their last poll in NH was on January 3 but, whatever, not interested in fighting over which pollster is the best. The voters will decide. I’m wiling to abide by that decision and vote for the nominee. I only hope the rest of the party does, too.
Disgruntled former Baud supporter
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: I searched for “Bernie Sanders temperament” and it was the first link.
@efgoldman: It doesn’t help to know it doesn’t get much worse than this. Hopefully it helps to know we care and are here for you while you support the women-in-laws and Mrs.efg.
Roger Moore
I don’t think it’s just a white versus black thing. There’s also a bunch of younger versus older, and I think a fair amount of radical versus incrementalist- which is probably part of the younger versus older business. I’m definitely leaning toward Hillary, and I’m extremely white. For me, it’s a matter of not believing in Bernie’s promises of revolution. If we aren’t going to get that no matter who wins, I’d rather have somebody I’m more confident in as a capable administrator who is going to do a capable job of keeping all the other aspects of being president- making appointments, dealing with crises, etc.
Gin & Tonic
@Pogonip: Mrs efg’s sister was shot and killed by a pathological domestic partner.
@bemused: I know one Norwegian Forest Cat (aka Poopyman!) who haaaaates snow and cold, but then he lives in Maryland where the winters are no doubt much worse than Northern Norway.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@efgoldman: Family and friends are important. My brother and BIL got here today; my mom arrives tomorrow. Friday, we send Mrs. C on her way home. She had a pretty good idea of what she wanted done; for those so inclined, here’s the hymn.
Hang in there EF. My thoughts are with you.
That is just so awesome. That cat is so awesome.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Have been thinking of you and Mrs efg all day. Dreadful for the entire family, unspeakably sad for her mother. I’m glad the three daughters are there for each other and for their mom. Any time a parent outlives a child, it flies in the face of the natural order; when it is a violent death like this, well, I can’t begin to imagine the pain. Lots of white light and virtual hugs to you, mrs, and the family.
@efgoldman: I missed your original post, so very sorry to hear what happened. Best to you, Mrs EF and the whole family. Just senseless, which makes the loss so much harder to deal with. Big hugs.
There just are no words.Condolences aren’t enough. I hope we, at Balloon Juice, can provide a modicum of solace for a revered family member.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@efgoldman: very sorry for your family’s troubles. I can’t even imagine
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Such a terrible loss, I have been thinking of you. Big hugs to you, too.
@debbie: The cat has trained her human well. Remember, dogs have owners, cats have servants.
That sucks man. Sorry for your loss.
The scariest truth revealed during the 2016 Election Season:
George W. Bush was indeed, ‘THE SMART ONE.’
Everytime I think about it, I shiver.
@efgoldman: Not sure what happened from your comment except another tragic death occurred. My condolences to you and your family. Hope you can be there for them. Sounds like a tragic and tough situation.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
Also thinking of you and your family with the deepest condolences and warmest wishes for good memories to leaven your sadness.
@efgoldman: Your poor MIL. It’s such a terrible thing when a parent outlives her children. I don’t think devastation is a strong enough word. But it sounds like the family is pulling together, which is the most important thing at times like these.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@efgoldman: Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Very sorry for your loss.
@efgoldman: I haven’t been reading most of the threads lately, so I probably missed your first comment on what happened. So sorry for what you, mrs.efg and her family experiencing right now.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
Hugs for you, also — I missed you when you first broke the bad news to us all.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): So sad and what a wonderful hymn. She would be proud of you.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
It’s not a truly nasty election until somebody gets called a hermaphrodite.
(I still can’t believe Lin-Manuel didn’t manage to work that in. It must be hard to rhyme.)
so sorry for your family’s loss, especially why. horrible waste of a wonderful life.
@PurpleGirl: I had not seen it, either. I just found efgoldman’s post on the (not very aptly named thread) named Well This Was Fun. Senseless loss.
Thank You
I own a cat that is some sort of Maine coon cat/Norwegian forest cat mutt, and looks a lot like Jesper. And I can totally see her behaving like this. This is the cat that takes us on walks around the neighborhood (leading the way, and bringing us along as company), and likes to tunnel and play in the snow.
As Cole can tell you regarding Steve, this type of cat is big, strong, and very centered and laid back in personality, and they behave more like dogs than regular house cats.
@efgoldman: We all love you, and mrs EF by extension.
so now, they’re going to pretend that they’re not obstructing the nominee….
they’re looking for some Frank Luntz-approved language to gloss it over.
GOP Rethinks Plan to Obstruct Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee
@J R in WV: Good comment. Harvey is the perfect name for such a cat. I’m glad you were able to have in your life and enjoy him.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Just got a call dispatching me to South Charleston WV tomorrow morning. Due to peculiarities of air routes I have to drive the whole way rather than flying.
Headed over to the NOAA site for weather forecasts.
I’ll probably be back in Detroit Friday night.
@efgoldman: I’m so sorry that you and your family have suffered such a tragedy. Wishing you strength.
It really is rather frustrating to have your own personal efforts to not only avoid stereotyping or demeaning Clinton supporters but to actively attempt to get the worst of the BernieBro offenders to knock their shit off rewarded with continual derision and universally applied insults from people who complain about the same damn things they do.
ETA: my fake ironic tags got eaten, so envision “run-on sentence,” “anecdata,” and “grouchy liberal” in html tags.
Forget it, Jake. It’s primary season.
@efgoldman: Sincere condolences. Jeeze. Take care and all best wishes to the family. This is …
Felonius Monk
@efgoldman: I saw your post the other night, but not until after you’d left. My sincere condolences to you, your wife and daughter, and family. May you all find the strength to get through your grief.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Young people are like that. I was like that in ’68 and ’72. It’s what they’ll be like if/when they lose that matters.
@Icedfire: You do what you can, but you can’t control other people. There’s been a whole lot of painting with a broad brush in these conversations about the election and I know it would be making me crazy if I were as engaged this time as I was in 2008.
Bill E Pilgrim
Hmm. So what’s the conversion, how many catpower to one horsepower, anyone know?
Beautiful plumage, Norwegian Orange.
@WaterGirl: More anecdata here, but I personally don’t remember as many broad brushstrokes in 2008. There were (and are now) certainly bad actors in the primary debates, but I feel like many people better distinguished between them and those they reasonably disagreed with.
D’oh! Here’s a story on the same subject from Mental Floss.
@Icedfire: That was true in my sphere, but in 2008 I was on the Obama blog and at Al Giordano’s place, and both of those were pretty sane places. I wasn’t on BJ until just after the election. Back then, even Dkos was kind of sane compared to now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This was predictable. I thin it was Jeffery Tobin who said she’s incapable of admitting a mistake, but she regrets Bush v Gore
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
There’s a man at the next table who looks like a blend of a younger Sylvester Stallone and a thinner Chris Christie, with just a touch of a not-dead-quite-yet Antonin Scalia. Very disconcerting.
“MSNBC presents an exclusive town hall with Donald Trump.”
@WaterGirl: I miss the days where you could actually have a constructive debate at DKos. Now it’s just the Great Orange Shitshow.
Sorry, jumped the gun there.
Mike J
@Icedfire: There were certainly people talking about how horrible the pumas were, and rightly so, if you understand puma to be the subset of 2008 Clinton supporters who were horrible.
Currently people think berniebros are idiots, which is true if you define berniebro to be the stupid obnoxious Bernie supporters, not everyone who supports Bernie.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
i’m still waiting for a Sanders supporter to explain to me like I’m five years old, how Sanders’ supporters are so much different than Obama’s supporters were, who ended up sniping at him and staying home in 2010.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Yeah. “Root canal? How about right now?”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Anyone who cares one whit about the institution of the Court would say the same thing.
@efgoldman: I missed your original post, but I absolutely offer my condolences for what you and your family are going through.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Seconded. My deepest sympathies.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Absolutely agree, and I was privileged to be at one of those meet ups (as well as meeting you and mrs efg a few days earlier). Incidentally, hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of sharing your sad news with our mutual (non-BJ) friend.
Even the GOP-loving Nina Tottenberg (NPR) opined that they were starting to look foolish.
As a bonus, NPR interviewed Reince Priebus about the Trump-Cruz dustup. He said that things were much worse over at the DNC and that the Dems were in far greater disarray than the Republicans. Talk about delusional!
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
I am so sad to read the terrible news. I had always kept my fingers crossed for her (and you). And now I have to find some tissues, dammit.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I was surprised at how hard he was pressed on the Trump/Cruz conflict. He tried to dance around the issue but the poor man just isn’t that nimble. Almost felt sorry for him having to downplay the open warfare between those two psychos.
@Gin & Tonic: Oh, no. What a tragedy! I hope they throw the book at the guy.
Mike J
@Ultraviolet Thunder: If Trump and Cruz were sane people who believed in a horrible political philosophy, he could just say, “that’s what primaries are about, pointing up differences between candidates.” His problem is that it is obvious to the most casual observer that the majority of the Republican party is bat shit insane.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
That’s an interesting question. Since it can’t really be tested (in terms of yoking a bunch of cats together), you would need to multiply however many foot-pounds per minute a single cat could provide, and scale up. That also assumes you could actually get a cat to do something for more than a minute, other than take a nap or lick itself.
Maybe we could ask Dr. Carson? He seems to be pretty sharp. Well, sharp as a balloon.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
I was stuck in rush hour traffic and very cranky, and it cheered me immensely to hear him trying his moves and failing. I can’t imagine why they keep him around. Maybe his dad’s real connected.
@SFAW: this
@Bill E Pilgrim:
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel:
“The purpose of this year’s expedition is to try and find any sign of last year’s expedition.”
Sorry, I have a Monty Python quote but nothing except Jeb’s campaign, perhaps, to illustrate with it.
You’re assuming he believed what he said. I think it was just another case of him trying to deflect and distract from how fucked-up his candidates are. Kind of like Rubio’s “Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama” BS, and so on.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Condolences from here and a wish to find your peace.
I don’t credit GWB for much, but on two points he has my grudging admiration:
-Freezing out Cheney et al in his second term. Not a fast learner, but he did learn.
-Going full STFU re. commenting on the Obama administration. Lord knows, everyone else from his administration did the inverse and I appreciate Bush not falling to temptation.
As to your point, yeah, I think we all figured the law of averages meant Jebbers was smarter. Hoo boy, was that ever wrong.
Roger Moore
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a cat dash around chasing invisible prey for longer than that. And I’ve certainly seen them slowly stalk something for more than a minute- not that they’re expending a lot of energy in the process.
Looking at his photo, “cool ammosexual” wasn’t what I was thinking.
Roger Moore
Isn’t “cool ammosexual” an oxymoron, kind of like “jumbo shrimp” or “sane Republican”?
@bemused: Could you post a link to Jesper’s Facebook page? I can only find news organizations that have featured him. I want the cat’s page!
@Roger Moore: I definitely fit on the younger side of the voter spectrum and am extremely skeptical of revolutionary politics. A large part of this comes from making the unfortunate choice to pursue a career in government-funded science…
@Emerald: Never mind! I found it! It is here, in Norwegian: Jesperpus
(there are the usual Facebook “translations.”
That Black Panther doc last night was pretty brill.
David Fud
@efgoldman: I just read about what happened to your SIL. I am so sorry that she had to face her end that way, and so sorry for its aftermath on your family. Best wishes for your family’s recovery. I have little doubt it will be a long road.
@efgoldman: I’m so sorry for your family’s terrible loss. Words are not adequate.
My sister lived with a violent abusive man for 20 years. I wish the grief of these stories would end, but it never seems to stop. I sent a small donation to the Rutland Co. Women’s Shelter local to Shrewsbury. I think they can help your family locate support services or people to talk to, if you need.
Can’t tell you how sorry and sick I am. Deep sympathy to your family.
You can buy a cat exercise wheel. No, really. I actually was kind of tempted to get one for our hyperactive cat, but G put his foot down.
IIRC, though, cats are considered ambush predators for the most part, so they’re designed to lie in wait and do a short chase.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): That’s beautiful Ben. You hang in there too I was thinking of you and Mrs Cisco today.
Paul in KY
@Randy P: Norway.
Paul in KY
@efgoldman: Glad you are there to help them out!
Paul in KY
@J R in WV: RIP, Harvey. Sounds like he was a wonderful cat.
No One You Know
What are the cat’s views on environmental issues? I’m guessing progressive, although not entirely against development, because Comfort matters. Paws need a warm up.