(Tom Toles via GoComics.com)
What if they gave an “Anti-Beyonce Protest Rally” and nobody showed up? Deadspin explains at length how it might’ve been a social media hoax all along… which is, of course, exactly what they would say, under the circumstances.
I think that we can all agree that Rudy “decent, wholesome entertainment” Giuliani remains a genuine douchebag, regardless.
Apart from the usual malign idiots, what’s on the agenda for the day?
The Little Man Who Wasn’t There
Somebody be messin wit our blog.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Now who can argue with that?
Happy Pitchers and Catchers Day everyone. :-D
Major Major Major Major
I made two drawings, an abstract of the lobby and a self portrait. Go me.
(Therapist told me to!)
Amir Khalid
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Does Killer Mike have an opinion on whether sloppy healthcare maths qualifies one to be president?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Reporting out of NV saying that Sanders surrogate Cesar Vargas telling Latino voters that Obama voted no on 2007 immigration bill that he co-sponsored. Sanders was actually the no vote.
@Major Major Major Major:
Very nice!
To be fair to Killer Mike, he was quoting a feminist activist named Jane Elliott. Still, I have to wonder why a rapper named Killer Mike is Bernie’s Senior Black Correspondent.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Via valued commentator @MomSense
A great interview with Mike Dukakis exposing Scalia for the fraud he was:
@Origuy: I thought that was Cornell West.
Being that we’re talking Republicans and lunacy: Light Side of the Moon.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Origuy: garbage is garbage, regardless of where it originated.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I enjoyed that interview.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Ok, maybe Killer Mike is Junior Black Correspondent.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: No argument about that.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Nice! That reminds me, I ran across a Polaroid Sun 600 Camera that my wife bought years ago. It is basically brand new and some company makes film for it that is abut a buck a shot!
The Plagiarist Ben Domech, NY Times:
I guess trust of the person is the new GOP euphemism for racism.
Impossible Instant Color Film
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Hillary Clinton literally barks at Republicans
@raven: Thanks, the third though seventh pics were taken with a 1300mm zoom lens.
Lovely photos.
@raven: I remember wanting one of those for a college graduation present.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’ve looked at them before but I got confused when we went from Korea to the tunnel in LA!
@MomSense: Thanks.
@raven: The Korea pics are older pics so I call the older pics, “From the Archives”(Yellowstone and Yosemite too).
ETA: I think the next “From the Archives” will be Alaska.
Mustang Bobby
JoeScar is jizzing over Trump’s crowds: “Who gets crowds like that?” All white, all Christian, all scary.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
There must be some whining about this trip in right wing circles. Two days ago, out of the blue, Mom started whining that this pope “doesn’t get it” and “is too nice, and willing to forgive”. I just simply said I think he’s great, that his two predecessors were criminal thugs and changed the subject.
She’s always adored white bully boys.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Welp, that happened o_O
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Only has-beens can be offensive.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
I realized yesterday that my campaign is floundering because I don’t have a Baudsplainer.
@Mustang Bobby:
Trump could literally do that and they’d love him even more.
Just heard MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts, light of Westen thought, say that Obama is “picking a fight” over the court nomination. It’s one thing to see Mika groveling, but Roberts? I have to wonder if he’s transforming into a Log Cabinite.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: You know who else didn’t get it? Jesus.
Eric S.
@OzarkHillbilly: A very happy day indeed.
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: Go Tigers!
@Baud: You may need an Anticipator-in-Chief to help on the campaign. They seem to be the sine qua non the Successful Executive.
Eric S.
Working a half day today and then off to the Chicago Auto Show for an afternoon of R&R.
Eric S.
@Mustang Bobby: You misspelled Cardinals.
@bystander: Holy cow. That’s exactly what I need. I now realize that’s what I’ve always needed.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
I’m happy to help spin your inevitable craven catering to crony corporatism and your sellout advisors.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
He was a pussy with all that “first stone” thing. A real Son of God would’ve said “give me a big pointy one, and watch my fastest pitch….”
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
He was a pu55y with all that “first stone” thing. A real Son of God would’ve said “give me a big pointy one, and watch my fastest pitch….”
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Thanks. But save that for after I’m elected. During the campaign, the spin has to be that I would never do those things.
Mustang Bobby
At a rally in SC, Trump called up two guys from the crowd and let them take over the podium. It sounded like a presser at Malheur. Looked like it, too.
Alain the site fixer
Sorry for the overnight site crap; I am working on a test server and when I updated the theme on it, it somehow also updated it here (I suspect it’s related to the theme registration number and their update mechanism). I woke up early and noticed things didn’t look right, and just finished restoring the files as they were.
I’ll be making a post in the next day or two with news; the new commenting system is about to be released and I’ll be testing it one more time on the test server, then we’ll launch it on the live one. It was supposed to be out early-mid December, but they decided to push back necessary features until now.
Sorry again, Alain (and I won’t be reading responses to this today, but when I make a post, I’ll read those!)
I’m reading Nixonland, Clean Gene’s campaign reminds me of Bernie.
@Mustang Bobby:
@Alain the site fixer:
Thanks, Alain.
I’m scared.
Mustang Bobby
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, it does. Gene McCarthy was the one for me in ’68 until Bobby announced he was running. What can I say, I was 15 and fickle.
@Mustang Bobby: I could not understand a single word the first refrigera….er, enforcer said.
Mustang Bobby
@Alain the site fixer: That would explain the blank page a few minutes ago. Thanks.
Mustang Bobby
@bystander: Meth will do that to you. Or so I’ve heard.
@Baud: (Holds Baud and reassures him it will all be OK.)
@Mustang Bobby: I don’t remember the 1968 campaign all that well, until CA when RFK was shot. But, then again, I was 8.
Alain the site fixer
@Baud: Don’t be scared – embrace the future! ;)
But seriously, we’re mulling over letting some folks take a look at the new system to get feedback before launch, but it might just make more sense to launch it and then do cleanup. I know either way there’ll be cleanup, so we shall see. But the good news is that this whole nightmare should be over in the next week.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Yeah, that sound won’t be all over GOP ads, will it?
Pity the President doesn’t know his place and stay in it.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
If you were more like Bernie, your potential cabinet would be composed entirely of outsiders:
Defense – some 70 year old sociology professor from Manhattan, Cambridge or Berkeley
Justice – Mumia Abu Jamal
Commerce – A hackey sack playing, white dreadlock wearing guy who sells sandwiches and weed from an old grocery cart, known only as “Layers”. He shouted some interesting business ideas while buzzing on mushrooms at a drum circle.
Transportation – Some Manhattan bike courier.
Treasury – Alan Grayson
Energy – The leader of a green commune in Northern California
Labor – some guy whose last job was manning the “stop/slow” sign on a road crew. It was three years ago, and he never felt like looking for another job after getting fired for absenteeism. Lives in his mother’s basement, whines about demands for child support from the mothers of his two kids.
@Alain the site fixer: Thanks again, Alain. I will anticipate success.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I’ve already compiled a Cabinet short list from the ranks of Balloon Juice. I’m confident the vetting process will turn up nothing.
@Alain the site fixer: No apologies necessary. Acceptance of some good (and not so good) natured ribbing is.
Had a review scheduled for this morning. Just got an e-mail saying it needs to be rescheduled. Breathing sigh of relief.
I was not entirely ready for it.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Don’t know if you have seen these:
Underwater photographer of the year 2016 winners – in pictures
Some pretty cool shots.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mustang Bobby:
We need a 2008 clip of Joe sniping about Obama being a celebrity.
@NotMax: yeah
@Iowa Old Lady: That’s totally different. Joe doesn’t like Obama’s politics.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Beautiful – some of the items photographed are super small – those sea horses and nudibranch photos are deceptive.
dr. bloor
I hear Arsonist Mike, Extortionist Pam, and Jaywalker Frank are all still up for grabs.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I think my fav was the turtle eating the jellyfish but I liked the nudibranch on the mangrove almost as much.
Coming soon to a theater near you: Martin Scorsese’s JEB:
Saw the Black Panthers documentary last night. I didn’t know Fred Hampton coined the phrase “rainbow coalition” (he succeeding in doing the thing J. Edgar feared the most, bringing all people together, regardless of color).
After they took Fred out, it seems like the whole thing collapsed.
He was only 21! I knew vaguely about him, but I didn’t know he’d been so young when they killed him.
@Germy: And Mark Clark.
@Germy: I hope it’s available online. Sounds like a good documentary.
Chyron HR
@Baud: We’ve already vetted several of your picks, one of them had ringworm and another needs eardrops twice a day.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
My eyesight sucks – generally, even if you point out a nudibranch or seahorse, I have to wait for photos to catch detail.
@Baud: It was an excellent documentary, but of course very sad. Who knows what Fred Hampton would have accomplished?
@NotMax: exactly. We must be losing. The winner is Mexico. That’s why we need to treat so called “remittances” like the genocidal precursors that they really are.
NY Daily News is running a photo of Jeb’s gun tweet with the headline “Dolt 45”
@Chyron HR: A Cabinet of Dogs would make me very happy.
@Germy: Indeed. But I find it easy to get lost in alternate realities, so I try not to dwell on them too much.
@Germy: Why do God’s plans always seem so roundabout?
@Chyron HR:
In 2012, my youngest had to campaign for president in his 3rd grade class. He named our golden retriever as VP, and invented the slogan “Golden Party, Golden Rule.” I don’t know if that last part was suggesting “do unto others” or an ostensibly benevolent dictatorship.
They both wore ties for their official campaign photo.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: The years have caught up to me. Any kind of fine detail work I might do requires reading glasses.
@Baud: if you read Corintians, the Sequel, you’d know that it’s not for you to ask.
@Baud: Woof woof!
@Chyron HR: Baud will got down in history as the only president to be bitten by a disappointed office seeker.
Well, first HRC had to book a flight, then she had to find the right pillow, etc. These things take serious planning.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
I have to wear a prescription dive mask with a bifocal component to read gauges.
Not a cheap endeavor.
Grassley blinked!
The infamous Tummy Rub Scandal will shock the nation.
“I’d like a cellulose pizza, please. No anchovies.”
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Oooof.
Good Morning, Everyone :)
@OzarkHillbilly: Just wait until you have cataract surgery. “No more close-up vision for you!”
Obviously, I don’t share Justice Scalia’s views, but this practice to commemorate his passing is really interesting.
@rikyrah: Hello.
@MattF: Now I’m wondering what’s in the wood that I eat.
Tell it, Mr. President.
Tell it.
Obama delivers unmistakable message to Republicans
02/17/16 08:00 AM—UPDATED 02/17/16 08:16 AM
By Steve Benen
President Obama hosted a press conference at the U.S.-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in California yesterday, which comes against a backdrop in which the future of the Supreme Court is dominating much of the domestic political conversation. The president is obviously aware of Senate Republicans’ plans for a total blockade against nominee, regardless of merit, so Obama took some time to remind GOP lawmakers about the constitutional process.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Mustang Bobby: Are we not.doing “phrasing”?
02.16.16 11:01 PM ET
Vermont’s Black Leaders: We Were ‘Invisible’ to Bernie Sanders
He’s paying attention to the concerns of black America now, as a presidential candidate. Back when he represented Vermont? Not so much, local activists say.
Back in 2006, the Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity, a Brattleboro area civil rights organization hosted a Candidate Night. The race for the open U.S. Senate seat between Bernie Sanders and Richard Tarrant, a Republican and one of the wealthiest people in the state, had grown increasingly acrimonious.
The audience of African-American activists and other Vermonters of color should have been a friendly one for the socialist congressman.
Instead, remembers Curtiss Reed Jr., the executive director of the group, it became something of a showdown. Sanders “was just really dismissive of anything that had to do with race and racism, saying that they didn’t have anything to do with the issues of income inequality,” Reed told The Daily Beast.
“He just always kept coming back to income inequality as a response, as if talking about income inequality would somehow make issues of racism go away.”
And since winning that race, Sanders’s approach toward Reed and his organization has been one of “benign neglect,” the activist added. “We are a major statewide organization. It would stand to reason that you would check in with your major constituents, but voters of color are simply not on his radar.”
I’m wondering what juicers think about the FBI v. Apple issue concerning Farook’s (San Bernadino shooter) Iphone.
Editorial: Grassley’s Supreme Court stance is all about politics
The GOP effort to block an Obama nominee from the court isn’t about letting voters have their say, or respecting past precedent, or demonstrating strict adherence to the Constitution. In fact, it’s precisely the opposite.
This could have been a “profile in courage” moment for Sen. Grassley. This was an opportunity for our senior senator to be less of a politician and more of a statesman. It was a chance for him to be principled rather than partisan.
He could have made it clear that he favors a Senate vote on the matter — a move that still would enable Republicans to accept or reject the eventual nominee based on merit — but he chose instead to disregard his constitutional duty by rejecting a nominee who hasn’t even been named.
It’s wrong. It’s not unexpected, and it’s not a surprise, but it’s still wrong.
@MomSense: Here‘s the view from Apple.
I agree that the concept of a ‘back door’ is flawed, for the reasons that the Apple letter states. Doing security well is very hard and experience demonstrates pretty clearly that if you’re going to do security at all, you need to do it well and you need to go all the way.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: I am completely in support of Apple on this one. Unfortunately the technical details of info sec are hard, and will make for lots of uninformed discussion and, ultimately, probably, bad law.
I hope I’m under consideration for the exploratory committee on the commercial uses of medical marijuana. No need for a Cabinet post, so don’t bother to vet me.
@BillinGlendaleCA: just in case no one has said it, they both are Bernie’s black friends. Fulfilling the roles of Speaker to Negroes. Rather charming, both of whom have pretty resentful views on Obama and neither of them really good for that minority outreach.
Today is National Cabbage Day. Celebrate accordingly.
In any other week, the worst person to have shuffled off this mortal coil would have been Nathan Barksdale, dead at 54.
But, compared to a certain
evil motherfuckerSupreme Court Justice, Barksdale was chump change. It would be interesting to see which of them left behind a bigger body count.About the only “person” to push Scalia out of the “evilest of the week” podium would be Cheney.
I guess they thought that confetti and streamers might not be as well-received.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
I really enjoyed reading that article. Thanks for linking it.
Matt McIrvin
TPM: the Scalia replacement thing is terrible news for Democrats.
You left out the indulge responsibly part.
Just One More Canuck
@Matt McIrvin: where does it say that it’s terrible news for Democrats? It talks about how surprised progressives were that it became politicized so quickly
@MomSense: If that’s true, Bernie had better correct that or he will, rightfully, be held accountable for lies about that. If you’re the authentic candidate, it’s really best if you are not outright lying. Especially when the lie is as despicable as that one would appear to be.
Edit: that’s definitely not stretching the truth or over promising.
@Major Major Major Major: Wow, my drawings are still of the stick figure variety. Those are great.
I’m on the first day of a 12 week medical weight loss program. Just had my breakfast strawberry shake. Looking forward to cream of chicken soup for lunch, lemon pudding shake for a snack, 4 oz. or lean protein and 1/2 cup cooked (or 1 cup raw) veggies for dinner and a bar for an evening snack. Plus 64 oz. of water and an hour of walking on the treadmill, plus other exercises. And no evening cocktail.
I hope to lose 25 of the 50 pounds I want to lose over the course of the program.
I think I can do it, but it seems daunting. Anyone else done this? Any advice?
Just One More Canuck
@WaterGirl: Byron Tau (wsj) has it on twitter – don’t know how reliable he is
Miss Bianca
Well, I wish I could say I was shocked, SHOCKED to hear it…
@bystander: Thanks so much for posting that link. I’m not exactly sure why, but I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I read the article.
@Mandarama: Such a sweet story. I want photos!!
@MomSense: I know nothing about that. Do you have a link?
edit: i think apple is right.
J R in WV
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
And the MSM calls her stiff and formal !!!!
She should do that at every campaign stop, use a different unbelievable Republican quote, there are a million of them, and thne bark at them for lying.
Maybe not, maybe it was the force of that moment. But still, so not stiff and formal~!!
That is what I love about her, she is just so real, even after all the slings and arrows and lies the Republicans and their media minions throw at her, she is still a normal person. Proven in that moment!!
J R in WV
I was 17 and away at college, and we were in a shabby TV lounge in a dorm pressed into service when it was scheduled to be gutted and rebuilt. It was a hospital after Gettysburg, or they would have just torn it down and threw it away. And Martin Luther King had been shot, and then Bobby was shot!!
After his older brother was shot!! Scary times.
Turned me into a radical Democrat. I would rather have had Bobby.
MY AGENDA for today:
Lay the waterproof PVC layer into the future shower floor, and then mix the mortar to raise and slope the future tile floor towards the drain. I may do the mortar tomorrow, that stuff is HEAVY and I’m a disabled old.
But cheer me on Balloon-Juicers, I’m about to get this construction task punched out!
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
I did HCG a couple of years ago, followed by hormone replacement, dropped 40. It sucks, but is doable – keep to the water, and think creatively about things like soups (Tom Yon Goong is perfect if you like shrimp).
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Thanks for the advice. I was warned by the dietician to keep up with the water or I’ll get dehydrated. I’m also on Duavee for my hot flashes and it makes me thirsty so I don’t anticipate that it’ll be a problem.
I love shrimp, but we keep kosher in the house (except for carryout) so I may have to substitute surimi-based seafood.
J R in WV
To me this is obvious, Apple should join the FBI team and do whatever they can to open this phone.
It isn’t like they are asking them to help with a helpless traveler’s phone which was confiscated by TSA with no evidence of any sort that the traveler is guilty of anything.
In this case we pretty clearly have major criminals who may have been in contact with other would-be killers. Cut and Dried to me.
On the other hand, they can’t accuse everyone these deceased criminals were in touch with of criminality without other clear evidence of intention to commit something. You can’t help who calls you, after all.
ETA to make comprehensible
Paul in KY
@Baud: Can I be Secretary of Getting High? Please?
@J R in WV
Best of luck.
Reminded of having been pressed into service more times than care to remember to do the tile and grout work in bathrooms.
While far from strenuous, a task I grew to loathe.
Special little spot in Hell reserved for whomever decided the base of toilets should be rounded or sharply angled.
Paul in KY
@Shana: Take it one day at a time, as far as the exercising/diet goes. Also, don’t fixate on whether you lost any particular weight on any day or not. Look at how you are doing after 1 month, then 2. You should look at this as a permanent lifestyle change (to maintain that coming slimness).
Best of luck!
@Baud: Can’t let Mrs. God get wind of them.