Here’s a nice, shiny, and new open thread for tonight’s GOP debate on CNN.
And here’s the link to the live stream:
by Adam L Silverman| 543 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics, Politics
Here’s a nice, shiny, and new open thread for tonight’s GOP debate on CNN.
And here’s the link to the live stream:
Comments are closed.
Haha. Wolf Blitzer. This will be hilarious.
Did we have these dramatic intros in 2012? I don’t remember them.
Feudalism Now!
Gracias, Profesor Hombre de la Plata.
Haha. The Bushes.
Arm The Homeless
Does H. W. look puffy? Steroids?
Corner Stone
Good God. Someone alert the Crypt as the Keeper is on the loose.
@Baud: No shit, how to they show up?
Corner Stone
This is going to be so bad.
I hope there’s more dueling in Spanish since telemundo is sponsoring this debate.
Adam L Silverman
@Feudalism Now!: de nada.
Corner Stone
Look at the distance Trump is keeping between himself and Cruz.
@Corner Stone: The Crypt Keeper is married to Andrea Mitchell.
@Adam L Silverman: Look at you acting all Ted Cruz.
Arm The Homeless
Where are the damn holograms? Stahp! I hate southern accents, especially when it’s in the service of jingoistic BS.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Ahorita! Como se puede y donde pinche! Hola tu madre!
/Cruzin in Spanish
The wipeouts here should rival the Eddie.
Adam L Silverman
I fully expect that Donald Trump will go after Senator Rubio tonight loaded for Cape Buffalo.
Commercials already. It’s like after they kickoff in football.
Corner Stone
Houston is a got damb traffic nightmare this week. Freakin rodeo and now this shit. Oy vey!
/Cruzin in Hebrew
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: I’ve lived in Miami. Senator Cruz – not so much.
Arm The Homeless
Almost Clear Skin!
I don’t think anything can top the last GOP debate. That was amazingly crazy.
@Adam L Silverman: I think that’s what my double barrel 50 Cal Purdey Muzzeloader was for.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That’ll work too.
Corner Stone
Appropriate that a bad skin drug commercial is first off the rack for this.
Nooooooooooo. Don’t advertise a movie with a black president during the GOP debate. It’ll just make them mad.
Mary G
Bobby Jindal? Did he get a ticket for dropping out early?
@Baud: My dream is that Trump bites Rubio on the ear, causing Wolf Blitzer to call the rest of the night.
I don’t think it can be better than the last one. I hope so, though.
@Baud: There is no peak GOP debate crazy.
Gin & Tonic
Can’t figure out why you people watch those idiots.
Arm The Homeless
I am hoping this ends with Barb Bush sticking a literal shiv in Trump’s gut, then yells, “Thug Life!”
@Gin & Tonic: The LOLs.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Settling in for the shit show. USA! USA!
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: This one has a white President. Aaron Eckhardt is playing the President if the trailer made any sense. Which it may not have.
Corner Stone
@Kay: Without a physical altercation there is no way this tops the last one.
I’ll accept physical assault in the form of pepper spray as well.
@Kay: Babs may beat the crap out of Trump for what he did to jebbie.
@Adam L Silverman: Whew.
Arm The Homeless
Timing lights can’t stop the Trump Ranger
Goddamn Wolf is the worst.
Corner Stone
Does Smug Hewitt have any other setting other than EXTREME SMUG?
Mobil RoonieRoo
I’ve been looking forward to this thread all day.
Bill E Pilgrim
Whoever decided that every single thing broadcast, every movie, every event, even and especially every documentary now has to have manic thumping drums as a soundtrack should be drummed out of the human race.
is bad enough, but I’ve now heard the same thing on Freaking NOVA sometimes. THUMP THUMP BA BOOM The double helix was discovered by THUMP BOOM BAMMITY…
“abyss of destruction” will be the name of my first album.
@Corner Stone: No.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: I’m watching for the blood sport factor. I fully expect Donald Trump to continue to attack Senator Cruz and to start going after Senator Rubio.
Arm The Homeless
Who wants talk? I want them all destroyed. Fuck these scumbags and their smug smiles
Weird that there’s been a huge mass shooting today and all the TV people barely want to talk about it. Just another day in the heartland I guess.
Dr. Carson has had his meds, did you know Kasich’s dad was a mailman?
You too can grow up to defund Planned Parenthood.
Corner Stone
Robotio already glitching on scripted material.
Arm The Homeless
Let’s dispel the notion that Rubio knows what the fuck he is talking about
Rubot: Reagan, DRINK!
Adam L Silverman
@Mobil RoonieRoo: Vee know, Vee hav biin vatczhink yuw all day.
Corner Stone
What the fuck is wrong with these people? They think the R voters want sunshine and light and positivity?
Those blue silhouettes at the top of the post are way too good looking and shapely to be Republican candidates. False advertisement.
Arm The Homeless
Texas Hope! Washing dishes. Second Baptist? Is that where immigrant baptists go?
Old Dan and Little Anne
Man I hope Rubiotron short-circuits again.
Corner Stone
There goes that Old Time Trump N Roll!
Adam L Silverman
@Arm The Homeless: His scores weren’t good enough for First Baptist.
That seemed like a very understated opening statement from Trump.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: You underestimate the power..of the Second Baptist side.
Gawd, Wolf is awful. I knew there was a reason I don’t watch CNN anymore.
@PsiFighter37: True, he only said win 6 times.
Bill E Pilgrim
Five minutes in and everyone on Taibbi’s Twitter feed is completely legless.
Oh, look at Cruz get all populist.
Corner Stone
Ted Cruz is the fucking worst.
why would Poppa Bear and Mama Bear Bush want to be there after JEB? being a loser.
@BillinGlendaleCA: It seemed low-energy *GASP!*
There are also some very hyped-up hateful people in the audience.
Chip Daniels
What’s with that fake graphic, of the two guys debating?
If it was a genuine 2016 GOP debate graphic, he would be holding up his middle finger.
Arpaio is one of the good ones.
Moats and alligators!
I miss Jeb!
@Baud: Like Ted Cruz.
Tom Levenson
This thread is the only way this debate should be experienced.
Also every time I hear Cruz’s voice, I want to scream at him to bwow hid nodse. Sounds like he’s constantly fighting a chronic drip. Which is the appropriate metaphor, I guess.
My son is riveted to the screen. He’s watching Trump with all the fascination of a 19th century naturalist observing a really fat, hairy spider dismember passing flies. Me, I stick here, in my safe space.
Uh oh. Rubio attacks!
dr. bloor
@Arm The Homeless:
Rubio still seems like a complete fucking lightweight.
@Renie: They had tickets and nothing better to do.
Chip Daniels
@Corner Stone:
I’d pay good money to watch that cop from UC Davis walk down the row, pepper spraying all the candidates.
You’re gonna get some to go and the rest will follow.
I have to follow this third hand, because even reading a direct Ben Carson quote kills more of my brain cells than a bottle of Bulgarian vodka.
Bill E Pilgrim
Rubio doesn’t get that half the problem last time was how he so blatantly sidesteps the question and starts reciting something prepackaged.
Repeating the same exact one fourteen times was only part of the problem, he just sounds awkward pivoting so weirdly.
Let Ben Carson speak!
They wanted a moderator so stupid he could never possibly call them on facts.
Arm The Homeless
But wasnt his mom an immigrant while she was working in that hotel?
Corner Stone
Robotio is vvveeerrrryyy hesitant to rebut Trump.
Corner Stone
Shouldn’t have gone there Robotio.
@Baud: They’d have to wake him first.
Adam L Silverman
To quote Mr. Pierce: let’s see if young Senator Rubio sees the garden rake? Whap! No, no he did not.
OOF Trump burns Marco.
Arm The Homeless
Punch him Rubio! Let them fight!
Rubio brings up the Polish threat!
The children will be deported to Flint!
I usually can’t stand watching these debates because of their bashing of President Obama and the democrats but since they seem to go after each other the most, it is quite entertaining. Hoping for a full knock-out between Trump and Cruz tonight.
Mary G
Rubio is speaking a mile a minute. Trump will take him apart tonight.
Corner Stone
Cuban Tag Team against Trump!
Corner Stone
Not funny, Cruz. He is the fucking worst.
Cruz tries to do an Obama. Haha. Fail.
Keith P.
Wow, Marco Rubio has discovered oppo research! This is a nice start, and Trump is actually looking more scripted than Rubio, busting out the same, tired phrases and getting called on it.
EDIT: Cruz has figured out oppo research, too. This is great stuff.
Trump to Prissy-pants: “I’m the only one on the stage that’s hired people! YOU HAVEN’T HIRED ANYBODY!”
Just a few minutes into the debate and Rubio is already being used as a floor mop.
Ted, despite being his usual asshole self, actually hits Donald and Marco both.
Mike in NC
Had a colonoscopy today and am prohibited from drinking alcohol for 24 hours, so must pass on the wingnut shitshow tonight.
Everybody hates Cruz.
dr. bloor
@Tom Levenson: My son likens it to the slow-motion car crash.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Sweet Roast.
Ohio Mom
Everyone has been doing their research. This stuff about Donald hiring undocumented workers is good stuff.
Come on Trump. you have an ethnic slur in there when you are bracketed by Cubanos.
@Mary G:
” Rubio is speaking a mile a minute. ”
I noticed he seemed to be practicing speaking slower in news interviews. I guess he has stage fright again.
LOL Donald insulting the crap out of Ted.
Arm The Homeless
He doesn’t care! Pelosi! Reid! Gang of 8! Goldman!
And here’s the Rude Pundit’s alcohol-fueled live commentary, which may make it more bearable for those of you who are subjecting yourselves to this torture.
Does Trump have a dog he can take to DC?
Edit: This is going to dueling insults?
Edit2: I suspect both HRC and Sanders will know the statistics on zero or negative net illegal migration into US since the Great Recession, even accounting for evil Mexican government pushing over rapists and murderers.
Corner Stone
Wolf letting that Trump slam against Cruz linger is fucking glorious!
dr. bloor
@Adam L Silverman: I’m trying to imagine President Rubio meeting with Putin. It’s highly entertaining.
Of course, in my imagination I’ve already emigrated to New Zealand.
“Should people be allowed to break the law even if it is no feasible to stop them”? Jesus Fucking Christ.
Corner Stone
I love the first 30+ minutes of this debate is all about immigration.
Kasich is fucking done. Done!
Kasich is toast.
Kasich sounding mildly reasonable. He has no shot.
Oh, they woke up Dr. Carson.
Kasich’s makeup is darker than Trump’s tonight.
Arm The Homeless
Kasich looks puffy too. Carson looks sleepy. What the fuck is he still doing up there.
Fair!? What fucking conservative talks about fairness!?
@Ohio Mom: The good thing about these debates is that Democratic super PACs will be able to run ads against the eventual GOP nominee solely consisting of quotes from other GOP candidates.
Bill E Pilgrim
I think Carson is calling for a wall between the US and Canada.
Arm The Homeless
Foreign Aid? When did that become a conservative talking point?
Oh, Dr. C. wants to make the undocumented guest workers. He’s toast too.
If you diehards watching this really want a trip, especially for the lucky ones drinking or doing recreational drugs, check out the debate on Telemundo. The translator is definitely the hardest-working man in show business history and probably the most conflicted. His deep voice and quick delivery actually seems to fit Trump the best.
Mobil RoonieRoo
@Tom Levenson: It’s the only way I can deal with these debates – through the lens of the bj commentariat.
C’mon, Wolf. You can say “fuck.”
@Arm The Homeless: Conservatives think that Foreign Aid is 60% of the budget.
Trump saying the wall now goes 10 feet higher.
And now he’s complaining that Fox was using vulgarity. WTF?!
Lovable Grandpa Kasich shows his true colors by calling undocumented immigrants “The illegals” in his folksy way.
Trump: I’ll get the Chinese to build the Wall!
@Arm The Homeless: They are all geared up on steroids and adderall.
Trump has actually given, for him, a detailed plan on how to pay for the wall. It makes no sense, but it is a plan. I mean, lots of words that look like English on paper!
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Also the law they’re discussing is punished as a misdemeanor when broken.
dr. bloor
@Bill E Pilgrim: He just locked up the Canadian vote.
Corner Stone
Robotio desperately looking for a tough quip against Trump now. He’s sniffing the air.
Betty Cracker is missing all of this.
I envy her.
Trump pretty much admits he’ll start a trade war if Mexico doesn’t build a wall.
@Baud: So will Trump, he’s got everything else made there.
@Adam L Silverman: A typical case of American blind justice.
Corner Stone
Trump just stomped all over Robotio.
Rubio: “It’s a FACT!….go online and google it”. Jesus wept.
Nate Dawg
There is a woman on a rollercoaster in the audience. She screams everytime Ruboitoy opens its mouth.
@Arm The Homeless:
” Kasich looks puffy too. Carson looks sleepy. ”
All of them are probably geared up on shit. Stupid WP won’t let me speculate on the drugs they are using.
I suspect Rubio is on the ‘college student study hard’ drug.
The sound on my computer is not working and my son refuses to stream this on his laptop. Now all this cheap wine is going to waste.
Marco’s about to get it.
Keith P.
Rubio’s showing some teeth here. I’m impressed. Really going after Trump on illegal aliens. A lot. Then he got in a dig about bankruptcy.
EDIT: Holy cow, he just took a dig at Trump inheriting his fortune. This is hee-larious.
Corner Stone
Robotio is going all the fuck out against Trump.
Rubot-Trump cage match!
Bill E Pilgrim
This is too painful. It really is like a love child of Jerry Springer and WWE. I can’t believe anyone is considering voting for any of these idiots. I can’t watch anymore.
Who the hell is the tween screeching her lungs out?
@Keith P.: And Trump’s fake “University”.
Corner Stone
@Corner Stone: He knows he’s only got one shot left.
Donald was about to wind up and insult Marco’s (lack of) net worth. I’m sure he will get it later.
@Heliopause: Rubio’s lobbyist.
Trump’s “I’ve hired people” retort is a key sign of the GOP’s greatest flaw: that they worship the “businessman” as “true heroes” who can run government… even though we’ve had businessmen Presidents – Hoover and Bush the Lesser – that proved they can’t run government all that well.
And Trump is not the best businessman to call up as all that great: his frequent bankruptcies point to that. His only true success is self-promotion, and he’s using that to kill the GOP and the nation.
Hilariously stupid insult contest so far. I like it.
I swore off these things, but the beginning of this one has been fun.
Mary G
It’s a full-blown cage match now with Rubio and Trump. Shouting over each other. Oh, now they’re unleashed the Telemundo lady on Rubio. Speaking Spanish no less. I need moar popcorn.
Corner Stone
Man, she is going after Robotio like an espanol bloodhound.
Arm The Homeless
“I took a $1mil loan, then daddy died and i got his money ”
Fuckin nuance
Keith P.
@BillinGlendaleCA: My cats are complaining about lack of Fancy Feast, but I am riveted to the debate, waiting for a fist-fight. It may get as nasty as the last one.
“polish workers” will be a thing now.
Rubio ad libbed?
Corner Stone
I think Robotio is going to be done after tonight.
Ohio Mom
“We can not violate the Constitution!”.
Tell that to the Senator who are supposed to consider Supreme Court nominees, Rubio.
Rubio seems to have more fans in the Texas audience than Cruz.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Not really.
Might get the Baud! 2016! Antarctic Hobbit illegal worker scandal into the news. Get some free media.
Steve in the ATL
And Google’s PR department is desperately trying to distance the company from Rubio….
I hate to admit it, but Rubio is actually doing pretty good so far (by Republican standards).
Mike J
@Baud: I wouldn’t watch the debate without my girlfriend polishing my worker at the same time.
Corner Stone
“Hispanic” ? Fuck you, lady! I am a Cuban!
Old Dan and Little Anne
Saying ’em over them should disqualify anyone from being President.
@Keith P.: Oh, crap. I haven’t fed the dogs.
Nate Dawg
Ruboitoy is *almost* through that giant bottle of water, and it’s not even halfway through!
Arm The Homeless
@Mike J: does it hurt when she uses tweezers?
This is frighteningly awful. One of these knotheads could be President!
Mike J
@Baud: Polish workers on google.
Arm The Homeless
Obama-Clinton economy?
” I hate to admit it, but Rubio is actually doing pretty good so far (by Republican standards). ”
Rubio spent time trying to make a logical coherent argument, a pointless effort here.
Mobil RoonieRoo
Grumpy Code Monkey is reading the Red State thread while I read him this one. This is the best entertainment ever.
Is Taylor Swift on the stage and I’m just not seeing her?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Bill E Pilgrim:
It is. I cannot make it a drinking game, however. Treating a shoulder spasm with a relaxing muscles med. So I’m quite calm and this is hilarious in its way.
Our father who art in Houston does look kind of puffy, but he’s getting oldish.
Ted Cruz has always looked like a drag queen to me and it doesn’t help when I switch to Telemundo and the ‘en vivo’ tag fitting just perfectly on his head like a beauty queen crown ain’t helping.
The difference in body language and presentation between Rubio and Trump is incredible.
Rubio is shuffling around, swigging water and spluttering two hundred words a minute. The Don barely moves, and looks like he is pondering whether to use a blow torch on Rubio before he kills him.
Yes, the Republican Party is the party of diversity. Maybe because they will promote any freakin’ Uncle Tom across the spectrum that they can, even if they are stupid assholes like Marco or Ted. The rest of the party is lily white.
Arm The Homeless
Geez, oh-geez, oh-man. Jack Kemp and Hispanics are my best bud
dr. bloor
This. The Republican party is getting dismantled by the second-rate, entitled son of a Queens entrepreneur out of a Tom Wolfe novel.
Our friends in the African American community. I need the heimlich.
@PsiFighter37: Hermann Cain got an award from the state of Georgia today!
Arm The Homeless
Carson is a fucking simp. We are really compassionate, now get back to work you proles
Ben Carson knows his Pledge of Allegiance.
dr. bloor
@Nate Dawg: Come for the rhetoric, stay for the flop sweat and/or exploding bladder.
Wow, Trump just dissed Telemundo…to the face of the journalist from Telemundo.
He won’t get more than 10% of the Hispanic vote if he is the nominee.
Arm The Homeless
Really well with Hispanics!
That lady is gonna have blood coming out of her wherever tomorrow on Twitter.
I like this Telemundo lady. I’m guessing Trumpster the Dumpster will be trashing her later.
Corner Stone
That Telemundo personality was a really harsh choice. She was The Last Witch Hunter.
Arm The Homeless
Fuck Cruz and Scalia’s bloated, festering corpse. With a rusty knife. Repeatedly
Cruz is making the case for Dem turnout.
Cruz looks like he’s either got a big zit on his nose or a nose ring.
Arm The Homeless
Cruz diddles little children
@Baud: Yup. Cruz really has Tricky Dick’s nose.
Oh no. Hewitt can’t sleep because of religious persecution. Poor baby.
I wish Cruz was right. I wish there were four radical leftists on the Supreme Court.
Corner Stone
Trump just pivoted “the absolute hell” offa Smug Hewitt’s Religious Liberty BS question.
BillinGlendaleCA Nothing wrong with nose piercing.
Yuck, I have to watch this shit on my Kindle.
Not enough of it?
Hobby Lobby decision. All Americans care about that. Right.
Roberts is a commie.
In reality, Roberts is a great reactionary asset for winning the long game, but he is far too sophisticated for any of the top three clowns on the podium.
we keep telling ourselves that “Trump can’t possibly win Hispanics, or the general election” but we keep forgetting how many voters are ill-informed. We can’t take anything for granted… Despite the obvious distaste within the Republican ranks over Trump, I guarantee you if he becomes their nominee with a solid delegate count, the party will delude themselves into thinking they could back him. And then try their damnest to sell him as a “proven leader” with centrist appeal. /insert puking here
Also to Cruz likes double wetsuit asphyxiation Sachs.@Arm The Homeless:
Boy do I hate Cruz!! Anyone seen that photo of Cruz the Onion put out with Cruz in S&M attire.
Arm The Homeless Goat. Fucking. Child Molester thy name is Cruz
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Rubio is a snotty little shit, but he’s having a good night.
Probably debates only have a marginal influence on election, but every swing vote counts, so it is good sign the GOP is wasting its debates with all this BS.
@PaulW: It would be a lot easier for Trump to pivot to the center than it would be for Cruz.
@Renie: No, I’m not gonna look. I don’t want to start drinking again.
Rubio is now making the case for Dem turnout.
“Not provide flowers, not provide baked goods, religious liberty..” I know what that means but does anyone outside the GOP base?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@PsiFighter37: Do you think he’ll even get that much?
@beltane: He just did. Abortion is bad, but cancer screenings are good and PP helps millions of women.
Planned Parenthood: It’s Kasich’s time to shine!
Corner Stone
God damn! Religious Fucking Liberty!?
Trump still (kinda) defending Planned Parenthood. Go figure…even managed to get a little applause.
@beltane: Recent Trump statement (paraphrase): I can change into what I want to change into very quickly, I won’t have a problem with that.
Corner Stone
Kasich is so fucking done.
Hewitt is terrible. Is he some kind of RWNJ religious zealot?
@Renie: Yes.
Mary G
None of these guys answered Hewitt’s question. They are trashing the social conservatives even in election season now.
@Corner Stone:
It’s a little insular, it really is. They’re speaking in code again.
Arm The Homeless
I like Scalia, too guize!
I thought the Second Amendment was the First Freedom.
Kasich just said something sane. He should go home and call it a day.
@Renie: Hewitt seems to think that the most fanatically reactionary social conservative mindset is the rule in our country, and it is his job to make sure no one impure shall pass.
Fine with me, if he wants to damage the GOP.
The fruit salad of life?
Arm The Homeless
Look at their life and associations. Fruit Salad traditional marriage!
@Baud: It’s not first, just the most important.
Ohio Mom
Trump is frowning an awful lot.
Arm The Homeless
Healthcare Coupons!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Across state lines!
Ohio Mom
The fruit salad of their life !?!
These people are lalalalalalalala stoopid.
Arm The Homeless
I love Trump calling out the lobbyists in the audience.
I don’t have cable and I won’t stream if it’s available. Does the audience seem stacked like it was said to be last time?
@p.a.: Rubio has a contingent.
Trump tacks to the center while Cruz and Rubio accusing him of being an unprincipled kind of guy who would work across the aisle, and cut deals to get stuff done.
A highly persuasive argument to the already converted, but to moderates, independents and the undecided…..not so much.
@p.a.:Not near the responses.
Arm The Homeless
This is important, guize!
Central Planning
This popcorn is delicious.
Arm The Homeless
Get rid of the lines!
@Baud: True
Old Dan and Little Anne
Rubio is blowing his wad.
Arm The Homeless
Marco is so proud of himself for that remark
Rubio is trying to go all “policy” on Trump’s ass.
Exactly. They are committing political malpractice. Their donors should sue.
Rubio spewed a bunch of Fiorina style wonky micro detail and he thought he did something.
Debate is getting really silly now.
Central Planning
Rubio is getting in some good ones against Trump repeating himself.
Keith P.
Hahaha, Rubio calls out Trump for repeating himself, and the crowd goes NUTS.
Rubio really getting some punches in…
@Central Planning: Problem is that Trump made a shred of sense with his argument, and Rubio did not.
Nate Dawg
Did I hear Donald say Rubio looked like he just came out of a pool?
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
Phrasing! BOOM!
Rubio is setting himself up to be be blasted by Trump. Rubio smirky grin is going to be swatted away by Trump
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Debate needz moar hostility.
Ohio Mom
Rubio has waited all night to accuse someone else of repeating themselves.
Central Planning
I only meant about the repeating comment. Crowd loved it. Trump looked thrown off by that.
Corner Stone
Dana Bash, fer cripey’s sake. Could CNN have picked a crew that was more imbued with the freakin’ worst?
Corner Stone
Why is Kasich still here? I have no idea.
@Corner Stone: Don Lemon?
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Don Lemon, Don Lemon, please report to makeup, stat!
Corner Stone
Healthcare is not a right?!
Arm The Homeless
Did Kasich just make a heart with his hands?
“Healthcare is not a right. I also left a sponge in someone’s head. Where am I?”
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Corner Stone: Makes as much sense as Carson, if not more. Which is to say, none.
oklahomo Ted Cruz in a ballgown and tiara . . . part of me just died.
@Central Planning: Not sure the audience cares whether any of these presidential contestants make a tiny shred of sense. Just thought I would note that Trump made a comprehensible argument that had a kernel of truth to it, what difference that makes, I have no idea.
Nixon on Twitter “Oh God they are going to say he won on this. Oh God. My God”
Corner Stone
I love how they get Robotio and Cruz to…
Holy Shit. I had to stop this comment to say WTF is Carson talking about Uncle Joe, his smokes and people hiding them??
Arm The Homeless
They’re gonna be interested in uncle Joe’s smoking, until uncle Joe puts a cigarette in your eye
Grandpa Kasich explains how his government will intervene in the health care market to cause lower prices.
Please proceed Governor – you are giving Bernie a stiffy.
Anne Laurie
He’s worse than a Talibangelical; he’s a devout “Conservative intellectual” happily pandering to the religious zealots, for their attention.
@Ohio Mom: This is almost certainly true.
Mary G
Ugh. I want to punch them all out with all these nonsensical healthcare statements.
Nate Dawg
Shut up, Ben Carson. You’re not a real candidate, and no one cares.
Two-man race! Two-man race!!!
/lamestream media
/also Reince Priebus
/and 49% of the modern GOP
Corner Stone
Cruz just blitzed Wolfie.
I might say I just tuned in and this debate is nuts.
@Corner Stone:
Why is Ben Carson still there? They’re forcing people to listen to a Ben Carson lecture. I resent being subjected to his grift.
/51% of the modern GOP
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Carson woke up. LOL.
Central Planning
@Anne Laurie:
That’s an oxymoron like “pro-life” or “compassionate conservative” or “jumbo shrimp”.
Sorry for including yummy shrimp in with those other two.
Trump = Bernie
Old Dan and Little Anne
So would any of these guys repeal Obamacare?
@Arm The Homeless:
It’s an article of faith among wingnuts that the economy had been a disaster during the Obama administration. So they think tying the Dems to that record is a surefire winner for them.
Cruz is such a sleazy repellent liar, I think he would be a great GOP candidate for president.
Why do they think the President can “repeal” Obamacare?
Anyone flailing away at an Obama shaped piñata yet?
Wolf has lost control of the debate.
Central Planning
Why doesn’t anyone ask “who is going to pay for the uninsured?”?
Over the weekend Rubio’s limbless corpse will be found floating in the Hudson with his cock stuffed down his throat. Trump will tweet his condolences.
How’s that smirky grinny thingy workin’ out for ya now, Marco?
Oh God, Cruz is advocating letting people die on the streets. Why can’t he be the GOP candidate?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Two shouty old white men vying over who’s going to rip up which part of President Obama’s hard work by the roots first.
Big question: How will GOP voters respond to letting people die in the streets?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
I just put it on two seconds ago and I already want to slit my wrists to make it stop.
Trump close to punching Cruz; showing near-presidentialist restraint.
Arm The Homeless
Common Core environmental dynamic regulation
Arm The Homeless
Waste, fraud, abuse!
@Baud: They seem to like it, as long as someone picks up the dead bodies before they start to smell too much.
schrodinger's cat
Why are you guys doing this to yourselves? Sounds painful.
@Baud: Remove their jewelry?
Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump….
Nate Dawg
The roller-coaster woman just screamed at “waste, fraud, and abuse.”
I noticed a trend in them asking Trump for particulars. Love how he walks away from the questions. Rubio and Cruz are amateurs dealing with him. This is such a circus!
@Redshift: Just like they think there was no president between Clinton and Obama.
@Arm The Homeless: DRINK!
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: I only put it on a few minutes ago and just muted it. When does it end?
Arm The Homeless
Kasich is playing fruit ninja on stage again
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Because they’re idiots? Or panderers, which are not mutually exclusive.
@Aleta: I’d prefer he show a little less restraint in this specific instance.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Kasich is gesturing like a washed-up brain-damaged boxer.
@Arm The Homeless: Yeah, that’s a better description.
Wow! Ohio seems like a wonderful place.
Wolfe sounds like he doesn’t understand what he is saying, and reading phonetically
Why are they picking on Trump balanced budget? Why is his plan any more insane than the others?
Now he asks Kasich about Trump’s plan? What kind of question is that in a debate? Blitz invited Kasich to attack Trump’s plan.
This BS questioning a sign that the Trump has to be damaged on his populist themes?
I think that part of Trump is a horrifying threat to the GOP economic con game.
@<a href="#comment-5682378″>David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Cool! I helped pimp that meme! The guy who started it hopes it’ll get big enough that Cruz is forced to answer.
Arm The Homeless
Jobs Jobs Jobs and periods
Nate Dawg
Ohio Mom
Kasich is full of it. He stole a lot of that money that balanced the budget from localities and school districts.
I detest Trump, but it seems to me CNN has orchestrated this debate as an assault on Trump.
Grandpa Kasich is from a bygone era, or so last year, depending on your point of view. Either way he’s dead meat.
Trump gets audited every year. Wonder why?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
I still can’t get over Romney wanting to see anyone else’s tax returns. I really think the entire GOP exists now solely to troll the country.
@oldgold: Trump just made that point.
Did Trumpy just say ‘bigly’? Seriously???
OMG Trump insulting Hewitt’s small-audience radio show is my favorite thing since ice cream.
Nate Dawg
See, this is why I love Trump. He just bashed Hugh Hewitt’s pathetically small audience.
Trump has one of the biggest most wonderful tax returns in the entire world and everyone is going to love it.
Keith P.
Jeeez, Trump’s taking a dig at Hewitt’s radio ratings now! And Hewitt’s “Fuck you” grin says it all. Total scorched earth.
Nate Dawg he said bigly!!!! He’s totally out-Dubya’ing, Dubya.
@oldgold: Whether they did or not, that’ll be Trump’s story.
Co-sponsored by Telemundo too. That’ll play to his base!
Central Planning
Hugh has that smarmy, backpfeifengesicht look.
Surely the free maker will take care of that. No need to get evil gummint involved.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Ohio Mom:
Damn straight he did. And we’re all feeling it at the local level. Even those of us in less distressed communities. I can’t point any fingers, because, well – you know.
But Kasich is a nasty, thin-skinned, self-righteous liar. The rest of the US doesn’t know that yet, but we do.
gogol's wife
Richard Nixon uses Twitter? From the great beyond?
Mary G
Ooh, Trump just said that Harry Reid bated Mitt Romney beautifully over his tax returns. And he just said that nobody listens to Hugh Hewitt’s radio slow. Then did Marco just say that tomorrow is Saturday?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Rubio looks like he was really hoping nobody would call on him.
I thought Obamas IRS was auditing every conservative. I guess Marco ain’t a conservative.
Rubio on entitlement reform. An opening for Trump.
Arm The Homeless
Lolz. Trump just kicked Hewitt’s nuts into his throat.
Dammit Cole that pic of Hewitt’s moobs is uncalled for!
@Ohio Mom:
He did. He just stole more from schools, in fact.
I think people know. My state taxes went down 200 and my local taxes went up a 1000. I now get no local funding- nothing- back from what I send to John Kasich. They just keep it all in Columbus.
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
I was just watching a guy getting his leg sawn off at the Battle of Borodino. This sounds much worse.
Cruz sticking up for the integrity of the IRS.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
” But Kasich is a nasty, thin-skinned, self-righteous liar. ”
With fewer on the stage with more time, they all seem to be that.
They are all repellent people, just have different styles of expressing it.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Obamacare is so augured in now, that there’s no way it can be repealed. They’re all just talking shit now about it because they all know it too – 20 years from now if there’s a Republican party they’ll be claiming they passed it.
@oklahomo: They look suavely petite and French.
Cruz is an asshole. However, Trump is the alpha asshole.
Nate Dawg
Trump is so good at squashing Cruz and making him look like the small-balled lizard that he is.
I’m impressed by the lack of commercials.
@gogol’s wife: Yes. He is tweeting from Hell. And it’s AWESOME.
@dick_nixon. Go there; you will not regret it.
Corner Stone
Nobody gives one shit about tax returns.
Elementary time. ‘night all. No nightmares in store I hope. Cruzdemort or the Rubinator.
I can’t believe Donald didn’t respond to the substance of an argument.
@Corner Stone: No, of course not. But it’s about macho posturing. An asshole-off, if you will.
Corner Stone
Fucking ouch! Trump just did Cruz in.
Please pull it out Ted. We need you.
Ohio Mom
@Helen: maybe that will make up for God closing his twitter account. I miss it already.
Trump University is the Hugest, Classiest University in the country.
Corner Stone
Can’t wait for Trump to ask Robotio how much he’s worth.
No idea why they keep mentioning IRS tax returns. No one gives one damn about releasing that paper.
Trumpster is going to have the biggest classiest audit evah! Trust him! Biggest evah!
@Mandalay: LOL Thanks for the laugh but that image you gave. yuck
I don’t think anyone in the audience cares at all about the issues they just want to see the bullying. Trump has both Rubio and Cruz going after him and they both can’t knock him down.
Arm The Homeless
LOL. That Purge commercial is fucking awesome.
@Corner Stone: How..
Nate Dawg
They’ll audit him so much, it’ll make your head spin. Believe me.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Every time Trump looked at Rubio, I imagined him holding up his fingers and thinking “I squish your head”. Click. What awful people.
Arm The Homeless
CariDee is on my TV.
What year is it!?
Arm The Homeless
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: That’s Hitler, and he’s fucking your donkey
@Arm The Homeless: Who is CariDee?
And we’re back, Round II.
@Ohio Mom: Scalia’s got one also.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
So basically like Carson for every question then.
(Wish I could follow this thread and comment, and watch the debate at the same time, but not possible on iPad apparently. See y’all at the next break.)
@jl: At least it’s not a GIF all a jiggle…
Haha. Trump is neutral AND pro-Israel.
Round II: Who can kiss Bibi’s butt the best?
ETA: We might get to talking about nuclear armed North Korea later.
Cruz has shown over and over again tonight why he would be a horrid candidate. What can we do to help him, at least stay in it longer?
Corner Stone
@JPL: “I’m beating him (Cruz) in the polls, badly. If I can’t beat her, how could you possibly be beating her?”
So Trump is the sane one on foreign policy.
If Israel is free enterprise, don’t call Bernie a Socialist.
Arm The Homeless
American Foreign Policy Debate: Who can suck Bibi’s siphyllitic knob the hardest? Go!
Nate Dawg
Traditionally the pro-Israel stance has played well in the GOP, but Trump’s common sense approach just makes sense.
Central Planning
“This is not a real estate deal” – 4 times
I sort of feel a bit sorry for Rubio. Repeating the same “zinger” four or five times in a row doesn’t make it any stronger.
If Trump were smart, he’d ask Rubio what the last deal Israel offered to Palestinians was? Rubio with be dumb founded.
Marco Rubio is childish, though. You can’t imagine him as President. He doesn’t have any gravity or center. He seems frantic and a little scared.
So Kasich want’s to blockade North Korea? That’s an act of war Governor.
Corner Stone
Who gives a shit about NK?
Kasich shows he can be insane too.
Arm The Homeless
Fuck, im outta beer. What mixes well with mouthwash?
Corner Stone
That was the most time Kasich has had in the debate and he is awful on foreign policy.
@Corner Stone: South Korea.
This isn’t as much fun as the last debate.
He also looks at the audience for validation when he says something to Trump like he needs backup. He’s scared of Trump.
Corner Stone
@BillinGlendaleCA: They vote in the R primary?
Grandpa Kasich – the “reasonable moderate” – wants us to give ballistic missiles to South Korea and Japan.
Does Blitzer understand the questions he is reading?
No, let’s have a regime change policy and keep Kim Jun-un in power?
Or did Blitzer say Kim Jung-il. So maybe Bltiz meant keep him sick so he couldn’t make any trouble. Or bring back his dead father to rule?
I ask again, is Wolfe reading the questions phonetically?
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: Because they are idiots.
Arm The Homeless
Whiner! I want to say something!
Corner Stone
“Dr. Carson. How would you deal with North Korea?”
America, 2016.
Wouldn’t it be better to shut them all in an exam room for 3-4 hours with a bunch of essay and multiple choice questions ? (Then indict them for lying if they go back on their word while Pressident.)
Poor Ben Carson.
Dr. Carson: How would you deal with NK. Answer: “Nobody asks me anything. Let me talk about a question from 30 minutes ago”
Carson doesn’t understand that no one cares what he says.
And we’re back to Israel.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Trevor Noah does a killer Carson impression.
Adam L Silverman
@Central Planning: The sad thing is that ultimately it is a real estate deal. Its giving the Palestinians completely claim and title to Gaza and as much of the West Bank as possible with some swap outs for contiguity where settlements are along the Green Line. The currency in the swap is Palestinians securing their new borders and doing everything to prevent and stop terrorism and other forms of political and religious violence directed at the Israelis.
What makes this a wicked or ill structured problem isn’t the engineering of the deal. We know what the nuts and bolts need to be. Its selling it to all the parties involved.
Arm The Homeless
Judeo-Christian ethic!
Israel is our child. Do the Israelis know this?
@Mandalay: Kasich keeps subtly undermining himself. He implied that the US has at least initiated a more effect policy for NK. That implies Obama is not always intentionally trying to destroy America. The audience can do that kind of logic.
@Arm The Homeless:
Tonic water. Schweppes.
Mary G
I don’t know what these people mean when they want to close the IRS. We’ll be on the honor system?
Major Major Major Major
I’ll just nip off and shoot myself.
Don’t worry, I’ll be very humane
Adam L Silverman
@Arm The Homeless: chocolate, provided you’ve got mint flavored mouthwash.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Christ, Trump is the demon spawn of Hitler and Q-Bert, and he’s the sanest one on that stage.
Anne Laurie
Don’t waste your energy. His daddy’s god has CALLED Ted to run for President — you won’t get him out of this race short of confining him to a Supermax cell. And even then he’d paint campaign manifestos on the wall, using his own waste products if necessary.
Since it’s Texas they should end by throwing knives all at once at a fake tree.
Ruboto is defending the Kenyan on Lybia?
@Baud: you’re right we need fist fighting LOL
Central Planning
@Anne Laurie: Does Cruz go third party if he doesn’t get the R nomination? After all, god said he has to run.
Ben Carson wants to say something.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s caught on. They all act like that’s a real thing a President can do, even the journalists. Obama always says “when they bring me that I will sign it!” I appreciate that he states this correctly. It’s a small thing but it’s important.
@Baud: Bed Carson always wants to say something.
Anne Laurie
@Corner Stone:
Strutting bullies who don’t have the balls to challenge a real world power.
Like St. Reagan invading Grenada, only with even less courage.
Arm The Homeless
@Adam L Silverman: i might need something more powerful. Methanol?
Poor Kasich.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I suspect that’s because Sen. Rubio is frantic and a little scared.
Attacking John Kerry seems like a loser. No one hates him.
The person I feel most sorry for: The guy who’s getting a repetitive strain injury from pushing that bell button.
Haha. Give Ben his props on that one.
Ben Carson want’s to be attacked.
Arm The Homeless
Someone talk about me, please!
Carson is fucking horrible
Nate Dawg
OMG, Trump just turned them into whining little children. He’s a “choke-artist” and he’s a “liar”.
Wow. Owned.
Adam L Silverman
@Arm The Homeless: I wouldn’t recommend that.
Central Planning
Carson wants to be attacked. Good thing he has a belt on.
@Major Major Major Major: Douglas Adams libelz!
Corner Stone
Holy shit. Trump just two fisted Robotio and Cruz at the same time.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Can somebody attack me please? Yikes.
@Kay: They are going back in time. Next they’ll run against Bill Clinton and Carter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Arm The Homeless: Mouthwash should be consumed straight. A snifter might give you the illusion that you still have dignity.
I wish there were some clouds for Kasich to yell at.
I’m watching on my DVR, so I’m behind. I wish I could fart right on Cruz.
Arm The Homeless
Wolf is such a joke
@Anne Laurie: LOL beautiful description!!!!
Corner Stone
Cruz demanded a chance to respond and when he got it from Wolfie he was like, “Whuuutt?”
No actually Cruz cannot respond to being called a liar. But let’s watch him try.
Major Major Major Major
Catbird seat!!
These assholes want a war so badly it makes me want to scream.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Picture Rubio as President. You can’t do it. He’s just not Presidential material.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, if any of these Repub clowns could think past their next bathroom break, they’d announce an offer for Trump to be their special Israel-Palestian Ambassador, cuz his soooper deal-making skills would be so much more useful slanging the wogs than in the White House.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: what’s the garnish for mouthwash?
@Omnes Omnibus: You sound like you have personal experience.
Corner Stone
CNN has absolutely lost this debate.
I hate Ted Cruz. I didn’t realize how much until tonight.
Texas Dem
“This guy is a choke arrest and this guy is a liar.” BOOM! Knockout. It’s over, folks. I’m changing the channel.
Trump vs. Cruz in the Asshole of the Decade contest.
Hah! Donald gave Cruz 5000 dollars and he got a book!
Old Dan and Little Anne
I’m dying.
@Corner Stone: You expected Wolf to be successful in this role?
My impression is that Cruz thinks he is very clever and winning points with his attacks, but I see Cruz walking into roundhouses over and over again.
We are off the rails.
And… Wolf looses control again.
Arm The Homeless
@Omnes Omnibus: who needs dignity when watching this shit? They don’t have any, why should I?
Gentlemen, gentlemen, you can’t debate in here, this is the War Room!
Total pandemonium on the stage. I love it
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
That’s because Obama likes to actually observe the constitutional requirements. Which is not really such a small thing (though I understand you point), especially since the great voting public likely doesn’t know these fools can’t just repeal things.
Felonius Monk
Why waste a good fart?
cruz is like a 2 year old!!! waaahhhh
Nate Dawg
Rubio looks like such a little kid when he smiles. Always so proud of his little digs, but then his shit-eating grin ruins it.
Next debate, the networks should insist on the candidates wearing electric shock collars.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Toothpaste.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I really hated Basic.
@opiejeanne: Everybody hates Ted Cruz. Everybody.
Omnes Omnibus
@Arm The Homeless: I am watching “The Longest Day” on TCM and drinking a brandy.
But that does create a back door.
Carson should win the waterless cookware set with portable convection fryolator.
Arm The Homeless
Terrists getting away with things!
Texas Dem
Maybe I missed something, but is there any way after tonight that Trump doesn’t roll over Super Tuesday like a German blitzkrieg?
@Geoduck: I know. It’s been amusing until now.
OH, they woke up Ben.
Anne Laurie
@Central Planning:
Long before he got this far, I was predicting Cruz as the Repub most likely to go third-party this time around.
He doesn’t want to be President, as Americans currently use that title — he wants to be God-King of the Republic of Gilead. And if stupid voters don’t understand their duty to offer him that crown, he’ll go third-party.
Hell, given his unexpected success this year, I can see him going third-party and calling for the Bible-bashing states to secede!
James E Powell
You guys watch so I don’t have to – Much love to you all.
I want this thing to come down to Cruz v. Trump. I want the ugliness that is the Republican Party on full display.
Nate Dawg
Ben Carson: I believe, the sky is blue, because that’s, uh, the way it appears to me. *applause*
Umm, guys, Apple isn’t ‘defying’ a court order, they’re appealing a court order. There’s a bit of a difference.
Major Major Major Major
All they are asking them to do is follow a court order that they were ordered by a court to do
So brave
@dmsilev: Fuck that, 2nd Amendment remedies.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@PsiFighter37: It’s comparing to the last one much better than I expected it to.
@Omnes Omnibus: Show off.
@dmsilev: Around their nuts.
Haha. Kasich really wants to get some more of the crazy vote.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Anyone remember the 90s TNT half-hour talk show THE CONSPIRACY ZONE? They had one episode where they invited hollow earthers on to debate. And the debate was whether the earth was hollow and full of reptoids, or whether the earth was hollow and full of Nazis.
This is the first thing I’ve seen on TV that was crazier than that.
Adam L Silverman
Nice fresh open thread up to get us through the rest of the debate and into the post-debate aftermath.
Major Major Major Major
Also can’t they just take his thumb? They have his body.
Then you know he’s full of shit.
It’ll be a classy wall.
Steve in the ATL
Greetings, TBogg!
Cuddly Grandpa Kasich – the “reasonable moderate” – brags that he locks people in rooms until they reach an agreement all the time.
We’re lucky though. If GOP base voters weren’t so nuts he would be the nominee and they’ve already crowned him The Moderate.
Arm The Homeless
Canada is going to pay for it!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Am I missing something I’m gonna wish I had watched?
Meh, they piss me off too much in real time. I’ll watch the highlights
@Adam L Silverman: Why mess with a Tbogg thread?
Ivan X
@opiejeanne: Hey Opie! Ready for baseball season?
James E Powell
Republicans can’t win a thing without a big chunk of the 27%ers
Trump’s wall would leave us with only meth, fentanyl and Canadian oxyco.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: huh?
Texas Dem
All I can say is that if Bill Clinton really talked Trump into running for president, he’s the political genius of all time. World class.
Arm The Homeless
@Omnes Omnibus: look at you, with the fanciest of pants
Major Major Major Major
“Senator Rubio, Latinos hate you. And you’re wrong about everything. Explain?”
Arm The Homeless
There are more black folks in this USVI commercial than in the entire GOP
Nate Dawg
God this thing is still going on? Just pathetic.
@mclaren: Those hollow earthers are stupid. Everyone know the hollow earth is full of Nazis riding dinosaur reptoids. I learned that in a movie about Sarah Palin.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Adam L Silverman: 500 comments is known as a Tbogg unit. It’s kinda meta.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): ahhh, okay. Well, we’re well past 500, so its safe to put up a new one. Also, people are always kvetching that the thread loads/reloads slowly when we get over a couple of hundred comments. So I was trying to be considerate. I’ll endeavor not to do so again.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: Yeah, I don’t see why this wouldn’t be a both/and situation. Maybe I lack vision.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Not just a few but a lotta.
Ben Carson’s hands.
I’m done.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Actually, you put yourself in a position where no response is correct. Wouldn’t you prefer a nice game of chess?
@Texas Dem:
Meh. I suspect history will not be kind to Bill Clinton, and the “comeback kid” and “first black president” bullshit is already starting to become a little cringe inducing.
Trump will go full-sexual-predator on him if he ends up running against Hillary Clinton.
@Ivan X: Sort of. I’m terrified of our pitching staff. I wish Artie had spent a little more this year.
Major Major Major Major
We all know that what Cruz said would literally destroy the planet right
Omnes Omnibus
I suspect that you are wrong.
@Mandalay: I know Bill presents a big target, but I’m getting really sick of the sins of her husband being visited up on her.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes. He’s one of the most admired people alive.
@Anne Laurie: I understand that Carson also says he was “called”. God’s messing
with somebody.
@Major Major Major Major: Literally? No. We don’t have the technology to do that yet. Turn the entire surface into a radioactive moonscape, sure.
@Geoduck: I missed that.I stomped out after Ben started talking about his hands. “Have you ever, like, looked at your hands, man? I mean, looked at them?”
What was Ted planning to do to destroy the Earth?
What was that weird ad about purging for America? I mean, how patriotic is taking Ex-Lax?
Mike J
@opiejeanne: They call them fingers but have you ever seen them fing?
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Yes, but I was less than completely sober at the time.
~500 comments over a shitshow?
Adam L Silverman
@amk: Give the people what they want and the product just sells itself!
I absolutely get that, but in a reverse Victor/Victoria way – a man pretending to be a woman impersonating a man.
With this, and a few other comments that you’ve shared with me, I’m fairly confident that I could pick you out of the crowd at even the best-attended BJ meet-up ever – ;-) And that’s a good thing, because I’d want to sit next to you!
@Gin & Tonic:
It’s reading the BJ ongoing commentary that brings tears to my eyes during these ordeals.
Although I admit that watching this drivel, my overwhelming reaction is something along the lines of…this is what the so-called democratic process has come to? It’s easy to be snarky about how if you put all these guys in a barrel and rolled it downhill there would always be a doucherocket on top. But it finally dawned on me – the old line about how politics is show biz for ugly people has been modified. It’s just show biz, period, and within that context everything about Trump leading the Republican race falls into place with resounding crashes. The process has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with emotion, and as show biz is intended to, it entertains and produces a lot of money. Trump understands the entertainment business as a business better than any of the other jerkoffs in the Republican race, and gets for free what other candidates have to pay millions.
No One You Know
@raven: and there ain’t nothin’ he can do about it.
No One You Know
@Gelfling545: Many are called, but few are chosen. In this case, we hope none are chosen.