America, 2016.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) February 26, 2016
Hard for us cynical sane people to credit, but it would seem like the Establishment GOP really didn’t understand, until after South Carolina, that the Trump-Monster emerging from fifty years of Repub propaganda about undeserving moochers, atheists, and subhumans was not going away because they ignored / mocked / threatened him. They had a lovely big-budget musical planned… Springtime for Patricians, featuring a third-generation celebrity, a tiny ethnic sidekick, a creepy rival to better highlight the lead, and a backup cast of goofy stereotypes for the audience to mock. Then this yammering BRUTE appeared out of nowhere, tearing up the pretty sets, pissing on the terrified prop crew, tearing some of the cast members limb from limb. Trump is their history made visible, a nightmare from which they are fruitlessly attempting to awaken…
Trump is building a
"new Republican Party." One without as many Republicans.— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) February 26, 2016
From the Guardian liveblog, last night:
Who is doing best so far? Jeb Lund thinks Marco Rubio is putting on a good performance – but should stop laughing at his own jokes:
Marco Rubio is doing very well. He hit Trump smartly on apt points, and he even had a good punchline. Cruz isn’t doing as well as Rubio, which should probably be alarming for Cruz supporters, because he’s the one who should be tap-dancing around everyone on stage. Kasich seems pleased to talk when people remember him and just as pleased to watch when no one does. Ben Carson was let out by the roadside to run free through a meadow as mom and dad peeled off in the car…
Shorter #GOPDebate: Younger ape challenges alpha-monkey, gets smacked, while previous alpha grunts, worries about losing his Texas home.
— AlGiordano (@AlGiordano) February 26, 2016
I love these guys hitting Trump on lack of policy details. The same people whose economic plan is "tax cuts + invisible handjobs = #winning"
— Big Sexy Jeb! Lund (@Mobute) February 26, 2016
Cruz: How can we nominate this terrible liberal loser?
Audience: You told us he was great for six months.
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) February 26, 2016
Rubio with the ouch: “If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where he’d be? Selling watches in Manhattan.”
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) February 26, 2016
“Millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood…I would defund it.” -Donald Trump
— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) February 26, 2016
Cruz 2014: IRS audits are politically motivated and grounds for impeachment
Cruz 2016: Except when it's Trump#GOPDebate— Wyeth Ruthven (@wyethwire) February 26, 2016
We're almost 2 hours into #GOPDebate and CNN has yet to ask about:
1. today's 28th mass shooting of 2016
2. #FlintWaterCrisisWhat else?
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 26, 2016
The Guardian, again:
… Trump gestures respectively to Rubio and Cruz: “First of all, this guy’s a choke artist and this guy’s a liar.”
Carson gets a big cheer with the line: “Can someone attack me please?”
"This debate was getting too heated and exciting, so here's a question for Ben Carson."
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) February 26, 2016
This is a good crew to make the case that the Obama administration isn't serious.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) February 26, 2016
The party that Rubio and Cruz are running on no longer exists.
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) February 26, 2016
Trump is essentially saying that his foreign policy will be to bolster authoritarianism in other lands, "at least they kill the terrorists."
— AlGiordano (@AlGiordano) February 26, 2016
Uh-oh, Carson has used that "liberty and justice for all" spiel a couple of times. Rubio might have introduced malware into the GOP field.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) February 26, 2016
BTW, the next President will NEVER cut a deal with Harry Reid, because he's retiring #GOPDebate
— Wyeth Ruthven (@wyethwire) February 26, 2016
Watching Trump start to move to the center in preparation for the general election is like when the velociraptors learned how to open doors.
— Justin Halpern (@justin_halpern) February 26, 2016
Donald Trump bragging about the Joe Arpaio endorsement is going to be a Hillary Clinton ad targeting Spanish-language media in 6 months.
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) February 26, 2016
Cruz and Rubio dropped so many attacks on Trump at once, one big problem may be no way to litigate them all at once in just four days time
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) February 26, 2016
Reading pundit takes on this debate, I really don't think they get what drives GOP voters to Trump.
— Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) February 26, 2016
I find it hard to tell who's winning in these debates, but professional Republicans who've always hated Trump seem convinced he's losing.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) February 26, 2016
Tonight we saw another spirited debate between the most diverse & well-qualified group of presidential candidates in history #GOPDebate
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) February 26, 2016
@Reince I'll have what you're having.
— Brad Evans (@EvansBrad) February 26, 2016
This premiere tonight of "Game of Thrones" is pretty good.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) February 26, 2016
America, here is your future:
1) Every media outlet declares Rubio the runaway winner of this debate.
2) Trump dominates the primaries.
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) February 26, 2016
Trump: "I think it will be over soon and there won't be a convention."
— AlGiordano (@AlGiordano) February 26, 2016
And people say Twitter has no value…
Howard Beale IV
The Colorado GOP just made everyone Superdelegates-I Shit you not.
ThresherK (GPad)
Did a Juicer link yesterday to a webcomic called and a cartoon about You never break a promise to a cat?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I see people– tweeting journos– say Rubio was doing well today. I thought he looked like he was trying too hard, especially that “wet his pants” bit. Like a groomsman who grabs the mike from the best man: “You call that a toast?…”
dr. bloor
@Howard Beale IV: We can put Colorado in the “Blue” column for November.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Howard Beale IV: A state full of SuperDelegates? Sounds like the setup to Monty Python’s ‘Bicycle Repairman’ sketch.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Looks like Sanders might win the nomination after all.
Turns out Hillary is linked to isis (photo)
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover announce they’re making a new “Lethal Weapon” sequel.
Gibson looks terrible. The one time “Sexist Man Alive” has gone bald and grey. He’s also put on weight and has aged poorly. (photo)
An increasingly confused and unstable citizenry will soon turn to the the virtual world for leadership.
Baud! America’s Best Bet!
dr. bloor
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Eh, someone will dig up a picture of young Bernie and his cat Lenin.
Mike J
@Howard Beale IV: All the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the delegates are super.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Being that I’m a fervent supporter of team dog, I’m starting to “Feel the Bern”.
ETA: Though my heart is always with Baud!2016!!!
Okay, the Justin Halpern crack about velociraptors made me crack up at work.
@Baud: A confused and unstable virtuality for a onfused and unstable people! Baud! 2016!
Yell some crazy for us, Baud! 2016!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Justice Baud! (?)
I have two source high up in the Obama administration (Bo & Sunny) and they texted me that the President has Baud! on his short list of nominees but he is concerned Baud! won’t leave the campaign trail for the bench.
This would be a big legacy accomplishment – the first virtual Justice.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
You used that one today already.
That is why people hate Canadians, you know. And it’s all your fault.
ETA: Well, not all Canadians, I guess — just Canadian Anchor Babies.
Omnes Omnibus
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: This is what happens when you let sleeping dogs lie.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@dr. bloor: Sanders had a pony, not a dog. He named him Trotsky.
Bill E Pilgrim
It’s kind of funny though that anyone actually thought that whoever “won” a debate according to “every media outlet” should automatically be reflected in the next polls or in the voting in the next caucus. It’s like they really think that media pundits make up their minds about who “won” that insane clownish shouting match, and in a sane world, that candidate would automatically be leading in the polling or votes in the next caucus.
Dear news media: You’re often wrong. You didn’t think Trump was going to be this successful, and for years you dismissed the slide to anarchy and extremism by the Republican Party as something normal that exists “on both sides”.
So whoever you’ve decided won or lost a debate is pretty much as meaningless as your declarations about Trump or how normal everything was as the Republicans lost their collective minds, which is to say, totally.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@SFAW: yes, yes, but as an environmentalist I like to recycle. plus, why deny the evening crew a good giggle.
@Howard Beale IV: In other words they effectively give all the delegates to Rubio (or Paul Ryan or whoever is the leadership’s choice at the brokered convention). This is how it happens. This story obfuscates the meaning of that move so well that I bet even the primary voters themselves won’t realize their vote for president now means nothing. If I’m right in what this means, we can expect the same in quite a few more states.
(I’m being told that’s taken.)
@Howard Beale IV:
I thought they did that a couple of months ago.
Lawsuit from Trump might get the woeful Baud! 2016! campaign some free media.
Fun thing about the GOP debate last night was that the unintelligible yelling parts made the most sense.
Miss Bianca
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Quit horsing around, you.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Come out in favor of the Three Color Map Theorem.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
I think it fair to say that the ‘Establishment DNC’ didn’t understand (or fully acknowledge) it’s progressive/liberal cohort either until Senator Sanders entered the campaign….
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Howard Beale IV: So voters in Colorado will have no say in who the nominee is? Am I reading that right?
And the question I find myself asking a lot lately: has that ever happened before?
Davis X. Machina
@dr. bloor: Lenin, and cat, did you say?
It warms my heart to see that the Rethuglican “braintrust” is more than happy to screw over voters who vote FOR them, not just people who might vote against them.
I can envision a Rethug primary Voter ID card – you have to sign a blood oath of fealty to Rancid Priebus, or “No card for you!”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
…and then he had a dog, and he named him ‘Icepick’….
dr. bloor
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Thank you, thank you, Comrades, I’ll be here until Saturday. TRY THE BORSCHT AND DON’T YOU DARE TIP THE WAITRESS YOU COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY BOURGEOIS PIG!
That’s why Ben Carson never makes sense.
Mary G
All the establishment pols racing to endorse Rubio will just push the angry voters farther into Trump’s corner. Christie doesn’t count because he is the angry guy already.
dr. bloor
@DCF: Yet another reason this place needs a “Like” button.
Adam L Silverman
@Howard Beale IV: Considering that coming in 3rd is now equal to winning, maybe they wanted to bolster all the regular delegates self esteem?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@DCF: In Soviet Russia, Icepick dogs you.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I hate you.
Adam L Silverman
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: please, do deny us.
Felonius Monk
@Baud: BAUD 2016 – A Virtual Leader for the Virtually Leaderless.
Ya think Micheal Steele is at home like this when he thinks of Rinse Pubis and the RNC?
Or like this…
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@Howard Beale IV:
They all get capes!
Howard Beale IV
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: That’s what appears to be happening-your caucus/primary voting is for naught.
Watching the debate last night had me laughing and laughing. I could definitely see how low-information republicans who have no concept of how gov’t really works would vote for trump. In the menage a trois of trump, rubio and cruz I found myself rooting for trump. If you are anti-establishment or anti-government you had to love him going after the two Washington guys. And even though the media thought otherwise, I thought he was able to fend off both of them. He is a showman with the sharp and constant nasty remarks. This is what Americans like; they love people going after each other. They boo and hiss at tv shows all the time where people compete against each other; watch any wrestling and they want someone all bloodied up. So Trump is giving them blood and the blood being spilled is from the gov’t guys who they feel is the root of their problems. I think the Trump train is unstoppable now.
@Howard Beale IV: Well, hopefully that helps keep Colorado in the blue camp.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
If anyone has TVONE on their cable system: Obama is honoring Ray Charles with a PBS tribute concert in the East Room.
Man, what a racially diverse guest list. THIS is what angers them so much.
Howard Beale IV
@Adam L Silverman: Beats me what the hell is going on-but it looks like they’re trying to deny The Donald his eventual coronation by any means necessary-and this is one way to do it “By the Book”.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: Hopefully Baud! won’t guzzle water like Rubio or he’ll short circuit his motherboard.
Miss Bianca
@Howard Beale IV:
What does this even mean? I realize that I have no idea. I saw in our local paper that the CO Repubs were supposed to be choosing delegates, rather than caucus directly for their candidates of choice.
Adam L Silverman
@srv:Yes and this ties into @Howard Beale IV: and @Bnad: comments about the Colorado state GOP making everyone a super delegate and cutting the actual primary voters out of the equation. If the overwhelmingly reported plurality or majority of primary votes are for Donald Trump, but the delegates and/or superdelegates get to the convention and someone else is named the nominee, there will be hell to pay.
The people that Donald Trump are firing up are angry and they support him because he’s got them believing he’s the person to finally even the score with all the people and groups that they’re angry about. And many of them are for more radical and reactionary than, I think, most give them credit for.
I had lunch with a friend and colleague of that friend about a month ago. They were completely serious in telling me that Speaker Ryan is a socialist because he went through with the spending bill based on the budget agreement that Speaker Boehner had negotiated in December before retiring. Similarly in explaining that Chief Justice Roberts is a liberal plant on the Supreme Court because of the ACA and Obergefell rulings. And while both are well educated and informed, I got a twenty minute earful on how Federal regulation is destroying everything, with a hospital in New York that had to close because of New York municipal regulations/code enforcement, as the example. When I tried to explain that those are municipal regs and had nothing to do with the Federal government, they looked at me like I was speaking Ladino. Nobody was yelling or anything like that. And everyone’s tone was pleasant, but there is no reasoning with people who’s understanding of what is actually happening is almost 180 degrees from reality.
Howard Beale IV
@Baud: Obligatory “Stairway to Cleveland” reference.
That’s why so many Americans can relate to me.
Yeah, they did. Back in August.
RNC: by any means necessary muthafuckas!
Other state GOPers: Wash, Reince, repeat.
Trumptards: independent run!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Thank God for waterproof phones.
@Bnad: Well, if that happens, Trump will run third party, even if he can’t run in all 50 states. The man is vindictive if nothing else. I can even see him limiting his run to red states on purpose.
@Howard Beale IV: Colorado needs to go back to being a primary state. Caucuses are bullshit.
Chyron HR
@Adam L Silverman:
What, like, “Cor, that’s a load of bollocks, mate, let’s go get some cheeky Nando’s”?
Trump is building a “new Republican Party.” One without as many Republicans.
wtf is ralston babbling about?
No capes !
( / Edna Mode )
Miss Bianca
Again thanks to my local paper, here is how they put it: “Here in CO only Democrats are choosing their presidential candidate; Republicans are choosing delegates, who will eventually declare themselves in convention”.
So, is this the switch HB IV was referring to?
Adam L Silverman
@Chyron HR: Close enough.
Nah. But I would reconsider my nonbelief in a diety if it happens.
Steve in the ATL
OMFG. Did you learn NOTHING from The Incredibles?
ETA: and of course someone beat me to it
Trump is just following Jesus’s example.
@Miss Bianca:
The rest of the rules can be found here.
Iowa Old Lady
@Adam L Silverman: They’re probably posting on some right wing blog about this deluded person they had lunch with.
@divF: The Incredibles reference didn’t take long. Well done.
@amk: Trump is anti-immigration and pro-bombing other people to show them we are tough, but he is the first Republican candidate in a while that is not telling us how much he loves Jesus.
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman: And I trust that that friend has been downgraded to acquaintance?
@Steve in the ATL: Would you really object if a bunch of Republican state legislators and the like got sucked into jet engines and so forth? Capes for everyone!
@Iowa Old Lady: And this guy, get this, thinks the United States spends less than 90% of its budget on foreign aid. LOL.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I downgraded my cable and then discovered I didn’t have TVONE so I upgraded to the next package and it had every channel I used to EXCEPT TVONE…bastards.
I’ll have to catch it on PBS when In Performance airs.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
That part of Trump’s policy was hilarious – what he was essentially describing was the exchanges under Obamacare. No one has mentioned that anywhere which is utterly depressing.
Not much of a Star Wars guy but love me some creative Mariachi
@ThresherK (GPad): I don’t think so. I just went to the site and it’s funny. Haven’t that particular cartoon though.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Adam L Silverman:
We’re in an existential battle with half the country to claim the definition of reality. I want my mommy!
Patrick Buchanan (R, PaleoCon) has a banner post on his website (no link on purpose) saying everybody needs to support Trump since he can defeat Clinton. The article is entitled “Trump, Christie, and the Revival of GOP Moderates.”
One quote to give the flavor:
Whatever you say Pat.
I’m assuming that when I arrive home from work and my graduate student husband announces, “I can’t fucking believe how much reading I need to do,” I need to just stay quiet and do my own thing tonight.
Miss Bianca
Ah. Whoa. Weird. Wonder how many of my neighbors are getting fired up about choosing DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION, by God!
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: We were polite and all, but you just couldn’t talk to this fool.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
And the Sandernistas have been warning darkly against this scenario, but on our side, for months.
Further proof that with the Repubs, it’s always projection. Well, projection and ratfvcking…
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Yes, but tRump would get rid of the lines between the states(would make looking at where the states are a bit of a problem on a map).
@Adam L Silverman:
Trump has repeatedly threatened to shift to a third-party candidacy if he feels the GOP has not treated him “fairly.”
So if the Repubs don’t mess with the delegate count, Trump becomes the nominee and blows up the Republican party. if the Repubs do ratfvck Trump out of the nomination, he goes third-party and takes his voters with him, blowing up the Republican party.
Good times.
This is like a replay of 1968, but inverted. Now it’s the Repubs who are coming unglued and the Dems who are united.
Anyone want to take any bets on whether we’ll have a police riot with tear gas and billy clubs at the 2016 Republican convention…?
@Anoniminous: Shorter Pat: Trump only wants to roll back history 50 years, instead of 150 years.
@PurpleGirl: Maybe I followed a link from somewhere else. I really like the message in that comic, and I’ll also give a big chance to any autobiographical webcomic involving “me and my cats”.
Springtime for Hair Fuehrer.
@Miss Bianca:
That’s not an unusual procedure for caucus states. That’s how Iowa has worked since the 1840s. What is rare is not pledging delegates but it’s not unknown, Guam has been doing it that way since I can remember.
dr. bloor
@mclaren: No way anyone that doesn’t look like a Stepford Delegate gets within ten miles of the convention center. The designated protest center is going to be in Dayton.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@lamh36: The concerts on Memphis Soul and Women of Soul are my favorites. Having Eric Holder and General Lloyd Austin sitting next him just trolling the haters was the cherry on top the sundae.
Miss Bianca
To quote Jack Aubrey: “What a fascinating modern age we live in.”
@Baud: An advantage of Baud! 2016! is that goof will be able to put ‘virtually’ in front of virtually any statement of purported fact, and therefore cannot ever be accused of lying.
The GOP has had the advantage of saying anything they want and not being called on it for far too long. Bad! 2016! will close the truthiness gap.
Miss Bianca
Yes. Altho’ I have discovered, if you *must* say something to a grad student spouse, “Here, have some wine” is often a good gambit.
@Anne Laurie:
Super Delegates have been around since forever and why not? They are the elected officials and leaders in the state party. They should have a say. If people don’t like it then they need to get involved and change the Rules.
@Miss Bianca: My GF and I moved in together so she could go to grad school. (Happy ending: She’s now my wife.)
She needed a bit of “You can do this” from me when she was in grad school. But no wine; she already knew that she couldn’t drink and read meaningfully at the same time.
TaMara (BHF)
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Thanks for the heads up, it’s on in an hour here. I’ll be tuning in.
@Davis X. Machina:
“@dr. bloor: Lenin, and cat, did you say?”
Lenin the Cat, did you say?
@Miss Bianca:
I wasn’t around to be there but I’ve heard stories from family and friends it was even more fun in the old Machine Days when there was graft, honest graft, dishonest graft, don’t touch the schools, and it was a ham or turkey on the holidays.
Anne Laurie
@Mnemosyne: That would be the wise choice, yes. If you’ve been looking for a good time to de-clutter your closet or shoe collection, do it now (just don’t ask for his opinion about any of it; if you’re really dubious about how it looks, set that item aside for later).
Sliding a healthful eat-with-one-hand meal under his nose will get you bonus points. Takeout/delivery is perfectly acceptable — you’ve been married long enough to know his usual choices.
@jl: My pants will virtually never be on fire.
Scamp Dog
@Chyron HR: Ladino is to Spanish like Yiddish is to German. Wikipedia has a write up about the language here.
@Miss Bianca:
In his case, beer. Though we did get an interesting bottle of wine in Santa Barbara from this tasting room in the Funk Zone. It’s not listed on the website for some reason, though. It’s mostly Zinfandel (red), with some Sangiovese.
Hmmm, Now why would folks not flock to a movie of mostly whites cast as Gods of Egypt? with cheesy special effects to boot…hmmm…
On American Masters on PBS right now… documentary on NOLA legend Fats Dominoe
Adam L Silverman
@Scamp Dog: I couldn’t tell if I was being put on or not, so…
@lamh36: Yes. Going with yes.
In reality
Once again, a lack of institutional memory. The current primary system has only existed since 1968. That’s a while ago, but not “forever.”
@lamh36: I looked it up, and they didn’t omit Isis from the movie. I was wondering whether they would shy way from the name.
Steve in the ATL
Donald Trump is not a joke: A warning to Americans from an Italian who survived Berlusconi
It sounds like it’s doing pretty well overseas where, sadly, diverse casts are not always appreciated.
Also, they need to stop trying to make Gerard Butler a star. It ain’t going to happen. Of course, these are the same Hollywood geniuses who apparently decided years ago that Colin Firth was not leading man material, which means they must not have consulted a single straight woman about it, ever.
Anne Laurie
Well, since the 1980s, at least. When Democratic strategist Tad Devine helped design them, “to prevent another election like 1972’s when George McGovern won the Democratic nomination, but lost every state minus one.”
And whose campaign is Tad Devine leading this year? Why, Bernie Sanders’, of course!
Devine’s the one bitching loudest about how HRC better not dare to ‘steal’ the nomination, with her vast army of superdelegates, just because St. Bernie might be unelectable!
Steve in the ATL
@mclaren: Democratic party rules are unlikely to affect how the Republican party picks its candidate
Also, since it’s a Friday night, Daveed Diggs may try to disguise himself as a nerd, but we all know better.
Fats Domino lived in my old neighborhood in NOLA…I was raised in the upper and lower 9th ward!
@Anne Laurie:
Dinner will be too much pressure, but I think a beer and dessert will be welcome in about an hour.
Miss Bianca
Ah. Whereas for me, “drunk history” was a thing long before the TV show…
Yep, we’re in the You can do this! phase right now, where the grad student is halfway through their first semester and wants to throw in the towel.
I don’t know if you were around the other night when G was freaking out about a 500-word essay he needed to turn in and he was beating himself up because he was doing it at the last minute and was totally going to flop.
Yeah, he got a 10/10.
@Mnemosyne: I actually was something like the stenographer / copy editor for her longer papers; she would more or less dictate them to me and we’d go over her notes and I would write them good, real good.
(Note that I type about 40 wpm more than she does, even when I’ve had wine.)
Ain’t That A Shame
Oh and fuq Pat Boone, been stealing Black folks music for years I see
Of many hits, Walking to New Orleans is STILL my fav Fats song. It became my favorite after Katrina, and literally made me weepy sometimes.
#FatsDominoPBS – Walking To New Orleans
@p.a.: No capes!
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: You say stealing; I say vandalizing.
It just gets worse and worse for Snyder:
He’s firing everyone in sight. He may actually have to resign.
Seth Owen
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: trump is going to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare, which will be exactly the same as Obamacare, except better because it will be named after Trump, who is a white guy.
So basically Pat Boone was basically the Kidz Bop of his era…
Nate Dawg
Hey Balloon Brats, it’s my birthday and I’m enjoying a luxurious hot bath (giant tub) while catching up on today’s insanity. Happy Birthday Everybody!
Adam L Silverman
@Nate Dawg: Sana halwa ya jameel!
Omnes Omnibus
@Nate Dawg: Are you my sister-in-law? Because that would be weird.
“This time I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’m gonna need two pair-a shoes
When I get through walkin’ these blues
When I get back to New Orleans
I’ve got my suitcase in my hand
Now ain’t that-a shame?
I’m leavin’ here today
Yes, I’m goin’ back home to stay
Yes, I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
Ya used to be my honey
‘Till you spent all my money
No use for you to cry
I’ll see you by and by
‘Cause I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’ve got no time for talkin’
I’ve got to keep on walkin’
New Orleans is my home
That’s the reason why I’m goin’
Yes, I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’m walkin’ to New Orleans
I’m walkin’ to New Orleans.”
Nate Dawg
@Omnes Omnibus: not that weird. You write from a pentagon basement and I write from a ginormous, unnecessarily wasteful bathtub.
But no. I’m a dude.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: I went to bed last night before you removed that picture, so I wanted to say thanks. It wasn’t necessary, but it was a nice gesture.
Omnes Omnibus
@Nate Dawg: Quite frankly, it’s a sub-basement. And happy birthday.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Not a problem. I understand why it upset you. Too easy to fix.
@Nate Dawg:
Happy birthday!
pseudonymous in nc
If I were the Dem minority leader in the Michigan House, I’d start making very clear to the GOP majority leader that I’d expect support for impeachment from the Republican side, with the alternative being an explicit ‘supports poisoning children’ campaign against every incumbent. And frankly, I’d send money to those campaigns.
@Steve in the ATL: Well, except Berlusconi didn’t have access to nukes.
I’m debating how much driving around I want to do tomorrow in order to go get library cards from the city and county of LA. They’re separate library systems, so there’s only one spot where there are two branches reasonably close to each other.
Hopefully I’ve been out of their system(s) long enough to forget that I am a library criminal. I really only want the cards so I can get eBooks, anyway.
OT but not really: David Brooks’ latest is up at the NYT and you will be…not at all surprised at the false equivalence noted at least twenty times in this piece of trash.
There may not be Peak Wingnut, but this column is surely Peak Both Sides Do It.
@pseudonymous in nc: You have to wonder how soon the Kochs will weigh in, to get Snyder out of there quickly and keep the advantages of having the governorship in R hands…any R’s hands…for the upcoming election.
@lamh36: My Toot Toot by Fats Domino & Doug Kershaw
Mardi Gras In New Orleans
Dunno if this has been mentioned (it’s been a busy week)…
David Cay Johnston:
Vote Trump!!11 Because Hillary is just a Republican tool of Wall Street and can’t be trusted!!111
John Revolta
Happy Birthday Fats! Woooo!
The idea that Rubio won the debate is laughable. It will be proven next week.
Darn local PBS station started playing a Charlie Rose episode, so I changed the channel and missed the first 15 min of In Performance..
@Mnemosyne: I also owed the New York Library some old fines. When I reapplied I found that they had wiped their system of old fines. I don’t remember how long it was that I hadn’t tried to use my card. Anyway, I wish you luck.
ETA: NYC has three systems: New York Public Library (Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx), Queens and Brooklyn each have their own systems. I currently have cards for New York and Queens.
The Lodger
@lamh36: Sounds like the punchline to a “Yo mama so fat” joke.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I think I saw DCJ’s piece via a Twitter link (of all things) and I have forwarded it far & wide since then
It’s like Chris Rock said (possibly paraphrasing here): “If poor people really knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots”. If the poor, working class, middle class, and upper middle class really knew how much the rich were getting away with, we’d have us some reality TV all right…
@Oldgold: Spoken almost like @dick_nixon on Twitter…check him out!
ThresherK (GPad)
@PurpleGirl: I could easily be the ” lowlife with a rap sheet but who.isn’t the real killer” if there ever was a “Law and Order: Bibliotheque Intent” spin-off.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: David Cay Johnston is a national treasure.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@lamh36: Well, that certainly sucks.
John Revolta
Reminds me of Leona Helmley,”the Queen of Mean”: “Only the little people pay taxes”.
@Anne Laurie:
Yeah, well, maybe the Sandernistas jumped the gun a little bit on those dark warnings. Bernie Sanders is about to get the shellacking of his life on Super Tuesday. The chances of Sanders having a majority of the pledged delegates coming into the convention are less than 1% at this point. Not that that will stop some of them claiming that they were robbed. But it won’t be the superdelegates that deny Sanders the nomination. It will the rank and file voters of the Democratic party.
In Trump’s case…yeah, he might get robbed.
@Steve in the ATL:
Well, you know Republicans. They’ll choose style over function every time, even if it threatens their well-being.
Update on Yoko Ono:
pseudonymous in nc
@Jeffro: taxes are for the peons.
The thing about El Trumpador is that a) he’s not as rich as he pretends to be; b) he’s living off borrowed money; c) he’s paying fuck-all in taxes, and probably thanks to some accounting wizardry that involves several Caribbean islands and Delaware and probably Luxembourg as well.
James E Powell
Is anyone besides me surprised that we hear almost nothing from Senator Al Franken?
Folks, don’t read too much into Trump’s “victory” in Nevada.
Source: the ever-vigilant Nate Silver on the Nevada GOP caucus at
@Nate Dawg: Happy B-day.
Yet even if that happens, Sanders has so much money from all those small donations that he can stay in the primaries, pushing Hillary to the left, all the way up to the Democratic convention.
Good times.
Felonius Monk
@James E Powell:
You mean this Al Franken?
@lamh36: At Yoko’s age(83, I believe) any illness is serious.
Trump facing 8-figure wave of attack ads.
Wunderbar. It’s delightful to watch the Repubs doing Democrats’ work for us. All we have to do is sit back and watch them destroy one another.
Will heavily-funded attack ads be any more successful against Trump than they were against Cruz or any of the others?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Get a bucket of popcorn, sit back, and enjoy.
Nate Dawg
@mclaren: Really, though, the same is true for *any* of the remaining candidates.
It just struck me that Rubio is so ill-defined in the general population right now, a major attack ad assault could make him out to be….damn near anything!
Lots of wheeling-and-dealing in his recent past, and it would all make for good television.
In contrast, voters are already over Benghaziii!!!!!! and probably tune out the word “email server” at the moment.
@magurakurin: Never has so much bile been spilled attacking and denigrating a candidate who dares to actually push hard for progressive social policies and call out corporate Democrats as the Emperor with no clothes that they are. You can tell the criticisms are striking home when so many corporatists centrists (and their forelock tugging supporters) squeal so loudly over “Berniebro” boogiemen and celebrate so excitedly about the prospect of a progressive get “trashed” on election day.
You people really are pathetic.
Jeff Greenfield has a hilariously detailed explanation of the “nuclear option” that would be necessary for Republicans to crush Trump at this point:
Source: “Stopping Trump: the nuclear option,” Politico, February 2016.
Hey, that sounds great. Let the Republicans duel it out with flame throwers, burning down the entire party in the process. More popcorn, please!
@mclaren: Prior to 1968, ALL delegates were basically super. And those that weren’t had minimal control over the outcome- RFK was winning the popular primary vote by something like 20 points and there was totally honest discussion over wether or not his claim to the nomination would be legitimate, because reporters and everyone else simply took for granted that Mayor Daley, the San Francisco machine and the AFL-CIO had the final say, and winning the popular vote seemed almost a little shady.
@Mnemosyne: La Crescenta(County) and Tijunga(LA City) aren’t too far from each other(I know where the library is in La Crescenta(Foothill & La Crescenta), not sure about Tijunga.
Nate Dawg
Also, Rubio couldn’t land a punch last night without grinning from ear-to-ear like an elementary schoolyard tattle-tale.
He has so little gravitas, I’m surprised he doesn’t float right out of those high heels. (Perhaps this explains the water. H20 is rather heavy.)
More seriously, I talked to the in-laws in the Old South….white boomer Republicans, upperclass. Everyone they know is voting for Trump. Everyone. This is a wave election similar to Obama’s. We got excited about a black dude offering repudiation of the past and a new way forward. They get excited about an asshole being a true and honest dick to all the groups they hate. It’s their raison d’etre.
Oh, come on, the Hillbots can’t help it. Their corporate overlord has fed them talking points and they must repeat ’em verbatim.
You’re dealing with the followers of Landru here. Remember that Star Trek episode? When Capt. Kirk confuses the omnipotent computer by asking it to justify what is has done to do justice to the full potential of every citizen, the computer fries and starts smoking, and its followers run in yellow “Landru, help us! Guide us!”
This guy is just yelling “Landru, help us!” He’s not so bad. When Bernie wins the nomination, he’ll get his talking points from the Sanders people instead of the corporate hillbots. So no big problem.
New to the US?
@dr. bloor:
That is, IF the democratic base in Colorado isn’t too stoned to turn out on Nov 2016. We need to remind them that a Republican administration, with a Republican AG (e.g. Christie) is likely to vigorously go after growers and vendors in states like Colorado that have legalized marijuana, and quickly destroy it.
Wow! I’d have thought a 21st century state like California would have at least combine the circulation systems decades ago. The People’s Republic did it some time in the 80s.
Well, NYC hasn’t consolidated its three systems.
Actually, my understanding is that prior to 1968, the state primaries were “beauty contests” without any binding impact. The delegates were controlled by party bosses, and smoke-filled backroom sessions determined how the delegates got allotted, not primary results.
But I may be wrong. That’s my understanding, however, and the reading of history I’ve seen strongly tends to support my claim. It was the chaos of the 1968 Democratic convention, with the party bosses choosing a pro-war candidate hated by the bulk of the younger Democratic activists and organizers, that made so many Dems sit out the 1968 election and hand a huge win to Nixon. My understanding is that the revised primary system was intended to avoid such an outcome by insuring that any candidate for whom the majority of delegates voted at a national convention must necessarily also have won a plurality of primary votes, and thus was guaranteed to represent the Democratic party.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Under 35.
Nate Dawg
@BillinGlendaleCA: Bernie has been treated with kids’ gloves. Maybe not even plural. A child’s mitten.
To hear his followers, Clinton has waged the nastiest, dirtiest, smeariest campaign in the history of the U.S!!!
Where were you guys in 2008? Masturbating to Victoria’s Secret mailers in between rounds of Bejeweled 2 is my guess.
@mclaren: All that could have worked 6 months ago, it’s too late now. Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.
Annnnd….let the games begin!
@Omnes Omnibus: Must have been really stoned in 2008 as well.
Consolidating large computer databases is amazingly hard. California tried to integrate its DMV system and after 3 years of failure and 20 million bucks down the drain, it gave up.
These kind of large computerization projects tend to fail alarmingly often. At a 50% rate, in fact.
You can read more about all this wonderfulness in the classic book “The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition,” by Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
@Nate Dawg:
You, sir, have just won the internet for this evening.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: IOW, the only people who mattered were those now known as superdelegates.
I’m inclined to agree. But by all means, let the Republican party unleash neutron bombs and VX nerve gas against Trump. I’ll refill my popcorn bucket.
@Omnes Omnibus: Wrong again dumbass. Middle aged, married family man with a retirement plan, grad degree from a fancy school, and an income that puts me in a bracket that benefitted from the Bush tax cuts. Used to have a mortgage (bought when everyone else was running for the hills) but cashed out recently to pocket the gains at the peak. Liquid and ready to roll for the next recession. I should be voting Republican. I’d get more out of it personally. But instead I’m leftist.
But please, keep assuming shit.
I have to admit I’ve seen that movie recently and I’ve no doubt a sequel would be worse than the original, which was hideous.
Ecrasez l’infame!
You’re making the common mistake of extrapolating trends and taking that as fact. Right now, it looks as though Bernie may lose. But it’s not over ’till the fat lady sings.
@efgoldman: Its one thing to point out the math isn’t working. That ain’t what I was referring to. There’s a fair number of folks on this blog for recovering Republicans who are as fast to hippie punch as the Republicans.
Omnes Omnibus
@goblue72: Then you weren’t paying attention. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
@mclaren: That’s correct, but you seemed to characterize the super delegates and their anti-democratic tendency as something new that was invented in 1968. It was not.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not according to the historians:” rel=”nofollow”>”Selecting presidential nominees
Scott Piroth, Social Education, September 2000, volume 64, issue 5, page 278.
Nate Dawg
@goblue72: What exactly are we supposed to say/do? Sack-cloth and ashes for Bernie’s demise? Some of us here are pro-Sanders, but not keen on his electability. Since he’s demonstrating that he isn’t able to even win the nomination, that doesn’t seem so outrageously offensive.
Berniebros is weak sauce. You should see the actual bile being spewed elsewhere, mostly at Clinton, and often by Bernie supporters (not a majority of course!! or anywhere near it!)
But I haven’t seen anyone here call him nasty jewish slurs, or make too much hay out of his lack of a job until age 40, or Communist ties or any of the other attacks that would come in the fall were he to win the nom. Compare that to the Bernie people repeating right-wing attacks on clinton 24/7, sprinkled with c@nt and b/w-itch, and you see a rather different picture.
Actually, Bernie not having the votes is neither a “fact” nor “arithmetic” nor “bile.” Right now, it’s unsubstantiated speculation.
Time will tell.
Adam L Silverman
@pseudonymous in nc: Full time real estate developers, if they’re very wealthy, have a Congress created tax loophole that allows them to live tax free. Basically they defer their tax payments and seek tax deductible loans against their income and net worth. The result is that the tax deferred is, as they say, a tax never paid, and because they can deduct the interest, they come out ahead on net.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: (who managed make his source link merge with the reply button): That is what I was saying. The party bigwigs who are now labeled as superdelegates were previously the only voice in the selection of the candidate. Read what people actually write not what you presume they are saying based on your preconceptions
Adam L Silverman
@Nate Dawg: Don’t know if you, or anyone noticed it, but the Stump for Trump women pushed the Senator Rubio was a male, gay prostitute innuendo on CNN this morning. I was expecting Donald Trump himself to trot it out last night, but they used it this AM.
@ThresherK (GPad):
In high school, they held a library amnesty and told me that they did it for me. They had to extend it out to the entire school to be fair, but I was the primary reason for it, because they just wanted their books back, goddamnit.
G still tells tales of having to go with me to return armloads of books to multiple libraries under cover of darkness when we moved in together. I’m pretty much a hopeless case with print books, but eBooks they’ll just yank back from my device when they come due.
@Nate Dawg:
Oh, come on, now, very very few people on this forum have called Hillary the b-word or the c-word. She may be a right-leaning DINO corporate tool, but her heart seems like it’s in the right place, and with Bernie and company to force her to the left, who knows? Hillary may well wind up doing a decent job in the Oval Office.
Don’t lose your cool. We’re all in this together, and if Hillary is the nominee all us Sandernistas will vote for us, just as we know that when Sanders becomes the nominee, all you Hillbots will vote for him.
Let’s leave the post-plane-crash-descent-into-cannibalism to the Republicans, shall we?
Nate Dawg
You keep saying that word. I do not think think it means what you think it means.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Since you’re a corporate/military sock puppet astroturfer, I pay little attention to what you write, and neither does anyone else.
Nate Dawg
@Adam L Silverman: Wow. I would love to see the video of that. Anyone as pretty as Ruboitoy would eventually get that treatment, I’m guessing. But Wow.
Nate Dawg
@mclaren: This site != The Internet
Also, I said
Notice the word “elsewhere”. Please take the CIA spooks advice and read what people say, not what you wish they had said.
@Nate Dawg:
I know exactly what “unsubstantiated” means. You can’t predict a highly nonlinear process like a presidential election from a handful of very early primary results, especially when a few big primary wins could subsequently tip the voting massively.
Does the phrase “path dependent” ring a bell? How about ‘first mover advantage’? “Increasing returns,” mayhap? Or “deterministic chaotic dynamical system”?
I’m guessing that the City of LA library system alone has more patrons than your entire state’s library system, especially since you don’t have to be a resident of LA to get a card, just a resident of CA.
That’s looking like the plan. There are several LA city libraries near me since North Hollywood and Eagle Rock aren’t real cities, so the LA County branch is the tough one to find. I could renew my Pasadena/Glendale card, too, if I pay them the $47 I owe them from when I was on jury duty in Pasadena and wasn’t allowed to bring either knitting or a Kindle.
@Mnemosyne: They’ve probably wiped it, as PurpleGirl said. Out of idle curiosity, I went to the LAPL website. They don’t say anything about old fines, but they do say you can get an account online that is only good for downloading stuff.
I have a card from San Jose City Library, where I live. It’s also good for SJSU library, which is in the same building as the main city library. I also have a card from Palo Alto, where I work, and Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara city libraries. I used to have a card from Santa Clara County Library system, but they started charging $80 to people outside the library district. (Basically anywhere that had a city library.) Just checked and it looks like they changed that. Maybe I’ll go back.
@Nate Dawg:
Perhaps, but your awesomeness produces a thousand radiations of such puissance that the entire intertubes are affected.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: Dishonest to the end. Well played. Cook/Cooke. It was seen. there was an honest route. You chose the other way. You know what you did.
Adam L Silverman
@mclaren: I fixed your source link so it wasn’t getting merged/absorbed into the reply button. That’s why it now looks different.
@Adam L Silverman:
I am loving this election more and more every day!
Adam L Silverman
@mclaren: I want a scapula if the meat on it is nicely marbled!
Nate Dawg
@mclaren: So let me get this straight.
Speculating on election outcomes based on polling is “unsubstantiated speculation” and shouldn’t be done.
Accusing OO of being a lizard person, CIA spook writing from a Pentagon basement with astroturf flooring is TOTES OBVIOUS LOGICAL!!!
You are just too much. You sure you aren’t the troll/astroturfer?
Adam L Silverman
@Nate Dawg: Video is here:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Absolutely, I’m a gay male prostitute. And you have photos.
Yeah, you won’t be surprised to hear what was really behind that failure:
Nate Dawg
@Adam L Silverman: Wow. Amazing.
How much are these girls getting paid?
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: Nope, no one here would give a shit about that. The fact that you completely reworked a comment after it was pointed out that you were wrong is a different thing. And you know that you did it and so do I. No need to involve others. You know how honest you are, and so do I.
@Nate Dawg:
but “lizard people” makes perfect sense, unlike silly primary predications.
I’ve probably been wiped from LAPL since it’s been a while (I still have my old card around here somewhere), but I guess I’ll find out when I try to pick up my card tomorrow. Pasadena knows I still owe them money, so I would have to pony that up to renew my account with them. It’s worth having multiple accounts with different systems for eBooks and other electronic media because different libraries have different books.
Also, G is technically an SJSU student right now, though since the iSchool is all online, we didn’t have to move up there.
Adam L Silverman
@Nate Dawg: I hope they’re billing him through the nose. In one way you have to think: “these are actresses and they’re being paid to play these roles, including the stereotypical bits”. I can’t find any reporting indicating that. All of it just repeats what they state about themselves:
So until someone says otherwise, they appear to be genuine.
Nate Dawg
@Adam L Silverman: They seem to be like SNL actors who can’t hardly keep from cracking up, especially toward the end. I really doubt they are for real, but damn, if I could hire Rochelle to follow me around and chime in with “that’s right” and “uh-huh” while I talked, I would be the happiest lizard person alive.
@Nate Dawg: mclaren must’ve recently changed meds because he’s {almost} concise tonight (if typically nonsensical). You should stick around for his 27 paragraph cut and paste diatribes once those meds wear off. It’s truly a treat.
I gotta admit that Trump knows his audience, as they will eat this shit right up with a spoon.
“And we’re gonna have special police to keep an eye on things and keep people safe, and they’ll have the classiest black uniforms you ever saw!”
Adam L Silverman
@Nate Dawg: Its something, I’ll give you that.
With lightning bolts?
Omnes Omnibus
@Nate Dawg: @Gravenstone: I have a two part theory on mclaren. First, he is an autodidact who has issues with people with traditional advanced education. He thinks his reading equals graduate study. Second, at some point, he loses it and accuses people of being astroturfers paid for by the Pentagon. I am not qualified to speculate as to the reasons for that. I am a mere lawyer.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: Gen. (ret) Haden has already come out and stated emphatically that uniformed personnel would simply ignore a President Trump’s orders to kill terrorist’s families. He’s going to either quickly learn the hard way that being President of the US is not the same as running Trump, Inc or he’s going to be very frustrated and most likely self destruct very quickly. Not a single ally will assist us with anything. And what’s he going to do? Its not like he can fire the PM of Britain or the Chancellor of Germany when they tell him no. Despite the Supreme Allied Commander-Europe being an American, the head of NATO is a civilian and is not American.
I was talking to a good friend and former teammate this afternoon – a retired Marine colonel. He’s mortified. I remarked to him that if we were watching an electoral process in another nuclear weapon state going this route we’d be preparing in conjunction with our allies plans and sequels to step in and prevent the potential problem individual/party from actually taking control of a country with nuclear weapons. I’m not saying we’d actually do anything, but somewhere a small group of planners would be working on the contingency – just in case. I would be very surprised if our allies, let alone our competitors, are not working on plans of their own.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
Something like that would be a war crime.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s what he said. Flat out: it would violate all the laws of war.
Same thing with torture, as you know both as a former lanyard puller and an attorney.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: For an officer, pulling a lanyard is a privilege. The gun chief gives up some of his control to some posh idiot. There needs to be trust, Timely firing matters.
@danielx: If Obama had implemented this he’d be making a mint off the lying shitheels at Fox.
Nate Dawg
Bill Maher is on fire tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus: Like that would stop Trump (or any Republican, for that matter).
Trump’d get some mercs to do the job if he wanted.
@Adam L Silverman:
Pretty much; I’ve been saying/thinking for months that Trump would quickly find that there are a lot of people in the world who could care less that he’s Donald Trump. Moreover, that they are people at whom he can’t simply scream “you’re fired!”, as you noted. Then you think about the idea that Trump has seldom been subjected to slow-rolling by true experts, which would drive him up the wall – he is too thin-skinned to be president, period.
But he does scare me. So far he’s advocated/threatened torture, strategic bombing, deporting a goodly portion of the country’s inhabitants, which would require ramping up DHS personnel beyond all reasonable bounds, building a wall…I really, really don’t want this guy in the Oval Office.
Anne Laurie
@Nate Dawg:
Remember the Washington Post story about a teenage Rubio getting arrested after dark in a public park?
Rubio’s brother-in-law was being tried, at the time, as a major cocaine distributor. But I guess the RNC Oppo Research team decided “selling his youthful favors to rich chickenhawks” sounded worse for Rubio than “dealing coke to the neighborhood bigwigs”.
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman: Military would probably ignore such an order. How about intelligence agencies? Private security contractors/mercenaries? Gangsters or local warlords? Being President gets you a lot of connections if you don’t have them already.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Can I just say that this is adorable and I want it to have been true <3
One thing seems sure: The Republicans in the General are going to go in several different directions, working at cross-purposes either to try to defeat Trump or elect him, while the Democrats are going to be united around somebody and with one purpose. For any organization, that means defeat-especially hard.
For both McCain and Romney, that meant ground game, where it wasn’t fully astroturfed (check out Nate Silver in 2008 as to McCain having to hire temps as a ground game), or the disorganized efforts of Romney. And that was the result with a less-than enthusiastic base. With various factions trying to sell Trump to the undecideds? And another group trying to bring him down as well that’s not Democratic, that’s a recipe for chaos or going it alone, hoping that the local support is sufficient to get them over the top with less help from the National party.
Rubio has a fatal flaw: he hasn’t answered enough questions about that past to reassure voters. His brother was a big time drug dealer: depending upon his age, did he participate in some of that stuff?
Obama, and Kennedy and TR were young: but they had filled out enough of the political card and enough of the life experience card to get sufficient ability and gravitas. Obama had his international days, years of community organizing, 2 4 year terms in the State Senate, and was already accumulating achievements as a Senator. Kennedy had PT 109, years of reading and study, and working to elect Democrats and his own achievements on the Foreign Relations Committee. Teddy R was governor of New York, and his own adventures. Rubio has nothing he can point to and apparently lacks the work effort to try to build something substantial, which is another reason Trump can bully him so. The previous 3 guys had been toughened by life experience and real world political battles, and showman like Trump would be, and was by Obama, be summarily dismissed.
And this is the Republicans only hope-Cruz is too creepy and narrow to appeal to a wide and more growing secular electorate. He’d win Texas and deep red states, and that’s it.
People are missing the point: it’s not necessarily mercenaries or intelligence people to worry about. Those folks are not going to risk supermax, lawsuits, or an outraged jury. Pros know Trump is unreliable and would drop them as soon as it makes him uncomfortable. It’s Trump’s ability to stir up mobs to do his dirty work for him-that means he can wash his hands afterward. After all, its not his fault or responsibility they took his words too seriously.
Meanwhile, for the mclarens and similar types, your corporatist strawwoman is full of merde. Your straw woman is running for President at an age and at a place where she could have simply cashed in. And thank God she is. You are worried about a few paid speeches and “status quo”. Meanwhile the rest of us are seeing the Republicans about to nominate a close-to-fascist, a “theocon” or an easily manipulated empty suit. Those of us who live on the edge salute your blind hatred of Hillary. Those of us who will lose under a President Trump applaud you while we lose our jobs, health care, and watch our younger citizens march off to Iran or even Russia. Hillary a “warmonger”? Yes, the intervention turned out to be a cluster, but Ghadaffi was no prize, and the revolt was on, and Europe was deathly afraid of a mass exodus from LIbya. And remember Hillary put together the foreign policy that lead to the accord with Iran. I have no doubt she will continue the Obama foreign policy. Hillary the corporatist will insist that they hire more women, and give them equal pay-even at Goldman Sachs and the banks. She will continue to get funding to Planned Parenthood and won’t pander to those who want to shut it down. “Superpredator” will continue to work to continue to reforms that Obama started, and will appoint an Attorney General that will not war against reformers and activists.
I think it’s no accident that this line of “corporatist” gets hurled against any Democrats who has a realistic chance of winning the Presidency. Clinton, Gore, Obama. Sometimes I think there’s a secret alliance of embittered 60’s radicals who feel that anyone on the left who wants to exercise real power is inauthentic. The revolution will only happen if everybody stays home and away from the polls and refuses the real compromises that will make lives better. If things are better, then who would revolt and let them in charge?
I’ll happily support Clinton but the truth is her economic message is dated. Focusing on women in the upper tiers of income for equal pay and opportunity and then poor people and ignoring the vast lower to middle swathe is from the 1990’s to 2009 period. The country changed when the economy collapsed.
“Ladders of opportunity” won’t cut it anymore, and it should scare the hell out of the Democratic Party that Clinton is literally saying “ladders of opportunity” and so is Marco Rubio. That’s true. Clinton used the phrase in her last town hall and Rubio used it the last GOP debate.
I don’t know why they love this “opportunity” theme, anyway. They tried it in every midterm during Obama and they got slaughtered with it every time they rolled it out. There is some group of strategists or advisers in or around Democrats who seem to believe this is a winner, all evidence to the contrary.
Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton repeating the same broad economic theme- word for word, “ladders of opportunity”- that can’t happen.
Howlin Wolfe
@Baud: B:ABB!! New bumper sticker!
They love it because to the libprogs it means “more jobs and training, and better jobs soon” and to the wingnuts it means “no cushy giveaways to Those People”; so it presumably sells on both sides of the house. That “opportunity” involves either coaxing industry to create and maintain jobs within the US or massive public programs isn’t readily obvious.