Real headline … Politico: Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan
— Joe Pounder (@PounderFile) February 28, 2016
Springtime for Donald! If this were a movie script, it’d be rejected as “too blatant — just clownishly over the top.”
The soul!
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) February 28, 2016
Nobody who didn’t already think Trump was unacceptably racist was pushed away by this KKK dance.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) February 28, 2016
Your periodic reminder that Donald Trump is really unpopular with the country as a whole:
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) February 28, 2016
Adam L Silverman
AL: The scheduling function fritzed again. So when I noticed this had missed it scheduled time to post I went in and manually fixed it. Unless you wanted it on hold. In which case: whooopsie!
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s clearly unfinished. There are only four tweets.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: I was a bit concerned about that. It seems to be short at least a dozen.
Indeed. What happened to the nineteen other tweets, the five articles, and the cartoon?
@Baud: It did seem to load alot faster.
I’ve started watching the ISS video feed, I blame Colbert.
Strange that Silver forgot to mention that Clinton is almost equally unpopular with the country as a whole:
And while her favorability is slightly better than Trump’s, her numbers are going in the wrong direction.
But Bernie’s numbers kick their asses.
I think one could reasonably describe Jeff Sessions as emblematic of the soul of the modern-day GOP.
No, that’s not a compliment.
gogol's wife
It looks a little like the soul of Dorian Gray.
Bernie hasn’t been ratfucked yet, the Hilbeast has for 25 years.
@Mandalay: The real lesson is that favorable numbers are a pretty weak prediction method, something Silver should have learned by now.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Nope, I came back to do that myself if FYWP once again foiled me. Thanks!
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
Well that certainly explains why she is doing so poorly in the primaries. She is not winning them by finishing 3rd or 4th like Rubio does.
Comrade Jake
I have to laugh at this. Crash and Bern bro. Crash and Bern.
Comrade Jake
If only favorability ratings could count as votes!
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): That’s because the Democratic side doesn’t have the deep bench of the Republicans.
eta close snark tag that was stripped out
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
How do they get all that “depth” into such a tiny little car?
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor):
I think even Clinton would concede that until SC she WAS doing very poorly in the primaries.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): Plastics.
I heard, correctly, I believe,that the Hillary “speeches” were just the usual bull-shit..”You wall street guys do soooo much for the economy buying and selling …” und so weiter, to justify the exorbitant fees So why not release them? The real possible, and likely, incrimination value is in the post “speech” Q&A, which will only dribble out via leaks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mandalay: “I don’t know why Harvard bothered to show up, Smithers. They barely won!”
ETA: Have the Oscars started? I forgot I wanted to watch Rock’s opening monologue
James E Powell
If memory serves, there was a time not that long ago, but pre-campaign, where Clinton’s favorability numbers were pretty good, if not stellar. Did that change because she is now running for president?
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: You’re welcome. I’ve followed up with Alain. When I first told him about the problem he replied that he wasn’t sure what was causing it, but he was going to 1) drill down and see if he could suss it out and 2) confab with MisterMix because he wants to make sure that whatever he fixes doesn’t make something worse happen.
Felonius Monk
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor):
Because it’s a Derpmobile. The original 5 pound container for 10 pounds of shit.
BTW, you wear that Parmesan Rancor very well. :-)
Davis X. Machina
@James E Powell: There was a Sady Doyle article about precisely this — re HRC, and Sen. Warren inter alia, recently in Quartz
WTF?!? The Downton Abbey finale is not tonight? I admit I am basically hate-watching at this point, but I was hoping for the thing to be over.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Eh, it’s a thing that seems to happen whenever WP “updates”. Definitely a less-than-top priority, as far as I’m concerned — well below fixing the jump-to-past page problem, for instance.
@James E Powell: Absolutely. Secretaries of State are seen as working for the entire country. Run for President, you’re another pol, one Republicans have been trained to hate for almost a quarter-century, and whom the mainstream media has loathed for almost as long. They blame her for the country not turning on her husband in the Lewinsky matter. We didn’t do as we were told — can’t be the fault of the tellers.
“Really unpopular with the country as a whole” doesn’t mean shit to a fascist. None of the great fascist leaders of the 20th century ever won a free election – yes, the Nazis came in first in a fractured field in 1932, but the Social Democrats and Communists together outnumbered them.
Ah! Academy Awards – the other white meat.
Mike J
And hated each other more than they hated the nazis.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
@Felonius Monk:
My rancor is 23% wood pulp, that makes all the difference.
@Feathers: No, PBS figured The Oscars has cornered the market for any TV viewers looking to watch “a bunch of fancy-dressed very-white folk hewing to traditions on the way out”.
@maya: I’m cheering for the two movies that I saw. Spotlight and Inside Out.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oscar night, aka skip the local news night.
@James E Powell: Yes.
@Mike J: There’s a lesson there.
Mike J
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Galup
Historic most admired woman list
Among Dems, Clinton Regains Popularity Advantage Over Sanders
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
Yeah, really poorly, only taking second place once.
Give it a rest, nobody is convinced.
EDIT: and for the record I would be laying the same cheese down if you tossed this sludge about Bernie.
@ThresherK: Best description of Downton I’ve heard is “a telenovela for white people.”
I must confess that shows, books and movies which present an overly rosy view of the past bother me. I also find Miss Fisher’s Mysteries hard to watch for that reason.
Mike in NC
After sweeping the GOP primaries on Super Tuesday, Der Trumpenfurher will celebrate by staging a cross burning. It’ll be a yooouge and very classy cross, too.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): It’s only 1 and 1 in primaries. Caucus don’t count(Hillary Clinton campaign, 2008).
mike in dc
The Trump election strategy would appear to be doubling down on the Romney strategy…maxing out the white vote. I’m not sure how many more points can be squeezed out of it…if you maximized white voter turnout and won a nearly unprecedented 2/3 of it, you could win with, say, 20% of the non-white vote. On the other hand, if he doesn’t pump white voter turnout, gets a more likely 60% of the white vote and only 20% of the non-white vote, it’s a blowout win for Democrats.
Mike J
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor):
And that was in the state next door to Vermont.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Well, I feel favorably toward Bernie too. But I want a full time permanent Democrat as the Democratic Party nominee.
Among other objections.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: I’m not saying its a priority, but if he doesn’t know he can’t fix it.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Did anybody sign up to test the new comment system? I was tempted to offer help on the dev end, but I’ve had five dozen other things going on.
Tapper on CNN asking Trump about David Duke.
Please. Tony Perkins bought David Duke’s mailing list to start the Family Research Center and CNN has that lying homophobe on spewing his hate on a regular basis.
Why don’t they ask him?
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: I do not know.
Trump HAS to know who the fucking KKK is.
Also, what happened to the Revolution? Bernie was going to win by bringing in masses of new voters, but primary turnout is DOWN. The only demo to turn out in bigger numbers this year is Black voters, who overwhelmingly went for Clinton.
If the revolution can’t even work in the primaries, how the fuck does it win the general?
@James E Powell: I remember when she was the most popular member of Obama’s cabinet. She was the cool Secretary of State who even the republicans complimented. Then she decided to run, and the republicans started attacking her.
I am so old I remember when the media and the whole republican party were in love with the Clintons, specially Bill. Remember how cool he was during the 2012 election and how every republican talked about how much they liked working with Bill Clinton, unlike the uppity usurper who was running for re-election.
Trouble is that so much of the Reichwing’s moves over the last decade-plus have defied humor, satire and virtually any other mocking by exceeding even what the comedians and satirists could invent. See: wingnut, peak thereof.
Steve in the ATL
@Larime: Are you sure about this? Because my FB feed is all about the 10,000+ Berners who showed up on a short notice to a rally in Austin.
I think in private they used a different word than usurper.
@Steve in the ATL: Call me when they show up at the polls.
@delk: D’you ever get the idea that Dobson’s and Perkins’ chief complaint against LGBT society is that ([gay people] = [fewer white people])? Because the combination of anti-LGBT animus and white supremacy is very thinly veiled with those two.
It would be sad on several levels, not least the added invisibility of LGBTQPOCs.
@BillinGlendaleCA: without a doubt.
If you are too ignorant to know who the KKK is, shouldn’t that disqualify you from holding office in the U.S.A.?
Another Holocene Human
@James E Powell: Probably. But, they’re not that bad. Trump, OTOH, I saw his favorability figures compared to post Iraq GWB today. Trump’s in the toilet. McConnell is right to be freaking about holding the Senate. Just saying.
With all the explicit brand management and brave new digital avatar world, I think I’m going to assume the added static generally drowns out any signal.
Do not have to be old to remember 2012!
Do need at least some age to remember when they tried to impeach Bill and claimed HC murdered Vince Foster among other felonies.
Another Holocene Human
@Mike J:
Not really.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah. I watched multiple episodes of Eyes on the Prize this afternoon. Great series in case you haven’t seen it. Anyway, they had a film clip of some southern official talking to the press before Selma and he actually said “Martin Luther Coon” caught himself too late, glanced at the camera and corrected himself. Nothing much has changed on that front (I mean what racists say behind closed doors.).
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Anyone watching the Oscar’s red carpet shows?
My Gawd, some of these gowns are incredible. Real works of art.
@James E Powell: It usually does. The presidency race has cool band syndrome. You’re perfect & popular, until you actually dare to run for office.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@boatboy_srq: She’s tweeting from INSIDE THE HOUSE.
@Anya: The progression seems to have gone like this:
1992: Bill who?
1993: BLEEP that upstart. Healthcare? Who needs it? Can’t we nail him with Whitewater?
1994: YAY! Gingrich’ll fix him.
1995: Can’t we nail him for anything? Not even Paula Jones or Gennifer Flowers?
1996: Nothing?
1997: VINCENT STARR!!! …. no?
1999: WHAT!?!?! Impeachment FAILED? Unpossible.
2000: Praise Gun-Totin’ Capitalist Jeebus, he’s outta there. And we’re not letting that simpering intellectual Gore anywhere NEAR the WH (that’s Real Man tuhrrrrtory, that is)
2001: DUBYA!… oh… wait…
And from 2001 through 2008 it’s been some flavor of damage control, at which point the Great Kenyan IslamoFascoSoshulist Usurper became the primary target.
ETA: 1992-2001 were primarily about Bill. HRC was along for the ride (like any good Republican wife, except she had uppity ideers for herself).
Good evening all.
Eating leftover Singapore noodes; swilling red wine; watching the Oscar arrivals, sound off as much as possible.
Shall we have an Oscars thread? Something non-Trump. So we can discuss Chris Rock and all that follows.
Saw The Good Dinosaur yesterday. No idea if it’s up for any Oscars, but it was charming. Dinosaur in the kid role; human (Neanderthal) answers to “Spot”.
Michael Bersin
@Steve in the ATL: Yeah, but they have to remember to show up to vote.
@Mike J: I did but I didn’t hear back.
@Elizabelle: Ugh. There’s a movie that panders to “Jeebus rode a dinosaur” wingnuts? And you watched it?
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor):
Sludge? You’re the one having a meltdown because I simply cited factual numbers about favorability ratings, which was raised in the OP. Your anger is….interesting.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
So far I think Olivia Wilde is hands down winner of Best Gown (photo)
But Rachel McAdams, Brie Lawson, Naomi Watts, Saoirse Ronan are all running a close second with their own stunning outfits and colors.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I thought Naomi Watt looked spectacular. Very elegant. As was Lady Gaga.
Re the Downton Abbey telenovela: I see there is a new dog on the set. Another Labrador Retriever. Name of “Theo”, I think. Given to Lord Grantham by his mom, possibly to up the intelligence quotient. He was in a basket, and adorbs.
Oh the gowns are just fabulous.
Mike J
Throat forcing has a long history with Republicans.
@Shana: I just finished reading “Nixonland”.
Another Holocene Human
@boatboy_srq: It could be. There’s a definite tie between the anti-choice movement and white supremacy (hence the Rovian move to constantly attempt to tie pro-choice to eugenics). Note for one thing they obsess over clinics in white areas and don’t give a damn about clinics in majority minority areas, just as Mother Teresa nagged Americans annually about abortion but couldn’t give a flip about her anti-choice principles when it was brown people getting abortions.
OTOH with the anti-gay crowd it started as a very successful grift and ended up being the domain of people with a very personal reason to be anti-GLBT rights.
What makes it even worse/funnier is that apparently he had denounced Duke and the KKK earlier in the campaign, but today he was all “How can I denounce them if I don’t know anything about them?.” I can (almost) give someone a pass on not recognizing the name “David Duke” (although it’s a stretch for a presidential candidate) but how can you NOT know about the Ku Klux Klan? How can he NOT know the meaning of “white supremacist group”? And if he denounced them earlier, how can he, or his campaign advisors, NOT remember that in the interests of consistency at the very least?
Too fuckin’ cute by half.
@boatboy_srq: Is it wingnut bait?
Watched a matinee in a vintage theatre. Wondering if some of the animated villains were a bit strong for young kids.
There’s a dinosaur in the Jack Palance role, voiced by Sam Elliott, and some mean pterodactyls who eat something cute, and some hillbilly dinosaurs too. But it was fun to see it.
I never ever read a movie review before I see the film. After is good.
Bill E Pilgrim
Tiaa. Wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep II.
Er, not the dog, but the inspiration for the dog’s name, that is.
Oh, you.
@Steve in the ATL: That rally in Austin is worthless if your ass cannot show up at the polling place. Seriously, do progressives not get the difference between art theatre and actual action? This election has me disappointed in more than the candidates.
@BillinGlendaleCA: When we moved to Whittier in 1957 there was a Nixons Burgers on the Boulevard.”
@Bill E Pilgrim: Oh. His mom gave him a bitch.
Got it.
Bill E Pilgrim
@SiubhanDuinne: Then apparently he clarified by saying he’d already denounced them.
1) I’ve never heard of them. How can I denounce a group or a person I don’t know anything about?
2) Of course I denounce them, I denounced them years ago.
This word, “clarify”, I do not think it means what you think it means.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
#YASQUEEN. Naomi’s blue sequin with the low cut is so creative.
Tonight is a real bumper crop of art and color (emerald green). It head and shoulders above prior years that for some reason insisted in wearing black, antebellum gowns, and mermaid tails.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
I’m not angry, I am tired. Tired of people pissing on BJ threads with irrelevant data in an attempt to start a fight or or tp prove some inconsequential point. I’m tired of Bernie people doing it, I am tired of Hilary people doing it. If you want to discuss policy fine but if you just want to drop turds I’d be very happy to have you all do it someplace else.
The Other Chuck
@SiubhanDuinne: “Maybe it’s one of the good white supremacist groups!”
@SiubhanDuinne: :)
1992 was the first year I could vote.
I remember how Hillary got skewered because she had a job, all by her own self, and did things that did not rotate around being a prop for Bill’s political career.
She was not a typical Republican wife.
It’s kind of scary, looking back, how radical it was that Hillary was not a typical political wife because it really should not have been that big of a deal, but it was.
@raven: The store and Richfield station that Tricky Dick’s dad ran was at Whittier and Santa Gertrudes Ave.
ETA: We also had a Nixon’s Five and Dime store in TO, though I don’t think they were closely related to Tricky Dick.
The combat boots and cameo make-up was simply divine.
This is funny. What it would have taken for Straight Outta Compton to win an Oscar:
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Another Holocene Human: I agree that it’s more complicated, but the KPD did act as the functional ally of the Nazis during the latter stages of the Weimar Republic. Their refusal to participate in coalition politics doomed the Hermann Müller government of 1928-30 to cooperating with the Centre Party to remain in office, and thus making some really ugly compromises that discredited the SPD and brought about the end of the Weimar era.
They sort of like the worst of the berniebros, except actually violent.
@BillinGlendaleCA: We lived on Mulberry. My old man was the first Basketball Coach at Cal-Hi.
@Anoniminous: My bride retired to the bedroom TV to watch. I gots some hoop on.
No Oscars for me tonight. I’m watching Bobs Burgers instead! Love this show I watched the Oscar fashion on E!News. But, I rarely watched the telecast anyway. I used to DVR it and then go back and watch whatever viral stuff happens, but no this year. I’ll have to catch Chris Rock’s monologue afterwards in clip form.
We can haz Oscars thread?
Chris Rock!
I guess Ammon Bundy etc are watching this from jail.
White People’s Choice Award. If they nominated hosts, I wouldn’t even get this job. [It would be] Neil Patrick Harris.
@Elizabelle: Homo neanderthalensis alongside dinosaurs. Playing to the “young Earth” crowd. But doing it in a cutesy way so nobody says “hey – that couldn’t have happened; they were millions of years apart!” Dinosaurs being recreated (Jurassic Park) is science fiction; dinosaurs living under the earth (Journey To The Center Of The Earth) is science-fiction-cum-space-opera; dinosaurs just naturally coexisting with humans (of any subvariety) is too close to dogwhistle undertone not to make mention.
I have no doubt the film is cute. Just please don’t expect me to watch.
Steve from Antioch
What’s more – 3 months ago the republican establishment laughed at Trump and was certain their voters would wise up. The same denial is now rampant among the democrats who think that Trump is certain to be crushed by Clinton.
Black ppl did not [care] because they had real stuff to protest.
When your grandmother is swinging from a tree, it’s real hard to care about Best Documentary Short.
Steve in the ATL
Most of my Bernie bro contact happens either here or on FB. Most of them of FB are primarily internet ragers who might go to a rally and will probably vote in the primary but can’t be arsed to make calls or hit the pavement.
For instance, Viva, whom you may remember from Andy Warhol’s factory, posts all day about Bernie’s greatness and Hillary’s Hitlery. Her daughter, actress Gaby Hoffman, on the other hand, has actually made calls for Bernie and made public pronouncements about him.
I mention them because of all the people who have friended me on FB, they still owe me money for legal work I performed in 1994. Not that I’m bitter. And still calculating interest.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He overstates the case, but I predict there will be cringing.
In memoriam package: is this gonna be black ppl that was shot by the cops, or ppl who went to the movies?
@Elizabelle: He’s doing a good job, in fact he’s doing a really good job.
Steve in the ATL
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yglesias is well qualified to speak on this
Hollywood is sorority race. We like you Rhonda, but you’re not Kappa.
And that is a story that no one can beat,
And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street.
Rock is hitting them in the chest with the jokes. Painful, you can laugh, but it’s too damned painful. Back to trying to earn some grant money for the next round of episodes.
Ben Cisco
Not really into the Ocsars, but Rock is KILLING this bit.
@Ben Cisco: Yup. He was great.
Can someone please explain to me why any intelligent person would give a shit about the Oscars? Bonus points for any intelligent person who cares about film making as an art form.
Watch Spotlight. It really is a movie about the importance of investigative reporting.
@eemom: You seen Trumbo?
Ben Cisco
Welp, back to hoops. What in the name of Odin’s beard did Oregon do to their floor?
Next Sunday.
I have loved this final season.
Have never seen Oscars lead off with the writing awards. Spotlight and The Big Short.
Mike J
@eemom: Truffaut seemed pretty happy when La nuit américaine won.
@Elizabelle: Both movies were based on true stories. I haven’t seen The Big Short yet but did read the book.
Don’t vote for candidates who take money from … weirdo billionaires.
Good advice. From Oscar winners, yet.
@eemom: I’m fairly intelligent. I like knowing who wins. Caring is a huge term, but interested is apropos.
Not a typical successful, 1%er Republican wife at least. I remember that too. One reason Laura Bush was so easily accepted was because she was a primary school librarian: that kind of “work” falls so much closer to wingnuts’ idea of what women should do when they’re not in the house looking after the menvolk.
@Another Holocene Human: “The anti-gay crowd” has deep roots, going back centuries. The most recent iteration, though, seems very, VERY,… um… pale. Gallagher, Staver, Perkins, Dobson, Robertson, Lively, Delgaudio, all very very Caucasian… practically the only major non-Caucasian faces in that parade are Eddie Long (now disgraced), James Manning (whose church was foreclosed and now there’s a LGBT community center bidding at the property auction) and leaders in Indonesia, Uganda, Mali, and other distant places, and not a few of them make the noise they do because people like Perkins and Lively fund their nastiness and “consult” on their anti-LGBT legislation and misconceptions.
@eemom: They were hoping for a safe thread from anti-culture trolls. So far, no luck though. Maybe next year.
I hope the American people are smarter than I think they are. Trump really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and it wouldn’t matter. KKK sympathizer? No problem. We are so fucked, if this asshole wins. Kiss your Social Security goodbye…
@Ben Cisco: They do funky stuff with their floor, and unis.
Chris Rock crushing it. I take it as a good sign that he is making my non-political dinner guests awkward.
@PsiFighter37: Glad I dvr’d it and caught it at halftime.
@Zinsky: The bigger danger to me is the influence of the Koch brothers.
This is a time line of Jane Mayer’s important book… link These are the folks who are buying up local and state elections.
Public schools are what allowed our democracy to flourish and these assholes, think they should be abolished.
@Feathers: Yes, I know, I was expecting a regular episode too. Maybe PBS decided not to go up against the Oscars.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Oscar winner for screenplay just gave a big shout out to Baud!
I didn’t know our own Baud! was so popular with big Hollywood.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: How do we know, really, that Baud isn’t a weirdo billionaire?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Uh, man.. Sarah Silverman is so pretty, why is she wearing such a concealing gown.
Steve in the ATL
Fred Koch and Prescott Bush, the two Nazi-aiding and abetting fathers of today’s GOP. Lovely.
You commies don’t understand, Social Security is totally old and yucky and will be replaced by yuuugly better and classier Trump Security. He’ll also get rid of the yucky ObummerCare and replace it with TrumpCare which is nothing like the normal Republican plan but is just like it but Classier.
Hillary’s unfavorable numbers are slightly inflated because of the intense negative attacks the Far Right have been hitting her for three decades. When it comes to choosing between Hillary or Trump, most centrist/moderate voters are going to have to make a choice between Hillary’s competency and Trump’s viciousness, and I’m guaranteeing the moderate voters are going to go with competency 100 percent.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): Is this a reference to the finding that Walmart shredded 100% (?!?) parmesan cheese contained wood pulp.
I thought winners weren’t going to be allowed to thank a list of people?
@debbie: Rules in a knife fight?
(Butch Cassidy)
@BillinGlendaleCA: Trump is the only repub candidate saying he wouldn’t touch it. Strange times that we live in.
Gosh I really like that dress that Alicia Vikander has on..
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@debbie: this show is going to run easily an hour over the slated time
@JPL: Did she have a swan coming out of her ass?
Keith P.
Are we sure Sessions isn’t the “conservatives’ hole”? Gotta pay the troll toll.
@raven: that was in the olden days.. For some odd reason, they are doing tasteful tonight.
@JPL: It was a Chris Rock joke.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
eta: everyone had Winslet winning for her hammy, scene chewing performance.
I could have answered that for you before the primaries even started.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): this. Two or three months ago, maybe. But the writing is not only on the wall, it has jumped off the wall and is now doing a whirling dervish dance in the middle of the floor. Suffolk this morning, Clinton +8 in Mass, and that is before South Carolina. Sanders isn’t going to be the nominee. It really is time to move on.
Trump won’t be easy to beat. Maybe Sanders would have been the better candidate, but we will never know. Spending a month with a round of “she’s doomed we should have picked him” isn’t going to be helpful.
@Feathers: I complained to one friend that I had a hard time reading Jane Austen because I kept thinking about how the rich people or even middle-rich had their money from exploitation of the colonies. She told me to think of the novels as science fiction! Still haven’t been able to read Jane Austen.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Here’s some more stunning gowns:
(Brie Lawson)
And while I don’t like black as a color this is a beautiful design (Jennifer Garner)
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: What are you babbling about?
It’s kind of fascinating to watch the two factions take shape. Rubio represents the group who wanted to expand the Party (make it more inclusive) after the 2012 loss and Trump represents the group who believe they lost in 2012 because of “missing” white working class voters:
If Rubio loses in Florida they’ll go with “missing white voters” theory – the Trump route- and maybe if Rubio loses Florida that really is their best (well, only) shot.
@raven: Never mind
Other than the hem, Alicia’s dress wins the night.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@raven: there was an upset in the best supporting actress category. heavy favorite Kate Winslet lost to underdog Alicia Vikander
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I know, I shouldn’t try to mutilitask!
No problem for Republican primary voters. This just tells us they really are who we knew they were, not who the political media wanted to believe the were. It doesn’t tell us anything about the general electorate.
The Dangerman
I disagree; if people come out normally, Trump won’t win a single swing state and might lose a couple normally reliable reds….
…but I can see the ugliness of the upcoming general – and it will be ugly on steroids – might turn enough people off from coming out to to make it interesting.
FWIW, I’m also going contrarian on Chris Rock; now, he was given an impossible task, but it mostly flatlined for me (note, I’m a white male that really isn’t into the Oscars, so I’m not really his target audience).
karen marie
@PurpleGirl: All shredded/grated parm contains wood pulp as an anti-clumping additive, aka cellulose. Unless you shred it yourself.
Jennifer Garner still looks as good as she did in Alias
schrodinger's cat
No Oscar open thread?
k, I know I should just STFU, but I’ll give it one more go.
This is 100% Hollywood bullshit, complete with Hollywood “politics.” Of course, anyone is happy to win a prize, and anyone is happy when someone or something they like wins a prize……but come the fuck ON. It has NOTHING to do with merit of any kind. And I am not a film expert of any kind, but it seems to me that if I were I would hate this shit.
@The Dangerman:
I’d be happy for you to be right. Fingers crossed.
@eemom: One more go to what?
ThresherK (GPad)
Guilty pleasure addenda: Hey, how could I forget “Madam Satan”, a pre-Code 1930 musical directed by Cecil B. deMille?
It is nobody’s idea of Oscar-winning, but an incredible example of how Hollywood didn’t quite have every weird thing tamped out yet. It is based vaguely on “Die Fledermaus”.
I think she’s beautiful. Did you know she’s from the same neck of the woods as Cole? WV grows them lovely sometimes.
@eemom: I can see my father saying exactly the same thing…in 1972. It has always been so, I think. Not worth worrying about.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That is my only comfort, and I have a sneaking suspicion I’m about to lost it…. :(
A forlorn hope that somebody will agree this is all bullshit.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: So it’s bullshit. Some people enjoy it.
this is what the race for the Presidency has come to on the GOP side…dick jokes…smh
@eemom: Well, the Illlini-Minn game will be over in 10 minutes and then I’m going to bed. That’s pretty good huh?
Also, the Revanent is no Jeremiah Johnson.
@Omnes Omnibus: You been on the road?
Steve in the ATL
I’m with you. Not watching, skipping the posts that talk about it. But it’s kind of like gay marriage–not for me, but doesn’t hurt me at all if other people are into it.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Rachel McAdams in backless emerald green, with slit skit brings sexy back.
@Omnes Omnibus: pretty much. It’s not worth getting upset about. It’s like getting upset about the result of a WWE match. Everybody knows the Oscar’s is all about Hollywood politics and that it is bullshit. So what. Look at the gowns, watch the stars or watch hoops like Raven or read a book. But bitching about the Oscars is a long standing American tradition, so, if it is something one enjoys…hell, have at it. My father did, every year.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Been rather busy lately.
@Omnes Omnibus: Thought you’d been scarce.
Rubio makes fun of Donald Trump’s small hands: “You know what they say about a man with small hands.. You can’t trust them”
Very soon he’s going to just say it.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Mostly later in the evenings.
@Omnes Omnibus: When old folks is asleeping!
gogol's wife
He is just out of control. He doesn’t realize that Trump can (kind of) get away with it, because he’s a reality-TV personality, but Rubio is supposed to be a U. S. Senator, for God’s sake.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Your phrasing, not mine.
@boatboy_srq: That’s what’s keeping me from watching that movie as well.
gogol's wife
@ThresherK (GPad):
I would love to see that. I adore Lillian Roth.
@boatboy_srq: *LAUGHTER*
I loved that episode.
@SteveinSC: I think very little of any interest is said at industry BS conferences with high profile speakers. All boilerplate. And Q and A almost as trivial.
Now, at private political fundraisers, as Romney showed, more interesting things happen.
Would be interesting to see HRC and GOPer transcripts for those. But release of those is one thing that will never happen, probably simply cannot happen on GOP side.
edit: to be cynical, speakers fees at industry confab is money for doing essentially nothing but showing up and eating boring conference food and wasting a few hours of your life. It is like a deposit. The services some later.
Steve from Antioch
@geg6: Nah, Garner is from South Hills in WV and went to the snootiest high school in WV: George Washington.
@gene108: Funny. I remember Judith Steinberg Dean getting the same treatment in 2004. Progress!!!
@gogol’s wife: Exactly. Does he think this makes him look tough? Funny? It’s cringe-inducing, even though I should be enjoying the fail.
As much as I’ve hated them, I cannot believe what the GOP has come to.
gogol's wife
It is such a weird sensation. I’ve been a Democrat for almost as long as I can remember (I did have a crush on Henry Cabot Lodge), so I have many years of rooting against the Republicans behind me. But I am just sad and depressed that there is NO serious Republican Party at this point. We can’t have a democracy this way.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The very beautiful Kerry Washington in leather (photo)
Incidentally, 9 of the top 10 treading topix on Twitter are on the Oscars. People have spoken/texted
@lamh36: If that real or are you joshing us?
I hope that next the GOP presidential contestants show up for pressers with eccentric managers who will introduce them and translate the GOPers’ insane promo ramblings, threats, taunts and insults into English.
“What Lil’ Marco is saying, is that Trump CHEATED at the last match, and there will be PAYBACK. Tee-Rump will regret the DAY HE WAS BORN!”
The last debate was close to a WWE exhibition with one guy holding off a tag team. I have no clue whether WWE does that. If not, then the GOP pres context has outdone the WWE!
ThresherK (GPad)
@gogol’s wife: Truly a movie of its time, the climax takes place at a fancy dress ball held on a dirigible.The future ain’t what it used to be.
Plus there’s plenty of deMille’s patented looks at not-very-covered skin, like all those Bible epics in the 50s.
@gogol’s wife:
It can only get worse. This afternoon in an interview, Haley Barbour insisted that all the anger was due to the failed policies of the past four years. They’re still dragging out that sorry old talking point. I can’t imagine Haley really still believes it.
Ben Cisco
@debbie: He doesn’t believe it one bit; he just knows his audience is too stupid to know better. Also, the press will NEVER call him on it.
They have been doing that since the WWE was Championship Wrestling in Philadelphia and Vince’s dad was the boss many many moons ago.
If Rubio should somehow manage to draw to an inside straight and win the nomination…the past few days’ worth of his Trump insults are going to come back to haunt him. It just makes him look even more juvenile than he already did.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Nice gown but it’s not emerald green. It’s more a bottle green or forest green. Emerald green is lighter and brighter.
@gogol’s wife:
Disagree. Let the far right go over the cliff, the Dems are already the centrist party, and before too long we’ll have elections where it is Socialist vs. Dem. It’ll still be a democracy…one that serves the country a heck of a lot better, that’s for sure.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: Yeah… the Democrats at this point are a loose coalition of everyone who is not a Republican. Given the field to themselves without risk of spoilage and loss of elections, they’d split.
The Lodger
@gogol’s wife: Considering the target audience, lack of dignity is a feature, not a bug.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Unlike Trump, Aaron Rodgers has BIG hands (photo)✊
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Chris Rock interviewing moviegoers in Oakland was everything. That was some revolutionary shit right there.
@Jeffro: He’s so animated and on fire. This is the real him. The Perez Hilton of smarmy College Republican types. But he’s no match for a carnival barker like Trump. And he holds grudges.
Mike in NC
No Oscar for shitbird Sylvester Stallone. Yay! Every movie he ever made was pure crap.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I was a little disappointed in the opening monologue, but since then, Rock’s been on fire.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: Rocky 1 and First Blood were good.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Upset Sunday.
Oscar knocks down heavy favorite Rocky in favor of Colonel Rudolf Abel (clip)
@Mike in NC: So, so glad about that :) And Mark Rylance won!! I thought he deserved it, but assumed someone with a showier part would get it.
@debbie: The Girl Scout cookie sales were so great.
@debbie: I thought he killed it. The only thing I hated was the Stacey Dash ruining that skit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in NC: I guess not everyone got Stop, Or My Mom Will Shoot.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The setup for the interviews was amazing – “I went as far away from Hollywood as I could get”. To Oakland.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh, we got it alright.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Omnes Omnibus: And Copland.
Omnes Omnibus
@ThresherK (GPad): Aaron?
I’ll have to find it on youtube tomorrow and watch again. I was assuming that was all that would be said about the matter. I’m wondering if the Stacy Dash flop was intentional?
Mary G
@cckids: I thought he was robbed for “Wolf Hall”, it’s good he won tonight.
No, I don’t like the comma outside the quotation marks.
How come no Oscar thread?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Omnes Omnibus: Haha, and I typed it wrong also.
No, Cop Land, from 1997. Stallone in a non-invincible role.
” a WWE exhibition with one guy holding off a tag team. I have no clue whether WWE does that.”
‘ They have been doing that since the WWE was Championship Wrestling ‘
Aw shit. I thought I had a scoop on new ground broken by the 2016 GOP presidential Star Search.
But, thanks for the info.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: YES. He absolutely deserved a win for Wolf Hall.
Omnes Omnibus
@ThresherK (GPad): I couldn’t resist.
Patricia Kayden
@Mandalay: Bernie’s numbers are high until Republicans get through with him. Not sure how he will stand up under vicious Republican scrutiny. Hillary will do fine since she’s been dealing with Republican nonsense for the last twenty plus years. Her supporters know who she is and won’t be swayed by Republican campaign ads. I’m not sure if this is true for Bernie.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): ????
Ratfucking ain’t what it used to be.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey, when it comes to composer puns, this isn’t my first Rodeo.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The Girl Scouts fundraising from the rich white captive audience was great – empowering young black girls is a revolutionary act in this racist as fuck country. Chris Rock is killing the #Oscars.
@debbie: It was intentional. He was mocking her but she’s too stupid to notice. She actually thought she was there to speak for diversity.
This is how he introduced her:
Omnes Omnibus
@ThresherK (GPad): Nicely played.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Chris Rock was trolling her. I have no idea what she thinks she was doing, but Chris Rock knew what he was doing. Troll Grade: A+
Honestly, I wasn’t sure that was the real Stacey Dash. If so, she has a better sense of humor than I thought.
In some of the audience shots, you could see people with open boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
Who’s the guy playing Suge Knight? He looks familiar, but I’m blanking on his name?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: She thought she was actually there because people wanted her there. Here’s her dumb explanation
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Geez, Joe Biden, way to bring us down.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Biden is the author of Violence Against Women Act
Mary G
OMG that song by Gaga , Uncle Joe’s speech, and the real life abuse survivors just made me cry.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Mary G:
@Mnemosyne: I switched to John Oliver.
Genuinely moving to see Ennio Morricone win his Oscar. And it was was great soundtrack, full of foreboding.
@Mnemosyne: As my friend who works in the industry pointed out, most of those people up front were probably too nervous to eat before the awards, and then to throw them girl scout cookies…
@Mary G: Yes. How did that not win??
@debbie: I was appalled that they didn’t even ask Barbour about Trump’s capitalizing on the GOP’s decades of race-baiting and dogwhistle. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Redshift: yeah, but the mint GS cookies are really addictive. you can’t just eat one. they’re worse than Doritos.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Added selling point, they’re also vegan.
Hm, I guess I did remember something from the cookie training even after my eyes had glazed over…
Omnes Omnibus
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Nah, the peanut butter patties are the real crack. I know. I only had $5 in cash in my wallet yesterday when I ran up against the GSs. I could only buy one box. Peanut butter won.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
the Conster, la Citoyenne
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Plus they’re really good people.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
G saw one on Twitter that was something like, “Not only did Chris Rock acknowledge the elephant in the room, he jumped on its back and rode it around the stage.”
Also, Innaratu’s speech was unexpectedly good, and acknowledged the elephant as well.
No, there’s one other demographic that’s been up, voters under the age of 30. They’re just not up enough to make up for lower turnout among those over thirty.
ETA: Hillary is almost universally popular with partisan Democrats, that’s a big advantage in the primary. It won’t help her much in the general, since she has very low support among independents.
@Mnemosyne: Of course, they were trying to play him off the stage as he spoke ….
the Conster, la Citoyenne
As it turns out, the true revolutionary act is acknowledging the elephant in the room, and then naming it. Innaritu gets it, which is why the “get off the stage” music seemed insistent.
They’re required to, but notice they didn’t increase the volume like they usually do — they realized what he was saying and kept it low so he could still be heard.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
I thought Sacha Cohen (Ali G) did a good job puncturing the venality of tokenism.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not sure if they have the same names in your region, but the peanut butter used in the Tagalongs and Do-si-dos is the same that Reese’s uses.
Omnes Omnibus
@SoupCatcher: I haven’t opened them yet.
@Omnes Omnibus: I can shift left a few feet and stare at a few cases we still have left to sell. So ready for my first attempt at cookie coordinator to be over.
Pitch perfect acceptance by Leo. How not a surprise.
He must have started relaxing after Ennio Morricone won his.
Spotlight. Well, well, well.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
SPOTLIGHT. Totally deserved.
J is something like 5 for 5 for seeing the Best Picture around Christmastime the last few years. Wacky. Especially since we usually only see 1-2 movies a year.
Night all.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: that’s great
@Joel: Trump has gone from -37 to -21 on favorability in the last eight months. In that same time period, Hillary has gone from even to -13.
But keep on whistling past the graveyard.
@Patricia Kayden: At the last Republican debate, the candidates all agreed that the Clinton Foundation would be Hillary’s biggest weakness. And the Republicans have barely even mentioned it so far.
The idea that since Hillary has already been damaged by attacks, she cannot be further damaged by more attacks, is so insanely stupid that it’s frankly insane how many of you seem to believe it.
Nate Dawg
@NR: Straw men arguments *are* usually insanely stupid.
@BillinGlendaleCA: unlike the uppity usurper who was running for re-election.
I think in private they used a different word than usurper.
Yeah, but I’m pretty sure the word also ended with
Not if you’re a Republican.
– and also “Fantastic”, too.
BTW, I just saw Trump on a rebroadcast of this morning’s “Meet The Press”. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone as totally full of shit in my whole life.
I hope donald trump never gets elected
Donald trump is cancer
No One You Know
@raven: I got an email, but without a login…I assumed there was a test site? Maybe I missed something.
No One You Know
@JPL: Loved Spotlight, as did the spouse, who had been a reporter. Walked a little taller leaving the theatre that night. I was astounded that they’d made investigative journalism interesting without romanticizing it. Or getting distracted by the story itself.