From universally beloved commentor SiubhanDuinne:
Attached, L-R, photo of Balloon Juice regulars Dee Lorelei and SiubhanDuinne at the Memphis meet-up. We enjoyed a number of adult beverages at the Peabody and the Kooky Canuck, and some truly delicious tourtiere. Kooky’s waitstaff, manager, and owner all made us feel more than welcome.
We missed Eclare and hope she feels better and that she (and other Memphians) can join in a bigger BJ meetup in May.
Anybody wants a meetup in your area, leave a comment here / send me an email with a tentative date & venue (i.e., ‘Springfield commentor, how about second weekend in March, the Funky Chicken is a great place for a bite or a brew’). If there’s interest, I’ll put up a catch-all post tomorrow, to front-page suggestions…
Lookie here!
What a nice picture.
OT.. ABC is on the red carpet, if any one needs a diversion from today’s news.
Dat pie tho…
@raven: My neighbor’s maples not only have buds, some are starting to open. Wow!
Iowa Old Lady
Looking good, ladies, though you both appear to be a little tilted. The result of adult beverages, I assume.
Was reading about Fred Trump’s arrest (released without charges) at a Klan rally in the 1920’s, and saw this article: Woody Guthrie was a tenant of Fred (Donald’s father). NYT link:
There’s more in an article by Professor Will Kaufman at the site The Conversation.
(Professor Kaufman is the researcher who found these references in Guthrie’s papers.)
@Aleta: The NYTimes twitter feed linked to this article today…
Whoa. Pie. Looks like a lovely time was had by all.
@JPL: That interview is wild: he confirms something, then immediately denies it, then gives information about it, then attacks the source and the NYT.
gogol's wife
You both look great!
SiubhanDuinne makes travel seem fun again.
Nice pic.
Speaking of adult beverages, This might be available in your area. I had the Kentucky Bourbon Ale today. Very fine, but only available here in bars & restaurants. Ohio Valley-ish available to the public.
It’s nice seeing such marvelous looking Baud! 2016! supporters in the flesh.
Getting of my butt to do some cooking, so I can stop eating out and work to get my weight down.
I don’t cook often.
Wish me luck.
John Revolta
You guys met Memphis Minnie? Wow!
Dee Lorelei and SiubhanDuinne: Ladies, you look like you had a good time. SiubhanDuinne, are you a secret purple girl? Love the color of your blouse.
Hey, NYC and tri-state BJers — anyone up for a meet-up? We haven’t had one in a long time. I’d be glad to look for a place and make the arrangements.
J R in WV
Exactly what is in the skillet? Is that a savory pie, like chicken pot pie, or a sweet pie, like apples with walnuts?
What is that in the skillet?
I’ve been at work this morning, so I’m just getting wind of this..
Ex-cuse da fuq out of me…but I am one of those Southern Blacks and contrary to Berni-bots beliefs, I’m far from a low info voter and a good majority of my peer group and family are just as “well informed” as Northern Black folks..
@PurpleGirl: I feel like DougJ used to be the driving force behind getting those set up. Ironically enough, the only ones I ever attended were when I was traveling (one in LA, the other in Seattle). I would be down for one, being a Manhattan resident and all, but I won’t bring the green balloons…
@lamh36: Wow..
@lamh36: When your candidate has never had to discuss racial issues before, it should not be a surprise that he comes off sounding really, really white (in this case, I think it’s ignorantly unaware, as opposed to being malicious about it).
O. Felix Culpa
@lamh36: He said that? For realz? Wow. Just wow.
I’m gonna plan a Phoenix meetup in May, when SiubhanDuinne is visiting. Anyone who lives in the SW or who is visiting should come!
@lamh36: Um wow.
@PsiFighter37: I agree, but there are enough BJers in NYC and the tri-state area that we should be able to have a meet-up whether or not DougJ will be there. Now that he’s married and is also in a departmental administration role he probably doesn’t have the same free time frame work as he once had.
@PsiFighter37: That’s probably true, but it is an excuse that won’t take away from the damage done. Sanders was an activist, fighting for civil rights, and unfortunately that will be lost.
The only good news is that Trump is making the headlines, because of his support of David Duke.
Randy P
How about Philly? I know we have some folks around here.
If he can wrest NY State from Hillary, I’ll be impressed.
Felonius Monk
Our beloved governor King Andrew would never allow this to happen.
@JPL: I get the impression that Bernie fought for civil rights 50 years ago. I would like to know when he has been on the frontline of racial issues during his time in Congress. Oh, wait…
@Randy P: Philly has a great blogosphere scene (had? Not sure how much of it exists anymore). Have fond memories of going to Drinking Liberally with Chris Bowers, Atrios, Booman, and others back when I was in school.
On an unrelated note, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III endorsed Trump tonight. Bet Tailgunner Ted is crying a bunch, given how much he invokes Sessions’ name when talking about immigration. But also not surprising given that Sessions really seems like a nice, genteel Southern racist.
@PsiFighter37: There is no nice, genteel Southern racist.
@PsiFighter37: We enjoyed meeting you when you came out to LA.
Felonius Monk
So genteel is the pleasant NY-style code word for Fvckng Foaming at the Mouth Rabid.
Via Reddit
The Democrat turn out in the South Carolina primary from 2008 is down 31%. The Republicans are up 66%
2008 was the last election that both parties ran new candidates that were not incumbents.
The Democrat turn out in SC is down a little fewer than 163,228 votes from 2008 to 2016.
The Republican turn out in SC is up by exactly 292,240 votes from 2008 to 2016.
According to New York Daily News: “On the flip side, turnout for Democrats is down 28% in Iowa, 13% in New Hampshire, and an astounding 33% in Nevada”
@JPL: Better get that snark-o-meter checked out tomorrow.
@Felonius Monk: Hey, The Donald thinks he’s going to win NY.
Another thing, If I see one more white Bernie supporter talk about the love for Bill C in the Black community, leading to HRC’s big numbers among Black voters, I will scream.
How’s about we don’t speak for the entire Black community. So Bill C is “well loved”…first of all, the 90s are a long way away from today. Secondly, the Bill C voters in the Black community are older voters who HRC was gonna have no problem with either way. Bill Clinton was the first Prez I voted for when I was 18. I’m almost 40 now…my peer group are NOT Bill Clinton lovers, we are NOT millenials…our political coming of age was more closely influenced by the GWB years if anything else
Finally…Black folk like Bill C, sure, but they to a person, “love” PBO more, they consider PBO family…and the PBO shine is what is giving HRC that boost with the biggest block of Black voters, Black females like myself, NOT Bill C.
Bernie Sanders big idea to send PBO haters like Cornel West into SC (and who’s still acting a jackass afterwards) and poo-poo on the PBO legacy, legitimate or not (and there is a way to critic w/o outright shitting on it) is Bernie’s biggest problem with majority of Black voters who CONSISTENTLY vote in primaries and general.
@Randy P:
I’m game. Live in South Jersey.
@lamh36: I saw that; yikes!
On matters of race, there are apparently lots of tin ears and sociopolitically glaucomic eyes in Vermont, if this account from a self-described biracial Vermonter is any indication (from here; via Khan’s twitter feed):
*Sultana Khan was briefly with Gawker, brought on to help William Arkin with his short-lived national security vertical there. As I recall, she once discussed her grandfather as a high-ranking muckety-muck with the newly constituted nation of Pakistan.
J R in WV
But, but, what’s inna skillet?
Politics, politics, politics, and no one is talking about the food!!! What’s in the skillet?
We want to know what that skillet contains!?!?
Balloon-Juice inhabitants want to know about the FOOD~!
@lamh36: Oh, and congrats on all the retweeting and general love you are getting from Al Giordano; the reasons are obvious, and fully deserved. And my gawd, he made you an honorary Italian; high praise indeed!
Oh, my manners done deserted me (again). I’ve met both of these women in person (DC meet-up), and they are as lovely as the photo suggests.
@J R in WV:
That is tourtière, various meats (traditionally whatever’s on hand) finely minced, mixed with diced root vegetables, onions, and herbs/spices, and baked as a pie. Traditional Québec fare, and it was as delicious as it looks.
@PsiFighter37: Oddly, it’s as deeply offensive and insulting, whether intended to be malicious or not. And considering he’s a Jewish man from Brooklyn, I’d think that he’d be a wee bit more aware of what he’s saying.
@lamh36: I think what he said was a bit tone deaf but he didn’t say anything about southern voters being ignorant or less informed. Maybe he’s alluding to the fact that the Clintons started out as southern politicians so they have more connections in the south than in the north.
@J R in WV:
See #43.
Dee Loralei
@J R in WV: @J R in WV: it was a meat pie. I forgot the French name, some Montreal recipe and ’twas nummy. I was drinking a Labatt whiskey barrel beer and it was wonderful. Suibhann is a charming dinner companion, we chatted for about 4 hours and had a really good time, and yea, the pic was taken at the end of the evening. And I can’t wait to see her again in May for the international bbq fest! We got invited to hang out in the Kooky Canuck tent, so that will make the weekend even more fun, that’s a huge party! Y’all need to make plans to attend too!
@lamh36: I’m sorry. This shit is driving me crazy, and I’m not black. I can’t imagine how infuriating it is for you.
So they simultaneously claim that black people shouldn’t like Hillary because of Bill’s crime bill while they say that Hillary’s support all comes from black people’s love of Bill? Sure why not. When you’re trying to fling whatever bullshit you can at the wall to see what sticks, you’re going to make contradictory arguments.
Sitting back and listening to white Bernie supporters’ “appeals” to the black vote reveals a deep sense of white supremacy, paternalism, and white saviorism. Of course white liberals don’t believe they can’t be racist because they’re better than Republicans. Ugh.
Felonius Monk
I have a hard time imagining him winning the Repug primary in NY and I see no way he would ever carry NY State in the General. But these are strange times, so I guess anything is possible.
The pie is classic Québec tourtière. I described it more fully in #43 to JRinWV, as he seemed wildly insistent on Getting An Answer NAOW.
I do love purple and find myself wearing it more and more as I age. I find it a very forgiving colour. But really, put me in just about any bright or deep colour and keep the pastels far away, and I’m happy.
Anne Laurie
@J R in WV:
I’m guessing it’s the tourtiere she praises.
Darned tasty, those French-Canadian pork pies! And practically mandatory dining for politicians before the NH primary, too.
gogol's wife
Yeah, I don’t usually say “check your privilege,” but somebody needs to say it to Bernie.
Travel is fun; at least, I find it so. One of my pleasures is meeting people I know only virtually, and I’m always grateful to Anne Laurie for sharing itineraries and meetup details as FP posts.
Today, though, I stupidly left my iPad (read: my brains and memory) in my hotel room, and didn’t discover the loss until I was a good hour out of Memphis. So, around I turned and drove all the way back to the hotel, retrieved it (happily, the housekeeper found it and left it at the front desk, for which she received an extra $10 tip from me), and then headed out again. The whole thing meant I was at least two hours behind schedule, and around Murfreesboro I knew I’d never make it to Atlanta tonight, so I’m spending one more night on the road. And guess what I’m packing FIRST tomorrow morning!?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
So, his strategic outreach to blacks seems to be to separate young blacks from old, and northern blacks from southern. Leadery!
@Anne Laurie: Since I was raised in central MA, I remember tasting several variations of meat pies. Smooshed meat and was not to my liking.
Dee and Siubinduinne you look like you had a fabulous time.
mmmm…. pie….
@gene108: Good luck to you Gene. I’m finishing my second week of a medical weight loss program. 10 more to go.
I’m always so happy to find out that Juicers are as interesting and intelligent and articulate in person as they are in blog commentary. Dee Lorelei did not disappoint! Just one of those great, rambling, off-on-tangents conversations that is nevertheless about ideas instead of people.
Well, mostly :-)
It was SO GOOD!!!
Those are some of the dopest glasses I seen anyone rock.
There’s probably some mild joke to be made here about a pie filter, but I’ll be damned if I’m smart enough to figure it out.
I’d really love it if liberals who love Bernie don’t attempt to explain what is meant by his words about black folk, to black folk. You’d do much better to explain to St. Bernie, that his words are deeply offensive and are pushing away a demographic he needs to win the primaries.
Telling us what it means: bad.
Telling him not to say that: good.
Mine, do you mean?
If so: I really love these glasses, and am terrified of the inevitable day I drop them and they break right across the nosepiece or something. I’ve had them now for five or six years. Ever since I got them, strangers literally have walked up to me on the street to tell me they love my glasses. I’ve never had a frame I liked better.
(If you meant something else, well, never mind.)
And I’m not sure, because Old, but this is a compliment, right?
You will, the good Lord willin’ and the Cleek don’t rise.
gogol's wife
Patricia Kayden
@Aleta: Your comment needs to be front pages. It’s very important for us to know exactly who Trump is and how he was raised. His father grew him up on anti-Black hatred and Trump has not changed.
Miss Bianca
@gogol’s wife:
Thank you. You are now the official Translator of Youngspeak.
(“Oh, stewardess….”)
@Miss Bianca:
Je sais, n’est-ce pas?
Miss Bianca
oui, j’ai faim for sure! : )
Hope your peregrinations bring you to CO sometime!
Scamp Dog
@Miss Bianca: What part of CO are you in? I’m in Thornton (north Denver), and TaMara, our Friday Food goddess, is up around Longmont IIRC. Does a mid- to late-March meetup sound good? We can figure out a place once we know where everybody interested lives.
@Miss Bianca:
I’m sure they will at some point! My sister lives in Aurora and I’m overdue to visit her.
Thor Heyerdahl
Speaking of Canucks, anyone in the Toronto area interested in a meet up?
Beautiful picture, you both look lovely!
Paul in KY
Always wanted to get a Louisville meetup going sometime…
Glad y’all had a great time. 2 beautiful Juicers right there!
Miss Bianca
@Scamp Dog: @SiubhanDuinne:
That sounds marvellous, I am in the Central CO mountains and Front Range only a few hours away (always praying that those spring snowstorms don’t come squalling in!). Keep me posted! Slainte!
ETA: And to tempt TaMara the food goddess, my Ginger Buzz mead should be bottled and ready for consumption by then. I’d love to see what kind of recipe she could come up with to feature it!
We need a Raleigh meetup (I’ll settle for Durm ;) )
ps not until after the last week in March, for reasons that should be obvious to any Triangulites