Been saving this article for the right time. Buzzfeed‘s Ruby Cramer, back at the end of January: “Hillary Clinton Wants to Talk With You… “
… “I am talking about love and kindness,” she says.
As Clinton sees it, she’s really talking about a “shorthand” for her personal and political beliefs, for all the impulses that shape what she does and how she does it. She is talking about the core of “what I believe and who I am.” Even if no one views her that way. Even if she’s never been quite able to explain it. Even if she still isn’t known for the vision she’s been trying to share for decades, going back to the beginning. Even if her earnest efforts to connect with people are hampered not just by her image, but by the actual barriers of public life. After so many years, how do you convince a nation full of people who think they know everything about you that they don’t?
“I can only just be the person I am and continue to stand for what I feel like I have always stood for, in terms of values and in terms of my core beliefs,” Clinton says. “And of course, policies come and go, policies change. I mean, good grief, of course that’s the case. But who I am is pretty much who I’ve always been.”…This was 1993. She is first lady — a few months into the job, head of her husband’s health care effort, split between the White House and the hospital room in Little Rock, Arkansas, where her father lies brain-dead, 18 days after a stroke. There is a speech she can’t get out of — 14,000 people at the University of Texas — and on the plane ride to Austin, in longhand, she sketches out a second appeal for the same “mutuality of respect.”
“We need a new politics of meaning,” she tells the crowd. “We need a new ethos of individual responsibility and caring… a society that fills us up again and makes us feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.”…
What she wants to talk about hinges on a simple question of how we can, as humans, better treat one another. To Hillary Clinton, this is politics. She’s talking, literally, about “going back and actually living by the Golden Rule.” She’s talking about a “great renaissance of caring in this country.” Part of the challenge is the vocabulary. “A lot of this is hard to talk about,” Clinton admits. “I’m not real articulate about it.”
The speech and subsequent interviews — earnest, unembarrassed, and decidedly open — are laughed at in Washington. Columnists call her a New Age “aspiring philosopher queen.” One compares her remarks to “a cross between Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech and a term paper on Siddhartha,” with all the “distinctive marks of adolescent self-discovery.” The New Republic asks: “It is good to hear the First Lady is also pro-meaning, but before we sign on, one question: What on earth are these people talking about?”
Another two decades pass, and Hillary Clinton doesn’t sound like she did then.
This was 2015, back at that small table in New Hampshire, a couple weeks before Christmas. She is not a college kid or first lady anymore. She is nine months into her second presidential campaign, and running with discipline. She spares fewer words now and confides fewer thoughts. She doesn’t quote poetry or “just want to talk about it” with the press. And for all the headlines back then, she’s no longer cast as the New Age theorist behind a “politics of meaning” push.
The language is simpler now. There’s no “mutuality of respect” or “politics of meaning.” There has been no big speech, and the press hasn’t come calling. It’s nothing abstract or long-winded. It’s just a simple aside on the trail — a few words about love and kindness…
Corner Stone
That speech killed it. Good job by her.
But, but . . . Goldman Sachs. Is someone who takes money from bankers even capable of an emotion like love or kindness?
Betty Cracker
It was a good speech. She came across as an impressive and wise human being. Especially in contrast to Trump, who looked like a self-indulgent buffoon playing dress up.
Davis X. Machina
That’s right out of Bobby Kennedy:
“What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black.”
Mrs. Clinton: ” Now, it might be unusual, as I’ve said before, for a presidential candidate to say this, but I’m going to keep saying it: I believe what we need in America today is more love and kindness. Trying to divide America between us and them is wrong, and we’re not going to let it work. Whether we like it or not, we’re all in this together my friends. We all have to do our part. “
Betty Cracker
And OMFG, Rubio! Did anyone see his pathetic participation trophy speech? He lauded his change of campaign tactics (i.e., when he panicked and started making dick jokes) as if it were a historical turning point. Maybe future historians will call it The Great Sackening. What a smarmy little prick. I hope Trump strips the bark off him at the upcoming debate and then beats him like a rented mule in Florida on 3/15.
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker: I’m getting the impression that you aren’t really all that fond of Senator Rubio.
Davis X. Machina
@dslak: I personally found her failure to call upon us to expropriate the expropriators very disappointing.
Adam L Silverman
Chutes have been deployed.
@dslak: Even bankers themselves have feelings.
@Betty Cracker: TPM blog says Rubio might win MN. I hope so. Then he has a reason to stay in. More GOP primary carnage.
And nice that Rubio is proud that changing his campaign into a dick joke was a world historical turning point in his saga.
Good news for Republicans!
Prescott Cactus
What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding ?
Elvis C.
Corner Stone
Tulsi Gabbard is not all that bright.
Mike J
@Prescott Cactus: Nick Lowe
Here’s Brinsley Schwarz doing it.
@jl: The joke going around here is that everyone thought they were voting for Ricky.
Omnes Omnibus
“Fighting for us” is a good tagline.
The optics of an engaged and positive crowd chanting USA was way better than Christie blinking out a desperate Morse Code message with his eyelids.
Oregon Rose
AL, thanks for posting Hillary’s speech. I don’t have broadcast TV, so I hadn’t seen it. I leaned towards her before, but I was quite moved by this speech.
I checked in over at DK for the first time in ages, looking for detailed election news… and was reminded why I stopped ever visiting there during the 2007-2008 primaries. What a cesspool of bile! The minor skirmishes here are very pleasant in comparison!
@Corner Stone: Yeah, I heard her on NPR saying she had to come out against Hillary because Hillary had supported no-fly zones in Syria. Gabbard was certain that Hillary simply had not thought through the results of this policy, as Russia has nuclear weapons! I’d like to play poker with Ms. Gabbard sometime.
Prescott Cactus
@Mike J:
You are correct Mike J.
Could I have songs I have no idea who wrote for $200 Alex?
@Corner Stone
She may label herself a Democrat, but her entire family are vicious right wing bigots with enough scratch to spread around within the state. She puts on a good act posing as a non-RWNJ but that’s all it is, an act.
Mike J
@Prescott Cactus: Elvis did have the hit.
Omnes Omnibus
That was good.
It was a good speech by Hillary. She needs to rest her voice, but even in its present state, it’s much more pleasing to these ears than her normal speechifying of a few years ago. Those old things were like nails on a chalkboard at times. Well done.
I do worry about some of her preferred images, though. Kay has made the good point that talking about “opportunity” really isn’t a winner for, say, people who have gone back to school (sometimes multiple times) for retraining after being laid off from what they thought was going to be their last career. People going to college and grad school and racking up a decade or more of debt don’t need “opportunity”, they need a reasonable assurance that their investment will eventually (and with luck, sooner rather than later) pay off with a good job and maybe a decent career.
I also heard echos of GHWB’s “kinder, gentler” speech. She’s been so demonized for so long that maybe she feels she has to claim that bit of rhetorical territory. And if it signals that she’ll be less bellicose in her foreign policy positions than many of us fear, so much the better.
It worked much, much, much better for me than Bernie’s speech tonight. He relentlessly hammers the same themes every time I hear him talk. It seems so mechanical after a while. And it doesn’t help him convince new people, it seems to me, especially in groups that he needs – like those who are much more concerned about loss of civil rights and dangers of police brutality than they are about “millionaires and billionaires and our corrupt political finance system…” :-/
My $0.02.
I am impressed that bernistas actually turned up for caucuses.
Adam L Silverman
Russian ground control has just confirmed that the Soyuz module has safely landed at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Captain Kelly, Sergeant Kornienko, and Lieutenant Colonel Volkov are safely on the ground!
I suppose avarice is a feeling, yes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Congrats to them on a successful mission.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Like the Rubot, the Sandroid needs new programming.
@Adam L. Silverman
Radioing up to ISS to make sure they didn’t leave the oven on.
@Mike J: Schwarz & Graham Parker doing a 2 man US tour next month.
Saw GP & Rumour in 2014 for the 1st time since the ’80’s. Great show.
Prescott Cactus
@Mike J:
Yeah, but he didn’t write it. . . Following wormholes I found Elvis C later produced it for Lowe…. and then himself…
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I just hate it when I check out and get two hours down the road and realize I forgot my pillow…
I’m giving kudos to Van Jones for taking it to that damn Jeffery Lord guy on CNN, with absolutely NOT ASSIST from his mostly white fellow panelist on screen.
Of course CNN sits the one Black guy next to the apologist, and then CNN and Anderson Cooper had the nerve to tweet a link to the video about a “heated debate”…fuckers.
Fuck CNN, fuck Anderson Cooper and fuck the entire white ass panel, who let the Black dude call out the lies of that damn KKK/Lynching apologist…
Fuq all of them
Betty Cracker
@Adam L Silverman: Excellent news!
@Corner Stone: I got that impression watching her interview with Rachel last night.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Meat Loaf was B-S’s drummer?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
So it was a virtual tie
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I thought she made a good speech. I agree that she has to just say loudly that she will just get good shit done, period, end of story. People want to hear candidates confidently promise that they will get results.
That is what Trump says, but he has no clue how to do it. And that is a difference with Sanders too, who just says there will be higher minimum wage and millions of infrastructure jobs, period. This speech indicates that HRC might be able to just go there and talk policy that way.
HRC might have a better plan for college debt, but it is complicated, and depends that young voters trust her to implement that plan in a system they don’t trust so it will work well for them (and they have their doubts). Sanders says “Boom! You go to public college, you pay no tuition. It will be zero dollars”. Voters can vividly remember their last tuition payment or think about the upcoming one that worries them, and think “Hell, yeah, that sounds great Bernie!”
But HRC has made a lot of progress. I hope this speech shows that she’s not just gong to sit there and let Trump roll over her with BS promises that he can’t explain on issues he doesn’t understand.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Adam L Silverman: Best news of the evening. Thank you for the update.
Mike J
@p.a.: Hope they add some west coast dates. I’m guessing that’s Schwarz the guitarist, and not the band named after him with Nick Lowe singing.
here’s a link to that Van Jones segment.
After the next segment Van Jones was gone, hopefully he was just done for the night or he just didn’t want to come back on with that bastard.
Omnes Omnibus
WP calls MA for HRC.
@Mike J: correct
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Bernie wrapped up the white Democratic demo in Oklahoma, Vermont and Minnesota, and the pot bros in the CO caucus.
I can’t wait for Tamara to report back.
ETA: Massachusetts! The hope for this country will always reside in Massachusetts.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: M O U S E
The Golux
@Prescott Cactus:
Nick Lowe (with Brinsley Schwarz), originally.
ETA: Too late – that’s what I get for going on a YouTube walkabout for an hour.
@Adam L Silverman:
There’s live video now where they are pulling them out of the capsule,
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: And they stuck the landing. Thing landed perfectly vertical! They’re showing video of them getting the astronaut/cosmonauts out now.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I just needed a break from the election stuff.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Sanders blogs still in 1st stage of grief (denial).
They insist winning big red states don’t matter. Like or not, the fact is red states get convention delegates. Plus, how can you preach REVOLUTION and write off 20 states.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
That sounds familiar. They guy who didn’t believe that is called President Obama.
Amir Khalid
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
There goes the argument for Democratic superdelegates to switch to Bernie.
Omnes Omnibus
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: @BillinGlendaleCA: Cole hinted at it on Twitter tonight. CDS can run deep.
Mike J
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Especially when one of the ways the party betrayed the revolution was not going all in on
Dear leaderleader Dean’s 50 state strategy.Steve in the ATL
@Mike J: Brinsley Schwarz–nice! Now how about some Tav Falco?
@Prescott Cactus:
Nick Lowe has said that he made over a million dollars from that song being included on The Bodyguard soundtrack, thanks to Whitney Houston.
@Adam L Silverman:
Excellent, thanks! Holy crap, I can’t imagine feeling gravity for the first time in nearly a year.
“Here Commander Kelly, some borscht and vodka for you. Nostrovia!”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: can’t find that tweet. linky?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
We’re the ones who started this fucker, and we’ll finish it if we have to.
Mike J
@Steve in the ATL: I spent more nights in the Antenna Club watching them than I can remember.
That’s literally true. There are nights there that are just a haze.
Have love for and be kind to people, unless it’s primary season.
Nick Lowe is a(n) (in)ternational treasure. Just needed to say that.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
NYT delegate counter is now +200 Clinton – and Texas is only at 56% counted.
Tonight was a straight up disaster for the Sanders camp.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Make you strong, like bull!
You can get away with that argument if the votes are basically 50-50, not 62-37.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@lamh36: I saw that while it was happening. In a better country with a more functional news media, that fight wouldn’t happen. It wouldn’t have to.
It’s amazing the shit that cable news legitimizes.
Prescott Cactus
@Davis X. Machina:
Been reading “Robert Kennedy and his Times” by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.. Lots of parallels between then and now. Blacks incarcerations / BLM movement. FBI wiretaps and bugs vs phone security and Maryland bus recording of conversations. The divide in the country by both wealth and labor (Labor now getting hit hard).
Somethings are hard to change.
Mike J
@trollhattan: And since we didn;t mention another of his projects yet tonight,
I put a few inside me
At the end of the day
I took out my revenge
On the revolution counter
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Dear god, I have been given so many drinks by Lao and Hmong friends that were infusions of “stuff” in booze that promise the strength of a bull but only give the hangover the kick of a horse. I shan’t be fooled again.
@Mike J:
Got to see Rockpile in a small venue, back in the day. It was a few months after seeing Elvis and the Attractions in the same joint. Good times.
Always thought Dave Edmunds was this close to making it youuuge, just lacked timing.
Little Marco won Minnesota?
I guess his campaign has a reason to exist a little while longer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
did Nicole Wallace just just the term “age-itude” to describe Marco’s alleged appeal to the under sixties?
ETA: she’s also incredibly rude
the Conster, la Citoyenne
We’ll always keep the light on. We don’t have a lot of natural resources, but we’ve got an endless supply of bright minds.
@Omnes Omnibus: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice…you won’t get fooled again.
@trollhattan: Going to see Nick Lowe in Omaha next week, along with Mavis Staples.
Not to take away from the main thread.
Peace, Love and Understanding is a great song, and not just for the tune.
I saw Brinsley Schwarz at their Fillmore East US debut. It was not the disaster as the myth around them portrays. They were pretty good. They just were on the same bill as Van Morrison who was at the height of his Moondance/Tupelo Honey period.
Rockpile were even better.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: and the KKK fucker is still part of the coverage…they’ve got a new Black guy and Van Jones hasn’t been back
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Or preach revolution while writing off the most marginalized group in the country/most consistently loyal Democratic voting bloc: African Americans.
Sanders passive-aggressive run against the record of the first black POTUS has been met with a collective middle finger from black Democrats.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: This is why I drink sparingly…
Mike in NC
A few minutes ago I made the mistake of surfing over to MSNBC to watch Tweety and a bunch of other morons (Steve Schmidt, anybody?) for about 10 minutes. What a gang of useless assholes.
Thoroughly Pizzled
Bernie made Hillary a better candidate, and he should be saluted for that.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: The stuff tasted like dirt (literally), but it did get one tanked.
Whoa, awesome combination. Have seen Mavis a couple times, most recently solo and earlier, with Bonnie Raitt. She’s a wonder, a gen-you-wine piece of American history. She could just tell stories all night, I’d be okay with that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in NC: I hadn’t seen much of Schmidt lately and i was wondering if he actually got hired by a campaign.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@lamh36: I was just Googling to see if there was any info on why he left, whether he was scheduled to leave or whether he refused to come back. It’s incredibly fucked up that he had to put up with that to begin with; I wouldn’t blame him at all if he walked out.
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
You could be right. Without rigorous competition she might have somnambulated through the whole primary cycle, probably would have.
Well, an excellent night for Clinton. Picked up a whole bunch of delegates over Sanders. And it looks like the circus show on the GOP side is going to last for a few more weeks at least. Rubio is going to hang on on the basis of his single win, and Cruz isn’t going anywhere of course. The more dick jokes, poo slinging and cheating on that side, the better.
David Fun
@Omnes Omnibus: Quite a while back, I went to Laos and Cambodia with friends and across the border was bottles of booze with tarantulas and snakes in them. Every single friend that drank out of those bottles was horrifically sick. Thankfully, I am not that adventurous with booze.
@Mike in NC: I’ve had it on since 9:30 and it’s been a pack of nincompoops for 3 solid hours.
@Omnes Omnibus: Have you ever tried soju(Korean liquor)?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: The Lao have elaborate drinking games as a part of parties. I’ve never fully understood the rules of the games, but I am a good guest. A Lao party requires clearing the next day’s schedule.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: what were they expecting from that?
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Big change in my lifetime. My Goldwater-worshipping dad is spinning in his grave that we’re hitching rides into space with the Russians. I think it is great that we’re cooperating now.
Prescott Cactus
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
more left wing candidate.
David Fud
in moderation for messed up name or mentioning b**ze or who knows what. FYWP.
Wonder Boy Rubot also had a number of 2nd and 3rd place wins, don’t forget about those. They’re just as important.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: No, but I have had Romanian moonshine.
Mike J
Dan Diamond @ddiamond 49m49 minutes ago
Total votes across Super Tuesday
Clinton —— 2.7 million
Trump —— 2.2 million
Cruz —— 1.7 million
Sanders – 1.6 million
Rubio – 1.4 million
@different-church-lady: other feelings too! Lust, pride, gluttony, …
David Fud
@Mary G: Given that the last I knew the Russians were charging triple the usual rates since we have little space hauling capacity, I don’t know if cooperate is quite the right word for what we are doing with the Russians. Not to mention their extracurricular military activities that we seem to be upset about lately.
@Omnes Omnibus: Soju tastes like a sweet vodka. When I drank, I rather liked it. Madame squeezes a bit of lemon juice in it.
@David Fun: Koreans will put stuff in soju, snakes and ginseng usually(I’ve had the soju with ginseng, not with the snake).
ETA: Don’t ever drink North Korean soju, tastes like what I’d imagine gasoline tastes.
John Revolta
@trollhattan: Saw Rockpile OPEN for Costello, with Mink DeVille in between. We didn’t know how good we had it.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Tracking. I do the same type of thing. I once explained to somebody that about 1/3 to 1/2 of being a good cultural advisor was being willing, or at least able, to eat and drink whatever one was given by one’s hosts and look happy about it.
The only time I ever violated that concept was when out doing a patrol with Charlie Company 4-27 FA. We stopped at a little cluster of homes to hand out some humanitarian assistance supplies and the water running from the house was ink black. Nodding towards the rivulet/streamlet of water, I turned to the Company Commander who was providing my personal security detail and said: “we do not eat or drink anything from here. I will preempt the offer, so we don’t violate anyone’s honor, by immediately asking if they need anything/any supplies, like one of the water purifiers we had to hand out?” All went well.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: I have. I like it even less than saki. I just don’t like the taste. To me they both taste like soapy water.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@amk: — link
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman:
Sounds like cilantro liqueur.
@Adam L Silverman: Sake was my drink of choice back in the day.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Peale: What, putting Van Jones next to Jeffrey Lord? I’d imagine they were hoping for exactly what they got — a racist white guy lying through his teeth and insulting a black man’s intelligence while the black man shows superhuman restraint by not punching the white racist in the throat.
I think CNN insulted the hell out of Van Jones by having him on the same set with Jeffrey Lord to begin with — but then again, this is where we are as a country, so hey, why shouldn’t CNN feel free to suck?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: You worked with 4/27? In my day, they were my brigade’s MLRS unit. I did a lot of “community outreach” in my last army job. Sadly a bunch of it involved determining where the local Graf (Count) placed wrt the SDP mayor of our town. Protocol gets complicated.
@John Revolta: Saw Squeeze & EC. Costello had his own security people checking the crowd; as they patted us down they whispered “Don’t worry about dope, we’re just checking for bottles.” My hero.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: I have a funky palate. I’m one of the people that can’t drink alcohol if I’m eating food. No matter how good the beer or mixed drink is before I introduce the food, once I do, then the alcohol just tastes horrid. Even traditional/classic pairings. And wine, no matter how good, just tastes off to me no matter what. So I’m not trying to knock saki, I’m sure I’m not appreciating it because I simply can’t.
@Adam L Silverman: Eh, Sake is the drink, Saki is an Asian porn star from the 90’s. Just to make sure there no confusion?.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Wine needs to aerate before you drink it. Leave it open an hour before you try it. If you don’t have an hour, use a blender.
So simple: rice and water, yet so complex. Who knew?
Junmai gingo. Hai!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J:
Carson and I just freaked out.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep, the old non-modular 2BCT/1AD: The Iron Brigade. 1-6 Infantry/Iron Regulars, 2-6 Infantry (Iron) Gator, 1-35 Armor/Iron Knights, 4-27 Field Artillery/Iron Thunder, 40th Engineers/Battering Rams; 47th Forward Support Battalion/Modern Pioneers, Headquarters and Headquarters Command Company/Hellraisers, and a 2-1 Special Troops element. We also had a Military Training Team (MiTT), a National Police Training Team (NPiTT, and an Iraqi Police Training Team (PiTT).
I’m not sure how or by whom, but when the 2BCT/1AD picked up the Iron Brigade moniker, they also claimed lineal decent status, as a unit, of the Iron Brigade (of the West) of Civil War fame. So we actually had, and used, the historic roseate/petal crest and had a variant that had the 2nd, 6th, and 7th Wisconsin, 24th Michigan, and 19th Indiana on the petals, with founded in 1861, in place of our modern variant, which had 1-6 IN, 2-6 IN, 1-35 AR, 4-27 FA, 40th ENG, and 47 FSB. In fact the Command Challenge coin was in this shape. Basically this one with an extra petal in the 6 o’clock position:
When we got back from Iraq the BCT cased its colors at Baumholder and a new 2BCT/1AD was stood up at Bliss as the Heavy Metal Brigade. Recently it has reverted back to the Iron Brigade.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t think I’d do it to a Cheval Blanc, but I have tried it on various wines from plonk up to about $20. It works.
John Revolta
@p.a.: I saw that tour too! Chicago, 1980(?)
Steve Crickmore
For me it is the same old cynical, politics by the numbers, Hillary. She will do anything in her quest for power. I’m surprised how the poster and so many commentators on Balloon Juice have bought in to the new Hillary..while it suits her. Cenk Uygur
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve Crickmore: And you continue to be you…
@John Revolta: sounds right. Martin Belmont was an addition to the Attractions on that tour.
@Steve Crickmore:
Clinton did VERY little. It was mostly unforced errors from Sanders.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wish to withdraw my earlier speculation that Lindsey Graham was the GOP Sen threatening to publicly support HRC over Trump
@Steve Crickmore:
I know, right?
It’s so mean and nefarious of her to be winning.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
What does Estes Kefauver, Ed Muskie, Garry Hart, Paul Tsongas, Hillary Clinton (08) and Bernie Sanders have in common — they all won New Hampshire and lost the nomination.
Nothing says “love and kindness” like burning brown babies.
Hillary Clinton remains a dedicated and creative and enthusiastic proponent of increasing America’s brown-baby-burning budget AKA our military spending, which currently tops out at some 63% of our annual budget. That’s 2.3 trillion dollars per years worth of white phosphorus munitions and depleted uranium sabots to lob at women and children in third-world hellholes like Fallujah.
Source: “Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah ‘worse than Hiroshima’,” The Independent, 23 July 2010.
Hiroshima-level toxic radiation and exponential growth in birth defects certainly come to mind when I think about “love and kindness” and “the golden rule.”
It’s possible there’s a reason why Hillary is “not real articulate” about her newfound love and golden-rule kindness…
Source: “The Military-Industrial Candidate,” The American Conservative, 20 November 2014.
John Revolta
@p.a.: Now I think of it, it was probably ’81 or ’82 (took the first wife). I remember thinking I enjoyed Squeeze even better than EC that night.
Anger is the second Kubler-Ross stage, so you’re progressing.
Next comes bargaining.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
I hope some people can learn a couple of lessons from this cycle (but I fear not):
1. Winning New Hampshire is not predictive of winning a nomination.
2. Large crowds is not predictive of winning a nomination.
3. Number of contributors is not predictive of winning a nomination.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: IIRC Steve Crickmore shows up during specific discussions. I will also note the fact that the post in question makes no sense.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: You aren’t very good at politics, are you?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
4. Killer Mike and Cornel West are worthless as campaign surrogates with black voters.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am not nearly as good at politics as your employer, the Koch brothers.
Hillary said some pretty words, she must be telling the truth. What’s the old quote: “You shall know them by their deeds”? What’s the less old quote; “Talk is cheap”?
Perhaps the question you should ask is, “Is someone that takes a crap ton of cash from Sachs, and their ilk, really going to do anything to curtail their larcenous activity?
For a place like BJ where a lot of folks claim to be progressive, embracing an establishment D triple C candidate seems curious. I see an awful lot of people ignoring her actual actions, and instead acting like she has a history in the last decade of being liberal. Other than her stance on women’s rights she hasn’t exactly been progressive.
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
I agree. Whatever one thinks of Sanders and his (very real) limitations as a candidate, he jumped in the race against an opponent who was probably the most strongly positioned non-incumbent Democrat in decades. And, at least early on, he made it competitive enough that Clinton had to respond. You can hear it in her Super Tuesday speech and the one she gave in South Carolina – note the shift in message when compared to what she was saying in, say, the first Democratic debate.
@Mike J:
This would seem to debunk the assertions that Democratic turnout is low this cycle while Republican turnout is sky-high.
I have been trying to get Spawn in to see a psychiatrist, and I am just having the hardest time. These people don’t have office staff. AAAHHHHHHH.
She will be seeing the school psych starting tomorrow. Hopefully this goes well. Things seem to be a little bit better. I think she’s a little bit relieved.
Seems one could easily apply that measure to Senator Sanders total failure to enact any of his favored policies or build consensus around them during a quarter century in Congress.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: Prove it, bitch.
@mclaren: those numbers show rethugs had 50% more turnout today.
My word! One would think some people were new around here!
And that some other people were rather self-righteous.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: danke.
Mike J
@amk: 5.3m vs 4.3m is 50% more?
Anne Laurie
@Prescott Cactus:
I hope to goddess we get a better ending, this time around.
Not to take anything away from Bobby K, but I’d much prefer HRC as president than as another martyr.
Mike J
@hamletta: Some people might think that the commenter who doesn’t know the dccc is for house races and not president isn’t worth listening to.
@Mike J: bad math. my bad.
Anne Laurie
Poor kid probably figured ‘the worst thing that could happen’ would be you finding out. The fact that you are willing & capable of being The Grown-Up relieves at least some of the gnawing fear.
@Anne Laurie: Agreed, but I also noticed the parallels between Bobby and Hilz, and the parallels between Bernie and Clean Gene.
ETA: As I’ve mentioned in previous comments, I just finished reading “Nixonland”.
@Mike J: Oh, is that what that was about?
I try to be patient with these noobs, but it’s hard. I was a Dean supporter in ’04, and some of my fellows were so naive and obnoxious, it was embarrassing. And their antics certainly weren’t supported by the campaign, but with the internet and all, they could get all over the place.
I’ve tried to keep that lesson. Over-enthusiastic supporters aren’t the campaign, and certainly not the candidate.
BernieBros and their fellows aren’t poisoning me against anyone but themselves — or their usernames. I’m not voting for Sanders because I think he’d be a lousy president.
Can we please stop talking about Bermie “was never gonna happen” Sanders now and get on with the job of electing someone we can all agree is 10x better than any Republican.
Everyone except Cole of course. Cole thinks Christie is a heck of a guy and Christie endorsed Trump so Cole will be voting for Trump.
Anne Laurie
I’ve consciously not been bringing up that comparison over the last few weeks! My mother, bless her troubled soul, was a fanatic McCarthy supporter who hissed & sniped about ‘that ratfink Bobby’ until the day he was shot — upon which he became a True Political Martyr. She woke me out of a sound sleep, demanding that I come help her mourn his passing.
One advantage to not having the internet in 1972: It was only local political meetings and letters to the newspaper where the Clean-for-Gene ‘kids’ would tear themselves into two camps, divided between those who said it served Bobby right that he die at the hand of an oppressed Palestine (with a sub-group convinced that Sirhan was the brainwashed tool of The Mob/Big Money) and those (like my mom) happy to have another “saint” to bless their ‘childrens’ crusade’ for St. Gene…
That was the summer I came to fully appreciate Phil Ochs.
The answer is yes.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The rightwing faction is in deep denial as well.
@Andrey: True. I trusty Hillary to drink their whiskey, fuck their men, and still vote against ’em.
@moderateindy: @Andrey: Yeah about that…
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Front Page NY Times: The Thrill of Victory vs Bozo (2 photos)
@Anne Laurie:
Eh, it was 1968. The internet, in it’s most primitive form, was invented in 1969 in the bowels of Boelter Hall(the Engineering building at UCLA).
Actually yes. I’ve seen it time and time again among high net worth individuals. Frankly, the mind set of a lot of rich people is to stop their asset accumulation after they feel psychologically secure. And it’s common enough to be seen in relatively affluent folks up through the extremely filthy rich. (You do know that folks in fundraising depend on this behavioral pattern, right?)
Whether or not Clinton is one of these people is a different question, but the appropriate criteria should be used for her.
@Omnes Omnibus: That Romanian booze is insane. My daughter’s ex-mother-in-law gave us a big water bottle of the stuff one year. I asked where she got it and she said they’d just carried it onto the plane. That was in 2006 and I wonder when it came over; I don’t think it could have been in the bottle very long because it hadn’t eaten through the plastic.
Carnival Cruz wins Alaska on the R side.
@Cacti: I’ve been on a Carnival Cruz, it really sucked.
ETA: Pretty close 36% for Cruz to 34% for tRump.
Patricia Kayden
‘Twas a great speech Secretary Clinton gave last night. She was passionate and bold. I don’t see a path forward for Senator Sanders to win.
How does Rubio justify staying in the race with just one Super Tuesday win?
@BillinGlendaleCA: We were on a little cruise on a Norwegian Cruise line, or maybe it was a Princess Cruise before they merged with Carnival, and it was pretty good. It was that loop that goes out to Catalina then down to Baja and stops for the day in Ensenada so the tourists can shop at La Bufadora and drink tequila at Papas and Beer, drives around just outside the 15 mile line so that the casino can operate, then comes back into port.
While we were in Avalon we were accosted by several people on the Carnival Cruise that was on the same circuit, and they wanted to know how the food was and how much we’d paid, and they were livid when they found out. The thing that set them off was the lack of launches going into Avalon that day from their ship, compared with the ones from ours which ran every 15 minutes the whole time we were there, and that we could go back to the ship for lunch if we wanted to, and still come back to Avalon afterwards. Carnival was only providing a ticket to get to the island and to get back to the ship, and woe betide you if you lost that ticket. No one ever asked us for ID to get into a launch. Not really into cruises, got roped into that one by a big group of friends, but it was fun.
Ack! My post is in moderation. What did I do?
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
Here’s my theory. Marcobot is running third behind the Donald and that jackhole from Texas. The Re[publican party is horrified that the Donald will be its nominee. It does not want to spend the next four years calling the jackhole Mr. President. So Marcobot figures if he hangs in there collecting his bronze medals, the party will realise he’s their winningest and most palatable third choice and, let’s put it this way, maybe help him out a bit.
“I am talking about love and kindness,” Like her cynical, politically expedient Iraq war vote I presume. A shame the dead can’t hear her.
Lesson? Whatever you do, don’t tell the messy truth. It makes people uncomfortable and they don’t like being uncomfortable.
Amir Khalid
Cenk Uygur, whoever he is, insists Bernie won tonight.
@Patricia Kayden:
all campaigns keep running until money runs out.
Matt McIrvin
@Mike J: Also, several of the states tonight were deep red states, and the biggest one was Texas, the only really huge red state.
@Patricia Kayden: He has to stay in it. If he doesn’t he might have to go back to his day job, and we all know how much he hates that one.
It’s surprised me that Cruz won Alaska, since the former governor and mayor of Wasilla endorsed Herr Trump.
@JPL: Alaskans don’t have a very high opinion of their former half term governor.
Amir Khalid
I guess we know now what Sarah Palin’s endorsement is worth in Alaska.
I thought it was a pretty good night for liberals. Sanders did well enough to keep Clinton honest and every Republican in the race, except Carson, who is just in it for the book sales anyway, did well enough to keep moving forward.
Ideally, the non-Trumpers would have gotten enough votes to keep Trump from a first round win at the Convention. I don’t think that quite happened, but, I don’t think he gathered enough, percentage-wise, to advance his odds of the first round win.
The complete and public emasculation of Christie was the icing on the cake.
@opiejeanne: You said a bad word, casino!
@OzarkHillbilly: Well, he doesn’t have it for that much longer.
Matt McIrvin
@Mike J: I suppose you could consider it ominous that Republican turnout was much higher than Democratic turnout in Virginia. But the Republican race in Virginia was much harder-fought with a lot of Republicans clearly turning out as anti-Trump voters.
Matt McIrvin
@Groucho48: I find Carson’s poll numbers interesting just in how flat they are. He’s has had his loyal 8% of Republican marks ever since the beginning of 2015. It momentarily dropped to about 6% when Trump first took off, but right after that Carson had his little surge. Now he’s back to his 8%. I see no reason he’ll drop out if he can keep milking them.
C.V. Danes
@Groucho48: Agreed. The southerners already have their insurgent standard bearer, and that person is Donald Trump. I think the more telling contest in the South is how Clinton polls against Trump, and since the Southern states will likely go for Trump in the general, I’m not sure how great a win for this was.
In the North, Bernie is still strong and kicking, and that’s a good thing for keeping Clinton to the left of her comfort zone going into the convention and general election. Our job going forward is to keep her right where she’s at.
C.V. Danes
@Matt McIrvin: Yep. The real battle, as always, is going to be in the swing states. I just think that this time that fewer states are going to be in play going into the general election.
I was thinking this morning how Trump represents the fact the South never really conceeded the Civil War. I think this election is going to be a reenactment of that on the political stage.
@Steve Crickmore: I think that’s a little harsh. Hillary doesn’t come from privilege, and we often continue to resonate with our roots and history as we grow up.
I think taken on its own the ‘love and kindness and Corinthians and let’s all pull together’ thing is fine and good.
I ALSO think it is easily embraced and co-opted by wealthy powerbrokers and corporations who want nothing more than to persuade their serfs to peaceably till the soil, turning over 99% of what they produce to the Lord (which is often a corporate person). It’s a damn good philosophy for a king or indeed tyrant and it’s mighty convenient Hillary grew up believing that, because it serves more than one purpose. Quitcher bitching, Flint children, and drink up in the spirit of everyone trusting one another.
Hillary had better draw that distinction. We can’t be talking only about love and kindness with Trump and the Republican ‘government as a business’ people about, or with the degree of corporate capture we’ve got. It leads to abuses (not necessarily BY her, but it must be taken into account)
@shomi: Actually my estimate would be 3X better than any republican. Not ten, where do you even get that? And better than twice as good/unbad, but not by all that much. 3X better.
If I’m honest I’d put Bernie at about 5x better, which is why he got my vote and work. What lets him down isn’t his ideas, but the practicality of getting any of it through Congress. It’d become a ‘continuing to be a protest candidate while President’ and at least people would be talking. That’s vital.
If Hillary meant for people to still be talking about the problems we face, she’d be more than 3X better, but I see the pivoting to the low-information evangelical zone already. I think that will continue to become more obvious and she’ll slip below 3X better.
@Applejinx: Hillary was the first candidate to talk about Flint, leaving St. Bernie flatfooted. So, to make a long story short, fuck off, and scoreboard, you little shit.
C.V. Danes
@Applejinx: Well, for one thing Hillary is clearly the centrist candidate in this race, flanked on the left by Bernie Sanders and to the (far) right by Donald Trump. From a progressive leftie perspective that may not be optimal, but from a general perspective that’s ok. Lefties are a minority, too, so there’s limits to what we can expect.
Speaking for myself, the goal for Bernie was never to win the nomination, but to push Hillary as far left as possible for both the convention and the general election. In this he has succeeded beyond expectations, and he needs to stay in the fight as long as possible to keep the heat on Hillary.
My concern with Hillary is that she is already setting her sights on Trump when she hasn’t secured her left flank quite yet. We need Bernie to keep the heat on until such a time as Warren can broker a settlement and the lefties can sue for peace prior to or at the convention.
Going forward, Hillary will need to do three things:
1. Keep the leftie vote up in the blue states to assist downballot progressives in those states. She can use Bernie and Warren as proxies for this so that she can
2. Focus on the swing states and
3. Fight hard in the red states to get out the youth/minority vote for the downballot races to flip some state governments and, more importantly, flip the Senate and defang the Republicans in the House.
Bernie has done an amazing job in igniting a leftie insurgency. Now we just need to keep it going.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: @Anne Laurie: My father liked both Kennedy and McCarthy. I do remember college students canvassing my neighborhood for McCarthy, probably right around the beginning of June. Recently, it has struck me that this constellation of events, so clear from my childhood brain, means that the 1968 nomination was still being actively contested in June. Kennedy was killed while campaigning at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, right before the California primary. It was a Friday night, late for us, because it happened on the West Coast. I learned about it at my Saturday morning ballet class. My dance instructor was clearly upset. And ten years later, in my first year of college, I met Gene McCarthy at a speech. And then Reagan happened. And here we are fighting about Sanders and Clinton, as Republican candidates having gone from being genial, to being twits, to being some kind of combination of Mussolini and Berlusconi.
@C.V. Danes: Has Bernie Sanders shown any interest in “downballot progressives”? Seems like Brother Bernie’s Traveling Salvation Show comes to town and leaves as quickly as it arrived.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@WarMunchkin: Be excellent to each other. Party on, dudes! – Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
C.V. Danes
@FlipYrWhig: Right now, I think Bernie’s mission is to keep the heat on Clinton. There will be plenty of time for downballet support after the convention.
@C.V. Danes: There are all sorts of primary candidates he could lend support to. Donna Edwards, for instance. John Fetterman. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Michael Brown
@Cacti: …are you on crack ? Do you really believe those corrupt, tap-dancing house negros are supporting Hillary for any other reason than they wish to keep this game running ? I just had dinner with one of these parasites last weekend….and she outright admitted this is the case: “The endgame is to win office, enrich ourselves….and then throw the plebs a bone..”
Michael Brown
@FlipYrWhig: I love how you buffoons think it an indictment that a candidate whom is a actually a fucking progressive in both name and deed is the one whom is actually trying to unfuck the system as opposed to the republican-lite Wall Street whore whom has told you all to your faces she is not going to change a fucking thing.
@Michael Brown: He’s not trying to do diddly shit, and has never done diddly shit, except make a bunch of wannabes feel proud of themselves, a/k/a Vermont.
@FlipYrWhig: Cursing aside, what does ‘scoreboard’ mean?
C.V. Danes
What I will tell you in response is that my wife, who is black, is firmly in the Sanders camp and thinks that the southern blacks are just falling for the same old song and dance. So, yeah, they’re giving us the middle finger, but in the end they may just be screwing themselves.
@Applejinx: When you’re losing the game, don’t talk trash, because the scoreboard reveals the true state of things. And it is contemptible that you would suggest multiple times that Hillary Clinton doesn’t care about Flint, when Hillary Clinton has called more attention to Flint than any candidate.
C.V. Danes
@FlipYrWhig: He may not have the ground game for that right now. He’s already went a lot farther than many of us thought he would.
C.V. Danes
@FlipYrWhig: Oh really? So Clinton just decided to move left on her own? Also, Bernie’s only losing if you consider the prize to be winning the primary. Most of us thought going in that was a ling shot, and maybe we’ve gotten caught up in the excitement, but if his original mission was to move Clinton to the left then he has more than succeeded.
@C.V. Danes:
So your wife believes that every black person who doesn’t vote like her is a dupe?
How Republican of her.
@C.V. Danes: Hillary Clinton was credited/blamed as the true north of liberalism in the Bill Clinton administration, to the point that liberals in the 1990s used to frequently say that they wished Hillary were president instead of Bill. I don’t think you need to move Hillary Clinton left. The only thing she ever did that stuck her on the right was vote to authorize the Iraq War, and even _that_ is consistent with the Clinton/Power/Pollack liberal interventionist approach to war and peace, which many people on the left abhor (and often for good reason). So I highly doubt that Baseline Clinton was anywhere other than left to begin with.
When Bernie went to Flint a week ago, he called for a DOJ investigation.
The DOJ has been investigating since January 5.
Somebody take the car keys away from grandpa.
Chyron HR
“Dupe” is such a crass way to phrase it. Call them “tap-dancing house negros”, please.
@Michael Brown:
Hey, whatever makes you feel better about the “revolutionary” candidate’s campaign drawing a red line around all of the blackest states in the country.
@Applejinx: Typical Bernie supporter believing in the puppies ponies and rainbows he promised you. Ignoring the part where all these promises explodes the budget by trillions of dollars with no possible way of coming anywhere close to paying for it even if you introduced European sized tax rates.
Yea, let’s just ignore that little inconvenient truth and blame it on the fact it could never pass congress….lol.
So left with nothing to argue about you are going to argue with me about how many times better than Republicans Hillary is….HAHAH. You Bernie whackos are worse than the right wingnuts in a lot of ways. Thanks for the laugh though.
@FlipYrWhig: I said
THAT is who’s saying ‘drink up, Flint children!’. And they will co-opt Hillary’s desire to have the message be about love and kindness. Sometimes love ain’t the appropriate reaction.
In no way does Hillary say that, nor have I suggested she did. You read into things as if everything goes back to Hillary alone. Politics is way more complicated than that, which is what makes it so fascinating.
@shomi: Don’t be innumerate. One percent on things like transactions and wealth would balance the budget instantly. It’s the Piketty solution: have you heard of him?
The whole POINT is that the money is there. Don’t be innumerate. Wealth inequality is many orders of magnitude beyond what you can imagine, or so it would appear.
Now, passing Congress is another story and an ugly one, but we all know the money is there. It’s not even liquid. Increasingly, investment doesn’t even happen because there’s no way to get blood from a stone: no point starting a business when all the money is ALREADY in the 0.001%ers’ bank accounts. We’ve already seen the commercial paper market freeze up. The system’s stuck because things are so out of balance.
@Applejinx: Whoever introduced you to the concept of co-opting really has a lot to apologize for.
C.V. Danes
@FlipYrWhig: That is your opinion and it is 100% valid. From my perspective, and from the number of people who support Bernie, I think she is not as left as you think and/or you’re comfortable with where she currently is. But that’s ok too. At the end of the day, her position will be reconciled with Bernie’s either before or during the convention, and hopefully we’ll join forces to combat the real enemy, who is neither Clinton or Sanders.
My concern is that people are getting caught up in the heat of the moment and the name calling is going to end up causing lasting damage in the ranks. We can disagree at the margins, but let’s not forget who the real enemy is.
C.V. Danes
I think what she is saying is that all ‘Black Democrats’ are not united in the middle fingering. I think there is a real divide between northern and southern blacks, and even then by demographics. My mother-in-law is a professional lawyer in her 60s, and she is in the Clinton camp (without the middle fingering). My wife is a professional photographer who is in the Sanders camp. At the end of the day, they will both vote Democrat.
@C.V. Danes:
I would agree with your wife. I’m a 54 yr old black man supporting Clinton, but my daughter is definitely feeling the Bern.
@C.V. Danes:
The results to date disagree with the above assessment.
And your objective evidence for this is?
@Applejinx: HAHA…don’t argue with me about it. Argue with Nobel prize winner in economics KThug.
Thanks again for your continuing entertainment this fine day. I’m gonna miss you “Bernie is totall awesome because he promised us ponies” people.
Bob In Portland
I’m sorry. When I look at Clinton talking about love and happiness (not the Ciroc commercial that uses Al Green) I think about the arms deal she approved for Qatar as SOS. Qatar in return donated to the Clinton Foundation. Then Qatar’s weapons show up with ISIS, both in Syria and Libya. Essentially, Qatar is our cut out for spreading chaos.
Does this mean that now that the election is over we can talk about Ukraine again? (Just kidding)
@C.V. Danes:
Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton: The REAL Differences
Published on Feb 29, 2016
Know the differences between 2016 Democratic Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
Research & Segment Production: Noah Ferguson
Editing: Louis Motamedi
It’s definitely kindlier and more loving than “We came, we saw, he died! [yuk, yuk, yuk]”