The Onion, 2012: “After Obama victory, shrieking white-hot sphere of pure rage early GOP front-runner for 2016”
— John Aravosis (@aravosis) March 2, 2016
Another casualty, per the Washington Post:
Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who briefly led the Republican presidential race before his campaign began an extended public implosion, told his supporters in a statement Wednesday afternoon that he does not see a “path forward” and will not attend Thursday’s debate in Detroit.
But Carson did not formally suspend his campaign. Instead, he said in the statement that he has decided to make a speech about his political future on Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, just outside Washington.
“I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results,” the Wednesday statement said. “However, this grassroots movement on behalf of ‘We the People’ will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations.”…
Obviously it’s no longer the place to get the first look at America’s Next Right-Wing Nut Job Figurehead, but has anybody got a good link for not-completely-insane reporting from CPAC?
And what else is on the agenda for the evening?
Matt McIrvin
Ben Carson never actually led the Republican presidential race. I think there was like one outlier poll.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Anyone have thoughts on Jane Kelly as a Supreme Court Justice?
She’s being vetted.
She’s 51. A public defender for 20 years.
Mary G
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: And she’s on the Eighth circuit based in Cedar Rapids, and Chuck Grassley has praised her, so the ads write themselves.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Jane Kelly being from Iowa, and Grassley having raved about his constituent when she was confirmed in 2013, are pretty good qualifications.
If this is more trolling from Mr. Obama, it is even better than the Sandoval “leak”.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: would sell my soul to the devil to achieve.
Mike J
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I like what Dahlia Lithwick said. If you really believe the Republicans won’t even hold hearings, don’t put forward the name of somebody who might wind up on the court some day. Swing for the fences and nominate Elizabeth Warren, or some other person who would enjoy fighting Senate Republicans, rather than having a good person dragged through the mud for almost a year, unable to do their real work, for no good end.
Of course some people are trying to make Warren an unperson now for her thoughtcrime.
“I need a bogel for the glotch.”
The Bad Lip Reading folks do Ted Cruz.
Mike J
@MazeDancer: 96-0 confirmation for the 8th, and graduated HLS in the same class with Obama.
@Mike J: What? Unperson thought crime what?
Comrade Jake
I posted this below, but if you want a good laugh, check out Erick Erickson’s Twitter feed over the past 24 hrs.
Since this is an open thread, here’s an update on our cat, Buddy.
I took him to the vet today for some chest x-rays (-$200) because the biopsy on his cyst and lymph node issues showed that he did not have cancer but a fungal infection that has gone somewhat systemic apparently. That accounts for his bone infection that could have been cancerous. So good news there.
After we get the chest x-ray results we will begin anti-fungal medication daily. It was not as expensive as feared, just $30 per month. We will start with a three month course and see how he tolerates that. The chest x-ray was on the advice of my specialty vet, niece-in-law that met Buddy a couple of weeks ago during a West Coast ski trip. She stayed with us for half of the time and has become a very valued advocate for Buddy’s recovery despite living back in upstate NY. Apparently if there are fungal issues with his lungs shown on the chest x-ray then the anti-fungals could mess him up so we need to evaluate that first.
Bottomline is that there is some light at the end of this tunnel now.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Seems like a good choice. Have no idea what her views are, but would be nice to get another person who is not a lifer on the court.
If Obama somehow gets her through the Senate, he will have appointed more women to SCOTUS than the previous 43 presidents combined. Chew on that for a moment.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
With another woman appointee, Obama will have appointed more women to the Supreme Court than the combined total of his 43 predecessors.
@daverave: Good luck, Buddy!
Here’s a FB post from a friend who is also a very committed MD.
As a former PD, I am so happy to hear that she is at least willing to have her name dragged through the republican slime vault for the good of our country.
I don’t think this is just an Obama troll, however (although it is that as well!). She would be a great addition to the court. I think the last Justice who actually represented a criminal defendant was Sandra Day O’Connor. (I don’t think Sotomayor ever did although she sat on criminal cases)
This a three-fer. The Republicans will make racist remarks about criminal defendants, sexist remarks about women judges (can’t you find a qualified man?), and violate their beloved constitution all at once.
Ben Cisco
In the middle of my first week back to work after a month, caught some crud making the rounds, so now I’m in bed again. The folks I work with have been nothing short of phenomenal. Very understanding and supportive. Every day is getting a little easier, but verrry slowly.
Mike J
@muddy: There are some who are upset with her for holding off on endorsing anyone. Not sane people, but there are some.
Steve in the ATL
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Would provide some much needed counterbalance on a court full of prosecutors
Roger Moore
@Mike J:
I think that’s backward. The only reason for the Republicans to drag a nominee’s name through the muck is if they’re going to hold hearings and then reject them, since smearing them makes the rejection seem more plausible. If they aren’t going to hold a hearing at all, their arguments have to center around why Obama shouldn’t be allowed to nominate anyone, and the nominee’s qualifications will be secondary.
I actually think it makes the most sense to nominate a serious nominee in either case. If they’re actually holding hearings, they’ll have a harder time smearing somebody they’ve praised to the skies earlier- which is exactly why they don’t want to hold hearings in the first place. If they don’t hold hearings, nominating somebody who’s eminently qualified won’t disqualify them later and will actually move them up the chart of potential nominees.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Mike J: ya know what, they would probably confirm Warren just to get her out of the Senate. And at age 66 I don’t think that would be a good choice.
Iowa Old Lady
@MazeDancer: And if Grassley refuses to give this Iowa judge a hearing, maybe that can be used to hurt his re-election campaign.
I blame Obama!
Big Ol Hound
Mitch Romney is rumored to being pushed into saving the GOP.
Iowa Old Lady
@Ben Cisco: Take it easy with yourself. Your body is reacting to all the stress.
@Mike J:
I totally disagree. I’d rather put someone up who the Republicans voted for unanimously and force them to explain why she’s not good enough.
@Big Ol Hound: American Jesus bless Mitt’s soul for trying.
@Big Ol Hound: I assume the person doing the pushing is one W. M. Romney?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Beat you to it :P
@Iowa Old Lady: Yes Ben. This. Please take care of yourself first.
Sometimes the Onion’s prescience scares me.
Ben Cisco
@Iowa Old Lady: I did cough up something today that looked remarkably like a spleen. Seems to have calmed down since then.
GOP Statisticians Develop New Branch Of Math To Formulate Scenarios In Which Trump Doesn’t Win Nomination
The Onion
“The new field required several breakthroughs on the manipulation of Boole’s inequality principle, and some of our models are still only predictive within certain artificial stochastic conditions…. ”
Report: Fox News ‘finished with Rubio’
So are we not going to talk about Romney?
@Andrey: I was just saying to Ms. Imm that someone should write a Book of Onion for the Bible. Most accurate prognosticator since Nostradamus.
@lamh36: I thought Fox was a News channel. How come they get to pick and choose? hmm
@JPL: They can pick and choose who and how they cover.
Comrade Jake
@Mary: I’m pretty sure Romney telling Republicans not to vote for Trump will have precisely the opposite effect, which is most excellent.
I’m just breathless!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@PsiFighter37: you chess people are quick.
@srv: So sad. So beautiful.
@Comrade Jake: Agreed. That said, a very plugged in lobbyist that I know told me that he’s planning to announce his candidacy. Sounds crazy to me and I didn’t have a chance to ask whether this was solid info or speculation, but I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about it.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
You guys want to hear some juicy gossip on Mittens:
According to long time GOP insiders Larry Kudlow & Roger Stone, the Kochs are going to spend $100 million to try to defeat Trump and install ….. wait for it… Mittens as the nominee.
WAIT! — There’s MOAR!
You just know Mittens has always been trying to find a back door to the nomination.
Then there’s this great piece of melodrama:
Marco has other plans for Thursday, biotches!
@raven: I definitely agree. Fox has been creating their own news for years.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mary: I would except I’m not sure even many Republicans care about what Romney will say. It feels like he ran twenty years ago instead of four, and even then, lots of them were less than overjoyed he was their candidate.
Still, if he says he was right about that 47% or something, that would be awesome!
@Andrey: Their prescience actually makes me want to start ugly-crying.
Right after Bush took office.
Iowa Old Lady
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I suppose nothing predicts success like having already convincingly lost once. Maybe he can pick Ryan as his running mate again.
Another Holocene Human
@raven: Saint Bernie has no ego. Alleluia, alleluia, amen.
A comment to your FB friend: If he loses it’s not because he was cheated, it’s because there was someone else who understood and was better at playing “that system” and for me, that roughly translates in to their ability to govern as well. I wonder how many of these people that lament Bernie possibly losing are spending as much energy on their preferred congressperson or governor’s campaigns since in my view, that has a bigger impact.
@shortribs: She. And we are in Georgia so working on those other offices is really a waste of time! They have Athens so gerrymandered that Paul Braun was our critter.
Another Holocene Human
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: This is the best pile of WTFBBQ I’ve read all week. And it comes from Larry Kudblow you say?
Just Some Fuckhead
*slow blink*
Oh man this Mittens announcement is killing me. I have to remember all the times that Colbert couldn’t remember his name.
“Oh what’s his name? Chip Putney?”
“Slab Cockney?” and so on.
Please please please enter the race Mittens, you’re the Kochsuckers only hope! The comic relief will be so grand.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I’m kind of tired of the guys doing dick, pee, and fat jokes. Bring on the wives. They could do some “Wives of the GOP” reality show debates.Carly’s been gone awhile and I bet the wives are nicer.
I’d watch one of those.
Another Holocene Human
The people I know in meatspace who are Bernie fans ‘get it’ and will be fighting for the downballot races. These kids online making fools of themselves, somehow I get the impression they don’t know how government works.
This. The presidential race is exciting and fun, but getting good people in Congress is the most effective way to turn the boat.
@Steve in the ATL: It’s truly a master stroke – someone who was unanimously confirmed just 3 short years ago, is well respected, stirring background and story, is from Grassley’s home state, etc etc etc.
What to do, what to do, GOP? Give Dems a real GOTV issue in a swing state, helping the D nominee in a swing state (not to mention costing Grassley his seat, perhaps) while exposing the GOP for the craven obstructionists that they are? Or hold hearings and perhaps even vote, perhaps even approve this nominee?
Their only way out would be sheer brass – praise Obama for knuckling under to pressure and sending them a “truly conservative justice to replace the truly conservative Scalia”. Speed the hearings through in a week, confirm before May, and sweep it under the rug. Turn it over to their mouthpieces in the media about how weak Obama is and how this oh-so-conservative lady will be on the Court for two generations, thank goodness.
ETA: she’s not conservative at all…I’m just saying they could say that, and half of the country would believe them…
Another Holocene Human
@Mary: The White Horse rides?
@Another Holocene Human: The “kid” is a physician who is totally dedicated to making life better for her patients and the community.
One of the reasons I hate having to get a mammogram is that they always seem to find some reason why I have to go back and get re-checked. I know it’s an excess of caution because my mother (and only my mother) was diagnosed and died before she was 40, but it’s annoying as hell.
Though I assume that if they saw something that was clearly worrisome, they wouldn’t be making me wait almost 3 weeks for the follow-up. Ugh.
@singfoom: Mitt won’t be jumping in. He’ll be knocking Trump, probably knocking Cruz, and suggesting either a) Rubio get out, b) Kaisch get out, or c) they draw straws and form a unity ticket, like, yesterday.
Barring that, he’ll suggest that the GOP do whatever it can to deny Trump the nomination outright and then at the convention, 2nd ballot, install a consensus choice and true conservative – Paul Ryan.
I dunno, it’s all I’ve got…this whole “living in interesting times” thing is getting a little frayed around the edges…
Trump’s revolutionary health care plan released!
All the answers the Mayhews need.
Another Holocene Human
@raven: You could join African American lawmakers and activists in registering African Americans to vote in rural Georgia, and help out with local races in those areas where entrenched interests have held onto control of all of the levers of government.
Or go back to barking at people online.
New York Times in 1922: Adolf Hitler’s Anti-Semitism ‘Not So Genuine’
The original NYT article is here: TimesMachine
Another Holocene Human
@raven: Who said “kids” was a reference to your buddy? That doesn’t even make sense.
@Another Holocene Human: What are you talking about? I posted a comment a friend made. I don’t need any lecture from you.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Another Holocene Human:
BeaverBumper420 is not representing the Sanders campaign well at all.
Lame Duck…what???
Iowa Old Lady
@Mnemosyne: It’s probably true that if they were really worried, they’d be hustling, but waiting around is still stressful.
Have you ever had genetic testing for BRCA? A friend of mine had her DNA tested through an internet site because she does geneaology research and she could find some distant relatives that way. In her case, it was also important because she was adopted and wanted to know some health information. Anyway, BRCA was one of the things that could show up, though in her case it didn’t.
@srv: What about preexisting conditions? hahaha You can buy policies across state lines that cover nothing.
Last year the GA Congress passed a law mandating that insurance sold in the state had to cover care for autism. The same folks who voted for that law, believe in buying insurance across state lines. GA mandates that you can’t drop folks who are sick. How many insurance companies are going to sell in GA?
Let me answer for you… NONE
Steve in the ATL
Did not realize that Judith Miller had been there that long
@srv: the return of denying insurance for pre existing conditions. Just what the people want!
Gays, minorities, women have the most to lose. Hillary understands this. Also our two presidents & coalition realizes that. We plan to win, not depend on the white left who faces no dangers. Rachel thinks we need lots white men, white women are fine. Sanders not interested in Obama Coalition. Har Har. This is existential threat to most vunerable. Individual rights # 1 to me. Whites Only signs at Rallies We’re ready!
@daverave: Will think healing thoughts for Buddy.
My friend the cat rescuer in CT has a momcat who isn’t producing milk. She had a litter of 5 or 6 a few days ago and they have to be bottle fed. One kitten, though, is having trouble symptomatic of a starving kitten and he needs prays and healing thoughts.
Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon!
Seriously, why can’t people just prefer their preferred candidate?
Prediction: the Supreme Court will uphold the Texas de facto abortion ban, on the grounds that banning abortion does not impose an undue burden on the right to an abortion.
I have no idea how Kennedy will square this circle but his specialty is poorly-reasoned gibberish so I’m sure he’ll come up with something.
@srv: I’ll miss the lines between the states.
@Iowa Old Lady: Wouldnt this entice Trump to run independently and just lay into Romney at every step. I mean he was a bad candidate in 2012 – remember the uncanny valley thing and all and I just don’t see the base being ok with this. But who knows – sh** is so weird rt now…
? Martin
@Mike J:
That doesn’t really apply. The truth of the matter is that there are many, many times more qualified people for the court than there will ever be openings. Putting someone up doesn’t leave you with a lack of qualified people, it just puts that individual at risk. Every nominee is a calculation like this, specific to the circumstances.
Just Some Fuckhead
We should have gotten rid of the lines around each state so we can have real competition. We thought that was gone, we thought those lines were going to be gone, so something happened at the last moment where Obamacare got approved, and all of that was thrown out the window. Congress should have gotten rid of the borders, we should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there’s great competition. The insurance companies are making a fortune on every single thing they do…I’m going to do what’s right. We have to get rid of the lines around the states so that there’s serious, serious competition. I got to tell you, the biggest problem he’s got is he really doesn’t know about the lines. The biggest thing we’ve got, and the reason we’ve got no competition, is because we have lines around the state.
Mike in NC
God does not love us enough to allow a Rmoney vs Trump cage match.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Chris? Dat you? Don’t worry big guy, we’ll get you away from the orange man with opossum on his head.
Do you know where they are at?
? Martin
@BBA: I’m not so sure. What seems quite apparent is how effective Scalia was pinch-hitting for counsel by making their case against the liberal court members. With him gone, the women seemed much more in charge of things.
@Steve in the ATL: The date is 1922, so I’m pretty sure that the Times was not alone. The 1924 clip was worse.. link
It’s so short that I tried copy and paste but it did not work.
12/15/15 289lbs this morning 253 so a treat day: pho for lunch, Venezulan grilled beef dinner. Back to grass trimming/cottonball diet tomorrow :-/
Anthem denied my $170 dietician consult. Calling to appeal tomorrow. Guess they’d rather pay for meds. Basically she just told me I know what is what intake-wise, just need to DO IT. I do live in fear of plateau/yo yo weight.
@Ben Cisco: Hang in there. Slowly makes the changes and the better feelings more permanent. Take care of yourself. Thinking healing thoughts for you.
I am not buying the “Republicans in Disarray!” theory Republicans are awful. They are racists and full of hate but they’ve always been like that and the media has covered up for them. Nothing is different this time. Besides, remember all the 2008 coverage on exit polls showing how”half of Clinton’s supporters won’t back Obama?” Remember the parade of disaffected Clinton supporters on CNN and Fox news promising to vote for McCain. This is nothing more than political posturing to scare off potential Trump supporters.
@Just Some Fuckhead: hahahahahahahhaha.. Like I said no insurance.
Thanks PG! Will do for your friend’s kitty, too!
@Iowa Old Lady:
I’m not too worried about BRCA — I’m not in any of the ethnic groups it’s most prevalent in, and neither my mom’s three sisters nor her mother ever had any reproductive cancers. My dad has five sisters, none of whom have had cancer and all of whom are still healthy as horses.
My mom was a dental hygienist starting in the early 1960s, so my strong suspicion is that she got too much x-ray exposure. They weren’t nearly as careful then about protecting the people who were actually taking the x-rays as they are now.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mnemosyne: That all sounds reassuring. What a shame about your mom, though. She was young.
One thing that PBO campaign got right was training their surrogates, even Michelle had to also do some training
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: Selling across state lines worked great with credit cards, if you ignore that whole race to the bottom part. It’ll be great for health insurance, too, which is far less important than credit cards anyway.
@lamh36: I have Sunday delivery and because of that, can access the library. It’s amazing to go back into time, and understand the thinking at the time.
Ben Cisco
@PurpleGirl: Thank you all.
@JPL: I’ve always wanted to do that. Scan the headlines over a period of time.
@Steve in the ATL: Usury laws prevented folks from being suckered. Now they have a choice.
Have you ever perused the National Weight Control Registry? They have a lot of interesting information about people who have successfully kept off a minimum of 30 pounds for a minimum of 5 years. For one thing, it turns out that exercise is really vital for weight maintenance (but not for weight loss), so it’s a good idea to start incorporating it now so it’s ingrained by the time you get to your goal.
My spouse lost 60 pounds 15 years ago and while he’s had some ups and downs of 10-15 pounds, he has *not* gained it all back. It’s not hopeless, but you do have to monitor yourself regularly.
Reviled racist Matthew Heimbach admits to pushing black woman at Trump rally, blames tension on Black Lives Matter
@Iowa Old Lady:
She was actually 37 when she died. I’ve outlived her by about 10 years so far, which is a very odd feeling sometimes.
Matt McIrvin
@singfoom: I know some centrist Trump-haters who want Mitt Romney to either get installed in a Republican palace coup or run third-party. They’ll hold their noses and vote for Hillary Clinton to defeat Trump, but if Mitt ran they’d vote for him. They think the Mitt of 2012 was a construct he put on to win a Republican presidential primary, and if he didn’t actually have to do that he’d be the good old moderate Mitt Romney he claimed to be when running for governor instead.
@JPL: Note that the Times was under Jewish ownership at that point. I wonder how many Jews in Germany voted NSDAP because they couldn’t possibly be as bad as they said they were.
The Republican establishment is the heir to Franz von Papen and the Zentrum Party.
Ben Cisco
@raven: Epitome of a Trump voter – racist shitbag coward.
We may really be able to clean up this country:
@Baud: I enjoy non-fiction and the NYTimes is a great resource to really understand the thinking at the time.
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: I may have been unclear, but I was being sarcastic. The credit card thing has been a disaster, and many states (like Georgia!) don’t have usury laws. I would expect that doing the same thing with health insurance would cause a lot of suffering.
@Steve in the ATL: haha.. I was being sarcastic also. funny though
@Mnemosyne: Tks for the tip. I’m up to a 50 min mall walk 5/6 times per week, heart rate at completion between 90-108 bpm. Better weather means outside walk with hills. One issue with walks before I started shrinking (5’11.5″ down to 5’10”) was sciatica, but now that my discs are downsizing it hasn’t been an issue. Or maybe it’s the compression shorts helping (bought to avoid rashes in the junkal zone- TMI I know).
” I do live in fear of plateau/yo yo weight. ”
From my experience losing weight and keeping it off:
Just walking good exercise and does not increase appetite much.
If you find yourself able to walk quicker and longer, do it.
Save some calories for evening so you don’t go to bed hungry and can still keep within your quota.
Some people need big breakfast to keep weight off, others don’t.
But maybe skimp mid-day if it keeps you from going over later at night.
Plateaus are the worst, but just monitor and make small adjustments in diet or exercise or both, and that should do the trick. Slow and steady worked for me.
@Just Some Fuckhead: To avoid race to the bottom, you would need a standard policy,and some kind of federal mechanism for adjudicating disputes so poor sap in AZ can deal with corporation in DE trying to rip them off.
I don’t think something that strong could have gotten through for PPACA.
Would Trump consider those conditions part of a ‘Great Terrific Deal’? I have my doubts.
@jl: T Y
I received a book for Christmas that includes every NYT front page since 1851. There are DVDs included that have all the articles (haven’t gotten around to checking them out yet). It is very interesting to read the headlines as they were happening, so to speak, without the benefit of hindsight.
@debbie: That’s a great gift!
Agree. And no David Brooks!
Hope it is useful.
I went from not being able to walk 2 miles quickly without getting shin splints, to being able to do 30 and 40 mile hikes without any problem within a year. Though problem was finding people crazy enough to want to do them with me. Luckily I’ve been living in a very good places for hiking in SF Bay, I found it easy to walk rather than drive to a lot of meeting places and got in the miles that way.
I started doing high intensity interval training in the gym. It comes naturally to me since I find being in the gym horribly boring and making it into a little game was a fun way to pass the time when I couldn’t exercise outdoors. But it increased my appetite and I hit a plateau in weight and visible flab. Turned out it was due to working up appetite with the intervals and snacking after trying to sleep hungry. So, I just shifted calories to evening, have very light breakfast and lunch now, and it seems to be working.
? Martin
@jl: Well, let’s consider that California requires that insurers cover abortions. There is a pro-abortion insurance mandate in CA.
Now, square that with almost every other state and the federal government position.
A passing note: In my blue city, in a west-coast blue state, literally the only campaign signs I have seen have been for Bernie.. and Carson. And Carson’s were all bumper stickers on cars.
Mike J
@Geoduck: Signs don’t vote.
@? Martin: So, you have doubts too?
Anyway, if this topic started a discussion of the Trump approach to health insurance, shows what BS he spouts. And how easy it will be to attack it in the general.
@raven: She sounds like a wonderful person but her judgement on candidates is no better than anyone else’s. She’s a romantic who has fallen for the notion that a pure person, without personal goals, somehow arises in a political system and can make something good happen by the sheer force of their will. Actually flawed people make good shit happen all the time. Politics and legislation doesn’t come out of a vacuum. It takes hard, slogging, work as well as nice ideas and soaring rhetoric. HRC fought for universal health care years ago and she is still planning on fighting for it now. I just don’t get the eternal carping and bitching and moaning about her. she’s a hard worker who doesn’t have to be submitting herself to this kind of relentless criticism just for corporate donations. She has shit she’d like to accomplish in terms of public service. I wish people would stop repeating tired republican hate speech about her. Vote for Bernie but he’s not the Kwisatz Haderach or Luke Skywalker.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@debbie: a book that includes every front page? Are they miniaturized pages? I ask cuz there are 57,159 front pages of NYT; it would be hard to get all of them in one book without putting 50 to 100 per page.
@jl: One tip for people who have trouble controlling after dinner snacking is to brush and floss immediately after dinner. Just a little incentive not to nosh later on.
Steve in the ATL
You guys didn’t follow the link from srv? He said it had all the details anyone could ever want on Trump’s healthcare plan!
Or it may have been just anime pr0n. I didn’t click it.
Yea, same here. Exercise is key. Daily exercise, walking is good enough. Not only does it burn calories, it causes your muscles to absorb sugars from the bloodstream afterwards, so your muscles start buffering sugar spikes. It’s a key part of diabetes prevention and control.
If you can cut sugars entirely out of your diet, that helps too; my appetite stopped feeling out of control after I’d avoided all sugar for 2 weeks (including in fruits and prepared food).
Rachel is interesting tonight.
? Martin
@jl: Oh, yeah.
The reason why insurers generally don’t cross state lines (and I know this for a fact being related to some C-level insurance execs) is that almost every state has a local monopoly which makes it nearly impossible for new entrants. That’s why consolidation happens – it’s the more efficient way to access that market. And part of that is due to the fact that health insurance (other than single payer) suffers from serious structural impediments on cost – in order to get a health system working, you have to invest a shitton of effort building contracts and networks and support for that massive paperwork chain. Unlike many other industries, health systems must be local – your services must be near your policyholders, and so you lose all benefits of scale going across state lines. The nearest state border to me is 200 miles away. I’m not going to travel that far to benefit from a more permissive regulatory structure in the neighboring state.
Ella in New Mexico
First of all, a comment to you: why do you assume raven’s friend is a male? Second, what’s so hard for you about hearing how someone really sees something fundamentally true and legit in a candidate you don’t support?
Besides that, who SAYS Clinton playing the “system” and being cynical translates to her being better able to govern?
See, THIS kind of shit is starting to get old here at BJ. All this complaining about how supposedly supporters of Bernie Sanders at Daily Kos are so ugly towards anyone supporting Clinton. Then you turn around and direct ugly snark of your own at anyone who looks like they’re supporting Sanders.
And as welcoming as I like to be, it’s coming from people who, quite frankly, don’t seem to have been around here very long.
Matt McIrvin
@Geoduck: Here in Northern Mass. the bumper stickers are overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders and the yard signs are all for Trump. Sanders carried my town, Clinton did all right, and turnout in the Dem primary was much higher than in the Republican one, but the Hillary Clinton campaign has left very little detritus around.
Iowa Old Lady
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I once read about an art project someone did where they altered the front page of the NYT every day for a year. They eventually bought a stamp that said “bunch of white guys” because they were tired of writing it on every picture.
LA Times Op-Ed: Donald Trump Is not fit to be President
Iraq War vote plus Bill. That’s all it’s ever been. WALL STREET is a way to say “corporate like Bill.” Maybe for the more passionate types toss the bankruptcy bill in there too.
ETA: Flashback on the bankruptcy bill, from 2007 (NYT link)
schrodinger's cat
@Matt McIrvin: In western Mass, all I see I is Bernie Sanders stickers. I live near a lot of colleges and Vermont is less than an hour’s drive.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
In my blue city I only see tattoos of Sanders, Carson, and Taylor Swift, so obviously, by the Peggy Noonan’s theorem they’re going to be co-President.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
now THAT’S funny.
TED CRUZ — A Bad Lip Reading
Ella in New Mexico
So, which is it:
Does “srv” stand for “Sleazy Repulsive VIrus” or “Smelly Republican Vulture” or “Scum-sucking Repugnant Villain”?
@aimai: Roger
@Steve in the ATL:
Thanks. I missed srv’s link. And you are correct, this blurb answers all the questions anyone could have about selling health insurance across state lines (sarcasm tag here):
” Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up. ”
Not sure which state Trump is referring to with “complies with state requirements” Home state of company or state of the enrollee? And as Martin,and I am sure oligarch Mayhew will agree, how many companies will want to try to jump through state insurance regulation hoops unless a federal standard is imposed.
The rest of the Trump plan is standard issue GOP free market bromides
The litany of DLC/Clintonite betrayals is far, far longer than the Iraq War, Wall Street, and the bankruptcy bill. Try adding, at a minimum:
– welfare ‘reform’, which cost them support of Peter Edelman and impoverished many.
– NAFTA, which accelerated the decline of U.S. manufacturing
– the dismantling of Glass-Stegal, which helped enable the collapse of 2008
She’s hardly been out front on global warming, either.
Steve in the ATL
@jl: Damn. I was hoping for anime pr0n.
” If you can cut sugars entirely out of your diet, that helps too; my appetite stopped feeling out of control after I’d avoided all sugar for 2 weeks (including in fruits and prepared food). ”
I hope p.a. keeps bugging to get a nutrition consult if plateau or yo-yo becomes a problem.
For me, when I am trying to skimp on calories mid-day since I know appetite later on will be up from workout, a piece of fruit works magic for me. Doesn’t increase cravings for refined sugar at all.
Everyone is different.
@FlipYrWhig: I would add dogwhistle politics in the ’08 primaries, Mark Penn Lanny Davis pseudo-Democrats in positions of influence. At least in the past.
Also too, though, so what? I’ll do anything I can to get her elected; sitting out or half-assing this election is not an option for anyone with a functioning brain. I haven’t been to her web site, I don’t know her precise positions; I don’t have to to know anything to know she’s lightyears better than anything the other party pukes up.
@Daulnay: I’m with you. The First Lady really should have stopped those things. I mean, it was Eleanor Roosevelt who interned the Japanese, right?
@Steve in the ATL: It was GOP economic nostrum P r 0 N.
Hmm. I added fruit back in after my sugar cravings disappeared, but I’ve been careful to eat only low-sugar/high fiber fruits like blueberries and raspberries. They didn’t come back, either, though they did when I got careless eating refined starches.
As I recall, Bill and Hillary ran as a two-for-one deal, unlike FDR. Different times, different mores. Also, she did have a substantial role in promoting… what was it, a health care plan? Why should we think she had no influence on the rest of the Clinton administration?
so, after all that phony posturing with woman/black/hispanic token ‘diversity’ candies, the thugs have shown their true colors by picking a white hot sexist + racist + xenophobe to represent them?
The mob got impatient with the stage-management of the establishment, and just wanted to get on with electing their candidate. Too much sissy, PC reaching out to others.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Sorry, I had to find my ruler. The book’s about 12.5 x 15 inches, so yes miniaturized, but the text is readable. A number of the front pages are foldouts, so they’d be about 25 x 15 inches. I misspoke about the setup; not every front page has been reprinted, but the DVDs do have all the front pages (54,000+; the book’s a few years old).
@Daulnay: It’s interesting how different people take different paths; for me so far keeping dinner the most modest meal of the day has worked. Veggie broth or fish stock with seaweed, dried or fresh mushroom, sometimes some animal protein/tofu.
There will be blood:
Steve in the ATL
Black man tries to get Republican nomination…You will believe what happens next!
@Steve in the ATL:
gotta give them credit for achieving the perfect trifecta of peak wingnut.
Ah, another explanation of the Trump phenomenon!
True, different things work for different people.
I just have to stay off commercial junk food to keep cravings at bay.
So I can eat white or sweet taters, refined or whole grains, get some dark chocolate or not. As long as I stay off the twinkies, chips and crummy bar candy, I can stay in control.
Are you eyeballing the food calories. Periodically I think it is a good idea to measure the food and keep a food diary just to keep myself honest and get a new baseline. Just need to do it 2 or 3 days. Helps me calibrate my eyeballs, which tend to get out whack over time, and always on the low side, for some reason.
So does Bernie and his record of actual accomplishment isn’t quite as pitiful as hers.
@Steve in the ATL:
“I can’t help it. It’s who I am” said the scorpion.
Here’s a beginner’s guide to discerning whether Hillary’s actions during her husband’s presidency should count as part of her record of public service.
Does the outcome reflect well on her? If so, it counts.
Since the bankruptcy bill was a straight political payoff to the credit card industry, yeah, pretty much.
Steve in the ATL
Ah yes–small town mayor turned Senate backbencher outshines one of the most accomplished women in US history.
SO glad some Georgia Tech fans could drop by tonight.
I really wish people would quit endorsing him.
@p.a.: I do the biotic stuff, like kefir, since i like kefir, and I eat almost only whole and sprouted gains, again because I like the taste.
But, I find that when plateau occurs, it is always seems due to calories burned < calories consumed.
Maybe I am just a robust boor from hearty peasant stock, or maybe it is I am willing to do food diary when things seem stuck, but everything else seems to be tinkering around the margins, maybe makes 10 percent or something difference over the total calorie budget issue.
So, I think main thing is to find a schedule that works for you, and eat a healthy diet that you really like and makes you feel full, that keeps you within calorie limits for your activity level. I guess that is boring old fashioned advice, but that is what really works for me.
Edit: also weight and resistance training was another thing that worked like magic for me. But if you have sciatica issues, probably talk with your doc first. But even there, I think that is just putting on more muscle slowly that burns more calories. The gimmicky stuff like ‘interval training makes you burn more calories all day’ stuff doesn’t seem to work for me. I think all the gimmicky stuff is overblown.
Is it a point system? Because she got it killed twice. Or is it “worst vote takes it”?
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne:I feel your pain, those damn mammograms hurt.
Steve in the ATL
SO…Rubio? Cruz? Carson? I get not wanting Trump but whom do they prefer? Every other GOP prospect would be a national security disaster as well.
Or is this just another salvo in the new GOP War on Trump? Asking because I know nothing about this website.
Not really yet. Out of the approx 10 weeks I’ve been doing this I gained weight 2 weeks; 1 lb & 3 lb, not consecutive weeks and the next week’s weight check I was below my previous low. I am doing the weigh the portion thing: 4oz meat, skinless chix (a biiiggg sacrifice from my pt of view). Also doing my old college days thing: 1 day ‘fasting’/week. ‘fasting’ defined as toast/tea breakfast, 1 pc fruit lunch, tea later on. It’s good to plan this for a day you’ll be busy; you’ll hardly miss the meal.
@Daulnay: @Daulnay:
She did and I give her a measure of credit for the relative peace and prosperity of the Clinton era.
@Steve in the ATL: Getting elected to office is not itself an accomplishment. Both Hillary and Bernie have one major piece of legislation passed to their name, not very impressive in either case given their time in office, but Bernie has at least been able to pass a myriad of amendments to improve legislation.
He’s an effective, pragmatic legislator, very important for a president who is likely to be in opposition for at least the first term thanks to the gerrymandered house. My way or the highway or maybe the Republican’s way Hillz isn’t gonna cut it.
If you’ve had issues with sciatica, consider adding in some yoga — it really helps if you can keep your hips and legs flexible. The pigeon pose variations are especially good, but be cautious and go slow if you have knee issues.
@p.a.: OK, sounds good to me. I can’t do the intermittent fasting, I need at least something in my stomach after I wake up, but I think something close to fasting works OK for keeping yourself within calorie budget.
Though, are you focused too much on weight and nothing else? As you get in better shape, some of the fat loss will be made up with muscle gain. And a lot of very short term weight variation can be water composition going up and down.
I don’t weigh myself very often at all. Got too distressing and I worried over little daily blips that made no difference over few months. Weight, just once a week maximum and always same time of day same day of week. I also focus on what I look like (though as we age, that takes some getting used to as a measure of ‘sucess’) and what I can do. Maybe add those to in as your measures of progress, in addition to weight.
@schrodinger’s cat:
This time I remembered to take Advil about an hour before and was in less pain afterwards. Plus I told the technician ahead of time that I’m a wimp so she increased the pressure slowly.
Yea, the Clintons seemed pretty good at the time. And neo-liberal economics wasn’t quite so clearly a con game then as it is in hindsight.
Omnes Omnibus
He is running to be head of the executive branch and head of state. Different skill set.
And yet she was a successful diplomat (and administrator btw).
I disagree. Have you ever tried doing it? Running for office, I mean, not disagreeing. Just to be clear. Well, clearer.
O. Felix Culpa
@shortribs: How is it “cheating” if Bernie is not the candidate because he didn’t get as many votes? It’s the analogue of Republicans not viewing Obama as a legitimate president even though he won both the popular vote and electoral college. Twice. Or of young children crying foul – or just crying – when they lose a board game. Elections have winners and losers. Unless you can prove vote fraud, fewer votes = you lose, not you wuz cheated. Seriously, is this the logic of the participation trophy generation?
That was a trick question. There is no not-completely-insane reporting from CPAC.
Obama is obviously baiting the Republicans.
And, yes, I’ll go there…Barack Obama is a master baiter.
It was good. In fact, it was very good.
To be fair, though, both Bill and Hillary have publicly regretted and apologized for NAFTA and that hideous welfare deform bill.
So 2 out of 3, they’re admitted they were wrong. People can learn from their mistakes. Hey! I’ve tried using facts and logic to reason with the members of the Balloon Juice commentariat, and I’ve admitted I was wrong too…
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thousands of people get elected to office. If they get in and don’t accomplish much, that doesn’t lead me to believe they’d make an effective president. And no, I haven’t run for office, but I don’t have an entire party machine behind me like Hillary. I have a lot to do in life before I could consider running for office.
The truth is, I expect a D presidency, whether Bernie or Hillary, would likely look the same from 2017 to 2020 regardless of which we choose. They’d have the same narrow range of choices and both have some narrowly tailored goals that might be able to pick up some bipartisan support. But wouldn’t it be nice if the person we elected, if presented with an opportunity to do something big, would be someone willing to grab it and someone who doesn’t have a history of repeatedly flubbing big opportunities?
Re: weight loss. Fun read. Completely free.
Omnes Omnibus
I think it would be nice to have someone who, having worked, scrabbled, and fought for it for years, would want to do something great with it. Two can play at that game.
@Omnes Omnibus: If she worked half as hard for for the average American as she did for defense contractors, we’d live in a much better country and she’d have been president the last eight years.
@Steve in the ATL: They want Rubio. According to stuff I’ve read, he’s considered a “foreign policy expert.” But I think it’s mostly because he’s an empty vessel so they can mold him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Okay, can you offer some support for this?
@Ella in New Mexico:
I didn’t.
Not sure where you’re getting that impression. I have no problem with people supporting Bernie and I absolutely believe that he believes in what he says and his supporters believe in him. I do have a problem with people making an assumption that him losing means they’re being cheated, particularly when there is no evidence that he has been or is being cheated out of anything.
Well, I do, but you added cynical, I never stated that and neither did the person I was responding to. It’s my *personal belief* that someone who runs a good campaign roughly translates into them being able to govern better than their opponent. Never said that belief applied to everyone.
Apologies, my last comment (re: wondering how many work this hard on local races) was not meant to be snarky but re-reading it, I see how it can. Look, I have nothing against Sanders or his supporters, I have issues with people who make shit up (i.e. Sanders being cheated) or who speak with little knowledge (many of the people I come across on reddit) or who only focus on a single issue or single candidate. That’s not limited to Sander’s supporters and it’s not limited to young people, but in my day to day work I run into a LOT of them (live in Portland, there’s no shortage of outspoken liberals and progressives in this town).
And for what it’s worth, I’ve been reading BJ since Bush was president, though I don’t comment often.
O. Felix Culpa
@shortribs: Not sure if it needs clarification, but my comment in #179 was directed not *at* but *with* you. And I too am a long-time reader, infrequent commenter. :)
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, for starters the fact that the only time a policy she’s actively fighting for gets passed, it’s a war. Well, there was that one time with the adoption reform, and I’m glad for that. On balance, though, her records WAAAY in the red.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: You aren’t actually familiar with her career as a whole, are you?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey, I did my research and even that adoption example was hard to come by. When I ask her supporters and even listen to her own campaign it’s always “she spoke out on this” or “she focused on that.” All nice, but virtually never anything with tangible results. Besides which, if her supporters never have any significant accomplishments to tout on her behalf, my being less than a perfect historian on her career can be forgiven I think. The only thing I know she did I found on her own. I’m trying real hard to like this woman, but her record is less than encouraging.
She named the hell out of some post offices though.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Have you looked at her pre-Governor’s wife career?
John D.
@Kropadope: I really don’t know why you have such problems with Clinton, but the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was neither a war nor anything but an unreserved good. Clinton cosponsored it, as well as introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act in two earlier Congresses. She’s long been a champion of women’s rights.
Your research abilities need work. Start here.
@John D.:
The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was passed in 2009 and signed by President Obama. This was after Clinton left the Senate. By the way, even though I knew this, I still looked it up including the role call on the vote. See? My research skills are just fine.
So, as I was saying, she is unable to PASS good legislation.
@Omnes Omnibus: Bits and pieces. Corporate board at Walmart. Worked on the Watergate investigation in some capacity. Worked for the Goldwater campaign.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Do more reading.
@Omnes Omnibus: Help me out here. I do a lot of reading and I’ve already done a lot of reading about Hillary Clinton and if you have an actual point, you should just make it instead of making vague, condescending commands.
John D is crediting her with things she didn’t even do and you don’t tell him to read more.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Look into her work for children and women. Note that she was part of the Watergate committee staff counsel. In the ’90s, she was seen as the scary radical pushing Bill to the left. Why would that be?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I will. Some other night, though, it’s getting late. Though I will note, this is of a piece with the very accomplishment of hers I already noted.
Republicans are ludicrous sexists?
@Kropadope: Drop the Goldwater thing. It was a different time.
Hell, _I_ might vote for Goldwater if he was running today. He is arguably more liberal than both the candidates on offer, if it becomes Trump/Clinton.
Goldwater wanted either 25% less than this, or 25% less of what this is 20% less of:
Let’s assume he wanted another 25% from what that already is, crazy Republican that he was.
That would be 52.5% top marginal rate, and corporate tax rate of 36%.
SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. Bernie couldn’t deliver those numbers today. Let’s have some Goldwater ;P