GOP operatives considering urging Ben Carson to quit the prez race and run for Marco Rubio's Senate seat, per CNN's Dana Bash.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) March 2, 2016
Finally something Democrats and Republicans can agree on
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) March 2, 2016
I swear, this election is turning into a Donald Westlake novel. Dancing Aztecs, perhaps, with the Oval Office instead of a solid-gold statuette as the macguffin…
Apart from schadenfreude hangovers, what’s on the agenda for the day?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The presumptive nominee and the next President of the United States (photo)
Betty Cracker
Does Carson live in Florida? Huh. News to me. Just one of many addled fools wandering around mumbling to himself.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Front Page NY Times: The Thrill of Victory vs Bozo (2 photos)
Work, of course. But, I caucused in Minnesota last night, which went for Bernie! I also feel a lot more positive about the general election. Trump is going to get CRUSHED in November, because turnout was massive! Absolutely massive! Trump is going down! Count on it!
@Betty Cracker: Remember he had to go back to Florida after Iowa to grab some new clothes.
@Zinsky: I find way too many people on BJ sound way too confident. Axelrod tweeted that Trumpster will either lose in a landslide or win narrowly. Clinton’s going to have to be really careful dealing with Trump. She could easily get Gored in that people will find her condescending because she’s way more knowledgeable than Trump.
Mustang Bobby
@Betty Cracker: Yeah, he’s over on this side of the state in West Palm Beach, not too far from Trump’s mansion. When the campaign’s over he can open up a Rascal Scooter franchise.
Today’s treat: All the punditocracy explaining how Rubio winning Minnesota provides exactly the momentum he needs to sew up the nomination.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Cowards. They too scared to say racism.
Morning Joe is fun watching this morning. REPUBLICANS IN DISARRAY!!!
ETA: It’s a thing of beauty.
Mustang Bobby
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Here’s the nerve..
At 8:30 am I will here my name called and I will close the book** I am reading. Then I will follow a pleasant young lady back to a room. While I wait in that room I will remove this FVCKING DOGDAMNED BOOT FROM MY FVCKING DOGDAMNED FOOT FOR THE LAST FVCKING DOGDAMNED TIME!!! Then the Doc will come in, words will be said, and I will leave, never to see him again… Until the next bout of arthritis or another catastrophe strikes anyway.
** Managing Ignatius– about working food carts in NO’s French Quarter with and among some of the stranger denizens of that place. My oldest gave it to me to read and it’s a hoot.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
I missed last night because the new management has us all locked up in the middle of rural Maryland for 3 months. May whole family went in their respective states and districts showing a pretty representative sample by being 2 Clinton & 3 Sanders. All reports are huge and enthusiastic turnouts.
I believe Mr. Drumpf will lose but plan on working as hard as I can for whomever the Dems nominate because there are no gimmies in national politics.
@OzarkHillbilly: HAPPY DAZE!!!
@ Did you vote in a primary or attend a caucus yet? Democrats are fired up and motivated in a way that even transcends the Obama excitement in 2008. Just like it doesn’t matter what Trump says, it won’t matter to his constituents, the same is true for Hillary. She could trip over her shoelaces, wear a red rubber ball for a nose and read Dr. Seuss books aloud for her campaign speeches – people are going to turn out in droves in November to vote AGAINST Donald Trump. Count on it!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Those blacks get to many freebies from the federal government. Also, too.
The also, too just seems to fit..
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
OzarkHillbilly I know third graders more knowledgeable than Trump.
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: Yip yah! I remember my Cast Liberation Day. Called my folks to tell them that I was able to take a shower for the first time in 12 weeks. They were… impressed.
Mustang Bobby
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: This is good news for John McCain.
hellslittlestangel I don’t think Clinton can come off as condescending (except maybe to people who already hate her). She’s got a down-to-earth personality and a great laugh.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
Well thats good news!
According to some, Hillary comes across as a liar who is untrustworthy. Unless she points out how much money, the republicans have wasted going after the Clintons, it will hurt turnout. IMO
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
You can almost count on the liberal media calling her condescending, or a know-it-all or stiff, or pre-fab and phony but most likely all of the above. It’s what they do these days, support the GOP no matter how awful and unqualified the candidate offered by the Republicans.
The agenda today includes an army of Florida Librarians plotting to take over Daytona Beach, and then… THE WORLD.
Mustang Bobby
@JPL: I am intrigued when I hear people say Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy so they’re going to vote for Trump because he tells it like it is. Uh, okay…
@Mustang Bobby: I agree. I wish Hillary would mention, that they have spent over a hundred million trying to dig up dirt. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had spent the money, some place else.
If Cruz is the nominee, he cost our country 2.5 billion with his shutdown.
Betty Cracker Agree that it could go either way and that it would be unwise to act as if it were a done deal. I think HRC will handle it well. She’s a smart and knowledgeable candidate. And it’s hard to imagine Trump on the same stage with her and successfully resisting the urge to act like the raging sexist bully that he is. But there are also unpredictable external factors to consider, plus the plain stupidity of millions of voters. All we can do is work our asses off. I damn sure will.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): Maybe. There’s a whole lot of dirt — real dirt — that has yet to come out on Trump, and when it does the media will have lots of bright, shiny … dirtballs to chase around. There’s no way they’ll be able to resist — even Fox News will be playing clips of Trump blabbering with Howard Stern.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Just appalling.
@OzarkHillbilly: My library system haz; hold is placed. And yay for no more boot for you!
@BillinGlendaleCA: @Mustang Bobby: @Schlemazel (parmesan rancor):
I know I’ve still got a ways to go, but that damn thing is such a pain in the ass that just having freedom of movement will feel good, even if I don’t have the strength or flexibility yet. Now begins the work of getting back to work, not sure how long that will take.
@PaulW: I used to live next door to a librarian, very dangerous people.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
All the boneless critters will fall in line behind donald dreck just like they did with previous clowns like mcangry and mittbot.
@Phylllis: Thanx.
Carson really should go home. He must sorely miss the Ben house of worship where he can pull up a chair and spend hours dreamily gazing at his portrait of Jesus resting his hand upon Ben’s shoulder.
@bemused: Not as long as there’s grifting to be had.
@Betty Cracker:
Know the facts, for those who care about such things….
Bernie Sanders Far More Electable In Head-To-Head Polls
I hope they try to draft Mittens. Think of it, Mitt is in a perfect position to humiliate Donald with his youuuuuger and classier billions. Real billions, not the ones the Donald claims to have.
El Caganer
Wonder what The Donald’s reaction to this will be?
El Caganer
@Ryan: I’m still not sure that Mitt can pass the Turing test.
Casa Ben Lordin’.
@Betty Cracker
Agree that it will be hers to lose.
Sadly, wouldn’t put it past her.
If Sanders actually wanted to win the nomination, he’d fire whoever came up with the ignore the south strategy. The fact that he hasn’t shows me that either he didn’t really want to win or he doesn’t understand how the delegate math works and he wrecked his shot last night.
True but how much has his campaign staff diverted the grifting from Carson to themselves?
Listening last night to Cruz’s requesting his opponents to “prayerfully” come together, presumably behind him, was nauseating.
@El Caganer: “The blacks, they love me.”
John S.
DWS is awful. The DNC really needs a new leader.
A local blogger, a teacher, reported this morning that MN district 8 Republican caucus voters went for Cruz over Trump which surprised me. I expected Iron Range rightwingers would vastly prefer bully Trump.
Amir Khalid
If Bernie really is more electable than Hillary against Trump or Cruz or Rubio, how come he’s lost ten of 15 state-level contests to Hillary so far? He is not going to be facing any Republican unless he wins the nomination first. And what are Cruz’s or Rubio’s chances of winning the nomination? Per RealClearPolitics, so far Trump has won just over half the delegates on offer. Unless his candidacy collapses, he will be the nominee.
@Amir Khalid: Republican side is different. If someone wins a few large winner take all states, that changes everything.
Chyron HR
@Amir Khalid:
Hillary stole the primary election, duh.
This is what they actually believe.
Chyron HR
Oh my god!
You actually came back!
After you melted down on Saturday and started ranting that African-Americans don’t vote for Sanders because they’re too stupid, you actually came back and are pretending to still have credibility here.
@Amir Khalid: Bernie is WAY more electable than Hillary… except when he is running against Hillary.
The only thing I’m really worried about is dems not turning out in November based on the assumption Trump can’t win. Otherwise I’m just not going to worry. This isn’t 2000, Clinton isn’t Gore, and Trump isn’t even Bush. I’m not saying This is going to be easy, but I’ll be stunned if Trump is President elect come November.
@Chyron HR:
Apparently she did this by somehow suborning both Twitter and The Onion! Or something, I’m not real clear on the details. I suspect we’ll hear more, though.
@DCF: If Sanders is the only one that can beat Trump, then were fucked, because Sanders isn’t gonna be the nominee. Better book your tickets for Argentina now. Before the rush.
New Yorker’s Toobin takes a peek at Scalia’s hunting buddy:
@JPL: Ah yes, that good ole journalistic dodge of ‘some say’.
Quire possibly missed it, but has anyone seen a follow-up report on the $5 million the Trump campaign “raised for veterans” as to how much and to where it was disbursed, if at all?
Lindsey Graham was hilarious on CBS last night. The way he talked about the GOP, he sounded like a balloon-juice commenter.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
According to long time GOP insiders Larry Kudlow & Roger Stone, the Kochs are going to spend $100 million to try to defeat Rubio and install ….. wait for it… Mittens as the nominee.
You just know Mittens has always been trying to find a back door to the nomination.
Then there’s this great piece of melodrama:
@Amir Khalid: Just a comment: if your logic applies to Democrats, why doesn’t it apply to Republicans? It’s an argument that can be applied just as well to Trump, and in fact it *is* the argument that he is using.
Clinton is the overwhelming favorite at this point. Her candidacy has problems, and hopefully the remainder of the primary season will help her hone her message and delivery to do better in the autumn.
Ah political humor.
@John S.:
Did you see her spokesperson’s incredibly smarmy response? She wants to “preserve access to credit in under-served communities” At an interest rate of 300%.
Her concern here is not that predatory industry- it is “under-served communities”. The places with a payday lender in every strip mall – the places that are flooded with payday lenders.
@Phylllis: If congress spent that type of money on me, they’d probably find out more, than they did on the Clintons.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Just remove the comma and it’s a factual statement. NBC is not about reporting fully or honestly.
We would not have a Trump if we had a better functioning media. They helped build this, with all the he said/she said and we won’t give you context and all the infotainment.
Of course, Brokaw will probably be quite happy with Trump’s tax plans.
@NotMax: Doug Mataconis discussed it yesterday at Outside the Beltway. So far $650,000 have been distributed
@NotMax: I’m waiting for my check.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Since Mitt hasn’t endorsed yet, it does sound plausible. Maybe Jeb will be his running mate.
@Kay: DWS is awful. President Obama’s worst decision. I hope Obama, Clinton and Sanders all come out against her. She needs to gets fired.
@Kay: And daytime television if full of their commercials. Montel Williams shills for one of them, so they can target low-income minority communities. And the low-income whites are targeted with the “don’t wait for your structured settlement! We’ll pay you NOW!” (of course a tiny fraction of the settlement’s value)
Where the fuck did DWS come from? How did she weasel herself into power?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Desperate times require desperate measures.
Wingnut sites such as Jones are reporting this story but no other media outlets as far as I searched. I’m wondering if Kudlow and Stone are being truthful or embellishing. Still funny if the billionaires think Romney will save the day.
Bill E Pilgrim
What Rubio and the others don’t get is that the response from most of the country to this is “who cares?” For one thing “the Republican Party” is something that matters mostly to political consultants, lobbyists, politicians and of course the people at CNN he was speaking to, who make their living covering its fortunes. The rest of the country cares about themselves, their jobs, their money, and their country.
The other thing that people like Rubio don’t understand, can’t quite get themselves to see or accept, is that Donald Trump is in fact the way that almost all Republicans have seemed to the rest of the country for some time now. This is for slightly different reasons, depending on which section of the population you’re talking about. Those of us on the left see his racism and xenophobia as just somewhat of an exaggeration of what’s been coming from other Republicans, sometimes more coded and less blatant but often barely so, in the case of Mike Huckabee or Rush Limbaugh.
Conservative voters in the South and elsewhere also see him this way, as just saying out loud what the party has been signaling to them for decades, as outlined in the famous description by Lee Atwater. Just because it was said in code or as a dog whistle is immaterial, these are the people whose hearing the dog whistle was calibrated to be picked up by, after all. They’ve been hearing the racism and blaming foreigners for all their ills for decades, they mostly don’t even notice the shift to hearing it in plain language and out loud.
The issues where Trump contradicts the party orthodoxy, being harshly critical of Bush for invading Iraq for instance, seem larger to these party insiders than they do to the rest of the country, who have long thought basically the same thing. Moreover they just don’t matter very much to most voters if they consider them at all.
It reminds me of the old saying, to paraphrase: first they came for my party’s soul, but I’m basically soulless, so I said nothing. Then they came for my party’s decency, selling it off in order to win. But I want to win also, so I said nothing. Finally they came for my party, the whole thing, and there was no one left to give a shit.
Beats me. You could explain her remaining in power despite her sleazy work on behalf of lenders who steal from poor people if she was good at the other job- getting Democrats elected- but she’s horrible at that, too.
@bemused: Romney as cartoon character Dudley Doright, riding his white horse backward into victory?
Yes, perfect image, lol.
The endless coverage of Trump’s birther crusade was inexcusable. They gave him the opening he needed.
Dumbspear O'Sparrow
That Toles cartoon is a riff off of this Thomas Nast classic.
Betty Cracker
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I have my doubts, but I sincerely hope this is true!
I’ve only seen brief clips of Trump and Christie presser last night but did Christie look like a fawning lackey behind Trump throughout the whole thing? It makes me smile seeing tough guy bully Christie look so helplessly diminished back there.
I was shocked by that. He looked drugged, or like a cult member- that odd stare. It’s painful to watch.
Trump has no idea what the Common Core is, but the Common Core is another conspiracy cult on the Right so he mentions it in every speech. Christie roused himself from his intense shame and public humiliation to weakly applaud that part.
Christie backed the Common Core. He’s probably one of the top ten pols who are responsible for it. Arne Duncan must be quietly weeping somewhere.
What does “hone her message” mean? Her message is obviously being heard by Democrats. If you mean try to appeal to Trump’s SturmUndBros, then please no.
some idiot of a moron berniebot. primary elizabeth warren!!!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@bemused: Kudlow said yesterday on MSNBC. I said to myself, “wait a minute, I never heard that – did I miss something”. So I looked it up on the net and came across this Stone interview from 4 days ago. And Chuck Todd mentioned last weekend of Romney’s efforts to get Kasich to drop out and kept implying Romney wants to enter the race, but didn’t outright say it. So something is going on with multiple people talking about it.
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: Maybe you’re not ready to trip the light fantastic just yet, but I hope you have a GREAT FVCKING DOGDAMNED CELEBRATION! May your day go well.
Chyron HR
Is there someone (non-insane) here claiming that Trump is “unelectable”? Or are you conflating “unelectable” with “able to be beaten”?
Still intrigued enough by Gran Hotel (listed as Grand Hotel on Netflix) to continue watching. Once the police inspector shows up part way through the first season, all is raised up several notches in interest. He plays the role that adroitly.
But my goodness, 66 hour-length episodes altogether. Currently up to season two, episode 4, so quite a way yet to go.
I applied for a job in my preferred location and with a description that I actually found interesting. Job descriptions are usually so terrible that I want to throw knives at my computer.
I’ll have to check it out. I’m still searching for something to fill the Foyle’s War void.
Remember the pictures of the detained children at a contrived propaganda appearance along side Saddam Hussein? Christie had that same look.
Poe’s Law strikes again. It makes you wonder why these guys don’t run for office themselves. Then they could guarantee they’d be Sufficiently Brave and Progressive.
Is Christie experiencing Buyer’s Remorse?
If it’s true Christie made a snap decision to support Trump based on a flash of rage he felt after a condescending call from Rubio, it’s possible he was standing there thinking “What the fuck have I done?”
He should have taken a deep breath and counted to ten after hanging up on Rubio and before calling Trump.
Did Christie just rage quit politics? And so while Trump drones on, Christie stands there making a mental list of all the law firms he could go work for?
Where did you get the idea that DWS was President Obama’s decision?
The chairperson of the DNC (currently U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida) is elected by vote of members of the Democratic National Committee. The DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee, two hundred members apportioned among the states based on population and generally elected either on the ballot by primary voters or by the State Democratic Party Committee, a number of elected officials serving in an ex-officio capacity, and a variety of representatives of major Democratic Party constituencies.
Painful? Not to this viewer!
Especially when Trump slagged New Jersey for losing jobs…oh, that was great…going to be a fun spring indeed!
Is this happening at the same time as “Bike Week”? I would pay to watch that mash-up.
@MomSense: We’ve been enjoying Doc Martin.
Last episode he was taken hostage and attacked by a dog.
And yet the show remains subtle and wonderful.
@NotMax: Seemed pretty weak to me. Have you seen “El tiempo enter costars“?
@NotMax: I thought it looked like Christie was dumbfounded after finally seeing what’s under Trump’s combover.
schrodinger's cat
@FlipYrWhig: 666?
The new season of House of Cards starts and ends on Friday, at least for those who binge watch. It might seem tame after what has been going on this campaign season.
It was very noticeable, almost surreal. The first startling moment was when the hot mike caught Trump telling Christie “you go home now” and Christie meekly saying “ok”. I know Christie has to hang on to Trump’s coat tails hoping to get a place in a Trump administration but I think the alpha male syndrome plays out here. Christie is basically silent unless Trump lets him say something. When an even bigger, more powerful bully comes into the supposed biggest bully’s space, the less powerful bully quickly capitulates completely.
Even typing “Trump administration” has unsettled my stomach.
Well, that’s chilling considering the faces of all those Trump supporters at his rallies.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
New York’s filing deadline for presidential primaries is Feb. 4th.
Ballot Access
In fact, that photo would be a great one to use photoshopping Trumps’ face for Saddam’s.
@schrodinger’s cat: I figure it’s one of those Repo Man / Pulp Fiction / Kiss Me Deadly sorts of deals. Something glowing and unspeakable.
Coincidentally enough, that’s in my queue already. I was on the fence about Gran Hotel too, but everything clicked into place early enough in the first season to continue.
Have you seen the Norwegian show Occupied? Liked that a lot more than I expected to going in.
Just added the Aussie mini-series Better Man to the queue as well.
@amk: Wow, tossing Warren under the bus because she endorsed nobody. That is like when Stalin would have the guy who stopped clapping first shot. Warren is an enemy of the people because she didn’t clap loud enough for Sanders.
@NotMax: I’ll look.
Yesterday I visited LOLGOP on twitter for some laughs. They posted a photo of a Chinese subway, all clean and modern and shiny. Their point was the same point Michael Moore makes in his new film: Other countries value their infrastructure, their trains, their transportation. Why are we a third-world country?”
So I watch Trump’s speech last night, and he mentions the public transportation systems of other countries! Talked about how we should invest in our own trains and transport, etc.
There’s a weird realignment going on. Interesting times.
@Amir Khalid:
Cenk Uygur explains it better than I ever could:
Super Tuesday | Bernie Sanders Wins Three Of Four Toss-Up States
No, Bernie Sanders’ moment isn’t over: Why his gargantuan impact can’t be erased by a Super Tuesday drubbing
While polling shows Sanders bracing for what could be critical losses tonight, his movement will live on regardless
@Germy: She came from the Democratic Party.
Which is a good reason to not root for parties like they were football teams.
@amk: yeah. Though probably nut picking. Still, it does give me the impression that progressives are shamelessly fickle and were we saddled with their candidate of big ideas, he’d be abandoned by them by April 2017.
@SiubhanDuinne: Ah, I stand corrected. She came from superdelegates :D
@germy: Disconcerting times. Taking that angle is a path to Trump WINNING, not losing.
And there’s waaay too much else wrong with him for that to be acceptable. :P
Chyron HR
But when are you going to post a link that explains “what’s the matter with” African-American voters?
RobertDSC-Quad Intel Mac
He also wanted to get rid of her and she threatened to call him an anti-semite.
@Chyron HR: I’m waiting for that from my breathless Bernie facebook people.
Good Morning, Everyone :)
Paul in KY
@OzarkHillbilly: Best wishes!
Paul in KY
@bemused: And then he can imagine Jesus saying unto him: “Ha, ha, you really believed I wanted you to run!! I was just messing with you! Jeremiah had bet me 50 Loaves that you would do it, and I took him up…”
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
So for those of you with Facebook feeds, the freedom fries were bubbling to a crisp in Louisville yesterday.
It is unlikely that the cowardly and shameful facsimiles of “men” are residents of the People’s Democratic Socialist Republic of Louisville, but surely, someone knows their names somewhere. Share far and wide – am very interested in finding out who Fat Wilford Brimley, Red Hat Shouter and Trembly Chickenshit Legionnaire are. And shame on the gutless fucks who stood by a couple of feet away while it happened.
Paul in KY
@Kay: Pretty fuckin sad. Our party is supposed to help the poor, not allow those leeches to prey upon them.
@DCF: I hope his movement lives on. Occupy was a massive disappointment after the fact. Doing the hard work of electoral politics is important. Local elections are important. More important, even, than the presidency.
El Caganer
@magurakurin: I think that’s moved beyond Stalin and into Pol Pot territory. It’s insane – just about the only person who sees totally eye-to-eye with Sanders on the banksters, and it’s time to dump her because she hasn’t endorsed anybody? Who the hell do they think will be better than her? Unless, of course, this is satire.
@Kay: Truly awful. What a piece of shit she is.
Biden thanks Trump for making America confront racism
6:59 a.m. Wednesday, March 2, 2016 | Filed in: Politics
WASHINGTON — While presidential hopefuls waited with bated breath for vote tallies on Super Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden thanked GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump for forcing Americans to confront racism.
Biden thanked Trump as a crowd gathered at the Naval Observatory in Washington laughed Tuesday evening during a reception in honor of Black History Month, according to a White House press pool report.
“The stuff he’s doing, and others, the stuff [Ted] Cruz is doing — he’s making the American people look in the mirror,” he said. “If we’re smart, and we’re lucky, I’m convinced that the American people are prepared over the next decade to gradually deal with institutional racism.”
Biden said the country appeared to be at a pivotal moment in race relations and civil rights issues. He credited the Black Lives Matter movement for its efforts to bring issues of racism to the forefront.
The group has “awakened ordinary Americans,” he said.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I’m horrified.
@Kay: I think she’s really representative of something. She managed to take a few talking head show appearances where she seemed fierce on issues important to Democratic Party voters and turn that into a reputation that she was a fighter. That’s about it.
I really do hope that when she’s giving her speech at the convention this year that delegates turn their backs, walk out, or shout her down.
Sanders is to be congratulated for doing as well as he did. But it’s over now. The loss in Massachusetts proves it. His supporters should be thinking about how they can influence politics in their home states and communities instead of getting into comment thread wars.
@NotMax: Watching Hillary’s speech last night I noticed the absolute joy on the faces of the people behind her. You can tell a real smile from a fake one. And a rainbow of faces (yeah, I know that they pick people to stand behind her to make her look good but most politicians don’t have the luxury of choice that Hillary has in picking her back-up group).
I actually think we may be premature in handing the nomination to Trump. He underperformed last night so perhaps the attacks on him are starting to have an impact, if not in causing people to switch votes to Rubio or Cruz, but rather to lessen the Trump turnout.
We’ll have a better idea Saturday after Kansas, Kentucky and Louisiana vote. If he sweeps all three, then it may be over. Still would want to wait until Florida votes.
On the Dem side, Bernie did well yesterday, but as a Dem consultant pointed out today, when she wins, she wins big usually and claims the lion’s share of the delegates. When Bernie wins outside of VT and NH, he barely wins so delegates are mostly split. Right now she has a 195 pledged delegate lead which will be hard for Bernie to overcome.
I love Doc Martin. He has never liked dogs, starting with the one who attached himself to Doc when he first moved in.
I don’t think anyone actually following politics thinks HIllary is a shoe-in to win.
Obviously, we will have to work really hard, talk up voting, not take anything for granted.
BUT: I don’t worry so much about Hillary’s negatives, because they were foisted on her — in large part — by relentless Republican messaging and the wired for Republicans media star mouthpieces.
People are tuning in again, in an election year with a, ehem, highly unusual apparent Republican frontrunner. Who is entertaining and a fount of soundbites, but, oh, dog, are you kidding me?
Hillary is re-introducting herself to these voters, talking about things they actually care about (because she’s smart, plugged in, and truly does care). She is talking about “All” of us.
She’s got the intelligent and engaged grandmother persona going. She’s more comfortable and tested.
Obviously, the media whores like Andrea Mitchell and most anyone at NBC properties and Jonathan Karl, etc, will slime Hillary every chance they get.
But real voters will be watching. And maybe a lot of them — especially women — will vote as carefully as minorities/African Americans have been voting all these years. Like there is a LOT to lose.
Trump said during a debate that we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq and instead invested those trillions in our own hospitals, roads, schools, etc. The crowd started cheering and then Fiorina said Trump sounded like Obama and then the room fell silent – except for the ‘sploding heads.
@Kay: yep. I actually could agree with her if access was a problem. Like pawn shops, payday lenders do serve a function and cutting off access to them would create hassles for people. However, it’s not like the discussion is “ban them completely or give them free rein”. And it’s not like there aren’t examples where states put in stricter controls.
She poisoning the Party for $12.12.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Forget it, Jake – it’s a Trump rally.
I’m trying to figure out the difference between what happened there and the iconic photo of the soda fountain counter protest where rednecks were dumping things on protesters heads.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: What happened there, Bot?
I don’t want to go all “Purity Purge”, but when you’re seeing all kinds of thinkpieces about how Trump came to be by the failures of GWB or the Establishment or the racists or whatever, just take note.
DWS is toxic, and if she gets away with her bullshit, people will be writing dumb thinkpieces about how bullshit like hers brought down a once-mighty Democratic party.
@El Caganer: Definitely not satire. 9000 threats on Warren’s Facebook page.
I and my husband love Doc Martin too. We have the 7th season on dvd and just finished it. So sad that there will be no more.
@MomSense: That’s what I found odd. I’ve never heard a Republican talk about building shiny new public transportation. They seem to be against that sort of thing on general principles. Aren’t they all about everyone buying SUVs and driving on six lane highways?
But if one digs deeper, Trump’s numbers don’t add up. Massive tax breaks, aggressive foreign war… how does he pay for shiny new trains like they have in Japan?
@magurakurin: wow, just wow.
@germy: “Deals, which will be great, so great.”
@OzarkHillbilly: So this minute it’s just about boot removal time, congrats!
@Peale: When I was overseas in the Army there were married guys who never went to the ville. They would loan you 2 for 1 and we were glad to get it because it was the ONLY place we could get and advance on our pay. YMMV
schrodinger's cat
@OzarkHillbilly: I feel your pain. No boot for my fractured toe but it is taking its own sweet time to heal.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Paul in KY:
A woman of color was roughly handled, shouted at and passed by a series of men out of the Trump rally in Louisville; none were security. Three guys were doing the propelling, the rest were standing around and giving little shoves here and there. There’s about 10-20 yards of video that showed up on a Facebook feed, I linked above.
It was movement conservatism’s finest hour.
@Chyron HR:
No. No it;s not.
What a truly depressing thought on only my 3rd cup of coffee.
@amk: I know, huh. But, I’m all for just turning the other cheek. Let them rage on and return it all with Love and kindness. When they are ready, they will be welcome back to the fold. Bygones.
I went to bed before the MN results were in. So much fun to see Trump come in third here. I can’t wait to read the butthurt stream of twitter insults.
I was rooting for HRC, but I pretty much knew Bernie would win in here. I’m still really glad to see that Hillary had as many ‘votes’ as Rubio and Cruz combined.
Attendance at the caucuses in MN was insane. I wasn’t able to attend due to an appointment, but there was a HUUUGE traffic jam on I-94 in St. Paul due to people trying to get to their caucus locations. I’ve never every seen a traffic jamb like that in 40 years of living in St. Paul.
@Kay: @Germy: Where did DWS come from? In 2008 it felt to me like she was Hillary’s foremost elected surrogate. I always assumed the President put her in the DNC as part of his attempt to pull the party together. See also Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
@Chyron HR:
(Most) people in this country don’t pay much – if any – attention to political discourse until the Super Bowl/Super Tuesday events, touted (and treated) like sporting spectacles.
Les Moonves: Donald Trump Good for CBS!
Unlike much of the online commentariat (including BJ), the absence of day-to-day (in-depth) familiarity with the political process leads people – understandably – to often base their votes on name recognition and perceptions of ‘electability’.
This, IMV, holds true across all gender/racial/ethnic lines. We in the online world(s) are a minority (of voters) – although I would propose that the 30< cohort are inexorably shifting that balance away from the corporatist-controlled MSM and associated interests who seek to preserve things 'as they are'….
Here's an NPR article that presents a (dare I say it?) fair/balanced perspective on the issue of the Clintons’ popularity with the AA community:
Understanding The Clintons’ Popularity With Black Voters
Fuck you.
@WaterGirl: She’s pretty good on TV and IIRC a strong fundraiser. I think those were her credentials for the job.
@MomSense: That’s so great. If you get an interview, I’m sure you’ll get the job.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: The scum!!! Hope this gets a lot of play in the Ville & that lady can press charges.
Thank you for the recap. Will have to check out CJ & see if they have a story about it.
Betty Cracker
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Damn. I was kinda hoping the woman would turn around and beat that Legionnaire asshole down — she definitely could have taken that old fuck out. Of course, I understand why she didn’t. The mob would have set upon her with even greater violence, the craven chickenshit bastards.
@Peale: Payday and Car Title Lending are a big issue in Fairfax Co, VA just over the river from DC. They’re big donors to the state political people. A new gigantic ca $i no is going up in MD just across the river at National Harbor, so some people in VA are trying to forbid these lenders from being legal within ~ 20 miles of the place, but I doubt they’re going to be successful. As bad as it is now, it’s going to get much worse soon if something isn’t done.
Car title loans were created to try to get around the “pay day” loan regulations. Now they’re trying to get around car title loan regulations by doing other fancy tricks that people don’t understand, all to keep their 200+% interest.
I haven’t read the proposed legislation. Usually things aren’t B&W in bills like this – there usually are good aspects even when there are (nearly) poison pills. I don’t know how much of this is better addressed by local and state rules. But there does need to be a return to sensible national usury limits. Otherwise, the clever predators will find a way around them – it’s in their interest to do so, of course.
I do wish criticism of DWS wasn’t so often so vitriolic by people on our side. :-/ Persuasion is a better course, IMHO.
Chyron HR
You know, at least the “I love JEB” guy had enough sense to change his name and pretend to be somebody else whenever he shit the bed this badly.
Articulate and on-point as always, I see…what you read is not what I wrote, and your reactive, thoughtless and puerile response speaks for itself.
End of sentence. Period. Full stop.
@magurakurin: I defer to nobody in my berniation, and I do not welcome back anybody who would threaten Warren on social media.
That is BULLSHIT and intensely stupid, and we can’t afford that kind of stupid. Could be ratfucking but I’m afraid it’s probably real, and this is a problem.
This is not tumbrel time yet and pols like Warren are doing their best to calculate how they can be effective going forward. I’ve said before, if Warren endorses Clinton it’s for a reason: she doesn’t want all of Washington to suddenly become dead to her.
That’s being practical. That’s facing reality in a country where the Republican shitshow is only half the mess.
To turn against Warren is disgraceful.
@DCF: It is too.
What does that mean other than “I am smart and decide who to vote for for GOOD reasons, not like everyday people who vote because of ignorance”?
Amir Khalid
Wow. You bolded the URLs. I’m impressed.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Betty Cracker:
Legionnaires are the worst of the worst. There’s a large demographic that wore the green during the Elvis years, lots of soft service in Japan, West Germany, South Korea, Italy and CONUS, very few of them ventured far from the QM depots or other logistical offices where they did their jobs. They tend to wear caps and things with lots of doodads.
I tend to find that actual operators eschew going about in public with a bunch of adornment – their attitude tends to be “don’t thank me, I did my fucking job, now leave me alone”.
@DCF: Yeah, I could tell from my Facebook feed last night that “Bernie really won because he won the most seeing States” was going to be the new line today. Congratulations on coming up with the “caucus States don’t count” of the 2016 primary season.
I hope “the movement” does continue. I agree with many of its goals, but true political movements in this country don’t start with electing a president. If you’re prepared to do the long, hard work of making these changes happen, I’ll be there with you.
@RobertDSC-Quad Intel Mac: Wow, and I thought I didn’t like her BEFORE reading that article. What I read made me say “ugh” out loud.
schrodinger's cat
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Why? Was she a protester or was it just some random woman? This shit is getting scary.
@Chyron HR:
White working-class voters have been doing the same thing for over three decades. Are you claiming that any particular group has a monopoly on low-information and singular issue (i.e., anti-abortion) approaches? I’m not….
Thomas Frank wrote about this in What’s The Matter With Kansas, as has Charlie Pierce (Idiot America)….
End of sentence. Period. Full stop. Collect check from Cruz campaign.
@DCF: Why do I feel like you’re about to use the word “plantation”?
@Mustang Bobby: And Marco Rubio.
@FlipYrWhig: It’s nice if she smashes Trump (or Cruz, or Rubio). I’m not complaining about that one bit. There is, however, a downside, and Warren has to watch out.
DWS is undermining Warren’s work. Clinton supporting Warren is not a foregone conclusion.
Warren won’t be standing awkwardly behind Hillary with Chris Christie eyes, but there is still political calculation at play here.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@schrodinger’s cat:
Don’t know yet. There’s scant info, but even if she were a protestor, you don’t do that.
And I’m a person who takes a dim view of speech interruptions.
Super Tuesday moves Trump much closer to GOP nomination
03/02/16 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen
Super Tuesday expectations for Donald Trump were high, but there was no reason to assume he was necessarily going to dominate. After all, the last week has been less than kind to the Republican frontrunner.
There was a debate in which his rivals teamed up on him. There were controversies surrounding his support from white supremacists and his bogus “university.” There was the increasingly frantic opposition to his candidacy from within the Republican Party. There was the perception, at least among much of the press, that some of the attacks made by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were starting to weaken Trump’s support.
But as the dust settles on Super Tuesday, there can be no doubt that Donald Trump is the odds-on favorite to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. If the frontrunner’s easy wins in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada were the set-up, yesterday was the punch-line.
Trump scored seven victories Tuesday in Massachusetts, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and in Vermont, where NBC News declared him the apparent winner.
And in terms of delegates, Trump added to his advantage and, according to NBC News’ tally, now leads the field with 292 delegates, followed by Ted Cruz’s 188, and Marco Rubio’s 98.
As for the bigger picture, let’s again try to cut through the noise and break things down from a pitch-vs-hype-vs-truth perspective.
@Applejinx: You have a vivid imagination.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I’m all for playing whack-a-mole with these legal loan sharks, but the real solution is the postal banking proposal, out something similar. The people I know in the communities these lenders prey on have very mixed feelings about them, because they don’t have any better options. They can’t get credit cards or bank loans, so if they get in a situation where they need to be able to pay for something with next week’s paycheck, they’re either screwed with the payday lenders or more immediately screwed without them.
(And hi from Fairfax!)
Amir Khalid
It looks to me like Warren is waiting for the nomination to be decided before she endorses. As I remember, she was one of a group of Democratic party women who urged Hillary to run for president. It could just as well be that Warren prefers Hillary, but would rather not needlessly piss off any Bernistas.
@germy: Reading about how people in Trump crowds respond to Trump always make me think about Hitler. Not joking, I really wonder if this is what it was like in Germany before Hitler was elected. You may all now laugh at me for invoking Hitler.
I am, and I believe others will as well…call me aspirational, but what other truly valid course remains?….
Sanders has both money and time on his side at this point in the race. Those numbers in Colorado and Minnesota (and Oklahoma (!)) ain’t chopped liver either….
Media Swears Hillary’s Unstoppable Because They Know She Isn’t
I appreciate the civility, BTW (I would have written ‘camaraderie’, but Goddess knows what that reference would elicit here ;>)
@Amir Khalid: I heard or read somewhere that Warren feels like she can be a peacemaker between the Hillarians and the Sandernistas. Which makes sense.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
LOL. Me too. My FB feed definitely has that whiff of Japanese soldiers holding out in a cave. The things they’re posting now are the least self-aware pieces of Bernie hagiographic drivel I’ve ever seen.
@DCF: Sanders lost by 25% in Virginia, dude. Time to start chopping that liver.
Interesting read over at Democratic Underground:
DWS’s attack on Elizabeth Warren–What in the hell are they doing?
@MomSense: Loved Foyle’s War. Was one of my favorite shows ever. I think there was a season that was never shown in the US. Don’t know how I’ll ever get to see that one.
schrodinger's cat
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I was not at all condoning an attack on a protester just trying to figure out what happened.
Matt McIrvin
And it’s correct! Trump IS more electable than those bozos he’s been thrashing. Which is not to say that he’s tremendously electable.
Primary elections always have the danger that the party electorate might be different enough from the general electorate that you end up selecting someone who won’t survive in the general election. I think that, these days, Republican primary voters are more off the beam than Democratic ones are. But Trump probably actually is the best they can do from the ones they’ve currently got.
There is definitely a small contingent of authoritarian followers in the Sander’s coalition. Their stance on social issues keeps then from supporting someone like Trump at least as a first choice, and some of Sander’s rhetoric would tend to appeal to that mindset. In their minds Sanders is the strong leader that will get their policy goals implemented. By not supporting Sanders, Warren has shown herself a traitor to the revolution and opponent of all the things he supports regardless of her own stated positions and previous positions.
Mr. Twister
Everyone should read this. It really does a good job of explaining Trump.
It’s telling that you would focus on numbers in a southern state (i.e., Virginia) and ignore others like Oklahoma (+10%), Minnesota (+18%), and Colorado (+19%)….
Myopic much?
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Could be. I suspect there are plenty of women out there who may be more aligned politically with Sanders but are weighing other factors, including electability, the feasibility of the candidates’ proposals being enacted, the opportunity to break men’s 228-year lock on the presidency, etc., and considering a vote for Hillz. I’m among them.
@Betty Cracker:
She was Dignity personified.
Eric U.
@Elizabelle: Brokaw is probably too stupid to realize that the primary draw of the Republican party is racism. If you recognize that, there isn’t a single one of their policies that doesn’t make sense. And it’s been obvious for all to see since Reagan. Maybe Brokaw is too stupid to realize that racism is bad, dunno
Betty Cracker
@Mr. Twister: It sure does. Thanks!
@MomSense: Rooting for you, MomSense. Keep us posted.
@DCF: Oklahoma? Good God. The Republicans have beaten the Democrats 65+ to 35- in 2004, 2008, and 2012. You guys are getting silly.
@bemused: Who said no more? I just read a recent interview and the guy who plays Doc wants to go on.
Chyron HR
I can’t help but feel like DCF’s desperate grab for respectability would be more effective if not for his fellow Sanders fan in the thread downstairs ranting about “tap-dancing house negros” and “parasites”. But good try, buddy, you almost convinced me that you guys aren’t comically racist!
Davis X. Machina
@rdldot: Foyle’s War is all on Netflix streaming right now. One of the reasons the BBC axed it was that it was vy. expensive to make — and all that money shows.
@Chyron HR: But don’t you see, the high-information Democrats of Oklahoma have shown us all the path to political nirvana!
@Mr. Twister:
Even though it’s Hilzoy, there’s no way I’m scrolling through endless tweets.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Eric U.:
Racism is the elephant in the room all the time when anyone opines about Republicans, and knowing that, it’s fascinating to listen to the thousands of words spoken by the media and the politicians in order to dance around the elephant. Which isn’t there. Racism is the unified grand theory of everything Republican – it explains everything, yet must not be named. No wonder they’ve all lost their minds in the GOP, and the media has to be their Baghdad Bob.
gogol's wife
@O. Felix Culpa:
Great nym.
@Mr. Twister: Did you read the Matt Taibbi piece about Trump in rollingstone?
El Caganer
@Chyron HR: I missed that one. No – on second thought, I didn’t miss anything. Never mind.
@MomSense: I think that is what scares the Republican establishment (and the Kochs etc) the most about Trump: he makes talking about investing in infrastructure, shoring up social security, etc., instead of giving tax cuts to the rich, mainstream, while at the same time blowing the cover of the dog whistle racism that they have used to keep the rubes in line. Rubio might be right about one thing: nominating Trump could mean the end of the Republican Party as we know it.
@Amir Khalid: That’s also possible, and a very good point. She could be holding off just in case Bernie does better in later primaries, in exactly the same political calculation.
@NotMax: @MomSense: I’ll have to check it out too, just finished watching Serangoon Road on Acorn for the second time and I need something new.
Highly recommend Serangoon Road if you can find it.
gogol's wife
Not laughing here, I’m afraid.
@Calouste: Except that he is all for giving tax cuts to his ilk. Rest is all bs.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: If Hilzoy gives me permission, I’m gonna translate it into blog and front page it. It really is pretty insightful.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Lovely. I found another clip (figuring out how to share it outside of Facebook) of the harrassed young woman of color. She was called “nigger” and “cunt” as she was manhandled.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I guess this is what “Make America Great Again” really means. Sigh.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
“We’re totally not racist. We want our country back!!!!”
Oh, I think she thought it thru. The intent is to make the federal rules as weak as the crap law she put in in Florida. Then the lobbyists will fan out and weaken state law in any state that exceeds the protections offered in Florida, because state legislators are easier to buy and a lot of them are part time so they don’t do their own due diligence- they don’t have the staff and resources the federal reps have.
They’re really hard to regulate. Ohio had a good law and they weakened it immediately. It applies to nothing now. It’s useless. The Ohio Supreme Court wrote this outraged opinion where they said “this law now applies to none of them!” That was AFTER every state legislator appeared at press conferences taking credit for cracking down.
@DCF: welcome back Dumb Chicken Fucker! While you are cutting and pasting things, do you have any articles on how de dumb black folks are selling out Bernie?
gogol's wife
@Chyron HR:
Yeah, I thought that was ban-worthy.
@DCF: Hah. And I thought I’d schemed out the backroom stuff. I got NOTHING on this poster.
Scenario #1 is just beautifully devious. It’s quite possible, shows a really impressive grasp of how things stand politically, and would be 17-dimensional chess in a big way. I’d trust anyone who worked that one out. Also, it implies DWS will take a dive for the good of the party, the fall guy for the appearance of ‘bad actor’ DNC party hacks. There are any number of things Clinton could give her friend to soften the blow of this, not least money, but also the knowledge that she’s playing a scripted role to ensure a landslide for Hillary.
Which would be true. It would be incredibly effective to run this play. They would have to all be comfortable deviously working out the best angles to take in order to capture, at a stroke, the Sanders and Warren blocks, and just about anybody could succeed DWS at this point and the lefty rabblerousers would explode in delight. DWS is symbolic at this stage, and it seems like a mighty awkward time for her to literally attack Warren’s pet legislation, unless it’s to be Kabuki defeated so Clinton can rescue Warren and then Warren can justifiably (to hard lefties) endorse Clinton as the one who can make progressive things happen.
If this is how it plays out, I’d go back in time and vote for Clinton in Vermont, because that’s really impressive politics.
If on the other hand it’s #2, God help us all, and hello President Trump, because that’s beyond pathetic.
I think the reality of the situation will become apparent as we watch how that payday lender regulation thing unfolds… it won’t be ambiguous, it’s either one or the other.
@Applejinx: Alternatively, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are actually two different people, rather than a hand and a sockpuppet. I know it’s hard for you to believe these things, but there are in fact human beings in politics who believe and do things on their own for an array of reasons.
The only ‘desperation’ evident here is the recurrent flailing and (false) allegations of racism (akin to the broad brush Berniebros canard) that the HRC true believers repeat endlessly here….
Oklahoma (and the Old/New(?) Confederacy) are not swing states – unlike Colorado and Minnesota. Sanders lost Massachusetts by 3%….
Why Wolf PAC, TYT And Bernie Sanders WILL Win
Triple Facepalm
Good day, sir.
Davis X. Machina
@FlipYrWhig: Have you ever seen DWS and Victorian Nuland in the same photo at the same time?
@Redshift: Hello!
I’m a big fan of Credit Unions. Postal Banking sounds great in the abstract – I don’t know enough about it. A brief, and to these eyes persuasive, history of the USPS with some information on postal banking is here.
Presumably we would want the USPS to be able to issue loans, credit/debit cards, as well as take deposits. It shouldn’t be difficult to set up such things – if eBay can issue credit cards, why can’t the USPS? The details matter though. (It would be far less useful as a modern baking entity if it were restricted to just taking deposits.)
Along with this, though, I think there needs to be tighter usury laws. Rich and upper-middle-class people can borrow money for almost nothing these days (e.g. loans against 401Ks). Poor and lower-middle-class people often have to pay 25+% APR if they even have access to loans at all.
Yes, access to banking is a problem that pawn shops and title loan places can address. But loan sharks can address that as well – that doesn’t mean we let them operate as they wish.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Looks like Raw Story picked up the details.
Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
Betty Cracker
@FlipYrWhig: Nah, it can’t be that, ferchrissakes! Still, I kinda hope @Applejinx‘s X-Files friend’s Scenario #1 fantasy proves true. That would be SO bad-ass!
@amk: I don’t doubt that it is true, but the fact that he is talking about infrastructure investment, social security, etc. as a good thing, instead of just the holy tax cuts, is problematic for the GOP establishment. The rubes might get ideas.
And now that Trump has let the racist Id out of the box, it’s going to take a while to put it back in there. All Lee Atwater’s hard work undone. so sad.
@FlipYrWhig: but they’re women, and notice all the words, words, WORDS about all those scheming wimmins.
I think the difference is the assumption that 80%+ of blacks all suffer from some sort of information affliction. The argument is correlated with “blackness” in a way “working class” is not correlated with whiteness.
What’s also interesting is how the analyses of this “phenomenon” reveal the biases (not necessarily racial) of the analyst. The liberal CW on the ’94 crime bill, for example, is that it was Awful For Black People. My view, as a black man, is that it was primarily Awful For Black People Who Were Killing Other Black People. I supported it at the time, and I was not alone in feeling relief that someone was addressing the problem
It is difficult to overstate how dangerous parts of the inner cities were in the run up to the crime bill. In 2011, the leading cause of death for young black men (15-34) was murder. The crime rate in the 90’s was twice what it is now, so you can do the math. I get that “let them shoot it out” would be the preferred solution of the anti-carceral, but I don’t think that would have been well-received.
Mr. Twister
@Germy: Oh yeah. It was good.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Totally gratified to see that Red Hat is not a Louisvillian.
What? Virginia isn’t a swing state but Minnesota is? You’re not helping your credibility here.
@satby: I bet you’re in on it too!
@DCF: What if this is why Bernie was smiling so much when he left his meeting with Obama? What if he’d been told something like…
Okay, I think I’ve reclaimed the ‘inside baseball’ crown from ‘CoffeeCat’ ;) try to remember this is fun, all you posters who are immediately going to flip out in cursing rage. These are imaginary scenes of how someone like Obama might possibly have talked to Sanders to leave him smiling even when he knew Obama wasn’t going to support him.
Oh my GOD.
Name Bernie, Debbie’s successor, and have HIM run the DNC. He is good at fundraising…
Make that Uruguay. Legal marijuana.
El Caganer
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Public banking like they have in The Democratic People’s Republic of North Dakota might be another option.
Miss Bianca
Getting used to the fact that I’m going to be a delegate at our county meeting this Saturday – ach, I’ll miss a weekend’s hunting! – *and* that I’ve volunteered to be a district rep on our central committee. PARTY APPARATCHIK, comrades!
Oh, and getting the band back together for a St. Paddy’s Day gig.
Amir Khalid
This coffeecat person’s hypotheses seem to assume that Elizabeth Warren is being manipulated by Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, who are working an elaborate con together. I like elaborate conspiracies in fiction, but I think that in real life it’s much too difficult to make them happen. Each complexity you add to the plan is one more potential point of failure for the whole plan. This particular complexity depends on Warren being stupid, which seems unlikely.
@SiubhanDuinne: as DNC chair. I didn’t think anyone would come to the conclusion I was blaming DWS being in congress on POTUS. But he chose her as DNC chair, no?
Mr. Twister
@Applejinx: Really carpetbagger Bernie to run the Democratic Party ? OK
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Pray it is so!! Completely ready for November and Mrs. Clinton’s election. I am quite certain that just like Americans didn’t elect VP Palin, they won’t elect President Trump. We do have our standards.
@Amir Khalid: Don’t you realize that Hillary is the female Frank Underwood? Who’s a fictional white Democrat from South Carolina? A state where Hillary Clinton ran up the score to the point where Rachel Maddow thought it would hurt the poor Berniacs’ feelings? It’s all coming together now…
@Amir Khalid: Nope, not Warren. She knows exactly what she’s doing. It’s politics, she wouldn’t be much use if she couldn’t play along with the kabuki theater of it all. She is NOT Bernie. Bernie’s the one who’s been out of the loop most of the time (famously the lobbyists don’t even knock on his Congress door). Bernie’s the one who wouldn’t know about these things until he was let in on them at an appropriate time. Plus he might have needed a little encouragement to stay in line, himself.
@Mr. Twister: Follow the money. Also, we’re talking the DNC. Name one better way to make the Berniacs, many of whom like myself have specifically always donated to Bernie alone and cut out every other political actor, happy about the idea of turning the WHOLE Bernie warchest directly over to the DNC. It’s politically impossible any other way. Follow the money.
You don’t have to give Bernie the Presidency, but it makes huge sense to turn the DNC over to him. Follow the money. He has the money and a seemingly endless supply of more, and has to be put at the disposal of the DNC somehow. There is literally no other way to do that as effectively: even him WINNING the Presidency wouldn’t put his warchest in DNC hands as well. It’s perfect.
Ain’t like he could do a worse job than Debbie, either. I think he’d do great.
I gar-n-T-youse that that was the last time that we will see Christie standing behind Trump. I’m sure The Donald is very displeased this morning that so much attention has been paid to his minion which detracts from His Greatness.
Miss Bianca
Wow. I heart Uncle Joe Biden. From his mouth to God’s ear.
Well, congrats to the Clinton campaign. I don’t think this is over yet and I think Bernie will keep being competitive with her until March 15th. I think that’s when you can say whether it’s over yet. She definitely has a lead on delegates compared to Bernie.
I hope both sides can keep it civil until then and then come back together once it’s all over.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
There’s that classy yooogge Drumpf campaign. Straight out fucking racists. I hope the national media starts calling that shit out like they need to but I doubt it…that would be “rude” of them.
Mr. Twister
@Applejinx: Maybe he would or not, but I can’t imagine the leadership of the party allowing Bernie, the very definition of a carpetbagger, to run their organization. But maybe I’m wrong we’ll see.
@Mr. Twister: Bernie Sanders knows how to appeal to liberals and young people. Someone from his team should be put in charge of appealing to liberals and young people. That’s important on the national level. Then again, when you get more local, most places in America have very few liberals and their young people left for the city where they’ve already been voting for Democrats. I have no idea what Bernie Sanders would do to help re-create the vaunted “50 State Strategy” (which FWIW got a bunch of Blue Dogs elected for 2 or 4 years and then run out of town), because that necessarily would involve dealing with a bunch of Democrats well to the right of Bernie Sanders, and Bernie doesn’t like to do that because the cooties might rub off on him.
@Mr. Twister: Can you imagine anything better calculated to have the whole Bernie movement not only vote for Hillary, but continue being engaged AND giving money?
Again, he could win the Presidency and even that wouldn’t work nearly as well. And nobody gives a fuck if you’re a carpetbagger if that carpetbag is stuffed with more than forty million dollars. I’m still not convinced Bernie is the ideal President in every way (in some ways maybe) but taking over the DNC? Yeah, I think you could say he was qualified to do that.
I only see one cooties-phobic person…
FlipYrWhig <—This guy
@Applejinx: Harry Reid is the leader of the Senate Democrats because he knows the workings of the institution and is a trusted broker between factions. By analogy, applied to the DNC and Bernie Sanders, Bernie doesn’t know the workings of the Democratic Party–he thinks it’s dirty and aloof–and isn’t a trusted broker between factions. The fundraising part of the gig is appealing. The grassroots energy is appealing. But is that what the job is?
KS in MA
Oooh, “Dancing Aztecs”! One of my faves! Lots more fun than watching election coverage!
@El Caganer: Neat. Thanks for that and the Bank of North Dakota pointer. I do note, though, that a (apparently) lot of the success was apparently tied to the Bakken Oil Shale boom which has subsequently burst. A national system like the USPS would be better protected from state or regional boom/bust cycles like that.
@Kropadope: I don’t think Bernie Sanders likes to be challenged, or reacts well to it. That’s a problem if he’s supposed to be a leader of politicians who have conflicting perspectives and agendas. That’s not him. His thing is electrifying liberals. Make a role for him where he gets to do only that.
Well, the first part is a huge part of it and, ostensibly, the entire reason DWS holds the position. The job is supposed to be electing Democrats and while I don’t know how well Bernie would perform in that endeavor, it couldn’t be that much worse than the current chair.
@FlipYrWhig: Clinton and her partisans don’t like being challenged either. What’s your point?
Betty Cracker
Now you’re talking! I’ve never found the “he’s not a REAL Democrat!” argument all that convincing anyway, and he is undeniably good at reaching young folks and raising money. The much-maligned Blue Dogs from the 50-state solution may deserve their maligning, but we shouldn’t forget that without them, there is no ACA…
Matt McIrvin
@FlipYrWhig: I keep thinking how much I hated Harry Reid during the early Bush years for, so it seemed, repeatedly giving away the store. I can’t decide whether he changed, or I did, or the situation just did.
Miss Bianca
I, for one, welcome our Florida librarian overlords. Better you than Sen. Rubio, IYKWIMAITYD.
@FlipYrWhig: That’s a fair point but when you look into it, it seems like he’s kind of partisan on the Dem side yet still has a history of being able to work even with Republicans on a good cause.
Isn’t that pretty much ideal for a ‘trusted broker between factions’? A guy who’s partisan on the Dem side and ready to lead the swing to the left, which he himself demonstrated, using the money he himself raised from those people? It ain’t like he’d be taking over and saying ‘swing left because it might possibly work, because reasons’. I don’t see a need to have the DNC run by a rightwinger. Follow the money, and that will tell you what the politics will become.
@Betty Cracker: That horrible auto-play ad from is back on the site. Alain took it away recently, not sure why it re-appeared today. It makes my browser refresh repeatedly.
I know, ad-blocker, but for some reason I can’t get it to deal with this. Did not see contact info for Alain, so hoping you can pass this on?
Not false. Quite evident, liar.
Don’t insult my intelligence.
so, let’s give the head of the DNC job to a guy who has never worked a day in his life to get congressional democrats elected? no thanks.
@Kropadope: IMHO Sanders gets much testier and dismissive much faster than Clinton does. I think Clinton is used to having to deal with people who dislike her, and can redirect it and engage constructively, while Sanders is used to dealing with people who kiss his butt and tell him he’s a paragon of honesty and righteousness. I have more of a Sanders personality myself, which is why I admire the Clinton one.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: How about the old POS in the American Legion hat?
Paul in KY
@Miss Bianca: All hail comrade Miss Bianca!!
@muddy: Muddy, I just forwarded your comment to Alain.
I’m pretty sure he said that last time it came along with something he did – he had not added it intentionally. But if it’s back, he’ll know exactly what to do to get rid of it again.
Checking between IMDB and Amazon, I can confirm that they’re all available on DVD.