The afternoon results are in. Anti trump strategic voting seems to have been going on in Maine. Cruz has had a very good weekend.
And now we wait for the evening results.
Be excellent to each other.
by David Anderson| 357 Comments
This post is in: Election 2016, Open Threads, All we want is life beyond the thunderdome
The afternoon results are in. Anti trump strategic voting seems to have been going on in Maine. Cruz has had a very good weekend.
And now we wait for the evening results.
Be excellent to each other.
Comments are closed.
Why should we start doing that now?
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, it feels creepy.
Is it time to engage in the debate over whether we would prefer to face Cruz or Trump?
Iowa Old Lady
@BillinGlendaleCA: Bill and Ted got that one right though.
My relative who used to work for Heritage Foundation rarely sends out anything political on Facebook … but today, I noticed four separate posts, all linking to anti-Trump articles in the conservative media. So I guess the ground troops have been mobilized.
I just want to see a majority of Florida Republican voters put in a protest vote for Lindsey Graham, and screw the pollsters.
Just One More Canuck
Party on, dude
@Iowa Old Lady: For the record: I will have nothing to do with Ted Cruz.
Adam L Silverman
@BillinGlendaleCA: You may not be interested in Ted Cruz, but Ted Cruz may be interested in you…
@Adam L Silverman:
Not really. Bill didn’t go to a good enough Ivy.
@sophronia: haha.. You should add a note mentioning that Bobby Jindal said that Americans were ready for a President who spoke in 3 word declarative sentences.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Don’t be elitist.
The Nebraska Secretary of State page for election results isn’t especially helpful. (It shows results from 2014…)
@Baud: I did spend two nights in an Ivy’s dorm(one that I’m sure Ted would approve of), but I’m totally a public school kind of guy.
(My roommate of 3 years from undergrad went to an Ivy law school and I visited.)
The Republicans absolutely hate Cruz, though.
Given that it appears Rubio is sinking like a stone, they’re probably going to have to swallow their pride and get behind Tailgunner Ted if he manages to pull it off.
I think that Trump probably wins Louisiana running away, and Kentucky shows a slight Trump lead. But if it comes down to a Trump v. Cruz bonanza, I think Trump still wins based on the states left – and the establishment will still be in absolute chaos.
Lulz. They deserve an asshole like Cruz or a liar/fraud like Donald.
@PsiFighter37: It could get better, especially if Marco wins enough votes to deny either tRump or Failgunner Ted the nomination of the first ballot and Marco and Ted gang up on tRump.
Stong signs of political Global Warming “Why, this is very midsummer madness.” and it’s only March. We’ve also got Snout walking about
Can’t wait for the other mechanicals
Ultraviolet Thunder
I have Tuesday off for the MI open primary. I know I should get a R ballot and vote for Cruz but these are my neighbors at the polling place. I’m not sure I could look anyone in the eye after that.
I don’t think the GOP is capable of forgiving Cruz for his transgressions. It might be fun to watch them faking enthusiasm for him as a nominee.
The Dangerman
Maybe Rubio and Kasich have to stay in to pick off a few states so they can get to a brokered convention somehow. Cruz or Trump is roughly a cianide or bullet choice for many on the Right.
West of the Cascades
@PsiFighter37: Kasich could win Michigan on Tuesday and winner-take-all Ohio, Cruz might do well in North Carolina and Mississippi (maybe not beating Trump but siphoning off some delegates). It seems there’s a pretty good chance that Trump won’t get the majority of delegates needed for a first-ballot win at the convention if Cruz, Kasich and Rubio stay in through March, and then Cruz stays in through the convention.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: We have closed primaries out here in CA, so I have no worries about that happening.
schrodinger's cat
@Anoniminous: Boo, hiss.
Cruz takes Kansas, but from the AP, it looks like Trump is going to win Kentucky and is currently leading in Maine. Not sure this week’s events had any effect (other than forcing Rubio further out into third place).
@Joel: Bronze is best.
Ultraviolet Thunder
MI’s open primary has a history of rodent fornicating events. For instance George Wallace won the ’72 primary here for reasons having nothing to do with the GOP’s support.
Felanius Kootea
@Baud: Only a Republican could love Cruz’s punchable face. I’d much rather have Hillary face him in the general. There’d be debate questions like “What will you do to help people who have cancer and no insurance in medicaid non-expansion states?” and he would reply “Remove the last sixty years of failed left wing policies, especially the job-killing Obamacare.” It would be a blowout. Trump would at least have the sense to say something that made him look human.
@scav: oh oh, more stand-ins for the debates! (only less painful)
“Get you gone you dwarf!”
@Baud: Winning!!!
the pool getting shallower and nastier.
Van Buren
That sound you hear is me screaming at the thought that Cruz ‘ s chances for the nomination are getting better, and that many Democrats think this is a good thing.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I thought they’d made them open. Did they close them again? (Exiled Californian here).
@Felanius Kootea:
So basically, he’d lie. His healthcare plan is essentially the same as the other Rethuglicans.
Jim Sikking behind the podium telling me to be safe…
No watching the results come in on tv tonight. I’m on nanny duty!
I’m stuck watching Sofia the Great and something called Jake and the Never Land Pirates on Netflix.
Guess who’s hanging with me today…Maddie!!!
@Ruviana: No, we still have the “Jungle Primaries” which are open. Presidential primaries are party operations and have always been closed.
@lamh36: Much better than hanging out with Trump and Cruz.
Winning Kansas and Maine doesn’t Cruz closer to the nomination (Louisiana might). It just keeps Trump from getting closer himself. A
@Baud: But hanging out with Baud!2016!!! would be the best.
I may have spent a night or two in an Ivy dorm but don’t tell my kids -or my dad.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Van Buren:
The idea of Dems voting for Cruz is to c0ck block Trump from getting enough delegates to win on the first ballot. Chaos and hilarity ensue. But not all of us have stomachs that strong.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’ll have a special Balloon Juice inaugural ball if I win.
Felanius Kootea
@BillinGlendaleCA: His lying has gotten him pretty far – why would he stop?
Miss Bianca
Trump is leading in Maine? I thought I heard that Sen. Cruz was leading there. Not that I *want* him to be leading there, mind.
And what’s this about Kasich leading in MI? Kasich is the one that scares me worst of all – because he could, just possibly, sell himself to the general electorate as the “not insane” Republican.
Oh, and best political button I’ve seen so far (at the local caucuses): “Vote Democrat. We may not be perfect, but they’re nuts”.
Where/who the hell is Bottom? ; )
@Baud: Just don’t call it the “BJ Inaugural Ball”, folk might get the wrong idea.
Felonius Monk
Rage Furby claims to have identified Marco Rubio’s mistresses(2) and has named names. Given his propensity for being both a fvckng Idiot and totally wrong, I wouldn’t put much credence in it, but you never know.
No links, because. You know why.
Major Major Major Major
Seven-day chip! Whoo!
Oh and I quit drinking.
@Miss Bianca: That’s almost as good as: “Vote for the Crook, It’s That Important!”.
@Major Major Major Major: Good for you, it’s been 5 1/2 years for me.
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major:
@Major Major Major Major: Excellent.
Ben Cisco
@BillinGlendaleCA: Too late.
Miss Bianca
@BillinGlendaleCA: LOL! Is that one directed at Sanders supporters? ; )
@Major Major Major Major: Congrats, I just gave up smoking “Colorado tobacco”…
Louis C.K.’s appeal for people to stop voting for Trump:
“Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.
And I’m not advocating for Hillary or Bernie. I like them both but frankly I wish the next president was a conservative only because we had Obama for eight years and we need balance. And not because I particularly enjoy the conservative agenda. I just think the government should reflect the people. And we are about 40 percent conservative and 40 percent liberal. When I was growing up and when I was a younger man, liberals and conservatives were friends with differences. They weren’t enemies.”
… Trump is a messed up guy with a hole in his heart that he tries to fill with money and attention. He can never ever have enough of either and he’ll never stop trying. He’s sick. Which makes him really really interesting. And he pulls you towards him which somehow feels good or fascinatingly bad. He’s not a monster. He’s a sad man. But all this makes him horribly dangerous if he becomes president. Give him another TV show. Let him pay to put his name on buildings. But please stop voting for him. And please watch Horace and Pete.”
You are definitely “the cool aunt” in your family. Glad you are having fun.
Ben Cisco
@Major Major Major Major: Good on ya!
Felanius Kootea
Just got an email from Bernie’s campaign (I get emails from both Dem campaigns since I’ve donated to both) – he won the Kansas caucuses.
@Miss Bianca:
Every time I count on one of these people to stop another, they cannot. It doesn’t matter which one it is- I was counting on Trump to stop Kasich. They’re all useless to me in every way :)
Open thread, eh?
Why are cliches called cliches? Because they’re true all the time….
Color me unsurprised, except that in my man Evan’s case the label ought to be plutocrat apologist. No Labels, my ass….
Why is the Maine GOP announcing results when MSNBC is saying only 12% in?
@BillinGlendaleCA: Thanks, that was what I was thinking of. And note to @Raven–the picture person is “Marvel.”
ETA: the “garden picture” person if it wasn’t clear.
I’m always amazed at how few people actually vote in primaries.
This is embarrassing. They are just cheering for the name of their counties.
Mike J
@Felanius Kootea: Nate says the KDP called it, but google doesn’t have results yet.
528 also says that if Sanders and Clinton were tied nationally:
@Ruviana: Oh, I sent the link to Anne.
Mike J
@Mike J: Grrr 538. Stupid editor won’t let me edit.
Waldo woo-hoo!!!
@Miss Bianca: Heh, Edwin Edwards.
Did I get my geography wrong?
@Baud: Do we all have to wear green? I look like crap in green.
@Major Major Major Major: Awesome! Remember, you can still be as difficult as you like on Balloon Juice. I’m over 20 years clean/sober and wouldn’t go back for anything.
Why is WP eating my comments?
@debbie: Remember nominating Cruz does not mean the end of the GOP but nominating trump does … They will be enthused enough
@sacrablue: Don’t you want to match the balloons?
No it was a dumb Where’s Waldo joke.
BTW Cruz won the same week our Governor endorsed Trump.
Ted Cruz is too much to hope for.
@MomSense: That’s the point of the game.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Do they still make those buttons? We might really need them ;)
Why did he endorse Cruz over Trump?
He endorsed Trump and they had a big rally together in Portland.
@raven: Anne writes the posts but Marvel seems to be credited with most of the pictures. I often wish Marvel would comment more.
Gotcha. And you think that helped Cruz?
HuffPo has Michigan Mar 8 (Proportional):
Donald Trump 37.0%
Ted Cruz 16.5%
Marco Rubio 15.5%
John Kasich 13.4%
The story about Kasich leading in Michigan comes from one ARG poll that is a total outlier.
and Ohio Mar 15 (Winner Take All):
Donald Trump 31.0%
John Kasich 27.5%
Ted Cruz 20.9%
Marco Rubio 7.0%
Davis X. Machina
LePage endorsed Christie, then Trump.
Given that half of his own party hates LePage, there’s a non-trivial anti-Trump tranche of GOP voters to be won. Cruz would appear to be winning them.
No obvious moderate in the race, either.
(Rubio’s no moderate, Kasich is unknown, and Cruz was here last week.)
@Kay: oh absolutely…he terrifies me, but I’m coming around to the thought that he’d be the easiest GOP loon to beat this fall.
But whew, the stakes…
@Baud: No, I would much rather complement them.
The caucus system is stupid. It needs to die.
I got a new printer yesterday. I spent 4 hours last night trying to get it to take my Kirkland photo paper.
(I figured out how to get it to work.)
ETA: I guess I also figured out why it was half price.
Yup. That’s why he’s too much to hope for :)
One of the pundits described him as “sour”. I think it’s the perfect word for him.
Go crazy. We’ll all be too wasted to care.
The Dangerman
Cruz easier to beat than Trump? I don’t think so. Cruz, to me, is far more electable.
Recall, there was a time when we probably all said “George W. Bush? NFW”.Cruz could be Dubya.
Trumps just a clown.
Mike J
The important contests today:
Tottenham 1 – 1 Arsenal
Watford 0 – 1 Leicester City
That puts Leicester 5 points clear of Tottenham (and eight clear of Arse) at the top of the table with nine games to play.
@The Dangerman: Dubya you could have a beer with; with Cruz, you’d want to throw the beer in his face and then punch him in the face.
@The Dangerman:
As was the Governator.
If only Kasich would come in second!
@Baud: @Davis X. Machina:
Probably in York and Cumberland counties it did.
It’s impossible for me to “get inside the minds” of Republicans. At this point I don’t even want to drive by. My Mom just called me. She is NOT a Republican so she doesn’t have to decide between these jerks but she honestly can’t decide whether she hates Trump or Cruz more.
Mary G
I just want to see the Republican primary go as long and as messy as possible, because you know voters have short memories and won’t remember the fail after months of anti-Hillary ads.
@The Dangerman:
I think Clinton would rather have Cruz because he’s a known quantity. She knows exactly what he’ll say.
The Dangerman
True, but Ahhhhhhnold only got to be the Governor because of the recall.
@The Dangerman: True, he’d never be able to win an open CA Republican primary.
Berniacs are upset that Kansas has been declared for Bernie but with no numbers. One across the room from me is convinced that it’s an attempt by the Party to help Hillary in Louisiana. And she’s furious with the press for not covering Bernie’s win.
I’ll be happy/happier when we have a nominee. I hope anyway! :-/
@Kay: True; Ted’s a standard issue Republican with an extra helping of God thrown in.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Don’t need to actually count the ballots or anything…
One of those jerks has to get above 20% support otherwise Trump is going to walk away with all the Michigan delegates.
NE announced for Bernie.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Ted’s not a standard issue Republican, considering that Republicans are willing to violate Saint Ronnie’s 11th commandment with regards to Ted.
@The Dangerman: I think even the most partisan Teabagger will think twice before giving the most powerful elected office in the world to someone who has never held any elected office.
But I might be dreaming…
I recall that the GOP fought Reagan like mad for quite a while before it was clear that he was going to be the nominee in 1980. Just like their voters, most of the party apparatus would fall in line behind Cruz if he wins, too. Reagan mended fences by picking GHWB as his running mate. Cruz could do something like that too, or something that appeared to be fence-mending.
Politicians, no matter their stripes, want to win. They’ll do what they can to maximize their chances. Cruz is no different.
Ah, fucking Christ. I can’t even with this shit.
Sanders won Nebraska & Kansas but Michael Moore told me red state wins don’t matter.
He wants to cut Medicare and has a huge tax cut for the top. Huge. He’s also extremely.. unappealing :)
I would be thrilled if he were the nominee.
Clinton is promoting Party-building at her speech Michigan, which is smart. “In every state…”
@Calouste: I disagree, he’s a standard issue Republican but his personality is so vile that Republicans are willing to violate St. Ronnie’s 11th commandment(which was actually first formulated by the head of the CA Republican party back in the early 60’s, not St. Ronnie).
ETA: Reagan’s 11th Commandment
Ultraviolet Thunder
Yeah I read the whole thing. If 25% of the public are dunderheads does that mean we have to have an idiot President one term out of four? Come on, let’s think through this.
@sacrablue: I thought Baud was a reform Dem, not a Green!
Big tent I guess…
Guy running for President in 2008 DIDN’T believe in that, wonder what happened to him?
I do love the jolly caucus race.
Richard Mayhew
@Major Major Major Major: congrats and best of luck/good vibes sent your way
@p.a.: I thought he was Orthodox.
Why in the ever-loving blue-eyed world would my comment at (roughly) #118 be in moderation? Does FYWP have something against links to Disney? Or the word “Caucus”? WTF, FYWP??
@BillinGlendaleCA: 4 hours?? Did you RTFM?
@Chris: Such a stupid thing to say. What is he proposing, that Dems and Republicans take turn running the country? Does he not pay attention to republican’s destructive policies?
@BillinGlendaleCA: What does his rabbi drive?
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I guess that means that he wants Clinton to win, because government hasn’t reflected about 51% of the people in the last 227 years.
@SiubhanDuinne: I guess Richard wanted comment #118, it’s his thread and all…
(You may have gone over the link limit, or FYWP doesn’t like the real name of GEC(Giant Evil Corporation)).
Awesome. I love Sofia the First. Jake is not bad either.
@Chris: yup. stupid logic.
Miss Bianca
Holy crap…Louisiana politicians!
OK, even without numbers, how can Sanders supporters be upset at the news that their man took Kansas? How could it be a plot for HRC to take Louisiana?
Steeplejack (phone)
Always good to use a reply link to the offending comment, because you never know what number it will come out, but the link persists.
Ben Cisco
Me, I’m TIRED of stupid people.
TIRED of them being catered to by the GOP and the media.
TIRED of having to be concerned that one of these assholes is going to assault/shoot somebody b/c their precious feelings aren’t being addressed sufficiently.
TIRED of people nominally on “our” side (looking at you, DWS and Jim motherfucking Webb) showing their ass for all the world to see.
TIRED of the ratfucking.
TIRED of the trolling.
TIRED of the complete and absolute fucking STUPIDITY of it all.
The Other Chuck
@Chris: I guess Louis wants to see a house burned down for every one a firefighter saves. Gotta have that balance.
WP is being temperamental this evening.
@Davebo: I’m a computer professional, why would I RTFM? The problem turned out to be a thing on the paper tray designed to keep extra pages from feeding, I put tape over and it feeds fine(though only one sheet at a time). I guess there’s too much friction on the high gloss paper for it to pull it from the paper tray.
Sanders winning in Nebraska and Kansas can’t be good news for Hillary. She can’t win without the flyovers.
Mike J
@Anya: We had eight years without death squads, now we need balance.
@Chris: So he’s advocating for a Dem Congress too?
Jasmine Bleach
Yeah, my thought after he said that was “Well, then most of Clinton’s wins don’t matter . . .”
Ultraviolet Thunder
But most of the rest of what Louie C.K. says in that makes sense: take an hour to find out what Trump is really about before you back him purely as a protest candidate. Know what you’re buying into. That’s reasonable. And completely pointless when directed at a Trump supporter unfortunately. Their support is not based on objective facts. You’d do no worse teaching algebra to a sloth.
Yeah, well, ME TOO! Take that, WP.
Iowa Old Lady
@Ben Cisco: Go do something fun. Watch something stupid and funny on TV or Netflix. The stupidity will be there when you get back.
And take care of yourself.
@Baud: And definitely an ultra liberal replacement for Scalia. Because, democracy is not at all about determining what the populace wants by holding elections, it’s about making assumptions about their opinions and building a teeter-totter based on those assumptions.
@BillinGlendaleCA: ballots? You mean the slips of paper the over flowing crowds of people were writing their “preferences” on? They didn’t announce the total because by these first glances the Kansas Dem caucus was a cluster fuck of the first order.
Caucus needs to die. Just have elections and the whole process gets several magnitudes better.
Miss Bianca
Yeah, I like Louis CK but this just makes me want to say, “you know that white male privilege thing you were riffing on? Well, guess what…”
One link only, and I never mentioned the GEC by name. FYWP is going to have to do better than that.
@p.a.: Green as in balloons, not party.
Hillary wins Louisiana, according to MSNBC.
@Steeplejack (phone):
Good idea, thanks.
@Miss Bianca: Because a blowout win by Bernie in Kansas would make people think twice about voting for loser Hillary. Or something. I don’t understand it myself. I’m just hearing things like “It’s anti-Democratic!” “It’s what you’d expect in the Soviet Union or something!!”
“What are they doing!”
She’s quite upset about it.
I just saw CNN’s delegate numbers cruncher explain very patiently to supreme idiot Wolf Blitzer than Clinton’s win in Louisiana was of such a margin she would get more delegates than Sanders because of his wins in Kansas and Nebraska because people vote, not geographical entities. CNN promptly ran the graphic “Sanders wins two states, Clinton one.” If the American people are misinformed, it is because the people giving them information are too stupid to do the job.
You put it much better than I could’ve.
Cruz is so obviously nasty and wacko…so detested in his own party, so hard line far right…
Kay’s right, he’s too much to hope for this cycle. But a guy can dream…
randy khan
The New York Times is showing Louisiana as a Trump win.
@Baud: He probably didn’t even consider Congress.
@Baud: but the delegate count is 14 to 10. Sanders missed his targets again. And LA looks to be a rout. But delegate math is hard so, on with the Revolution, I guess. Fair enough, I suppose as long as he has the cash and the stamina.
@Baud: It’s a red state, doesn’t count.
Chyron HR
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Well, two out of the last seven terms, close enough.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Definitely not conservative.
@Jasmine Bleach: He said that after Clinton’s Super Tuesday win. I guess people are not getting my snark.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
So, his solution is anyone but trump? even if it is the other batshit crazy coot because “we need balance”?
Ultraviolet Thunder
NYT as well, though their map and chart are buggy. Two states are called but show 1% or <1% reporting.
@Iowa Old Lady: Seconded.
Don’t let this stuff get to you Ben. TV wants viewers and they’ll rile up their audience if they can. Politicians want to be in the news, likewise.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Yeah, like I said: not well thought out. A decent first-order concept that fails utterly when applied.
ETA: This isn’t intramural soccer where everyone gets to play, because fairness.
This is for leader of the free world and nuclear codes.
Did I miss Rubio’s victory speech?
Jasmine Bleach
She can. This weekend was expected to be very good for Sanders–he should win Maine tomorrow as well. Three of four ain’t bad at all.
But the next week will likely be rough for Sanders. Michigan and Mississippi on Tuesday, neither of which is likely for Sanders. Then a week later on March 15, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, and Missouri–only the last of which is “in the bag” for Sanders.
After March 15, however, the vast majority of states will go for Sanders unless his campaign somehow implodes. The only question is if Clinton hits the magical delegate count (with pledged delegates) before the end. She has a lot of Superdelegates, but they can change their minds. If the popular vote ends up in favor of Sanders, they might be pressured to reconsider.
I think it’s probably only a 30% likelihood that Sanders pulls it out winning more pledged delegates (really, it all depends on who wins California and by how much), but it is a real potential. Either candidate could still win it.
@lamh36: Cute pictures. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m a bit surprised Cruz won Maine. I’d a figured Trump is perfect for the nut ass Republicans we’ve grown over the last 10 years. But as MomSense said, trying to figure out the Republican mind is an abyss you don’t want to stare too long at.
@debbie: uh, by all accounts it’s a 55 45 split in NE, more than likely the same in KS. So, Sanders has an edge among white people. Meanwhile, it’s a 50 point spread in LA. I think it is Sanders that has the problem winning over certain demographic groups. He is still 20+ down in Michigan, which is 3 days away now. But yeah, Clinton needs to panic about a delegate split in NE/KS.
@Baud: He came in 3rd again?
Bernie supporters have essentially become the HRC ’08 supporters…when it comes to not understanding the delegate math when it comes to Dem primary.
As for the La results, I know more than a couple of Republican voters who are willing and ready to support Hilary. They don’t mention Bernie.
not that HRC would ever turn La blue, but I can certainly see a scenario where more parishes are closer than usual at top ticket
She’s invested too much of herself into a political candidate. Never a good thing for one’s emotional health.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Thank god he is just a comedienne and not a ‘thought leader’.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Fourth in some places. Even better.
I Am Not Jon Snow
It’s shaping up to be another spectacular night for Marco. I can’t wait to hear his speech claiming victory when he finishes 3rd or 4th in each contest, and is totally shut for delegates in Maine.
@magurakurin: When she makes up her mind about something, it’s a sight to behold. ;-)
“I’m tempted to write in Bernie in the fall!!”
She’ll probably come around – she does have a good head on her shoulders. She knows how important it is. But it might depend on what Bernie does… :-/
Where is JSF?
Mike in NC
So Louis CK doesn’t just play a dickhead on TV, he’s actually one in real life. He’s got enough money to survive a GOP presidency, unlike most of us.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Actually there’s evidence to suggest the correct figure is 27%, but close enough.
Been alot of that going around.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@lamh36: Yay, Maddie! The cutest kiddo ever, while getting some competition for efggranddaughter.
Undertaker Ted is losing in LA. He has a limited demographic appeal.
Hillary is up 50+ points. That’s going to leave a delegate mark.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’m concerned about how my supporters will deal if I don’t win.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Sweet dancing christ. Never mind the Iraq War, torture, Roberts, Alito, Citizens United, Hobby Lobby, disenfranchisement of voters, the locketep anti-environmentalism, the race-baiting and homophobia, the determination to gut the New Deal.
That’s not how things used to be.
What an asshole.
@I Am Not Jon Snow:
Republican voters don’t like him :)
That’s how we could end up with Cruz if they actually have an open ballot at the convention- Republican delegates won’t switch to Kasich. They’re the base of the base.
@Jasmine Bleach:
facts not in evidence.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland are going to go for Sanders? not likely. And even if they did, they won’t go for bigger margins than in Nebraska. Sanders lost Massachusetts. He’s about to lose Michigan in 3 days. Yet, somehow he will pull off miracle wins in NJ, NY, PA, and MD? Plus, Clinton is polling ahead of Sanders in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico right now. The vast majority doesn’t mean what you think it does. And even if it did, it won’t matter, because the vast majority of delegates won’t go for Sanders after March 15. At best he manages splits or slight gains. He’s is 201 delegates behind right now, and that deficit will more than likely expand today, despite “winning 2 states.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Non-Juicer white dudes are going to try our patience this year.
Chris Matthews admitted he loves Kasich earlier. MSNBC is awful in so many ways. It’s about 80% bad.
Miss Bianca
Not sure I understand that (unless that’s some snark I’m not picking up on). So, Clinton and Sanders both could be going to the state meetings with delegates, right? Then, depending on how things stand by the time the state meetings roll around, the pledged delegates can change. Don’t see any need for her to panic, but then I’m very new at this game, myself.
ETA: OK, I think what you’re saying is that she *doesn’t* need to panic. My snark-o-meter needs to be recalibrated, methinks…
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well, he’s partially right. 30 years ago you could maybe be an actual centrist, and Democrats and Republicans agreed on some things. Then of course a wheel fell off the GOP machine and it veered into the righthand ditch and flipped over. ‘Sharing’ isn’t going to right that disaster.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Looking around the internets….
Mother of mercy! Could this be the end of Rubio?
@Baud: we’re gonna burn the motherfucker down, that’s how we’re gonna react.
And now from Cap’n Obvious…
Rubio reax to results tonight, @ presser: “This map only gets better for us. Many of these states are states my opponents do better in.”
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): competition from
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He’ll stay in until he loses Florida.
I Am Not Jon Snow
Yikes. Rubes down to 14 percent in LA and dropping like a rock. Sell your Rubio stock. Quick.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@I Am Not Jon Snow: I sold when people were still buying, more fools they.
Felonius Monk
He’s found his niche — Marco, the Third Turd.
Jasmine Bleach
Sanders’ superdelegate count just went from 19 to 32 tonight (according to wikipedia). He gained roughly double that of Clinton tonight. (13 vs. 7)
That’s a first.
@Miss Bianca: Sanders is 200 delegates down. Getting delegate splits or slight gains in a state with 25 delegates doesn’t help him at all. Here is a clip of Weaver explaining the mathematical certainty to Sanders
I can’t say I blame you.
Ben Cisco
@Iowa Old Lady: I cued up some Dr. Who.
Jasmine Bleach
And Sanders wins by 35% in Kansas. Not a bad delegate margin.
@I Am Not Jon Snow: I’ve been assured that he’s the future of the Republican party.
@Jasmine Bleach: so, now Superdelegates count? I’ll make a note of that.
@Ben Cisco: Not David Tennant Doctor, I hope. He’s EVIL!
Miss Bianca
Forgive me – I ran my head right into your snare. ; ) Just tired, I guess…
@magurakurin: I’ve learned today that Red States count and Superdelegates count; I’d been informed otherwise in the past. Live and learn.
@Miss Bianca: Are really sure you gave up the CO tobacco☺?
@Ruviana: Marvel takes pictures — glorious pictures of her garden — but it is Anne Laurie who puts together the Sunday morning garden thread. If Raven has pictures for a garden thread he should send them to Anne Laurie. ([email protected])
Jasmine Bleach
Of course they count. Why wouldn’t they. The trick is–they can change their minds (and often do).
This is the first night Sanders has won more superdelegate endorsements than Clinton. That’s all I pointed out. If that makes you nervous or something, well . . . ;-)
Could a kind FPer please release this comment from moderation? It’s been over 45 minutes, and honestly, there’s nothing bad in it, I swear. TIA.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ultraviolet Thunder: CK and I are about the same age, so when he was a young man so was I, and on most issues I’d take Jim Jeffords or even John Warner over Heidi Heidkmap or Joe Minchin, but that has fuck all to do with the Bush/Cheney Republican Party, never mind Cruz/Rubio/Ryan/McConnell. It just stupefies me that someone who cares enough to put out a statement like this could/would be so insistently uninformed about political reality.
@Jasmine Bleach: It was a vote of 39,000 people. Because the caucus system is so inherently undemocratic that the vast majority can’t participate. 39,000 people. Sanders got 26,450 votes in Kansas. But Clinton is on track to get 160,000+ in LA. She will net more delegates and more popular votes tonight. But keep hope alive, I guess.
if all the states after 3/15 sanders is likely to take were all winner-take-all (and the rest weren’t) then maybe he’d have a chance.
Miss Bianca
That’s the second LOL from you today, Mister. Watch it now!
Yes, on the wacky tobacky. Now I guess you’ll tell me I need to stop guzzling laudanum!
I did. I hope it shows up :)
Sour? I say acidic. Highly acidic.
Ben Cisco
ca[a@redshirt: HA! watching current Dr, Reloaded. Capaldi has been quite impressive.
red state voters don’t matter! caucuses are anti-democratic! super delegates are anti-democratic!
wait, Bernie won a red state caucus and picked up some super delegates? WOOOOOOO
Ridnik Chrome
@Chyron HR:
You are being way too kind to George H.W. Bush…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I blame it on the “both-sides-do-it” reflex
@Ben Cisco: Dr. Who is the only major sci-fi show I’ve never watched. I have some character flaw that makes me dislike British TV.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Verily, she is evil incarnate
He greeted his caucusers by saying “I am in the company of patriots”
He’s unbearable.
@chopper: indeed. I feel for the Sanders people, I know they must feel like crap, but, someone has to lose. Pretending that things aren’t the way the are doesn’t seem to go a long way to easing the pain. The Clinton campaign and supporters did the same thing in 2008. It was a bad look then for them, it is a bad look now for the Sanders people. It has always been thus, I guess.
Plus a dose of it-doesn’t-really-affect-me-ism.
@Kay: He was at the federal jail in Oregon?
Ben Cisco
@redshirt: Let me quite humbly submit you’re missing out.
Miss Bianca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Heheheh *Now* I see what you did there
Thanks, Kay! It did, and I hope others enjoy it as much as I do (one of my fave scenes from Alice in Wonderland).
@Ben Cisco: I’m sure. But at this point there’s so much of it and I have no means of watching it other than buying it, I’m prepared to accept that as my loss. Pip-pip, cheerio!
@Jasmine Bleach: From Tad Devine’s lips to your ears. And he’ll get you to send him some more money, too, I’m sure. Money wasted just like the third wave over the top at the Somme. Money wasted, better spent on the general. But, whatever wiggles your waggle. The real battle is in November and the force to wage it is assembling now behind Clinton. You are welcome to join at any time. We’ll be waiting with open arms.
I want and should be a good winner, because 99% of Sanders supporters are good Democrats fighting the good fight, but damn it’s hard after listening to so much ‘Hillary is cheating to win’ crap. When I found out about the Sanders campaign stealing Hillary’s data because Sanders supporters were claiming this was a plot to shut Sanders down, it broke my patience.
To me it’s just more evidence of how far the GOP establishment is from their voters. They hate Trump and Cruz. GOP base voters love them.
They could form two Parties- elected Republicans and donors and then Republican voters.
@redshirt: three words. Netflix. Peaky. Blinders.
gogol's wife
Don’t you mean Michael Conrad???
Ben Cisco
@redshirt: ;~)
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: “They could form two Parties- elected Republicans and donors and then Republican voters.”
AKA: the Politely Racist Republican Party (PRPP) and the Rabidly Racist Republican Party (RRPP).
Cruz straddles voters and donors. He has some deep pockets behind him. Trump doesn’t.
Bob In Portland
Clinton keeps racking up delegates south of the Mason-Dixon line. The racial divide is apparently still holding up. Bernie should start buying huge blocks of time on BET.
@Frankensteinbeck: love and kindness, brother.
@magurakurin: Can’t do Netflix up here in the mountains. Bandwidth is too expensive.
@Bob In Portland:
basically, it is ignorant comments like this that explain why that divide exists.
I Am Not Jon Snow
According to my Twitter feed, Trump carried Louisville by 1.5 points. Probably safe to give him KY now. And LA also looks safe, although it got a little close.
MAINE GOP: Narcissist who cons dopes into thinking he believes in their crazy shit defeated by asshole who actually believes crazy shit.
Retweets 224 Likes 376
@redshirt: That is a bad point of the States, eh? There are little villages in Japan that seem like something out of the 19th century from the outside…but inside all those grannies and grandpas that live there are surfing the net with 1giga fiber optic lines for 40 dollars a month with tv and phone bundled in. But somehow America can’t get that done. Thanks, Obama.
James E Powell
Checking for results and immediate responses from the online partisans of H & B. Looks like everything stays the same for now. We wait for March 15 – Day of Reckoning!
The Rubio campaign moved from sad to funny.
@O. Felix Culpa:
It’s just amazing how big the divide has grown since Bush. They were like an army behind Bush- base plus establishment plus donors.
ThresherK (GPad)
I have been listening to some studio-era golden age radio adaptations of movies, on ye olde internet radio. Fascinating to wonder how few Hollywood films today have actual scripts one could do this with.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Another little thing – the Democrat/Republican divide might not have been that important until recently, but being a Democrat or a Republican meant nothing until recently, since both parties had liberal and conservative wings.
Were things really that much more cordial fifty years ago between LBJ or Nelson Rockefeller’s supporters and George Wallace or Barry Goldwater’s? Somehow I doubt it.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Amazingly, it’s even worse in most parts of Canada than here. And the cell service is a decade behind us. Painful.
@PaulW: I watched five minutes of MSNBC earlier today and they didn’t mention Rubio.
Mike J
@Ben Cisco: As someone who has lived in Engerland, 90% of their TV is crap, just like ours. The only way is essex?
@magurakurin: Who pays for laying wire in Japan? Private companies or the government?
I get why a private company has no interest in wiring for broadband in America’s rural areas – where’s the profit?
I’d still rather have Cruz than Trump.
It goes Cruz, Rubio, Trump, then Kasich for me- in order of most likely to lose to Clinton :)
People claim they long for the old days and then they claim that the parties should stand for something. The only consistency seems to be that the Dems should always be at the short end of the stick.
gogol's wife
Yes, Trump has a kind of charisma. It doesn’t work on me, but neither did Dubya’s or Reagan’s — but they had it for a lot of people. I just don’t think Cruz or Rubio has a shred of charisma.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: What do you think caused that divide? I’m guessing a combination of factors: the establishment’s failure to deliver on the culture war issues, permanent restructuring of the labor market, and Obama Derangement Syndrome. I’m sure there are others…
I Am Not Jon Snow
@Kay: Agreed. I think Cruz is an easier mark in the general than Trump because Cruz’s support is much easier to predict. Trump probably loses big but there’s a wildcard in that you don’t know how blue collar voters in rust belt will respond to Trump’s message.
I can’t say I disagree about electability, although Trump is so hard to predict.
@redshirt: Right now, NTT, which is the now private, former public telephone monopoly (think ATT) is laying fiber and the electric companies are also laying fiber along their right of ways on the power poles. Many places have a choice a two fiber providers. The electric company service tends to be cheaper and better. Not sure if there are any subsidies in place to help the companies lay the fiber lines.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@efgoldman: Smart mom.
Bush was a once-in-a-generation candidate in being a guy that the elites and the base both saw as one of their own. The heir to a Northeastern royal house that had already produced one president, and a born-again Bible thumper who spoke fluent Authentic Frontier Gibberish. That’s not going to be easy to repeat, even if it’s not the only reason the divide has grown.
Bush II, The Dynasty Strikes Back, had many many MANY flaws, but he was a fantastic political campaigner. He knew how to be just every Republican wanted, and wasn’t that far off to begin with. Still, you’re right – all post-2008 elections have been a different world. Republicans went absolutely bugfuck nuts when a black man was elected president.
I like to go back to 1984, when Reagan won 49 out of 50 states in reelection. That is unimaginable now, and was even before Obama. Our political climate has shifted dramatically!
Ultraviolet Thunder
@O. Felix Culpa:
I’d add constant tax cuts for the wealthy and unnecessary wars causing disastrous consequences for people that the middle class voters know personally.
Felonius Monk
“You`ll win, if you don`t quit”
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Seeing as how both Cruz and Trump both propose this, I don’t think it’s the cause of the divide.
Louis C.K. must be abusing some serious drugs these days. First at the Oscars he rambles on about how documentarians are losers who don’t make any money and now he’s running with the fair and balanced gibberish. What a flapping shitheel.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Probably doesn’t help that the establishment promised the money would trickle down, but at this point, anyone who’s old enough to remember Reagan has seen a lifetime of nothing but diminishing returns, income stagnating while cost of living goes up, up, up.
That doesn’t mean they’re going to wake up and become Democrats – concluding that it’s all counterrevolutionary sabotage from a party structure infiltrated and compromised by the liberal elite is more their speed. But it still leads to a major “fuck the party.”
Rubio’s communications director this evening….
He makes Iraq’s Comical Ali look like an amateur when it comes to putting lipstick on a pig.
@magurakurin: How many truly rural areas of Japan have such service? For example, way up North? I’m not very familiar with Japan so I don’t know. But where I am, there’s only one other house within 2 miles of me, so I can’t really blame the local cable company for not sending a wire miles up a road just for me. That is, until the internet is treated like electrical service.
I Am Not Jon Snow
Trump seems to be holding fairly close to his polling percentages. Close races in KY and LA probably due to Rubio voters dumping him for Cruz. But if that occurs in FL, Trump carries the state easily.
O. Felix Culpa
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I totally agree that the tax cuts for the rich and wars hurt the R base – and the country at large – badly. I wonder, though, if the base has diagnosed these policies as a cause of their pain yet.
@Chris: Yeah, but the Democrats are to blame for those failures – the built in excuse for the failure of any Republican position.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Anecdotally I hear more GOP backers complaining about the rich (“CEOs”) paying low taxes. But that’s the guys with steel toed boots and pickup trucks that make up my office. It does end up in every Republican’s plans, whether they publicize it or not.
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: It sounds like a rerun of wiring ruritania for electricity or phones. Lester Beale’s posters are recommended.
Not only did the right once care about governance, we got some great illustrations from it.
Felonius Monk
Looks like Marco is going to carry a lot of Loser Stink with him back to Florida. Will Floridians hold their noses and vote for him or will they Trump him?
BTW, in very red state Louisiana, with 70 percent of the vote in, only 15,000 more total Republican than Democratic votes. Enthusiasm gap? Clinton is ahead of Trump by 3-2 and Cruz by 5-3 margins. Best of all, Sanders,who’s getting slammed in his own primary, has more than twice as many votes as Rubio! The establishment choice! Maybe they’ve should’ve stuck with Jeb.
@redshirt: And just FYI, even electrical service is no guarantee. In planning my MOUNTAIN FASTNESS, I learned that if you have to get new electrical lines put into an area where there were none previously, you, the homeowner, can expect to pay about 1K per pole. I was looking at 20K just to get electricity to a house. No thanks!
I Am Not Jon Snow
Trump wins KY, according to AP. LA also looks safe.
Well, apparently not, or at least not exclusively. They wouldn’t be this pissed off at the party leadership if they didn’t think it shared in the blame. (Granted, what they think it should be blamed for is being too much like the Democrats).
James E Powell
(Granted, what they think it should be blamed for is being too much like the Democrats).
Which is amazing – stunning – given the reality of the last 7+ years.
I Am Not Jon Snow
I think this may be the end of the road for Rubes. It’s very difficult to see how he competes going forward, and his money has got to be drying up.
O. Felix Culpa
Based on google reporting, Bernie takes Kansas and Nebraska, while Hillary wins Louisiana.
However, Hillary still gets more delegates: 51 (KS 10 + LA 31 + NE 10), with 45 for Bernie: (KS 23 + LA 8 + NE 14).
Tech’s basketball team pulled out a tough win over Pitt today and Bernie won some primaries. I’m in a good mood!
For the hundreds of millions donors spent to watch Jeb and Marco fail, we could have built a giant statute of Nelson Muntz laughing at them.
47 retweets 125 likes
Trump to nominate Judge Judy to SCOTUS apparently.
Trump whips out his Poll
@misterpuff: admittedly, that joke works better when you say it rather than write it…but all the same…lol
@I Am Not Jon Snow: I REALLY don’t want to think about what it means to give KY to Drumpf.
@O. Felix Culpa: and it will get worse for Sanders before the night is over. There is one delegate left in NE and it looks like it will go to Clinton, and LA still has 12 delegates yet to allocate. Clinton will get most of those as well. So, Bernie’s big night….yeah…not so much. Tomorrow they can party like it is 1999 one last time. Maine should go big for Sanders. But Tuesday will be grim with a big loss in MI and and rout in MS.
Amir Khalid
@O. Felix Culpa:
Yep, that’s what RealClearPolitics’ tables say too. Incidentally, I notice that RCP has Hillary leading Bernie in the popular vote count by 4.15 million to 2.65 million — giving her 61% of votes cast. As I understand, if there’s to be a case for her superdelegates switching over to Bernie, he must make it by winning more votes in the primaries than she.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
How’d losing to Hillary in a bunch of states work out for Obama?
After tonight’s stunning string of third-place “victories” for Rubio, what’s the over/under for how long it takes RtR to jump on the Cruz Ship to Nowhere? Or will he go Trumpster Diving instead?
Inquiring minds (don’t really) want to know.
prob saying the obvious, but looks like a 2 man race now. i’d still say trump has a big lead, but cruz now appears like his only semi legit challenger
My money’s on Cruz.
Now why would anyone in their right mind bid for RtR’s “services”?
[And if you don’t use the preceding question as it was intended, then you’re not the efgoldman I know and love (in a purely platonic, manly way, as General J.C. Christian might say.)]
I couldn’t have said better myself.
Or were you just channeling Marcel Marceau?
more on cruz v trump, cruz is actually not far behind in estimated delegates, per RealClearPolitics. A gap of 80ish, and theres about 2400 total.
You might be right, but part of me says RtR will go for someone with “Brinks trucks full of class.” Or was it “crass”? I can never remember.
@SFAW: LMAO. I would tell you the story behind that, but I like your interpretation better.
@O. Felix Culpa:
FiveThirtyEight’s final numbers are:
Clinton 39 (LA), 11 (NE), 10 (KS)
Sanders 23 (KS), 14 (NE), 12 (LA)
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: ME?
@Cacti: so, +11 more for Clinton with 3 more states done. Sanders narrow path is become a slender wire. It’ll be a thin thread by Tuesday night and a puff of vapor by next Tuesday night.
@Omnes Omnibus: Didn’t vote for Democrats tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think they have their Dem caucus tomorrow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: @Kropadope: @Cacti: One forgot that Nebraska exists for a moment.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Huh. I forget that Nebraska exists at least three times before breakfast.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I once drove all 450-some miserable miles of I-80 through Nebraska in the dead of winter.
I wish I could forget it.
Omnes Omnibus
Dear god, I have created an anti-Nebraska sub-thread.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Not so much animus as apathy.
@Cacti: I enjoyed the drive through Nebraska. Watching the geography change from west to east was interesting.
But then, like a dog, I just like looking out the window.
Omnes Omnibus
@O. Felix Culpa: People bothered to comment.
@redshirt: never drove across Nebraska. I rode a bicycle across North Dakota though. 11 days of pure hell.
@magurakurin: I thought N. Dakota was interesting too.
So I guess I find it all interesting. Maybe except Indiana.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well I, for one, liked the album.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Hehe. The joys of the commentariat, veering off into unexpected riffs on the northern plains states.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: It is a wonderful album.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I knew there was a reason I like you. Even if you are a Cheesehead.
Any favorite song(s) on it?
Omnes Omnibus
@O. Felix Culpa: Atlantic City.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Most excellent.
And I’ll leave you all to discuss the virtues of The Boss whilst I shuffle off to slumberland. G’nite all.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Most of them. Atlantic City, linked above. Johnny 99. Highway Patrolman.
No One You Know
@Major Major Major Major: Good on yer, mate! ODAAT.
@redshirt: try it on a bicycle. in the rain. in a headwind.chased by tornadoes. covered in mosquitoes when you stop to piss. Montana was cool. North Dakota…no thank you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, it’s a choice between that and “My Father’s House” for me. Atlantic City for the music/lyrics, My Father’s House for the theme.
ETA: Just to be clear: I like every, or almost every, song on the album. But some more than others.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Nebraska and The River are my favorite Bruce albums.
ETA: The River probably wins. The musical contrast between Sherry Darling and Independence Day is is marked, but the theme of the album flows through each song. It is a masterpiece.
@Omnes Omnibus:
ETA: Listening to “The River” as I write this. (The song – it’s a little late for the whole album.)
Omnes Omnibus
never mind
@magurakurin: Probably true of most places in regards car v. bicycle.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah, the video with with scenes from The Indian Runner, Sean Penn’s movie of the song. Penn met Springsteen’s sister Pam on the set of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which I think was shot around the time Bruce was recording the demos that wound up as the Nebraska album. Their IMDB bios say Penn and Pam Springsteen were briefly engaged thereafter. Her acting career didn’t pan out, and she’s a photographer now.
@Amir Khalid: Tangentially, is anyone familiar with Sean’s brother Michael Penn? He made one of my favorite 80’s albums, “March”. I’m unaware of anything after.
Amir Khalid
Bruce Springsteen has said that song is inspired by the life of his other sister, Virginia.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: No Myth. He is married to Aimee Mann.
@Omnes Omnibus: Wow! I forgot what actual music videos used to be like. Great song.
Amir Khalid
Per his Wikipedia entry, Michael Penn has been doing a lot of film and television work in recent years.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Videos can also look like this.
@Amir Khalid:
Didn’t know that. Thanks!
Steve in the ATL
I did that one summer. It was no better.
Steve in the ATL
He beat out Madonna for the MTV new artist of the year award. Arguably a bad call by MTV.
@Steve in the ATL: Was Madonna new that year?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: No.
Steve in the ATL
@redshirt: According to MTV she was. I’ll leave it up to you guys to debate the merits of MTV’s decision to include Penn and Madonna in the same new artist class.
Anyway, it’s 2:30 am and I’m just back from seeing the Dropkick Murphys who are an excellent live act.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL:Good show? They’ve been every time I’ve seen them.
@Steve in the ATL: Now that you’ve made me look it up, Penn won the award in 1990; Madonna was already a mega world super star for a long time by then.
Steve in the ATL
@redshirt: @redshirt: Really? Because I actually heard that on MTV as a mea culpa. So they can’t even get their own history right?
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: They are a blast live, as you apparently know. The Tabernacle is a great venue, too–used to be a church in downtown Atlanta. Last concert I saw there was Flaming Lips. They are a great live act too though I’m not a huge fan of the music. Like you, I prefer the ‘Mats!
I was with a friend from Queens tonight. He was visibly agitated by the DKM fans wearing Bruins, Celtics, and Red Sox jerseys. Oddly, saw none for the Patriots.
@Steve in the ATL: When Nina Blackwood is the victor, she writes her own history.
Steve in the ATL
@redshirt: Was it Sun Tzu who said history is written by the VJ’s?
@Steve in the ATL: Patriots are too mainstream now. Too corporate. Real folk from Southie stick with the Bruins as the least successful franchise.
@Steve in the ATL: I believe that was JJ Jackson, actually.
Steve in the ATL
@redshirt: Indeed! And always nice to people old enough to remember this stuff still awake and posting at this hour–especially on a dead thread!
@Steve in the ATL: The 80’s have never been more alive, musically. It’s solid classic rock now.
Must be a new record.
I once woke up to “Point Blank” playing on the radio. It was an odd type of song to wake up to, still in a haze of dreamtime and so lying there listening to the lyrics and realizing I was losing my girlfriend and then my heart broke and I woke up for real and remembered I never had a girlfriend.
Matt McIrvin
@magurakurin: I’ve been hearing that from other Sanders supporters, that after March 15th the tide is going to turn and Sanders will start racking up huge delegate numbers everywhere. Is it coming from the campaign?