And we need something dogs and cats, Bernistas and Hillarions can all enjoy, check out this fine photograph, uncovered during the indulgence in one of my private vices — wicked cool aircraft stuff:
That’s an Airbus A300-600ST, better known as the Beluga. I tripped across this image while running down a rabbit hole opened by a video I’ll pop up here soon. It’s far from the weirdest transport plane out there. I’ll have more of those soon too, whenever we need our own Taft-Smoot-Hartley cooling off period. [Per Burnspbesq’s sadly (4 me) accurate correction]
For now…
Caption Contest!
And open thread, too.
ETA: our comment-colleague Dollared has offered another image as a counterpart. Seems to me this is what happens when those sweet young nose sections get all grown up and nasty: it’s down to the river to smoke and drink :
It’s like an airplane Pez dispenser.
Folks, here’s a story ’bout Minnie the Moocher
She was a red-hot hoochie-coocher
She was the roughest, toughest frail
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale
@redshirt: That made me laugh — even though I am a deranged and delusion Hillary supporter. If only I tried harder to feel the Bern.
The modern remake of Pac Man certainly made some odd choices.
The pics might help with my affliction. I have trump derangement syndrome.
Is that a fuselage in your Airbus, or are you just happy to see me?
I was going to go for a Russian airplane joke: Open it up and it contains a smaller airplane! but the Pez joke blows it out of the water.
That plane is YOOOOOOGE!
Ultraviolet Thunder
We love you too John.
That is one weird-ass plane. Never mind where you found that.
Onkel Fritze
These planes were flying overhead a couple of times a day where I used to work in Hamburg. Pretty low too, since they were on landing approach to Finkenwerder. We usually saw one going to our lunchbreak.
Ultraviolet Thunder
“When two planes love each other very much…”
@Ultraviolet Thunder: John who?
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Folks, we have a winner.
The Pez, in this instance, being more airplanes. As a Seattle kid I got a yuuuge kick out of the occasional pregnant guppy sighting, and was lucky enough to see the final Shuttle flyover on the way to its final display place, but of course that’s piggyback, not swallowed whole.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Beluga caviar. Pricey stuff.
Unlike the related species A380, the A300-600ST holds its young in its mouth until they are sufficiently grown to emerge. Note that A300-600 young still have some maturing to do: tails and full coloring will develop over the next few months.
Fortunately, the parasitic organisms that thrive in the A380 gastrointestinal tract (and are expelled regularly through several orifices in the beast’s sides) are not attracted to the A300-600ST, which allows the creature to avoid constant visits to terminals.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Tom’s the nice one with the yuuuge collection of classy art; John’s the one who tells us to go fuck ourselves.
Ultraviolet Thunder
In other airplane news we just droned the daylights out of Al Shabaab.
This is both terrifying and… terrifying.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Years ago he prescribed self-f0rnication to me directly on these pages.
But since then we’ve both given up intoxicating drink.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Well, I’m sure Hillary had something to do with this.
Deleted scenes for the live-action adaptation of Disney’s Planes show why the movie originally had a hard R rating.
OK I googled weird planes in images. I think they are all photo shopped. they don’t look like they can get airborn.
Howard Beale IV
We had the AN-225 Mriya fly up here last year picking up some big-arse furnaces.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
This is better because the motherfuckers are not as dead.
Amir Khalid
I want to hear Sir David Attenborough read your comment aloud.
Obviously some hidden insulting reference to Bernie flying coach. Unfair.
So this picture needs to be paired with the three 737 fuselages that BNSF dumped into the Clark Fork River, right downstream from where Brad Pitt caught that fish in A River Runs Through It……×349.jpg
Ultraviolet Thunder
Definitely good news for John McCain though.
The joys of unintended consequences Donald Trump is causing a spike in naturalization applications among Latino immigrants. It couldn’t happen to a nicer party.
Taft-Hartley and Smoot-Hawley don’t really have much to do with each other.
What the blog needs now … is love, sweet love …
And for those who respond better to threats, if you kids don’t settle down, I’m going to start responding to you using only “Hamilton” lyrics.
Don’t test me. I’ll do it.
C’mon, ~30 posts and no “stuffed down the throat” jokes?
Two odd airplane stories:
Being driven to CCD by a friend’s dad who worked for the FAA and had just spent a frazzled few days sweating the logistics of flying the Olympic flame to the US from Greece, because no one on the Lake Placid organizing committee had realized that you can’t just carry a flaming torch onto an airplane. No recollection of the solution.
Later at a rather silly FedEx meet and greet, ended up talking with a FedEx pilot, who had been flying for the Flying Tigers Line, before they were bought out for FedEx. Founded by one of the original Flying Tigers from WWII in China, they did military work, but also specialized in flying animals. He had flown lots of baby chicks, and also orcas, which travel in special slings, with people keeping them damp by pouring water over them.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Airbus rushes replacements to US Navy for jets John McCain destroyed.
@realbtl: The smaller planes would have to be facing the other way for that…
@realbtl: What do you think this is, a GOP debate. This is a family safe, almost top 10,000 blog.
Foxtrot Alpha has an article about this Antonov AN-124 landing in a nasty crosswind in Sheffield. It basically touched down at a 45 degree angle to the runway.
” Don’t test me. I’ll do it. ”
Do it. That would be cool.
Actually just dawned on me that if the A300-600ST is “Beluga”, then A320/A321 would be “caviar”. Interesting business model implications there.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I avoid those crazy landing videos. I fly 80-100 times a year and if I knew what was going on out there I couldn’t. I’ve been through some weird scenes landing in bad weather at DTW and prefer not to know how weird it can get.
So you’re saying you want to be in the room where it happens?
Whatever it is you do down there.
I don’t have all the lyrics memorized like you do. Other commenters will have to keep you honest.
Mike J
The Boeing Flying Pickle. Like the 737s in the river at the top, it’s still shrink wrapped.
The place I sail is right by the factory where they make the 737s, and a new shrink wrapped one flies away from there every day. Actually, they’re gearing up to get two per day assembled.
schrodinger's cat
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Al-Shabaab rhymes with a kebab!
Linda Featheringill
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
That is funny! I thought I was a pacifist but that strikes me as really funny. REALLY instant Karma.
I think it’s too late for the thread below. Next one that devolves like that, I will give one warning, and that’s it, before I send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Linda Featheringill:
I think I’m a pacifist too, but as a human being I’m also a murderous ape who chooses strangers’ certain deaths far away over vague risks at home. That’s the other reason it’s terrifying.
@schrodinger’s cat: Tony Shalhoub loves kebab!
Finally a way for the One Percent to avoid those embarrassing encounters with coach class.
That second picture looks like they are trying to slither their way out of the muck. It reminds me of all the cartoons showing the evolution of man from fish.
I love the Antonov 225
I’ve had several opportunities to go aboard them and they are pretty incredible cargo aircraft. 32 main wheels!
Oh thanks a LOT…four straight hours of the “Hamilton” soundtrack yesterday by my kids’ request (road trip to see my dad)…the songs were just leaving my head, and now look what you did…
Thoroughly Pizzled
@Mnemosyne: What comes next?
Gogol’s wife needs to know that “Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812” is coming to Broadway. They’re going to be neighbors with “Hamilton.”
I’m sorry, but the Berniebros have left me no choice. Though I’m gonna need a right-hand man.
Why is TL assuring us that he loves us when he never threatened to punch us in the neck?
Or did he?
Linda Featheringill
Off Topic:
For folks who have been in the closet about Bernie support on dkos:
Just for us. :-)
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
I foresee a lot of Angelica Schulyer. You want a revolution? I want a revelation.
So, Juicers not playing nice again. I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
Great editorial cartoon
Dosage and Administration
Rectal 1 or 2 suppositories/day (max, 4 doses/day).
Roger Moore
Yo, dawg, I hear you like airplanes, so I put a plane inside your plane so you can fly while you fly.
Alt: Planeception.
@Roger Moore: I got this reference!
Randy P
Question for our BJ legal minds / Supreme Court watchers. Is it possible that Scalia was in effect controlling more than one vote behind the scenes? That the court is already more liberal even without a replacement justice?
As my two data points of WTF is going on with the Supremes, I offer the “Clarence Thomas speaks!” moment from last week, and today’s 8-0 ruling in favor of gay adoption rights. (Link is to Wonkette, where I read it).
It’s still not enough data to be more than anecdotal, but I’m seriously starting to wonder if Scalia was doing one helluva lot more damage to the Court than we realized.
ETA: Wouldn’t it be fun if McConnell did actually manage to derail the advise-and-consent process for an entire year but we got a year of good decisions anyway?
? Martin
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Hopefully not a wedding. Our drone analysts seem to be not very aware that wedding are a thing.
The wife of former Eagles member Randy Meisner was shot and killed on Sunday night in the couple’s Los Angeles home, according to police.
Lana Rae Meisner, 63, the wife of the former Eagles bassist, is reported to have died hours after police responded to a domestic violence call at the couple’s home in Studio City. According to TMZ, Lana Rae called 911 to report that her husband was “acting erratically” and waving a BB gun.
Later, police were called back to the house, where Randy said his wife accidentally shot herself in the head while reaching for an item in a darkened closet.
Randy Meisner was taken to the hospital on Monday morning after “acting in an altered state”.
Meisner, 69, has reportedly been living with bipolar disorder. Last year, he threatened murder-suicide by AK-47 and was subsequently hospitalized.
The Golux
@? Martin:
Conga line?
Thoroughly Pizzled
@Mnemosyne: No idea if Lin-Manuel Miranda intended this, but that lyric hilariously echoes a Saul Alinsky quote pertinent to this primary:
Roger Moore
Prop 187 had a similar effect here in California. The Republican party was already in trouble- that’s why they needed to demonize immigrants to drive turnout- but the spike in Latino citizenship and interest in politics has damaged them ever since.
roly poly
eat them up
I think it’s getting near dinner time for a lot of Balloon Juicers, so I think what this blog needs is some Memphis Soul Stew.
Roger Moore
I’m glad it wasn’t completely wasted.
Fair Economist
@Randy P:
Scalia wasn’t “controlling” anybody’s vote (not even Thomas) but he was by far the most outspoken conservative judge on the Court and court justices can be persuaded. None of the other conservatives can replace him – Thomas basically doesn’t talk, Alito is prickly, Roberts has to play Chief Justice and Kennedy is not hardline. Particularly with the pretty outrageous cases the conservatives were trying to get through it’s quite possible that with him gone the non-conservative justices will convert what would have been 5-4 for the conservatives to 5-3 for the nonconservatives. It doesn’t even have to be Kennedy – even Thomas and Alito occasionally cast honest thoughtful votes.
Roger Moore
@Randy P:
I suspect that one would have gone 9-0 if Scalia were still around. He was an asshole, but he did generally go with the plain reading of the text when it was blindingly obvious. This is a blindingly obvious case where the full faith and credit clause applies, and I doubt Scalia would have seen it otherwise.
@Fair Economist: I agree, the only caveat I would add, is that he was very dominating during oral arguments and I think that had the effect of shutting other justices down. I’m hard pressed to believe the oral argument in the 5th circuit abortion case would have happened as it did with Scalia present.
Prescott Cactus
Picture of a 747 with 5th engine. Isn’t a photoshop. Quantas needed to get a 747 engine from Sydney to Johannesburg, South Africa. Strapping onto a wing was the best and fastest way. Thinking outside the box!
Randy P
@LAO: I’m going to take this as a “yes” on my hypothesis. Not that he did lobbying and arm-twisting behind the scenes, as I was imagining, but that he may have influenced other votes besides his own. As you say, through the open process of oral arguments.
And that as a result, the expectation value of the change in conservativeness of future non-Scalia decisions will be greater than 1.0. To phrase it in language I’m comfortable with.
At the airport once with a Quebecois friend. He is looking out at the runway and tells me he sees an Air Culis. I didn’t know what country that was from so I got up to look. It was a Hercules.
Prescott Cactus
@Prescott Cactus:
5 engine plane
@Roger Moore: Not so sure about that. True, Scalia would have seen this in Full Faith and Credit light, but not convinced that would have overridden his burning desire to scr3w Those People.
@Mnemosyne: no you don’t…cause you ain’t never gonna be president now…
Regnad Kcin
ein sehr interresanter Film davon,sendung482284.html
And don’t forget about the Super guppy!
@srv: Is Pratt & Whitney still making aircraft engines? I know they do a lot with power generation these days.
I once worked with a CAA maintenance inspector who told me he only flies on 4 engine aircraft. When I asked why he said because he couldn’t find 5 engine aircraft.
Prototype 707 doing a barrel roll.
@heckblazer: Years ago I worked with the guy (ok, for the guy) who was the flight engineer on that flight.
We operated two 707’s in exec configuration into the early 90’s.
J R in WV
@Howard Beale IV:
We saw one of those at the airport in Houston some years ago. It was picking up some kind of oil field hardware, looked like the Titanic ingesting the world’s largest locomotive. We were way out on the tarmac waiting for thunderstorms at the other end of the airfield to pass beyond the fences, killing time waiting for takeoff clearance, and there it was. Really huge. Makes Dumpkf look small.