Looks like we’re experiencing some technical difficulties. Or maybe it’s all a dream. Open thread?
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by Betty Cracker| 160 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Looks like we’re experiencing some technical difficulties. Or maybe it’s all a dream. Open thread?
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More like a nightmare. ?
Betty Cracker
Is this part working?
A dream within a dream
Amir Khalid
I noticed it all the way over here. My first thought was, “Alain’s been at work again.”
It was an outage of some sort at our hosting provider. Haven’t heard anything from them.
The bits, feeling abused by the Republican debates, went on strike. “We’re bits, but we’re not nasty like those bits.”
The giants are stomping their feet over here in LA(aka thunder).
I never realize how addicted I am to Balloon Juice until I can’t get it.
A nightmare within a nightmare… which is itself a nightmare!
Name that movie. :)
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s how you can tell you’re addicted.
Patricia Kayden
Yes this thing is back up and running. YAY! Our long national nightmare is over.
@Amir Khalid: Nope. I wrote to Alain a few minutes ago when I heard from satby that BJ was down. He hadn’t worked on anything since Saturday, so you can’t blame him.
Sounds like it was a problem with the web hosting side of things. Thanks for contacting them, mistermix!
P.S. Seems like maybe Cole or someone here might want to consider running something that notifies you if the server is down.
LOL, I thought what Amir thought and even read John’s tweets. All I found out was that he hated us all and was going to bed.
Amir Khalid
My second thought, right after the first, was, “That’s unfair.” No, I don’t blame every Balloon Juice access glitch on him — at least, not in my rational moments. I know they’ve been happening since well before he came along.
But try not to make it look like a DDOS attack, so you don’t freak out your hosting service.
[saw it happen twice; NEVER want to see it again]
The Atlantic has an excellent defense of government participation in our society.
TaMara (BHF)
@SiubhanDuinne: This. Glad we’re back up. Now I may continue with my day. Mornin’ all.
Mustang Bobby
That reminds me of the time I was working at a small-town radio station in northern Michigan. A thunderstorm came through and took out the power. The DJ bolted out of the studio and said, “Hey, the power’s out on the board!” Without missing a beat the general manager hollered, “Well, get back in there and tell the listeners we’re off the air!” The DJ got about halfway to the studio before his light came on…
Yes, and I’m an addict too! It’s how I start my morning, but I was too busy to get on early and then waited about 30 minutes before I pinged Watergirl to ask her if she had the same problem with the site. Catching up on the overnight threads is what I do as I have my morning coffee. B-J is my morning news.
Thanks Watergirl for contacting Alain, and thanks mistermix for getting the hosting company on the case!
@SiubhanDuinne: I know! I considered Facebooking you to commiserate!
Happy Monday morning, all.
Old Dan and Little Anne
I thought work finally blocked the site. Phew.
So pretty much the same as usual, then.
I know! No balloon-juice when I first check my phone in the morning! I didn’t know if I would be able to make it through the day.
schrodinger's cat
Finally working! We should make an offering to blog deity Tunch to prevent further outages. I suggest catnip mouse and mustard.
I suggest a line that says, “We are experiencing technical difficulties,” under the classic Hindenburg image.
The Ancient Randonneur
Balloon Juice down?
Thanks Obama!
C.V. Danes
@SiubhanDuinne: Right!
@Waldo: That would be perfect!
In all CAPS!
Ruined my morning, dammit. I am not a good early riser, so I actually get up about 45 minutes earlier than I really need to in order to wake up fully before getting ready for the work day. Part of that ritual is sitting by myself with a cup of coffee and catching up on BJ, just after feeding and watering the pups and just before getting in the shower. I was very upset by the disruption to my sacred morning ritual!
A BJ issue is great news for Hillary Clinton.
Betty Cracker
@Ruviana: I think he was saying he hates the people on Twitter, and one needn’t be a misanthrope for that.
RE: the outage — I think it was pretty widespread. BJ wasn’t the only blog that was knocked out.
@danielx: Yep, that much was a relief!
O. Felix Culpa
At first I thought my wretched internet connection was down, since BJ is the first site I go to in the morning. It’s my social/political/random other commentary crack. Thanks be to FSM that BJ is back up and running again, averting severe withdrawal pains.
@Elizabelle: Use all caps! He loves that!
ETA: Beated by Satby!
Now I have to read all but the Downton thread because I wn’t be able to watch it until later. And I think it was NotMax I have to thank/blame for getting me to try Grand Hotel, because that series is like crack. I normally watch a max of two hours of anything in a day, but Saturday watched 10, and 3 hours every other day I’ve put it on. I have to make myself turn it off or I’d sit there until I finished the whole 60 or so episodes!
@Mustang Bobby: That was good for a chuckle.
On a lovely spring day when I was in my twenties, I made plans with a friend to come over so we could wash our cars together in my driveway. She called back a few minutes later – “it’s such a nice day, I think I’m going to walk over”. I said okay and hung up the phone. We both figured it out a few minutes later, but she was already halfway here (on foot!) and there were no cell phones back then. We had a good laugh at ourselves, and she helped me wash my car.
@geg6: I feel the same way!
Hahaha! That’s hilarious, because I was going to do exactly the same to you!
@Amir Khalid: I clicked “Post Commet” and then noticed that my comment sounded harsh and I should have said “we can’t blame him for this”. But that was the moment BJ went down again, so I couldn’t edit! Then the site was completely down and I figured my comment would have gotten lost in the ether. But no, it was here when I finally got back in.
Anyway, I didn’t mean it as a criticism of you!
Good morning, everyone!
Not a dream. I looked up the whois for the site on tucows.com, where it is registered. Was willing to call and report the issues. But the contact phone number for the site yields a not available bad number message.
schrodinger's cat
Whatever happened to Tommy? Have not seen him around in a while.
Iowa Old Lady
Yay! I miss this place when it’s down. Who knew?
rage against the dying of the light.
Good morning world. Yes, now we can all start the day. BJ is back. Anne Laurie are you still up?
ETA: I figured something was wrong because all of the other tabs I keep open were there, except for BJ.
Charles over at LGF mentioned a DDOS attack on Hosting Matters.
I binged Grantchester and would have continued if there were more than one season available. I’ll have to try Grand Hotel.
When I can’t my morning BJ fix, even coffee doesn’t taste as it should.
Alain the site fixer
Nope, ’twasn’t me. It seems to still be having some problems, at least for me, so it may hiccup a bit more.
On site news, I hope to open the test server for testers tomorrow. I need to get as many ducks in a row as possible so that they aren’t wasting their time as I’m planning on one test period, feedback, tweaks, then launch. All in all, it’s looking much better and comments should be awesome. Since i rebuilt the site files from scratch, I need to go through everything at least twice more to ensure something didn’t get dropped. Small details to me are not so small to many of you!
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
Tommy says he has periods of intense work when he’s too busy to comment here. I guess this is one of those periods. He’ll be back.
@MomSense: 2nd season of Grantchester coming at the end of March.
O. Felix Culpa
@Amir Khalid: Thanks for that update. I too was wondering where Tommy was.
schrodinger's cat
@Amir Khalid: How is your paw?
Doc Martin is returning for a new season. Next year, though.
Roger Moore
That’s great, but it’s pathetic that we need to defend government involvement in society. It’s obvious that the nihilist messaging machine is way ahead.
I feel like this kid.
Yes! I’m even in love with the dog. Well of course I’m in love with the dog.
This website is Alain’s Katrina! Even if he had nothing to do with the downage,
I finally realized a good thing about Nancy Reagan: She makes me appreciate how great Michelle is. One devoted herself to pursuing her drug agenda and covering up for her damaged husband. Michelle has worked on positive things to make people better off.
@LAO: The parents should be charged with child abuse, both for the hair thing (including the coloring job) and giving the poor kid to Trump to kiss (horrors!!!?!#?!!!).
their support says it was a DOS attack,
my little site’s hosted there, too.
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
Still there, pinky still attached. The ortho clinic at U of Malaya Medical Centre gave me an urgent referral to the rheumatology clinic to see to my gout. Rheumatology clinic gave me an appointment for June — they’re booked solid till then. Sigh.
@PurpleGirl: The abject horror on the kid’s face though .. . is priceless.
“When you are white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor.”
-Sen. Bernard Sanders
March 6, 2016
Maybe the site should be renamed “Balloon Jones”?
@Amir Khalid:
Damn that Obamacare!
On the plus side, they meant June, 2016, not 2017, right? Right?
I’m currently baffled by Cole’s Twitter saying there is a new post up where none exists.
Cats were NOT happy about it, either. Keaton was stretched out under the couch but trying to act casual.
We’re going to stop Trump with mish-mash nonsense and term dropping like this? God save us.
Also, for the morning/weekday crowd — $73 million for a thinly veiled allegory about race tells me this isn’t the Republicans’ year.
Amir Khalid
Yes, June 2016. No, I don’t think you can actually blame Obamacare for this one. Although no doubt there are some who would like to try …
Mary G
Going back to the hospital for another IV and the rain and thunderstorm just opened up. I don’t even own a raincoat anymore so I guess it is a garbage bag or nothing.
Also, a service dog was forced to take the Trump loyalty oath:
@MomSense: I love the housekeeper. And the dog.
Ultraviolet Thunder
It’s an election year. Blaming people for stuff they have no control over is the only entertainment we get.
Rep John Lewis Twitter Feed is pretty special today.
Miss Bianca
Well, I am waiting to hear back from commenter Jimbo about whether or not I am online to do a puppeh rescue. Guess he found a poor little three-legged pup yesterday. Betty, there was some mention that you knew someone here in CO who did “special needs” dog rescue? Or is this, too, a dream?
“Balloon Jones” – yup. Wait till my gentleman caller finds out we may be headed to Manitou Springs to pick up a dog I found thru’ BJ! Thanks, Cole. Oh, and Obama. Cuz why not?
Ultraviolet Thunder
Dental appointment this morning. Have to go back Thursday for a filling.
@Amir Khalid:
Then you’re not trying hard enough. What are you, a damn commie?
Here’s how it’s done:
When B. Hussein Obama was studying Mooslimism at the madrassah in
KenyaIndonesiaMalaysia, he was also setting up a shadow government in Kuala Lumpur, which he now uses to do mumble mumble mumble.Germy
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: I hear there’s a program for that.
@Germy: They must have the 3 biggest bombs in history. John Carter on Mars pales in comparison.
Mike J
@jeffreyw: HM status confirms:
Amir Khalid
North Korea — the Bundy Bunch of nations.
@Amir Khalid: Or the Alabama of the world
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Oh yeah? Well then I blame you! For uhh, umm… for something! I’ll come back later once I figure out what it is.
Heh heh heh heh (twirls moustache). Wheels within wheels within wheels. If it grabs one, one is hooked and hooked bad. Not a binge watcher, so you’ll complete it faster than I.
Another one you might get into is the Australian series Rake. Relentlessly acerbic; if it sinks its hooks in you’ll be checking N’flix updates each month for season three to show up, too.
Also two thumbs up on the first season of the French series The Returned. Initial season was riveting, second season (unfortunately) succumbed to Twin Peaks syndrome and became a chore to get through.
Major Major Major Major
Balloon Juicers Pseudonymous
Iowa Old Lady
@LAO: His account of the march across the bridge is just gripping. Thanks for telling us he’s doing it.
@Mary G:
If it’s any consolation, the thunder-and-lightning part seems to be passing through pretty quickly. There’s supposed to be more rain at lunchtime, though, so it may be worth picking up an umbrella at the hospital gift shop on your way out (assuming your IV is at the hospital proper and not at a clinic).
@NotMax: We got hooked a few years ago on a British TV comedy called “The Old Guys” (Jane Asher is in it, remember her?)
The scripts were unbelievably funny. One of the old guys is the henpecked husband from “Keeping Up Appearances”.
Glad to see you all back up.
Good Morning, Everyone :)
Chicago and Suburban Cook County Folks…
Early Voting Continues!!!
But, now, there are EXTENDED HOURS.
For the City of Chicago, go to this page and look for those sites highlighted in red. These sites will be open until 7 PM.
7 PM!!!!
Beginning today through Friday.
Remember. all 51 sites will be open, but only those in red are extended hour sites.
As for Suburban Cook County, check the list for those sites that are open until 7 pm.
But, all 43 sites are open 9 am. – 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
ALL sites, with the exception of the Suburban Courthouses, will be open this Saturday.
And, there 14 Suburban Cook County Sites that will be open this Sunday.
Did anyone else know that Trump had done polling?
Conrad Black: Don’t underestimate Donald. He will win
Conrad Black | March 4, 2016 | Last Updated: Mar 5 11:23 AM ET
It is with great regret that I take public issue with my colleague John Robson, a columnist and editorial writer for the National Post, in this case over his comments on Donald Trump in this newspaper on Monday. John completely missed the point of the Trump candidacy. Donald Trump polled extensively last year and confirmed his suspicion that between 30 and 40 per cent of American adults, cutting across all ethnic, geographic, and demographic lines, were angry, fearful and ashamed at the ineptitude of their federal government.
Americans, Trump rightly concluded, could not abide a continuation in office of those in both parties who had given them decades of shabby and incompetent government: stagnant family incomes, the worst recession in 80 years, stupid wars that cost scores of thousands of casualties and trillions of dollars and generated a humanitarian disaster, serial foreign policy humiliations, and particularly the absence of a border to prevent the entry of unlimited numbers of unskilled migrants, and trade deals that seemed only to import unemployment with often defective goods. I was one of those who thought at the outset that Trump was giving it a shot, and that if it didn’t fly it would at least be a good brand-building exercise.
@Iowa Old Lady: Happy to oblige. I appear to be stuck in a no work Monday.
Amir Khalid
Jane Asher, as in Paul McCartney’s girlfriend in the 1960s?
@Amir Khalid: Yes. I didn’t recognize her until much later, when I happened to see her name in the credits.
LOVE that show and am always disappointed that season 3 hasn’t arrived on Netflix. The american version was so awful but the original is amazing.
Shall seek it out.
Another to keep an eye out for is the Swedish series Real Humans. Not on Netflix yet (although findable – with some effort – online with English subtitles). Even when it veered in directions not my normal cup of tea, couldn’t cease watching. Trailer (mostly Swedish with Dutch subtitles, but enough to convey the flavor). Avoid the British/American version, Human, at all costs.
Henpecked is understating Hyacinth’s eternally beleaguered hubby on Keeping Up Appearances. Rocpecked is more like it. Lurve me some Onslow (“Oh, noice”). :)
@MomSense: yeah, the second season of Grantchester will be on soon, can’t wait. Let me know how you like Grand Hotel.
So Marco Rubio won the Puerto Rican primary in a blowout. He got, what, 71% of the votes. But I’m told that Puerto Rico is an open primary. Could this be Democrats strategically keeping Rubio’s false hopes alive?
@rikyrah: Conrad’s views are not surprising. You’ll always find right-wingers who think fascism is the answer to political problems, and I expect we’ll see more of it in the coming months. It was a pretty common position on the right, back in the ’30’s– although there was a lot of subsequent amnesia and denial after the war, when the right turned to anti-communism as the road to political success.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: My sons did their early voting part in Chicago. Proud of them.
@NotMax: I love how the daughters on “Keeping Up Appearances” were all named after flowers: Rose, Hyacinth, Daisy, Violet.
@NotMax: the last series I binged on was Veronica Mars seasons 1&2 to get ready for season 3, while it was still airing. Normally can’t sit through more than 2 hours of anything.
But thanks for the suggestion, because I am enjoying the hell outta this series!
@MattF: I somehow made Conrad Black’s surname ‘Conrad’. Not sure how that happened.
Obviously a person of discerning wit and intellect.
Ever see the Australian show Wild Boys? Not on Netflix, but the entire series of 13 episodes available on YouTube. Think Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid meet the Outback.
Luscious cinematography a definite plus.
Chocolate Cumberbunny: this Easter, gnaw on Benedict’s face
I disagree. I think the adaptation, Humans, is immensely watchable and fun, and sad.
William Hurt is great in a couple of episodes. I like how the series deals with themes of how artificial humans affect the ways that humans view themselves.
I have not seen, and would love to see the Swedish version.
schrodinger's cat
@MattF: One fraudster loves another, not surprising. BTW if one want the government to work the last thing you would do is voter for Trump.
@NotMax: I have Acorn TV as a Roku channel, it’s also available through Amazon. Mostly British shows, but a lot of Scottish, Aussie, NZ, and Canadian shows sprinkled in. Until I got hooked on GH, I mostly watched Acorn.
Which let me discover John Hannah is a very underrated actor.
@NotMax: I will check out. I’m not so discerning, just love shows where defense attorneys are the hero/anti hero. Makes me feel better about my poor life choices,
schrodinger's cat
@Germy: In Downton Abby too, we have Rose, Violet and Daisy.
Not a spoiler, but if the head of housekeeping were any more tightly wound her spleen would rupture.
@Brachiator: I, too, like Humans a lot. I also liked Almost Human, which they cancelled. Bastards!
@LAO: Probably already said this, but you’ve got to watch “Daredevil”. It’s about a super-hero Defense Attorney.
I wanted to see this, but had to work over a good chunk of the weekend. Some reviews suggested that the allegory is too heavy handed, but that the animation is gorgeous.
I have been hearing very good things about another animated film, The Boy and the Beast, which is playing at select theaters here and there.
It has won a number of awards in its home country.
Gentler type of sitcom, but you and your girls might like watching Little Mosque on the Prairie together, if it’s on one of those services.
Canadian series.
@NotMax: I’ll look for that, thanks!
@schrodinger’s cat:
If I had a cat, I would probably name it Downton Tabby.
Looks like the NRA is feeling the Bern. “NRA Praises Sanders’ Comments on Gun Manufacturer Liability.”
@redshirt: I have. There was a discussion about this the other day — since I once lived in Hell’s Kitchen and I am a defense attorney, I was forced to spend some time “proving” that I wasn’t Daredevil. For some reason the fact that I am a woman and sighted then led to a discussion of whether I was She-Hulk. I categorically deny being She-Hulk.
Town doctor a Muslim woman. Good role model. You may have to explain the rightwing guy on the radio as intentionally being there as a clown to the girls.
And the new imam is definitely eye candy. :)
@AliceBlue: Sorry, my link didn’t work. It’s on TPM.
Wha Da Phuck?
Did this idiot really say this? [Checking the Internets] Damn.
@NotMax: they have to listen to me verbally abuse and reply to the Nice Polite Republican news readers every day on the way to school. They’ll totally get the right-wing guy is a clown.
When I started getting into science fiction as a kid, I had a special fondness for time travel and robot stories.
Yeah, Almost Human was fun, too.
I thought it was a movie with Ben Affleck. I still have to get around to watching this.
@Brachiator: yeah, the twitterari had lots of fun with that one. And him telling Clinton he was still talking.
And our bloghost was defending Bern as just being inartful, or something.
Sorry Berniacs, but I think the guy’s a moron.
Oh, and he defended protecting gun manufacturers from liability. He really didn’t have a very good debate.
@Brachiator: I’m sure this sort of rhetorical deftness will transfer quite well to international diplomacy…
schrodinger's cat
@Brachiator: My Downton Tabby expects to be served hand and foot.
Amir Khalid
This has been my main problem with Bernie. The guy’s got his heart in the right place, for sure; but I just don’t feel like he’s up to the job of presidenting.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
TBogg @ tbogg 15h15 hours ago
Everything Bernie knows about the black experience, he learned in a 1969 song written by Mac Davis and sung by Elvis.
@AliceBlue: I think the NRA will be whistled back pretty soon. The only thing this does is make it less likely for Sanders to win the nomination and slightly more likely for him to win in the general. Not exactly something they want.
Anything – anything – beats Daredevil’s first TV appearance, when he showed up adorned with a black blindfold.
“Nobody will suspect I’m blind.”
Another plus is that the series was written by a Muslim woman.
While certainly there is a lot of disappointment in the government, what people like him (and Sanders, for that matter) don’t realize is that the disappointment is for different, often mutually contradictory things. The crowd angry that we didn’t get single payer are not the crowd angry they haven’t gotten a Christian theocracy, which only partly overlaps with the crowd angry that they still have to serve black people in their businesses.
I didn’t think it was veiled at all. In particular, it’s an exploration of intersectionality.
Okay, so, that DID read to blacks like it did to me.
Miss Bianca
She-Hulk is a thing?
Paul in KY
@Alain the site fixer: Alain, still can’t get to previous pages by clicking on the 2 or 3 at bottom of page.
There are several anthropomorphized animal movies coming out — I think Sony has one being released this year as well.
I don’t think the allegory is heavy-handed, but let’s face it, there are quite a few white people out there who think ANY portrayal of race is heavy-handed. It’s actually very nuanced, especially for a family film.
Secret insider information: it was upper management that felt it needed the intersectionality, and they were totally right. It’s a much better film thanks to that.
@rikyrah: Wow, that’s a breathtaking piece of timed propaganda.
(continuing your quote)
Stops just short of claiming that Trump is only entering politics for the sake of our children’s futures, to save our nation. (As Goebbels supposedly said of Hitler, and Ammond Bundy and LaVoy Finnicum kept repeating for the cameras.) Goebbels wrote an article titled “Hitler as a Mensch.”
@Brachiator: It is a movie with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner which got pretty widely panned but I thought was OK;
But its also Netflix produced tv show that came out last year. 13 episodes, widely critically praised. I loved it.
@Miss Bianca
You betcha
@LAO: That’s exactly what She-Hulk would say….
@NotMax: You’re referring to the Netflix show? I loved the black ninja mask.
@Amir Khalid: Yes. It’s not enough to be right on the issues; you have to have policy chops, you have to have the temperment to be president, you have to deal with issues dynamically, you have to be able to select high powered staff.
I find Sanders to be lacking in all these areas, which is why I lean Clinton.
No, the made for TV Thor movie from decades ago.
Seriously. It’s like The Establishment failed because Obamacare went too far, while the The Establishment failed because it didn’t go far enough.
@NotMax: I’ve blocked it out. That and the Captain America movies from the same period. Spiderman too. I only remember Bixby’s Hulk series….
sad piano…….
Miss Bianca
“Daredevil” director’s cut is better than the theatrical release, I thought. Same with “Elektra”.
I’m joking with you. I thought the Affleck Daredevil movie was OK, as well. I also thought that Colin Farrell was a good Bullseye.
I think I would probably want to see Jessica Jones before watching Daredevil. I got a long list of stuff I want to catch up with, and while I know that Daredevil has been praised, I don’t get the sense that it covers new ground, or is particularly original or innovative. There’s so much Marvel stuff out there that I have to pick and choose among what most appeals to me.
The pathetic thing is that for someone, somewhere, those are fond memories.
Kind of like whenever one hears Push, Push, in the Bush, you just know the there’s a couple out there saying “They’re playing our song.”
@Brachiator: I just finished Jessica Jones too. It’s the more unique series of the two. Very noir. Pretty grim actually. There is one connection to Daredevil though that makes it better to watch Daredevil first.
@NotMax: I lied. I fondly remember the Spiderman TV series from the late 70’s. It was terrible and I’d never want to watch it again, but I recall being blown away that Spiderman was on TV.
I didn’t have as much of a problem with this one. Dismissive? Yeah. Sexist? Probably. But politics ain’t a cakewalk, and I am voting for a president who will have to deal with outright insults. And I think that HRC is up for it.
This is bad, because it is bad policy.
I only watched clips of the debate, but Bernie lost me when he kept going on about the Wall Street bail-out. It’s a done deal. It’s over. He doesn’t seem to have much in the way of ideas about what needs to be done next, and is obsessed with proving how pure he is and how corrupt every other politician is.
He’s a crank. I tried to give him a fair hearing, but he’s not ready for prime time. This is not to say that HRC is the best candidate ever, but she outshines Bernie in every important aspect of leadership.
@redshirt: Well one does need to maintain one’s cover.
@Miss Bianca: No, She-Hulk and the Thing are two separate superheroes. Although She-Hulk did replace the Thing in the Fantastic Four for a period of time as he was jaunting about on the Beyonder’s Battleworld.
And let us not speak of the poor She-Thing…
@Gravenstone: There really is a She-Thing?
@redshirt: Indeed. And just to make things unnecessarily complex, she also went by Ms. Marvel for a while.