"Feel the Burn?" Sanders slogan used to encourage STD testing: https://t.co/dAtbMAmbZu pic.twitter.com/NamXRGYune
— The Hill (@thehill) March 31, 2016
When I first saw this on the twitter feeds yesterday, I assumed it was a photoshopped image, but The Hill is profoundly anti-japery.
And it’s probably because I’m old — I grew up in the Bronx, and left at the height of the ‘Fort Apache’ days — but as a hashtag #TheBronxIsBerning is so.very.NO.
They’re giving a free check to people with STDs?
Socialism is amazing!
Couldn’t be worse than previous charmers like #MississippiBerning or #BernTheWitch.
That’s just wrong. And I don’t even support Bernie.
Can I just mention how much I love the video of Clinton aggressively pushing back on Bernie’s campaign lying about her? Of course, like the video of her telling a Bernie supporter who had just dropped an F-bomb on her to “go run for something then,” this is going to be interpreted in a completely ludicrous way as either: she’s old, she’s out of touch, she’s bitchy, etc.
I’m so disappointed that what seemed like a primary where Dems weren’t going to eat our own has turned into this: a contest where being ahead by double the maximum delegate lead Obama means Hillary is losing, and refusing to support down ticket races is principled.
A Ghost To Most
Seconded. That drew a smile.
Ben Cisco
@Davebo: Yeah, that’s pretty foul.
I seriously hearted when she told them that she’s gotten 2.5 million more votes than Bernie on their way out the door.
Bernfeelers. (sigh)
@Cacti: I know I’m definitely feeling that burn.
Major Major Major Major
@Cacti: can somebody link me
@Major Major Major Major: You wanna get an STD?
@Major Major Major Major:
Here ya go.
I had a weird conversation with a Republican today, it was his position that the only way he would vote for trump was if Bernie somehow was the democratic nominee. I had never really thought about the scenario.
Why does that seem strange?
@Damien: Could you link to that video?
If you feel the Bern for more than 4 hours, contact your doctor.
New York City and eventually the rest of New York State is feeling the bern on a $15 minimum wage:
@Baud: It honestly hadn’t occurred to me. Of course, I’m pretty confident sanders will not be the nominee, so I haven’t really gamed out those scenarios.
I suggested he should vote for you.
Nice. Thank you.
There are a lot of odd first/second choice combinations this election.
@Damien: Hard to say we are eating our own when a Democrat since 1968 is battling a Democrat of convenience.
There was an article in the Onion about Hillary burning down Bernie’s land and telling people to #FeelTheBurn. I hope that is what happens in a couple weeks here in NY. Actually excited to go vote in the Democratic primary (I voted for Obama in 2008 in PA, but it was clear Hillary was going to win; the question was by how much).
My wife is a huge Hillary supporter but refuses to register as a Democrat…tough luck for her; she won’t be able to vote in the primary here.
As Kay can tell you, Fight For 15 pre-dates both candidates’ campaigns. I’m glad that Bernie has jumped on the bandwagon and is bringing more attention to the campaign, but he didn’t initiate the idea.
I’m kind of surprised by that. I was assuming that Sanders might be able to peel off some Trump supporters. Is this person old enough to have a knee-jerk reaction to the “socialist” word?
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, I know. Just joking around a bit because not all that long ago certain regular commenters here said a $15 minimum wage couldn’t pass in progressive states, let alone nationally, and that Sanders’ supporters (I am a clinton supporter for fwiw) were naive to believe it would happen. Yet in the past few months we’ve seen progress in a number of states, including two of the biggest (california and new york).
I’ve been watching the sequel to the movie The Fugitive with Tommy Lee Jones and Wesley Snipes…U.S. Marshals. Was it me, or was it a pretty ok sequel? I don’t know why, but I had an irrational attraction to Tommy Lee Jones back then. Course,seemed the entire premise behind both movies was an excuse to get Tommy Lee Jones…to talk in that twang…lol
I always loved that they brought the entire cast of side characters for the sequel too. Talk a bout career renewal. I used to find Robert Downey Jr so…insufferable. Iron Man did ALOT to redeem him…forgot that. he was such a tool. maybe he still is, but Iron Man and Marvel did ALOT for him
I’m really good at seeing plot twist from movies a mile away, I’m like Sherlock Holmes at the movies. My sis hates it :-) So I knew almost since the scene when RDJ got out the boat when he wasn’t supposed to, that he was likely up to no good. But I do recall, even I didn’t see him shooting the young deputy guy from the first movie.
The funniest thing, when you watch these old movies from 90s and see how archaic the tech is from less than 20 years ago. Its also cool when you can recognize character actors who are still working today and some in iconic roles on tv and the like.
Doesn’t seem like that one got nearly the level of studio hype that the first film got.
I didn’t even know it existed until years after the fact.
I’m actually not that surprised about California and New York, because they’re both still very union-heavy states and a lot of unions were strong backers of Fight For 15. I was more surprised that it’s been going over well in places like Washington state, which statewide is not always as liberal as one would assume.
ETA: And Pennsylvania, but that may be a strong union state.
@Mnemosyne: Nope. Early 40s, two little kids and for a Republican, fairly reasonable. No great fan of Cruz or Trump. But in the end, his primary concern is keeping his taxes low. The socialist scares him.
I think to whatever is left of the moderate (not concerned with social policy) members of the Republican party and they do exist in NYC, Sanders is seen as a bigger threat to them than Trump.
@Mnemosyne: Oregon too. $14.75 in the Portland area. A bit lower in other parts of the state.
@Cacti: I swear I recall seeing it in theatres though.
I don’t recall if it was a hit or not.
@Mnemosyne: It’s going very well in economically strong areas like the main Puget Sound, which are the areas that are pro-Union anyway.
Man. Really miss Wesley Snipes action star…That train scene tho…still remember it. #USMarshals
I know it was stunt doubles but still that was a great scene
One of the reasons RDJ works as Tony Stark is that Stark is supposed to be kind of an arrogant jerk. That’s one of the reasons the scenes between him and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner are so fun in “The Avengers” — you can see that it’s driving Stark nuts that Banner is just as smart as he is, if not smarter, when Stark is used to always being the smartest guy in the room.
And the noise machine hasn’t started on him yet.
The persuadable independents (vote R, don’t want to wear the brand like a burning tire) aren’t going to break for the socialist and will be bothered to vote against a socialist. Because all they care about is their tax bill…or else they would be true believer Teahadis or else Democrats. Trump before Sanders is a real thing.
BTW, I made G watch “Edge of Tomorrow” based on your recommendation and we both really liked it. I’m not a Tom Cruise fan, but I think that’s why I liked it — you get to see the character get emotionally and physically tortured.
Well, Bernie’s not being terribly honest about how much what he wants to do would actually cost the middle class and working class. Scandinavian style social welfare programs aren’t financed with tax hikes on the rich. They’re paid for with regressive VAT taxes on everyone.
The thing with feelin the bern that chaps my ass is the utter disregard for all the things that Democratic politicians have achieved since Sanders was born. Basically every decent thing, minimum wage, overtime pay, voting rights, civil rights act, medicare, medicaid, social security (a bit before Sanders was born) and on and on and on has all come about because of the Democratic Party, despite its obvious flaws and failures. But Sanders really refuses to acknowledge any of that. What things have Independents brought to the table as accomplishments? Fucking nothing. Fuck Bernie. He can go back to Vermont and raise pigeons for all I care about the guy. I wash my hands of him.
@Mnemosyne: Agreed. RDJ is jerk Tony Stark.
@PsiFighter37: Oh I completely agree, and I’m reaching my breaking point with sanctimonious neo-Dems saying that they’re what the “Democrats should be.” Actually, what the Democrats should be is reality-based, dedicated, consistent voters.
I just meant I was really hoping that this notion of presenting valid and conflicting ideas for America in a positive way was going to come to fruition.
I’ll show myself to the unicorn petting zoo while I’m here in candy cane gumdrop land…
@redshirt: But he kind of has an epiphany in the third Iron Man movie, I think. The whole series really, but the last one is really good if you like the Tony Stark character and RDJ.
@magurakurin: Oh I’m with you. Just that the actor was made to play the role.
@Mnemosyne: OMG! Edge of Tomorrow was so good. One of Tom Cruise’s best. But the star of the movie was no doubt Emily Blunt. She was bad ass awesome.
I even liked the ending.
Too bad it didn’t do as well as they’d like…I could totally see some sort of sequel to it.
As for RDJ, I remember now, I intensely did not like him pre-Marvel. I don’t begrudge him getting himself together, but I just hated how much he was able to get away with when he was using…I mean they used to refuse to insure him for movies and stuff…
A lesser actor, particularly an actor of color, would have been finished in the business, but RDJ kept getting chance after chance.
He was perfect for Iron Man, and thanks in part to staying clean and that movie he completely did a 180 in redeeming himself, I just had forgotten how much I disliked him…back to his Ally McBeal days even.
Don’t forget winning World War II, the space program, Food Stamps, the free lunch program for school children, etc.
@Cacti: Have they tried #BernHollywoodBern yet?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: It had Irene Jacob in it. I knew it existed.
Not that you’re wrong about RDJ getting way more chances than anyone else probably would have (particularly an actor of color), but he actually did about a year in state prison, and not one of your fancy low-security prisons, either. They sent him to Corcoran, which is a seriously nasty place with very violent offenders. I’m glad he was finally able to straighten himself out, because I was fully expecting him to die.
@lamh36: The only thing I remember RDJ in pre-Iron Man is Soapdish. He was pretty good in that, but then everyone was pretty good in that.
Welp, that’s it for US Marshals . Next up on AMC is Live Free or Die Hard…true confession time…I am NOT much a fan of the Die Hard movies…
Sorry, not sorry
Soapdish is one of my guilty pleasure cable movies. I love how it plays with all of the soap opera tropes within the movie’s own plot, and Sally Fields and Kevin Kline are hilarious as the hammy (but adorable) leads. RDJ plays kind of a jerk in that one, too.
When some 20-something Bernfeeler calls John Lewis an “establishment sellout”, them’s fightin’ words!
Jon Lewis is a goddamned gold plated human rights Icon and American hero. Anyone born in the post-civil rights era who thinks themselves a better Democrat than John Lewis should line up around the block to kiss his ass.
@Mnemosyne: Oh, also speaking of Emily Blunt, I’m hoping to get passes to a free screening of her new movie with Charlize Theron….the “prequel/sequel” to Snow White and the Huntsman.
It’s called “Hunstman, Winter’s War” or something like that. It’s right up my alley, eye candy (Chris Hemsworth) and three fab ladies as central bad asses..Jessica Chastain’s also in it. I love seeing Charlize chew up some scenery.
ETA: As for RDJ, yeah, I remember the prison term and stuff, still couldn’t stand him. I’ve gotten over it these 20 years later though
Same here with the guilty pleasure. Great ensemble hamming it up, even with the small parts (Kathy Najimy and Garry Marshall).
I didn’t see “Snow White and the Huntsman” because I can’t stand Kristen Stewart. She just comes across as a sulky teenager in everything I’ve seen. The only movie I was okay with her in was “Adventureland,” where she was supposed to be an annoying, sulky teenager.
kd bart
It’s going to be interesting to see how much more New Yorkerish & Jewish Bernie becomes in the days leading up to the New York primary. He basically abandoned both decades ago.
@divF: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a Christmas classic: RDJ, Val Kilmer, and Michele Monaghan. It’s a movie nerd, Raymond Chandler nerd, pulp nerd masterpiece.
This screenshot of All Giordano breaking down the history of the South Bronx and why that “Bronx is Berning” hashtag is a bad idea, it’s mandatory reading.
That being said, I hope all those lovely people who ventured into the Bronx, had a good visit.
Your link is completely fucked.
@Steeplejack: well, dang. I blame word press.
Let’s see if this works.
Kiss yourself goodbye
low-tech cyclist
Um, “Feel the burn” was practically a cliche going back 30 years, used by aerobics instructors and the like.
Bernie appropriated it for his campaign with the change of one vowel, which is fine, but “Feel the Burn?” is the freakin’ original. It’s not the Sanders slogan. And if it’s a rip-off of the Sanders slogan, then the Sanders slogan itself is a rip-off.
low-tech cyclist
Something reminded me yesterday of Billy Joel’s song “Miami 2017” aka “I’ve seen the lights go out on Broadway.” The thought crossed my mind that we’re only months away from 2017, and not only is NYC doing fine, but Miami’s on the verge of being under water.