"This is my baby," says Mrs Obama of the WH Kitchen Garden. Hopes next occupants of the WH continue the practice. pic.twitter.com/2lQOEcdqdV
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) April 5, 2016
Seeing Bill Clinton gardening and doing school lunch menus will be worth the price of admission. https://t.co/nAr1dCpoBh
— AlGiordano (@AlGiordano) April 6, 2016
And speaking of happy dreams…
WI exit poll: 39% of Republicans would abandon GOP if Trump is the nominee; 35% would abandon GOP if it’s Cruz. pic.twitter.com/XpS5lJbftS
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) April 6, 2016
Dreams do come true… https://t.co/W4qEbDtsTZ
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) April 6, 2016
Mike J
Bill’s vegan now. Everyone could have psychic powers.
I’d like to see the corresponding percentages for Dems who would abandon the party if HRC/BS is the nominee.
Calloo! Calay! O frabjous day!
[insert, dancing, giving away candy, doing a little jig, Snoopy happy dance, Ren & Stimpy “Happy happy, joy joy” song, etc.]
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Chicken Parm is vegan, right?
Matt McIrvin
@Trentrunner: I think the numbers are similar. These people are mostly not serious, in either party. They’ll come around.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: If true, the Dem wins WI.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: Chickens are vegan, I don’t see why chicken parm wouldn’t be.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: 1984 was the last time WI went R in a presidential election. If the Dems don’t win there, they’re probably fucked everywhere.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Been a while since you saw Scott Pilgrim? Chicken Parm is what causes Todd to lose his powers..
@Mike J: I like your logic. I have a source for free-range eggs, except the owner says his chickens also like cheetos. So my ‘free-range’ eggs have beautiful orange yolks full of trans fats. I can’t win for losing. He also claims the eggs taste cheesy, but I haven’t found that to be so.
Just Some Fuckhead
Glad The Walking Dead wrapped up so Mrs. Greenspan could participate in campaign coverage. She keeps eyeing Chuck Todd but I’m afraid she’s going hungry on that one.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: I forgot. Chickens eat bugs, so probably not vegan. Cows on the other hand, are vegan. Steak and hamburgers, a-ok.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Awesome.
@Mike J:
Nope, beef cattle are mammals. Milk drinkers. Not vegan.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Just Some Fuckhead: Not to worry. Todd has no braaaaaaaaaaaains.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: Has no one seen the movie?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Mike J: To be pedantic (everyone is shocked, I’m sure) grass fed cows are vegan, but those me be the only ones that historically could be guaranteed so. The prion disease BSE (mad cow in general popular terms) started with meat fed cattle – that had BSE.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): AAARRRGGHHH!
So, is this like the Whigs in 1854 or what? Leaving aside the whole fascism thing, or course.
@Mike J:
I have to differ. Wisconsin’s voting procedures and restrictions are about as fucked up as they get, particularly since it was sorta planned that way. Not everyplace is like this, praise Jeebus. Not yet anyway.
Forgive me, but fellatio in the broom closet is a lot more interesting than this.
Omnes Omnibus
@Heliopause: Tastes vary.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: Depends on if he’s had a lot of fruit juice.
@Mike J:
You’re not helping.
@Omnes Omnibus: I have, though I can’t claim to remember a single line of dialogue from it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Doesn’t help.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: I should have gone with the Simpsons level five vegan gag.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: That works.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s milk and eggs, bitch.
This woman gave Ricky Scott a piece of her mind and somebody put it on the YouTube machine. I want somebody doing this to every GOP pig who has not expanded Medicaid. I just wish she had yelled at him as he was making an escape ‘Run away like the little boy you are.’
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: If the chicken is fed an all vegetarian diet, then as far as I’m considered its a vegetarian.
Woman in Florida Starbucks yells at Rick Scott, drives him out without his coffee.
@Corner Stone:
Welcome back, stranger. How was your vision quest?
? Martin
Whoopsie. Someone accidentally told the truth.
Representative Grothman says that Voter ID will help the GOP win Wisconsin in the general election. Someone forgot to read their talking points this morning.
? Martin
Huh. Betty never struck me as a Starbucks drinker.
Mike J
Omnes Omnibus
@? Martin: Grothman is dumber than a sack of hair.
Just Some Fuckhead
I was in the Chick Fil A drivethru behind the only person in America who doesn’t know what Chick Fil A sells. She stares at the menu board for a long while and then leans out her window and yells, “What’s your chicken sandwich called?!”
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: I saw things…things that defy description.
But honestly, this primary cycle has made me hate, Hate, HATE so many people here I used to have fun fucking with.
“Hello, again. Friend of a friend. I knew you when.”
@Heliopause: Especially since he’s gone Vegan. What would be cool is a kitchen garden that included chickens and cattle. It’s been awhile since there was a white house cow.
@Corner Stone:
Politics or personalities? Though I suppose it could be both.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Corner Stone: There’s no way it’s worse for you than 2008. You were a hot fucking mess.
Adam L Silverman
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): No, it started with English cows fed protein enhancement pellets that were made from sheep and cow scraps – leftovers from normal slaughter that weren’t sold as lamb or beef products. The English cattle that contracted the disease were fed these pellets on a scheme created by the Tory Party Minister of Agriculture, who was himself a cattle farmer, specifically dairy cows, and stood to, and did, make a profit off this. The diseases jump to humans occurred because a small number of traditional butcher shops in rural England that sold cow brains – a local delicacy – didn’t use proper techniques to sanitize cutting boards and knives after preparing the brains. All the human cases in England cluster around and through these butcheries.
The only cattle in Britain not infected were in Scotland. The Scottish farmers rejected the scheme.
? Martin
@Omnes Omnibus: I worked that out when I saw the R after his name.
Mike J
Keith P.
The kicker is the percentage who would abandon the GOP if it’s *not* Cruz/Trump. Some percentage of each is bluffing, but a lot are not. They’re screwed.
Corner Stone
@Just Some Fuckhead: Interesting comment.
Corner Stone
@Davebo: Just seems like there’s a reversal kind of thing going on.
As a Sander’s fan, I despair of some of my fellow travelers at times.
? Martin
@Keith P.: The problem is that the GOP needs to win back either women or Latinos that voted or Obama in 2012. They have no demographic path to victory without that.
I don’t see how either Cruz or Trump do that. GOP had a -6 gap from men to women, Dems a +14 gap per the exit polls. Since women represent 53% of voters, I don’t see any possible way for the GOP to make the demographics work.
Betty Cracker
@Mai.naem.mobile & @brettvk: That woman is my new hero! Brava!
@? Martin:
I saw a poll today that said over 70 percent of women hate Trump. That means there’s a sizable chunk of white women who hate him, too.
@? Martin:
Look closer. Do you see a Starbucks cup (or whatever cutesie name Starbucks gives to the receptacles into which the coffee is poured) in her hand, or anywhere near her?
So, until we hear Betty deny that it was she, it’s still an open issue.
ETA: So, of course, while I’m typing, Betty jumps in to (in essence) deny it. Thanks, Obama.
@? Martin:
It happens now and again. Somewhat reported case of a PA lawmaker stating ID laws would deliver the stare to Romney in 2012.
The people already outraged know ID laws are a con job to help Republicans win.
The people, who support ID laws know it’s a con job to help Republicans win.
Those who are undecided probably do not vote very often, if at all, and therefore their interests can be ignored by politicians.
Edit: The media is officially undecided about ID, because they are cowards scared to confront the GOP daddy or maybe they support keeping “those people” from voting.
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: That woman is likely to be arrested for assaulting a public official. We need to be honest about Rick Scott and how he and his people operate. They are vindictive. And they are sneaky. And his plainclothes security was clearly considering arresting her on the spot until they noticed that someone else was recording the incident on his cellphone. That woman in the grey pantsuit – she’s a plainclothes officer. Notice how she moves towards the woman in a deliberate manner until she notices they’re being filmed?
Mike J
Republican exit polls showed no gender gap. (Chart is from the grauniad’s exit poll)
@Mike J: Didn’t someone here post something about cows eating chickens. Like it was a great treat or something?
I didn’t realize he had been married (or in a “relationship”) so many times. Guy gets around.
Somehow, I don’t think the Teddy Bears were singing about him
Prescott Cactus
@Adam L Silverman:
Misdemeanor ? Possible time ?
pseudonymous in nc
@? Martin: the primary season is a good indication of just how fucked voter ID and the shitting over of the Voting Rights Act will be in November. All bets are off, and a large part of the Dem nominee’s campaign budget will need to go towards getting people un-disenfranchised, which is probably what the GOP want.
Wisconsin is a crying shame, because that was a state that institutionally believed in free and fair elections until Scottie Wanker and the Kochs showed up and determined that free and fair elections were a bad idea, and that the southern states which never institutionally believed in free and fair elections were better for doing so.
Adam L Silverman
@Prescott Cactus: Depends how far Scott wants to push it. Its possible he doesn’t push it at all. But everything I know about it him makes me think he won’t be that smart. Perhaps one of his senior advisors will step in and keep him in check.
@Mike J:
It was his disapproval rating with all women, not Republican voters.
Prescott Cactus
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks !
Adam L Silverman by Prescott Cactus
Military Man
Long view and concise answers
Bundy Exposer
Adam L Silverman
@Prescott Cactus: I’m not in the military. Never have been. I’ve just had the honor and privilege to work with them.
And you’re welcome.
@Mike J:
Also, if you’ve seen any of the Democratic exit poll data by gender, I’d be curious to see how that’s breaking down. It looks like there are slightly more Republican men voting than Republican women in that poll, but IIRC there’s usually a slight majority of women who vote in the general election.
? Martin
@Mike J:
Doesn’t mean anything. Voter turnout was 40% (pretty high). Let’s assume equal turnout between parties. That means that 20% of voters participated in the GOP primary (20% in the Dem). 47% of the GOP voters were women, so about 19% of women voters voted Republican. Trump got 35% of them, or about 6.6% of Wisconsin women voters. That’s well inside the 30% that don’t hate him.
Prescott Cactus
@Adam L Silverman: another haiku in the trash heap.
Mike J
@Mike J:
That’s what I suspected — there were more women voting Democratic than men, at a very similar gender split. The Republican gender gap is going to be a major problem in the general election. I wouldn’t be surprised if white women swing towards the Democrats if the alternative is Trump or Cruz.
Adam L Silverman
@Prescott Cactus:
Prescott Cactus
Adam L Silverman by Optimistic a Prescott Cactus
dot gov strategist
Long view and concise answers
Bundy Revealer
Adam L Silverman
@Prescott Cactus: Very good. And with that: a good night. Rack out time here.
Hill Dweller
The Warriors are going to OT at home with the lowly Timberwolves. The Celtics broke their 54 game home winning streak last week, and it looks like they’re going to lose again tonight. The Warriors(especially Curry) have looked worn down the last few weeks. Unless they can get some rest between now and the start of the playoffs, they’re going to have all sorts of problems getting to the Western Conference Finals. Unfortunately, a loss tonight will likely force them to have to keep playing starters to clinch home court throughout the playoffs.
Prescott Cactus
@Corner Stone: Statue of limitations is 7 years for ” a hot fucking mess”. Your cool.
@Mike J:
When people say that journalism now is abnormally bad, I point to things like this. Journalism now is reverting to the mean – and the mean is terrible. We had about 30-40 years post-WWII that were an outlier as far as journalism is concerned (my theory is that its due to the impact of television/radio and FCC regulations on television/radio changing expectations for what good journalism was supposed to be nationwide in almost an instant). But journalism left to its own devices is far more like Gawker historically than it is anything else.
Paul in KY
@Adam L Silverman: I almost wish he had arrested her, because that would have made it blow up in his face even more.
For the brave woman & family’s sake, glad it didn’t happen.