@raven: I mentioned that several threads ago and few others have noted it also. Not saying you are late to the party, just surprised that he hasn’t rated an RIP thread.
ETA: He was bigger than a few mentions in comments threads.
So Mr. Suzanne is currently ice skating with Spawns Elder and Younger. Elder Spawn has been doing melatonin and Lexapro for four days now, and I would say she is much improved mood-wise, though still definitely a pre-teenager with all that that entails. I just want her to feel enthusiasm for anything at this point, though she is focusing on drawing a lot this week. Sometimes I look at her and see so much of myself that it’s terrifying. I would like to think that I turned out all right, so FSM willing we will all make it through her teen years. (Just in time for Younger to get there. One kid at a time. Easy does it. FSM grant me the serenity, etc etc etc.)
Great game, but bullshit goalie interference call. Oh well, Caps suck. Lets see the Pens put 4 more on them in the 3rd…
Mike J
Next year at this time, someone else will be standing in this spot and it’s anyone’s guess who she will be.
It’s anyone’s guess who she will be. haha
He’s so good at this.
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Saw the photo. Love the underdress, the overdress not so much.
@raven: Wow. I knew I’d heard of him, but I’d forgotten just how big a figure he cut in the antiwar movement.
Mike J
Obama threatens lives of Republicans, press corps.
Approval rating skyrockets.
It’s like the Red Wedding!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@patroclus: that sounded like an ad lib, the little orchids didn’t like it
Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN. I fuckin’ love it.
“last time I was this high I was trying to decide on my major.” POTUS on his approval rating
Which black guy are you, the one from South Africa?
Ohio Mom
@Suzanne: I’ve been very busy lately, haven’t been keeping up with comment threads. The last I remember, you were considering taking Elder Spawn to a professional. Glad to hear that in the meantime, progress, and that things are looking up. Isn’t that all we moms really want, for our kids to be happy?
PBO is actually recreating the red wedding/Kill Bill. President black ninja is taking care of all of his business with all the hacks tonight.
Trump’s head just exploded, I’m sure.
Random thoughts… This guy turns me on… I love Michelle’s dress though…
Difference between Bloomberg and Trump: the former was a big city mayor, understands policy in-depth, and is actually worth the amount of money he says he is.
The Reince Priebus & Sanders jokes are a little ouch.
@Ohio Mom: Yeah, she’s been seeing a counselor and then I got her in to a psychiatrist this week. She hates the counseling so far. Don’t really know how to get her to engage with it, but we’ll keep trying.
“My poll numbers keep rising. I haven’t been this high since college. And my aides can’t understand why they’re going up, because I’m not doing anything different.” (Pictures of Cruz and Trump flash on the screen)
We had our 8 year and 364 day old’s birthday party today. I have a wretched cold, and feel like crusty hunk of shit, but it was still fun. The highlight, for me, was one of our daughter’s friends, who forgot Smedley’s name and called him Mr. Smuggington instead.
So who was it that made a CPT joke that spurred the slapdown?
“I was late due to CPT, which stands for JOKES THAT WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT MAKE.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: that was pretty funny, and grabbing the glass of wine, and ‘I had a beer at 11:30 in the morning”. I guess the joke was he sleeps in now that he’s retired.
Thanks for the links everyone. Sounds like I just missed something big. Then again, I kind of got distracted by the headline about the Green Zone invasion in Baghdad…
“You both like raining down bombs. Am I right?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
my god these would-be ink-stained wretches are some fragile little flowers. I think the DAR would be more willing to roll with jokes
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Let the man have a life. He’s done his time.
Schlemazel Khan
Larry is a very difficult comic, not the guy I would have chosen. I get his humor but it is not the sort of thing these assholes will find funny
He got a bad slot, having to follow a genuinely funny man.
Corner Stone
Larry Wilmore is fucking dying.
Keith P.
Chris Christie is saying if it were up to him, Leroy Tunsil would be in cuffs right now over the smoking video. This guy, whose legal opinion seems a bit undercooked, used to be a US Attorney, believe it or not. Has anyone *every* heard of a US Attorney ordering someone’s arrest for smoking a bowl? I’m familiar with it happening when trafficking/growing pounds of the stuff, or shipping paraphernalia across state lines while an evangelical is running the White House, but that would be a HUGE expenditure of federal resources to bust a guy for something that is under $500 in fines and a night in jail (assuming $250 for paraphernalia and another $250 for what I assume is under 1 oz of weed)
And all this would depend on a jury suddenly accepting “water pipe + smoke = marijuana” as an ironclad bit of proof.
@JGabriel: Yeah, I tuned in, got him, listened for a while, now my feed had dropped out. I think that’s a sign that I need to take my grumpy headache off to early bed and catch the PBO show in reruns some other time.
Corner Stone
@Monala: He’s not hit and miss tonight. He is miss and meh.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I like his show. Tonight, he is not on. Some of the jokes work, but, overall, not working.
ETA: I am obviously not black and I may be missing jokes.
You and your dad are in my thoughts. I hope they can take care of the edema and blistering quickly and easily.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: He started by hitting the press, and then they weren’t behind him. Had he stuck with other targets they’d be eating it up.
Keith P.
@Corner Stone: Yeah, I initially wrote “Leroy” after reading a different article and got the name stuck in my head. When I re-read my comment, something wasn’t clicking.
I think that’s a sign that I need to … catch the PBO show in reruns some other time.
Yeah, I missed most of PBO’s opening routine too. Pulled up the link at CSpan just before the Couch Commander vid came on, so I’ll have to catch it in reruns later – once our fellow fans start posting the clips on youtube (or once CSpan makes it available for rewatching after the event ends).
Even OJ said Cruz is hard to like. That made me and hubby laugh out loud.
Wilmore is doing better. “Morning Joe has their head so far up Trump’s ass they bumped into Chris Christie.”
Then a good run of Ted Cruz/Zodiac Killer jokes.
I think Wilmore is doing a fine job of embarrassing the media.
Omnes Omnibus
Beating the Zodiac Killer horse to death.
Corner Stone
Wilmore has died here tonight. Not killed.
The problem is he’s not telling jokes, he’s just taking shots. Sort of a black Don Rickles. It’s amusing, but not funny. And totally bombing with this crowd.
@SiubhanDuinne: That Morning Joe Trump joke was hillarious. He’s dying because those assholes have frigle egos and they’re uncomfortable with all the race jokes.
If you are still around these virtual parts, I’ll share with you (and I’m sure you have great professionals that will be watching, too, but I’ll share anyway)…
…watch very closely for negative impacts from Lexapro. I’ve seen it up close and personal. Enough said.
I only saw her head and shoulders, have not seen the whole dress. But what I saw looked great.
Omnes Omnibus
Wilmore’s ending was good.
Miss Bianca
@JGabriel: yeah, chatter makes it sound like PBO was on fire. But he really is genuinely funny. Sounds like he ripped Trump a new one – I mean, another new one. ; )
@SiubhanDuinne: Well, tastes differ. But FLOTUS could wear a coal sack and make it look stylish. Damn, I’m gonna miss her and PBO in the White House.
Mike J
Too mean too soon to the people in the room. HE should have got them laughing at somebody else first, then made them accept being the target.
I thought “Don RIckles” too. It is very difficult to pull off & this was not the crowd that takes that sort of thing well. I am going to guess by tomorrow he will be completely eviscerated in the media. it is a difficult line to play even at the best of times with exactly the right personality and Wilmore missed I am afraid.
I had it on for a couple of minutes afterward. The WHCD president said her successor would escort the president and First Lady out, and asked everyone to remain seated until they left.
So of course they all immediately got up.
Omnes Omnibus
Black Twitter is telling I was wrong about Wlimore. I am willing to accept that. I’ve been wrong before; I will be wrong again.
Larry Wilmore at his worst. Someone needs to take him aside and say, “Chuckling and muttering, ‘No, really’, doesn’t turn a bad joke funny.”
@Schlemazel Khan: Colbert did the same thing, but it was in the context of the “Colbert shtick” where he pretends that he’s a conservative Bill O’Reilly type, so it was very funny. Wilmore did it deadpan and it just didn’t work as well. I thought he was fearless and amusing, so in my view he didn’t bomb. But he bombed with that audience (as did Colbert). Plus, I watch the Nightly Show all the time and I got all his references; I’m not sure if the audience did. And, as others said, he was following Obama, who was very funny (and it was poignant because it was his last one ever).
Someone probably answered you by now, but I suspected Don Lemon based on the photo in this tweet. FWIW, someone responding to that tweet says the photo was taken during Wilmore’s bit.
@Redshift: They were standing before the president lady started talking…
Thank you for the updates on your daughter and her struggles, and your struggle around hers. I made a note to remind myself to do so – but just in case I forget on the day, I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day – you are doing some solid and loving Mom work there.
Schlemazel Khan
Colbert had jokes Larry was just insulting. To me the test was that I agreed on a lot of what he said about his targets but never laughed. Then there is the thing with beating a joke to death. Letterman was king at it but Wilmore may have topped him with the Cruz/Zodiac thing. Oprah/Uma. Uma/Oprah.
TO go back to the Rickles comparison. Don didn’t tell a lot of jokes, he insulted people often going after obvious physical things like fat or short. It is funny in a certain context but if you read one of his performances it isn’t funny because there are no jokes.
I can’t believe Obama was here, and he’ll soon be gone.
What a President. What a comedian!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@patroclus: Colbert’s performance, staying in character without flinching through that long monologue was a tour de force, I think even people who hated his politics would have to admit it, and even his had its weak spot, the too long video of the pursuit by Helen Thomas. Wilmore had some great lines, but he was all over the place. I like his deceptively laid back style, I think he needed a tighter delivery.
And fercrissake, that’s an audience that ‘ooohed’ a Cosby joke and an incredibly mild Kelly Ripa joke
Schlemazel Khan
Yes, I saw that. Lemon flipped him off when he was the target. A better shot would have been to ask Lemon if a black hole could have swallowed he career or if he should have bitten hos career’s dick to prevent what happened to it.
Mike J
@redshirt: This country just isn’t ready for a white president.
@Suzanne: If your daughter is not into the shrink that you have for her now, ask her to give it a bit more of a try, and if it’s still not working for her, then tell her that you’ll try to find her another – not every psychiatrist/patient match is a good fit, and that you will keep trying to find one that works for her. You might get more buy-in on the process itself and the goals from your daughter.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I thought Wilmore got across issues important to him, such as Guantanamo. His delivery was uneven, but he did a fine job.
@Schlemazel Khan: Yeah, but he warned us that he was going to do it in the style of a “roast” – which usually means a lot of insults, pokes and shots and few jokes. But he should have mixed in some obvious jokes just to get people laughing. Then, the insults would have worked better. I definitely agree that he ran that Zodiac thing into the ground. I just don’t agree that he totally bombed – it was “okay,” but it bombed with that audience for sure. He won’t be invited back.
I kind of think it was more important to Larry Wilmore to use this moment in the spotlight to have his say on people and issues that are important to him. It kind of seemed like he was willing to sacrifice being funny if that’s what it took to use this moment.
I wanted him to be fearless and he was. I’d say he was funny about half the time.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: He’s got such a presence. Such an ease. He makes everyone feel welcome – which is why it’s all the more shocking the way he’s been treated.
I’m just sad even contemplating that time when he won’t be President, even when it’s Hillary. A legend walked before us, among us, for us, and for the most part, we spit on him.
So how burned are the Bernfeelers feeling? I assume there’s some outrage.
@Mike J: That’s what I think every single time he brings up Gitmo on his show. I’m hoping that Obama finds a way to close it all down in whatever way it takes and let them try to sue him after it’s a fate accompli. I think it’s a point of honor to Obama to get this done while he is president.
@Old Dan and Little Anne: “Hear.Hear!” With all the crap out here, spewed daily, it was tame.
@redshirt: Wilmore is a Bernie guy, why would anyone be mad? I thought he was pretty tough on Hillary, and I don’t even like her.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: If that is what he was aiming at, he succeeded. As far as there rest, the world seems to diverge.
Also, if a Republican gets elected President, this will no longer be Nerd Prom. The jocks will make sure of that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
i just wanna see this again
Jennifer EpsteinVerified account
@ jeneps Obama to @ Reince: “Congratulations on all your success, the Republican Party, the nomination, it’s all going great, keep it up!”
Attended six of the eight Obama #WHCD. Always looked forward to seeing Mrs. O over the years. Pix/ @ThePlatformYTI pic.twitter.com/m8HeXVqXDq— West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) May 1, 2016
@redshirt: As much as possible, I have been trying to tune all that out. As soon as the attacks start, I stop reading.
@redshirt: –Missed it, as of this posting. Will follow up.
@WaterGirl: I didn’t mind that he was tough, but his jokes were right out of the can, not even re-heated.
@The Dangerman: I am asking her at least daily how she’s feeling, which I think is irritating her. She says she hasn’t felt any different since starting the two things, but I think the melatonin is helping enough with the sleep that she’s doing somewhat better. I hate seeing her miserable, but I don’t know how to make middle school not fucking sucky.
Bernie and the Bernfeelers were shivved, and will get that joke tomorrow right in the base of the brain, and never knew what hit ’em.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Are you saying that you don’t think I have been wrong before?
Say, is it that directly referencing it will send a comment into moderation, or is it that no one thinks Wilmore calling Obama “my [n-word]” was a big deal?
I thought it was kind of juvenile attention-seeking, myself.
@seaboogie: Thanks. :) I’m trying. I feel like the worst parent in the world right now. She used to be fearless and outgoing and now she’s anxious and withdrawn. It changed in the blink of an eye.
@Mike J: This reddit subreddit knows what’s going on.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m saying you are not wrong *this* time. And don’t get pushed off.
@Suzanne: “…but I don’t know how to make middle school not fucking sucky.”
You don’t have the power or ability to make middle school not fucking sucky. It sucks, but you have no control over that. Don’t make yourself crazy trying to control something you have no control over. Maybe try to keep yourself balanced and make sure she knows she is loved. That may be the best you can do at this point.
Oh yes, that’s my guy, our guy. My entire lifetime I never imagined PBO because I’m too cynical to allow for the possibility. Next Jan will be a day of reckoning when realizing it won’t happen again. For my kid, hopefully, for me, no way.
Sofiya Ballin @sofiyaballin 42m42 minutes ago
“Yo, Barry…you did it my n–.” ~@larrywilmore to Obama.
Sofiya Ballin @sofiyaballin 37m37 minutes ago
“I wish [Larry Willmore] didn’t end his bit with that word..”
Okay, white lady.
Sofiya Ballin @sofiyaballin 35m35 minutes ago
.@larrywilmore did what he was supposed to do. He questioned and made people uncomfortable. What journos should be doing…#WHCD
@Suzanne: If it’s a brain chemistry thing, you can be the best mom on earth and she could still change from fearless to anxious in the blink of an eye. I’m not saying it’s not heartbreaking to watch. You are getting some tough lessons in “things you can’t control”. Hugs
@redshirt: My TL is full of Bernie supporters indignant at the idea that Bernie distanced himself from the president. I see tweets like this: “We love POTUS. It’s Hillary and Bill who disrespected him.” I am so tempted to say something. But I don’t want to alienate more friends.
Larry Wilmore really bombed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@redshirt: the first one of these I watched, Bubba made a joke about the Republican search for a new Speaker (the one that got them Hastert) was like rearranging deck chairs on This Week, With Sam and Cokie (as the show was briefly called back then)
butthurt? cuz no one is gettin’ for realz hurt by a sick burn.
So interesting to see the varied responses to Larry Wilmore: he bombed, he sucked, he died. He was on fire, he killed. He was a mix of good and bad. Harsh, but funny. Not funny at all. There’s a lesson to be had in that, I suspect.
We can enter some kind of mutual destruction deal–whoever publicly mewls nostalgically about his goddamn shoes gets a cattle prod set to 11 to the prostrate.
I promise in the meantime to hit John McLaughlin with a rubber chicken, on camera, whenever possible.Me and Eleanor Clift are like this, baby!
@Corner Stone: I’m not sure exactly, but it seems like there’s something to learn from such stark differences in responses.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: Something on which everyone can agree. Also to that that POTUS slayed. I wasn’t his best but it was damned good. Hard to beat the mock Trump. kill OBL thing.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hard to top Luther from last year, I think. But he had some good ones. I always like to watch it twice so I’ll watch it again tomorrow.
Unfortunately, middle school sucks. Your idea of finding activities for her outside of school was a good one — just knowing that non-sucky peers exist can help a lot.
I would give the therapist at least a month before you re-evaluate the specific therapist, but successful therapy does have a lot to do with chemistry, so it’s not necessarily a bad sign if you have to switch because they’re not connecting.
@seaboogie: I dissagree. Her shimmering gown was classy and beautiful. You seem to be objecting to the attached overlay but I think it gives it character. I don’t see any comparrison with Beyonce.
What passive aggressive bullshit are you going on about?
@WaterGirl: I believe that’s from the WHC pre-POTUS speech, video send up…it was really lame and paled in comparison to the videos supplied by WH for POTUS speech
@Anya: there is no comparison to Beyoncé, IMHO. but to some folks, they see sparkly they see Black they see Beyoncé???? I guess…
@lamh36: Thanks. So there were hot mic moments where Obama was commenting on the lame video and we’re wondering whether he knew the mic was picking him up?
Have you commented on Larry Wilmore tonight? If so, I must not have caught that a comment was from you.
Every time this is called a nerd prom, I experience a papercut to my soul
@Anya: Feel free to disagree, but it felt too glam and sexy for FLOTUS. For Michelle Obama in a non-official situation, absolutely perfect – she is beyond lovely.
It’s hard to pick a favorite bit, so I’ll just say this rang true:
But, the prospect of leaving the White House is a mixed bag. You might have heard that someone jumped the White House fence last week. But, I have to give Secret Service credit. They found Michelle, brought her back. She’s safe, back at home now. It’s only nine more months, babe. Settle down.
but to some folks, they see sparkly they see Black they see Beyoncé???? I guess…
Nope. This “some folks” is a white woman, but her dress (which she wore beautifully), seemed a bit too peekaboo for an official function. And it is kind of like Beyonce to me because Bey covers up a lot, but shows a lot at the same time. But Beyonce is a performer, and Michelle is FLOTUS. Tho she can wear it, I didn’t feel like she should. Imagine for a moment any former FLOTUS in the same dress. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Also, to hell with your “some folks” and “I guess”….
@Mnemosyne: I loved that one. It’s so clear Michelle can’t wait to leave. I think she’s very sincere when she says it was an honor to serve but she wants her life back.
@seaboogie: What made it sexier than the other gowns that showed a bit more skin? I actually thought this was more matronly than some of her previous gowns.
I’m having a bit of Poe’s Law trouble. It’s a parody site, right?
Take Town presents the best, strongest opinions in the world. Take Town is not afraid to go there, in the hottest way possible. Take Town takes no prisoners, but instead burns the entire village of utterly incorrect views down to the ground.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Eric Boehlert @ EricBoehlert 1h1 hour ago
good God, remember the WHCD when W. joked abt looking for WMDs, aft, y’know, invading the wrong country. what a dark US chapter that was
got big laughs in the room, as I recall
Corner Stone
Mmmmm…NFL Draft replays…
@seaboogie: I don’t understand. The dress is a basic sheath with neckline embroidery. It has a cape-style overlay of sequined chiffon (or net, hasn’t looked closely enough yet). It has no cut outs, no transparencies, nothing that could be compared to a Beyonce dress. And I can easily see Jackie Kennedy wearing it in a darker color.
ETA: to say that Beyoncé “likes to cover up”. just shows ur comment for the bullshittery (is that a word) it is… Beyoncé likes to cover up… Bwhahahaha…
????…yeah okay…. what MO wore tonight is downright matronly to anything Beyoncé considers covering up….
@Emma: That was a negligee/peignoir….seductive….and Michelle can totally do that, just not at the WHCD.
@Emma: Hate to belabor the point, but I am beginning to think seaboogie saw a different gown. I can not imagine anyone thinking that dress is too risqué for an official event. It’s your basic official gown.
@lamh36: Yeah, well – you win. I am not black. BOOM! you.
I’m having trouble with that too. Reads like very dry (maybe too dry) parody. I’ll assume it is until I hear otherwise.
I don’t have enough interest in the dinner to spend all Sat evening on it. I’ll catch Obama and Wilmore clips later. If Wilmore got very mixed reviews and people thought he was mean and offensive, and he bombed with that audience, I guess he did his job. Who wouldn’t want to bomb with that audience? Wilmore gives more straight up commentary than any late night comedy show host. What did they expect him to do? They could have played a Henny Youngman tape if they wanted some good vaudeville.
@Corner Stone:
Holy crap, if Seattle’s OL draft picks make it as starters the new line’s mass will shift the earth’s axis. Sad that Lynch retired but a healthy Rawls and a bigger feature back will carve yoooge gashes against everybody. Most pics they had in several years and while everybody else drafted defense, they focused on offense.
I think agreeing with Omnes about women’s fashion is always the first mistake. ?
Anne Laurie
@jl: Check some of the other posts; TakeTown’s most def a parody site. Excellent mimicry of the Wingnut Wurlitzer spew, but doesn’t push the parody far enough for lulz, IMO.
Anne Laurie
@seaboogie: I think the beaded overlay made it read more like “lingerie” — the dress itself was fine, even a little matronly, IMO. Heard it was Givenchy, and Givenchy is kinda famous for that — elaborate ornamentation that tends to tip a little too Bunny Ranch showgirl, but for ladies with money. (If Melania had worn it, for instance, people would probably not have noticed anything out of the ordinary.)
@Anne Laurie: I don’t even feel free to comment. Been put in my place (but not by you).
Nope. This “some folks” is a white woman, but her dress (which she wore beautifully), seemed a bit too peekaboo for an official function. And it is kind of like Beyonce to me because Bey covers up a lot, but shows a lot at the same time. But Beyonce is a performer, and Michelle is FLOTUS. Tho she can wear it, I didn’t feel like she should. Imagine for a moment any former FLOTUS in the same dress. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Also, to hell with your “some folks” and “I guess”….
That is one fuked up comment
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Writes “I heart Obama” in my diary.
Uncle Joe is there! First time, apparently.
GO PENS!!!!!!
RIP Daniel Berrigan.
OMG Michelle is just stunning tonight!
Popdate: back to hospital for worsening edema. We hope he won’t gwt stuck in rehab for another 3 weeks. Other than the edema he’s doing great.
Hmmm….wondering if I am in moderation hell for trying to post some cat pics.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Honestly, I don’t like the sheer cover thing.
I thought you’d post a Lovey pic and not hog it to yourself.
Mike J
In the hot mic moments in the video, is there anybody on earth who thinks Obama was not aware the mic was on every time?
@SiubhanDuinne: I wonder who the designer is. That’s one hell of a dress!
@efgoldman: There’s a baseball game on old chap.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I mentioned that several threads ago and few others have noted it also. Not saying you are late to the party, just surprised that he hasn’t rated an RIP thread.
ETA: He was bigger than a few mentions in comments threads.
I kinda figured Balloon Juice could use a hug.
Edit – Ok, so I guess it was my links. Also, the Spurs are killing OKC.
@Emma: Givenchy
I’m gonna use it at Goldman Sachs next year!
So Mr. Suzanne is currently ice skating with Spawns Elder and Younger. Elder Spawn has been doing melatonin and Lexapro for four days now, and I would say she is much improved mood-wise, though still definitely a pre-teenager with all that that entails. I just want her to feel enthusiasm for anything at this point, though she is focusing on drawing a lot this week. Sometimes I look at her and see so much of myself that it’s terrifying. I would like to think that I turned out all right, so FSM willing we will all make it through her teen years. (Just in time for Younger to get there. One kid at a time. Easy does it. FSM grant me the serenity, etc etc etc.)
Great game, but bullshit goalie interference call. Oh well, Caps suck. Lets see the Pens put 4 more on them in the 3rd…
Mike J
Next year at this time, someone else will be standing in this spot and it’s anyone’s guess who she will be.
It’s anyone’s guess who she will be. haha
He’s so good at this.
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Saw the photo. Love the underdress, the overdress not so much.
@raven: Wow. I knew I’d heard of him, but I’d forgotten just how big a figure he cut in the antiwar movement.
Mike J
Obama threatens lives of Republicans, press corps.
Approval rating skyrockets.
It’s like the Red Wedding!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@patroclus: that sounded like an ad lib, the little orchids didn’t like it
Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN. I fuckin’ love it.
Denis Mcdonough trying not to laugh so hard. Let it go, Denis.
Mike J
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: When was Jake Tapper in journalism?
Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN.
Dick joke!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Joe Biden gets to sit with Dame Helen Mirren, payback for eight years of loyal service
and he just pantsed Reince Priebus
Mike J
He’s getting as mean as Colbert. Loving it.
“last time I was this high I was trying to decide on my major.” POTUS on his approval rating
Which black guy are you, the one from South Africa?
Ohio Mom
@Suzanne: I’ve been very busy lately, haven’t been keeping up with comment threads. The last I remember, you were considering taking Elder Spawn to a professional. Glad to hear that in the meantime, progress, and that things are looking up. Isn’t that all we moms really want, for our kids to be happy?
Trump slam!
the Conster, la Citoyenne
PBO is actually recreating the red wedding/Kill Bill. President black ninja is taking care of all of his business with all the hacks tonight.
Trump’s head just exploded, I’m sure.
Random thoughts… This guy turns me on… I love Michelle’s dress though…
Difference between Bloomberg and Trump: the former was a big city mayor, understands policy in-depth, and is actually worth the amount of money he says he is.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The Reince Priebus & Sanders jokes are a little ouch.
@Ohio Mom: Yeah, she’s been seeing a counselor and then I got her in to a psychiatrist this week. She hates the counseling so far. Don’t really know how to get her to engage with it, but we’ll keep trying.
“My poll numbers keep rising. I haven’t been this high since college. And my aides can’t understand why they’re going up, because I’m not doing anything different.” (Pictures of Cruz and Trump flash on the screen)
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
We had our 8 year and 364 day old’s birthday party today. I have a wretched cold, and feel like crusty hunk of shit, but it was still fun. The highlight, for me, was one of our daughter’s friends, who forgot Smedley’s name and called him Mr. Smuggington instead.
@Anya: He’s the foreign one..
Basketball ring, baseball sticks, football hats… and I’m the foreign one!
He’s going after Trump now big time!
You KNOW I’m gonna talk about Trump, c’mon!!
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Omnes Omnibus
Running waterfront properties into the ground…
Good job Obama
“Why isn’t Trump here tonight? We had such a good time last time!”
Fuck you, Chuck Todd!
POTUS just eviscerated Trump.
This isn’t a “Nerd Prom”, it’s “Mean Girls” .
“Trump will definitely close Guantanamo. He knows a lot about driving beachfront properties into the ground.”
Why, POTUS? Why? The orange one, Gloria Burger and Wolfe. Really? I still love you tho.
Miss Bianca
Is this streaming anywhere, or is it only on the teevee? Sounds like quite the evisceration happening.
ETA: Nothing like a little schadenfreude to get my mind off the snow, my headache and the dog’s fleas…
Boner offers POTUS a smoke. Awesome
@Miss Bianca:
@Miss Bianca: It’s on YouTube.
The post-retirement video was great. Boehner was good too.
@Miss Bianca:
Streaming on C-SPAN
Tampa Bay Lightning won! Woohoo!
Mike J
So who was it that made a CPT joke that spurred the slapdown?
“I was late due to CPT, which stands for JOKES THAT WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT MAKE.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: that was pretty funny, and grabbing the glass of wine, and ‘I had a beer at 11:30 in the morning”. I guess the joke was he sleeps in now that he’s retired.
@Miss Bianca: It’s on http://www.nbcnews.com. I tried to post a link but it didn’t work.
He’s entitled to use a hammer on each and every one of them. They’ve tried their best to make his life miserable.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike J: Hillary and Bill de Blasio
@Mike J: Mayor DiBlasio.
@Mike J: Bill DeBlasio, with Hilary Clinton.
Can we have Obama for a 3rd term…please
@Mike J: Hillary was there on stage when that joke was told, but I can’t remember who the other person was.
Omnes Omnibus
Mic drop.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Miss Bianca: here ya go
go to the (-31 minute mark)
Me too, to both points.
“Taking a stand on what is true … is the essence of good journalism.”
And he drops the mic.
Come on, Larry, bring it!
Negro Night LOL
MIC drop!!!
That’s a gif waiting to happen!
@Mike J:
Bill DeBlassio
@lamh36: Thank Dog, NO!
Miss Bianca
Thanks for the links everyone. Sounds like I just missed something big. Then again, I kind of got distracted by the headline about the Green Zone invasion in Baghdad…
“You both like raining down bombs. Am I right?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
my god these would-be ink-stained wretches are some fragile little flowers. I think the DAR would be more willing to roll with jokes
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Let the man have a life. He’s done his time.
Schlemazel Khan
Larry is a very difficult comic, not the guy I would have chosen. I get his humor but it is not the sort of thing these assholes will find funny
ABC with the MIC drop video…
Omnes Omnibus
Wilmore is not doing well.
Except for his opening line, not terribly impressed with Wilmore.
@Omnes Omnibus:
He got a bad slot, having to follow a genuinely funny man.
Corner Stone
Larry Wilmore is fucking dying.
Keith P.
Chris Christie is saying if it were up to him, Leroy Tunsil would be in cuffs right now over the smoking video. This guy, whose legal opinion seems a bit undercooked, used to be a US Attorney, believe it or not. Has anyone *every* heard of a US Attorney ordering someone’s arrest for smoking a bowl? I’m familiar with it happening when trafficking/growing pounds of the stuff, or shipping paraphernalia across state lines while an evangelical is running the White House, but that would be a HUGE expenditure of federal resources to bust a guy for something that is under $500 in fines and a night in jail (assuming $250 for paraphernalia and another $250 for what I assume is under 1 oz of weed)
And all this would depend on a jury suddenly accepting “water pipe + smoke = marijuana” as an ironclad bit of proof.
Schlemazel Khan
Who is the clown boo’ing every CNN joke?
@Miss Bianca:
CSpan. I just turned it off though. I was hoping for better from Wilmore.
loved it, thanks.
now, you can all go, fuck yourself, muthafuckahs.
@Schlemazel Khan:
That would be Wolf Blitzer.
Wilmore is hit and miss. Hard to follow the president, but this one made me laugh: “Stay in your lane. You don’t see me going around presidenting.”
The Denzel to Grady joke made me laugh, too.
Corner Stone
@Keith P.: Laremy Tunsil.
Miss Bianca
@JGabriel: Yeah, I tuned in, got him, listened for a while, now my feed had dropped out. I think that’s a sign that I need to take my grumpy headache off to early bed and catch the PBO show in reruns some other time.
Corner Stone
@Monala: He’s not hit and miss tonight. He is miss and meh.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I like his show. Tonight, he is not on. Some of the jokes work, but, overall, not working.
ETA: I am obviously not black and I may be missing jokes.
I put up a bio/obit/RIP message on FB several hours ago. Hardly any reaction. I guess most people don’t have a clue who he was.
Corner Stone
I can smell the flop sweat from here.
I hoped Larry Wilmore would be edgy tonight, and he is edgy, but it’s not always working.
Yes, that was a good line.
@Suzanne: Leave it alone. It will be better than you think.
You and your dad are in my thoughts. I hope they can take care of the edema and blistering quickly and easily.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: He started by hitting the press, and then they weren’t behind him. Had he stuck with other targets they’d be eating it up.
Keith P.
@Corner Stone: Yeah, I initially wrote “Leroy” after reading a different article and got the name stuck in my head. When I re-read my comment, something wasn’t clicking.
M. Bouffant
I’m watching baseball, myself.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“ooohing” a Kelly Ripa joke?
@Omnes Omnibus: You have to realize that he is following the great one.
@raven: Actually, I didn’t know he was still alive. I thought he died years ago.
Corner Stone
@Mike J:
He could have also tried being actually funny.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Morning Joe has its head so far up Trump’s ass they bumped into Chris Christie
that they didn’t “oooh” in scandal, they liked it, Tweety was laughing
@Miss Bianca:
Yeah, I missed most of PBO’s opening routine too. Pulled up the link at CSpan just before the Couch Commander vid came on, so I’ll have to catch it in reruns later – once our fellow fans start posting the clips on youtube (or once CSpan makes it available for rewatching after the event ends).
Even OJ said Cruz is hard to like. That made me and hubby laugh out loud.
@Omnes Omnibus:
On the Internet, anyone can be black.
ETA: Ooops, missed seeing efg @120.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Tweety was sipping from his glass so he didn’t have to laugh out loud. Chris Jansing was laughing.
Wilmore is doing better. “Morning Joe has their head so far up Trump’s ass they bumped into Chris Christie.”
Then a good run of Ted Cruz/Zodiac Killer jokes.
I think Wilmore is doing a fine job of embarrassing the media.
Omnes Omnibus
Beating the Zodiac Killer horse to death.
Corner Stone
Wilmore has died here tonight. Not killed.
The problem is he’s not telling jokes, he’s just taking shots. Sort of a black Don Rickles. It’s amusing, but not funny. And totally bombing with this crowd.
@SiubhanDuinne: That Morning Joe Trump joke was hillarious. He’s dying because those assholes have frigle egos and they’re uncomfortable with all the race jokes.
The Dangerman
If you are still around these virtual parts, I’ll share with you (and I’m sure you have great professionals that will be watching, too, but I’ll share anyway)…
…watch very closely for negative impacts from Lexapro. I’ve seen it up close and personal. Enough said.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: feels like he didn’t rehearse
Reminds me of when Letterman hosted the Oscars
@Miss Bianca:
I only saw her head and shoulders, have not seen the whole dress. But what I saw looked great.
Omnes Omnibus
Wilmore’s ending was good.
Miss Bianca
@JGabriel: yeah, chatter makes it sound like PBO was on fire. But he really is genuinely funny. Sounds like he ripped Trump a new one – I mean, another new one. ; )
@SiubhanDuinne: Well, tastes differ. But FLOTUS could wear a coal sack and make it look stylish. Damn, I’m gonna miss her and PBO in the White House.
Mike J
Too mean too soon to the people in the room. HE should have got them laughing at somebody else first, then made them accept being the target.
Larry was fearless and picked on everyone.
His closing was great.
Well done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Either but enough, or too much. His timing was frequently way off.
Corner Stone
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: He bombed.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I agree..
Schlemazel Khan
I thought “Don RIckles” too. It is very difficult to pull off & this was not the crowd that takes that sort of thing well. I am going to guess by tomorrow he will be completely eviscerated in the media. it is a difficult line to play even at the best of times with exactly the right personality and Wilmore missed I am afraid.
Hell has forzen over. The annoying Trump supporter is profusely praising the president.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Larry was great. I’m not going for laughs I’m going for gasps.
-it’s always sunny in Philadelphia
I had it on for a couple of minutes afterward. The WHCD president said her successor would escort the president and First Lady out, and asked everyone to remain seated until they left.
So of course they all immediately got up.
Omnes Omnibus
Black Twitter is telling I was wrong about Wlimore. I am willing to accept that. I’ve been wrong before; I will be wrong again.
Larry Wilmore at his worst. Someone needs to take him aside and say, “Chuckling and muttering, ‘No, really’, doesn’t turn a bad joke funny.”
Schlemazel Khan
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
Yeah, who wants funny from a comedic performance?
I have never understood this modern idea that making people uncomfortable is supposed to be amusing.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I agree with you on nothing, except this.
@Schlemazel Khan: Colbert did the same thing, but it was in the context of the “Colbert shtick” where he pretends that he’s a conservative Bill O’Reilly type, so it was very funny. Wilmore did it deadpan and it just didn’t work as well. I thought he was fearless and amusing, so in my view he didn’t bomb. But he bombed with that audience (as did Colbert). Plus, I watch the Nightly Show all the time and I got all his references; I’m not sure if the audience did. And, as others said, he was following Obama, who was very funny (and it was poignant because it was his last one ever).
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Meh.
@Corner Stone: As you’ve said, multiple times. You’re not the only one who gets to share an opinion here. ;-)
@Schlemazel Khan:
Someone probably answered you by now, but I suspected Don Lemon based on the photo in this tweet. FWIW, someone responding to that tweet says the photo was taken during Wilmore’s bit.
@Redshift: They were standing before the president lady started talking…
Corner Stone
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Stick your fucking emoji in your fucking sock.
@Omnes Omnibus: –Miss Bianca says she “likes you”. You’re amusing.
Miss Bianca
@hellslittlestangel: No, sometimes you have to explain it: “See, that’s funny *because*…”
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Come on, you have to admit that I have been wrong before.
Miss Bianca
@snickle: Quoi? That is to say, ‘hunh?’
@Corner Stone: We’ve missed you. Glad to see you haven’t changed. ;-)
@Suzanne: Hey Suzanne,
Thank you for the updates on your daughter and her struggles, and your struggle around hers. I made a note to remind myself to do so – but just in case I forget on the day, I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day – you are doing some solid and loving Mom work there.
Schlemazel Khan
Colbert had jokes Larry was just insulting. To me the test was that I agreed on a lot of what he said about his targets but never laughed. Then there is the thing with beating a joke to death. Letterman was king at it but Wilmore may have topped him with the Cruz/Zodiac thing. Oprah/Uma. Uma/Oprah.
TO go back to the Rickles comparison. Don didn’t tell a lot of jokes, he insulted people often going after obvious physical things like fat or short. It is funny in a certain context but if you read one of his performances it isn’t funny because there are no jokes.
I can’t believe Obama was here, and he’ll soon be gone.
What a President. What a comedian!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@patroclus: Colbert’s performance, staying in character without flinching through that long monologue was a tour de force, I think even people who hated his politics would have to admit it, and even his had its weak spot, the too long video of the pursuit by Helen Thomas. Wilmore had some great lines, but he was all over the place. I like his deceptively laid back style, I think he needed a tighter delivery.
And fercrissake, that’s an audience that ‘ooohed’ a Cosby joke and an incredibly mild Kelly Ripa joke
Schlemazel Khan
Yes, I saw that. Lemon flipped him off when he was the target. A better shot would have been to ask Lemon if a black hole could have swallowed he career or if he should have bitten hos career’s dick to prevent what happened to it.
Mike J
@redshirt: This country just isn’t ready for a white president.
@Suzanne: If your daughter is not into the shrink that you have for her now, ask her to give it a bit more of a try, and if it’s still not working for her, then tell her that you’ll try to find her another – not every psychiatrist/patient match is a good fit, and that you will keep trying to find one that works for her. You might get more buy-in on the process itself and the goals from your daughter.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I thought Wilmore got across issues important to him, such as Guantanamo. His delivery was uneven, but he did a fine job.
Old Dan and Little Anne
@Schlemazel Khan: I laughed throughout. It’s not my problem the media audience are a bunch of self righteous pricks.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Mike J
@JPL: Pity he had the wrong target on Gitmo.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
President Black Ninja was here.
@Schlemazel Khan: Yeah, but he warned us that he was going to do it in the style of a “roast” – which usually means a lot of insults, pokes and shots and few jokes. But he should have mixed in some obvious jokes just to get people laughing. Then, the insults would have worked better. I definitely agree that he ran that Zodiac thing into the ground. I just don’t agree that he totally bombed – it was “okay,” but it bombed with that audience for sure. He won’t be invited back.
I kind of think it was more important to Larry Wilmore to use this moment in the spotlight to have his say on people and issues that are important to him. It kind of seemed like he was willing to sacrifice being funny if that’s what it took to use this moment.
I wanted him to be fearless and he was. I’d say he was funny about half the time.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: He’s got such a presence. Such an ease. He makes everyone feel welcome – which is why it’s all the more shocking the way he’s been treated.
I’m just sad even contemplating that time when he won’t be President, even when it’s Hillary. A legend walked before us, among us, for us, and for the most part, we spit on him.
Corner Stone
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: It’s true. ;-) >:-; {:><{":
So how burned are the Bernfeelers feeling? I assume there’s some outrage.
@Mike J: That’s what I think every single time he brings up Gitmo on his show. I’m hoping that Obama finds a way to close it all down in whatever way it takes and let them try to sue him after it’s a fate accompli. I think it’s a point of honor to Obama to get this done while he is president.
@Old Dan and Little Anne: “Hear.Hear!” With all the crap out here, spewed daily, it was tame.
@redshirt: Wilmore is a Bernie guy, why would anyone be mad? I thought he was pretty tough on Hillary, and I don’t even like her.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: If that is what he was aiming at, he succeeded. As far as there rest, the world seems to diverge.
@WaterGirl: Why would they be mad? Have you seen some of these Bernie fans?
@redshirt: —-None, we have a solid message, that resonates with the future of the country.
Also, if a Republican gets elected President, this will no longer be Nerd Prom. The jocks will make sure of that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
i just wanna see this again
@Dr.McCoy: I thought Obama going after Bernie for distancing himself from him, with the “Comrade” joke, was a clear shot across the bow.
<a href="
@redshirt: As much as possible, I have been trying to tune all that out. As soon as the attacks start, I stop reading.
@redshirt: –Missed it, as of this posting. Will follow up.
@WaterGirl: I didn’t mind that he was tough, but his jokes were right out of the can, not even re-heated.
@WaterGirl: You are wise.
Mike J
@redshirt: On reddit at least one says, “Obama has a man crush on Bernie and doesn’t like Hillary. Watch the Correspondent’s Dinner”
They also didn’t understand, “Obama says Sanders is the ‘bright new face of the Democratic Party” that was a joke.
So just as delusional as ever.
Miss Bianca
@redshirt: Ooh, he went there? I think you might be right about that one.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ooh, he went there, *too*? OK, this I gotta see.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Quoi?
@The Dangerman: I am asking her at least daily how she’s feeling, which I think is irritating her. She says she hasn’t felt any different since starting the two things, but I think the melatonin is helping enough with the sleep that she’s doing somewhat better. I hate seeing her miserable, but I don’t know how to make middle school not fucking sucky.
@Miss Bianca: Certainly the impression I got. Even better, works from a couple different angles, so it’s a clever one as well.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@redshirt: @Mike J:
Bernie and the Bernfeelers were shivved, and will get that joke tomorrow right in the base of the brain, and never knew what hit ’em.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Are you saying that you don’t think I have been wrong before?
Say, is it that directly referencing it will send a comment into moderation, or is it that no one thinks Wilmore calling Obama “my [n-word]” was a big deal?
I thought it was kind of juvenile attention-seeking, myself.
@Anya: Someone wanted to see FLOTUS’ dress. Here’s all eight beautiful gowns.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
CSPAN is replaying it again, starting with the red carpet.
Miss Bianca
@Mike J:
I don’t know about this country, but I am not sure that *I* am. I know that I am going to miss the hell out of PBO.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:— I doubt it. But it’s all “fun and games”, till somebody gets hurt.
@seaboogie: Thanks. :) I’m trying. I feel like the worst parent in the world right now. She used to be fearless and outgoing and now she’s anxious and withdrawn. It changed in the blink of an eye.
@hellslittlestangel: I didn’t belong there. His closing was heartfelt and sincere and he kinda tarnished it with that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as he should have? for reasons? this will be our scandal de la semaine to make Joe and Mika feel better about the up Trump’s ass line?
@Mike J: This reddit subreddit knows what’s going on.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m saying you are not wrong *this* time. And don’t get pushed off.
@Suzanne: “…but I don’t know how to make middle school not fucking sucky.”
You don’t have the power or ability to make middle school not fucking sucky. It sucks, but you have no control over that. Don’t make yourself crazy trying to control something you have no control over. Maybe try to keep yourself balanced and make sure she knows she is loved. That may be the best you can do at this point.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dr.McCoy: How were you hurt?
Oh yes, that’s my guy, our guy. My entire lifetime I never imagined PBO because I’m too cynical to allow for the possibility. Next Jan will be a day of reckoning when realizing it won’t happen again. For my kid, hopefully, for me, no way.
Channeling Nooners: Let us savor.
@Miss Bianca: Obama was surprisingly harsh. It was like a roast. Though of course always with his style and grace.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus:—- You a proctologist too?
@Suzanne: If it’s a brain chemistry thing, you can be the best mom on earth and she could still change from fearless to anxious in the blink of an eye. I’m not saying it’s not heartbreaking to watch. You are getting some tough lessons in “things you can’t control”. Hugs
@trollhattan: You just made me realize I’m going to be tipsy Peggy Noonan for Obama in 30 years. :(
@Anya: Yeah, that’s better and kinder than I put it.
@efgoldman: No doubt. It’s just surprising to watch a President lay down burns like that. Imagine W doing the same?
Omnes Omnibus
@Dr.McCoy: Nope. Deal with your issues else where.
@redshirt: My TL is full of Bernie supporters indignant at the idea that Bernie distanced himself from the president. I see tweets like this: “We love POTUS. It’s Hillary and Bill who disrespected him.” I am so tempted to say something. But I don’t want to alienate more friends.
Larry Wilmore really bombed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@redshirt: the first one of these I watched, Bubba made a joke about the Republican search for a new Speaker (the one that got them Hastert) was like rearranging deck chairs on This Week, With Sam and Cokie (as the show was briefly called back then)
@Davebo: Who cares. Obams was on fire.
@Omnes Omnibus: –Yeah…I’m good. THX.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m with you on this re: Michelle’s dress. She looked beautiful, but more Beyonce than FLOTUS.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ug! I can hear that joke bomb decades prior.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
butthurt? cuz no one is gettin’ for realz hurt by a sick burn.
So interesting to see the varied responses to Larry Wilmore: he bombed, he sucked, he died. He was on fire, he killed. He was a mix of good and bad. Harsh, but funny. Not funny at all. There’s a lesson to be had in that, I suspect.
We can enter some kind of mutual destruction deal–whoever publicly mewls nostalgically about his goddamn shoes gets a cattle prod set to 11 to the prostrate.
I promise in the meantime to hit John McLaughlin with a rubber chicken, on camera, whenever possible.Me and Eleanor Clift are like this, baby!
I hope that your father gets well.
Corner Stone
Ok. What’s the lesson?
@Mike J: Hot mic moments in what video? I just tuned in for Obama and Wilmore, so I obviously missed something.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I love the imagery.
President Obama’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner Speech Brings The LOLs — TRANSCRIPT
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: –We’ll see. “Keep Calm, and Gloat On!”
@Corner Stone: I’m not sure exactly, but it seems like there’s something to learn from such stark differences in responses.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: Something on which everyone can agree. Also to that that POTUS slayed. I wasn’t his best but it was damned good. Hard to beat the mock Trump. kill OBL thing.
@Corner Stone: You’re a moran?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hard to top Luther from last year, I think. But he had some good ones. I always like to watch it twice so I’ll watch it again tomorrow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dr.McCoy: What is your point?
@hellslittlestangel: my issue w/Wilmore saying “my nigga”…quick do u remember what he said about impact of Black Prez to him? My bet, they won’t
@trollhattan: Heh. You just took me back to the opening of ID4. Soon to be ID4x2!
Unfortunately, middle school sucks. Your idea of finding activities for her outside of school was a good one — just knowing that non-sucky peers exist can help a lot.
I would give the therapist at least a month before you re-evaluate the specific therapist, but successful therapy does have a lot to do with chemistry, so it’s not necessarily a bad sign if you have to switch because they’re not connecting.
@seaboogie: I dissagree. Her shimmering gown was classy and beautiful. You seem to be objecting to the attached overlay but I think it gives it character. I don’t see any comparrison with Beyonce.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
What passive aggressive bullshit are you going on about?
@WaterGirl: I believe that’s from the WHC pre-POTUS speech, video send up…it was really lame and paled in comparison to the videos supplied by WH for POTUS speech
@Anya: there is no comparison to Beyoncé, IMHO. but to some folks, they see sparkly they see Black they see Beyoncé???? I guess…
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: –“Trudge Up The Hillz”! Classic.
@lamh36: Thanks. So there were hot mic moments where Obama was commenting on the lame video and we’re wondering whether he knew the mic was picking him up?
Have you commented on Larry Wilmore tonight? If so, I must not have caught that a comment was from you.
@Dr.McCoy: Dr. McCoy. Your candidate… he’s dead.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dr.McCoy: Still from Antioch?
I think you may be right. Sometimes when I don’t get something, I have to remind myself that I may not be the target audience.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I thought ARBG was from Antioch. The gun-hugging gave it away.
@redshirt: –Again, we’ll see. FBI. “Yadda,yadda,yadda”
Every time this is called a nerd prom, I experience a papercut to my soul
@Anya: Feel free to disagree, but it felt too glam and sexy for FLOTUS. For Michelle Obama in a non-official situation, absolutely perfect – she is beyond lovely.
@Dr.McCoy: –LOL. Is that what the Sanders supporters are left with? Hoping for FBI indictments? Gosh! You sound like Republicans.
It’s hard to pick a favorite bit, so I’ll just say this rang true:
@WarMunchkin: There’s no such thing.
Larry Wilmore totally nailed it. I just wish he had a joke for that shameless douchebag Chris Matthews.
@lamh36: It was beyond lame. Supposedly, “you didn’t build that” is considered a gaffe. Do they remember how that worked out for the Republicans?
G is making me watch the pilot episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” Marina Sertis’s miniskirt is making me laugh every time she’s on camera.
The hot take on Wilmore is over at http://taketown.com/2016/04/30/larry-wilmores-white-house-correspondents-dinner-performance-went-far-fired/
@Mnemosyne: That’s cruel. It’s a rough pilot. The entire 1st season is rough.
Nope. This “some folks” is a white woman, but her dress (which she wore beautifully), seemed a bit too peekaboo for an official function. And it is kind of like Beyonce to me because Bey covers up a lot, but shows a lot at the same time. But Beyonce is a performer, and Michelle is FLOTUS. Tho she can wear it, I didn’t feel like she should. Imagine for a moment any former FLOTUS in the same dress. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Also, to hell with your “some folks” and “I guess”….
Corner Stone
@bago: He wasn’t offensive. Just not funny.
@Mnemosyne: I loved that one. It’s so clear Michelle can’t wait to leave. I think she’s very sincere when she says it was an honor to serve but she wants her life back.
@seaboogie: What made it sexier than the other gowns that showed a bit more skin? I actually thought this was more matronly than some of her previous gowns.
@Corner Stone: You’ve said that many times. Do you have something invested in this?
I’m having a bit of Poe’s Law trouble. It’s a parody site, right?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
got big laughs in the room, as I recall
Corner Stone
Mmmmm…NFL Draft replays…
@seaboogie: I don’t understand. The dress is a basic sheath with neckline embroidery. It has a cape-style overlay of sequined chiffon (or net, hasn’t looked closely enough yet). It has no cut outs, no transparencies, nothing that could be compared to a Beyonce dress. And I can easily see Jackie Kennedy wearing it in a darker color.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: W. was way funnier than Wilmore, right Corner Stone?
@seaboogie: Awww… are offended… so fuqn what?
ETA: to say that Beyoncé “likes to cover up”. just shows ur comment for the bullshittery (is that a word) it is… Beyoncé likes to cover up… Bwhahahaha…
????…yeah okay…. what MO wore tonight is downright matronly to anything Beyoncé considers covering up….
@Emma: That was a negligee/peignoir….seductive….and Michelle can totally do that, just not at the WHCD.
@seaboogie: Is the WHCD some sacred thing?
@Emma: Hate to belabor the point, but I am beginning to think seaboogie saw a different gown. I can not imagine anyone thinking that dress is too risqué for an official event. It’s your basic official gown.
@lamh36: Yeah, well – you win. I am not black. BOOM! you.
” It’s [Taketown] a parody site, right? ”
I’m having trouble with that too. Reads like very dry (maybe too dry) parody. I’ll assume it is until I hear otherwise.
I don’t have enough interest in the dinner to spend all Sat evening on it. I’ll catch Obama and Wilmore clips later. If Wilmore got very mixed reviews and people thought he was mean and offensive, and he bombed with that audience, I guess he did his job. Who wouldn’t want to bomb with that audience? Wilmore gives more straight up commentary than any late night comedy show host. What did they expect him to do? They could have played a Henny Youngman tape if they wanted some good vaudeville.
@Corner Stone:
Holy crap, if Seattle’s OL draft picks make it as starters the new line’s mass will shift the earth’s axis. Sad that Lynch retired but a healthy Rawls and a bigger feature back will carve yoooge gashes against everybody. Most pics they had in several years and while everybody else drafted defense, they focused on offense.
@seaboogie: Cripes.
So we’re clear: peekaboo
Not peekaboo
Well Imma go stick a fork in my eye because I don’t deserve to have an opinion on fashion…
And I was just replying to Omnes, who started this….
I think agreeing with Omnes about women’s fashion is always the first mistake. ?
Anne Laurie
@jl: Check some of the other posts; TakeTown’s most def a parody site. Excellent mimicry of the Wingnut Wurlitzer spew, but doesn’t push the parody far enough for lulz, IMO.
Anne Laurie
@seaboogie: I think the beaded overlay made it read more like “lingerie” — the dress itself was fine, even a little matronly, IMO. Heard it was Givenchy, and Givenchy is kinda famous for that — elaborate ornamentation that tends to tip a little too Bunny Ranch showgirl, but for ladies with money. (If Melania had worn it, for instance, people would probably not have noticed anything out of the ordinary.)
@Anne Laurie: I don’t even feel free to comment. Been put in my place (but not by you).
@seaboogie: Cripes!
That is one fuked up comment