Maybe Salon just wants to be the college newspaper for people who miss theirs.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) April 29, 2016
I put Walker Bragman’s latest Salon post in the “Life Is Too Short” pile, but fortunately Wonkette has done the hard work of comprehensively dissecting it…
Dear Salon, Set Your Dick On Fire And Eat It
The granddaddy of liberal internet news sites, Salon, has taken time off from begging the FBI to put Hillary Clinton in email jail, and urging young folk to skip voting this year if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, and is instead inviting you to consider, hey? Why not vote for Donald Trump? He may be a fascist, but there is one thing about him you cannot deny, and that is that Donald Trump is not Hillary Clinton. Salon ain’t lyin’! Vote Donald Trump, you guys, for all the many good reasons laid out by Walker Bragman (the non-Haha Goodman half of the He Man Hillary Hater Bois Club) in his masterpiece, “A Liberal Case for Donald Trump: The Lesser of Two Evils Is Not at All Clear in 2016″…
Go read the whole thing, because it is glorious, and will get you in the mood for tonight’s #NerdProm.
Walker Bragman has to be bro-iest name ever given to a bro.
Major Major Major Major
Heh. Saw that yesterday. Good times.
Can’t wait to skip watching the dinner.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: I’d like to see Obama’s last bit in DGAF mode, and I like Larry Wilmore
Citizen Alan
“Better a fascist than Hillary Clinton.” Reminds me of 2012, when I watched in astonishment as fundamentalist Baptists in Mississippi voted overwhelmingly for a man most of them believed to be a high-ranking member of a Satanic cult because, hey, at least he wasn’t black!
Wow! What’s with all this Trump hate? There are very good reasons to vote for him. If he destroys Western civilization early, we won’t have to worry about being cleansed from this planet by intelligent robots.
No more worries about Climate Change either, WIN!!!
That’s a picture of a guy who won’t be affected by a Trump administration.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Thank you Wonkette for a new insult that I already have a target for.
And fuck Salon. I’m surprised they still exist. So far off my radar they might as well be in orbit.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
this is just contrarian click bait.
and it works. instead of ignoring someone I’ve never-ever heard off, he gets his copy redistributed by wonkette and now bj.
I took a peek at Joan Walsh’s twitter comments. She’s as embarrassed about Salon as anyone.
That comparison is unfair to college newspapers.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Pretty much.
Roger Moore
I don’t see what the problem is. All you have to do is to ignore everything the candidates say they’ll do and all their history that suggests they’ll actually follow through, and suddenly Trump looks like a much better candidate than Hillary.
Well, I’m pro-Bernie, and deeply concerned with America’s generational slide into oligarchy, and all I can say is HOLY SHIT what kind of stupidity is Salon snorting? Bragman can go straight to hell. I’m sure Scalia needs a dogsbody…
On a related note, Billmon has unfortunately become completely unreadable lately. Clinton Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. There is no Hillary, only “the Clintons,” or more frequently “the Clinton machine.”
I usually do not watch the WH Correspondents Dinner. I will instead be watching Keeping Up Appearences, Star Trek, Outlander, My Cat from Hell, and Dr. Jeff Rocky Mountain Vet.
ETA: I did take a nap this afternoon and I went to the store for some food items. Tomorrow I have to get some D-cell batteries because tomorrow night we have having another over-night without electricity. I need the batteries for my CD player.
I only watch Obama’s bit.
@Roger Moore: I especially liked the “let’s assume if Trump wins the Democrats will retake the Senate,” which is both stupid on the face of it, and even if it happened, ignores the fact that there will be midterm elections.
The other thing I found particularly adorable coming from a Bernie supporter is that apparently the argument that if elected, he won’t be able to get anything through Congress is outrageous and indefensible when applied to Bernie, but totally compelling when applied to Trump.
@Roger Moore: Not enough. You have to ignore what they say, ignore their history, then assume Hillary Clinton is always lying and Trump is just saying things he doesn’t truly believe.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Germy: former editor Kerry Lauerman, too, and I think Laura Miller. I can’t imagine who’s paying for that rolling shitshow. I hope Simon Malloy gets hired by somebody else
I want to see that, and I also like Larry Wilmore, but I’d rather see the video afterward than slog through any of the rest of it just to see them “live.”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
While I think “contrarian” is giving it too much credit, it is a masterpiece of clickbait.
Title is sub-optimal though. It should be “10 Reasons to consider Trump. #8 Will Shock You!”.
@Technocrat: But Wonkette has given enough details to obviate the need to click through to Salon, as well as eviscerating the piece. Win-win !
Bragman, Goodman & Co. are playing russian roulette with toy guns to try to convince us of their seriousness.
Hippies punching hippies, this is what the John Coles of the Left have sunk to.
What do patchouli tears taste like?
@Redshift: None of this is actually about Trump, though. They’re playing footsie with Trump in front of us, hoping it’ll make us jealous and desperate to give Bernie a second chance. Seriously.
I still suspect that the most obnoxious Berniebros are actually former Ron Paul boosters, and I’m guessing this guy would be one of them. He’s not important enough to me for me to Google it, though.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
blind troll finds a nut of funny, but maybe only because I hate patchouli like it’s made by Trump
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Redshift: and the red carpet usually stinks. Dopey press – most of the gowns are d-list. Sad.
The thing is, this isn’t a one-off piece. Salon has gone completely off the rails since the start of primary season. It used to be one of my morning blog stops, but it has become unreadable.
When the article about “begging the Fbi to arrest Hillary”, my twitter timeline exploded
Almost everyone blocked Salon, so they don’t exist now on my timeline anyway.
I don’t get why liberals hate her so much, but they do.
Hah,’s like Newton’s First Law of Internets:
“For every piece of clickbait, there is an equal and opposite snark piece”
@srv: Delicious, but I’d like more ice in my next glass of them.
In my first shirt volunteering for Hillz this AM, I confirmed 4 primary votes, got a verbal from a Sanders supporter that of course she’s with Her in November cause she’s not nuts, and registered 2 guys who were working on their sister’s car when I cam by to confirm their sister’s support. They’re worried about Trump.
Demographic notes: The only Anglo I talked to (registered Dems in a majority Latino precinct) was the Sander supporter, but she described herself as ‘prefer Sanders but will definitely vote Dem in general election’
The locals at the campaign are not likely to adopt my suggested category to describe that last response from a voter–‘Will crawl broen glass #noTrump”–but it would be accurate.
The only Anglo I spoke to was also the only first-language speaker of English I spoke to. Latinas vote and Hillz is gonna roll Trump off a (demographic) cliff, it’s that simple.
@Redshift: Due to other commitments(Bibimbap with Ms. Bill), I’m DVR’ing it; I’ll fast forward to the President and Larry’s remarks about the “Unblackening”.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Cat48: they’re not liberals. they’re populists. there’s a difference
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Politics: Hollywood for ugly people.
ETA: I should note that Hollywood has ugly people, I was born there.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: not even necessary. the good parts are immediately posted on youtube
Srsly, what DID happen to Salon? Does Walsh not control it anymore? From that little insufferable little shit pictured above to fucking Camille Paglia, it’s like they’re TRYING to be a cesspool.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
That makes sense. I’m just a liberal.
This is the same Salon that has another article on how porn stars plan to vote for president. I am not sure what happened. I used to visit it frequently but something clearly happened along the way. I think that Walsh actually left.
Princess (now General) Leia
rip Dan Berrigan of the Cantonsville Nine.
@eemom: I think Joan left last year, I’m not sure about the circumstances.
Like that James Brown song.
Get up, get on up,
Stay on the scene,
Like the Clinton machine
@Barbara: Porn stars generally take a libertarian view, though some are RWNJ. The RWNJ types are kind of surprising considering how the right wing feels about their profession(which might include escorting). I know of one that’s a really devout Catholic, her confessions must be, eh, interesting.
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: You *are* referring to the classic “Get Up – I Feel Like Being a Clinton Machine”, right?
Open thread:
Just saw Keanu. Honestly I was kind of disappointed. It’s funny enough, but it just feels like Key and Peele should be able to do much better. And unfortunately there’s not much more plot than you see in the trailers.
The kitten really is incredibly adorable though.
Roger Moore
And naturally it’s a lot easier to believe that neither of them is being honest about their stance on the issues if you ignore their history. If you actually look at their history, it’s pretty clear that they’re both being pretty forthright on the major issues. I can kind of understand why people might believe that about Trump- he has been in the spotlight a lot more for things other than his political stances- but both of them have long track records for people who want to look.
Are we sure Schooley didn’t mean high school newspaper? Because Bergman looks like he might still waiting for smokes to be legal for him.
@Technocrat: Tasering?
I think it’s a bad business decision for Salon to let interns write their articles.
Mike J
@different-church-lady: High school papers has less talent, but usually aren’t as dumb as college papers. HS papers typically don’t aim at fixing the world.
Looking forward to Barack at the White House Correspondence Dinner! Though how he can top bringing Luther on stage with him last year, I can’t imagine. I like Larry Wilmore and it will be interesting to see if he pulls a Colbert or plays it safe. Who gets to choose the comedian? The president? The WH Correspondents?
Mike J
@Mike J: Have of course, editing still doesn’t work for me.
@WaterGirl: As Colbert said the other night when asked how his performance went over when he appeared at the WHCD, “I liked it”.
I was thinking that Ron and Rand Paul were much better at keeping all of their
stormfront supporters at plausible deniability range – which is better than Trump is doing.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Mnemosyne: Hey, dropped you a message via your blog a few days ago. Let me know if you need copies.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good God, CSPAN is doing a full on red carpet thing.
anybody know when Wilmore starts? Obama ends the show, right?
@WaterGirl: I don’t see Wilmore as playing it safe. his demeanor is ‘genial social studies teacher’ but he can go for the jugular
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: it’s the other way around. Obama comes on at 10 PM (eastern) and then is followed by Wilmore
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m sure the word “Unblackening” will come up in Larry’s bit.
ETA: A current US Senator was the talent at the WHCD, twice!
ETA2: Edit seems to work for me.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Parts of that bit were funny, particularly Colbert saying that. If I were Colbert, I would be as proud of the 2006 as anything I had done in my entire life. I really think it is his picture next to “brass balls” in the dictionary. I see that as a good thing.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m hoping for at least a 3/4 Colbert tonight from Larry Wilmore. Except for the one stupid, ditzy female that’s on the show, I like all his regulars. They do keep it 100!
P.S. I LOVE Holly.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: All I know about that is from Tivo when I scheduled the recording. The CSPAN version was scheduled to start an hour before CNN’s version. CSPAN version was scheduled for 5 hours and CNN was scheduled for 4.5 hours. Thank god for skipping ahead in 15 minute increments until the fun stuff starts.
Mike J
Political outsider Bernie Sanders to attend ultimate Washington insider event as guest of CBS/Viacom/Westinghouse. Westinghouse is bidding on contract to decommission Vermont Yankee reactor.
@WaterGirl: The only feeds that showed up when I searched was CNN and Fox, I opted for CNN.
@Mike J:
I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the CSPAN red carpet thing is just hypnotically bad, like a too long SNL sketch about a merger between NPR and Bravo
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
they do it every year.
It’s Nerd Prom
You’ll soon be receiving a call from the Association of Nerd’s counsel.
@Capri: I feel kind of bad for Digby and Amanda Marcotte. Their stuff ends up completely buried under the avalanche of “Bernie or Bust” screeds.
” Maybe Salon just wants to be the college newspaper for people who miss theirs. ”
I can see it. Some dudes and dudettes sitting around beered up and stoned writing weird shit.
But my university papers, they regularly got offensive and funny enough to get fired or suspended and closed down and fun stuff like that.
I remember when the UCLA and USC papers were doing their annual satires of each other before the Big Game. Both were so g-damn nasty offensive, accurate, and funny, students were walking around laughing all day. The university suits were so upset, the tradition was suspended next year. So, until Salon can get that good, I dunno, its just not the same.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Mike J:
I feel Ike voting for Trump just to spite him, knowing that he’ll have to live with the consequences of that 25 years longer than I will have to.
@Redshift: I used like and respect Billmon. I don’t know what happened to him but he’s irrational. I unfollowed him because I just couldn’t watch someone I respected descend into emotional rage reminiscent of rightwing rage against Obama.
@jl: I remember the U$C produced Daily Bruin with a reference to “Coach Donkeydoo”.
@Mike J:
Total coincidence, pinky swear!
@Anya: Yeah, Billmon’s really gone off the deep end. He used to be all pragmatic about getting Bush out of office, even if he didn’t really like Kerry. Weird.
@Mike J: Once again, I think of candidate Obama in 2007. “They have access; you get to write a letter.” He may to have been able to change the way Washington works, as he hoped and we hoped, but he gets it.
@Anya: Twitter is a hell of a drug.
@hamletta: Sad, I enjoyed the “Whiskey Bar” back in the day; then again, that was when I was still drinkin’.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Pretty funny watching a “revolutionary” dining with the “millionaires and billionaires and oligarchs” he rails against. It’s almost like he didn’t mean a word he said.
I keep wondering why Digby isn’t.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
What’s Stoya like off camera? (only asking for a friend)
Walker Bragman is an activist from Long Island who graduated from Skidmore. My opinion of both Long Island and Skidmore just went way down. His arguments for Trump are he’ll change the conversation, he won’t get anything done, he’s not beholden to a Super-Pac, we don’t know how bad his USSC nominees will be, he’ll bomb everyone anyway and the Democrats might bounce back from the debacle he’ll surely cause. That sounds like Papen’s and Schleicher’s arguments circa 1/33 about Hitler. Does he really expect anyone to take that drivel seriously?
I used to read Salon often, but it’s gotten so fucking insufferable. And completely ludicrous. Do people actually think that a Trump presidency would better forward progressive interests than a Hillary Clinton presidency? Are they totally fucking HIGH? Is this a real thing that people think?
I don’t see the logic: “Rather than accepting 60% of what I want, I’ll go with 0% of what I want and that’s almost as good as winning!”
@BillinGlendaleCA: I don’t remember that. It worked in kind of a cycle. From what I was told, the annual Big Game parodies would get so wild and out of control, that the brass at the universities would express some sort of concern about it, and shut it down for a few years.
When I was there, I think both papers colluded, actually. The wrote parodies that looked like a school paper that a student had doodled on and left someplace on campus, and then scattered them around the campuses early in the morning. It was fucking hilarious. I was at UCLA and thought USC’s was slightly more vicious.
Salon is nowhere near that league of lulz.
Roger Moore
Nach Drumpf, uns!
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: I don’t know about that guy, but H. A. Goodman was openly supporting Rand Paul before Bernie came along.
Roger Moore
Enough people thought that way about letting Bush beat Gore to tip the election the wrong way. You might expect people to remember that, but we’ve had 16 years for them to forget and for people who weren’t old enough to pay attention in 2000 to join the electorate.
My god, that’s irresistible. Like a bad itch. I’d click it if I could.
Mike J
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I will guess there will be a gentle barb or two about Clinton and Sanders, and the supporters of one of them are going to lose their shit.
Sanders should have known better than to run against America’s first
blacklow-information president.jl
I think a Trump animated comedy/adventure feature would make a lot of money. Too late to get it out for the general election though, probably. Model it on mutant ninja turtle. Except Trump would be a fat mutant ninja raccoon/possum hybrid. Or maybe the possum on his head would be his sidekick. But Trump would be a fat out-of-shape mutant orange raccoon with a white mask. i haven’t worked it out completely.
Anybody know if a person get one of those made by the end of GOP convention? If so, maybe I get Cole on board (the blog will pay for itself, finally) and put up a bleg.
I am completely ashamed, embarrassed, and guilt-ridden over the number of FB articles I’ve clicked on for the sole reason of learning what could be so jaw-dropping.
I’m getting better, though. These days, only twice a week. Three times, tops.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
What’s a Stoya? My tastes tend to the east, the far east; exclusively.
@Roger Moore: People are really fucking stupid and I need to live apart from stupid people.
@patroclus: …or St. Ralph’s arguments in 2000.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
I see Trump’s kids Uday and Qusay are attending Nerd Prom.
They must really enjoy seeing their dad humiliated.
@Technocrat: One weird trick that will make you vote for Trump, and the government doesn’t want you to know!
@jl: The parodies were pretty high quality when I was there. The “Daily Bruin” look like the real deal, the only difference is they were distributed in a stack in the elevators in the dorms.
ETA: Having seen both in 1978, it pains me to say the Daily Trojan staff did a much better job with their “Daily Bruin” than our’s did with the “Daily Trojan”.
Mike J
@jl: Really surprised DougJ hasn’t shown up to give us a thread about Jon Huntsman, head of No Labels, endorsing Trump.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Not really – Nader didn’t make an argument for people to vote FOR the economy-destroying, wrong-country-invading, bald-faced-WMD-whoppers-telling, social-security destroying, credit-market destroying, torturing, waterboarding, New-Orleans-ignoring idiot. He was running a third party candidacy. This Bragman guy has gone full fascist-enabling.
@Matt McIrvin:
when I first saw their articles a few months ago I suspected a ratfucking operation. Is Karl Rove paying them a stipend?
@patroclus: Point taken.
@WaterGirl: @different-church-lady: whatever it is he lost his mind. When you irrationally hate someone to the point you’re RT’ng ludicrous conspiracy stuff then you need to step away from the internet
? Martin
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I would note that we know Trump’s kids were registered to vote in NY not as Republicans. I wouldn’t fault anyone for supporting their parents or kids.
Larry Wilmore has had Sanders on his show quite a few times, so I’ve concluded that he’s a Bernie guy. I wonder if that will shine through or if it will be mostly anti-Trump if/when he talks about the primaries tonight.
Some people on this CNN panel think Donald Trump is funny. Do these idiots know the difference between a bully funny and actual funny?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Hey, we really need that reactor decommissioned. Vermont Yankee were shit. They did things like lose fuel rods.
Points for pragmatism, please. It’s what you’d WANT in a politician, otherwise there’s no reason to go with Hils. I have a lot of friends within ‘you die’ distance of Vermont Yankee, I don’t want Bernie being pure and holding drum circles to dispel the evil spirits. Thing’s radioactive: literally. So far it hasn’t blown up.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Well, there’s one person with class and style who’s wearing a Gorgeous Outfit —
unsurprisingly it’s the razor sharp feminist Emma Wats*n (photo)
@? Martin: Donald Trump Jr. is such a douchebag. He’s the douchiest of the Trump circle.
Roger Moore
I hope you enjoy being a hermit.
M. Bouffant
Joan Walsh is now typing at The Nation.
Well, there’s three words that should never be seen together. Like “invisible poison spider”.
@WaterGirl: Wilmore doing the dinner tonight? He has laid some beautiful stuff on Trump. So, I imagine will be some hits. My favorite Wiilmore line about Trump (paraphrase since I can;’t remember it exactly): Trump thinks something has to be true just because he just heard himself say it.
Villago Delenda Est
The Berniebros will. It’s their nature.
@Germy: I can’t really blame them. Not getting aired in China is leaving 100-200 million on the table. Plus, do most people really care if it’s Tibet or “mythical ancient Asian mountain kingdom”?
@Roger Moore: It’s great. Everyone should do it.
Villago Delenda Est
@Anya: No. SASQ.
@Applejinx: No point in engaging with the BernieBashers here. If Sanders does something to stick to principle, then he is a useless ivory tower goof. if he shows the slightest pragmatism, then he is a hypocritical sell-out lying to his supporters. Whatever jape gets out some BernieBile for a few seconds will do.
And look at that photo of Bragman. Doesn’t he look like a young republican?
Villago Delenda Est
@patroclus: No, Nader just acted as a spoiler when he had previously pledged not to.
The blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis is on his hands.
@Anya: Speaking of, I got this picture off Free Republic yesterday. Is that Trump Jr. on the far left?
@Villago Delenda Est: I don’t believe that. The great majority of Bernie’s supporters will vote for Clinton, a small minority will vote Green, Libertarian or other third party and a small minority won’t vote. Only the Paulite faction would even consider voting for the Fascist. This Bragman guy is out to lunch.
Villago Delenda Est
@jl: And, predictably, they rise to the bait. Every single time.
@patroclus: No, Nader said in 2000 that Bush was preferable to Gore.
Villago Delenda Est
@patroclus: Well, a friend of mine is rock solid Pacific Green, and actually told Bernie activists that he would NOT reregister as a Dem to vote for Bernie in Oregon.
He also assures me he’ll vote for Jill Stein in November even if it means (in the unlikely event, of course) that he’ll be essentially voting for the GOP nominee, most likely Drumpf.
I think MOST of the Bernie supporters will do the right thing should Bernie not be the nominee. But there are very vocal exceptions to that statement.
@Villago Delenda Est: I went to a Nader speech in 1978 and was part of the group that gathered around after the formal address. He was asked (by me) if he would ever run for President and he said “never.” So, basically, he lied to me, personally.
Mike J
@patroclus: Most polls I’ve read about show far more willingness among Dems to vote for whoever gets the nomination this election than in 2008. Much less ill feeling among average voters toward the candidate that they are not supporting, though you would not know that from reading the fever swamps deep inside the internet. I heard a recent poll mentioned in a news report that 40 percent of Dems won’t vote for other candidate, but that is so far outside the consensus polling that I think it must be an outlier, or sampling weird subgroup. Anyone else heard a poll like that mentioned?
So, ideas like the Trump strategy to swipe Sanders voters who hate HRC is just going to sweep up a few sexists and some very confused very low info voters.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Thanks, I’ll go check it. Receiving messages via the blog seems to be a little more hit-and-miss than I realized, so I’ll let you know if I don’t see it.
@dslak: Still not the same thing. Papen and Schleicher actually maneuvered Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Reich Chancellor, that is, they affirmatively advised a vote for the Fascist, just like this Bragman guy. I know why everyone hates Nader – I do too – but this Bragman guy is still worse.
@patroclus: Maybe you gave him the idea…
Villago Delenda Est
@patroclus: “That was then, and this is now.” And Ralph worked very hard to fuck over Gore, and, as things turned out, enable a totally illegal and immoral war of aggression.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The camera just loves Hermione Granger (photo)
@Germy: lol
@Villago Delenda Est: Has Nader ever commented on this after the fact? I’ve so blocked him out I have no idea.
Villago Delenda Est
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Emma is a babe, no question about it. Great looks, great fashion sense, and damn, she’s every bit as smart as Hermione in her own right.
Here’s another provocative perspective to consider. Maybe this Bragman guy and the Mudcat Saunders guy can debate it out on Slate.
The Democrats Will Never Win the White House Until They Run a Zell/Webb Ticket
@patroclus: Ah, okay, I wasn’t on quite the same wavelength. Since they were conservatives thinking that they could control Hitler by bringing him into the fold, the more appropriate analogy for them would be the Republican political class who believe his fascism-lite is just a schtick, rather than what he believes.
Goodman, Bragman, etc. are more like the German communists who refused to strategically support the Social Democratic candidate either because they considered it impure, or thought the Nazis winning would teach the socialists a lesson. (To be fair about the communists’ reservations, the socialists did much worse things to the communists than Dems have ever done to the far left)
“When you make a choice, you also choose the consequences of that choice.”
“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
Patricia Kayden
@Citizen Alan: Well not being Black is of utmost importance to racists, so …
@gwangung: Are you a Bujold fan? I think that is one of Cordelia’s lines in Barrayar.
@dslak: Yeah, that’s a better analogy except that the Weimar system didn’t have direct elections for the Reich Chancellor, just the President, who appointed the Reich Chancellor. Given the threat of Hitler, the SDP and the Commies should have united. But they never did and they were each crushed separately. Either way, this Bragman guy is an idiot and a Fascist-enabler. And his reasons are fatuous.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Okay, I snorted.
The Virginia GOP apparently is setting itself on fire at its convention. Blue Virginia:
Rooting for injuries here… ;-)
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
So I’m flipping though the photo stream and I see Cenk Uygur and Rosario Dawson are hanging out with the “corporate Democratic whores” they hate.
Gawd, if ya gonna bilk suckers outta their hard earned money have the decency to remain in character off camera.
@Technocrat: Heh. @owillis is doing a thing on that, treading the line of Poe’s law and hate linking over at
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I was invited. Didn’t attend out of principle.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Principle? You?!
…and change the name of the party to Republican.
Rolling Along
Cruz is surging in Indiana. Buckle your seatbelt folks and get ready for a contested convention baby.
@bago: I thought the Taketown thing was a parody at first. Maybe it is. Is Willis doing some Andy Kaufman stunt, or what?
Rolling Along
Cruz is surging in Indiana. Buckle your seatbelt folks and get ready for a contested convention baby.
@Omnes Omnibus: Why aren’t you out Uniting the Party?. Your campaign has enough chemicals for that. From what I’ve heard and friends tell me.
@Baud: Are you gonna continue until June or are you gonna go to the convention and demand platform concessions? Do we Hillary supporters have to be nice to you?
@Omnes Omnibus: Principle in Baudspeak means he’d have to wear clothes.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Tracking.
Roger Moore
Looking it up, it’s actually a quote from Miles (repeating what his Cordelia taught him) from Memory:
@Rolling Along: You forgot #BrinksTrucks.
@Rolling Along: This is RtR, Omnes.
It’s a theory. I prefer my own theory, which is that they’re being secretly paid by the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson.
Then there’s my conspiracy theory version, which is that Bernie has also been getting Koch money, which is why he’s been slow to release his tax returns.
“Where are we going, boys?”
“To the toppermost of the poppermost, Johnny!”
(an old Liverpool 1961 quote)
@patroclus: Does the dismal and appalling Baud! 2016! campaign Unite the Party better by staying in, or dropping out? If Baud! 2016! can stagger to the stage at the convention and relate some of his recent hallucinations, will that bring HRC and Sanders up there with him, or drive them both away?
Hard question. I’m waiting for Mornin’ Joe’s take on it.
Villago Delenda Est
@redshirt: Essentially, nothing is his fault.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: I bet Smith & Wesson and Blackwater were fighting over you.. Ooops, wrong candidate.
Villago Delenda Est
@Rolling Along: What ever happened to ¡Heb!, the loser?
Drumpf belongs to you, scum. Suffer.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: They both could be, but this one definitely is.
Villago Delenda Est
@patroclus: Baud is going to be loud and proud at whatever convention he winds up landing at.
Admittedly, if it’s in Cleveland, he’ll need yooge honkin’ amplifiers to be heard over the din.
Rolling Along
One thing I don’t understand is why the big money hedge fund boys have sat on the sidelines. I guess they don’t cotton to Cruz, but finally they’re realizing its Cruz or nothing and beginning to open the spigots in Indiana and Cali.
I can’t fucking wait until Cali. Trump May when San Franfreaksco and Hollyweird, but the San Jaoquin Valley, Orange County and “Jefferson” will come out big for Cruz.
@jl: That was a question for Baud! 2016! who is obviously being coy about it.
Omnes is the archetype of the Sound Man, and automatically unites all factions with ease.
Villago Delenda Est
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Rooting for injuries is the only rational stance in this case.
Miss Bianca
@dslak: Ah, I knew I’d seen this all before…
Hell, the sick thing is that the Communists and the Socialists were still slugging it out in the death camps, if some sources are to be believed…
@Omnes Omnibus: True. But look how easy he goes to form. Which has been his pattern for years. The other guy pretended to be a person concerned with issues. Totally different MO. I’m standing by my judgment on this one.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Broad City is in the house (photo)
@Villago Delenda Est: Do you think once Trump is officially the candidate he’ll finally jump on the Trump Troll Train? He’s been anti-Trump so far.
@Cacti: I think his brother, Barrowballs Bragman, has him beat.
I have to figure out the going rate for fighting fascism.
Why start now?
Don’t forget the seatbelt. There’s always a seatbelt.
And obeying the restraining order.
Thanks, Obama.
@Rolling Along: Nay nay. The Cruznado just hit the CA GOP convention. It will be big. It’s ixnay on the RumTay in the Graysuit Circle. The Cat is On the Mat. Duff turned on The Juice. So, it will ‘so’s your ol’ man’ for the flyweights in Sacto tonight!
I will say it again: Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first woman from a major political party to be nominated for President of the United States.
And, she is going to win, too.
@jl: The mustache of understanding should be a dead giveaway.
@LesBonnesFemmes: Fuckin’ A.
As a former section editor of the Daily Trojan, I totally agree with both of you. ?
And while the DB would usually beat us at the annual flag football game (aka the Blood Bowl), we totally kicked their asses at Trivial Pursuit when I was there.
@Mnemosyne: You went to USC?? Howdja like that 1998 Sun Bowl? Horned Frogs rule! 3-2 all-time over the Trojans! Sure, you’ve got more NC’s and Heismans, but that’s because TCU is always shafted by the bluebloods and powers-that-be.
Villago Delenda Est
@redshirt: You know, that’s difficult to say. He’s made a smooth transition from ¡Heb! to Rafael, and in 2012 he had no need to make a transition at all, as he was a Rmoney supporter from Iowa on. UNLIMITED INHERITED CASH might well be what we see here from Labor Day on. Or he’ll just fade back into the woodwork, as he did in the aftermath of the “the polls need to be unskewed!” and “¡Heb! is tanned, rested, and ready for 2016!” result in 2012, and quietly sob as Hillary is sworn in and appoints some crazy Muslim lesbian communist to the USSC.
@Rolling Along: The OC is Trumpland.
Roger Moore
@Rolling Along:
Too bad for Cruz that the delegates go by congressional district, and most of those districts are in the Bay Area and LA County, and relatively few are in the reddest areas of the state.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore: Please. You’re interfering with his wishful thinking.
@Villago Delenda Est:
…the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.
@Rolling Along:
“Jefferson”? You mean the high-desert areas with no water and no visible means of support that insist like a cranky 5-year-old that they can totally make it on their own without all of that filthy money from the areas of the state that actually have viable industries and businesses?
Personally, I’d be happy to cut “Jefferson” loose and let the Feds pay for their welfare checks instead of those of us in the rest of the state who were smart enough to live where there are actual jobs. They’d be rivaling Mississippi for the bottom of the barrel in no time.
@Roger Moore: I was told in 2008 that only the totals matter and delegates are not that important. I’ve heard that again this year, though not from the same source.
@BillinGlendaleCA: If the United States of America and its Empire lasts for a thousand years, men will still say THIS was their finest hour!
I was born and raised a Cubs fan, so there’s no amount of bad sports play that can affect me. Though I did go to a non-football school for my MFA (Loyola Marymount), so that probably tells you how important football is to me.
@Mnemosyne: No, no; “Jefferson” is the northern counties near the Oregon border. I think the eastern part has some desert, but the western part has lots of trees.
Holy shit, CNN, please just stop with this pre game shit… this makes the Oscars Red Carpet look like a fucking Chekov play…
@patroclus: Heh, someone noticed what I did.
@Villago Delenda Est: My bet is he goes Trump. He’s rich, isn’t he? That’s enough.
It will be delish to watch him turn.
@Mnemosyne: So sorry bout Hank Gathers! :-( (I live less than a mile from Wrigley – THIS is our year; In Theo we trust!)
Roger Moore
Actually, “Jefferson” is the part up by the Oregon border, not out in the desert. They’re also short on people and jobs and think they could make it on their own if only they were cut loose from all the job killing regulations coming their way from Sacramento.
@Aqualad08: This is why Obama gave us DVR’s, thanks Obama.
@Roger Moore:
Yeah, sorry, my rant still stands, though I retract “high desert.” Where exactly do their think their bustling capital is going to be, Yreka?
@Mnemosyne: Maybe Grants Pass.
ETA: Or Ashland, it’s central, relatively liberal. Jefferson’s Austin.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Gorgeous Gowns — FLOTUS (photo) ??❤️
@BillinGlendaleCA:With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we shall gain the inevitable triumph, So Help Us God!
According to Wikipedia, they want Humboldt County to join, so I guess that explains how they plan to support themselves.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: Sounds like the Weld County rebellion we had in CO a few years back…buncha geniuses up there thought it would be a totes hot idea to secede from the rest of the state…
@Mnemosyne: Sure, export pot to WA and CO.
ETA: Hey, it works for the valley with porn.
ETA2: Though it should be noted that the valley thought better in it’s succession vote.
Miss Bianca
@BillinGlendaleCA: CO to the State of Jefferson: We’re growing plenty of our own, thanks…
@Miss Bianca:
People who don’t live here don’t realize how many big, empty spaces CA has once you get away from the coast. The areas that are claiming they want to secede are some of the biggest and emptiest. It’s crazypants.
ETA: And I’m guessing they want to secede because of gay marriage and abortion and haven’t given a thought to what’s going to happen to their infrastructure if they don’t have San Francisco’s and Los Angeles’s tax bases chipping in to help pay for it.
@Mnemosyne: Hence the point to our Cruzing friend, there just aren’t many delegates to be had once you leave the coast.
ETA: I tend to doubt that Cruz would beat Trump in the IE either.
ETA2: I’m trying to think of places with people that have a lot of Republicans: the OC, San Diego, the IE and some areas of the Central Valley.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Yup. The first black president will hand the keys over to the first woman president. That’s what us liberal Democrats do, because liberal Democrats form coalitions and have been responsible for all the benefits we enjoy now in this racist as fuck country. We need to accept our diversity, scan the horizon, stop whining, and all pull together.
Mike J
Larry Wilmore looks so alone there.
Roger Moore
It’s not even “away from the coast”; it’s more like “away from the ports”. Just try driving CA1 north from Santa Monica. There’s a ton of empty space on the central coast and even more on the north coast.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Bryan Cranston’s stunning portrayal of LBJ in “All the Way” (trailer) debuting on HBO on May 21st.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: Same with the NE corner of CO. Well, they would have had Greeley, but that’s pretty much it. They wanted to turn it into frackers’ paradise, basically, without all that pesky regulation from the Front Range. And who was one of the noisiest in support of this notion? Why, none other than US Rep. – now, God love us, Sen. – Cory Gardner, who replaced Mark Udall, who actually *was* a decent Senator. Sigh..the crazy, it runs deep out here…
Roger Moore
Even San Diego and the IE aren’t reliably red anymore; San Diego, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties all went for Obama in 2012.
@Punchy: Is there a Pittsburgh team playing?
” Where exactly do their think their bustling capital is going to be, Yreka? ”
No making fun of Yreka. It’s a nice place. It has a damn city arch with the name on it and everything. It’s a real city, dammit.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I’m not much on caftans or mumus. I like her in structured dresses in dramatic colors or prints. She is tall and can kick ass on presentation.
@Roger Moore: Is it fair to say Santa Barbara is the prettiest city in CA?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
YESSSIR — Or M’am — I totally agree!!! Well said!
@Rolling Along:
Holy fuck, the ramora of campaign desperation is back. Cruz? Shit boy, you need a second tank to dive that deep.
Beep beep.
Naw — frisco and surroundings to me….
But have you seen Oregon and Washington coasts?
Rolling Along
Jefferson is the Pacific Northwest of Cali, not the High Desert, moron.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
AINT that the truth!!! Keep that mask up for at least a little longer!
@Rolling Along:
Uh. No.
Someone who lives there.
Rolling Along
Cruz/Carly will be Trump’s kryptonite.
We will not allow a progressive populist like Trump to hijack the party.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Elie: I love flower-child mumus. (photo) That’s one thing about the 60s I wish would return.
There is, actually.
@Roger Moore: Central Valley from Sacramento down through Fresno is definitely deep purple now. I think down through Merced, it can be called blue, at least for presidential elections. As far south as Fresno, moderate GOPers do better than the crazies. OC has become really split between D and R communities, following the big split in income of various communities.
Up around Weed and Redding, and down in Kern Basin, GOP still a majority and run the places. I don’t see any sign of statewide comeback. Just no one making a statewide impression. There are local GOP moderates who are sane, but damned if they will ever get support from the crazy CA GOP base.
@Elie: I have not, but they’re not really CA either.
There’s obviously a ton of awesome choices, San Fran being one, but there’s something so unique about SB. I think it might be the angle of the sun in relation to the ocean.
” Is it fair to say Santa Barbara is the prettiest city in CA? ”
Every city in California is the prettiest city, each its its own special unique way, godammit.
@Punchy: They don’t have NBA threads here.
@efgoldman: No, I went full crazy. In my conspiracy theory, the Koch brothers have been paying Sanders directly for years, and he’s reported it on his taxes.
Miss Bianca
Well, great. It’s May Eve, there’s eight or nine inches of snow on the ground, more on the way, all the firewood is wet, and it looks like one of my doggies has fleas.
I’d start drinking, but the mead was *last* night, and that packed more of a punch than I was really looking for. So…it’s popcorn and search the DVD stash for something funny. Happy Beltaine!
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Boston Globe is having a big night at the WHCD.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Those are NOT true mumus that are long, not sheer, made of unflattering prints and worn by other than nymphettes — and you know what I mean — Yes, silk, colorful mumus over a fit body can be nice — but mumus to me are long things — not blouses and are never worn belted —
@jl: “Prettiest city with a capital at 37°0′43″N 121°34′48″W,” that sort of thing?
From what I’ve read, the OC ain’t what it used to be. It’s fallen below 40% Republican, and 30% of residents are now foreign-born.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
That deserves a new rotating tag.
@Redshift: And so fate unfolds.
@Rolling Along:
Delegates are apportioned by congressional district. There aren’t enough god-botherers in all but a couple to swing to Cruz and Fiorina is poison here now, so won’t deliver even one. Trump will end Cruz’ run and possibly political career here.
The end
@jl: True, except for Fresno.
It IS beautiful — but I think a lot of other West Coast cities get under considered as beautiful because — they are not CA. If I dare move us out of the US, have you ever seen Vancouver BC? Gorgeous and so oooooooo slow (it is definitely NOT American in pace or temperament). In Alaska, Anchorage is amazing in that it is surrounded by some of the most awesome mountains and water (the town itself is slower that Vancouver, but still pretty cool — only there do you take care to make sure your garbage cans are sealed tight against grizzlies and Moose might fight in your yard!…
@Ken: You ever walk the central ‘esplanades’ of Chowchilla or Madera? Viewed the pinnacles of Victorville from a budget motel? Seen city life at the crossroads of Los Banos? Strolled through the pleasure gardens of Chico?
I have.
@redshirt: And I have shopped the malls of Blackstone and Shaw, viewed the Van Ness Extension, and watched a hell of drunk fight outside the the finest midsize zoo in the Western half of the US, in Roeding Park.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: It’s deserved… I love Michelle’s dress.. just saying..since we don’t have an open thread.
@Elie: Vancouver is spectacular as well.
Santa Barbara is not on that level. Small city, I guess. And yes, the entire West Coast is amazing. The East Coast pales in comparison.
@jl: I watched rain drops glitter in the dark off the Dutch windmills of Solvang.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Thank god for CSPAN, another liberal invention. What a concept – train an open mike and a live camera on an event with no commentary or breaks or overdubbing.
@redshirt: I forgive you, then.
@redshirt: theres a great NBA game going and Pitt is winning their frozen pond endeavour. Fuck the Caps.
They’re good at that. The No True Scotsman fallacy is strong with that bunch. Pretty much anything the Virginia GOP does at a convention is guaranteed to please True Conservatives and be appalling to the general electorate.
Grumpy Code Monkey
@Villago Delenda Est: Nader did not cost Gore the election. Gore cost Gore the election. It should never have been close enough for Nader to make a difference and SCOTUS to give it to W, but Gore repeatedly and with force stepped on his own dick throughout the campaign, starting by distancing himself from Clinton. Nader certainly didn’t help, but 2000 wasn’t his fault, it was Gore’s for running such a fucking incompetent campaign.
@redshirt: —-After the opium?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
OK – POTUS is up. Catch this on CSPAN. Stand up, people, No Fucks Left To Give Obama is passing.
@Punchy: Your prayer has been answered! Look to the skies!
Spanish Tony may win this by 40. Unreal. Ahot 69 (!)% in first half. FSM couldnt make that many baskets herself.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Agreed. Just don’t listen to the morning call-in shows… :-/
gogol's wife
@Grumpy Code Monkey:
And if there had been no Nader Gore would have become president. No Iraq war. Probably no 9/11 either.
@jl: Wait, what?
@Mnemosyne: They’ve wanted to secede since the early 90s, if not earlier.
It’s the old crazy miners, farmers, and their descendants. East of the Cascades (in all three states) is almost uniformly crazypants (Bend excluded).
Rolling Along
If there is no contested convention, I will be forced to vote for Hillary.
@redshirt: –HaHa….”asshole”.
@jl: I’m partial to Santa Cruz, viewed from the UCSC campus.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Miss Bianca: In fairness to the Social Democrats, the KPD really was almost as bad as the Nazis, and allying with them would have been suicide on multiple levels. The communists were a thoroughly Stalinist party by the late stages of the Weimar era.
@jl: Sounds like someone needs to take a trip to Yuba City.
Miss Bianca
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: There is that. : /
Washington coast in Olympic National Park.
Rugged, undeveloped, and g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. Haven’t had a chance to visit the OR coast yet. Hope to do so this summer.
@aimai: Yup. A fair amount of common sense there…
@Xantar: It was basically an extended Key and Peele sketch but my wife and I both like it. It was, however, one of the weirdest comedies I’ve ever seen.
I did understand why everybody wanted that kitten, though.
No One You Know
@aimai: Hear, hear.
Villago Delenda Est
@Grumpy Code Monkey: Nader said he’d stay out of swing states.
He lied. His spoiler activity made it possible for the deserting coward to steal Florida.
The blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis is on his hands.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I bet there are some frisky times up in the private quarters in the WH.
Anne Laurie
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Those are kurtas (based on menswear). Both caftans and muumuus are ankle-to-floor length, and muumuus are specifically made from a material designed to hide curves & skin.
low-tech cyclist
Just had to comment on this part of Bragman’s opus:
“hope Democrats play hardball as well as Republicans” – damn, I want to live in the alternate reality where that’s a reasonable thing to hope for. And maybe a hobbit will carry a Ring to the Cracks of Doom, and the Republican Party will collapse and disintegrate like Sauron’s realm did in LotR. They’re about equally likely in this reality.
Ya gotta LOVE Salon;
Whine incessantly, inadvertently help move everything to the right, then whine even more.
Funny thing is , is there any reason to think that they wouldn’t turn on Bernie the minute HE failed to get HIS agenda through the 535 members of Congress the same as they turned against Obama and Elizabeth Warren (for not endorsing Bernie)?
They seem to have become the classic “emoprogs”.
Michael G
@Padraig: “Generational slide into oligarchy”? I think that perhaps you need to read some more of American history. Start with Arthur Schlesinger’s trilogy of the FDR years.
@Anne Laurie: And then there’s the Mother Hubbard, which morphed into a standard winter nightgown design.
Billmon works in big money – I just chalk the CDS up to self-loathing and projection.
There are online activists who get stuck in political Ground Hog Day, and prefer arguing history rather than the here and now. Favorite hot button historical points include ’68, Watergate, Reagan’s election, and Clinton’s impeachment. Kennedy’s assassination used to be one, but I think most of the generation that saw that as a seminal event are dead.
@SiubhanDuinne: Digby’s #notallsalonwriters is an indirect response, I’m pretty sure. Scott Eric Kaufman isn’t too happy about it either. But there were reasons to be embarrassed of Salon before this anyway (Paglia for instance) so anyone who was already employed by them must be able to tolerate sharing the masthead with creeps. It probably helps to be old enough to remember reading The Nation every week in the ’80s and ’90s and valuing the good parts while wondering if they would ever get rid of this or that idiot (I mean, not counting the part where The Nation clearly stood for something and Salon does not).
@Roger Moore: I think both Goodman and Bragman were 10 or younger back in 2001. It is is bit gobsmacking to remember that people will be voting in 2016 who were only 2 years old in 2000. So no, they don’t have much memory of that election, and most of what they know is the last 8 years (because for the modern media and the Conservative noise machine, the world began on 20 January 2009).
@Grumpy Code Monkey: I do think Gore ran a pretty lousy campaign, but then he ran a pretty lousy campaign for President back in 1988 when he got swamped in the primaries by Mr. Personality himself, Michael Dukakis. I also, blame the MSM media, which told repeated and outright lies against Gore,and in favor of Bush, because he would kid them back in the press plane and seemed like a guy they would like to have a drink with. But Nader, and the “liberal and progressive narcissists at the time who said there was “no difference between Democrats and Republicans” and the Democrats “need to be punished” for being to Centrist were a big factor taking Gore from 51% of the vote to 49% and costing Gore Florida. Funny, how it was the poor, Blacks, Hispanics, and soldiers that actually received all the punishing during the Bush years, not so much the K Street Democrats.