Photo from my last trip to LA
This is my favorite place to walk when I’m hanging out in Santa Monica. I’m wishing I was there for various reasons today. The biggest reason being it is still cold, overcast with occasional snowflakes falling outside my window.
So, you know, happy May Day.
Open thread….
Corner Stone
“Then Deal Me In!”
Kyle Menig
If Santa Monica is anything like San Diego this morning, it’s pretty cold and overcast here today. The only thing you’d be escaping is the snow. :)
@Kyle Menig: May Gray followed by June Gloom. Late spring in SoCal.
CIA Director John Brennan told “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd, adding that at the time these findings were issued, in 2002, the investigation into 9/11 was still underway.
Brennan said the 9/11 Commission Report contains “a combination of things that are accurate and inaccurate.” Ultimately, he said, the joint inquiry “came out with a very clear judgment that there was no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution, or Saudi officials or individuals, had provided financial support to al Qaeda.”
Sen. Bob Graham (D) believes the FBI withheld information about a Saudi family in Sarasota, Florida, that he says had numerous connections to the 19 hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Two weeks before the attacks, the family left the U.S. to return to Saudi Arabia, a move Graham believes could indicate that they had advance warning of the attacks.
“One thing that irritates me is that the FBI has gone beyond just covering up, trying to avoid disclosure, into what I call aggressive deception,” Graham said this week in multiple interviews. The FBI denies that it withheld relevant information from the panel.
Corner Stone
I was a little befuddled when they showed NFL Draft picks by the Broncos with a guy skiing downslope and there was fresh snow falling.
Meh, May 1 snow. We had snow on Mother’s Day in Utah when we lived there.
Grey here, grey in France with my mom, grey in the upper left with sister, pretty sure grey was mentioned in Rochester NY. OK, who’s got the sun?
ETA: Seriously, I don’t even care if you gloat. I just want to know it’s OK and to remind you to take care of it properly. Appreciate it.
May 01, 2016
To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the Central Intelligence Agency is tweeting it as if it were happening today.
“To mark the 5th anniversary of the Usama Bin Laden operation in Abbottabad we will tweet the raid as if it were happening today,” the CIA tweeted at about 1 p.m. on Sunday.
It is 50-ish and raining all day today. It looked we were gearing up for a nice spring, until the last week in April, when it turned colder.
This coming week has highs in the 60’s at best.
It should be in th seventies, with no need for a jacket.
I get SAD every winter and this sucky non-Springtime weather does not help.
85 predicted today and yesterday’s wind is gone, dialing my hay fever back to 8 from 11. Nevertheless, a lawn must be mowed, as goats were not legalized along with chickens in the city. We’re actually in the minority still having a lawn in our neighborhood and I’d bring on the Bobcats Monday if we had landscape plans.
Once that’s done the Toro goes out to the sidewalk with a “free” sign.
When I visited the Grand Canyon, in late June 1995, it snowed the morning we were leaving.
@scav: Currently sunny and 80 in Memphis, but looks like we are about to get rain. Dogs are out enjoying sun while they can.
Miss Bianca
@scav: No sun in sunny Colorado. Snowing as we speak in the Wet Mountain Valley, 8 inches plus. I am worried about our hummie(s) – forgot to bring in the feeder last night and the nectar was frozen solid!
My son lives in Santa Monica, seven blocks from the beach (south of the pier, just north of Ocean Park). When I go visit, I walk to the beach every morning around 5:30 and no matter the weather walk into the ocean. Magical.
Mike J
63°F here, but it’s supposed to get up to 76°. Yech.
@scav: Eastern Washington is sunny and about 28C right now.
@Yutsano: Finally! Send that round exploding thing our best greetings and worship if need be. Loll in its presence a bit.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
The cool spell we got after the rain seems to be gone. Currently 76 and climbing. Cloudy still.
sunny as hell here in Seattle.
@chopper: See 17 and you might put on the kettle for my sister. She like Earl Grey and is sometimes well-behaved.
M. Bouffant
Sunny, but a chilly (to us) 68F in central L.A.
Santa Monica is Koda’s home town. :-)
Rain off and on, but low to mid 70s today here in the ‘Burgh. The Pittsburgh Marathon was wet and humid, poor things. But as always, a good party. Making oven fried cod with garlic oven fries and coleslaw for dinner. Cole inspired me.
It’s gorgeous in LA today. There is great weather in April and early May until the coastal marine layer really kicks in, which has a lot to do with inland temperatures heating up later in May and June. The air is a little cool with light breezes and warm sunshine. A great combo. Everything is at its greenest for the season and flowering is underway.
Just finished installing the new pump for the well; country life has its down side – if the pump fails, no water! Took the opportunity to fix some old issues with some of the nearby house piping since I had the system drained. Well, it now works …well (sorry, had to use the pun.) Glad to have running water again!
Gray in Chicago. Might get up to 50 today.
The surf in Santa Monica is just meh compared to the South Bay and Malibu.
Bright sun, almost 60 but breeze is chilly. I’ll take it over cloudy or rainy.
I plan to watch Obama at WH Press Corps dinners starting from his first year in office. His sense of humor is a joy and I’m going to miss his pithy,verbal jabs followed by his chuckling. Hope he is out and about regularly still entertaining us after he is done presidenting.
A Ghost To Most
It’s been snowing almost continually for 4 days,but is also melting as fast as it is falling.
My late father-in-law had a friend who would let him stay at his Santa Monica apartment for a couple of weeks during the winter. There were times when he would walk the path from Santa Monica all the way to Will Rogers State Beach in Malibu and back again.
Don’t forget that there are a ton of places that rent beach bikes, cheap, all along the Santa Monica stretch of beach. It gets crowded in Venice, but it thins out a lot as you head north towards Malibu.
Miss Bianca
@bemused: I think PBO has a career in stand-up presidentin’.
G’s tutoring student gave him a batch of homemade pulled pork (possibly carnitas, i’m not sure if she simplified it for the gringo), so that’s what we’re having for lunch. Yum!
Central Planning
I can confirm it is gray in Rochester. At least it stopped raining.
I heard once that one of the reasons George Eastman chose Rochester for film manufacturing and processing was because of the amount of gray skies we have.
Uncle Cosmo
Overcast & 58 F at 4:30 PM in Bawlmer Murlin, hon. Friend coming in Tuesday from Europe & if this weather hasn’t broken by then is she ever gonna be pissed.
@Cermet: Can I just say that on BJ you are all SO much handier than I am. I am good with technology, but I don’t seem to have a single fix-it bone in my body. :: sigh ::
@Mnemosyne: Oh I know – I lived in LA for 25 years before moving here (Las Vegas). Still miss the beach.
Corner Stone
Solar powered?
Spring is over. It’s summer here in Florida. 90’s most days last week. Disney world yesterday was hot though not as brutal as later but our 6 month Florida resident tickets will expire soon and time to use them. Swimming is nice. Summer rains haven’t gotten consistent yet but we have had some nice heavy ones. Azaleas are done weeks ago. Coreopsis and phlox are blooming on roadsides.
Corner Stone
@bk: I always told myself I would live in LV for 6 to 12 months, at least. You there for any reason you care to share?
We live in the San Fernando Valley, so we don’t get to the beach very often, but I like knowing it’s there. But I like walking beaches better, the ones that have rocks and tidepools to climb around in. I’m not as big on the sandy beaches where you just lay around.
@Mnemosyne: Silly girl, sandy beaches are not for lying around… they are for walking barefoot right at the waterline.
Sunny and 80 degrees here in Nashville…so I spent the morning replacing the rotted wood panels on my porch pillars and caulking. (The panels we spent the last 5 years assiduously ignoring.) This week’s project will be the painting, whee!
I feel like the theme of my life right now is “pay the piper.”
@Uncle Cosmo:
It’s won’t be. Chance of rain through the end of the NWS forecast period, which is Sunday.
@scav: Partly cloudy and 82º here in Phoenix. There is an app for my Bloomsky device which would allow you see real time and previous days time laps of the conditions here or at locations around the world. I have Paris, Hawaii, and a few in California tagged, just to see who is having a beautiful day. (
@Mandarama: Sort of like the old Fram commercials; “pay me now, or pay me later.”
@Corner Stone: I’ve been here going on 11 years, actually. Good and bad, like anywhere else.
Corner Stone
@bk: I wanted to live there before I had a child, as I did not want to raise a kid there. It’s kind of lost any pull for me nowadays, so I may never make it there for any stretch. I’m thinking overseas once my son goes to college.
I would NEVER raise a child here. When I moved here from LA after 25 years, my son was in college 2000 miles away, I was divorced, had just broken up with a gf, the house I had been living in (in Encino) for eight years was being sold, the company I had been running was being sold, and there was nothing compelling to keep me in LA. I of course had been here probably 50 times over the years on business and pleasure, and thought hey, why not? I didn’t know a soul here. But now it is home – until I win Powerball and move to Nevis.
Corner Stone
@bk: Yeah, I’ve been there 30+ times for business and pleasure. I’m at the point now where I am actively hoping for events to be just about anywhere else. I’d even prefer to go to visit B Crack in America’s Wang ™ before I went back to LV.
Tamara @ Top:
This proves global warming is hoax! Snowflakes!
@Marc: Yes, exactly. I’m not teaching this semester, so I started looking around the house I’m suddenly spending more time in. Lo and behold, we let a lot go while hauling kids around these last few years! And everything I start is a tiny snowball that starts flying down a mountain.
I notice that home improvement stores always have commercials with attractive women wearing makeup and cute plaid shirts and jeans, finding the perfect paint for their project. They don’t feature women who haven’t showered, have deck stain splotched on their legs, wearing their kid’s old Crocs and cursing a blue streak while hauling pieces of lumber back to the saw area.
@Mandarama: There is real life, and then there is Advertising™. Just like the commercials for making meals – they never show prep or cleanup – everything is sparkling clean from start to finish (and nothing ever falls on the floor in between).