A little bit of electoral reality from Rachel Maddow:
I love the laughter in the background in the end from the staff. You know it has to be a dream working for her.
And I say this all the time, and I try not to sound like Buffalo Bill, but she just has the nicest skin. She must drink a lot of water.
She looks amazing off camera too so it’s not just stage make-up.
Paul in KY
She looks a bit beige to me. I’m not seeing it on my browser.
Betty Cracker
I’m not able to view the video (or even a screen cap) on either a PC running Chrome (Win10) or Safari on an iPhone. Weird. MSNBC vids are always dicey, in my experience. The link takes me to the segment where Rachel interviews the actor who made the anti-Goldwater ad in 1964. Is that the correct clip?
I think they got rid of their Contet curators along with the named shows.
@Betty Cracker:
Same here.
Anonymous At Work
John, dude, there is NO way to say that line without sounding like Buffalo Bill.
My favorite mic drop is probably Eminem in the final battle rap in “8 Mile”. Killer soundtrack, too.
Paul in KY
When I double click on the hilited ‘Rachel Maddow’, I do go to the video (old actor in 64 commercial chatting with Rachel). I thought the video would be right here, due to large amount of space between that line & rest of John’s commentary.
Ella in New Mexico
Sorry John, but no puedo verlo. ;-)
It wasn’t creepy until you said “I try not to sound like Buffalo Bill, but she just has the nicest skin”. Now I can only imagine that you’ve got her tied up with Thurston standing guard.
For some reason, Chrome isn’t even giving me the video box so I can’t admire her skin, err, hear her comment.
For the record, my wife’s skin (even after the chemo and blood stem cell transplant) is very wonderful. Rachel has a high bar to top that…
She got the small pore genetic. My dad had that skin, he was 75 when he passed on and had skin that was like a baby. He never used anythig but fucking lava soap, yikes!
peach flavored shampoo
Meanwhile, every commenter here under 30 just said, “Huh? Say what?”
Glad to see it’s not just me. No video.
Maybe it’s Vampire Maddow. No reflection.
Keith P.
Or, she stays out of the sun, doesn’t smoke, and drinks in moderation. That’d be my guess.
dr. bloor
@srv: Hey, she said “Neigh.”
@John Cole – it’s the fancy lotion
@peach flavored shampoo: You may want to adjust your age frame because I’m above 30 and I have no idea what he’s talking about.
Mike J
@Kropadope: https://youtu.be/GGAPg2u-gFg?t=55
@peach flavored shampoo: @Kropadope:
I got the reference – but only after thinking Cole was referring to the old TV show with Dabney Coleman (!! reallyshows my age, thanks) and went “wha–?” until I belatedly figured it out :)
@Betty Cracker: I can’t get it on a Mac running Firefox either. I just have a big blank area. The clip with the actor from the Goldwater commercial is NOT what he is referring to, unless it is a hold over from the previous clip. AT the very end of Clinton moves to the general election she talks about Bernie Sanders and his determination to contest the nomination at the convention. She lists where the delegates were in 2008 when Hillary conceded, states that Bernie has no chance and then tells everyone to send their hate mail to her email address. It really is cute.
I got to the video through my RSS feed, but yeah, not seeing it here.
Rachel nailed it, and I’m now actively disliking Bernie Sanders in the way I started actively disliking Ralph Nader in 2008. The sense of entitlement among these guys is really appalling.
Admittedly, I had real issues with the Clinton campaign in 2008, but I thought the way they handled the convention was thoughtful, classy, and helpful to the cause. I’m not seeing any of those things from the Sanders campaign right now. Those dudes need to take a breath, consider the mere possibility that they’re not god’s gift to liberalism, and think more deeply about the goals they’re trying to achieve.
@Anonymous At Work:
This x1,000… if you want to make a Rachel Maddow suit, just shop at H&M. And lose some weight. OK, a lot of weight…
@Mike J: Yo, WTF?
That was probably along the lines of what I was thinking. Not having seen the show (although I have seen more than my share of classic television), but just a memory of a name.
You mean this vampire Maddow?
(Watch it until the end.)
Does it start with a sentence about an Automatic Dialing Announcing device?
@Lee: Yes.
@Keith P.
Two out of three ain’t bad. She’s known for having a liking of drinks (not in a bad way), often including a mixology segment at the tail end of a show.
@slag: What slag said.
Also, Mustang Bobby, just figured out that I’m seeing the top of Victor Emanuele’s monument from the apartment where we are staying. I saw it in my youth as an example of fascist architecture. This weekend in Rome is their “Open House” with a lot of out of the way places available. Guess we are not seeing the Domus Aurea but don’t know what we should be trying to get into.
J.D. Rhoades
Perhaps because it’s not the convention yet? The Clinton campaign at this point in 2008 was race-baiting by warning that Obama was losing “hard working Americans, white Americans” and Sid Blumenthal was telling anti-Obama blogger Larry C. Johnson that the Republicans had a tape of Michelle Obama ranting about “Whitey.”
She didn’t get “classy” til the moment she conceded in early June, and even then some of her supporters were literally claiming she was “being held hostage, you can look in her eyes and tell.”
Some of us remember.
Try this link??
I grabbed it from the source in the post.
@SarahT: Comedian Bill Burr has a theory about why it’s all about the lotion…it’s quite hysterical.
Sorta on-topic for once: Jen Rubin has a few tips for HRC about how to win some GOP votes this November.
Jen, we’d take you more seriously if you’d pledge to really help drive the stake home on Trump by voting Democratic yourself…
@Jeffro: Will google – thanks for the tip
@J.D. Rhoades: Oh I remember all the bad. But as Maddow pointed out, Hillary’s lead is simply (barring seismic disturbances) insurmountable by this point. The time of the year may be the same but the stage of the race is very different. And given the realities, Bernie’s vowing to fight to the convention is sheer entitled assholery.
Wow. There are some seriously messed up bigots in the world.
And Maddow handled this insanity with humor and grace.
I haven’t been able to watch the video (I’m at work), but I’ve been utterly fascinated by the stream of hate directed toward Maddow by certain corners of the Bernie-supporting universe. Now she’s also a complete sellout, for, I don’t know…facing the reality of math?
And I’m not going to say that it’s all Bernie supporters or anything, but there is a segment. Look, I get being mad and frustrated when your candidate loses. I’m a democrat – we feel that way A LOT! And sometimes it’s even because the other side really didn’t play fair (2000 Bush v. Gore anyone?), but sometimes your candidate doesn’t win because, well, less people voted for them, and no matter how many contortions you try to twist the numbers into to make it seem like that’s not somehow the case (early states don’t count, black voters don’t really count, southern states don’t count, closed primaries don’t count, caucuses count twice as much even though they’re worse than closed primaries, every one of those 125K voters removed from the rolls in brooklyn was going to vote for us even if at least some of them were legitimately removed because they moved to montana or were actually dead, super delegates don’t count, super delegates don’t count unless/until they change their minds and vote for me, etc.), the other person is still winning when you use actual math.
Anything other than focusing on real-world numbers puts you in Romney “unskew the polls” territory. We did that to ourselves with Kerry too. I get the seduction of hoping against the odds. But at the end of the day, that doesn’t actually accomplish anything other than making you (us) look like a fool and potentially damage your actual agenda (unless your actual agenda is simply to cause destruction).
Having once been involved with an operation which sometimes used ribbon microphones from the 30s and 40s (practically so delicate that the ribbon might break if one just looked at them funny), cringe whenever anyone blows into or drops a mic.
Ribbon mics still are in use, but use more modern and durable material. Wider frequency response and a warmer tone then many other types of mic.
Jonathan Bernstein over at Bloomberg made the point that Sanders can probably get Clinton’s enthusiastic support for his campaign finance and other process proposals, but has no shot of seeing any of his economic policies make the platform.
@J.D. Rhoades: I remember the “We all remember RFK was assassinated” moment. I defended HRC at the time, because I don’t think she was actually hoping Obama got shot. But I’m prepared to hold at “mild disapproval” until Sanders does something similar.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
i did enjoy that guy, but i also am seeing a blank white space where (I think) the clip should be
@CaseyL: that is so weird, my mind also went to Dabney Coleman (though I liked Slap Maxwell better than BB)
@J.D. Rhoades: Actually it sounds more like some of us refuse to forget.
See and I don’t recall Hillary (people) being as obnoxious to Obama (people) as BernieBros have been to the rest of the party. Thankfully I’m seeing less of that now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just turned on MSNBC to see Mrs GReenspan breathlessly concern-trolling HRC over GE polls and West Virginia. “Appalachia is a microcosm of the whole country!” I don’t think that’s quite correct
@JMG: I don’t buy that. The whole movement has been driven largely by that, so at least a PRETENSE of support for that stuff seems obligatory. Besides, it’s the most logical extension of Obama’s choices to flip off austerity, and if there’s anything a Clinton can legitimately claim, it’s pump-priming in order to get the economy hopping so you end up running surpluses.
J.D. Rhoades
Selective memory is a wonderful thing. I envy it sometimes.
what’s the title of the video?
@Jeffro: Jen is pretty clearly talking about herself– she’s at the ‘negotiating’ stage. If she’s expecting Democrats to feel any sympathy for her plight– she should guess again.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Not even a nanocosm.
OT: Reminded, though, of the mesmerizing tour of abandoned Dogpatch.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Been posts most of Maddow’s clips. is this the one with the deflated basketball about Clinton pivots to general?
Sweet Christ, MSBC is about to bring Jane Sanders on again. Does Devine see her moving some needle no one else can see?
@Applejinx: Having read the article in question, the author is saying that Sanders’ goal post social democratic policies won’t get enacted (free college, single-payer health care). I’m in agreement with that, but I think Clinton will solidly push for a major deficit-financed infrastructure and energy bill, for instance, if she had a Congress that let her get away with it (she won’t, so the point is moot. We will not get the House and the Hastert Inclination is still active).
@srv: I sure would hate to see Ted slapping/punching Trump on the stage in Cleveland.
Well I missed the whole Buffalo Bill reference completely. I was trying to figure out what a former Poney express rider and Wild West showman had to do with nice skin. He had a giant beard and mustache and probably leathery skin, given all the time he spent outdoors. Then I read into the comments and it all made sense. Nice reference.
@J.D. Rhoades:
Without it, very few women would have that second – and later child.
Ah, I listened to the podcast of this episode. One thing that I appreciate is that I have heard that Maddow really likes Bernie, and yet she had no problem showing that his insistence on contesting the election is exactly what Clinton ultimately stopped doing when she threw her support to Obama. And Clinton is farther ahead than was Obama with respect to delegates.
The anti-Goldwater ad was amazing. I can’t imagine anyone being able to afford the amount of TV time today that the ad was given. And damn, it sounds like the perfect ad to use for Trump.
I keep thinking of the lyrics to “The Election of 1800.” I’ve tried them out, and the new names seem to scan pretty well.
Buh…but wrong way Cole says we should fear the Drumpf. DougJ says we should fear the 15 year old Clinton zombie lies.
So clearly this guy and Maddow don’t know what they are talking about.
Tom Q
@WarMunchkin: As someone who was awareness-age in 1968, I knew exactly how Hillary’s mind was working when she said “Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June” — it was an instant-association: that he was killed in the aftermath of the primary, therefore the primary was in June. The fact that some in the Obama camp (egged on by Olbermann at his most grotesquely over-the-top) suggested this meant she was hoping for Barack to be assassinated showed the bad late-primary behavior wasn’t limited to the Clinton side. (And I say this as someone who was fully committed to Obama and otherwise sick of what was coming out of the Clinton camp.)
@J.D. Rhoades:
The classy thing to do would be to learn and not repeat those mistakes, no matter who made them. Hillary seems to have learned, Sanders not so much.
Keith P.
@NotMax: I was going to throw “maybe eats a lot of dishes with tendon in it”, but a lot of people might not know what I’m talking about (it’s in quite a few Asian dishes, and I’ve seen some folks that look 20 years younger than they are eating that stuff like it was steak).
Actually, I saw the segment live last night on TRMS. And yes, her staff laughing at the end was perfect. I think Maddow was in the Bernie camp in the beginning, but realized after the March 15 five state sweep that the handwriting was on the wall. I don’t sense that she is thrilled to back Hillary, but like a lot of us, when you consider the alternative of Trump/Cruz, it isn’t close.
@Tom Q: First time I dropped acid was that day.
@Brachiator: Except in 1964, people would watch a 5 minute commercial, on the TV.
Now? only people watching TV are the olds. I am not sure they would stand for 5 minute political commercial.
@Keith P.
It is nice that she’s become comfortable doing her thing while sitting down.
When she was on Air America, she had a penchant for broadcasting the entire program while standing.
In 2008 I was as pissed off at the Clintons as anyone, but that was 8 years ago. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. The level of I’ll never vote for that man was intense with a small but vocal group of PUMAs and FireDogLake. For the most part the rest of her supporters were disgruntled but not vitriolic. This year even though the race is not close to being a photo finish, Bernie’s fans will not accept reality. There is virtually no way Sanders can win. The superdelegates will not overturn the vote. No matter how you squint the math WILL NOT CHANGE.
I’m not trying to rub it in it’s just reality. They need to stop attacking everyone who acknowledges this.
Bernie says he is the leader of a movement, it’s time to lead his acolytes back to the real world.
I can respect his campaign that has done better than anyone expected, but that is the key “expected”. It was always assumed he would lose and now he has. No one stole it, you lost, as expected. So please stop whining.
Paul in KY
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That may not have been the clip John was rhapsodizing over. Still has that nice skin in that one, though.
Just read a quote from Papa Cruz, basically talking about his son as some kind of political ‘Anointed One’, and calling on all Christians to save America by voting for him. Vert scary.
Paul in KY
@Shell: I guess that’s Trump’s ‘moving to the center for the general election’ strategery. Cause your average Republican (now) would have loved to shoot JFK.
Miss Bianca
Aww, that was cool. And cute!
ETA: I got the ’64 Goldwater ad guy, too. Was there another clip in the great white space? (He had great skin, too. Just sayin’)
Tom Q
@raven: You’re talking about ’68? Did you drop it before or after the awful event?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
A FrontPager MUST..
simply MUST….
Do a Front Page post on Rafael’s meltdown about Cruz…
Man, oh man…
Come on, now!!
Even this thread. Jesus Christ. Every single person who every says “X’s supporters are worse/better/whatever than Y’s supporters” is a goddamn fucking idiot.
Major Major Major Major
@J.D. Rhoades: And yet the Dems managed to pull together without Obama supporters coddling the Hillary folks’ delicate fee-fees. Hmm.
Gym Rat
Am I the only person who recognized Mr. Bogert as the “reporter” who did the in depth investigation of the black man, Clayton Bigsby, who headed the KKK?
Betty Cracker
@kindness: I remember plenty of lunacy on the part of the Hillary 2008 dead-enders since I was a target of it while blogging at a different site. At one pro-Hillary blog, a commenter dug up what he thought was my real name and address and encouraged folks to pay me a visit. Of course, I didn’t blame Clinton or her sane supporters. These were just fringe nutters. Same shit, different day + more social media.
Schlemazel Khan
Maybe she got the hose, that is how she drinks a lot of water.
I see your SOtL reference & raise you
On google chrome, and don’t see the video. but, I already saw it this morning at The Maddow Blog.
Betty Cracker
@cleek: It’s called “Clinton turns sights to general election.” Here’s a link.
Schlemazel Khan
Must admit first thought was that it was a quickie documentary about the Rafael-Carleton ticket when I saw the title.
The movie They Look Like People shows up on Netflix on May 11.
I thought the Cruz Dad to JFK assassination was someones joke or snark. do you mean it actually comes from Trump’s campaign? That would be …more bizarre than I can understand. I thought it was a joke about how many stupid conspiracy tales actually get repeated these days. I didn’t even bother to click on anything about it, because I assumed I knew.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The needle on the seismometer?
Wocka wocka wocka
Long and short of it is Bernie is being a dick right now. Maybe Hillary was being a dick in 08 at this point too, but she didn’t take it to the convention and neither should he. He can’t win and he’s just being a dick.
ETA: Or about the Bundys, I’m always down for the Bundys.
Is Vegas taking bets on how soon the networks will call it for Trump after the polls close? 1 minute or less?
Major Major Major Major
@singfoom: “Even” this thread? This thread is about how one of the candidates can’t win. You think it’s not going to be partially about the supporters?
Talking about the math would just be boring. It’s simple arithmetic.
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: I saw a thing that Indiana is actually really hard to poll since they outlawed robocalls in 1988(?), so they’ll probably hold out for a little bit.
@Major Major Major Major: This won’t end until Sanders finally congratulates Hillary for her victory. Since the race isn’t over, there’s not point in outreach.
Anonymous At Work
Question for the Bernie fans out there: What’s Bernie’s next step? Sure, continue to run, do rallies, talk about how to make the system more fair, etc. But what’s the next move? And the move after that? As bad as Sorkin can get with pie-in-the-sky-reasonable-Republicans-for-bipartisan-moderation, the Season 4 West Wing debate was something to remember. Being President is thinking 5 or 6 steps down the line beyond the immediate.
So, what’s Bernie’s plan? Fighting at the convention means if he doesn’t have an outright majority, he might get zero in return. What concessions does he expect, specifically, and what is he willing to back off from? Will he advocate for Democrats generally and Hillary in the general election phase?
Mike J
I have no doubt Bernie will do the right thing and drop out when he is indicted. Turns out we’ve been wrong this entire time. Zodiac wasn’t Cruz.
But don’t get me wrong. I’d still vote for him in the general over Trump.
Miss Bianca
@LAO: Not got your fix lately, darlin’? ; )
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: Someone is working on it in the backroom! Forget all this BernieBros vs Hilldos bullshit — the fun smack-down action is all on the Rep side today!
@Major Major Major Major: Sorry, I was too short in that previous comment. It’s fine to be partially about the supporters. It’s the “X’s supporters are worse than Y’s supporters that’s driving me nuts. Example, #42.
It shows up in every thread and it’s fucking stupid. Wait until the variation shows up: “Y’s supporter X said this on my FB feed, so all Y’s supporters are worse than slime.”
ETA: It is simple math, and Bernie’s going to roll until California despite the math… I think he’s a dick if HRC widens her lead after CA and he continues.
The enquier and the Trump campaign are one. We haven’t seen anything yet. The question is whether we can shame the MSM into not reporting each crazy conspiracy they invent as “Earth is flat — opinions differ”.
? Martin
Old white men feeling entitled? Unpossible!
@Miss Bianca: It has been at least two weeks, how long is a girl supposed to wait? lol.
ALSO — I saw your news yesterday (but was firmly in lurker mode) and want to wish you the best on your job interview.
@srv: Blitzer’s on it!
@Major Major Major Major:
I don’t think this affects exit polls.
I have annoying, crappy sensitive skin if it doesn’t get exactly the cleanser and moisturizer it wants (thank god for Ilike), but obsessive sunscreen-wearing and being a nonsmoker means I look a good 10 years younger than I am as long as I keep my gray covered.
@Betty Cracker:
Have you seen that even the UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH troll is saying he’ll vote for Hillary over Trump?
I feel the urge to bake up one of John Scalzi’s Schadenfreude Pies.
According to Wonkette, Trump has already started his oppo research for the GE. If he will go with Rafael Sr as an assassin, he will surely use Every.Damn.Conspiracists’.Wetdream against the Clintons. And clickbait mongers will eat it up.
The video doesn’t play if you’re viewing the blog over HTTPS, because it’s an HTTP embed, and Chrome (maybe other browsers?) puts the smackdown on that. And it looks like MSNBC doesn’t support an HTTPS URL here, boo. So yeah, just hit the player in another tab: http://player.theplatform.com/p/7wvmTC/MSNBCEmbeddedOffSite?guid=n_maddow_a2016_160502
I have this really crazy, unrealistic hope, that the MSM will be so appalled by the potential of a Trump presidency, that the will not engage in their usual “evenhanded” “both sides do it” bullshit. Unrealistic I admit, but may be possible?
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: Yeah, but those things suck.
The wisest play for Clinton is to ignore him almost entirely and present a positive vision of herself. She can’t get anywhere in the mud with him — he has no low.
@gvg: It was at the National Enquirer (Heavy.com link with summary, etc.). There are photos with Cruz Senior passing out pro-Castro leaflets with Oswald at some non-Dallas place. And another grainy photo from some video of Oswald with someone who has a similar hairline to Cruz Senior in Dallas passing out leaflets. But that’s about it. It certainly doesn’t mean Cruz had any involvement with the assassination.
It was a weird time in the USA.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@BR: i was watching an MSNBC segment with the Game Change guys (Heinemann seems all right, Halperin… oy) and I was thinking that HRC’s most effective attack dog/surrogate against Trump is probably going to be Obama, and he will probably have a lot of fun doing it. Treating him with the disdain and mockery he deserves while Trump flails to find the hook that MoDo and SNL (among others) could never find
@Scipio: Thanks for the explanation!
Anonymous At Work
@LAO: I wish. Most likely, because it is a Clinton, the MSM will engage in overuse of anonymous sources that amount to little more than partisan attacks and innuendo, heavy use of Cavuto marks, and a conflation of Sanders’ attacks from the left with Trumps’ faux-populism. It’ll be ugly unto Biblical proportions.
Schlemazel Khan
I was stunned to learn Papa Cruzifer was a commie-symp! That should automatically disqualify Rafael.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, but it’s closest to the actual event, the actual vote.
Villago Delenda Est
@LAO: No, because the Horse Race (and the associated ratings, and therefore revenue) is the only thing they care about. If the country burns, that’s OK, because they’ve met their quarterly profit targets.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Rafael has violated the first rule of dealing with trolls (and Drumpf is in fact trolling him, big time); never give them what they want.
Rafael is giving Drumpf what Drumpf wants.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Obama and Liz Warren will both be setting their sights on him. Warren has her tweet game down, and of course we know that as part of the WHCD, Obama had a fuckton of Trump material on hand and admittedly didn’t use it all so Hillary has that going for her. Which is nice.
Miss Bianca
@LAO: thank you. : )
Sadly, I am not the one who can help you with your affliction. I think you know whom you need to be paging… ; )
Bitter Scribe
You mean Buffalo Bill as in “The Silence of the Lambs,” not the pathologically selfish broadcaster played by Dabney Coleman in the TV series of the same name, right?
@Major Major Major Major:
True. but, the whole Cruz/Kasich teaming up together was not ‘right’ according to Midwestern values.
Didn’t go over well, even if Indiana is the South of the Midwest.
@Miss Bianca: I know, I know. I’m trying to cut down on the email stalking.
Miss Bianca
@LAO: OK, not a LOL, but a “giggle quietly”. Not sure what the cute acronym for that one would be, since the obvious one isn’t going to be quite…uh…applicable!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Heilemann has at least 30 IQ points on Halperin, and is 60% less arrogant. But he says rilly stoopid things when he gets a drink or two in him.
I was reading somewhere (I know, I know) that some oppo researcher says the vast majority of Trump dirt hasn’t even seen the light of day. I hope that is true.
@LAO: Since you’re an aficionado of Bundy World, you might be interested in what Constitutional Sheriffs are up to these days.
@bystander: there is a great house, excavated under a consulate, near trajans column. Cant remember the name but they give timed tours in three languages several times a dsy. You walk on glass floors over the actusl eccavation and wind up within feet of trajans column st the end of the gour. It was one of the best things we saw in rome. They trace the growth of the roman house snd city gor you as you walk.
@Aimai: Speaking of Roman excavations, bystander (and there are so many good ones), the Scavi is super-interesting. You have to get tix from the office in advance, but we got ours in person the same day. When you’re facing St. Pete’s, head through the arch on the left to find the poorly marked office. You may need to reassure the spear-wielding Swiss Guard in front of the arch. Ours got a little trigger (?) happy.
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne: Seriously? I missed that. McCain’s former chief of staff and campaign adviser Mark Salter has come out for H. Clinton, though — a man who pretended Palin was qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency thinks Trump is a bridge too far. Damn!
*** team’s fans are the worst. so arrogant and they know nothing about xsportball.
(chargers about raiders, red sox about Yankees, cubs fans about cardinals, etc.)
I never watch Maddow and now I remember why. Christ it was awful. She complimented him on having hair, still, as though she thought he needed encouragement. And ended up with “I’m glad we found you” as though he had been lost in the attic. He was a grown man, a political person, someoneshe was interviewing for this thoughts. Not a toy. Perhaps I’m oversensitive but he is no more than my own parents age and they are both extremely sharp political thinkers and active in their science/art communities. There is no need to treat someone in their eighties as though they are mental defectives or small children.
@NotMax: Many years ago I used to have one of these…
@bystander: Here is a link to the house we saw, it is called Palazzo Valantini and its quite good. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/22/arts/design/22vill.html
@Benw: this was the best.
@Betty Cracker: Maybe he humbly learned from his mi….sorry, I can’t even.
No way you’ll catch Old Man McCain following suit. If he’s going out — and I really hope he is — it’s gonna be with a whimper, not a mavericky bang.
@aimai: Ima put that on my list for my next Roman holiday. If there is one.
@shortstop: Man I wish I were back in Rome! You can never see enough!
I’m in love with Bill Bogert after that interview. He reminded me a great deal of my father. And Maddow rocks that she got to do that interview.
@RoonieRoo: Yes, I thought he was wonderful. Very much a gentleman of that time. He reminded me of a lot of men that age. I also feel like I must have seen him in a million character parts as an actor. I must look him up on IMDB
Betty Cracker
@shortstop: I’m sure you’re right. But it would go a long way toward closing the gap between his mavericky rep and sourpuss sore loser reality if McCain did come out against Trump.
No mic drop at all, frankly. As an aside, mic drop works for Minions and no one else, not even our President.
Come to Me, Bend to Me — How Clinton Ended Her 2008 Campaign
But I still enjoy Rachael Maddow.
@smith: I read that. Vile.
@Betty Cracker: When the rubber meets the road, well, I just do not think he’ll have it in him — if for no other reason than Clinton is styling herself partly as Obama’s legacy carrier. McCain’s bitterness against That One is never ending.
@aimai: So, so many layers. And that wasn’t (really) an excavation joke.
That non-robo-call law is the only reason I could possibly think of to want to move to Indiana.
So, I never watch cable news programs. Do people take 15 minutes to say four minutes worth of things on every one of them?
Only if they’re rushed for time.
@aimai: I get your point, but I didn’t see it as awful or degrading, so I disagree with you. The guy did an ad under unusual circumstances in 1964 (unusual in that he was an actor, but since they were going to use his real name, he set conditions about what he was willing to say) and now, all these years later, his participation in the1964 electoral process had a resonance that Maddow and her crew noted and followed up on. Yes, Maddow sometimes expresses her appreciation for a guest’s appearance in a way that could be described as giddy, but that’s her style: she didn’t single him out for cosseting because he’s in his 80s. And furthermore and in conclusion, I like Maddow’s show, for the most part, and I like you, and so in my reality, everything is cool.
Paul in KY
@Gym Rat: Yes
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: Need all the help we can get. Good for him for bowing to sanity/reality.
Paul in KY
@aimai: Do not like it at all when someone talks to my parents as if they were a little kid.