This badly Photoshopped image was inspired by a comment from Corner Stone last night, in which he noted that Trump’s victory speech tableau resembled a Robert Palmer video:
It’s not the fault of Trump’s spouse and female relatives / hangers-on that they seem to form a phalanx of interchangeable backup singers whenever they gather behind the presumptive Republican nominee. But it is funny in an OMG-a-strutting-pageant-maestro-has-a-significantly-lessGREATER-than-zero-chance-of-becoming-POTUS kinda way.
Good Christ, Hillary and Bernie — don’t fuck this up!
We are having a hellacious storm this morning in West Central FL, complete with frequent lightning and sideways rain. One bolt of lightning struck so close that it propelled my hard-sleeping teen from her bed to the hallway before she was even fully awake.
As for me, Imma get more coffee; the adrenaline shot wasn’t sufficient. Open thread!
Schlemazel Khan
Morning storms in May? Is that an Gulf Coast thing? Over on the Atlantic side in only ever rained in the afternoon/early evening from April to November.
The lights are on
But you’re not home
Your mind
Is not your own
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
@Baud: thanks for the earworm. You have lost my vote. ☹️
Schlemazel Khan
It occurred to me this morning that the hunt for the fabled elephant’s graveyard is close to being discovered. I strongly suspect it will be found in Cleveland, OH sometime this summer.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@LAO: wait till ya see Baud’s back-up singers.
Finally! Good morning everyone!
Since it’s an open thread, I just want to thank the Juicitariat for helping me achieve something most individual vendors on Etsy don’t: I’m within sight of 600 total sales since I started. Celebrating by offering coupon code BALLOONJUICE for 20% off your order,in case anyone needs anything ;)
Also, I got called by a recruiter about a job! Wish me luck, because today is the first day in almost two weeks my bank account has been slightly in the black. I’m hoping the last few weeks the girls are here aren’t so financially tight that we can do a few fun things before they go.
Congrats and good luck!
@rikyrah: Back at ya!
I’m very concerned about the post-primary conversion rate I’m seeing toward Hillary. I’ve managed to peel off a would-be Trump voter (who likely wouldn’t wind up voting anyway to be honest) and I got one of my buddies who was supporting Sanders firmly on the “just vote for Democrats” train. I have a cousin whom I haven’t talked to about the GE explicitly, but seems to have made the jump from Bernie to Hillary on her own.
Still, I’ve got about half Bernie or Busters at the moment, a group of people which I’m not sure whether or not I’m surprised how consistently female it is. At least this is MA. If we were in, say OH, I would hope there would be better odds of helping them see reason.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Good point. It can always get worse.
It’s not like Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the Presidency of the United States of America. Right, that was just a nightmare? If we democrats fuck this up, I’m moving to Mexico. And will help build the wall.
@Schlemazel Khan: You must never go there, Simba.
Betty Cracker
@Schlemazel Khan: It’s not unusual for a late-season coldish-front to whip up a nasty squall. But you’re right — the warmer months pattern is a late afternoon-evening storm.
Richard Mayhew
@Kropadope: I would not worry yet, if it was October with a 50% conversion rate of Bernie or Busters, I would worry.
Speaking as an orange hatted Deaniac, the conversion process usually involves a combination of cheap whiskey, a couple nights of sleep and then “Oh yeah, those bastards are fucking scary”
Matt McIrvin
@Kropadope: A theme I’m starting to notice is that some of the Bernie or Busters are convinced that Clinton is doomed to lose to Trump anyway, so it doesn’t matter how they vote. Data is going to be important.
Betty Cracker
@Kropadope: First, good on ya for doing God’s work. Second, they may need a little time for the election results to sink in. If they’re still planning to sit out the election after Bernie concedes and exhorts his supporters to vote for Clinton (this WILL happen, I’m convinced) and after Trump stinks up the joint with his unique combination of obnoxious self-regard, racism, sexism and xenophobia, then it’s time to worry.
Lonnie Harris
Well, look on the bright side: At least GOP voters were nice enough to not vote for the Zodiac Killer.
@satby: Great. All the best.
You people just do not understand.
Trump will destroy Hillary.
Bernie is the only rational choice.
@Betty Cracker: Usually that’s how it works. Remember 2008.
Don’t worry, be happy.
@Psych1: Jane Sanders, is that you?
@LAO: When CS posted that last night, I went back and watched the video. It has not held up well over the years. At all. But I think the song has held up very well and yeah… earworm.
Iowa Old Lady
@satby: Congrats on both the sales and the job offer!
ETA: Oops, job interview. But you see my confidence in you.
@Betty Cracker:
Let’s not sanctify it; I’d place it somewhere at the intersection of patriotic duty and self-preservation instinct.
That said, if we get lied into another war, I’m still quitting my job and defaulting on life. I don’t care which President is doing it.
@Psych1: Irrationality is the rational choice? I picked a hell of a week to quit sniffing glue.
@Betty Cracker: @gf120581: And with Bernie still winning primaries (if not gaining in the delegate count), denial is still a plausible defense.
Give ’em a little more time.
Matt McIrvin
The Robert Palmer ladies were not nearly blonde enough. More like the models in David Lee Roth’s video for his cover of “California Girls.”
@Baud: Howzabout an earworm mashup?
Don’t worry. Be happy you’re addicted to love.
Yeah, except that on the best day he ever had Il Douche wouldn’t look as good as Robert Palmer on the worst day Robert Palmer ever had.
@OzarkHillbilly: We are going to fuck this up, aren’t we?
@LAO: We will try.
This is great start.
@Poopyman: I will hurt you. Seriously. That song is the worst earworm in creation.
@LAO: I doubt it.
@Matt McIrvin: IMO, it’s more about the vacuous, dead eyed, interchangeable female props, then their hair color.
@Baud: I’m filled with existential dread.
@LAO: I didn’t think Trump would last a month. At this point, I’m not going to underestimate him. Herr Drumpf!
@LAO: We’ll always have Balloon Juice.
Mustang Bobby
@Poopyman: I got yer earworm right here: The lyrics to “Ghost Riders in the Sky” sung to the tune of “Gilligan’s Island.”
You’re welcome.
@Micheline: Sorry for the comment. I was trying to embed a tweet on a new CNN poll showing Hillary beating Trump by a sizable margin.
Relax everyone. While there are certainly no guarantees and no end of surprises in this world, it might help you to ask yourself the same question Obama asked: What is behind his recent surge in popularity?
Patricia Kayden
@satby: Good luck with the job!
@Schlemazel Khan: Or so we can hope.
Matt McIrvin
As always, keep an eye on state-by-state general-election polling. In last couple of election cycles, national polls through most of the cycle had a modest bias toward the Republicans that is still unexplained, but properly aggregated state polling was dead on. It may just be easier to deal with demographic sampling biases when polling is chunked by states.
Remember that Chris Cilizza 270towin map: to beat Trump, all Hillary Clinton needs to do is hold the deepest-blue states that are almost certain Democratic wins, plus Florida. Or, if she can’t hold Florida, she can win with Virginia and Ohio. Or, just one of either Virginia or Ohio (and Virginia looks pretty solid to me), plus a couple of smaller likely Dem states like Nevada, Iowa or New Mexico. These are all outcomes that are way worse than where she’s currently standing in recent state polling.
Trump, like any Republican in 2016, needs to practically run the table of every state where he’s even remotely competitive. I’d like to run up the score against him to take as much of Congress as possible, but it’s not necessary to keep him out of the White House.
And he’s starting from way behind. Trump’s seemingly effortless destruction of all of his Republican competitors was reflected in opinion polling almost from the moment he announced his candidacy. We don’t see that in the general election polling. It’s not the same situation.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mustang Bobby: How about “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” to the tune of Hernando’s Hideaway?
Whose woods
these are
I think I know
His house
is in
the village though…
Fresh Cnn poll has Hillary up 13 over Trump. Maybe she shouldn’t campaign
Morning Ho crowd thrilled this am!
Mustang Bobby
@Iowa Old Lady: That’s evil. I love it.
Schlemazel Khan
in my life it works the other way
Don’t happy, be worried
@Schlemazel Khan: Snapper season opens in state waters on the weekends starting Saturday, count on shitty weather!
I’m gonna avoid doomsaying. Which… I guess… means that I’m gonna shut up and go to work.
@Matt McIrvin:
This. The whole ‘national poll’ is all media gold dust to fool the plebes. As always, it will come to swing states.
Yep. All the travails of the last 40 years have culminated in this moment. Let’s take maximum advantage.
On Morning Blow, Joe and former RNC Chair Michael Steele were predicting that if Obama actively campaigns for Hillary (or Bernie), it would help rather than hurt daTrump because Trump appeals to those angry and distrustful of the current Ivy-League educated elite (e.g. Joe: “it’s no accident that in 1980 the voters elected someone graduating from Eureka College (Reagan)”) instead of the Washington experts. In the sense that Trump may appeal to working-class whites in traditionally blue-leaning upper mid-western states, there may be something to this possibility, but it overlooks that what Obama brings to the table for Clinton or Sanders is his ability to motivate non-white turnout in swing states. Most of the voters Trump will appeal to weren’t going to vote D anyway and hadn’t done so in past elections either.
Yup, towards the polling day, ras ratcheted up its ‘bias correction’ not to lose whatever little credibility they had.
Catherine D.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Ha! Exactly what occurred to me, and now the earworm is stuck.
@cmorenc: Hey Moaning Ho, just in case you haven’t heard, Reagan’s dead.
Also, his being more popular than anyone running right now by a mile doesn’t hurt.
@efgoldman: I hear you. I expect once my shock wears off, I will pivot to full battle mode and adopt a take no prisoners attitude. But seriously man, Donald Fcking Trump is the Republican nominee and I’m still listening/reading shit about Sanders being the one true answer. What a dismal joke, math really is hard.
@Kropadope: But he’s not popular with the right people, you know, middle aged white men.
Schlemazel Khan
And the intern killer would never try to steer the Dems into the ditch so it must be true. Next I am sure he will recommend that Bill also remain out of sight because he would be bad for Dems.
@Kropadope: True, Obama’s approval ratings are above 50% so HRC has a pretty good chance of winning the election.
Schlemazel Khan
Real Americans. Real voters unlike those groups of voters that identify by some term
“The common clay of the new West, You know, morons.”
Gin & Tonic
@Emma: As a big fan of the preternaturally talented Bobby McFerrin I’ve long been really annoyed that the one tune the general public knows him for is that insipid “Don’t Worry” thing.
Which makes perfect sense when you think about it.
@OzarkHillbilly: St. Ronny will live forever.
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: Sometimes I want to call the Reagan Library and asked to speak to President Reagan just so I can be informed again that he’s dead. Does that make me a bad person?
Two things I’m doing:
1. Putting both Bernie and Hillary bumper stickers on my car. You can too!
2. Reaching out to my closest swing state office (NV) to see how I can help on their ground game.
Matt McIrvin
@amk: You can actually say some things based on national polling, at least if you do enough aggregation to not be distracted by anomalies like Rasmussen. Sam Wang wrote all about it here: just looking at historical performance of national polls at this stage of the game suggests that Trump has a 9% chance of winning. Which I guess you could chalk up to the probability of some kind of game-changing catastrophe. But state polls are better.
Can someone tell me what Reince Priebus tweeted and then deleted?
Gin & Tonic
@germy: See the top of last night’s thread.
@OzarkHillbilly: He won white men in MY state, I believe twice. Maybe instead of blaming white men for being assholes, we could spend more time helping them see where their interest lies.
I’d like to think it was “My God, what have I done?”. But it probably wasn’t.
@JPL: Not even Thoros of Myr could bring new life to him or his “ideas”.
@Betty Cracker: No it doesn’t make you a bad person. However my dumping of cat litter on his grave might cross a line.
people have been saying Trump has “no chance” for a year now. and at every step of the way, nay-sayers have been completely wrong.
maybe it’s time to recalibrate your political senses?
@Gin & Tonic: Thank you.
The top tweet? I don’t understand why aside from his spelling of “presumptive” he would he delete that?
Jesus, Joe Scarborough. Donald Trump went to Wharton, a/k/a the University of Pennsylvania, member of the Ivy League. My sister knew Ivanka there. A friend of mine taught Donald Jr. there.
@efgoldman: I saw Reince on the CBS morning show with Gayle and Norah, and he looked dazed.
Lizzy L
I woke at 4:30 am (California time); lay awake for half an hour thinking depressed, mean thoughts, and finally decided to get up and make coffee, ferChissake. The NYT confirms that Trump’s win in Indiana was not an evil dream. Crap. On my FB page last night someone I thought had better sense was posting an insane right wing video about Hillary Clinton, which caused me to lose my temper. (Righteously. Believe whatever tomfoolery you like, but don’t bring that s*** into my house.)
Any genuine patriots on the Republican side must be feeling worse than I am. They know DT is a disaster for the country. But they’ve been turning HRC into a demon in human skin for 25 years. They can’t support her now without looking like charlatans and/or fools. Tough for them.
OTOH, as good friends remind me, the country’s been through worse. It’s not 1860.
Matt McIrvin
@amk: Also, the list of important swing states may change. I expect a lot of people to look at close numbers in Ohio and fret, because they’re accustomed to thinking of Ohio as a must-get swing state, Florida as this notoriously uncertain battleground, and, say, Virginia as a nice bonus you might win if you’re doing really well. But this year, Virginia and Florida look more solid than Ohio, and North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona look gettable.
Once you get past a moment of panic at having to face this unpredictable, offensive, stupid loose cannon of a GOP nominee in November…you start to embrace the joy that is facing this unpredictable, offensive, stupid loose cannon of a GOP nominee in November.
It’s not that Trump has no chance, I’m not being dumb or naive. But ask yourselves, “Which party would you rather be right now?” My GOP-supporting friends and relatives are, at best, resigned to having this clown as their public face and they’re hoping the damage is not too severe. At worst, they know this is the end of their party and/or adamantly will not support Trump.
I’ll take it.
Speaking of Reince and his tweet spelling of “presumptive” I can’t help but notice the head of their party makes the same spelling mistakes as every RW, suburban and exurban commenter on my local news blogs.
They – the Establishment – genuinely can’t believe it has come to pass. The shameful thing is, most of them will still come to support Trump. We have to point out their utter lack of principles at every opportunity. (I have no doubt HRC will!)
Btw did Gayle or Norah bother to ask Reince what happened to that “deep bench”? I would have, but then again I’m mean like that.
Schlemazel Khan
Given the hot buttons that motivate them to vote that is a hell of a challenge. How would you suggest we do that? Short of embracing racist, sexist, xenophobic anger I am not sure how you get their attention. (as an old white cis guy those people are still a mystery to me). We have shown the failures of the GOP way, we have highlighted how the Dem way would benefit them and their response is to not believe us because we are tax and spend, liberal, ni**er-loving red diaper babies.
Please show me a way
Speaking as a middle aged white man, I am not an asshole. In fact, most of the white men I know aren’t assholes. Nothing I said could possibly be disparaging of white men. Everything I said is disparaging of people who think the only people who matter are middle aged white men.
As far as helping them see where their interests lie, and speaking here only of Trump supporters who largely are in fact white, I have only 2 words for them: Grow up. Considering their ages tho, I’ll save my breath.
@Lonnie Harris:
Yeah, seriously. Cruz was, I thought, the worst human being in the Republican candidate field, so Trump beating him is good news as far as I’m concerned.
Maybe, but we need to organize like mad on the ground to make this election unstealable. Repub governors control the apparatus in key states like FL and I’m sure are planning dirty tricks.
Reading and commenting here is fun; doing some GOTV…wait…doing a LOT of GOTV is what will actually help the Democrats win and win big this fall. Living in an actual swing state, I’m looking forward to turning/keeping VA just as dark blue as possible this year!
@BR: lol was just responding along these very same lines…I’m with ya!
I didn’t hear them ask that question. I was distracted watching the odd affect of Peggy Noonan. Norah stared while Peggy formulated a long, dignified but incomprehensible string of… words.
@Mustang Bobby: “However, it is fewer people still who know that every poem of Emily Dickenson can be read in the cadence of the Gilligan’s Island theme song.”
Agreed. And voter reg will be key — there are a lot of dem-leaning demographics that have low turnout who will be motivated to vote against trump — we need to bring them out.
@Chris: I was watching Ted’s father during the concession speech. His face showed a weird mixture of heartbreak that the horrible heathen had snatched his son’s victory, but also a religious optimism that they would try and try again.
These people never quit. In their minds they know they have serious work to do. They’ll be back.
Schlemazel Khan
Good catch. I had meant my statement about being old white & male to make the point but you did a much better job. perhaps a hash tag is is order:
@Matt McIrvin:
That’s about 11% too much for me.
May I suggest one change to you:
However my dumping of used cat litter on his grave might cross a line.
@different-church-lady: Because of “ballad meter.” My favorite is Gilligan’s Island and Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
@germy: Peggy may have been the one who taught Reince to pour some Bailey’s on his cereal…in fact, I’m quite sure of it.
@Lizzy L:
But when has that stopped them before?
@Schlemazel Khan: Hard, good-quality work and patience. Sorry, that’s all I got.
Well, that and white Southerners.
Hello gang. Back from wanderings (St. Louis and Baltimore).
Good luck Satby!
And don’t fret LAO. I think the biggest factor in this race will be the HUGE lack of funding for Trumpelstiltsken’s campaign. Yes, the Republican Party faithful will get back in line because that is how they are programmed.
But the wallets will not open. Look for a bunch of articles comparing the Cleveland convention to the Brazil Olympics.
Seriously, who is going to fund the RNC and the necessary ground game?
@Jeffro: I really gotta try that one of these mornings.
@Immanentize: welcome back.
@germy: I had the show but missed Reince Priebus, but did watch Peggy. Your analysis is perfect.
Let’s see if we can get it down into the hundredths of a percent, at least…=)
Lizzy L
@different-church-lady: It hasn’t. That’s one of my mean, depressed thoughts.
To be fair, that’s not necessarily a contradiction. FDR was a scion of the same American aristocracy that he was rhetorically tearing to pieces in his speeches, he was plenty popular with the regular joes who disliked it. You don’t have to be an average Joe to appeal to them, even against your own background.
Betty Cracker
@cleek: That was an caffeine deficiency-induced blunder — I actually meant to acknowledge that he has a significantly GREATER than zero chance. Which kinda makes more sense in context.
WOW! Congratulations!
@PurpleGirl: A clearer more accurate description of what I do to people I despise who manage to die before me.
Breakfast of champions? Come to think of it, when I watch Peggy’s interviews I get flashbacks to an upperclass, very dignified but completely alcoholic woman I worked with many years ago. The same long pauses, the same facial expression…
Is it Charlie Pierce who said he always sees little birds flying around her head?
@Chris: Yes. Elizabeth Warren is really letting Trump (and really, Trump supporters) have it with both barrels today, noting that he’s more strongly supported by the leaders of the KKK than the GOP.
I’m sure she’ll get called out for being uncivil, and I’m sure she doesn’t give a __________ ____ either.
@Chris: True, but it’s rich (in both senses) to have a millionaire son of a millionaire, an Ivy Leaguer whose children are also Ivy Leaguers, being allowed to depict himself as the champion of jus’ folks.
Schlemazel Khan
My fav is The Beverly Hillbillys theme to the tune of Money For Nothing done by Weird Al 20-30 years ago
@JPL: Every morning at 7 I turned the tv on to CBS. But i set the remote to automatically turn off the tv in fifteen minutes. It turned off just as Peggy was taking a deep breath.
corpulent owl?
@Schlemazel Khan: Have you seen Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” mashed up with the Andy Griffith Mayberry theme?
@Mustang Bobby:
I’ve always enjoyed singing the lyrics of “Amazing Grace” to the Gilligan theme music. How lovely to learn that it works with “Ghost Riders” as well.
Thanks, Mustang Bobby!
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Kropadope: How do we do this? Polling suggests that Trump supporters have above median incomes so they may not be the demographic suffering from the bad economy left us by W. I would suggest to you that this support is made up of pretty much nothing but racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and misogynists. What Democratic party platform planks would you suggest be included to bring these folks into the fold?
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@different-church-lady: “Yellow Rose of Texas” also works for every Emily Dickenson poem ever written.
I mean, yes, in that this is Trump and he has no more intention of championing jus’ folks than anyone else in his party. But as a general principle? Why? Was it rich for Teddy or Franklin Roosevelt to do the same thing, or Jack Kennedy?
To quote a fun if overrated movie, you don’t have to be a man of the people to be a man for the people.
Lawrence Brown
In America, there is ALWAYS a White backlash to Black progress.
Reconstruction-> lynchings.
Civil rights-> Southern Strategy.
Obama-> Trump.
But they don’t always succeed. We must and will stop him.
Schlemazel Khan
I wish I could understand how someone recognizes that before hearing it. That is an impressive trick!
@satby: Congrats on both accounts! And thank you for the coupon I will have to get myself some more of your utterly delish rose soap!
The Clown Car Down to 1:
GOP voters eject Cruz, reject establishment for Trump
Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel react to Ted Cruz suspending his campaign for president and what it means for the Republican Party that Donald Trump now apparently has an unobstructed path to the Republican nomination
@Schlemazel Khan: I hope we can do a mashup of Bernie supporters and HRC supporters so we can focus on winning the White House.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Source.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Like I said, hard work and patience. I wish I had a better answer, but sometimes there is no immediate gratification. Being the party of good governance will eventually pay off. These people (and they’re not all men) aren’t angry that they’re losing or even necessarily that others are catching up, they’re mad that the lead car is allowed to put up obstacles that are pushing them back rather than good racers to advance.
The Democrats produce better results for everybody and few people can ignore that forever. As far as the people who do manage to ignore it forever, their children won’t. Look at New England. There’s no reason to believe that white people, even older white men, are lost to the Democrats forever. I think a key piece to this is the income inequality issue and, while some people will pooh-pooh it, this is an issue where public policy can make a measurable difference for all people.
Trump Spells Doom for Social Conservatives
APRIL 29, 2016 3:20 PM EST
By Francis Wilkinson
The 2016 Republican presidential campaign began last year with Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum — among others — flashing Bible passages and competing for support from social conservatives in Iowa. It will end in July with the all but certain nomination of Donald Trump.
The rout of social conservatives in this campaign is absolute. Their future looks grim.
The problem isn’t that Trump has a disco ball where his moral compass should be. It’s that he isn’t particularly interested in the social conservative agenda — or even in pretending that he is.
Aside from a few comic forays into biblical scholarship early in his campaign, and later comments about abortion that were so off message that they merely confirmed his lack of interest in the topic, Trump is running free and clear of the entire movement. He’s leaving social conservatives in the dust.
Indiana leaves Trump in control as Cruz exits stage right
05/04/16 08:00 AM—UPDATED 05/04/16 08:15 AM
By Steve Benen
On April 5, one month ago tomorrow, Ted Cruz easily won the Wisconsin presidential primary, leading the Texas senator to declare that the race for the Republican nomination was on an entirely new trajectory.
Indeed, a month ago, there were certain things much of the political world simply accepted as fact. Everyone knew there would be a contested GOP national convention. Everyone knew Cruz’s advantage at state conventions was likely to pay dividends. And everyone knew the Texan was in this for the long haul.
A lot can happen in a month.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ended his presidential campaign on Tuesday after failing to top Donald Trump in the Indiana Republican primary.
“From the beginning, I’ve said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory,” Cruz told supporters at an election night rally in Indianapolis. “Tonight, I’m sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed.”
The senator’s campaign went all out to win Indiana – a state Team Cruz saw as friendly territory, and where polls showed him ahead a month ago – but he ended up losing by nearly 17 points. Cruz could have turned the next couple of months into some kind of vanity exercise, dragging out the process unnecessarily, but given the arithmetic, the Texan no longer saw the point of waging a fight with a predetermined outcome.
Matt McIrvin
And during that whole time, Trump was leading in the Republican primary polls. Usually leading by a massive margin. Everyone had to some up with some kind of special-pleading just-so story about how he somehow doesn’t get the nomination.
This is not what we see in general-election polling.
Cannot hear anything over the sound of Lincoln whirling in his grave like an anemometer in a Category 5 hurricane.
The path to ‘President Trump’ turns GOP plan on its head
Steve Kornacki shows how Donald Trump will likely pursue a general election strategy of winning upper-Midtwest industrial states with large white populations rather than follow the Republican plan devised after their 2012 loss that looked to expand the party’s appeal to Latino voters.
Wannabe cultist leaders always come back.
Red State is in a state of mourning this morning.
Without exaggeration…
After last nights results I was vowing to take a long vacation from anymore politics. But yet , here I am. Fuck, so Sanders squeaked out a win, which means this is all gonna drag out some more, more ‘contested convention’ chest-thumping and all. Why, oh why, couldn’t it have been over last night?
And speaking of being over. Jesus, didn’t Cruz fold up like a cheap suit. And his concession speech was a miracle of bile and bitterness. How America is a blasted hell-scape, Obamas completely shredded the Constitution, etc. But, by cracky, you won’t have Cruz around to save you anymore.
So much for the Anointed One.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think anybody here has posted, or even commented on, the video of Ted Cruz punching and elbowing his wife in the face last night.
“Punching and elbowing” is not a metaphor. Although it would be a good one.
Shorter version: Steve Kornacki gets to spend more time with his high tech toy to do mathematical masturbation on camera.
“We shelled out a fortune for that damn big board, so give it lots of airtime. Oh, and remind Kornacki to scrawl plenty of numbers on it.”
Matt McIrvin
@efgoldman: Rasmussen is unusually bad, but it’s actually a more general rule: don’t pay attention to stories about individual polls unless you have no better option. It’s early in the general-election cycle and sometimes we have no better option, but the firehose of data is starting up.
If some poll is getting a lot of attention, it usually means it’s an unusual or shocking result. So if you pay attention to high-profile news stories about polls, it means you’re effectively cherry-picking polls that are way off expectations, which are usually outliers.
When there are a lot of polls, averaging them all together tends to reduce the error in the aggregate, but the chance of finding a really weird-looking result or an error that fits your specific agenda actually increases. So poll aggregates get better, but cherry-picked SHOCK POLL stories get worse.
On the plus side (oh, sweet schadenfreude), now the G.O.P. senators get to have him there being Cruz full time.
wasn’t he the one whom the msm (and many here) touted as one who will bring down that nj asshole whasshisname down over the “bridgegate”?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Do Democratic superdelegates get to vote during the first round of voting at the convention?
He’s moved on from anything approaching journalism to become the Vanna White of the pundit set.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: Yes. This is also likely to coincide with the last round of voting.
I realize you guys are pretty wrapped up in the primary/election shenanigans, but I wonder if there has been any mention of the giant wildfire in Alberta, Canada that has caused the evacuation of a city of +60,000 people? Looks like over six hundred homes already destroyed with the worst possibly to come today as high winds and +32 deg C [in the 90s for Americans] temperatures continue. No injuries reported at all! Thank dog.
I worked up in that area [yes, that is where the oil sands are] and to think that this is happening in May(!!) is unbelievable to me. Another piece of anecdotal evidence that the climate is changing, and very rapidly. This could be a preview of the near future.
Betty Cracker
@NorthLeft12: I saw a brief blurb about it on the front page of the NYT. There was no indication (without clicking through, anyway) about how many people were affected — I got the impression it was some godforsaken little town in the middle of nowhere. I hope everyone gets out safely and that the damage is minimal. Scary stuff.
Amir Khalid
What I’ve always disliked about Robert Palmer’s iconic Addicted To Love video is that no one in the “band” had any idea how to fake playing her instrument. All he’s got is models posing with guitars.
Yes, it was given mention yesterday. As was the Binladen group’s firing of and booting from Saudi Arabia over 70,000 workers whom they hadn’t paid for six months.
@bemused: We were at the movies last week and saw this trailer for “Southside With You”
Two young actors play Barack and Michelle meeting for the first time.
Gin & Tonic
@NorthLeft12: Saw a couple of mentions last night.
But the temperatures are below average in the NY area this week, so “global warming” is a myth.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker:
I think it’s some godforsaken little town 300 miles north of the middle of nowhere.
Got an inexplicable urge to go wallow in some shit last night and took at trip over to RedState. So worth it. Reading the outrage and butthurt, and knowing that in spite or their caterwauling, that every single last one of those dumb fucks will get in line and vote for Trump in November.
Because that’s what they do. Follow orders. Not one leader among ’em.
@NorthLeft12: Been paying attention over at the BBC and Guardian. For the usual reasons.
@NorthLeft12: Read about it at the Guardian. There was no mention of the size of the town. 60,000+ gives it a whole ‘nother dimension of disaster.
@CONGRATULATIONS!: Has anyone heard from Glenn Beck? Didn’t he threaten to immolate himself if Ted didn’t win?
And while we’re facing north, let’s not forget Justin Trudeau’s entry into the Invictus theme.
Iowa Old Lady
I appear to be losing my grip. I was driving home from the gym and heard Sanders on the radio saying, “Secretary Clinton appears to think this race is over. Well I have some bad news for her.” And suddenly I was screaming “Fuck you, Bernie” at my radio.
I think I need a break.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Kropadope: Thank you.
Amir Khalid
I think you meant
@Iowa Old Lady: It just means you’ve joined all those other people screaming at their dashboards. Um… was the window open?
Shades of Pinafore:
“We are his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts…his sisters and his cousins, whom he reckons up by dozens, and his aunts!”
@Amir Khalid: Promises, promises.
@Iowa Old Lady: I am thinking of declaring a moratorium on politics — means I’ll miss most of the posts here — but it’s just become sensory overload. It’s also making me hold grudges — and I’m the kind of un-nice person that holds a grudge until it dies and then has it stuffed and mounted so I can still look at it. Not good for my blood pressure.
I just had a very scary thought. Very scary. Now that we know that Trump will be the Republican nominee, doesn’t that mean at some point he will get security briefings? Holy Hannibal Batman! Even if the man loses the general he’s still getting some information I never, ever want him to have.
@Emma: Glad to know. Need to remember so as not to get on your bad side (see posts with Raven … )
AS for lighting – never care until it jumps from my outlets.
Trump’s soon to be endless over-the-top stupidity isn’t something any of us are prepared for; less so the stupidity of supporters – had to walk away from a anti-Hillary nut-bag as he (of course) waxed on about Hillary needing to be in jail for her e-mail. Total delusional about bush-wack in the cheney admin and their outing a real CIA operative doing ultra critical secret work on weapons of mass destruction (the real ones) but I am realizing that a large segment of the amerikan people are just so stupid that their ability to exist makes me wonder how evolution allowed such total dumb ass’s to survive long enough to produce such off-spring.
I watched Morning Joe for the first time in months.
I was surprised at how hard Joe was fronting for Trump. Of course, each time he did so, he would declare he was not doing so. Laughable.
My question to regular viewers is: what is Mika’s role on this program? Today she seemed like a submissive hostess.
In slow motion–wow.
Amir Khalid
There was some discussion of this yesterday, with input from our own Dr Silverman. As I understand the gist, it was: Yes, nominees and a few of their top advisers are customarily briefed. But they’ll be told what they may or may not discuss in public, and warned about consequences for any violations.
@oldgold: She plays the role of the abused wife protecting her serial killer husband in any of a hundred Criminal Minds episode.
@Cermet: Sounds like an example of r/K selection theory.
@Kropadope: Worth remembering that the PUMAs seemed like a legitimate force leading up to the conventions back in ’08. No excuse for slacking/concessions/wrangling but I think the Democrats will have their shit together this year. Seems like an entirely different universe than 12 years ago.
Believe it or not, her role is to be the house “liberal.”
And to occasionally show up wearing leather.
Gin & Tonic
@RoonieRoo: Some discussion of this last night, with the consensus being that he won’t get that info until after the convention. Not good, particularly since Putin’s agent is running Trump’s campaign now, but not an immediate issue.
I’m perfectly prepared for it. Sarah Palin wasn’t long ago, and the teabaggers and their preferred media have collectively been saying exactly this kind of gobbledegook for eight years. And yes, all of it is profoundly fucking stupid. But what else is new?
Steeplejack (phone)
Borowitz: “Senate Officially Mourns Return of Ted Cruz.”
@cmorenc: In Scarborough’s world, POC don’t exist. I don’t rate him at all.
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: And, beaten to the punch by the fast-typing nine-fingered man.
Yeah, I’m optimistic, cautiously so, but I think we mostly have our shit together. (This includes the acrimonious primary, by the way. Primaries are supposed to be that way. But polling numbers indicate that most of us are down with whichever of the two ends up being the nominee, and I can’t imagine that the prospect of a Trump presidency wouldn’t motivate our voters).
I had read about that awhile ago but had forgotten this. Thx for the link. Want to see.
Trump tipped his hand last night. He will campaign 100% on trade (thanks Jane Sanders) and try to flip Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Or we could acknowledge that bending over backwards for the white working class vote will be fruitless, and follow the model that resulted in big wins in 2008 and 2012.
Not only that, but America got to watch on live TV as he (accidentally) punched and elbowed his own wife in the head, fresh on the heels of him nonchalantly watching Carly take a fall off-stage and do nothing. What a day he had, eh? That Karma, she’s sure something…
It’s been a bad storm morning here in Bartow/Mulberry, I will tell you that.
My take on Trump: we’re looking right now at a candidate whose unfavorables among Hispanics, Blacks, and Women make him the least-popular formal nominee of a major party in AGES, if not ever.
Trump has campaigned so publicly and so visibly on hateful ideas that any attempt by him or the GOP to “pivot” to the Moderate voters would be a joke. The meme of “Trump’s Wall” by itself is so clearly an anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican rant that there is no way most Hispanics will back Trump or the Republicans (there’s polling that shows Trump is costing Republican support among CUBAN-AMERICANS in Florida: that’s never happened in over 40-plus years among a voting population that’s never forgiven JFK and the Dems over all the Cuba crises).
Here’s the thing: this is no time to crow or celebrate the Republicans’ likely collapse this November. Voter turnout is still a must: the GOP suppression efforts are real and need to be countered by a large-scale turnout of Progressive and Moderate voters.
We ALL have a mission now: Stop Trump. Stop this amateurish demagogue of a bully from getting anywhere near the Oval Office. It’s a moral imperative. There’s no question about Trump being the worst possible Presidential candidate, someone with no honest temperament to respect the duties of the office or represent the true needs of the people.
Get the vote out, people. Volunteer this summer and fall for the Democratic campaigns. Keep it up, keep the voters energized and ready to vote.
Stop Trump. RISE UP AND DEFEND THIS NATION IN ITS DARKEST HOUR. So that future generations can look back and say “THIS, was their Finest Hour.”
@Amir Khalid: That was probably on purpose.
Btw here’s Charles Krauthammer, talking with Bill O’Reilly last night:
I love that Krauthammer’s admitting party platforms don’t mean diddly-squat.
I LOVE that he notes Trump’s fitness-for-office problem – we know it, of course, but it’s excellent to see even howling GOP throwbacks like CK noting it. There will be others, and it’ll make for great ads.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Greg Stillson couldn’t have done it better.
They don’t blame Eisenhower for “losing Cuba,” but they’ll blame his successor for not taking it “back.” Go figure.
@Amir Khalid: The conceit was that the “women” were supposed to be living mannequins, so the stilted movements were probably part of that idea.
@Baud: You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to Trump. (Thought the exact same lines when I saw Betty’s post.)
Good article. Social conservatives are leaving themselves in the dust, imo. They are fighting a losing battle. Americans are just not going to become more socially conservative, more regressive, more exclusive as time goes on but less.
IMHO the people energized about Trump are the same exact people who were energized about Palin.
Sounds pretty close to Trump’s view of them.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
It was the rifle-free, no-kid-involved version of that very thing, indeed. (And frankly aren’t we all glad for that).
Not only do we need to stop Trump at all costs but we need to take advantage of this opportunity to run up the score in the House and Senate.
This is why we cannot allow the media to have a contested convention on our side. They will exploit that no end and right now it is in our interest to appear to be organized, competent, unified, functional, and all the other reassuring qualities we can muster.
@Betty Cracker: Yes, Fort MacMurray is the name of the city, and it is understandable that most might think it is only a few hundred or a few thousand people. When I worked there as a student in 1977/78 there were about fifteen thousand people there. The population fluctuated wildly depending on the Oil Sands industry health. There are probably a lot less people there now than there would have been a year or so ago. The drop in oil price has hit this area very hard.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I think this too. Trump/Sanders 2016. Jane is probably already reaching out to the Trump camp.
Meh. In the worst case, if Bernie’s vanity demands a “contested convention” it will consist of one vote. He’ll lose it, and that will be that.
Clinton is 181 delegates away from cinching the nom. Bernie still needs more than 900.
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: Good luck on the job interview! My sweetie has an interview today too. Fingers crossed for both of you!
ETA: How do I find you on Etsy?
well, imagine you’re the head of the RNC and then donald trump of all people performs an easy hostile takeover of your entire political party. easy. trump didn’t even have to try very hard or spend much of anything and he wrapped it up in early may.
I’d be day drinking if I were him too.
@oldgold: Mika’s role as the Token Alan-Colmes-With-Boobs is to come off as a subpar strawman and occasionally cluck her tongue at mean ol’ liberals while routinely nodding at her Big Man’s pronunciations.
@FlipYrWhig: I think there are way more people excited by Trump than were excited by Palin, and for longer. From when she was picked by McCain to when the bloom was off the skunk was really just a few months. Trumps been in the public eye a lot longer and his appeal is more enduring.
SoCons just aren’t the hot shit they think they are, and IMO never were even at the height of their power.
I keep going back to this observation I made back when I was dabbling in the campus religious life back in college; in every fundamentalist group, there’s a non-trivial percentage of people who are just along for the ride, who identify with the group purely on cultural (or racial, though that was less of a thing on an East Coast city campus) level or as a social club, but aren’t crazy about all the rules or the true believers who follow them.* They’re Republicans, and they’re bigots who believe along tribal lines that their identity group is better than the others, but they fundamentally don’t give two shits about Charles Darwin or homeschooling or masturbation being a sin. And while they’ll endure the Sunday sermons from the pastor, bless his heart, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’d be comfortable with him being put in the White House and having the power to actually police the nation.
So in primary after primary, the SoCons put up an icon of Christian fundamentalist virtue – Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Pat Robertson – only to find out that his support’s a lot less than they thought it was. (It’s worth noting that the only time they got one of theirs into the White House, George W. Bush, “theirs” was also the candidate of the East Coast elite/establishment). And that most voters, including a sizable chunk of their congregations, are quietly pulling the lever for one of the guys who’d give them the same tribal/bigotry rush without the endless God-bothering.
And we just saw this played out again, where despite Cruz being the ostensible candidate of the religious right, Trump, who doesn’t have a religious bone in his body but appeals to most of the same cultural markers, did very well among evangelical voters and absolutely killed in the South (supposedly the most devout region in the country).
* Not that liberal denominations don’t have “cultural Christians” or people who disagree with the consensus, but in their case it’s out in the open, because they don’t generally consider their way to be unquestionably right in all things and every deviation from it to be an automatic heresy. With the conservatives, it’s all underground.
Just wondering what that last minute headline grabbing Tump /Enquirer linkage of Cruz’s father to the Kennedy assassination might have had on the voters. Used to be that it was improper to throw out smears just before the votings.
@O. Felix Culpa
Click on her name at the top of any of her comments.
Quite a dilemma for the GOP. Their base, not as cohesive as the narrative, is underground/not up front with their true voting tendencies.
Matt McIrvin
@different-church-lady: I think they were supposed to look like the women in Patrick Nagel paintings.
Paul in KY
@Psych1: We shall see.
Paul in KY
@Immanentize: Think he’ll get the money somehow. Plus he can get on TV anytime he wants.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: That’s what he paid for, Amir.
Paul in KY
@Emma: I was going to write something snarky & then saw your explanation & thought ‘glad I didn’t write mine’.
Paul in KY
@NotMax: She’s like Colmes was.
Maybe a bit spunkier.
Paul in KY
@bemused: They’re either gonna vote for him or stay home. Where else do they have to go?
No One You Know
@Emma: And here I thought that honor belonged to Donna Summer and “MacArthur Park.”