He looks like the bigoted old grandfather on a sitcom, which seems about right. pic.twitter.com/bOYSttqfT7
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) May 7, 2016
I had to look twice to figure out who’d been photoshopped by some brave Reddit denizen. Yeah, one suspects they’ll be calling him Donald ‘Shouts At Clouds’ by Labor Day — if he doesn’t have a medical emergency even sooner.
And speaking of rapid deterioration…
Ann Coulter seems like she's ready to star in a remake of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane with Peggy Noonan.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) May 8, 2016
Coulter’s been replaced by a flashy young Breitbart-manufactured idol, because talk radio girl cooties are sooo 2012. And Noonan’s lived long enough to watch her perennial object of veneration reduced to a cheap punchline by a short-fingered vulgarian. Sad!
I don’t get most of the references in this post, but that’s cool.
Aerosmith’s 1989 album “Pump” is an all-time classic!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Are there any on the right who have stepped up and called this dork mentioned in the link a toxic turd? I’ve encountered stories of this clown several times now in the last few weeks. His parents must be so proud.
Omnes Omnibus
@benw: Oddly, I understand this, but the EMAC vs something or other below loses me completely.
Christ on a Harley. That’s… *snicker* *giggle* *bwahahahahah*
Great title for the post for me to mention that I now have a recently deceased cat in my freezer. A neighbor and I were pets-sitting my land-lady’s two cats, and the young James Dean of a cat (part Abyssinian and so beautiful to watch him move) was hit by a car on the road just down the drive about 45 mins ago. He passed pretty quickly, so we wrapped him in towels and I put him in the freezer so that we can bury him tomorrow in daylight.
BUT my freezer is suddenly making weird noises now, and it’s not the cat – who is most definitely deceased. Any ideas for some appropriate music to drown out the spooky freezer noises?
Major Major Major Major
@benw: second.
@Omnes Omnibus: vim.
Prescott Cactus
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m 0 for 2. Night all.
Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Doesn’t help. I don’t know what either of them are. OTOH, I understood the Rule Against Perpetuities the first time I read it.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: unix text editors.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Milo is well accepted by most of the online wingnut community, as far as I can tell.
Before he successfully went over to the Dark/Wingnut Side – via a strategically well-timed and executed sprint up to the front of the column of very young and/or misogynistic Gamergaters, where he assumed a leadership role – Milo was managing a failing media enterprise called The Kernel. Via his tweets (a lot of them with a somewhat sympathetic Rurik Bradbury, the latter in his parodic form), he came across as someone who had been trying to run an honest media business, but was failing and in despair.
He is (I assume) financially comfortable now, and from all appearances is at peace with the decisions he made to get to where he is.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Okay. Thanks.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: So what’s all the stuff in *this* thread about?
@Prescott Cactus: Thank you – long time since I’ve listened to this, and very appropriate. Lighting some candles to accompany him on his journey…and now I am finally sad – adrenaline spent.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Which bit do you want to know about? I spent the weekend at a soccer tournament for my niece and nephew because that is where my mom was (and because I am good uncle). The sun and watching U14 and U13 soccer all weekend means I can’t (or just won’t) go into everything. I can give an attempt at one thing.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): If Ellen DeGeneres’ ugly twin mated with Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo, you’d end up with this Milo schmuck
@Major Major Major Major: Milo Yiannopoulos? Giving Greeks and gays a bad name.
(The only reason I track this at all is because he comes up now and again over at LGM).
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Eh, never mind, it makes more sense now that I’m not on my phone waiting in line for ice cream.
I’m eating ice cream!
@Prescott Cactus:
Heh. Just learned that it was a theme song for The Exorcist. Nicely done. Since I don’t have that context for it, I’m enjoying it anyway.
@Major Major Major Major: Who is your ice cream purveyor?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major:
Son of a bitch!
Major Major Major Major
@divF: There’s this place down the street from me that makes it with liquid nitrogen.
Just an after-dinner treat I have sometimes. Not really a big ice cream guy, but I do keep a pint of Three Twins cookies and cream (or whatever they call theirs) in the ‘zer for emergencies.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
More specifically, very old fashioned Unix text editors designed to run on text-only terminals rather than using a modern graphical user interface. They adopted radically different solutions for how to let people enter editing commands using only the keyboard, each of which has passionate advocates and detractors.
Prescott Cactus
@seaboogie: I was bound for sleep and told the bride my suggestion and she didn’t get it. Just put it on and will listen to Part 1 and 2 tonight.
Just looked at the album online and this was Virgin Records first release. That Branson guy did ok. Looking into how this got onto the movie soundtrack of the Exorcist . . .
Sorry about the loss and trauma related to tonights events for you.
@AnneLaurie:Re,Trump pic: Queen Victoria had a threesome with Dick Cheney & Archie Bunker ?
Eewwww!! You made me click on something icky!!
@Omnes Omnibus: Great, now I’ll get kicked off the plane, too.
@seaboogie: Hmmm, let’s see, playlist to cover freezer sounds after storing dead cat …. nope, I got nothing for that. I’ll second Oldfields Tubular Bells.
@Major Major Major Major: Ah. There’s a branch in Oakland, over by the Rockridge BART station.
Anne Laurie
Maybe it is the cat? IIRC, since tissues & organs ‘expire’ at different rates, fresh corpses are renowned in pathology labs & murder mysteries for making weird / startling noises…
Coin operated
And the man who mentored me into UNIX sysadmin world made sure that I understood one thing…it’s pronounced VEE-EYE.
Anne Laurie
@SarahT: More like the old saying, After 40 the face you have is the face you’ve made for yourself.
@Anne Laurie: HA ! Gonna remember that one.
Anne Laurie
At least I had the decency not to post that headshot here. I figured the phrase ‘Breibart-manufactured’ should be enough of a clue for the squeamish.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: @SarahT: It’s Orwell. “At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.”
@Roger Moore: I was going to tell this story in the previous thread, but since we’re here… I was on a flight from DC recently, had my Macbook laptop open and an emacs window going, and I noticed someone a couple of rows ahead of me doing the exact same thing, i.e. Macbook/emacs. As we were getting off the plane, I mentioned it to him. Turns out it was Hal Varian, chief economist for Google, and founder of the I-School at Berkeley. Stunning that someone at his level is still doing anything sufficiently technical to warrant emacs (as opposed to Word/Powerpoint).
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
@Anne Laurie
: see, this is why I come to BJ – for the punning poetical post titles, and bcuz I learn all kinds of creepy things that will keep me up nights.
– and i loved this joint BEFORE we all got famous on a Prairie Home Companion. Hey, think there will be a lot of new commenters to play with? And has anybody asked – did site traffic bounce up after PHC?
Prescott Cactus
@Anne Laurie: seaboggie, put it to 11.
@Roger Moore: @Coin operated: Mind you, I was inspired down below with the reminiscence of IBM Selectrics, and how one needs the different balls for math symbols.
@divF: OK, now that’s just fun.
@Anne Laurie: I look like a ridiculous 20 year old with J. Jonah. Jameson patches of silver in my hair. I was hoping to finally grow into everything and look elegant.
Major Major Major Major
@divF: Well I hope you reported him. We all know that emacs people are terrorists.
I make a mean Trump Curry.
Omnes Omnibus
@reality-based (the original, not the troll):
@Major Major Major Major: Too dangerous. A phone call from him to some of the right people from Google, and I could end up disappeared.
Besides, I was using emacs too.
Prescott Cactus
@Aleta: Trump Towers has the best. Indians love it !
@Prescott Cactus: lol x 2
Major Major Major Major
@divF: Ah, but who is more to be feared–the emacs user, or the emacs user who reports the emacs user?
Miss Bianca
@seaboogie: OMG
Is it weird that I relate to this story? Because I totally kept a cat stashed in my freezer for a while. Just couldn’t bury her till the ex came home from tour.
Now the weird noises thing, I dunno…
@Anne Laurie:
Possibly so. Stuck my head in a few times, and the sounds were kind of ping-pongy inside the freezer over the fridge. When I started my day, I did not imagine sorting out the acoustics of a just-deceased cat in my freezer.
@Major Major Major Major: The latter, obviously. If he’ll flip once, he will flip again.
@Aleta: Recipe looks great, but ladyfingers as a name for okra I had not seen before.
ETA: Time for bed. G’nite, all.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Apparently while you were away BJ got mentioned on Prairie Home Companion.
Yeah, it makes no sense to me either. I’m just reading the copy here.
@Miss Bianca: It’s standard practice here once the ground freezes.
OT, via MeFi. The Financial Times ‘Page not found’ page.
Good night, Gracie.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: How odd.
@Omnes Omnibus:Thanks – explains why I still get carded. In my dreams.
@MattF: Wow. There’s the difference between the FT and the WSJ.
ETA: I think that “Moral Hazard” is my favorite.
@seaboogie: That sounds really rough to go through, for all of you.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: IKR? Who knew Prairie Home Companion was still a thing?
Does anyone in the world have a more ridiculous “I’m a very serious guy” expression than Donald Trump?
I can’t imagine not laughing in his face if he gave me his serious guy look. Or I might throw up, which is my gut reaction to his face now..
What a buffoon. The emptiest suit on Planet Earth.
If Trump wins in November, B-J needs to have a betting pool on how soon after his inauguration Trump will be impeached by the House, convicted by the Senate, and thrown out of office. That would secure Trump his rightful place in the history books. Not only is it inconceivable that Trump could make it through a 4-year-term without committing a certifiable “high crime or misdemeanor,” but I doubt he could make it through an entire week.
I’ll repeat again that the Republicans really needn’t worry about Trump winning the nomination or the election. He will give the Congress ample grounds to impeach him and remove him from office. They need to make sure the VP is someone acceptable.
@Miss Bianca: @Aleta: The young woman who was officially in charge of the pet-sit has long experience with this, and her family still has some guinea hens stashed in their freezer – for burying, not dinner. They keep chickens as pets, which is not unusual ’round these parts. They have a hen who free ranges inside their home.
My own kitty of 20 years is deaf, arthritic and has chronic kidney disease, so I have anticipated this for a while – just not with the vibrant young lad who is currently chilling in my icebox. This was not unanticipated since we live on a hairpin turn that drivers really love to flex their vehicular muscles on, and the kitty in question was the James Dean of cats. This possible eventuality was discussed amongst us less than a week ago.
@seaboogie: sorry about your kitty and the freezer of doom.
@Miss Bianca:not weird, really. The neighbor’s fridge ? That would be weird.
Apparently, this is a thing among news outlets in the UK.
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
@Omnes Omnibus:
discussed in erlier threads – appaently, during a sketch about wasting time on web sites – along with the big names like snapchat and facebook, etc,, they mentioned BJ. I didn’t hear it myself – but IIRC – and I probably don’t – somebody in one of the earlier threads had a time-stamp of when the mention came in the broadcast.
re cat – maybe freezer caused some kind of cryogenic thing, like when they drastically lower body temperature during surgery, and cat is still somewhat alive.
my closes parallel – Archie,the grouchy 17 year old cat currently sitting on my hands while I try to type, in his youth was fast enough to catch hummingbirds. He brought me a hummingbird coprse, I scolded him – for all the good that does – and put bird in trash can on deck, which had to go out that night anyway. An hour and a half later, I hear strange noises coming from can, open bag, dig out bird – which flies away out of my hands, apparently unharmed.
Not that I checked closely, but it looked thoroughly dead to me when I put bird in trashacan. Maybe it was a zombie hummingbird?
(While I was trying to tell this story, archie kept putting his paw on the caps lock key – I think he was proud of that one.
@Miss Bianca: Someone on PHC gave a list of websites recently. Balloon Juice was one of the websites in the list.
Threesomes are in the thread below. Historical ones, anyway.
Two suggestions on the opposite ends of the ‘spooky song’ spectrum: Skeletons In My Closet from the 7th Guest soundtrack, and The Beauty Of Her Face by Pine Box Boys.
@Omnes Omnibus: I didn’t hear it, but in the comments to an earlier thread (yesterday evening I think), Balloon Juice was one of a string of internet operations mentioned in a PHC Guy Noir skit.
Trivia you neither solicited nor need/want: apparently most of the other internet entities mentioned are internet apps and post-blog era social media creations; in that aspect, B-J stood out in somewhat anomalous fashion.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Not exactly.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Who can say for sure? It’s not like such things are a recent invention.
@Mnemosyne: Too racy for me at this late hour – will check it out tomorrow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Take it back below.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks for the heads-up! *rubs hands*
@SarahT: I think that the other pet-sitter was a bit surprised to see a big sign on my freezer that reads “Sanctuary” when we loaded the kitty in. It is fridge art to remind me of what my humble home means to me, but also now has a different meaning for the singular feline soul chilling in a bundle of towels – glad that I did linen-based laundry last week.
Prescott Cactus
I imagine not many do. Life is strange . I’d put this in that category. “Sanctuary” a new and deeper meaning for you now. Peace be with you during the next few days as complete the final motions of this act of love.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
So here in Florence, they’ve got some variety of security paramilitary stationed at strategic spots around the Duomo, in the square. They’re well-armed and watchful, and quietly supplement the carabinieri. The local guide aren’t quite used to it, but frankly, given the minuscule amount of query done at entry, it is pretty appropriate.
Speaking for me, we’re a terror event to occur, I trust a few well-trained Italian paramilitaries over a bunch of fat, camo clad second amendment trigger happy wingnuts in the aftermath.
@Prescott Cactus: Thank you. And thank you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s what she said.
Amir Khalid
When my Malaysian self sees the word “okra”, I have to do a mental translate to “ladyfingers”.
@Amir Khalid:
Quoi? I’ve had okra (hairy when raw, slimy when cooked – ewwwww) and ladyfingers, which are light and fluffy and sweet. Okra looks cool when you cut it (I appreciate the beauty of raw veg, especially in the cutting), but I don’t want to put it in my mouf.
Amir Khalid
You must be thinking of these ladyfingers.
Says the guy with a dead cat in his freezer.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
We are in Rome and security everywhere. Yes, they look ready and able, except there are always some young thing chatting them up. Worry about the distraction factor. But still more reassuring than the heavily armed guys standing around Grand Central Terminal in groups of four blabbering to each other in a circle.
What I want to know is who the soldiers are here in Rome who wear the William Tell/Robin Hood hats with the feather.
@Amir Khalid: Indeed. Tiramisu, and all that.
Major Major Major Major
It is my birthday.
@Major Major Major Major: Happy, happy, happy to you!!! Big milestone year for you, what with (-) alcohol and (+) ice cream, yes? Ice cream better with cake. Make a good wish on a birthday candle.
@Major Major Major Major:
May it be the best one ever.
@bystander: am a female person. With a living aged cat peeing on pee-pads on my bed (so my mattress smells like cat pee), and I think that the kitty chilling in my freezer has completed another biological process in passing, so the freezer smells like cat poop now. Very glamorous life that I am leading…
Love both the kitties – but dayum!….I could do without the prosaic smell of it all…
Major Major Major Major
@seaboogie: I had ice cream last year, too!
@seaboogie: Even better, an ice cream cake.
@Major Major Major Major: Happy B-day, Major Major Major Major!
@Aleta: A friend told me that his mother hired a house sitter when she went to Europe, to look after the place and take care of her elderly parrot. While she was gone the parrot died and the house sitter wrapped it up carefully in foil and stashed it in the freezer because he wasn’t sure how she would want to deal with it. When she got home from her trip he dropped her off but forgot to tell her about the parrot. She took a foil package out of the freezer to thaw for supper the following day and, well, you know what happened.
I used to make ice cream pie with crushed oreo cookies that I baked into a crust, and then let ice cream get soft and spread two pints into it. Always a hit at a potluck dinner – depending on travel time.
@opiejeanne: Ahem. I think she would have noticed her missing parrot before she thought of making dinner. The “forgot to tell her about it” is suspect, but makes for a better story.
@seaboogie: The wife used to get the ones from Baskin Robbins for my birthdays.
@seaboogie: I’m so sorry you had to deal with this.
We had a beloved cat put to sleep when her kidneys failed and she was miserable. We kept her in the freezer for more than a month because it would not stop pouring down rain. We bought a peach tree to plant over her but that was a year when there was flooding all around us in the SF area. 1996? and we finally gave up and dug the hole during a torrential downpour. The fruit tree over her was to preclude another animal digging her up, advice from the vet.
Chris T.
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, though vim is also popular on Windows systems now, at least enough that I keep reading a lot of Windows-specific stuff when I am looking for interesting vim tricks.
Chris T.
@divF: Just across the street from Zachary’s. And a few blocks north of the new Bernie Sanders campaign office. (Am I allowed to mention politics on this here newfangled Intertubes web-log thing?)
Major Major Major Major
@Chris T.: No, this blog is for discussions of unix shell text editors, Regency-era sexual mores, and frozen pets only.
Chris T.
@divF: I still write everything in LaTeX if at all possible (or, FSM help me, mandoc macros…). Though I’m no chief economist at Google.
@Chris T.: The next update of Windows 10(Anniversary Update in the summer) will have a Bash terminal(it’s in the latest insider preview).
Anne Laurie
@Major Major Major Major: May all your best wishes come true!
Anne Laurie
@seaboogie: Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator spray actually works better than I expected, for things like mattresses that are hard to wash. (Says the woman who lives with unpredictably incontinent rescue cats & dogs.)
Major Major Major Major
@BillinGlendaleCA: Huh, that’s… actually exciting.
@seaboogie: She wasn’t that fond of the parrot, it was more of a duty than a pet, and she was very tired and distracted. It’s a long flight back to SFO from wherever she went in Europe, and then a long drive back to her house in 5 Cities (I think her house was in Arroyo Grande). And it was a very large house.
I think it makes more sense if you knew this woman; she would not have noticed.
Anne Laurie
@seaboogie: I actually did know a house sitter who, come suppertime, pulled a foil-wrapped object out of the freezer and popped it into a skillet. The dog breeder who owned the house hadn’t warned him she was saving a stillborn puppy carcase for the veterinary pathologist…
@opiejeanne: Tracking that (as Adam would say) WRT to the tree over the grave. I was going to leave the kitty in his fave spot in the garden overnight because it was too dark to dig a grave, when the other sitter pointed out that there are animal scavengers about – nature doing what it does. So now he is safely nestled in my freezer. I am grateful for his sake and for that of his mistress that I was able to attend to him while he passed.
@Anne Laurie: I am sticking to fresh vegetables for health reasons, and now have so many more reasons to do so!
@seaboogie: Sorry about the gender error. We live with a French bulldog who is quite temperamental about certain things, so peepee pads are a fixture in my house, too. We only wish we had put money into Nature’s Miracle stock. We go through it by the gallon.
@opiejeanne: I appreciate the gallows humor of dead pets in the freezer, as this is my first foray into that realm. And at this moment, my still extant little energizer bunny of an elderly cat is hollering to be fed. So I am cherishing this moment with her.
My little YorkiPom sleeps with her eyes open. It’s creepy.
@bystander: That’s cool. There is another product that is more effective than Nature’s Miracle, because it breaks down the bacteria of the piddle, but it goes by an unfortunate name (I have no idea what they were thinking!): Anti-Icky-Poo. Get the unscented version.
BTW, the first time I saw a French bulldog, I immediately had context for one of my favorite lines from the Paul Simon lyrics to “You Can Call Me Al”….”rolly polly little bat-faced girl.”
@Major Major Major Major:
Happy birthday! And many happy returns.
@Major Major Major Major
Feliz Cumpleaños.
Jack the Second
@reality-based (the original, not the troll): Did you putting any other dead creatures in the trash can? For science?
@Major Major Major Major: Happy Birthday Major 4x!!
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Major Major Major Major: A vos Sante!
Uncle Cosmo
I believe those would be bersaglieri. These guys look about right?
I bersaglieri are tough dudes. I have fond memories of a trio of them from my visit to Roma in 1985. Coming out of the Metropollitana one evening I was accosted by a particularly obnoxious panhandler who insisted that I give him money because I was “a rich American”. I tried to shake the mofo but he followed haranguing me down the street. Finally I ducked into a bar. Bastard followed me in there too! I spun around, pointed back out the door & shouted Fila! (roughly Hit the road!) & the whole place went quiet. The clown looked around–& saw 3 bersaglieri sitting at the bar who were giving him the hairy eyeball. After a few seconds he turned & meekly left. Grazie tanto ai bersaglieri!
Uncle Cosmo
@opiejeanne: Yeah, right.
Paul in KY
@Prescott Cactus: Inspired choice.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Major Major Major Major: Happy happy happy happy!
Paul in KY
@opiejeanne: On the ones I have buried, always go at least 2 feet down (measured from top of where deceased animal will rest) & then put a big stone on top of corpse & then fill & pack & then another stone on top of ground.
Paul in KY
@Major Major Major Major: Hope you have/had a great one!
The Lodger
@Major Major Major Major: This is late,but let me add my wishes for an excellent birthday!
pseudonymous in nc
Uh-huh, no. Milo Y stiffed his writers at The Kernel, and he was an A-grade arse back then, having just re-Greeked himself after years as the explicitly Nazi-curious Milo Andreas Wagner. He has always been a terrible person who hurts other people for his own benefit.
The Other Chuck
@seaboogie: Okra’s pretty good when breaded and deep fried. In fact that’s the only way I can imagine eating it.