Professor Krugman, in the NYTimes, on “The Making of An Ignoramus”:
… Last week the presumptive Republican presidential nominee — hard to believe, but there it is — finally revealed his plan to make America great again. Basically, it involves running the country like a failing casino: he could, he asserted, “make a deal” with creditors that would reduce the debt burden if his outlandish promises of economic growth don’t work out…
So why is Mr. Trump even talking about this subject? Well, one possible answer is that lots of supposedly serious people have been hyping the alleged threat posed by federal debt for years. For example, Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, has warned repeatedly about a “looming debt crisis.” Indeed, until not long ago the whole Beltway elite seemed to be in the grip of BowlesSimpsonism, with its assertion that debt was the greatest threat facing the nation.
A lot of this debt hysteria was really about trying to bully us into cutting Social Security and Medicare, which is why so many self-proclaimed fiscal hawks were also eager to cut taxes on the rich. But Mr. Trump apparently wasn’t in on that particular con, and takes the phony debt scare seriously. Sad!…
The important thing to realize… is that when Mr. Trump talks nonsense, he’s usually just offering a bombastic version of a position that’s widespread in his party. In fact, it’s remarkable how many ridiculous Trumpisms were previously espoused by Mitt Romney in 2012, from his claim that the true unemployment rate vastly exceeds official figures to his claim that he can bring prosperity by starting a trade war with China.
None of this should be taken as an excuse for Mr. Trump. He really is frighteningly uninformed; worse, he doesn’t appear to know what he doesn’t know. The point, instead, is that his blithe lack of knowledge largely follows from the know-nothing attitudes of the party he now leads.
Oh, and just for the record: No, it’s not the same on the other side of the aisle. You may dislike Hillary Clinton, you may disagree sharply with her policies, but she and the people around her do know their facts. Nobody has a monopoly on wisdom, but in this election, one party has largely cornered the market in raw ignorance.
Apart from that, what’s on the agenda as we start another week?
Gallup shows Obama's support at highest point since Jan '13 — three points higher than Reagan at this point in '88 pic.twitter.com/8xEQKrB2Hw
— Steve Benen (@stevebenen) May 8, 2016
J R in WV
Good Morning, all!
It looks like it will be a good day to get out and run errands, after PT. No rain today after several days of wet cool weather.
Maybe I can get in another nap before we need to get busy…
I am just about to go to bed—much later than usual even for this night owl. Spent the evening catching up on some TV shows and watching the new Wallander episode on PBS, “The White Lioness.” No spoilers here! For some reason it really irritated me: I felt like Kurt Wallander stumbled through the whole thing making boneheaded personal-safety decisions that an average tourist wouldn’t, much less a veteran cop.
My new favorite Brit mysteries are Vera and Shetland. It took me a while to catch on to the former, because for some reason I thought it was one of those cutesy, “cozy” mystery series. It’s definitely not that.
I was visiting my brother and his family yesterday.
I asked my 8 year old niece what subjects she liked. She said she watches politics. I asked her, if she liked or knew about any politician.
She then went into an impression of Donald Trump (a good impression btw).
I asked her, if she liked Trump. Do you think he sounds smart?
She said, “Noooooooooo…he sounds stupid”.
The End
Randy P
Oh ick. That anti-vax “documentary” that Robert DeNiro was trying to air at the Tribeca Film Festival and which was finally pulled after massive objection, has resurfaced.
We were at a Ritz theater watching a cute movie (Dough) last night. And there it was in the trailers. You don’t even need to see the documentary itself, the trailer does enough damage telling you how terrible the CDC is and how they have suppressed all the “evidence” that vaccines “cause” autism. My wife hadn’t heard of this movie or the controversy, so I was trying to catch her up with what I knew while we watched the trailer.
Ritz is a local Philadelphia group of art-house theaters which some years ago was bought by Landmark. It looks like this con man has managed to get a distribution via Landmark nationwide. He is going to do a lot of damage. I’m going to try to collect some facts and write to Landmark, but I am very concerned that he has managed to ooze through the cracks.
Looking for some good sources summarizing the critiques of this film now.
Began watching Aussie series The Code on Netflix.
Enough there to continue. For now.
Back to the barn. Here’s hoping it continues to stand while I replace main structural members. (it will. surprising how strong 75-80% of it is considering it’s 150 yrs old)
Mr. Mack
Just wanted to beat Rikrah once…good morning people.
Just shuffling off to bed myself. Mothers Day get together was canceled due to illness – sinus infection with total need of rest, meds and quiet by the one so afflicted (not me). So we’ve rescheduled for maybe next weekend, but mother-in-law will be here the following Wednesday, so it may be pushed further out so she can be part of the celebration while here.
That Obama approval rating (ten points over disapproval!) is the worst possible news for Der Trump. Thanks Obama!
Mustang Bobby
Stayed up late — for me — to watch the series finale to “The Good Wife.” Enh.
Just popped a potato in the oven to bake – will have it with super fresh extra virgin olive oil and greek yogurt. Don’t know what to call it, meal-wise. Was going to be dinner last night, but I’ve been busy comforting a dying cat, freezing it, comforting its feline companion, and feeding mine. Very tired. Very hungry.
Randy P
@Randy P: The Landmark blurb for Vaxxed
The controversy at Tribeca
And the lovely Andrew Wakefield losing his license over the fraudulent study
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
@Mustang Bobby: What did you think? Without giving to much away, I saw the last scene, and laughed. I’m not sure why I did though.
In other news Finch appears to be sick, so he’ll be going to the vet as soon as the office opens. It opens at 7 and I’ll probably leave in fifteen minutes and wait until someone arrives.
@Mustang Bobby:
Did you like it?
@Steeplejack: Local PBS just started running Shetland. I’m hooked. Haven’t seen Vera, but Acorn has it, so I may give it a try.
@Randy P: The Landmark movie theater chain is owned by Mark Cuban, as is Magnolia Pictures, a distributor of independent films (but not Vaxxed). I was checking my local listings and saw that Vaxxed is playing at the Angelika, the local competition to Cuban’s chain, so it’s not a given that Landmark is showing the film in every market.
@Steeplejack: Other great British shows that you may not know about, Single-Handed (rural Irish garda), Red Rock (urban Irish garda) Jack Taylor (Irish private eye – former garda).
@seaboogie: So sorry to hear about your cat loss.
I can’t believe what is going on with Trump as GOP nominee (presumptive). We too have an election, announced last night, for 2/7. which gives us a veeerrrryyy long eight weeks of electioneering. This election is unusual in that it is a double disillusion, which puts the entire senate in play, normally only half are up for re-election. we desperately need to change. The current assholes, whether led by the rAbbot or Turnbull have come straight out and admitted they govern for the very well off and above. The saying lifted from the Chinese ‘may you live in interesting times’ is true for us all I think.
Hubby & I really enjoyed it. have you come across Zena yet?
Happy birthday to Majorx4
@Mr. Mack:
Morning, Mr. Mack ?
Mustang Bobby
@rikyrah: It won’t go down in TV history as a great one. I suppose it did what it was supposed to do, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the final episode of M*A*S*H, but then, that’s a tough one to beat.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
For some perspective:
CNN Poll — George W Bush — May 1, 2008
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
6 months from today we will awake to the news of a new president — President-elect Jill Stein.
@Mr. Mack: @rikyrah:
Good morning! ☀️☕️
Just looked outside and my grass is finally growing.
Tax havens have no economic justification, say top economists
@Mustang Bobby: Back in my lost youth, I went on a hike with my dad to the location set for the outdoor scenes for M*A*S*H. It’s a state park in the Santa Monicas.
(Goes back to designing my new tat.)
Patricia Kayden
@MattF: And the best possible news for Secretary Clinton who is viewed as the candidate to carry on his legacy. Go Clinton!
Acording to this article, quite a few Evangelicals are horrified by Trump. I guess since many cannot bring themselves to vote for That Woman, they’ll sit out the election in November which is fine by me.
@Patricia Kayden:
He’s no Ted Cruz.
Mr. Mack
@MomSense: Good morning. Where is it that you live that your grass has just started growing. I’m in Tennessee, and I have already mowed 80 acres at least six times. What is your secret?
sm*t cl*de
@Randy P:
So much for seeing Mercury cross the sun – guess I will just have to listen to “Sting” sing his pointless song instead (“Little black spot on the Sun today” or there about); not unlike the pointless role Kaptain Amerika plays in the Avengers series.
sm*t cl*de
Perhaps more appropriate than ‘dissolution’.
Deadbeat Don is an equal opportunity horrifier.
@OzarkHillbilly: Our neighbors have a saw mill dating from before the Civil War on their land. They use it for a storage dump but it still has the straps used to turn the saw hanging from the rafters. The place will last longer than the modern house built around it, that’s for sure.
Patricia Kayden
“What has become increasingly clear is that any state with a large or growing nonwhite population has become more difficult for Republicans to win.” And Trump’s racist statements certainly aren’t helping.
@Patricia Kayden:
No one should feel overly confident this early. Especially Dems.
(P.S. Good morning.)
sm*t cl*de
@Randy P:
(it’s a survey of reviews, positive ones as well as critiques).
Should the dems use more and more women to mock and torment donald derp? His thin skin might actually start to ‘bleed’.
Schlemazel Khan
there are a couple of places to see it online
The guardian
gogol's wife
We couldn’t get into Shetland. I think because the hero was a creepy drug-dealing psychiatrist on a Lewis episode we’ve seen 5 times, we just couldn’t credit him.
We loved this season of Grantchester — boffo finale!
@sm*t cl*de:
Yes, realised my error to late to edit, then thought, it fits with how the lefties feel about our current govt. got in talking up the debt and deficit crisis that Labor created, which they have managed to triple in two and a half years. hypocrites all the way down.
Iowa Old Lady
I am very dismayed about Shaggydog.
This. I’m not going to feel safe until Hillary is elected and Donald is defeated.
On a happier note, I finished watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It was delightful, funny and did a great job portraying people who have been damaged without being depressing.
@Schlemazel Khan: Good post; thanks!
Old Dan and Little Anne
I took part in my very first Gallup poll yesterday. Only because I knew I had a good chance of telling a stranger that I thought Trump was a raging clown show. I was reminded by the woman on the phone when I did so to choose between disapprove of highly disapprove. She did not have a very good sense of humor. I am also a bit bummed that my cell # is now in a system. Rats!
@Steeplejack: We saw the Wallender episode too. I really enjoyed the cinematography and the real people outside the supporting players. I haven’t really paid attention to the show before, but like you I was amazed at the things he was able to do and survive. I guess he’s got a guardian angel looking out for him. ;-)
Lots of good messages in the story, without beating us over the head to badly about it.
It was pretty well done, I think.
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
Screw that. You don’t have to play the game by their rules. If they don’t like the way you play, they should go find a different playground for their merry-go-round rides.
And yes. I am always rude to unsolicited phone callers. If they don’t like it, they can go waste somebody else’s time.
@OzarkHillbilly: I think that it was Gallup that called us a couple of years ago. I was wary about answering the questions, but did so. I didn’t mind giving my opinions about things, but I really disliked the questions about our family income and the like at the end. I understand that there’s some value in showing how different economic groups view things, but one has no idea where that information goes once they collect it. They can look at Census data by zip code and the like if they want to make inferences and tie them to family economic conditions. I refused to answer those questions. The question-asker kept asking me to reconsider, that the results wouldn’t be meaningful with out them, etc., etc., but I didn’t yield.
Hello from Ireland. No internet for days previous, but learned Cruz and Kasich had folded. CNN is either international or Pres politics. Nothing else going on in world? Did hear about Aussie elections called, a horse won the Derby, and 16 Tony noms for Hamilton. Lotsa Canadians on this cruise. Invariably smarter than Ams about politics.
@gogol’s wife: This season of Grantchester was great, but hard to watch in many ways because it was about doing the right thing and having it blow up in your face. I really liked how the writers handled it. Sidney is a train wreck at times, but who isn’t? The Wallender episode did show Kurt taking some questionable chances, but in the previews he’s shown as being diagnosed with something at some point in the season, and I wonder if this behavior is a symptom? On another topic entirely, what’s up with the West VA state senate candidate being beaten nearly to death yesterday?
Schlemazel Khan
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
that is DOCTOR Jill Stein to you, buddy.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve reached the last step– my default is not answering unsolicited phone calls. Period. And it becomes -Definitely Do Not Answer- if there is no message or if the caller is unidentified. And I’m not going to ‘answer a few questions’ from anybody.
Like most people, I was trained to answer the phone– now, between robocalls, scams, and NOYB polling, I’ve trained myself to not answer the phone.
@Randy P: We have 7 cases of measles here in Memphis, more than the US. Don’t know how many more will get it.
1am was to late for me but looks like Anne Laurie got herself a TBOG award/
@seaboogie: Aw, so sorry seaboogie…
@RedDirtGirl: @Steeplejack: Second those recommendations! Just wish they had done more in the Single Handed series.
@MattF: I do the same with my cell phone. Unfortunately, we have no signal out here and therefor have a land line, sans message machine or caller ID. MY rudeness easily escalates.
I did a few telemarketing jobs in college. I try not to be rude.
But I no longer answer the phone, if I do not recognize the number :-)
I love that Obama vs Reagan statistic. That is sure to make wingnuts heads explode.
There was an article last week commenting on how the ascent of Trump has totally displaced the Evangelicals. They didn’t make the same mistake that they did in 2008, which was not get together to choose a candidate. They did that in 2012 – it was Rafael. And, now, a man has won that has absolutely nothing to fear from them, because he didn’t need them to get the nomination. He didn’t have to pander to their issues in order to win the nomination. They have been marginalized.
That’s what I believe. Put every Dem woman that they can on the campaign to mock Trump.
Elizabeth Warren has shown the way.
@rikyrah: The Evangelicals used to say that all they wanted was ‘a place at the table’. But ‘the table’ is where you negotiate– and negotiating isn’t part of their repertoire, so it just didn’t work. Der Trump saw that behavior and turned away.
Mike J
@MattF: And now people on the left want to repeat the same mistake with our party.
@Steeplejack: I just searched for Vera and Shetland on Tivo. It finds Vera on Hulu but doesn’t find anything for Shetland at all.
Where are you watching these shows?
This, with the added point that I’m the same way with anyone who approaches me in the street, even if it’s for a cause I believe in. Which I occasionally feel bad for, since I know these people fulfill a necessary role. But approaching a person you’ve never met out of the blue with your pet cause, be it in person or by phone, is something I’ll always treat as a violation of personal space. Fuck off, public nuisances.
@gene108: I learned to curb my impatience with those kinds of calls after my niece started working in the bank call center as her first job. Whenever I get a call I try to respond as I would like others to treat her. Most of the operators are just trying to earn a living and put food on the table for their families,
But I do enjoy stringing the ‘your windows is infected’ guy along. Since that is a scam he deserves less than 0 courtesy.
But, Trump did very well among evangelicals.
If anyone’s been marginalized, it’s maybe the religious leadership and some of the ideologues, but most of the flock hasn’t been marginalized. They’re front and center among the Trump voters. As you’d expect from the congregations in a movement that’s basically always been a safe haven for unreconstructed segregationists.
@Chris: Der Trump does well among self-described ‘Evangelicals’ who seldom or never go to church.
Morning. Not much happening besides usual work shenanigans but I’ve made decision. This week I either secure a car loan or repair the old car. Nearly a month of public transport & walking or begging rides is quite enough. Plus.my Achilles tendon is aching. Thanks for all the suggestions. The Honda Fit was terribly nice, but I think I’m that Yaris; basic, plain and left on the lot. Everything felt too nice and fancy. If I have trouble getting financed for an older car, then I’ll try a newer model.
@Chris: No, he didn’t with fundies who ‘follow’ nutter ‘priests’.
eta: mattf beat me to it.
Well one very very very small point in the dumpster’s favor.
Last week my company announced an intent of saving 75M in operating expenses. Last Friday the entire department received a meeting notice for this morning, 9am to 9:15am.
Is it wrong that I am completely excited at the possibility of being laid-off?
You can watch the transit of Mercury via a live stream here.
Does that include political phone bank calls?
@rikyrah: This I know: Men hate being laughed at by women. Of course, that’s usually in the context of having asked a woman out on a date first, but Trump seems to classify all women in terms of their potential hotness. So I have a strong presumption that Trump views mockery or ridicule from any woman as a form of sexual rejection.
@WaterGirl: The lamestream media, in this case, PBS.
@Linnaeus: For me I answer with a polite ‘I’m not interested’ and hang up. I know I’m registered and have the proper ID. I know when the election dates are and when early voting starts and where it is located. I also get enough mail from Nancy, Barak, Hillary and Elizabeth to meet my contribution needs. I just never make a contribution via credit card to a voice over the phone, even if was from Barak himself!.
Ah, well spotted. I believe it. It is my observation that right wing denominations always include a fair number of people who’re just along for the ride for tribal reasons but don’t necessarily care about trying to live the values, good or bad. I can definitely see those guys being the most Trump-friendly.
@Mr. Mack:
To answer for MomSense, it’s Maine. My grass just started greening. Probably a week away from leaves on the trees.
Even though we got an early (for us) jump on Spring back in late March, everything went on hold for a very cold April.
I spent a lot of effort getting ready for the transit of Venus back in 2012, and there was literally this single (giant) cloud formation that blocked the whole thing for me in an otherwise blue sky. Felt like a mocking God was mocking.
Fair enough. I can understand being a bit miffed at unsolicited calls and expressing that, although I try not to unless it’s an obvious scam (which has been pretty rare in my experience).
One reason that I ask about political calls specifically is that I’ve seen comments made here about the need for people to “do the work” if they want to have some influence on the direction of the Democratic Party in particular and liberal/progressive politics generally. That work includes making contact with potential voters, both over the phone and in person (I’ve done both for GOTV operations).
Ot but there is a headline that NC is going to sue the federal government over enforcement of HB2. I had to reead it twice to be sure who was sueing who. According to the gov. you can tell black people from white people but not trans from non trans. Truely enlightened.
A lot of pixels have made the supreme sacrifice on this blog about what Bernie should do now that he has virtually no chance of beating Hillary. Well I have a suggestion. He doesn’t have to stop his campaign but after hitting the high spots in NJ in the next day or so, why not come back to NC and stump for the local democrats., We have a governors race, a senate race, a full set of house seats. not to mention state offices. Come back to NC hold one of his large rallies and appear with a couple of the top of the ticket democrats. He can challenge his followers to get out and vote for down ballot democrats in the fall since the revolution has to be at the state and local level as well as the federal. The down ballot candidates might not pass the purity pony test but he will need them in Washington if he hopes to get anything done. If he did something like that it would also go a long way to prove that he is a team player and has no intention of blowing up the convention.
I usually say I’m not interested, thank you, or something similar – I’m not actually rude unless they insist and don’t take the hint. Political calling doesn’t happen all that often anyway, and it’s nowhere near the worst, if only because most of them are trained not to be pushy. The worst and most unable to take a hint by far is my alma mater calling to ask for money.
@Chris: @Chris:
Funny If it’s a student I probably will talk to them a bit to find out how things have changed on campus since I was there. I’m sure they have replaced the candles with electric lights by now.
My alma mater stopped doing that a while ago. I think they figured out that I didn’t have any money to give them.
I saw the transit of Mercury with my own eyes!
And now I’m blind.
I mean, I live in the same city and some of my best friends live right next door, so I don’t even have that reason. Maybe when my grad school in Miami starts doing it I’ll do the same as you.
Didn’t used to deter mine. I think what made me want to punch them the most was when they’d call at a time when I not only couldn’t afford to donate but was actually unemployed: “I have no job right now, I can’t afford to donate anything.” “I understand. Instead of fifty dollars, would you be willing to give just twenty five?” Which part of “I have no job” was too complex? I didn’t say “my salary got cut in half,” I said I HAVE NO FUCKING SALARY, so you get NOTHING! Good DAY sir!
@redshirt: Mercury should have a warning label, like this one.
Paul in KY
@gene108: Hope you gave that kid some money!
Paul in KY
@Baud: I expect them to have a ‘Come to Trumpus’ moment before now & election. Cannot rely on them to sit out.
@MattF: that’s a good one
Paul in KY
@MattF: @rikyrah: He does need them to win, though. He will have to kiss a bit of ass, IMO.
Paul in KY
@imonlylurking: Best wishes on whatever outcome you would want.
What’s with all the ads on BJ now?
@Barbara: They don’t seem to be carried by my PBS station. :-(
@Mr. Mack:
It snowed last week here in Maine.
Steeplejack (phone)
On PBS. Here in NoVA we are blessed with the flagship Virginia, Maryland and D.C. stations, and there are also some lesser stations like WETA-UK, which shows British programs pretty much all the time. And they “premiere” some series that aren’t big enough, I guess, for the main stations. The currently running episodes for Vera and Shetland are very new, according to IMDB.
Steeplejack (phone)
@gogol’s wife:
LOL. Fortunately, I got started on Shetland before I saw Douglas Henshall as a criminal on Dalziel and Pascoe. He really does make a creepy, repellant villain.
Somehow I missed him on Lewis, or just don’t remember him.
But Shetland is really good—worth quelling your revulsion.
El Caganer
If you’re in Philly and want to help new Americans register to vote, there’s an organization looking for volunteers:
@Steeplejack (phone): The books, Shetland is based on, are very good as well (Ann Cleeves). Also, would recommend Hinterland on Netflix also (police procedural set in Wales).
Okay, yeah, at that point, the caller needs to learn to not stick with the script.
Cleeves also wrote the books on which Vera is based. I haven’t read any of either series, which is strange, because I read a fair amount of crime fiction.
@Steeplejack: I did not know that. I’ve only read the Sheltland series. (I’ve watched “Vera”). Thanks for the heads up, may give the book series a try.
I guess it depends on how well insulated you are from any financial impact.
Good luck with whatever happens. Please let us know if you are affected by this.
I think that Sanders has lost a lot/most of any good will he may have had when he started his campaign specifically because he has done little to nothing for down ticket races. Even in towns where he campaigns. The people who scorned him early on for joining the democratic party to run were right, he doesn’t seem to care for the party he is trying represent. Which is us. And I disagreed then but see that I was wrong. He wants our votes but is not interested in us, the people who make up the party he joined about 10 minutes ago. We are after all a diverse group, with diverse needs and desires. So having a reasonable platform for the whole democratic party, is a lot like herding cats. It only works if we work together and compromise with each other on how we get things done to achieve our goals.
Mr. Mack
@MomSense: Gotcha. Can’t say I’m jealous.