Okay folks, here’s a shiny new thread for you to inhabit (infest?). I’m racking out shortly, but you all have fun.
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by Adam L Silverman| 56 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Okay folks, here’s a shiny new thread for you to inhabit (infest?). I’m racking out shortly, but you all have fun.
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Roger Moore
Definitely infest. We’re like a plague of vicious vitriolic jackals.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I think an idea for a next novel is starting to gel in my head. It has a beginning. It has an ending. It has part of a setting. It has 3-4 major characters.
Now all I need is a middle, including what the plot is actually about.
Ars has the latest chapter in the encryption saga…
I still think (as I’ve argued earlier) that some sort of compromise will eventually be found for encryption stuff. If a court can issue a search warrant that lets the authorities take all of your papers, then a search warrant for encrypted devices necessarily would seem to require unlocking of the encryption, too. Saying encrypted stuff is more important than physical papers does not seem supportable by the plain reading of the 4th Amendment:
How one finds that compromise when breaking encryption is so difficult, well, that’s an exercise for the reader.
Meh. I tried to fix a broken close tag and got thrown in moderation. Help?
I’m gonna inhabit the shit out of this thread. Good and hard.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: You’re free.
Adam L Silverman
@AkaDad: You’re still checking out that candidate’s open tabs from earlier aren’t you?
Prescott Cactus
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Any hints ? Aw come on !
ETA: College Sports?
How about the Pre-hired?
They’re doing the jobs employers wont hire Americans to do.
Somebody go fold my laundry for me. I don’t feel like it.
@Adam L Silverman: Whaaaaaaaaat?
I lol’d btw.
Impressed at the few comments on the Snowden and CIA threads.
Marketing sort of teaches us 80% of the population are sheep. I don’t suppose civilization could survive otherwise.
How many more times can we go over the same ground with the same people taking the same positions?
Prescott Cactus
@Mnemosyne: Put stuff on hangers or just fold ?
@Prescott Cactus:
Folding. I hate laundry.
@Prescott Cactus:
Though I will say that the Konmari method of folding t-shirts is frickin’ magical. Why did no one else think of folding them into rectangles and then standing them on end inside the drawer so you can find them? And they keep standing up even when the drawer is half-empty.
Prescott Cactus
I hate laundry too. I’m a hanger guy. I’m leaning towards pass. Sorry.
Prescott Cactus
@Mnemosyne: That looks like a great way to pack stuff in a suitcase.
@Mnemosyne: Sure, but you have to mow my lawn.
Hunter cat just dropped a rat on the back porch. Earlier today I watched him run down a bird in flight and catch it. Little guy is fast.
Mike J
Dog Dawg Damn
@Adam @Adam L Silverman: Been blowing through graphic novels suggested by you and others. Currently, really really obsessed with Scalped. Probably time to admit I’m not into the superhero books, except for the X-men and Punisher. Thoughts on which iterations of those franchises are the best?
@Mike J:
Understandable, but a bit heavy-handed, I’d say.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Prescott Cactus: Not sports. It’s a science fiction . . . thriller? . . . mystery? . . . exactly what isn’t clear. It’s set about 40 years in the future, and the protagonist is bioengineered to have greatly enhanced sensory capacity, at the expense of being able to talk as well as having an autistic like lack of certain social skills. The partialness of the setting is that I haven’t figured out the rest of the technological changes over the 40 years, and how they would play into the story.
I’m hoping to have something written up this week that might be the opening of the book, might be heavily modified into a scene in the middle of the book, and might end up not appearing in it at all, but would give some of the feel. When it’s done, I plan to post it on my blog.
Major Major Major Major
@sinnedbackwards: The one about the article from a year ago?
Major Major Major Major
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Yep, that’s the writing process.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Dog Dawg Damn: Try Grant Morrison’s run on Doom Patrol, though it might be worth trying to find it cheaper. His 26 issue run on Animal Man was damned good, too.
I’m currently re-reading my favorite run of a more traditional superhero series: Tom and Mary Bierbaum’s run (with Keith Giffen) on Legion of Superheroes and Legionnaires.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Just don’t make it post-apocalyptic with the fate of the entire universe in the balance if the hero fails. I’m really, really sick of those. I realized that I’ve been enjoying re-reading the Vorkosigan Saga because she presents a functional future where people are living actual day-to-day lives in the background of everything else.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Oh, good call. I’ve not yet gotten around to reading any of his stuff. Invisibles looks interesting too.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
For all who missed it in an earlier thread, some wingnut running for Congress in my district (the Fightin’ 8th!) in Virginia put a screen shot of something he wanted people to see on his campaign Facebook page. What he most likely hoped they would not see were the two tabs he left open in the screen shot on which he’d been looking at porn. I guess this guy’s political career will be thankfully short, if not uneventful…
1. Sanders and Clinton supporters unite.
2. Wave election.
3 Dems control Congress.
4. Pass progressive legislation.
1. Sanders’ supporters throw tantrums
2. Trump wins.
3. Apocalypse.
Prescott Cactus
@burnspbesq: We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sander Campaign’s penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior Sounds Bundy like. Love Ralston.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Found your Kickstarter page and Amazon page. Your blog I can not find and I’d like to track it’s progress. lil help ?
Mike J
@AkaDad: Almost certainly 95%+ of Sanders supporters are level headed people who will do everything they can to stop Trump. The other 5% won’t lead to apocalypse because they were either 1) Randroids or b) non-voters. We weren’t going to get their vote no matter what happened. We didn’t get them the last two times and we won handily.
@Mike J:
A data point in support of your thesis: at least one of the people I’ve Unfriended said if Sanders doesn’t get the Dem nomination, she’d vote for Jill Stein, like she did in 2012. Thus revealing herself to be a frikkin’ idiot; hence the Unfriending.
@Major Major Major Major: Well, gee, I guess that would explain it.
The response was boredom and a desire to comment on how little response it had, not realizing how geriatric it was.
Maybe I should sleep more and BJ less.
@Mike J:
There you go usiing logic and reason against my perfectly good hyperbole.
Mike J
@CaseyL: We’re somewhat privileged here in Washington that we have a lot of margin for error with idiots in presidential campaigns. The only downside is that we have had statewide elections that are tighter than a gnat’s asshole, and we do need even the idiots for those.
@Dog Dawg Damn: The best Punisher book is Garth Ennis’s Punisher Max. I’m not generally a fan of Ennis’s, but he was perfectly suited to writing that one.
Note: Punisher Max was the adult like of comics. Shit gets gory. And graphic. And terrible in a lot of ways.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Actually sounds a lot like the protagonist of Peter Watts’ Blindsight
Dog Dawg Damn
@Peter: cool. Definitely likes parts of Preacher. As long as he stays away from romance and women, it’s pretty fun. The Blood Meridian homage that opens volume 3 is one of the best sequences I’ve ever read.
ARGH need a rant away from my real name! We’re having ugly internal politics: our Head of School (an Alpha Mean Girl) and her boss the Head of our Research School (another Alpha Mean Girl) are in a feud. What this means for my school is that we were supposed to hire someone on a 50% contract who’s been working casually for 2 years and doing amazing things, but the HoRS just vetoed the hire with no justification or consultation to screw over the HoS. There’s no way to appeal the decision and no explanation will be forthcoming. We’re going to keep the guy on as a casual as long as our budget can cover it, but this is supreme suck for him and deeply deeply frustrating for the rest of us caught in the middle. I hate university administrators. The worst petty Napoleons.
how come my nym and email don’t populate any more? using chrome under win 7.
@Mnemosyne: Try reading some of John Scalzi’s more recent stuff. Lock In and Redshirts are both really good and involve no fates of the universe.
I am so over the uglitude of this political process this year*, that I am now watching “Unlikely Animal Friends” on Netflix as an antidote. Animals – even usual predator/prey – have more comity than the erstwhile hoomans in the US Congress will ever achieve.
*Canada’s longest election cycle was 81 days. Oh yes. The last one was 78 days. One reason I miss living in Canada. The other reason is, well, reason….they have more of that.
KS in MA
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Go for it! Just remember, what it’s about is much more important than the plot. As if I need to tell you!
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Mnemosyne: No apocalypse. I can’t think of anything I’ve written or have had a desire to write that comes anywhere close to one. This one might have some big picture political implications, which is larger than what I usually do, but that would be about it.
@Prescott Cactus: Just click on my name in any of my comments. It links to my webpage, from which there is a link to the blog.
@TheMainGaucheofMildReason: I’m unfamiliar with both the author and the title. I’ll give it a look. Who knows, it might cancel this whole project.
Edit: Well, a quick glance at the Blindsight page on Amazon indicates that, while the protagonist may be similar, the stories are nothing alike. So, I’m good to go.
@seaboogie: We’re having a nearly unprecedented 8 week election right now down in Australia. It’s ugly–a whole US election cycle crammed into 2 months complete with racist pols, Murdoch papers attacking regular people who have the gall to question wingers about their trickle down policies and knee-jerk hippy/green party punching–but it will be over on 3 July.
@TheMightyTrowel: E.G. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-17/duncan-storrar-thanks-australia-for-support-after-qanda/7420918
Prescott Cactus
@seaboogie: Hope you are back to pre crisis mode and that life is returned to 100% normal. Hope things are good with the landlady and that freezer is quiet. Alos found a 2013 update on Tubular Bells. Surround Sound.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Was using Google… Tom much noise.
Mike J
If you vote for that ducking you;re voting for genocide.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I’ll also need to research some of the stuff that goes into a police procedural. This story isn’t quite that, but kind of close. The protagonist works for the FBI, especially in investigating crime scenes and participating in interrogations.
@CaseyL: I will lay big odds that Jeff Weaver ends up working for Jill Stein when this is all said and done. Bernie will endorse in the end. But there will be more bullshit between now and that time. Sadly.
i like it.
@Mnemosyne: You’ll like this then: How to fold fitted sheets.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Car chase.
Miss Bianca
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Sounds like you’re most of the way there!
I’m getting to your book, btw – I’m in the middle of rehearsals for “King Lear”, so life has taken a crazy turn, but it’s working its way up the stack!