From the “Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver” file [via TPM]:
An ally to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton seemed to suggest Wednesday that women—ugly women, to be specific—wouldn’t tolerate presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump’s misogynistic rhetoric.
Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania and mayor of Philadelphia, surmised to The Washington Post in an article posted Wednesday that Trump would have “some appeal” among working-class Democrats in his state, but that he’d lose out among Republican women.
“For every one he’ll lose 1½, two Republican women,” Rendell told the Post’s Dave Weigel. “Trump’s comments like ‘You can’t be a 10 if you’re flat-chested,’ that’ll come back to haunt him. There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women. People take that stuff personally.”
Sweet A-Cup Jeebus, Rendell. Maybe STFU? Forever?
Open thread!
oh shit, this fucking guy.
Seriously? Holy crap what a dumb thing to say!
Well, it’s certainly my motivation.
Mike J
I read someone saying that at this point when they hear the name Ed Rendell they just start feeling embarrassed without waiting to find out what stupid thing he said. Saves time.
Betty Cracker
@chopper: Wasn’t he one of the more annoying asshole PUMA-pols back in aught-eight? I don’t remember anything specific — just a vague sense that this is an unserious and irritating person.
Mike R
Has anyone ever seen him make a statement in which he didn’t come across as an ass?
I have never lived in PA, but from what I have seen and read on him I have grown to really dislike this guy over the years. What an ass.
The ratio of dumb to intelligent moderate aging Democratic politician males being…
Dave Weigel has an article in the Post, about the conversation he had with Rendell. The comment although insensitive was taken out of context. It was an attempt at a bad joke. link I’m not defending Rendell, just mentioning that there is more to the story.
I once heard Ed Rendell speak live back when I was a high school student. I was so excited because I had some silly high-school-kid-thinks-is-smart question I wanted to ask him. Then I listened to his speech.
When it came time for the audience to ask questions, I froze in my seat, because I could not believe how awful his speech was. I don’t even remember the content, I just remember the feeling of revulsion I had at seeing this guy, who the organizers had hyped up to be a visionary Democratic politician, be so against people.
False equivalency. Rendell does not equal Trump. In fact, it is not even a difference in degree. It is a difference in kind.
Hillary is not responsible for every dumb-ass remark made by someone who supports her.
Trump is responsible for every dumb-ass remark that comes out of his own mouth.
Eric U.
he was ok for the time he was governor, but yeah, he was miserable earlier. I’ve been glad he has been out of the limelight recently
Tom Q
Chris Matthews thinks Ed Rendell is one of the smartest guys around, which is all you need to know.
He’s been a bad surrogate for two decades — for Gore, for Kerry, for Clinton. When the Deepwater Horizon leak happened, he thought Obama should have put on a wet suit to reassure everyone. He’s almost in Bill Kristol territory for faulty instincts.
Major Major Major Major
Heh. Oh lord.
Never underestimate a Democrat’s ability to have a brain fart
@Betty Cracker:
yeah, he was a real piece of shit in 2008. glad to see things haven’t changed so i can keep hatin’ on him without having to do any homework.
Now we’ll hear “Democrats are the real sexists” and the media will buy it because bothsiderism. It’s not too late to blow this thing, someone get me Mark Penn!
It takes somebody like Rendell to make you really appreciate how relatively few gaffes Crazy Uncle Joe makes. Sheesh.
Germy Shoemangler
Does the MSM purposely seek out “surrogates” like Rendell, knowing they’ll get a tasty and stupid soundbyte to splatter across their headlines? Or do they genuinely believe he has something intelligent to say?
Villago Delenda Est
As I said over at Wonkette, I do love unforced errors.
Ed Rendell is a moran.
O/T. Morley Safer has died. Haven’t watched 60 Minutes for many years, but I always liked him. RIP.
@oldgold: But the media has to show “both sides” so if anyone, even an internet troll of unknown party says something negative about woman but says they are affiliated with Hillary, then, of course, it is what Hillary really believes so she might as well have ‘said it’. Blame Hillary even if the smears are proven false, because where there is ‘make believe fire’, then there is absolute proof Hillary set it ….
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Robby Mook needs to put out an all points bulletin to old DLCers to stop opining about anything. He seems to have found a closet for Bill to stay locked in. If Hillary needs surrogates, there are a lot of younger more articulate ones all over the place.
@SiubhanDuinne: He just retired last week.
Villago Delenda Est
@Germy Shoemangler: The MSM itself is interested ONLY in the horse race narrative, and doing everything they can to sustain it, because it’s the only model they know, policy is boring, and its the way to get ratings, because this is about the Tubmans all the fucking time. Our media model is so badly flawed, I don’t see of a way short of a meteor to change it.
So, yes, they seek out “surrogates” who say things that are very stupid and might enhance the horse race.
Germy Shoemangler
@SiubhanDuinne: He just retired, like two minutes ago. Last Sunday’s 60Minutes showed a highlight reel from his Vietnam reporting days.
Villago Delenda Est
@SiubhanDuinne: Another one of the greats is gone. In his place, we have offal like Don Lemon.
Chyron HR
@Germy Shoemangler:
“I’m a white male age 18 to
49death! Everyone listens to me, no matter how dumb my suggestions are!”different-church-lady
Thanks for the help, Ed.
Oh lawd . . . .
Germy Shoemangler
@Villago Delenda Est:
agreed. And so I turn to PBS snooze hour, and Gwen Ifill does the same stupid thing. Last Friday during their roundtable show (washington week in review?) I saw a talking head who apparently was new on the show. He went into some detail about policy. The others looked at him like he was insane. Gwen cleared her throat and returned to the horserace narrative.
My favorite from Gwen Ifill, during last years attempt to repeal the ACA: “If “obamacare” is repealed, how does this affect the candidates politically?”
My wife looked up from her knitting and asked “What?? if the ACA is repealed, how does it affect everyone losing their insurance? Isn’t that a better question?”
I actually can see what Rendell was trying to say, but Jaysus did it come out wrong.
Germy Shoemangler
@Chyron HR: … and they don’t even see their privilege.
? Martin
Geez, guys. Can we simply accept that old white men have been steeped for so long in old white male privilege that we’re all going to fuck this up, regardless of party? The only real difference is whether you recognize that there is a real generational gap and which side of that gap you’re with – preserving the 1950s or passing the mantle to the next generation.
Of course Rendell said something stupid – his brain was wired in a different time. But anyone interested in something other than linkbaiting the electorate would know that the result he supports is one that he obviously can’t articulate well. He’s on the right side of this, we know that, everyone else does too. Forgive his gaffe.
Just Some Fuckhead, Clinton Supporter
On December 26, 2010, the Philadelphia Eagles home game against the visiting Minnesota Vikings was postponed before any snow had fallen due to an impending blizzard in Philadelphia. Rendell said of the postponement, “My biggest beef is that this is part of what’s happened in this country. We’ve become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything. If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game? People would have been marching down to the stadium, they would have walked and they would have been doing calculus on the way down.” As a result, the grounds crew piled snow on his reserved seat the following game, and topped it with a sign that said “This seat reserved for non-wusses”.
Nothing like Trump.
What’s new, he’s always been a stupid shit. Fortunately I don’t think anyone real gives a damn what he says.
Has anybody seen Rendell and Dana Rohrabacher in the same room? I have a theory. …
Well, it’s true, if not artfully stated.
Actually, I know that this guy was supposed to say that women should not be judged by their appearance, period. Yeh, it was a jerkface thing to say. I’m not even going to say that his heart was in the right place.
Take him in back of the shed, correct him if you can, and move on.
Germy Shoemangler
@? Martin: good point.
Of course they do! Because that, is now, their job.
Ben Cisco
@SiubhanDuinne: Damn, a week after retiring:
Germy Shoemangler
Personally I don’t think there are any “ugly” women. Every woman I’ve ever seen has been charming in her own unique way. I understand there are rigid standards of beauty based on weight and certain facial bone structures, but I find something beautiful in every woman I see. Maybe I’m just an old horndog.
@? Martin:
” Geez, guys. Can we simply accept that old white men have been steeped for so long in old white male privilege that we’re all going to fuck this up, regardless of party? ”
Speaking as a early stage old white guy: No.
It as offensive and stupid and showed little understanding of how humans think.
But, since having useless pundits and surrogates ramble on for hours, and answering pointless offensively editorializing questions from ignorant and shiftless news actors on the TV is what passes for news and analysis in the US, I guess everyone will say something stupid sooner or later.
Not sure what this post on HRC is doing on a blog devoted to attacking Sanders, but it proves that HRC is Satan, just as Sanders is the devil.
Germy Shoemangler
You mean like Old Yeller, don’t you.
Amir Khalid
Off topic, but CBS is reporting that its longtime journalist Morley Safer, who retired last week after more than half a century with the network, has died.
Didn’t you know? Hillary deliberately sabotaged healthcare reform in the 90s ’cause she’s just that evil.
I’m not even going to say who said that, because he’s probably sobered up by now, but I’m still boggled.
Forget it Jake, it’s Philadelphia
Amir Khalid
Misogyny is offensive to any decent person — man or woman, physically beautiful or not. Ed Rendell didn’t have to bring women’s looks into it.
While provably true, that right there is the political equivalent of stepping on a rake in your own front yard. I can say that shit all day long; I’m not running for or in office. He can’t. No wonder his career has been on a long slow spiral downwards, dude has no filter.
@? Martin: I absolutely do for exactly the reasons you articulate. I’m just a bit younger than his age cohort, but we’re wired for some pretty stupid shit too, and I can all too easily see myself saying this and worse. I hopefully wouldn’t in public, though. But I might!
@Amir Khalid:
Not withstanding the fact that Ed’s got a face made for radio that only a mother could love
Mike in NC
The US media is totally in the tank for Drumpf because he’s a controversial reality TV personality who’s spent four decades mugging for the cameras. They know a money maker when they see one. His moronic tweets get amplified as if they were the word of God.
Drumpf is a hero to the same people who adored George Zimmerman.
@Mnemosyne: I know! In sportspeak, Rendell has turned a layup into an airball, has knocked a tap-in putt into the nearest lake. This should have been easy:
“All of the women Donald Trump says are “not a 10″ are beautiful to someone. They are the mothers, wives, daughters, and friends that someone loves deeply. Mr. Trump tells us that the worth of these women is measured by how well they fulfill his own distorted standards of beauty. He could not be more wrong. It is common wisdom that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If Mr. Trump’s narrow definition of beauty keeps him from seeing it in all these women, that’s his problem.”
Ben Cisco
@Mike in NC:
Unfortunately, had to be fixed.
Fast Eddie has been worthless ever since he got reelected in 2006.
@Mnemosyne: I’m still boggled, too. He never told us where that information came from, but I’m guessing it’s the same source that knows all about the BRINKS TRUCKS.
Ed Rendell? Have you seen Ed Rendell lately? That guy’s maybe a 3. Also, lmao re
The Itty Bitty Titty Committee
@? Martin: Zero tolerance is the foundation of the indentity-driven warrior ethos. Your very existence is objectionable.
We have a whole generation who appear to be right out of a Kundera novel.
Ben Cisco
In my zoomie days at Bergstrom, we lost two SMSGTs in a row within a three-month period when both retired – and then died within a month of their DOR.
@oldgold: Correct. Although I think she can strike Ed Rendell from the VP list. (Please make it Tom Perez, Secretary of Labor, pretty please.)
By the way, for all the folks who think President Trump could not be worse, and might be better than President Clinton, i give you John Yoo (a possible AG in a Trump Administration), from Steve M at No More Mister Nice Blog:
…John Yoo writing in National Review: “…Everyone on the list is an outstanding legal conservative. All are young, smart, and committed. They would excel in any comparison with anyone whom Hillary Clinton would appoint to the Supreme Court.
… These names are a Federalist Society all-star list of conservative jurisprudence. In the interest of full disclosure, I will note that I count several of them as colleagues and friends. It is a good sign that, on one of a president’s most important decisions, Trump clearly turned to the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation for advice.
… Many have run for office and already know what it is like to be attacked by the Left. They may prove more immune to the pressure from the New York-Washington liberal media/academic elite that has managed to sway Justice Anthony Kennedy and other Republican appointees.
… I am thrilled by this list.”
And who better than Ed Rendell to discuss women’s attractiveness since he is such a spectacularly attractive man.
Van Buren
Just a little brotherly love, that’s all.
@Mike in NC: Yep. He is great for ratings and click bait. What else matters.
randy khan
Actually, that’s too wordy. If Rendell had just skipped the offending sentence, it would have been fine:
It makes the point without saying the stupid part.
@Betty Cracker: I think the inside the beltway people seek Rendell out when they feel the need to counterbalance the assholish factor on the Republican side so they can say both sides do it. I can’t think of another reason to engage that relic in current event discussions. He has absolutely nothing else of value to add.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
He’s a typical DLCer who should shut the fuck up. He one of those both siders, Obama should have been nicer to the rethug types.
Old man not with the times should keep his mouth closed and allow us to maintain some level of mystery as to his intelligence. For example he at one point suggested a Mark Warner or Joe Mancin as good VP choices.
@sherparick: John Yoo is still a young man, IDK why he isn’t on that list too. But David Addington was always the real brain.
@Germy Shoemangler: Finally! You, I think, may be the first* to point out, somewhat indirectly, that “ugly” and “beautiful” are value judgements. What Trump and Rendell are both doing is stating what gives them their jollies as facts. I find it pretty icky, myself.
(* Apologies to the many unread comments that might render this incorrect.)
See, that would be too much like right.
Whenever Ed Rendell or Harold Ford Jr. is on Moanin’ Joe, I used to always end up screaming “shut up” at the tv. Now, I just change the channel. I’m supposed to hate Joe. I’m not supposed to hate other Dems.
@Ben Cisco: Probably it was his declining health that led to his decision. In a sense, he got to attend his own wake with the celebration of his retirement.
@rikyrah: Thanks, rikyrah. Made my day!
Wasn’t Rendell the “Walking around money” guy?
I can’t think of anything remotely useful that has ever escaped Ed Rendell’s lips.
He’s one of those longtime Clinton surrogates that they hang onto, despite the lack of any measurable benefit in the 21st century.
Note to Hillary, send the dinosaurs like Ed to the tar pits.
@Mike J: This. I definitely feel this way.
ThresherK (GPad)
@SiubhanDuinne: When the 60 Minutes fete of him was promoted earlier this month I thought he had passed.
Mike J
This thread isn’t going to hit a TBU because no sane person wants to defend the indefensible. Nobody is going to say, “I have a video of Ed Rendell not being an ass, so that’s proof he was never an ass!”
@CONGRATULATIONS!: Its kind of the equivalent of “Stupid people need representation too.”
Apparently Rendell is a “glass half empty” type. And an asshole.
As someone who now knows quite a bit more about the early government of the US thanks to a certain musical, I’m even MORE pissed off that a bunch of anti-government assholes have stolen the good name of the Federalists, who very clearly wanted a strong central government with broad taxation powers. Fuck them right in the ear.
A shitty candidate begets shitty surrogates.
It sounded like a good statement up until “There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women.” If you remove that from the block you commented, it was a decent argument. Some people just don’t know when to stop.
I guess that explains Cornell West, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, and Rosario Dawson.
@randy khan: OK, shorter: Trump said your Mom is ugly.
Dog Dawg Damn
Flashbacks to 2008. Wish some of these dinosaurs would be put out to pasture.
@Mnemosyne: Jeff freaking Weaver
Jim, Foolish Literalist
i thought that about Eddie before I heard about this
@NR: Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Cornel West, Michael Moore, Jeff Weaver, Dr Whores, and the ‘you should be hung [sic]’ Bros send you their love, Tiger
the Conster, la Citoyenne
He’s not a surrogate, and he’s no Tim Robbins, I’ll give you that.
You forgot Killer Mike.
ETA: To be fair though, most Bernfeelers have too.
As in “Pinky and?”
@Ben Cisco: I worked at a convenience store for a while and one of the regulars would tell me every day how many days it was until he retired from the Ford plant in St. Paul. He finally made it to retirement and then realized how much he hated spending time with his wife and step-son (the step-son was a regular too – really creepy). He’d come in more and more drunk and complaining about his family. The last time he came in he nearly dropped his trousers at the front counter while fishing through his pockets for change. He died within a couple months of the retirement that he’d been so looking forward to.
I’m nearing retirement age now. I want to stay at work long enough so I don’t have to worry about keeping a roof over my head, but I sure as hell don’t want to end up working until I die. My heart goes out to Safer and his family and to the poor guy from the Ford plant.
Early on-set dementia? Best way to explain such crazy.
It’s not your age that’s the problem it’s the way we are trained to think. You don’t have to keep doing that, we are supposed to be intellegent mammals and really are responsible for ourselves. I realize that we don’t all seem to have that capability but it is there.
Bob In Portland
Meanwhile, outside the Balloon Juice dome…
IIRC, one of the common times to get divorced is after both partners retire, because some couples only realize then that they’ve drifted apart and don’t want to be with that person anymore.
dr. bloor
@Germy Shoemangler:
Since he’s hosting this year’s convention, it’s not like they had to look very hard.
Is Ed Actually part of the Clinton campaign?
dr. bloor
Ed Rendell. Congenital condition.
Bob In Portland
Meanwhile, outside the Balloon Juice dome….
@Bob In Portland:
I wonder who that other candidate could be that 13 percent of those polled are still holding out for until the primary is over. I bet it’s Jeb.
Villago Delenda Est
@Bob In Portland: Rasmussen. What a joke.
Hey, Bob, have you denounced the Eurovision Song Contest yet?
Yay, Trump voter in Portland has shown up.
Harold Samson
All this beating up on “our own” when they say things that the MSM can spin into yet another ridiculous “controversy,” it really resembles the behavior of an abused wife walking ever so fearfully and delicately around the abusive husband.
dr. bloor
@germy: I hate the Kochs with the heat of a thousand suns, but it sure is enjoyable watching Trump get dick-slapped by guys with real money.
Betty Cracker
@NR: Hi Stillwell Angel!
@Bob In Portland: @Bob In Portland:
Meanwhile, inside the conservative rectum…
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Mnemosyne: Rasmussen weights their polls with 37% Republicans. Only 27% (!!) of voters identify as Republican.
@Bob In Portland:
Fox News and Rasmussen have consistently shown Trump ahead of Clinton, while no one else has. Both pollsters are notorious for being massive outliers that consistently lean Republican, especially early in the cycle.
Here’s a list of polls. You can very clearly see the pattern I’m talking about.
I wonder which front pager could be talked into doing a post that explains all of the myriad ways a polling company can stack the deck to get the results they want. It seems like it would be something that Richard, Adam, or Tom could do.
Amir Khalid
You seem to be claiming that Hillary begat Ed Rendell i.e. that she is literally his mother. Let’s just chalk that up to poor English.
As for blaming a surrogate’s poor choice of words on the candidate, it would be very easy to point out that Bernie’s surrogates too have said stupid things. Think of Cornel West and the chip on his shoulder, or Susan Sarandon and her Naderite nihilism. But the surrogates are a sideshow. They aren’t the ones running for President, and their relationship with the campaigns is probably quite informal. That’s why we are criticising a surrogate’s poorly chosen words here, and not the candidate.
Boob doesn’t care about facts.
He’s here to shill for Novorossiya’s interests in the US. Putin wants a Trump Presidency, ergo, so does Boob.
@srv: By the way, John Yoo has already written the legal opinion justifying every thing Trump wants to do. More Steve M.
“…Have you decided that you’re going to sit out a Trump-Clinton general election — or maybe even vote for Trump in order to help “heighten the contradictions” — because you think Clinton is so awful and hey, what’s the worst that can happen in a Trump presidency? Well, what can happen is that Trump could seat two, three, or even four High Court justices from a list that has “thrilled” a man who said the president of the United States (back when the president was a Republican) has the legal right to order the testicles of a child crushed in order to persuade the child’s terror-suspect father to talk….”
But the are not the testicles of Sanders and his upper middle class supporters at Salon, so it will just “heigthen the contradictions.”
Bob In Portland
@FormerSwingVoter: Yes, the old ones have Clinton in the lead.
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne: It definitely won’t be me — I was told there’d be no math!
@ThresherK (GPad):
Bob In Portland
@Cacti: Everything’s sunny inside the dome.
Meanwhile, why the complaining about Rendell. He’s been a consistent Hillary supporter, and a consistent fracking supporter.
Soylent Green
@Bob In Portland: good one, Bob, linking to Rasmussen, the paragon of polling accuracy.
Individual polls don’t tell you anything. All I know is that it’s a close race. I wonder what Bob and NR are doing about it, other than posting comments here?
Bob In Portland
@Amir Khalid: Ed Rendell is a corporate Democrat. He’s part of Hillary’s group. You don’t like him saying dumb things that’s your problem. I worry about the corrupt things he does.
@Bob In Portland:
Virtually all of them except the most recent two – from Fox and Rasmussen – show Clinton in the lead.
This isn’t hard. You’re literally trying not to understand. The two least trustworthy pollsters are not the ones you should look at to the exclusion of all others.
Bob In Portland
@starscream: I housed a Bernie campaign organizer coming up to the Tuesday’s primary. I voted. That’s what I did.
What am I going to do about Hillary losing to Trump? Well, I’ve warned people inside the dome that she’s got high negatives, but I was told that high negatives mean nothing. Apparently, they mean nothing to Trump voters. So maybe losing in polls means nothing too. So I guess that there really isn’t anything I have to do, because Hillary’s negative polls mean nothing. And you guys don’t have to do anything either, because having a disliked untrustworthy candidate that’s losing in the polls to fascist POS means that Hillary is gonna win.
Bob In Portland
@FormerSwingVoter: Except for the recent two…
Okay, except for the most recent polls everything is fine. Great. Sorry I disturbed you. On with the coronation!
Poor Phil Mickelson. First he pays too much in taxes and now he has to pay back money he made from insider trading.
All women are beautiful to Baud!
@Bob In Portland: I’ve never lived in PA so I haven’t had the experience of living under a Rendell administration. My first exposure to him came while watching “The Art of The Steal” a wonderful documentary about how the Barnes Collection was “allowed” to move from the small building in the suburbs of Philly into it’s new building in downtown. Basically, they got a bunch of judges over the years to break Old Man Barnes’ will. It’s both terrific and horrifying. Go watch it.
Anyway, Rendell shows up at a gala somewhere in Philly bragging about how great it will be to have to collection in downtown instead of the beautiful purpose-built building that Barnes built.
Bob In Portland
Bob In Portland
@Hal: Is still peddling drugs?
@Bob In Portland:
Anyone curious about this should just check out the link:
Does this look like Rasmussen or Fox are outliers? Or does it look like Clinton is going to lose?
We’ll have more polls soon enough to see for certain. But I’m not going to take Rasmussen or Fox polls seriously until they start coming within a few points of other polls, either because they’re showing more Clinton support or everyone else starts showing more Trump support. Outliers are not more accurate than consensus.
@Hal: Surely he makes a ton of money doing those commercials?
@germy: He’s rich but bitched back in 2013 that high taxes keep him from “working” more. Also, is it just me or does he look like someone who had one of those face transplants?
Gelfling 545
@gbear: Both my brothers died before they got within hailing distance of retirement so for this, among other reasons, I retired the minute a reasonably could (I had a decent pension plan from my job along with retiree health coverage so it was easier). I did a variety of interesting part time jobs until social security kicked in and have not regretted it for a minute. I’ve been retired for 8 years now and my health is better than it was when I was 10 years younger so I recommend moving along & making room for the next generation when possible.
An old friend of my Dad’s found he hated being home also but he managed to find himself some not too demanding part time jobs & volunteer work. My aunt who had not worked since she was 19 found she did not like her husband being around all the time when he retired, so she went out & found herself a job. There’s usually a solution to these problems that doesn’t involve excess alcohol.
Bob In Portland
@FormerSwingVoter: Great. Like I said in #120. No worries. Don’t give it another thought.
@Bob In Portland:
You know, I almost have to admire the total lack of self-awareness that allows you to come into a thread about sexism and post an article with this line in it:
Yep, that’s the way to win over women voters!
randy khan
LOL. That’ll do the trick.
Ben Cisco
@gbear: Agreed. I’ve got a while before I can even contemplate getting to that point, and a long-since empty house to come home to. Punching out that quick would definitely make that worse.
Delicious that the Koch bucks are turning gold into lead before everybody’s eyes. Yes brothers, do give us President Johnson now that the whole President Walker thing seems to have gone awry.
Libertarians are so cute I’d like to pinch their little cheeks.
@Gelfling 545: I’ve been sober since 1984 so alcohol isn’t going to be part of my retirement. I do want to get rid of my needy old (1895) house and get an apartment so that I can travel for weeks at a time, but I don’t think I can dump my job until I’m 65. Two of my 3 sisters retired last year; one is doing a lot of travelling with her husband after having successful heart surgery and the other is staying put in her rural home and getting sucked into some christian hate groups (her Facebook page became horribly toxic). I want to follow the first sister’s example only without the surgery.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne: In addition to Boob’s intense desire to guzzle Vlad’s splooge, he’s an MRA.
I’m shocked, shocked.
@chopper: my thoughts exactly. hopefully mark penn and lanny davis stay disappeared.
Fast Eddie Rendell has been slipping for many years.
sunny raines
its a shame rendell never got his foot-in-mouth disease treated – what as Asshat.
Rendell? Is he still calling himself a Democrat? He’s from Pennsylvania, the state where nothing works because that function [whatever you’re looking for] was probably privatized.
J R in WV
@Ben Cisco:
Believe me I thought about this as I approached retirement!!!
But since retiring I’ve built a (small) new home, traveled to Europe and in America, had much fun, learned to operate a backhoe, still going strong.
Well, I was certainly wrong about Rendell! Never mind.
@Napoleon: he was a great mayor for Philly and a good governor. He’s also a total loudmouth dumbfuck corrupt piece of shit.
I lived in Philadelphia when Ed Rendell was District Attorney, Congressman and Mayor, in Pennsylvania while he was Governor. Met him at couple of public functions, shook his hand once or twice. Owe him nothing. Never voted for him for Mayor, tho his elections to that office inspired no worries that a vote for the Socialist Worker’s candidate would affect the outcome.
I think he was a capable and honest administrator in the offices he held. Would say that his mayoral record favored the ‘downtown-business’ interest more than the neighborhoods. ‘Worked with’ a GOP legislature for his gobernatorial terms, got some liberal actions done despite them. (Though I have been on the periphery of conversations where they classified him as a “complete socialist”)
He is pushing 80, unlikely to hold any office in the future. If he sticks to commentating on football…
But he was an probably an assistant DA before he heard of “womens liberation”, his attitudes towards women are from the Mad Men era, and he was spoken of as a ‘horndog’ twenty years ago – though his ex-wife has compiled a good record as a federal judge.
To paraphrase John Scalzi “The failure mode for ‘charming dirty old man’…”
Uncle Cosmo
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Bangalore! What Raz passes off as “polling” is nothing so much as Reince Preibus disemvoweled, i.e., RNC PR BS. Essentially it’s statistical malpractice with malice aforethought tricked out in a “turnout model” figleaf of justification. The degree to which the MSM gives him any credibility at all is an indication of how much they’re in the tank for the Rethugs.