Gingrich Lobbying to be Trump’s Running Mate
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) May 23, 2016
— Greg Pinelo (@gregpinelo) May 23, 2016
Jim Newell, at Slate, on “the perfect running mate for Donald Trump”:
… Gingrich, in his trademark way of exuding unsubtlety in the execution of what he believes to be a stealth operation, is angling for the vice presidency even more aggressively than Trump is angling for the presidency. When Gingrich responded to a question about the inexperience of Trump’s foreign policy advisers by instructing Slate’s Isaac Chotiner to read both The Art of the Deal and The Art of the Comeback, such a shameless non sequitur could only be read as that day’s canned talking point in his campaign for the vice presidency. Gingrich was among the earliest bold-name political figures to liaise between Trump and official Republican Washington. Like Chris Christie, Gingrich may have realized that taking the plunge early with the party’s incoming standard-bearer was the best way to position himself for a sweet gig down the road—and perhaps persuade Trump to help retire lingering campaign debt.
Trump basks in what normals might consider uncomfortable levels of flattery, and so, by several accounts—including Trump’s own mouth—Gingrich has successfully implanted himself on his new master’s veep shortlist. Though Gingrich has said Trump would need “psychiatric help” if the presumptive nominee were to select him as his running mate, he definitely will not rule himself out. The former speaker of the House is now a ubiquitous force in the Trump effort, selling him in the media and advising him on policy and politics…
For all of his put-on suck-uppery, Gingrich is one of the few people on Earth who can understand what it’s like to be in Trump’s shoes. Gingrich, over a more gradual period of time and climaxing in the 1994 elections, blew up an existing political era—that of the Democrats’ supposedly permanent House majority. He knows what it is to have the world looking in horror at you for shattering their reality, much as they’re looking at Trump now. He can brief Trump about how to weather this and, should Gingrich cave to the sort of introspection that neither he nor his tutee are known for but which may exist somewhere deep inside, teach him from his own mistakes….
I’m old enough to remember The Rain Reign of Speaker Newt, and this is good news for Democrats. The Newt’s thin skin and enormous ego are indeed very reminiscent of a certain short-fingered vulgarian, and Gingrich’s inability to keep his eye on the prize (or his pecker in his pants) were largely responsible for the implosion of the GOP’s ‘new permanent majority’ twenty years ago. Putting him under the lights with Deadbeat Donald over the next five months would mean taking bets on which of the two would throw a total pants-soiling hissy-fit first… and whether it would be directed at the other half of the ticket.
Simon Maloy, in Salon:
… Just think about everything that Donald Trump has inveighed against as part of his hostile takeover of the Republican Party: he rails against the incompetent elites in Washington, he blasts free trade agreements, he inveighs against people who buy and sell political influence, and he calls for hardline anti-immigrant policies. Now think about Newt Gingrich. He’s a former House Speaker who was bounced from the position amid ethics violations and threats of internal revolt. He’s a big fan of NAFTA and proudly talks about how many jobs it created in Mexico. He’s a “lobbyist” in everything but name whose post-politics career has consisted largely of charging people money for access to his friends on Capitol Hill. And he’s on record arguing that the GOP had to accept the reality that it is impossible to deport every single undocumented immigrant in the country…
Meanwhile, speaking of failed 90s retreads, there’s the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver…
"I think I'll come around on Trump after he plays the Vince Foster card… Yeah, that'll be good."
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) May 25, 2016
What's Paul Ryan's end game? He's going to not endorse Trump until he does endorse Trump, but will want credit for waiting a while?
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) May 25, 2016
No, Paul Ryan does not want to be Trump’s VP candidate. What he wants is for the GOP to stagger forward long enough for Paul Ryan to run for President in 2020 — or at least to implode in such a way that Paul Ryan can plausibly claim it had nothing to do with him, when he runs as the shining figurehead of the American Liberty Independent National Freedom Party (formerly d/b/a ‘GOP’) four or eight years from now. Newt Gingrich is not a good look for a new, improved, 90s-era-con-free Republican (possibly under a different name) party. Newt Gingrich is totally going to interfere with Paul Ryan’s rebranding efforts…
Asked if @realDonaldTrump should apologize mocking disabled, @SpeakerRyan says "I'm not going to get into this now."
— Mike Warren (@MichaelRWarren) May 25, 2016
Ryan says he is concerned about Trump's tone; Trump accuses Clinton of murder; Ryan endorses Trump; Trump owns Ryan.
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) May 25, 2016
… Watching these two lesser con artists duel in the shadow of the Yooogist Klassiest Conman of His Generation is going to be great fun, for us Democrats. Root for injuries!
two blowhards/six wives. win/win.
Newt… I could see Trump picking him! Newt is willing to suck up to him, and is a flagrant bullshitter himself who hardly pays attention to what’s coming out of his mouth. They should be comfortable with each other’s nonexistent policies. Plus, Trump will think Newt has Clinton’s number. Don’t ask me to explain that, I’m already running long.
I do wish people would stop seizing on individual random shit Trump has said and acting like that means he has anti-orthodox Republican positions. He has NO positions, just stream of consciousness hate.
Trump’s big mouth and thin skin might have just gotten him into a trap where he has to debate Bernie Sanders prior to Sanders exiting the race.
Villago Delenda Est
Ed Rollins summed it up best: Between the two of them, six wives. They REALLY understand women!
(I refuse to point out to them how they’re shooting themselves in the feet with a 155mm Howitzer…)
Major Major Major Major
Man, just realized I had kind of an emotional day. First the note from the hiring people, then a weird dinner, then the thing with the monk, yes i realize that’s a weird description
Two angry old men yelling past each other. I don’t expect much interest to come from that. I’m pretty sure Sanders won’t join up to bash Clinton with Trump. Sanders probably just thinks he can out-debate Trump and make himself look good.
Amir Khalid
It would be a dream ticket indeed: two of the ghastliest people in American politics against Hillary and whichever rising young Democratic star she chooses to run with. Which is why I’d expect the Republican party establishment to try to warn the Donald off picking Newton Leroy.
Mike J
When Ryan says, “I’m not going to get into this now”, the obvious follow up is, “When do you want to go into it? Can we make an appointment now?”
Amir Khalid
Donald will Gish-gallop Bernie left, right and centre. That is, when not demonstrating his superior proficiency with playground taunts. He’ll overwhelm Bernie and make him look like a fool, all without citing a single fact or policy position.
@Major Major Major Major: must have missed it down thread, was it a good note?
Major Major Major Major
@piratedan: that seems to be the consensus, yeah. I’ll know soon one way or t’other.
And I forgot to mention running into my ex while trying to have dessert alone.
@Amir Khalid: Trump/Gingrich is like out of a 1996 fever dream.
@Frankensteinbeck: I wish, for anyone in the media who takes Trump’s “positions” seriously, I could force them to read “On Bullshit” over and over until they get it.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: @Redshift: oh thank god one of you capitalizes the ‘r’. maddeningly similar otherwise
@Major Major Major Major: Really different meanings though. Amazing what a letter can do.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Of course he is.
Tiffany’s is right next door to Trump’s building.
It would save Newt and Calista a lot of time
@Amir Khalid:
I’m concerned you may be right. I know that Trump just doesn’t care about the things Sanders will attack him with.
Villago Delenda Est
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: They’d have a knockdown/dragout over which of them was going to be the arch typical Marie Antoinette of the Drumpf/Gingrich admin
@Frankensteinbeck: and if it’s on Fox, Bernie will have to work hard to escape the frames that the questions will be placed in. Still, it would be interesting to see if she shakes any of those GOP zombies out of their collective state of cognitive dissonance, but I wouldn’t hold my breath about it.
Gingrich has more baggage than Mrs. Astor loaded aboard the Titanic.
Plus, Newt turns 73 next month.
A friend of mine was on a cruise in Alaska last year that had Newt, Calista and others of their family. She said Calista was pleasant though her hair never moved, and Newt found the gorgeous scenery boring. Oh, and he’s an abrasive asshole even without talking politics.
I’m up waiting for the pain meds to kick in as the femoral block wears off on the knee surgery I had yesterday: a phase 2 clinical trail for an artificial meniscus that’s been used in Europe since 2008. Im hoping it saves me from needing 2 knee replacements and just one will be needed this fall. My Husband’s father passed while I was in recovery yesterday, and he’s on his way there first thing tomorrow so I’m going to be relying on friends for a few days. He’s mainly going to support his brother because it looks likely that his super rare lymphoma has spread to his lungs, not at all a positive development. I hope for better news, but I’m not expecting it unfortunately. We were able to visit my FIL last week and while he was in hospice, he was not in transition even Monday night, but passed early Tuesday. Everyone has their own time table I guess.
@StringOnASick: Life is death.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: mister upbeat over here
@Major Major Major Major: You can’t live unless one day you die. Otherwise, what are you? A rock?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: ???i am an iiiiiislaaaand
All I know for sure is that I am a man with a Dr. Who coloring book right now.
I’m thinking this debate with Sanders and Trump…not going to be a good thing. sigh.
@Frankensteinbeck: Didn’t Newt’s mother call Hillary a bitch on camera, way back when? I seem to remember someone interviewing her, Connie Chung? and then she sort of apologized.
@Major Major Major Major: I haven’t heard about either adventure. I’ve been out of the loop today.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Trump won’t select Gingrich.
There’s no way Newt makes it past the swim suit portion of the pageant.
Trump/Gingrich? What have we done to deserve such a gift from the gods?
Major Major Major Major
@opiejeanne: Ehhhh, nothing special, just sort of have a vulnerability hangover right now.
marilynD Southern Oregon
@StringOnASick: ….well, crap!! Please consider yourself hugged from Southern Oregon…..may peace be with you when you need it most.
Trump/Gingrich. Who would be the first to poison the other?
Betty Cracker
@StringOnASick: Wow, that’s a lot of pain and grief to deal with all at once. My condolences and wishes for a speedy recovery.
sm*t cl*de
Unless he walked away from a commitment, and Trump never does that.
My old friend, the retired D party operative, doesn’t like HRC, but her feelings about Noot are indescribable. When the subject comes up, you can feel the hate. It’s really pretty remarkable.
Soylent Green
@Amir Khalid:
Worse than that, Bernie will agree with Trump about how crooked Hillary is.
On the other hand, two old fat white adulterers as running mates? It would be a dream ticket for the all-important old fat white Fox viewer demographic.
“Trump/Gingrich: Cheating On Their Wives So That You Don’t Have To”?
“Trump/Gingrich: C’mon, You Know You Wish You Could Do It Too!”
“Trump/Gingrich: Let Us Tell You About Wife-Dumping”
Trump/Gingrich: Hey, We Just Traded In For A Newer Model — What’s The Issue?”
None of those really flow, perhaps a better writer can come up with something?
Would need to check the instant replay on that one.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
The mere fact that Newt Gingrich still thinks he could be a political asset to anyone is evidence that he’s completely lacking in the ability to cater to introspection. The fact that the media still treat him like he could potentially be a political asset is evidence that the media will ever and always mistake being an asshole for being a political genius. That’s the unfortunate truth of this campaign – one of the world’s biggest assholes is running for POTUS, and every time he doubles down on assholery the press will treat it like genius and talk about whether it’s “working” for him.
T/G: Women love us!
T/G: And fuck you, too!
Also, about Trump/Gingirich– don’t forget the Adelson connection.
@StringOnASick: Late to the thread, but that’s a lot of stress in a short time. Condolences on the loss of your father in law. And best wishes for your brother in law and you.
Snarki, child of Loki
Is the GOP big enough to contain both egos from Trump and Gingrich?
It’s not clear that The Universe is big enough, in fact.
@Betty Cracker: thanks everyone. Hus death wasn’t unexpected and he detested being in assisted living even though he could not walk or stand on his own. I’m glad I did this surgery since the prognosis is quite positive. My brother in law’s situation is very hard and he’s in a lot of pain. I hope my husband’s being there helps and we’d love some good news, but the odds of that are poor. He spent the last 15 years living with and caring for their dad before a stroke made that impossible; my husband wishes his brother could at least have a year without the crushing burden of their father’s care, but that may be too optimistic.
Miss Bianca
@Socraticsilence: Now you know…little as I care for either of these gentlemen, I have to say I might be interested in watching *that* debate(cle).
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major: What was the note from the hiring people? What did I miss?
@Snarki, child of Loki:
We’re going to need a multiverse: Chris Christie is still in the mix here, too. (Maybe Trump can be such a ‘radical’, so ‘fresh’, such an ‘outsider’, that he proposes having two Vice Presidents?)
hey, if donnie wants to relive the 90’s in his attacks against hilz, who better to emcee the event than newt.
shoot me now.
No One You Know
@amk: you know who else was a blowhard with six wives? And bankrupted his country?
There’s nothing new under the sun….
I have the bumper sticker:
Oh, fer gawd’s sake. Because he did so well at that before, right?
Ella in New Mexico
I’m not sure I’m going to be able to tell the difference between the two of them, to be honest.
Speaker Newt…barely bigger than an umbrella stand.
(Extra points if you get the KV reference.)