A little early tonight because it looked like we could use a new thread. Apologies for any errors. I’ve spent most of the afternoon with agents, mortgage brokers and inspectors. There were no brain cells left for proof-reading. It has been a whirlwind of activity since the moment the house went under contract. I had forgotten how fast it all moves. So from the recipe blog:
I was going to post the recipes I’d picked out for guests next week, but then realized it was Memorial Day weekend and decided to switch it up for that occasion. There won’t be a recipe exchange next week, we’ll catch up after that.
Starting things out, Stuffed Jalapeno-Cheddar Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries, complete menu, recipes and shopping list can be found here.
Grilled Potato Packets come in two flavors here.
Click here for Citrus Glazed Baby Back Ribs.
Searching for rib photos this week, I came across several yummy recipes from JeffreyW (along with obligatory mouth-watering photo series).
Spare ribs (pictured above) are here.
Braised Baby Back Ribs are here.
Click here for Country Ribs
Each one has a different rub or sauce, something for everyone.
What’s on the menu for your holiday weekend? As with every year, my father and brother will be helping to put up the impressive display of flags around town (they are flags presented at a veteran’s funeral and donated by the families for display). What summer flavor are you looking forward to most? What are some of your favorite holiday weekend recipes?
Finally, tonight’s featured recipe:
I have a bottle of very fine and expensive whisky in my house. I’ve been having fun experimenting with it in many recipes, finding it really brings out the flavors in beef and adds a complex appeal to chicken and desserts.
With this recipe, it’s all about the bourbon and bacon.
Grilled Bourbon Chicken Appetizers
12 servings
- 1- 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- 1/4 cup chopped Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- Bourbon whisky (how much you use and what you do with the leftover is between you and your bottle)
- 8 oz pineapple chunks
- 12 strips of sliced bacon (should be a pound)
- 12 short wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes before assembling and grilling*
Cut chicken breasts into 1-inch x 2-inch cubes, you should have 36 pieces (you can soak in bourbon if you like)
Mix together Chipotle peppers, brown sugar, cayenne pepper and add enough whisky and pineapple juice to make a thick sauce. Set aside about 2-4 tbsp for mopping during cooking. For the remainder, cover chicken cubes on all sides with the sauce and let marinate for at least 1 hour.
To assemble: Start with a pineapple chunk, add one end of full bacon strip, add chicken cube, then wrap bacon around the top of the cube and skewer, add another cube of chicken, wrap bacon around the bottom of that piece of chicken, then skewer, add a third and repeat with the bacon strip, you’re creating a ribbon with the bacon. Finish with a pineapple chunk.
Grill over medium high heat (if using coals, start over hot coals, then move away from direct heat for the remainder of cooking time), turning frequently. Add more sauce as desired. Cook until chicken is 160-165 degrees. Shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes, don’t overcook or you’ll have dry, rubbery appetizers. Serve hot.
*please don’t forget this step or all you’ll have for appetizers is flaming skewers.
That’s it for this week. I hope you have a safe and fun holiday weekend. But take a moment and remember those who have served – TaMara
I’ve made pork chops twice this week that turned out so good I’m thrilled with myself. I finally tried the method of searing one side in a cast iron skillet, flipping the chops and then throwing the pan in a 400 degree oven. These are really thick boneless pork chops from sam’s club and my only issue is getting them out of the oven at the right time. Less then 10 minutes for sure, but I’m not a fan of rare pork. The texture grosses me out. I guess I’ll have to buy a meat thermometer.
We’re going traditional with burgers on the grill, corn on the cob, baked beans and fruit salad. Cherry pie for dessert during Game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals, baby!
Ok , I am about to begin my weekend itis. For those of you from Chicago, I just stopped by Lem’s and got a large tip/link combo, with Cole slaw. Stepped across the street and got myself a slice of diabetes on a plate for dessert ?
The itis can commence.
still unclear, do I soak the chicken in the bourbon, myself or both?
Looks like three straight days of war movies on TCM
@rikyrah: Good evening ? rikyrah ?
Boston butt on the grill with homemade mustard sauce, sweet potatoes and a grilled Vidalia onion. And my new favorite thing, Argentine red shrimp in shrimp & grits.
Woo-Hoo! A weekend blog, for a holiday weekend.
On the recipe for the citrus marinade, how sweet is it? Did you try it?
From just the ingredients it should balance. Can not stand the sweet though.
I’ve got the ribs and was just going to go old school with Masterpiece.
I had meat for the first time in a looong time last night – and it was good. I’m feeling bold enough to barbecue this weekend.
@Hal: Steak tartare for me. Can’t do it.
TaMara (HFG)
@FIBark: If I remember correctly the original recipe called for something like 8 cups of sugar (!!), I cut it down to one cup, you can cut that cup in half if you like – sugar to taste would be my recommendation. Maybe switch to brown sugar to get the proper gooey-ness if you reduce to less than 1/2 cup.
@MomSense: I took a year off from all meat once, booze too. Didn’t feel any better one way or another. Needless to say, I indulge in both again. Cancer be damned. I’m 52.
@TaMara (HFG): YES! Brown sugar. I had a beef marinade that was called Italian beef marinade, or something to that effect, that was divine on the top sirloin cuts after 24 hours. Love that browned crust of brown sugar from the grill.
Anyone here ever have the “EGG” grill? I’m needing to replace the Weber, which I love. I’ve read, looked at, and talked to sales folks about an “Egg”.
But, IDK. It’s not a price point issue so much, as fear of the unknown unknowables.
A&E has a Roots remake that I’m curious to see. I saw some good reviews, but I’m sceptical. The original was so jaw dropping for its time.
Major Major Major Major
Dang it, now I want barbecue.
Me! Back when there was just the BGE I was gifted a size medium and fell in love with the thing. Compared to a steel kettle:
Requires less fuel, but must be lump charcoal not briquets.
Temperature is more stable and controllable.
Seems to retain significantly more moisture.
Nom nom nom
I see quite a few choices now but can’t comment on other brands. A nice aspect of BGE is parts are readily available.
Mozzarella stuffed onion rings.
Right on. Eff you, cholesterol!
@trollhattan: Thanks for the info, a lot!
WOW! Is that a medium with the turkey? And how long was the cooking time?
As a vegetarian, I am triggered by these photos.
gonna make kabobs and burgers, tho the burgers are gonna be on a skillet.
i is excited. cooking is fun.
@MomSense: I was off the charts on cholesterol, heredity. I’m 5’9″, 165 lbs. I love’s me some sunny-side up eggs, with toasted baguette and fresh guacamole.
I’d suggest you eat a cob of corn, but I’ve heard suggestions of what you’d use it for instead.
I got a char-griller brand poor mans version a whole back on sale. not ceramic but metal so better and worse. works a treat but the grille grate is cast iron so requires babying.
gets hot as the dickens tho.
Usually 2-3 hours. With big birds (>18 pounds or so) I can only fit half, but below that I can usually get the whole thing on. This is where I get to use one of my favorite works–spatchcock. Spatchcock and brine 24 hours.
@chopper: Yeah, that’s where I can see the ceramic holding in the moisture alright.
IDK, is the BGE a heat producer on the outside? I wouldn’t think so. The guy at ACE Hardware didn’t know.
@chopper: LOL.
Miss Bianca
Oh, Tamara, this looks so amazing!
Looks like it will be cold and rainy down here, don’t know how much grilling I will do…
@trollhattan: Spatchcock makes sense. Good for internal temp I would imagine.
@efgoldman: Didn’t I just see/hear something about statins and being overprescribed/bad for you?
schrodinger's cat
I am going to make kibbe kebab on the grill this weekend. Yesterday, I made pizza with chicken chorizo sausage, asparagus and fresh mozzarella and salad with argula, watermelon and quesa fresca.
@schrodinger’s cat: Chicken Chorizo? Sounds ridiculously good. Whats the heat/spice index on that?
I too have inherited high cholesterol but I’m also anemic so I’ve decided to out my cholesterol concerns to the side for now. It’s so crazy because I eat so well and exercise all the time.
@schrodinger’s cat: I just looked online for chicken chorizo…$79.00. Really? Are you getting it local, or making it?
General question: How can you grill if you don’t have a grill? Although I have the terrace, we aren’t supposed to have grills on them. So, how can I grill if I don’t have a physical grill?
schrodinger's cat
@FIBark: Trader Joe, $ 4 per package which was either 14 oz or 12 oz.
schrodinger's cat
@PurpleGirl: Under the broiler or on the stove top if its a gas stove on a grill pan. Of course, its not going be as good as it is on a grill.
@MomSense: I also was fit. Hiked all the time. Ate right, mostly. Had a complete heart workup/profile.
Everything A-O.K., but cholesterol.
I said screw it.
My Grandfather was on 30 different drugs before he died.
Stroked out at 83 in Florida, after fishing all day.
I’ll take that…if I’m lucky.
@schrodinger’s cat: Thank You!
@schrodinger’s cat: Thank you. I was thinking about trying my own pulled pork this weekend. I guess I go shopping for what I need. I do make steak under the broiler of the toaster oven. My regular oven is large and always sets off the smoke alarm.
@PurpleGirl: Buy electric…and sneak it out there from time to time. With a fan blowing the smoke.
schrodinger's cat
@PurpleGirl: I preemptively start the exhaust fan when I am cooking, also open the windows.
@efgoldman: Really, no smoke as per the reviews? Good deal.
Using any bourbon other than the least expensive but still satisfyingly drinkable brand you can find is pure sacrilege.
Like unto using Dom Perignon to make a vinaigrette.
@efgoldman: I’ve tried taking statin drugs but I then start feeling a weakness in my thigh muscles. I’ve tried telling my doctor this but he doesn’t listen. I really need to be able to walk. The spinal stenosis is bad enough on my ability to climb. I know how bad cholesterol is but on the other hand I need to be able to walk.
Adam L Silverman
@FIBark: If you’re going to do a lot of smoking a Big Green Egg is a superb tool. If you’re just going to grill, it may be more than you need.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: Oster counter top Grillerator or something equivalent.
One of my favorite bloggers -Luvvie from Awesomely Luvvie has a review up on her blog. She was as skeptical as anyone, and now she is urging people to watch it
@efgoldman: Thanks. I’ve wondered if those grills are good. I’ll look into one while shopping.
schrodinger's cat
@PurpleGirl: I have Cuisinart’s griddler, its pretty good.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: @schrodinger’s cat: I just got one of these. Was an Amazon deal of the day. Haven’t had a chance to use it yet.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: It makes great paninis. I have also made ground beef and turkey kebabs.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m looking forward to getting it set up an using it over the weekend.
I just impulse bought a Kettlepizza on Groupon. At $99, that’s as low as the thing has been since its kickstarter days.
I heard a good review of it on NPR a day or two ago (might have been this morning, even; I can’t remember). The reviewer said it doesn’t have quite the sweep of the original (I believe it’s a few hours shorter overall) but is able to spend some in-depth time on a few events which got only short shrift in the first series.
Barbecue with French fries. I’ll never get used to that.