@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m sure they exist. But I see far, far more commentary about them than the actual thing out in the wild. It reminds me of people who make fun of obnoxious feminists, to be honest.
@Miss Bianca: Well, the doggy at the end was very happy…..
Dear Sir, what is the average cost for thirty seconds of ‘local area denial’ or as us civvies describe it – awesome sauce?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
updates from the Libertarian Convention
daveweigel @ daveweigel 33m33 minutes ago
More boos when Gary Johnson (alone onstage) says there should be drivers licenses.
daveweigel @ daveweigel 37m37 minutes ago
Boos when Gary Johnson says he would have voted for the Civil Right
@Marc: I don’t. At least none that come to mind, which I suppose may be due to the absence of obnoxiousness.
@Marc: I wasn’t trying to be funny. Some people are obsessed with tarring feminists for the actions of a few radicals. I see the complaints far more often than I see the underlying actions.
Aye, ye fuckers – to make amends for my Garrison Keeler (sp fuck off) ref a week or so ago
In all honesty, it comes from their tending to need special food, which makes entertainment and things like going out to eat in groups a bit of a hassle. Not undoable, to be sure, but a lot of overheard. Gentle humor like this isn’t so bad.
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: Okay, wasn’t sure if 1) that was directed at me and 2) if it was exactly what you were asking.
West of the Cascades
My vegan friends (and it’s impossible not to have several in Portland) never say anything if I order meat, not even in jest. That said, I tend to eat not-meat, i.e. healthier, around them, which is a good thing. But I’ll sometimes have chicken or even beef in a Thai dish, with nary a comment.
The thing about active divisions was in reference to some of my cousins that have served as Marines. At least two served as Color Guard/K9/ etc. He joked about not believing our present status -> twenty years ago.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: OK, that is fucking hilarious. Maybe it’s just that in Paonia we’d get both obnoxious vegans *and* obnoxious paleos – and more often than not they’re part of the same cohort! Part of the “hipneck” reality!
Oooh, how DARE you make fun of vegans! I’m going to mention this at my hot yoga class after I get back from volunteering in our community-sourced organic garden! You have UPSET my chakra; it’s going to take hours of trance-infused meditation to sort me out!
Where is Hillary Rettig anyway?
@Baud: Same w/ BernieBros.
Never looked one in the eye, seem content behind the keyboards.
Col Hackworth’s “Perfumed Princes”
@Really?: Well the USMC divisions are not the same as the Army. There is one corps, the US Marine Corps. There are four, three active and one reserve. The reserve division is the 4th Marine Division. Historically there had been six. Each Marine Corps Division is composed of Regimental Combat Teams (RCTs) as opposed to Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) or other types of brigades (sustainment, Military Police, Military Intelligence, etc), which are use in the Army. Each RCT is made up of battalions, just as in the Army and the battalions are made up of companies and companies of platoons and the platoons of squads. Also like in the Army.
The formal organizational structure, as well as numbers assigned to each element and echelon, may be different than readiness. Readiness is the indicator of whether the unit can be certified as mission capable or not. It is quite common for units at home station to not be “ready” to deploy. Usually because they are in the process of becoming ready.
This is another way I can tell you don’t live in California. We are the land of obnoxious food fusses, including vegan, raw food, Atkins, paleo, and primal (“It’s not paleo, it’s better than paleo!”
I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years this year and even I think vegans can be weird.
Miss Bianca
@benw: Actually, most of the hot-yoga people I know (petite moi included) are eat (meat), drink, and be merry types: the universal motto being “detox to retox!”
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’ve known both obnoxious and non-obnoxious/gracious (normal?) vegans and meat eaters. Like everything else I try not to foist what works for me off on anyone else. But when I saw this video earlier in the week I made not of it because it was just too funny.
@Adam L Silverman: Just to use a name, my cousin, Gabe Feeman, served as a K/9 Colour guard under President Bush.
I am totally ignorant as to how those things work but his Mama would not let us forget!
My vegan friends… never say anything if I order meat
Get your goddamned nose out of my panties, friend.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: No. I saw the video earlier in the week and thought it would be too funny. If it was an FP battle with Hillary R, I would have either left it for her in comments to one of her posts or bigfooted one of her posts with it. I don’t do passive-aggressive. I just do aggressive-aggressive.
Even Better -> his older brother Ben Feeman showed up at our school in his full dress uniform; The kids (including me) mobbed him.
Like that bit from “Raiders.”
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: I agree. But then, I’m the one who thought it was hysterical when someone at one of our folk-dance get-togethers many years ago brought up the fact that we were going to have to have vegetarian meal options, and our resident curmudgeon snarled, “What, the slaughtered flesh of God’s own creatures isn’t good enough for ’em? Tell ’em to kill their OWN damn plants!”
@Really?: That is a particular honor. You should be proud. The naming conventions for these things are ancient. The Army has a funky relationship to regiments. Other than the Armored Cavalry Regiments (ACRs) and Stryker Cavalry Regiments (SCRs), the regiments exist, but are only represented by the battalions (echelon immediately below brigade) associated with them. And some of the Army regiments are down to just one battalion – the others having been deactivated because they are not currently needed. So in the Army each Brigade Combat Team or other type of brigade is made up of several battalions. And the battalions are classified by their order within the regiment and then the number of the regiment followed by the branch of service.
I’m no vegetarian, but they take way more crap then they dish out, IMO. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be a vegetarian boy in middle school or high school. Especially in Texas or somewhere like that.
I don’t get the logic behind tofu based meat substitutes, if you don’t want to eat meat why eat fake meat. You can have a good vegetarian meal without fake meat.
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: I have no idea. I’m not a personnel and sustainment specialist. I supposed you could file a FOIA request with either the G1/Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Personnel or the G1/Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel at US Forces Command (FORSCOM). But my guess is that the information is going to be classified, and I’d argue rightly so, for operational security purposes.
@Adam L Silverman: Next, we’ll try describing the British regimental system.
@benw: @Adam L Silverman: Yes! If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Stephen Chow’s God of Cookery, which is a spoof mashup of Iron Chef and 36 Chambers of Shaolin. “He had to master the 37th Chamber of Shaolin – the kitchen!” Incredibly funny. I saw this and other HK Iron Chef spoofs before I ever saw Iron Chef. There is room out there for Hollywood to do a truly insane cooking competition comedy. There must be a US equivalent of “Explosive Pissing Beef Balls.” I like how the HK kung fu spoofs do nothing to take away from one’s enjoyment of the “real” versions.
I believe it’s currently on Netflix, as well as floating around on YouTube. My subscription is in abeyance until the fall.
@schrodinger’s cat: Given that food choices are often illogical, I don’t get the logic behind your focus on the food choices of people who eat meat substitutes.
@Gin & Tonic: because the Warriors are a team built to hit a million improbable shots when they get desperate?
Miss Bianca
@Feathers: That sounds like fun – but my library consortium has only one copy, and they ain’t lending. Peuh!
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: So its not so much a library then as an archival warehousing operation then?
Laughing too much to respond to all the posts that made me laugh in the first place. And now it’s time to go eat some thing.
I thought the Thunder had grown up but, under pressure, they went back to their old selves; too much one on one ball in the last few minutes and Westbrook had multiple turns in the last couple minutes (Durant had at least one, maybe two).
ETA: After that choke job, do they get run in Game 7? And does Durant play for OKC next season if they don’t win in 7?
@benw: Or there’s the CT; the NBA and the networks want it to go for 7 games.
Though Rachel pointed out that a NBA full 7 game series might present a problem for the Republicans and their little party in Cleveland.
@Adam L Silverman: Well, she said primly…sometimes when there’s only one copy of something in certain systems (in this case, Denver Public) – and it’s something rare/expensive/hard to get – the (non)lending library reserves it for their own patrons. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t drive to Denver, use my Denver library card (once I got it renewed) and check it out from them.
Now all this is different from interlibrary loan. But *don’t*ask me how unless you’re really burning with a hard gem-like flame to know. : )
ETA: Actually, it’s not that difficult to explain. ILL refers to borrowing from libraries outside the consortium. So if I cared to take the trouble, I could get it that way.
@Gin & Tonic:
I guess you’ll have to ask Klay Thompson
@schrodinger’s cat: I agree that it should be obvious that a delish veggie meal is possible without a meat substitute. But, there are some times you need a tofu substitute. For example, my veggie family still wants to have our traditional Italian Wedding Soup, so we need Italian-style tofu sausage to make it.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: so what you’re saying is they have it, but they won’t release it because its too valuable. That’s not a library, that’s a safe deposit box.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Baud: Reminds me of nouvelle cuisine: IT existed, somewhere. The complaints about it echo down the valley forever.
pseudonymous in nc
flight attendant: is there a doctor on the plane
vegan: i’m a vegan
Adam L Silverman
Alright, I just finished reading that entire Trump deposition that burnespbesq posted the link to in the previous post. I now have Trumplash! He talks in the depositions just like he does in debates and at rallies and in interviews. And he doesn’t listen to his lawyer when his lawyer tells him not to answer things.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, now you’re being difficult! I see your point, of course…and I don’t necessarily agree with the philosophy, grasp…the library I used to work at had the only circulating copy of a lot of items – both books and movies – in our consortium, and we almost always lent them out.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’m sure the NBA and networks would like a game 7. But do they really fuck with calls in game 6 to make it happen?
@Adam L Silverman:
He’s smarter than his lawyer, didn’t you know that? He’s smarter than all of us, that’s why he’s been able to turn what was a reasonably large inheritance into something not much bigger in such a long time.
ETA And BTW thanks for wading into that cesspool so that others don’t have to.
I have never met any food people more obnoxious than the obsessive meat-ester. I was vegetarian for years and I’m eating meat now, but I still like a lot of vegetarian and vegan food.
One day at my former workplace, some colleagues and I decided to go to a vegan restaurant, and none of us were vegan. They just have good food and were nearby. We invited two other colleagues, who were dyed-in-the-wool meat dudes, and they acted like we just asked them to donate a kidney.
FFS, meat assholes. You can eat the occasional salad and it isn’t a fucking sacrifice.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: If you have the time you should read it. Its cut up a bit – some of the pages aren’t there, so it jumps around. But his answers are largely run ons where its clear he’s talking to formulate his answers rather than formulating his answers and then talking.
@Adam L Silverman:
And I thought that’s why you asked. But yes it has meat in it. At least i cooked it.
@Adam L Silverman:
So he really is a brash idiot who jumps in with both feet (in his mouth) then. Glad I didn’t jump to any unrealistic conclusions.
ETA Also it somewhat proves that he really is an idiot and his persona is not a faked one at all. It’s just him.
You can eat the occasional salad and it isn’t a fucking sacrifice.
Maybe if put you some meat on it.
So it’s me standing before you. I just paid thirty-five for breakfast. Your gr
Goddammit – Name the Empress.
@Xantar: Maybe she’ll show up later in this thread… She have two posts earlier during the afternoon. (The posts were about mushrooms and about a new finding about psilocybin and depression.
Senator Bernie Sanders doubled down on his warning to democratic rival Hillary Clinton that her pick for running mate will be critical to winning over his supporters going into the general election during an interview to air Sunday on “Meet the Press.”
@Ruckus: It was interesting. My favorite are the parts where he’s being deposed about blog posts he wrote indicating Secretary Clinton would make an excellent president or vice president back in 2008 as the plaintiffs lawyer is setting a trap for him. His response was he said nice things when in business so he wouldn’t lose opportunities, but now that he’s a politician he can tell the truth. The plaintiffs lawyer boxed him in with that as Trump had earlier denied that having end of course surveys identifiable by the students name would not have inflated the number of positive responses because the students didn’t want to anger, since they were identifiable because they had to put their names on the surveys, the instructors and senior mentors that they were supposed to be developing a longer term relationship with.
C-level execs, as a rule, are terrible witnesses. They won’t sit still long enough to prepare, and they think they can outsmart the process.
Bill Gates’ videotaped depo in the Microsoft antitrust case is a legendary example.
@efgoldman: Copy and paste are your friend. Copy it to the clipboard and paste it back if it didn’t take.
@efgoldman: Sure. Because the way to win friends and influence people is to start a conversation about their diet. If someone not eating meat is a point of inquiry for you, you don’t have enough to think about.
@efgoldman: He was sworn in for it. The other thing that comes out is that he knows nothing about nothing. And his famous memory? There were a lot of answers to the questions of did he know specific instructors and/or senior mentors of: “It was a long time ago. What year was that? I know the names, but not the people. I don’t remember?” When given the names he didn’t know and it was a long time ago, when given pictures he didn’t know and it was a long time ago, when given audio and video he didn’t know and it was a long time ago. Or it looks or sounds familiar, but he didn’t recall because it was a long time ago. I’m not a lawyer, but from my reading the plaintiffs attorneys boxed him in good. And what’s in the transcript, if properly put to use, should make for excellent campaign advertisements.
@efgoldman: May I offer you some of our literature and a beef wellington?
@efgoldman: Ironic, given that you’re the one proselytizing in this scenario.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: may I offer you some of our literature and chicken marsala?
Dog Dawg Damn
Did anyone else read the NY Times article about Clinton camp fears re: Trump? here.
Not to concern troll, but this is exactly what I’ve been saying–pulling out be Mitt Romney “lower taxes on the rich” line actually helps him look legitimate. They need to hit him hard and serious and non-stop over: torture, war, Putin love, phony business dealings, fraudulent practices, nuclear weapons, economic know-nothingness, poor management style, etc. and scare the hell out of the AMerican people because if the worst they can say is “he’s a rich guy who will lower rich people’s taxes”, then people will say “oh, so what?” Hard and constant. I hope she starts listening to Obama’s team, because her crusty surrogates have SUCKED on air. I’ve heard the most tepid, stupid responses from her team. Trump, by his party’s own admission, is a threat to the Republic. Time to get serious.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I know. I don’t think they were trying to set a perjury trap, rather box him in with inconsistencies that they can exploit to make their case at the trial. That he comes off as the ultimate out of touch business owner who can’t even be bothered to meet six instructors and/or mentors because he’s too busy doing deals all over the world, though they are supposed to be teaching his system for real estate success, was just amusing to read.
Tofu doesn’t seem to like me and I’ve developed a similar affection.
Adam L Silverman
@Dog Dawg Damn: It did come out earlier today or yesterday or Friday that he’d admitted to GOP Senate Chiefs of Staff that he’s out of money to campaign with so he can’t establish proper state campaign offices and operations. Unconventionality only gets one so far.
@Adam L Silverman: But I thought he was self-funded and beholden to nobody. Oh well.
@Major Major Major Major:
So did drumpf. Turns out math is another one of the areas he doesn’t seem to understand very well. The list grows daily and is quite long presently.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: No. The best thing I’ve seen on the primary is that he 1) leveraged all the free press he received, 2) wrote off all the travel to and from events on the corporate jet using the special loophole for corporate senior execs that if its certified as unsafe for them to fly commercial, they get to write off the cost of private travel, and 3) deferred interest self loans to his campaign. And he can write those off too. As David Cay Johnston likes to say: “a tax deferred is a tax not paid.” So he’s probable going to be able to bank a profit off of the primary in terms of using it to manipulate his tax liability. The general is a different animal entirely. Do I think it means he can’t or won’t win? No, I think that’s a possibility. But the inability and unwillingness to establish a proper campaign organization, do proper polling, have proper advisors, strategists, and staffers, and do proper GOTV should, and I emphasize should, indicate that it is less likely to happen.
@Adam L Silverman:
I though Estelle’s other client Al was the one who ate paper.
Adam L Silverman
Time for me to rack out. You all have a nice night. I’m sure someone will be along eventually with your next post.
@BBA: This is true. I don’t think anyone should sleep on him, as Charles Pierce likes to say.
@Adam L Silverman:
Seemingly if he actually wants to win it will take some of that and someone has to pay for it. Does he have time to find enough money and build an organization? Does he have the brains to make it happen even if he finds the money? Or does he think that his magic touch will work? Cause I’m not seeing it.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Very true. Its going to be a very strange five and 1/2 months. And on that note, I’m really racking out. You all have a good night.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: I’m not either. And Manafort has said they’re going to let him do his thing his way. Manafort is used to managing tyrants. He’s also getting paid regardless. So…
That’s the sort of thing he’s depended upon his entire adult life. But there are a lot of moving parts to this political business/bankruptcy arrangement, far more than he’s used to fucking up. And most people only saw the gold paint, or as a man I used to know said “shinny pennies” in all his business dealings. Now the entire country will get to see his depth. As we’ve seen many either won’t/don’t care or think that’s a positive but I think it won’t go much farther than those who already support him. Yes he will pick up some Clinton/democrat haters, but I’ll bet it won’t be enough.
@Adam L Silverman:
Well drumpf does seem to be the type to only hire yes men. And marry yes women.
A few days ago, John Cole posted a scary link about antibiotic resistance . It is estimated that this could become the leading cause of death worldwide by 2050. 10 million lives, 100 trillion in economic cost. The most important cause of antibiotic resistance is meat production. It isn’t that people shouldn’t eat meat, but that people now eat so much meat that its mass has many serious consequences. Think about your child, or perhaps your mother, or you yourself dying from a minor injury that becomes infected. Or the end of almost all elective surgery. Cole is absolutely right to be upset and concerned. IIRC, 12000 metric tons of the LAST effective antibiotic were used in 2015 for meat production. I know it’s hard to change eating habits. It’s so ingrained in every aspect of our lives and culture. I’ve been working towards becoming a vegan for years, but I still succumb to dairy products from time to time.
Add in the greatly underestimated impact meat and dairy production have on global warming, and the terrible conditions for the workers in the meat industry, and the horrific cruelty to the animals, and the air and water pollution, the link between meat consumption and cancer, the increasing oceanic ” dead zones” from “agricultural” runoff, and the rainforests being cleared for cattle,…. well the list is a long one. But our current methods and immense size of meat production are a threat to everyone everywhere. What a downer before the memorial day cookout! But if meat and dairy products were priced to include all their social and environmental costs, everyone would cut back on their consumption. But that would create another crisis. Maybe many crises. Redoing the entire system would be amazingly difficult, given human nature, politics, and greed. Got to go now. I have “cheap” meat for my cats.
Little Sonny's Bubbie
@schrodinger’s cat: Meat substitutes add a little variety in flavor and texture to dishes like meatless pasta sauces and chili.
As many have observed, vegans tend to be shy and not “in-your-face” obnoxious people. Although I eat meat (mainly chicken and fish), I have never had a vegan friend criticize what I eat. I think you are hanging out with the wrong kinds of people, if they act like the bro in this clip!
Dirty Fuckin’ Hippies, when have they ever been right?
*throws 3 inch thick prime ribeye on the bone onto blazing charcoal*
@RealityBites: Well said. It’s about a lot more than ethics.
@Mnemosyne: That old joke is circulating even here in the Midwest: Q: how can you tell if someone is a vegan? A: wait 15 seconds. They’ll tell you.
But in the interest of full disclosure, I am not now nor have I ever been a Thom Hartmann fan.
Atticus Dogsbody
An ice cream truck operator was driving along when in his mirror he saw a woman running behind his truck. He kept driving, but a minute later when he checked his mirror again she was still there. He didn’t want to stop as he was on his way home, so he sped up. The woman kept pace. Finally, he thought “Fuck it, I’d better serve the lady.” So he pulled over and opened his serving window. “Sorry, ma’am, I didn’t see you at first. What’s you pleasure?”
“Oh, I don’t want to buy anything.” The lady replied. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m a vegan.”
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I have never met an obnoxious vegan. These memes go over my head.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m sold. I’m gonna go defrost a steak.
@Baud: I don’t wanna offend anyone, so I’ll say that the only food-proselytizers I’ve ever met were not paleo-bros.
George Takei voice, “Oh, my!”
Miss Bianca
alas, can’t see it – “blocked plug-in”, for all love, it’s enough to make a cat weep…
@Baud: you must not know very many….
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’ll send you an email with it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m sure they exist. But I see far, far more commentary about them than the actual thing out in the wild. It reminds me of people who make fun of obnoxious feminists, to be honest.
@Miss Bianca: Well, the doggy at the end was very happy…..
Dear Sir, what is the average cost for thirty seconds of ‘local area denial’ or as us civvies describe it – awesome sauce?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
updates from the Libertarian Convention
@Marc: I don’t. At least none that come to mind, which I suppose may be due to the absence of obnoxiousness.
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: huh?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A couple of us were having a running commentary in the prior thread about that.
@Baud: you must be fun at parties….that’s not funny!
@Adam L Silverman: dumb joke,sorry.
@Marc: I wasn’t trying to be funny. Some people are obsessed with tarring feminists for the actions of a few radicals. I see the complaints far more often than I see the underlying actions.
Aye, ye fuckers – to make amends for my Garrison Keeler (sp fuck off) ref a week or so ago
Boom. Before they knew how to make videos.
In all honesty, it comes from their tending to need special food, which makes entertainment and things like going out to eat in groups a bit of a hassle. Not undoable, to be sure, but a lot of overheard. Gentle humor like this isn’t so bad.
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: Okay, wasn’t sure if 1) that was directed at me and 2) if it was exactly what you were asking.
West of the Cascades
My vegan friends (and it’s impossible not to have several in Portland) never say anything if I order meat, not even in jest. That said, I tend to eat not-meat, i.e. healthier, around them, which is a good thing. But I’ll sometimes have chicken or even beef in a Thai dish, with nary a comment.
@Adam L Silverman:Nooooo! Just me being a jackass!
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: ok, no worries then.
The thing about active divisions was in reference to some of my cousins that have served as Marines. At least two served as Color Guard/K9/ etc. He joked about not believing our present status -> twenty years ago.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: OK, that is fucking hilarious. Maybe it’s just that in Paonia we’d get both obnoxious vegans *and* obnoxious paleos – and more often than not they’re part of the same cohort! Part of the “hipneck” reality!
Oooh, how DARE you make fun of vegans! I’m going to mention this at my hot yoga class after I get back from volunteering in our community-sourced organic garden! You have UPSET my chakra; it’s going to take hours of trance-infused meditation to sort me out!
Where is Hillary Rettig anyway?
@Baud: Same w/ BernieBros.
Never looked one in the eye, seem content behind the keyboards.
Col Hackworth’s “Perfumed Princes”
Is this a FP battle with Hillary?
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: Well the USMC divisions are not the same as the Army. There is one corps, the US Marine Corps. There are four, three active and one reserve. The reserve division is the 4th Marine Division. Historically there had been six. Each Marine Corps Division is composed of Regimental Combat Teams (RCTs) as opposed to Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) or other types of brigades (sustainment, Military Police, Military Intelligence, etc), which are use in the Army. Each RCT is made up of battalions, just as in the Army and the battalions are made up of companies and companies of platoons and the platoons of squads. Also like in the Army.
The formal organizational structure, as well as numbers assigned to each element and echelon, may be different than readiness. Readiness is the indicator of whether the unit can be certified as mission capable or not. It is quite common for units at home station to not be “ready” to deploy. Usually because they are in the process of becoming ready.
This is another way I can tell you don’t live in California. We are the land of obnoxious food fusses, including vegan, raw food, Atkins, paleo, and primal (“It’s not paleo, it’s better than paleo!”
Adam L Silverman
@benw: have some chamomile and bliss out, okay?
I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years this year and even I think vegans can be weird.
Miss Bianca
@benw: Actually, most of the hot-yoga people I know (petite moi included) are eat (meat), drink, and be merry types: the universal motto being “detox to retox!”
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’ve known both obnoxious and non-obnoxious/gracious (normal?) vegans and meat eaters. Like everything else I try not to foist what works for me off on anyone else. But when I saw this video earlier in the week I made not of it because it was just too funny.
@Adam L Silverman: Just to use a name, my cousin, Gabe Feeman, served as a K/9 Colour guard under President Bush.
I am totally ignorant as to how those things work but his Mama would not let us forget!
@West of the Cascades:
Get your goddamned nose out of my panties, friend.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: No. I saw the video earlier in the week and thought it would be too funny. If it was an FP battle with Hillary R, I would have either left it for her in comments to one of her posts or bigfooted one of her posts with it. I don’t do passive-aggressive. I just do aggressive-aggressive.
@Adam L Silverman: I think I’ll listen to some Wu-Tang instead…
@benw: You sound a bit alkaline, you should check your pH level.
Nothing against anyone who individually chooses to screw with her/his diet for whatever reasons.
The zealots, proselytizers and holier than thou tsk-tskers, however, can be stuffed into a fusion powered giant salad spinner for eternity.
@Mnemosyne: Running short on squirrels?
Even Better -> his older brother Ben Feeman showed up at our school in his full dress uniform; The kids (including me) mobbed him.
Like that bit from “Raiders.”
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: I agree. But then, I’m the one who thought it was hysterical when someone at one of our folk-dance get-togethers many years ago brought up the fact that we were going to have to have vegetarian meal options, and our resident curmudgeon snarled, “What, the slaughtered flesh of God’s own creatures isn’t good enough for ’em? Tell ’em to kill their OWN damn plants!”
Toasts @Miss Bianca with a Miller Lite!
schrodinger's cat
Too funny!
@BillinGlendaleCA: holy crap, it’s up to 36 Chambers!
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: That is a particular honor. You should be proud. The naming conventions for these things are ancient. The Army has a funky relationship to regiments. Other than the Armored Cavalry Regiments (ACRs) and Stryker Cavalry Regiments (SCRs), the regiments exist, but are only represented by the battalions (echelon immediately below brigade) associated with them. And some of the Army regiments are down to just one battalion – the others having been deactivated because they are not currently needed. So in the Army each Brigade Combat Team or other type of brigade is made up of several battalions. And the battalions are classified by their order within the regiment and then the number of the regiment followed by the branch of service.
Adam L Silverman
@benw: Of Shaolin! Great movie.
Ronnie P
I’m no vegetarian, but they take way more crap then they dish out, IMO. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be a vegetarian boy in middle school or high school. Especially in Texas or somewhere like that.
@benw: Better grab a burger!
ETA: Oddly enough, I’m going meatless today; I should probably check my pH as well.
@Adam L Silverman: Further demonstrating my profound ignorance: where might your average taxpayer go for an ‘honest’ assessment?”
schrodinger's cat
I make a completely vegetarian meal many a time, especially in the summer but vegan is a bridge too far.
schrodinger's cat
I don’t get the logic behind tofu based meat substitutes, if you don’t want to eat meat why eat fake meat. You can have a good vegetarian meal without fake meat.
Adam L Silverman
@Really?: I have no idea. I’m not a personnel and sustainment specialist. I supposed you could file a FOIA request with either the G1/Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Personnel or the G1/Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel at US Forces Command (FORSCOM). But my guess is that the information is going to be classified, and I’d argue rightly so, for operational security purposes.
@Adam L Silverman: @BillinGlendaleCA: do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me!?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Adam L Silverman: Next, we’ll try describing the British regimental system.
@benw: @Adam L Silverman: Yes! If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Stephen Chow’s God of Cookery, which is a spoof mashup of Iron Chef and 36 Chambers of Shaolin. “He had to master the 37th Chamber of Shaolin – the kitchen!” Incredibly funny. I saw this and other HK Iron Chef spoofs before I ever saw Iron Chef. There is room out there for Hollywood to do a truly insane cooking competition comedy. There must be a US equivalent of “Explosive Pissing Beef Balls.” I like how the HK kung fu spoofs do nothing to take away from one’s enjoyment of the “real” versions.
I believe it’s currently on Netflix, as well as floating around on YouTube. My subscription is in abeyance until the fall.
Gin & Tonic
How the fuck could OKC blow this game?
Adam L Silverman
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Not until I’ve had my cup of char.
Adam L Silverman
@Feathers: Thanks, I’ll see if I can find it.
@Baud: I agree with you.
@schrodinger’s cat: Given that food choices are often illogical, I don’t get the logic behind your focus on the food choices of people who eat meat substitutes.
@Gin & Tonic: because the Warriors are a team built to hit a million improbable shots when they get desperate?
Miss Bianca
@Feathers: That sounds like fun – but my library consortium has only one copy, and they ain’t lending. Peuh!
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: So its not so much a library then as an archival warehousing operation then?
Laughing too much to respond to all the posts that made me laugh in the first place. And now it’s time to go eat some thing.
Riding the Fonzie of Freedom to victory!
That’ll get ‘er done; please proceed, governess.
The Dangerman
@Gin & Tonic:
I thought the Thunder had grown up but, under pressure, they went back to their old selves; too much one on one ball in the last few minutes and Westbrook had multiple turns in the last couple minutes (Durant had at least one, maybe two).
ETA: After that choke job, do they get run in Game 7? And does Durant play for OKC next season if they don’t win in 7?
@benw: Or there’s the CT; the NBA and the networks want it to go for 7 games.
Though Rachel pointed out that a NBA full 7 game series might present a problem for the Republicans and their little party in Cleveland.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: something made of meat, right?
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Well, she said primly…sometimes when there’s only one copy of something in certain systems (in this case, Denver Public) – and it’s something rare/expensive/hard to get – the (non)lending library reserves it for their own patrons. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t drive to Denver, use my Denver library card (once I got it renewed) and check it out from them.
Now all this is different from interlibrary loan. But *don’t*ask me how unless you’re really burning with a hard gem-like flame to know. : )
ETA: Actually, it’s not that difficult to explain. ILL refers to borrowing from libraries outside the consortium. So if I cared to take the trouble, I could get it that way.
@Gin & Tonic:
I guess you’ll have to ask Klay Thompson
@schrodinger’s cat: I agree that it should be obvious that a delish veggie meal is possible without a meat substitute. But, there are some times you need a tofu substitute. For example, my veggie family still wants to have our traditional Italian Wedding Soup, so we need Italian-style tofu sausage to make it.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: so what you’re saying is they have it, but they won’t release it because its too valuable. That’s not a library, that’s a safe deposit box.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Baud: Reminds me of nouvelle cuisine: IT existed, somewhere. The complaints about it echo down the valley forever.
pseudonymous in nc
flight attendant: is there a doctor on the plane
vegan: i’m a vegan
Adam L Silverman
Alright, I just finished reading that entire Trump deposition that burnespbesq posted the link to in the previous post. I now have Trumplash! He talks in the depositions just like he does in debates and at rallies and in interviews. And he doesn’t listen to his lawyer when his lawyer tells him not to answer things.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, now you’re being difficult! I see your point, of course…and I don’t necessarily agree with the philosophy, grasp…the library I used to work at had the only circulating copy of a lot of items – both books and movies – in our consortium, and we almost always lent them out.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’m sure the NBA and networks would like a game 7. But do they really fuck with calls in game 6 to make it happen?
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Perhaps.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s why I said some thing instead of something.
@benw: I’m not sure I completely agree with the CT; sure, if was close enough and fudge it one way or another.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: Sorry, I missed the nuance.
@Adam L Silverman:
He’s smarter than his lawyer, didn’t you know that? He’s smarter than all of us, that’s why he’s been able to turn what was a reasonably large inheritance into something not much bigger in such a long time.
ETA And BTW thanks for wading into that cesspool so that others don’t have to.
I have never met any food people more obnoxious than the obsessive meat-ester. I was vegetarian for years and I’m eating meat now, but I still like a lot of vegetarian and vegan food.
One day at my former workplace, some colleagues and I decided to go to a vegan restaurant, and none of us were vegan. They just have good food and were nearby. We invited two other colleagues, who were dyed-in-the-wool meat dudes, and they acted like we just asked them to donate a kidney.
FFS, meat assholes. You can eat the occasional salad and it isn’t a fucking sacrifice.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: If you have the time you should read it. Its cut up a bit – some of the pages aren’t there, so it jumps around. But his answers are largely run ons where its clear he’s talking to formulate his answers rather than formulating his answers and then talking.
@Adam L Silverman:
And I thought that’s why you asked. But yes it has meat in it. At least i cooked it.
@Adam L Silverman:
So he really is a brash idiot who jumps in with both feet (in his mouth) then. Glad I didn’t jump to any unrealistic conclusions.
ETA Also it somewhat proves that he really is an idiot and his persona is not a faked one at all. It’s just him.
Maybe if put you some meat on it.
So it’s me standing before you. I just paid thirty-five for breakfast. Your gr
Goddammit – Name the Empress.
@Xantar: Maybe she’ll show up later in this thread… She have two posts earlier during the afternoon. (The posts were about mushrooms and about a new finding about psilocybin and depression.
ffffuuuuuuuck yoooooouuuu, loser.
@efgoldman: I like tofu. I still can’t cook it very well, but other people’s tofu is often delicious. And nutritious.
Major Major Major Major
Mmm ice cream
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: It was interesting. My favorite are the parts where he’s being deposed about blog posts he wrote indicating Secretary Clinton would make an excellent president or vice president back in 2008 as the plaintiffs lawyer is setting a trap for him. His response was he said nice things when in business so he wouldn’t lose opportunities, but now that he’s a politician he can tell the truth. The plaintiffs lawyer boxed him in with that as Trump had earlier denied that having end of course surveys identifiable by the students name would not have inflated the number of positive responses because the students didn’t want to anger, since they were identifiable because they had to put their names on the surveys, the instructors and senior mentors that they were supposed to be developing a longer term relationship with.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: hmmm
@Suzanne: Most of the meat-oriented conversations I’ve seen between meat-eaters and vegetarians have started (and ended) thusly:
You don’t even have to be a fanatical carnivore to be an annoying one.
@Adam L Silverman:
C-level execs, as a rule, are terrible witnesses. They won’t sit still long enough to prepare, and they think they can outsmart the process.
Bill Gates’ videotaped depo in the Microsoft antitrust case is a legendary example.
@efgoldman: Copy and paste are your friend. Copy it to the clipboard and paste it back if it didn’t take.
@efgoldman: Sure. Because the way to win friends and influence people is to start a conversation about their diet. If someone not eating meat is a point of inquiry for you, you don’t have enough to think about.
@efgoldman: Do you have more vegetarian “jokes”?
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: He was sworn in for it. The other thing that comes out is that he knows nothing about nothing. And his famous memory? There were a lot of answers to the questions of did he know specific instructors and/or senior mentors of: “It was a long time ago. What year was that? I know the names, but not the people. I don’t remember?” When given the names he didn’t know and it was a long time ago, when given pictures he didn’t know and it was a long time ago, when given audio and video he didn’t know and it was a long time ago. Or it looks or sounds familiar, but he didn’t recall because it was a long time ago. I’m not a lawyer, but from my reading the plaintiffs attorneys boxed him in good. And what’s in the transcript, if properly put to use, should make for excellent campaign advertisements.
Adam L Silverman
@burnspbesq: Does not surprise me at all.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: May I offer you some of our literature and a beef wellington?
@efgoldman: Ironic, given that you’re the one proselytizing in this scenario.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: may I offer you some of our literature and chicken marsala?
Dog Dawg Damn
Did anyone else read the NY Times article about Clinton camp fears re: Trump? here.
Not to concern troll, but this is exactly what I’ve been saying–pulling out be Mitt Romney “lower taxes on the rich” line actually helps him look legitimate. They need to hit him hard and serious and non-stop over: torture, war, Putin love, phony business dealings, fraudulent practices, nuclear weapons, economic know-nothingness, poor management style, etc. and scare the hell out of the AMerican people because if the worst they can say is “he’s a rich guy who will lower rich people’s taxes”, then people will say “oh, so what?” Hard and constant. I hope she starts listening to Obama’s team, because her crusty surrogates have SUCKED on air. I’ve heard the most tepid, stupid responses from her team. Trump, by his party’s own admission, is a threat to the Republic. Time to get serious.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I know. I don’t think they were trying to set a perjury trap, rather box him in with inconsistencies that they can exploit to make their case at the trial. That he comes off as the ultimate out of touch business owner who can’t even be bothered to meet six instructors and/or mentors because he’s too busy doing deals all over the world, though they are supposed to be teaching his system for real estate success, was just amusing to read.
Tofu doesn’t seem to like me and I’ve developed a similar affection.
Adam L Silverman
@Dog Dawg Damn: It did come out earlier today or yesterday or Friday that he’d admitted to GOP Senate Chiefs of Staff that he’s out of money to campaign with so he can’t establish proper state campaign offices and operations. Unconventionality only gets one so far.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: or do prostyletize, but I get to make fun of you for it.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Our literature is quite tasty.
That’s a dead opossum on his head. Otherwise it would obviously be smarter than drumpf.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: But I thought he was self-funded and beholden to nobody. Oh well.
@Major Major Major Major:
So did drumpf. Turns out math is another one of the areas he doesn’t seem to understand very well. The list grows daily and is quite long presently.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: No. The best thing I’ve seen on the primary is that he 1) leveraged all the free press he received, 2) wrote off all the travel to and from events on the corporate jet using the special loophole for corporate senior execs that if its certified as unsafe for them to fly commercial, they get to write off the cost of private travel, and 3) deferred interest self loans to his campaign. And he can write those off too. As David Cay Johnston likes to say: “a tax deferred is a tax not paid.” So he’s probable going to be able to bank a profit off of the primary in terms of using it to manipulate his tax liability. The general is a different animal entirely. Do I think it means he can’t or won’t win? No, I think that’s a possibility. But the inability and unwillingness to establish a proper campaign organization, do proper polling, have proper advisors, strategists, and staffers, and do proper GOTV should, and I emphasize should, indicate that it is less likely to happen.
@Adam L Silverman:
I though Estelle’s other client Al was the one who ate paper.
Adam L Silverman
Time for me to rack out. You all have a nice night. I’m sure someone will be along eventually with your next post.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: I am not tracking at all. But sure!
@Adam L Silverman:
How’s that go, Morons to the right of us……..
@Adam L Silverman:
A Friends reference. Joey’s agent had two clients. A bad actor and a guy who’s bit was eating paper.
@Adam L Silverman: It got him the nomination, which means he’s one October Surprise away from the presidency.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: I’ve been watching the Noun Of Pluralnoun shows where you scheme and kill your way to the top today. I’m in a mood.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: Ahh, okay. Didn’t watch Friends.
Adam L Silverman
@BBA: This is true. I don’t think anyone should sleep on him, as Charles Pierce likes to say.
@Adam L Silverman:
Seemingly if he actually wants to win it will take some of that and someone has to pay for it. Does he have time to find enough money and build an organization? Does he have the brains to make it happen even if he finds the money? Or does he think that his magic touch will work? Cause I’m not seeing it.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Very true. Its going to be a very strange five and 1/2 months. And on that note, I’m really racking out. You all have a good night.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: I’m not either. And Manafort has said they’re going to let him do his thing his way. Manafort is used to managing tyrants. He’s also getting paid regardless. So…
That’s the sort of thing he’s depended upon his entire adult life. But there are a lot of moving parts to this political business/bankruptcy arrangement, far more than he’s used to fucking up. And most people only saw the gold paint, or as a man I used to know said “shinny pennies” in all his business dealings. Now the entire country will get to see his depth. As we’ve seen many either won’t/don’t care or think that’s a positive but I think it won’t go much farther than those who already support him. Yes he will pick up some Clinton/democrat haters, but I’ll bet it won’t be enough.
@Adam L Silverman:
Well drumpf does seem to be the type to only hire yes men. And marry yes women.
A few days ago, John Cole posted a scary link about antibiotic resistance . It is estimated that this could become the leading cause of death worldwide by 2050. 10 million lives, 100 trillion in economic cost. The most important cause of antibiotic resistance is meat production. It isn’t that people shouldn’t eat meat, but that people now eat so much meat that its mass has many serious consequences. Think about your child, or perhaps your mother, or you yourself dying from a minor injury that becomes infected. Or the end of almost all elective surgery. Cole is absolutely right to be upset and concerned. IIRC, 12000 metric tons of the LAST effective antibiotic were used in 2015 for meat production. I know it’s hard to change eating habits. It’s so ingrained in every aspect of our lives and culture. I’ve been working towards becoming a vegan for years, but I still succumb to dairy products from time to time.
Add in the greatly underestimated impact meat and dairy production have on global warming, and the terrible conditions for the workers in the meat industry, and the horrific cruelty to the animals, and the air and water pollution, the link between meat consumption and cancer, the increasing oceanic ” dead zones” from “agricultural” runoff, and the rainforests being cleared for cattle,…. well the list is a long one. But our current methods and immense size of meat production are a threat to everyone everywhere. What a downer before the memorial day cookout! But if meat and dairy products were priced to include all their social and environmental costs, everyone would cut back on their consumption. But that would create another crisis. Maybe many crises. Redoing the entire system would be amazingly difficult, given human nature, politics, and greed. Got to go now. I have “cheap” meat for my cats.
Little Sonny's Bubbie
@schrodinger’s cat: Meat substitutes add a little variety in flavor and texture to dishes like meatless pasta sauces and chili.
As many have observed, vegans tend to be shy and not “in-your-face” obnoxious people. Although I eat meat (mainly chicken and fish), I have never had a vegan friend criticize what I eat. I think you are hanging out with the wrong kinds of people, if they act like the bro in this clip!
Dirty Fuckin’ Hippies, when have they ever been right?
*throws 3 inch thick prime ribeye on the bone onto blazing charcoal*
schrodinger's cat
@benw: Good point.
schrodinger's cat
The only vegetarian proselytizers I have come across have been Jains.
@RealityBites: Well said. It’s about a lot more than ethics.
@Mnemosyne: That old joke is circulating even here in the Midwest: Q: how can you tell if someone is a vegan? A: wait 15 seconds. They’ll tell you.
But in the interest of full disclosure, I am not now nor have I ever been a Thom Hartmann fan.
Atticus Dogsbody
An ice cream truck operator was driving along when in his mirror he saw a woman running behind his truck. He kept driving, but a minute later when he checked his mirror again she was still there. He didn’t want to stop as he was on his way home, so he sped up. The woman kept pace. Finally, he thought “Fuck it, I’d better serve the lady.” So he pulled over and opened his serving window. “Sorry, ma’am, I didn’t see you at first. What’s you pleasure?”
“Oh, I don’t want to buy anything.” The lady replied. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m a vegan.”