I’ll just lay this here:
Obnoxious and ignorant is no way to go through life, son.
by Hillary Rettig| 63 Comments
This post is in: Somewhere a Village is Missing its Idiot
I’ll just lay this here:
Obnoxious and ignorant is no way to go through life, son.
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Fair Economist
Appropriate that he misspelled “lose” in the post that made him lose his Twitter account.
Roger Moore
Strictly speaking, obnoxious and ignorant is a way to get through life, as a disturbing number of people demonstrate. It may not be a good way of getting through life, but it is a way.
…unless you’re trying to secure the GOP presidential nomination.
Hillary Rettig
@Fair Economist: yes this post is rich with irony!
A comfort couch sounds like something I’d enjoy.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: you! could use it, too.
I’m taking my teenage niece and nephew to see a small play this afternoon. If they find it boring, they only have themselves to blame, because I sent them the logline.
Unless this little toad was born in 1988 (and is now 25 or 26 years old), his handle might tell us that he’s a special kind of hater.
@Fair Economist:
Cole posted this a couple of days ago with the headline, “If You Come At the King …”
I admit, I’m still giggling about the whole thing. Grammar Nazis FTW!
Hillary Rettig
@quakerinabasement: good catch. let’s hope it refers to age (altho this is the Internet…)
Major Major Major Major
The DNC said nuh-uh to Bernie’s little attempt at removing Barney Frank and Malloy
Hillary Rettig
@Mnemosyne: Wait, did I post a repeat?
@Hillary Rettig:
Meh, it gives the Saturday daytime crowd a chance to enjoy it. Things usually get buried after a day or two.
Hillary Rettig
@Mnemosyne: You’re sweet! Thanks. I can’t believe I missed it, tho…
WaPo profiles one of our own
@Hillary Rettig: I missed it as well. So thanks.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: sc spells it differently. this must be about somebody else.
I’m going to make some iced lapsang souchong and enjoy the sun ?
@Major Major Major Major: So glad the DNC stood up for them. Nuff with giving in to Bernie’s petulant demands.
@Major Major Major Major: Maybe her nym exists in two different spelled states until it is observed.
Major Major Major Major
Well yeah! You old fart Democrats have no idea what it’s like to be an idealistic young person whose preferred candidate loses.
@efgoldman: There really does seem to be a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature on the part of Bernie and his minions. When an established group welcomes a newcomer, it does not promote that newcomer’s acceptance to call the members of the group corrupt, inept, and undemocratic. To be amazed that the group might push back is the height of cluelessness.
FDS is no way to go through life, son (fat, drunk and stupid for those who don’t remember Dean Wormer).
@Major Major Major Major: I know it’s hard to accept, but I’ll be back one day.
Hillary Rettig
@SenyorDave: RIP Dean Wormer
Hillary Rettig
@Baud: thankee kind sir!
@quakerinabasement: Math, how does it work?
I love the National Spelling Bee. I love seeing all those bright kids. Yeah, it’s tough, but they are learning life lessons.
Federal Judge Curiel, presiding over Trump’s university case, is getting attacked by Trump. Trump is going on and on how the Judge is biased, unfair and a Trump hater. Oh, and Trump mentions that Judge Curiel is Mexican. I dunno but it doesn’t seem like a great idea to badmouth a federal judge you will be testifying in front of.
Trump also spoke in CA saying there is no drought and he will open all the spigots.
I’d almost think that Trump really, really doesn’t want to be president and he is trying his damnedest to make sure he isn’t if it wasn’t for his massive ego.
@Major Major Major Major:
Right? In almost 50 years of voting, I have voted for the winning man only 3 times. Well, actually 5 times if you count Clinton’s and Obama’s second terms. These johnny-come-latelys to the party have no clue.
@Major Major Major Major:
Voted for Humphrey, McGovern and Mondale. But I’m so much stronger now!
I’m reading “Maphead” by Ken Jennings. I knew next to nothing about the National Geographic Bee until I read his interesting chapter covering the Bee. The entire book is full of fascinating, quirky geography facts.
Hell, there’s a substantial cohort of moron Californians who believe the “Congress-Made Drought” signs posted along I-5 in the San Joaquin. Yup, congress done told it to not rain and by gum, not rain it did, or didn’t. At this point Donny isn’t riffing, he’s spewing provided tag lines just like he’s Sarah(tm).
Ultraviolet Thunder
A good friend got married yesterday in San Diego. All around the wedding and reception was a demonstration against Trump.
This is now part of their wedding album because they’re that kind of people (weirdos).
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: My dad said maybe he’s trying to get the judge to recuse himself on account of hating Donald Trump.
@bemused: Didn’t one of the Bundys try this stunt as well? I think he filed suit against the judge in addition to the badmouthing. If it worked, it would be a way to indefinitely delay a trial, as well as shop for a judge favorably inclined towards you. If it didn’t work, well, you’d have to face a judge you’d publicly slagged off. Seems like a high risk maneuver.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Major Major Major Major, @Baud:
She spells it differently here than she does on her own website. Go figure.
BTW, speling isn’t a wingnut area of concentration. I took this at an honest-to-gawd TeaParty ™ rally.
Massively and proudly ignorant. And so many of us thought incurious, know-nothing GW Bush was a dangerous blunderer. Trump is a hundred times worse.
I think someone here mentioned how the rightwing made fun of John Edwards” hair primping which I had forgotten and Trump’s idiot fans evidently choose to ignore Trump’s ridiculous mop completely.
I remember seeing a photo of a “give me libety, no tranny” sign from a tea party rally. Still cracks me up.
Birds of a feather except for the size of their bank accounts.
Roger Moore
I don’t think that’s it. It’s that they don’t really care about being accepted or winning. They care most about being part of a righteous few who strike back at the corrupt many. They have to be obnoxious and provoke everyone else, because the pushback proves that they’re the good, uncorrupt guys and everyone else is the evil they’re fighting against. Winning would actually be bad because they’d have to question whether they had somehow been corrupted in the process.
@trollhattan: Maybe someone should ask Hair Trump if he’s seen any rain on his visits to our fair state?
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack (phone): Ohai are you guys talking about me?
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I assume he’s mostly trying to justify why he’s going to lose and lose badly.
Thoughtful David
The idea that California is a failure always cracks me up. Oh yeah? So is that why its economy is always one of the top in the nation?
Allied to that is the idea that the Scandinavian countries are all socialist hellholes. I assume that’s why we have such problems with Norwegian illegal aliens, right?
Steeplejack (phone)
@schrodinger’s cat:
We’re discussing your possible state(s) of existence based on spelling.
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack (phone):My handle on Tunchblog is a typo, one that I have been too lazy to correct.
@Steeplejack (phone): I was told there would be no spelling.
@Roger Moore:
So it’s the Comic Book Superheroes campaign, then? Given that Weaver’s in charge, it would seem to make sense. However, if that were their only motivation they wouldn’t be so irate about the ungracious tone with which they are being received. It seems like that has become the major complaint of the Bernistas visiting here. If you’re the good guys, why would it matter if the bad guys are snarking at you?
Steeplejack (phone)
Then you may be excused.
Schlemazel Khan
If you are going through life too loose I’d recommend more fiber.
As for spelling this may be the only thing I can think from Andrew Jackson that I can approve of: “It is a small mind that can conceive of only one way to spell a word.”
I just had a revelation. Cornel West as part of Bernie’s campaign indicates that he hates Obama as much as he hates Hillary. IOW, a racist as well as a misogynist.
Jerzy Russian
I more often see “Congress created dust bowl”. One possible meaning is that the farmer thinks Congress passed a law preventing the farmer to water that particular plot of land, turning it into a brown field covered with dust. Otherwise, one is left to wonder how the modern-day Congress did anything to cause the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.
schrodinger's cat
@pat: Yup! Check out St. Bernard’s record on immigration in the Senate.
Captain C
@bemused: Trump’s MO has generally been to take risks and leave others holding the bag if things go bad (cf. four bankruptcies). I wonder if, for all his narcissism, ignorance, and bluster, some part of him knows that this model can’t be used for the U.S. presidency.
@efgoldman: I’m a firm beleiver in creative spelin’.
ETA: I reject your spelling and substitute my own.
@Captain C:
Nope, he doesn’t want to be President. He doesn’t want to be Head of Government, he wants to be “Chairman of the Board” of the US. He wants to be king. The US Presidency incorporates the duties of Head of State as well as Head of Government.
Roger Moore
I am reluctant to ascribe his dislike for Hillary or Obama to bigotry. I assume he resents their success because he thinks he deserves it more, but I’m more inclined to think that’s because he thinks he’s a better liberal than they are, not because he thinks women or blacks are inherently incapable.
Fair Economist
@Captain C:
He’s certainly pursuing that now. If he wins, he’ll be President and apparently expect everybody to lick his (Yuuge, Shiny!) boots. If he loses, he goes back to his trophy wife and real estate speculation and the Republican party will be left looking like fools.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Law trek?
Schlemazel Khan
That was what I said to my tailor, Mr Letrek, when he left a bit extra in my suit coat – Too loose, Letrek
Matt McIrvin
@quakerinabasement: In which case, the right response is “Do you know who ELSE lost?”