Bernie's answer to GOP opposition if he were POTUS is more Bernie rallies. Really.
— Martha Jackovics (@BeachPeanuts) May 31, 2016
Why, so can I, and so can any man; but will they come, when you do call for them?
Public figures are commonly warned against believing their own press releases. Senator Sanders seems to have gone beyond mere belief, to discover in the Bernie Sanders described by his supporters one hell of an amazing fella, capable of feats no mortal politician could claim. He will quell the rebellious Repubs by the might of his loyalist mill-yuns, and accomplish historic progress by the sheer genius of his executive orders. From the Rolling Stone interview:
…To put it in terms that you were talking about tonight at the rally, I think the critique is not blaming Bernie Sanders for thinking too big, but critiquing Bernie Sanders for sweeping the “unpleasant truths” of our political system right now – the way it ties everything up in knots – “under the rug.” Many people say you’re right as rain on the policy and the objectives, but “Boy, I just don’t think he can do it.”
Yes …
So how do you do it? What are the specifics that allow you to—
What are the specifics about how I, personally, all by myself, do what nobody in American history has done? And I’m being criticized? Why don’t you do it? Why doesn’t the editor of Rolling Stone do it? Look. You know. With all due respect, that’s an absurd question.Hopefully, we will end up winning the nomination and winning the general election. If we don’t do that, which is certainly a possibility, we will have accomplished an enormous amount. Could we have done better? Could I do better? Of course. I’m not quite sure what the—
The question is: Assuming you’re president and you’re dealing with a Congress that looks like the one we have today…
Let me just comment on that. If I am elected president, the odds of the Senate remaining Republican would be minimal. You’d have very large turnout helping Democrats up and down the line.But you’d still likely face Paul Ryan as your negotiating partner. And I’m trying to figure out how you get something like public-college-for-all passed with Paul Ryan as your counterpart. Given that you just said today that they won’t play ball.
To answer that question successfully requires us to think outside of a zero-sum game. You’re saying to me, and it’s a fair question: “Bernie, if you sit down with Paul Ryan and say, ‘Paul, I want a tax on Wall Street speculation to make public colleges and universities tuition-free and to lower student debt,’ the likelihood is that Paul won’t say, ‘Hey, Bernie, why didn’t I think of that? Fantastic idea! Let’s go forward together.'” So what’s the strategy? The strategy – which is unprecedented, and this is where we’re talking about thinking outside the box – is to have a president who actually, vigorously goes around the country and rallies the American people, who are in favor of this idea. This is not some sort of fringe idea. The American people want it. And [the president] rallies the American people and makes it clear that people in the Republican Party – or Democratic Party – who are not sympathetic will pay a political price. That changes the dynamics.Everything that I campaign on – they’re not fringe ideas. They’re not radical ideas. They’re ideas that the American people support. What we’ve got to do now is close the gap that currently exists between the American people over here [gestures to one side of the table], who have needs and goals and desires, and a Congress [gestures to other side], which in almost every instance is ignoring what the American people want…
Because, of course, we have no recent Democratic presidents — for example, the man now occupying that position — who were willing or able to “actually, vigorously go around the country and rally the American people, who are in favor of this idea.” Only a superior political intellect like Bernie Sanders could have imagined so powerful and lambent a tactic! One part Bully Pulpit, two parts Green Lantern…
Matt Yglesias, at Vox, has convinced himself that “Bernie Sanders will drop out and endorse Hillary Clinton soon”…
… While Sanders’s hypothetical campaign would be premised on the idea of winning superdelegates over to his side, the reality is that after California and New Jersey vote, the opposite is going to happen… [T]he small number of Sanders supporters who are also elected officials — most important among them Reps. Keith Ellison and Raúl Grijalva and Sen. Jeff Merkley — will abandon him on the same grounds. They’ll say the campaign accomplished a lot and proved people-powered politics is the wave of the future, but Clinton won fair and square and now it’s time to unite for a higher minimum wage, making the rich pay their fair share, comprehensive immigration reform, and all the rest.
At the same time as the more establishment-oriented wing of the Sanders movement abandons him in favor of Clinton, the more radical wing will also abandon him. Sanders’s core voting base in the primary has come from young people who probably didn’t participate in the 2000 campaign. But several of Sanders’s more prominent surrogates — people like Cornel West and Susan Sarandon — are longtime critics of the Democratic Party who backed Ralph Nader back then…
At the end of the day, Sanders is a Democrat
Decades ago, when America’s political parties were less polarized and when Sanders was more invested in anti-anti-communism as a foreign policy, Sanders was truly a political independent. He won a tough third-party campaign to be elected mayor of Burlington, and he tangled with Democrats on the city council early in his term…But once in Congress, Sanders settled into a comfortable modus vivendi with the formal Democratic Party. He caucused with the Democrats for the purpose of obtaining committee seats and seniority, and Democrats stopped running candidates against him. In 2006, when a Senate seat opened up in Vermont, the party’s national leaders — everyone from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer — cleared the field for him so he could win the Democratic nomination unopposed. Having won it, he then officially declined it in order to run as an independent in a race with no Democratic nominee…
I read this history and see an opposite future: Sanders was happy to accept all the benefits of being a Democrat, and even to cast his very precious extremely independent vote with that less-elite gang, as long as he wasn’t required to lower himself to the grubby moil of vote-trading and donor-coddling. But if the benighted Establishment Democrats are not willing, at this shining moment, to acknowledge his singularity and step aside for his nomination… he will NOT BE IGNORED.
Frankly — and I hope he makes a liar out of me — at this moment, I’m predicting a future for Senator Sanders as the Joe Lieberman of a new generation. Come 2019, it wouldn’t surprise me to see him on Pete Peterson’s payroll, in the latest incarnation of #NoLabels “sensible centrism”, decrying the coarse anti-American partisanship of the party in power… especially if (goddess please make it so) that should be the Democratic party.
Supplementary sniping below the fold…
Does Sanders think that his winning coalition lies outside of the 52% currently approving of Obama?
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) June 1, 2016
@BeachPeanuts He has had 30+ years to think up a plan yet here we are
— Yuge Ass Tortoise (@Tyler_Tortoise) May 31, 2016
.@BernieSanders is not feeling very introspective these days.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) May 31, 2016
Bernie thinks talking to 16,000 people who are already voting for him constitutes almost the entirety of campaigning
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) May 31, 2016
Worse, he thinks raising the cash needed to keep Trump from making SCOTUS nominations isn't a worthwhile endeavor.
— Presumptive Nominee (@HalloweenBlogs) May 31, 2016
I do think that we can fulfill the legacy of presidents F.D.R., Truman, and L.B.J. and guarantee health care for all people as a right.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 1, 2016
This tweet was 135 characters. “Obama” is 5 characters … you could have fit it. #PreExistingConditions #ACA #srsly
— Candice Dayoan (@candicecd) June 1, 2016
@fsfwannabe @DanaHoule Bernie only venerates FDR, Truman & LBJ because they are dead and can't endorse Hillary Clinton.
— Michael Lampers (@LampersMichael) June 1, 2016
It's not that I disagree with Bernie's stump speech but once you've seen Gallagher smash enough watermelons, you're ready for something new.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) June 1, 2016
"How Bernie Sanders Made Himself Irrelevant."
— Al Giordano (@AlGiordano) June 1, 2016
Open Thread?
Looking ahead to the weekend on TCM –
Five Graves to Cairo – Friday, June 3 at 10 p.m. – early, not quite jelled effort from Billy Wilder as director, made in the midst of WW2 and showing Nazis as more three-dimensional characters than in other films of the period, with Erich von Stroheim as Rommel.
For comedic escapism, on Sunday at 6 p.m. is My Favorite Year.
People say that he will do the right thing and endorse Hillary.
We shall see. ?
schrodinger's cat
I am no Bernie fan and I think he should bow out, the sooner the better. But even I doubt that he will become an Austerity monger for Peterson.
I recall Sanders saying once that his plan for breaking Senate gridlock is to bring a million people to demonstrate outside Mitch McConnell’s office or something.
Unless those million people are from KY, McConnell isn’t going to give a fuck. He’ll ignore it or worse, fund raise off it.
But this is typical Sanders. Organization? Voter registration? Electing other candidates? Nope, it’s all just speeches and rallies for him. He’d rather hold parties than do the serious grunt work of elections.
I would prefer not to.
schrodinger's cat
@rikyrah: if he does so, it will be luke warm and half hearted.
@rikyrah: At this point, I doubt it even matters. Come this time next week, she’ll be the nominee, Obama will come off the sidelines, Warren will endorse her, and Sanders will be this pouting old crank that nobody pays attention to. He’s pretty much shot himself in the foot with his actions lately as far as being relevant in the future.
And now he’s talking about holding “events” over the next month to woo the SDs? Uh huh. My guess is the few SDs with him will start abandoning him if he goes down that route (Merkley for one has already said no dice to any convention antics).
I can’t see Sanders as a Lieberman/Pete Peterson/No Labels type centrist. Not in a million years.
Now, a Nader-like grouch kvetching from the sidelines at a party and an electorate that have moved past him…
I listened to Barney Frank and Barbara Boxer interviews, prepared to be outraged at their Bernie bashing. But they were far more insightful and charitable than this stuff. Frank thinks Sanders will get on board for the election and do a lot of good. I am hopeful Frank will be proven correct.
Just going to remind folks that 375,000 of our fellow citizens now have access to health care in Louisiana. ,Elections have consequences. And, this was accomplished by the imperfect Obamacare. Ask those fellow citizens if they are willing to blow up Obamacare for the purity pony promise of single payer. And, no, both parties are NOT the same.
Betty Cracker
It’s possible to make sense of the thought experiment-trap Sanders fell into if you look at it just right: When he launched his campaign, he never figured he’d win in a million years. He just wanted to get his issues front and center. At that point, it made a sort of sense to say that if he was elected, the old order would be overthrown. Sanders elected? That was crazy talk!
Now, it’s not so crazy. He won’t win the nomination, of course. But he came a lot closer than anyone dreamed, including himself, I’m convinced of it. So he hasn’t really thought through the whole governing thing. I’m sure it’s all quite surreal. I just hope he snaps the fuck out of it soon — California, do your thing…
Someone mentioned a few days ago a test for the Sanders theory of governance. He should use his Power Of Huge Rallies to convince Senate Republicans to hold hearings on a certain stalled Supreme Court nominee. Not to confirm him, but just to open hearings. Manage that test, Bernie, and I’ll grant your theory some credence.
This from Frank Rich is interesting.
Go read it at NY Magazine. Someone grab the fainting couch.
schrodinger's cat
He comes from the land of ice snow, no not BS.
schrodinger's cat
@Betty Cracker: You are still giving Sanders the benefit of doubt? After all his antics?
BTW Happy Anniversary, how was your trip?
Mary G
I think the same thing that happened to the Mittbot has happened to Bernie. Standing in front of huge adoring crowds has convinced him that everyone else in America feels the same way. In fact we are sitting on the sidelines saying “look at the idiots still going to rallies for the no-hoper.”
@schrodinger’s cat: Agree. The DNC needs to stop catering to him ASAP: Cornell West ? Give me a fucking break. What, the “YOU LIE” dude wasn’t available ? And wanting input on Hillary’s VP selection ? Sure, Bernie, go ahead and name Chelsea’s second kid while you’re at it. My god what an asshole he’s turned out to be.
@gf120581: Indeed.
Bernie gave the same stump speech about eleventy billion times since last February/April. He has a set of talking points that he wants to use and it takes something yuuge to make him change. Nothing’s going to shake his view that all it takes is millions of people coming to rallys and (missing step 2) and then all the liberal policies that have been locked in amber since 1968 will suddenly be freed and we’ll be on our way to a democratic socialist paradise.
My feeling is that he’s going to endorse Hillary and maybe even give a good speech at the convention talking about the need for party unity. But I fear that he’s going to do little beyond that. He hasn’t exactly been campaigning for other liberal candidates that would help him (he’s endorsed, what, 4 other candidates?). I think Hillary and Barack will help him retire his campaign debt (which I expect will be substantial), but I don’t know how much Bernie will do to help.
He’s an old man and may need to take a few months off, also too.
We’ll see.
(Who thinks that Bernie served a noble purpose in making Hillary fight for the nomination, and in showing yet again that the way to win isn’t being the leftiest lefty in American politics right now. Incremental progress…)
I think Bernie needs to take a nice vacation, relax for a bit, and face reality. Hawaii is always nice, and if you go to one of the smaller islands, it’s harder for the press to follow you.
Honest question: is there a danger of a little echo chamber with the Bernie bashers and bitters? Anyone actually listen to what he is saying or just copying the bitterest pundit they can find?
I heard a news report on Sanders’ recent days on the CA campaign trail that said Hillary Clinton has disappeared from his stump speeches and he is bashing GOP and Trump. And, aside from trade, Obama’s policies today sounded just as much Sanders and HRC. Obama pushing HRC to the left?
IF Sanders gets on board and gets out some votes, who cares if the old grouch has destroyed his chance of real influence in the Democratic Party? He’ll do just fine in Democratic majority Senate.
That’s weird. I just said a similar thing in response to jl and my post vanished into the ether. Maybe FYWP hates Hawaii?
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Truthfully, he’s not even needed. Warren is a far more effective surrogate than he could ever hope to be (especially since Warren has shown the ability to goad Trump into acting out).
I like using this comparison. If political parties are a team, Sanders is the guy who stands off to the side, does no work, but complains about the job everyone else is doing.
Betty Cracker
@schrodinger’s cat: No, I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt, just speculating about his thought process. I hope he gets a grip, but it could go either way.
Still on my trip — thanks! Excellent day of bird-watching today.
If Sanders climbs onto the Hillary bandwagon as wholeheartedly as Hillary climbed onto Obama’s after she lost in 2008, I think most people will let bygones be bygones. If he seems to still be trying to play it both ways and carp from the sidelines, that would be a bigger issue.
Gin & Tonic
Words seldom seen in such close proximity to each other.
@dmsilev: Heh
clay bennett has already nailed it.
If he does that, it should be enough. The fear is that he won’t concede either after Tuesday or after the DC primary on the 14th and that whatever support he has left by the end of July is enough to raise a ruckus at the convention. I think he’ll concede, but I confess I’m not completely sure.
@Betty Cracker:
Funnily enough, Donny’s campaign launched against similar odds. Must be something in the water this year.
@Betty Cracker:
Jane is back to making the teevee rounds, after a few weeks off. I caught her on Andrea Mitchell/MSNBC today; someone else, several threads down, mentioned seeing her on CNN. I was struck, during her interview with Mrs Greenspan, that during a discussion of possible VP picks, Jane said (paraphrase, but close) “We hope Secretary Clinton will choose a progressive as a running mate.” It seemed like a minute or two (was actually probably not more than 10-15 seconds) before Jane remembered her talking points and hastily reframed it as “IF Secretary Clinton is the nominee….”
Quite a telling moment, I thought.
Jay C
Another big difference between Reagan and Trump: old Ronnie was a thorough Party stalwart. Once he became a Republican, he stayed a good one. He cheerfully fronted for his sugar-daddies in the CA GOP, used (and was used by) the Party like a good solid politico; even as a Party “rebel”, he still worked within the framework of the system, and, as President, made sure his, and the GOP’s prestige were a self-reinforcing dynamic.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, seems to have little but contempt for the “regular” Party (scarcely undeserved, btw): his campaign is pure ego-driven personality cult.
Funny. Pro tip: never use that name around Seattle sports fans.
I think a lot of hate for Bernie comes from edginess about Clinton’s candidacy, high unfavorables and cognitive dissonance–having to confront that perhaps one isn’t as progressive as they’d like to think.
Reggie Mantle
Honest answer: it’s already happened.
@Betty Cracker: California will very probably do its thing by giving HRC a victory. I also heard a news report that, unlike other states, CA independents are breaking strongly for Clinton.
Sanders probably misjudged what kind of progressive CA voters like.
I may be wrong, but I think Sanders is winding it down as best he can figure out in order to keep his supporters enthusiastic to vote in November (Edit, that is not saying his judgment is very good, though). I think his campaign will be finished after next Tuesday, and then we will see.
benwartleby the scrivener :-)
@gf120581: I don’t think we can count our chickens in the Senate yet. Let’s remember – he was one of the 60 who got Obamacare passed.
Maybe he’ll decide not to run in 2018 – that’s fine. But until then (unless Hillary runs the tables and we get all 69 votes in the Senate (which is probably only possible if all of the Teabaggers lose)), then he’s a needed vote.
He’s done some annoying things this campaign, but let’s remember he’s a politician. He wants to stay in office, and he wants to have power. That means getting along to some extent. He’s not going to become a Nader and throw away his chance to really have an impact in the Senate.
My $0.02.
At the end of the day, Sanders is a douche rocket. He’s made his mark and moved the Democratic party to the left, but anyone who can’t avoid that whole pesky math business must conclude that Bernie is never going to be president. Unless you really go for that whole ‘clap louder’ thing, which I detested from Bushies and like even less now. His campaign has become an exercise in egotism at this point, and – forgive me – one of those types of campaigns at a time is all I can stand.
@amk: and here I was thinking you were talking about the NBA franchise owner.
I watched Obama’s Elkhart town hall. I admire him for doing it but boy, it’s tough to rebut straight-up lies. “Tens of thousands of Syrian refugees” taking money from homeless veterans. Oh, God. You don’t know where to start with that mess.
Reggie Mantle
I think you hit the nail on the head. Their level of denial requires that they go after any nonbelievers or even lukewarm ones with every torch and pitchfork in the barn.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Kay: Que ?
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I think the saddest thing was last weekend in
San FranciscoOakland where a whole bunch of his white, middle class supporters were videoed singing We Shall Overcome in regard to him taking the nomination. The obliviousness was amazing.SiubhanDuinne
@Betty Cracker:
I hope there will be pictures.
I like pictures.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Its not in moderation. I just checked.
@Adam L Silverman: Ouch.
@Reggie Mantle:
It’s always good for LoLs when Bernfeelers complain about anyone going after non-believers with torches and pitchforks:
John Lewis
Dolores Huerta
Barbara Boxer
Roberta Lange
Elizabeth Warren
Jerry Brown
Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood
Human Rights Campaign
Southern Democrats
Miss Bianca
@gf120581: May I just say, “from your mouth to God’s ear”?
Please, God, if ever I ascend to any sort of position of power again, do *not* let me buy my own hype. That is the source of more perilous grief than anything I can think of.
@Reggie Mantle: relevant
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Self awareness, we do not has it!
@Adam L Silverman:
A real mystery why black voters never really warmed up to the “revolution”.
Reggie Mantle
And there you have it. Even someone who’s clearly going to vote for Hillary is suspect of he doesn’t exhibit the proper level of hate for Sanders.
You’ve already begun turning on each other.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: you…*saw*…this?
This could have happened among a significant cohort of folks I know and love – or loved, this has been a harsh year – here in CO.
Adam L Silverman
@Cacti: I’ve asked these four teenagers in a van and their great dane to look into it for us.
@Adam L Silverman: Seriously? That happened?
Couldn’t the Sanders campaign have rolled out Cornel West to explain why that was stupid at best?
Or, y’know, that Trump is the neofascist candidate that David Neiwart has been predicting for years and yet some Bernie or Busters are too blind to see it.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Reggie Mantle: That’s some IMAX size projection. Here’s a pancake recipe:
Basic Buttermilk Pancakes

(4 servings)

• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1 Tablespoon sugar
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1 beaten egg
• 1 cup buttermilk
• 2 Tablespoons vegetable or canola oil
How To Make Basic Buttermilk Pancakes
In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
In a medium bowl, beat the egg until the whites and yolk are combined. Add the buttermilk and oil and stir to combine.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk to combine. (Try not to over-mix. 5 seconds should do the job. It’s okay if there are a few lumps.) For best results, let the batter rest 10 minutes before making pancakes.
Place a griddle or large frying pan over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray (you can also use a scant amount of butter).
Dollop the batter in 1/4 cup amounts per pancake. When the tops are covered with small bursting bubbles, flip the pancakes and cook the other sides to golden brown.
This recipe makes eight 5-inch pancakes.
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: I don’t believe it. I’m sorry. I wish I did. But I don’t trust that man farther than I could throw a cheesecake under water.
st. bernard the pure? not bloody likely.
@Adam L Silverman: Oy gevalt – that was truly cringeworthy.
Culture of Truth
I don’t think so. Sanders may stew for a little while, especially he since he won’t be angling for Vice President or even a cabinet position. But unlike Lieberman, he’s a progressive, a committed to his beliefs. And he despises Donald Trump. He’ll endorse Clinton and urge his supporters to stop Trump, which he’s already doing.
You really are a nice guy and you go out of your way to cut Bernie breaks, however undeserved they may be. Just want to say chow much I admire your ability to always see the good. It’s not my way (I’ve been a cynic since the womb, I think), but I do wish I wasn’t sometimes.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
Oh, one of the questions bothered me. Why is Obama paying for tens of thousands of Syrian refugees when there are homeless vets with children? I feel like it came straight from Trump. It’s wrong, for one thing, and it makes no sense, for another. 2500 Syrian refugees (not ‘tens of thousands’) are not a budget trade-off for veterans housing. 2500 is nothing for a country this size and they’re all sponsored by religious orgs anyway.
I’m really starting to loathe Trump. He makes everything worse. You just hear him in some of these people.
@Miss Bianca:
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: @dmsilev:
And I sit corrected. It was Oakland, which just makes it worse.
@Adam L Silverman:
No, it straight-up went “kablooey” and vanished forever. I must have had a forbidden word in there somewhere, but damned if I know what it was.
schrodinger's cat
@Kay: I think that guy was auditioning to be this cycle’s Joe the Plumber. I don’t think he would have been so insolent to a white President. These 8 years have been an eye opening experience.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: Holmes’ partner?
@Adam L Silverman: Hahaha
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Its kind of his thing:
Who knew?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s why all those Dem Senate candidates are campaigning on it and winning!
I’m a wicked long-time lurker (started following BJ ~the 2008 primary circus) and a local government employee. & I agree with so much of what y’all are saying.
It literally boggles my mind that a man who’s been in elected office damn near my entire life can run for POTUS (!) thinking that the policy changes he wants to enact will happen by magic unity protests or something. Politics is NOT pop culture. We can’t meme our way into better policy, especially not at a federal level.
/pounds head on table and resumes lurking
@Adam L Silverman:
Oakland makes it worse, but more understandable. Race relations in Oakland are super fucked up, to say the least.
Who’s edgy? I’m not. Haven’t been for a second since I made up my own mind back in Feb/March. Even the college kids I work with know it’s Hilz or bust.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: ah…I knew I hadn’t dreamed this..thank you! I promise, if I ever run for office again, I’ll decloak here and have the BJ commentariat to hand to mock me to the skies!
The most consistently annoying thing about Sanders, a Democrat of 5-minutes, is the way he tries to wrap himself in the legacy of FDR, Truman, and LBJ.
Find me a single instance where any of those life-long Democrats called themselves a socialist or a democratic socialist.
@Adam L Silverman: That’s just …wow.
Adam L Silverman
@SarahT: I just saw the report from one of the reporters at the San Jose Mercury News. Which, I have to say, does not do a very good job of keeping me informed about what is going on on Mercury. And would a weekly feature on Uranus and Pluto and maybe the mysterious new planet they thing they’ve discovered kill them? That’s basically all just neighborhood news.
so basically, when asked how he’s gonna accomplish anything, he says “volume”.
@Miss Bianca: We’re good at mockery…
@Adam L Silverman:
Ruh roh.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: We did ask Alain to put a script in that deleted anything your wrote if it contained Hamilton. That might be it.//
pseudonymous in nc
The president is going to stump hard, because he wants to make sure that this kind of bullshit is de-legitimised before he leaves office, after months of it being legitimised by Donny the Con.
Sanders’ job is to get his supporters behind the party — and all its candidates right down the ticket — and to contribute to the platform, and to ensure that every vote counts and is counted in November. And I think he can do it, and that he’ll actually want to do it.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
For people who have to avoid wheat and/or gluten, King Arthur Flour makes a very nice gluten-free baking mix that produces super-fluffy (and thick) pancakes.
My poor coworker has discovered that her severe grass allergy means that sorghum flour will damn near kill her (literally — she had to use the EpiPen), so now she has to read every “wheat free” and “gluten free” label very, very carefully.
Adam L Silverman
@SarahT: I like this version:
If they’d do this as a movie, I’d go see it.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve got a couple to post, but all I had was my iPhone camera, so they aren’t too impressive. Could’ve used a telephoto lens!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: I’ve suspected a lot of the tightening in polls– which is isn’t so tight in other polls– is tote-baggers who want to (self) indulge in a little effortless, no-cost “radicalism”, to “send a message” to… somebody
I had a similar thing happen in another thread. I thought it was because I messed up the goat sacrifice, and the FYWP gods were pissed.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I don’t think so, but it was just a short comment about Bernie needing a vacation, so it wasn’t my more deathless prose.
@Adam L Silverman:
Be nice, or I’ll name one of my romance novel characters after you and make you explain it to your colleagues. There must have been at least a few people named Silverman in 1817 London.
ETA: And not one of the characters who gets to have Fabio model for, either.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I have heard that.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Ohh…my skin is crawling up the wall to get away from this. Can the merciful Furies please come and claw me to death if I’m ever this clueless, however well-meaning I may be?
ETA: Oh, and the Scooby shit is insane. Seriously twisted. Thank you (?)
I wonder how long before Jane Sanders starts referring to herself in the third person, since hubby seems to have taken it up.
Really? I was just watching the Last Word on MSNBC and saw a clip of him mocking Bill and Hillary for coming back to California because he guessed they knew the race “wasn’t quite over.”
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: I’m pretty sure he has never actually seen a comb. Ever. Like in his entire lifetime.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: I always knew you were Jeb! trolling the blog. Now we have proof!
(in case no one understands this, and I know if you have to explain a joke its not funny: Jeb Bush, when he was FL governor, would go ru roh whenever there was a problem. He was caught on video doing it several times.)
@Adam L Silverman: Gah. Gah. Kee-rist. Of all the creepy-crawly things to do.
@Miss Bianca:
Those kinds of white California liberals are the ones ruemara is stuck living and working among. It’s why she’s going a little nuts right now.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Its also: 1) post officially clinching bounce for Trump, 2) consolidation bounce for Trump, 3) media still covering the Democratic primary like its competitive, so no consolidation at all for Secretary Clinton, 4) the media continuing to operate under The Clinton Rules further increasing/sustaining Secretary Clinton’s negatives.
ETA: Finally, Trump’s broke and can’t access RNC resources until after the convention. That leaves about six to eight weeks for Secretary Clinton to unlimber the money guns and hammer him in June and July with negative advertising, defining him, making him look bad, etc before he’ll be able to even consider responding.
@Adam L Silverman:
Busted. [sad face]
You can clap now.
@SiubhanDuinne: if I could figure out how to pronounce your nym, I’d write you a limerick! :)
@geg6: I don’t see it as trying to be nice or trying to see the good. Sanders ran a much more successful campaign than most anyone expected, he has a large enough following that he can cause a lot of trouble, and he may be a loose cannon, or he may do a lot of good for the general election. That is just a fact. No reason to be bitter about it. Why not hope for the best?
I was planning on voting for Sanders, but think I will vote for Clinton now in primary. Frank and Boxer are clearly very pissed with the guy, but they said he would get on board. They are successful politicians and know how things work an know Sanders better than most. So I hope they are right.
I am cynical in my own way. In their professional capacities, politicians are tools to get things done, and I wish them well in their personal lives, but just not into getting attached to any of them. Not even Obama, who I think will go down as a top ten or fifteen president, historically important for what he did during his term, not just because he is a first.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: My great, great, great, great grandfather, last name Abrams, was a rabbi in 1817 London. The family of rabbis and scholars were affiliated with the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue in the East End. It was actually located on Mitre Square when Jack the Ripper committed his murder there.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: You’re welcome! What did you think of the Scary Mary (Poppins) video last night?
@Adam L Silverman:
Are you trying to tell us that trollhattan is the alter-ego of Unlimited Corporate Cash (and his various other now-banned noms)? That’s cold.
Betty Cracker
@Aqualad08: Yeah, I’ve been away from the TV for a few days and trampling through the woods, but the 20 seconds of campaign news I caught on the car radio featured Sanders repeating his “don’t tell Secretary Clinton how close we are in the polls — she’s already nervous, blah-blah-blah.” Didn’t sound like he’d made the pivot to me.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: No, just teasing with a little inside Florida politics humor.
@Adam L. Silverman
Jeb apparently never learned that it’s always the crotchety carnival owner.
Tom Levenson
@Adam L Silverman: Your family and mine must have known each other. On my mother’s side — long term stalwarts of the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue. (My mum and dad were married at Beavis Marks.) Relevant surnames: Montefiore, Sebag-Montefiore, Waley, Cohen and Waley-Cohen. (Yes: a highly interbred clan.)
@Aqualad08: That is BS campaign snark that both candidates do. The reporters say the laundry list of attacks on Clinton’s policy positions is gone, replace with GOP and Trump bashing. I listened to a couple, and didn’t hear a mention of Clinton. And that was a chore. Same damn stump speech. Well, it worked well enough to get him an enthusiastic following, have to hope he knows when to get helpful.
The Thin Black Duke
Not for nothing, but it’s disrespectful bullshit like this from Sanders that burns my African-American ass.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Will you think it gauche of me to say that I was blown away by it? I thought it utterly marvellous and creepy, and a beautiful equipoise between the almost saccharine-sweetness of the Disney movie and the astringency of the books. (and I read *all* the Mary Poppins books – there were several!)
El Caganer
@Bergman: First candidate I ever heard do that was Bob Dole.
@Adam L Silverman:
Although that may not be the statement I least expected to see today, it’s in the running. On the other hand, it makes me think of Blazing Saddles, so that’s good.
That’s because they’re accomplished politicians who get things done, not loud mouthed idiots like us.
Its a tougher job than we loud mouth idiots give credit for…
@Bergman: I’ve noticed that too, recently. Highly annoying.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yes, Adam, I understood that. I was just busting your stones a little.
Miss Bianca
@northquirk: NOOO! Stay and say more!
Betty Cracker
@jl: You are wise to stay detached. I think PBO has been a great president — top 10 for sure — and I will miss him. But sometimes I find the gushing worshipfulness folks express about him embarrassing.
@jl: I am too, we’ll see what he does next week or after the DC primary.
John Bel Edwards looks like he might turn out OK.
Betty Cracker
@gwangung: Ha! Good point!
@Adam L Silverman:
I’ve always assumed it’s like being Irish Catholic where everyone has at least one nun or priest in the family. My father-in-law’s funeral was performed by his cousin, who is a priest.
There’s a fairly well-known rabbi out here named Susan Laemmle, who’s a great-granddaughter (I think) of Carl Laemmle, the founder of Universal Studios. He was one of the old moguls who stayed Jewish. Several of the others — like IIRC the various Warner brothers — converted to Catholicism.
Hmmmm… I don’t think HRC has antagonized BS that way in a good long while…
@Betty Cracker
A cult of personality is often unseemly and always irksome.
Adam L Silverman
@Tom Levenson: I have no idea. I did the research when I lived there. Went to Jews College in Golder’s Green and pulled the archives. All I knew is that my maternal grandmother’s mother’s family was a family of rabbis and scholars named Abrams in the East End and there was a suggestion at the Grey Garden Street Synagogue. There’s no such synagogue and its Great Garden Street or was. What happened is when my folks came for a visit we toured around the UK and spent a week in Paris. When in London we went on several of the London Walks tours, including the “Jews of the Old East End”. The Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue was one of the stops and I intended to ask the rep from the synagogue for information. Before I could do so I noticed a large marble carving that was leaning against the wall where it had been removed for renovation/conservation and was awaiting remounting. It read: “In beloved memory of our rabbi, Barnett Abrams”, with a date in the late 19th Century. That’s either my great, great grandfather or great, great grand uncle.
Regardless: small world. If you all have any family records or information, feel free to push them my way. My Mom would be ecstatic to see it. Almost all that information was lost when my great grandmother brought my grandmother and her other children to the US around 1906.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Thin Black Duke: and my white one, he’s positively McCain-like in his combination of delusional grandiosity and spiteful, petty vindictiveness
@gwangung: and they’re treating the bitter old crank and his noisier supporters with kid gloves
Tweety had a great moment with Jeff Weaver today.
Asked him about Trump’s tax returns, why he hadn’t released them, and whether he thought Trump was hiding something. Weaver, like a big stupid idiot, walked right into it and said yes, Trump was probably hiding something.
Then Tweety dropped the hammer and asked why Bernie wouldn’t release his.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
If Bernie fucking Sanders acts responsible and does the leader thing, it will be his first time. I keep waiting. He hasn’t exhibited any ability to actually lead his followers in any meaningful way – unless you count encouraging belief in delusional bullshit and whining about everything being unfair as leadership. Maybe he’ll grow out of it when he turns 75, but I have no reason to think he’ll be any help at all. And Jane Sanders can go fuck herself. I notice that no one asks her about their tax returns or Burlington College.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: No, I figured you’d appreciate it.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: Glad I could be of service.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: I’m tracking.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
What did Weaver say? Jane was still looking for them? Did Tweety ask about the requested delay to release their personal financials to the FEC? So sick of these hypocritical delusional assholes.
Not “Beetlejuice”?
(Although, considering it’s Mnem, I guess that should be “Burrtlejuice.”)
The oft forgotten Warner brother (Sam?), who died relatively young, was an accounting whiz and known otherwise for having an almost unnaturally large head.
Did I misread or are you in the Aloha State for a bit?
@The Thin Black Duke:
Burns my lily white ass, too. Just so you know.
Shit, Hillary hasn’t touched any of the stuff that Bernie would get beaten over the head with in a general election.
@Adam L Silverman:
Tracking? As in “keeping track”? Or something else? Not getting your banter at all, Squiffy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m assuming you smart science-y people have already batted this one around?
after being generally and appropriately mocked, she’s trying to pretend she was calling for increased funding for NASA. Ima stick with my original opinion that if she had a brain, she’d play with it.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: I did. : )
@Mnemosyne: Do it, Mnem!
The Thin Black Duke
I remember the first time I saw the famous photograph of the African-American boy in the Oval Office who touched Obama’s hair just to see for himself if it was the same as his. I can recall feeling several emotions at that moment, but “gushing worshipfulness” wasn’t one of them.
Miss Bianca
@The Thin Black Duke: @geg6: May I just say, “mine too”?
@Betty Cracker:
When you’ve been through as many disappointing presidents and candidates as Inhave, you wouldn’t feel that way. I am in no way embarrassed to say how much I love and admire him and would give anything for another eight years of this great man, Obama. Never been so proud of any vote I’ve ever made. I can’t gush enough to express it.
I think it’s a fair criticism of Sanders that he doesn’t seem to pick good subordinates. Weaver is not even rookie-leauge calibre….
Repeating from below for the benefit of the parents among y’all..
Kids. What’cha gonna do?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Some lame version of “That’s different because of reasons.” But Tweety kept hectoring him about it until the end of the segment.
The Thin Black Duke
@geg6: Fair enough, and I apologize for coming across angrier than I meant to be.
I used to say that, and now am not so sure. But if he doesn’t come around, I think Sanders has a not-too-distant hot date in the woodshed with Obama, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi and possibly Warren too, for good measure – kind of an “oval-ish” woodshed that is nicely appointed.
You misread, sadly. I was saying that Bernie should take a short vacation once next week’s primaries are over.
@The Thin Black Duke:
No apologies needed. I can’t even play imagine how pissed I’d be if I was black. I’d be in jail, probably, if not dead. I don’t know how you do it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I cracked up when I saw that. I mean why would it take so long to get images from 3 billion miles away. I know next to nothing about space or physics, but even I know that stuff takes a while.
So anxious to bash government you give yourself a wedgie.
Carl W
@Miss Bianca:
I would have said the same thing, until I looked just now and discovered that the most recent book was published in 1988 (54 years after the first book). So the fact that I’ve read all of them I could get my hands on in the early 80’s means that I definitely haven’t read all the books :)
@Betty Cracker: It is hard to resist Obama. Amazing what he did. I guess I channel getting too attached to him into fury what the GOP tried to do to his administration. I am still extremely proud that the US elected him president.
I can understand getting too loyal and attached to Obama more than any other politician around today. I joked about Obama playing Sanders in pushing Clinton to the left in an earlier thread today about his speech. But that might just be his political mastery at doing his best to keep the Democratic Party united. i hope he plays a huge role in the general election. Economy getting good enough for people to give him the benefit of the doubt again, and actually consider what he says.
And now, a break from Clinton v. Sanders.
My niece was named first-team all-State today (Illinois, girls’ water polo).
I am disgustingly proud of her.
Way to go, Lauren.
This story is not going to go away.
I seem to only share my name with people in Italy, which is one of the reasons I stay pseudonymous.
Also, Adam beat you to the “Hamilton” joke.
@Miss Bianca:
I’m tempted, but I’d have to figure out where to put it in. Having a stablehand named Silverman doesn’t seem terribly plausible.
I’ve been thinking a lot about game theory and Bernie’s legacy. I can kinda sorta understand the need to keep up the good fight until the end, though I have to assume he realizes HRC never went DEFCON1 on him like the GOP would have. The question is, what moves does he have, and what’s his payoff matrix? He’s had a virtual grift in the Senate — gets to make his points, rarely takes a tough vote, can be the maverick, all without the burden of building a coalition with reasoning, arm twisting, and duct tape. If he goes nuclear (no/tepid endorsement of the popular vote/pledged delegate winner), flipping the election to Trump, his sinecure is over. Plus, no Democrat will speak up for him if President Trump’s DOJ decides to dig into his family’s finances (along with many many other real or perceived enemies). So he needs HRC to win even if loathes her and her realpolitik with every fiber of his being.
I also gotta say that I’m thoroughly heartened to hear ol’ Bill Weld spell out that (1) HRC’s emails are a nothingburger (as a former federal prosecutor who busted plenty of corruption in MA politics, he should know) and (2) that Trump’s racist messaging is nothing short of an advertisement for the next Kristallnacht. It’s like they always say, but even truer this time — the stakes in this election are as high as any I’ve seen in my lifetime. Heightening the contradictions is appeasement. I think lots of non-rabid Republicans know this. I even wonder if there may be a reverse Bradley effect — longtime GOPers getting into the voting booth with just their conscience, and switching who they vote for out of pure love of country. A close race in the polling could turn into a landslide on Election Day.
Omnes Omnibus
@RK: Bullshit. Just saying.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: Not in the slightest… Altho’ now I *really* wish I could show one of my first chapters… you’d be a perfect first reader…but how? > : >
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: Tracking as in following along. On track. I understand.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, heard about this at dinner tonight with some geek friends. Greta is demonstrating that she might be smart enough to be a lawyer, but that’s all the room she has in her cranium for smart stuff.
Has Bernie Sanders read a newspaper in the last twenty years? Christ. Willful stupidity always is the worst.
Look, Paul Ryan has heard from his constituents. The same people, I might add, who put Scott Walker into the governor’s office in Wisconsin twice. They want tax cuts for millionaires, prison for blacks, no free education for anyone, and for labor unions to be dismantled. Loud and clear. That’s what they want. I don’t know what the fuck Bernie thinks is going to change that, they’ve already been asked and answered, as the lawyers say.
@Tom Levenson:
Your cousin Simon has a new book out about The Romanovs that I am panting to read.
Matt McIrvin
You know, we’re not quite at the point in the 2008 campaign where Hillary Clinton conceded, quit with the questionable stunts like getting Florida and Michigan counted, and let the general-election campaign happen.
We’re about a week out from there.
At this point, I’m willing to wait and see for at least that long…
Wow, AL, how fucking tiresome.
Let me translate for you: he would negotiate with Paul Ryan, and when nothing gets past Ryan, he would make the next Congressional election a referendum on the college plan. And he would generate unusually high youth turnout for a midterm, because Free College.
That’s called a plan.
Get a fucking life, Anne. You used to be interesting and intelligent. Now you are just willfully obtuse and obessed with the Old Jewish Soculist Boogeyman.
@Miss Bianca:
Hm. A dilemma, because my website-to-email has been misbehaving lately and I’ve been missing messages. Let me futz around on the intertubes and see if I can puzzle out the problem.
@efgoldman: so SiubhanDuinne rhymes with Ma’am? Hm. Ma’am, ham, cram, slam. This may be trickier than I first thought.
I’m uncertain as to what course Sanders will take. I do think it’s worth remembering that a lot of people were saying this about Clinton at this point in 2008 (and yes, it was closer), and we all saw that burned bridges can be rebuilt. So, we’ll see. What he does after Tuesday will be telling.
I’m crossing my fingers that he wants to go down in American history as more than a crotchety footnote.
Bernie continues to show that the only true progressives are his supporters. Everyone else is just faking it.
Carl W
@hovercraft: I wanted to see more context for your Trump U quotes, so I looked them up. In case others are curious, the quotes are copied from
which is itself mostly excerpts of
this redstate post.
Matt McIrvin
@hovercraft: What I always say about the bandwidth they’re dealing with getting pictures from (beyond) Pluto is that it’s like a dialup modem connection… in the late 1980s. Downloading photographs in those days took some effort.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: oh, but *that* would be productive!
@Carl W: was deeply shocked to hear that there had been Mary Poppins books published in the 80s!
@Adam L Silverman: Crappity crap crap. Not on facebook so phone won’t let me watch. But will check it out on the computer tomorrow for sure. Thanks !
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Walk away. Seriously, you stepped up a couple of weight classes. You can’t box at this level.
Do you have any idea how safe Paul Ryan’s district is? There is only one way to get him out of the House, and that’s win control of the Wisconsin Legislature and gerrymander him out.
You’ve always been ignorant, and apparently that shows no prospect of changing any time soon.
Breath, show me where the bad lady touched you.
Reality bites I know but it’s gonna be okay.
If you don’t like the company, go away I’m sure FireDogLake or somesuch would be a much more comfortable support group for you.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Does she think it’s like taking a selfie with her iPhone and posting it on Instagram within 30 seconds? If it’s been discussed on BJ I’ve missed it, but some of my FB friends were having a lot of fun at Greta’s expense.
Relying on the college kid vote was President McGovern’s plan too.
@Adam L Silverman:
I know a half-dozen people or so who were at that rally… going to have to look that up. thanks for further reinforcing my desire to say nothing via social media, but everything via phone banking!
P.S. Go Warriors! #sportsball
You speak for me.
@jl: Agree. Think he’s gonna work his heart out this election, as will Warren, Pelosi, Biden, etc. As usual, Obama’s got this.
@The Thin Black Duke:
I am a white woman from MN who loves mayonnaise, so very white – and I was so touched by that moment – that gesture just spoke volumes about identity and history and struggle (and also the the future and possibility) to me.
@Carl W:
Thanks for the links.
@burnspbesq: Like a lot of civilians, he knows where he wants to go…but doesn’t have much of a notion of what it takes to get there.
This is Poli Sci 201, with some intermediate level tactics and planning that a lot of people just don’t think about.
:: snort ::
Jim, Foolish Literalist
And Republicans, and Claire McCaskill, will calmly say “Well, we’re against Free College”, and that will be the only counter-argument, no one will mention massive new entitlement! or huge tax increases! and Bernie! can’t fail!
Randy peddler.
Adam L Silverman
@SarahT: They’re just pictures. The second link has the same ones as the first and its not facebook.
Yay, Lauren! That’s very cool. Congratulations, Uncle Burnsie :-)
@Adam L Silverman:
Well, this campaign has supporters who thought #MississippiBerning was a cool hashtag, so….
@Adam L Silverman: That’s so cool – what a moment ! No trace left of our Russian/Hungarian/German family in the old country, but we do have family from the Yiddsh Theater memorialized in the sidewalk by the original 2nd Ave Deli. Deli’s long gone, but the sidewalk with their handprints is still there, (for now, anyway…).
SiubhanDuinne rhymes with nuthin’. It’s like “orange” that way.
Adam L Silverman
@SarahT: It was a pleasantly strange coincidence.
@Adam L Silverman: W.T.F. ? Those Scooby pics are batshit in the very best way !
Roger Miller says “door hinge” IIRC.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Why didn’t you quote the Army Specialist Combat Vet?
Why haven’t posted anything about Clinton lying about what she told the state dept? Bernie talks about pie in the sky= instant scorn. Clinton spouting bullshit about her private server being hacked = crickets.
The silence is deafening around here.
Read more:
@JohnCole: why are so many of us young Army Combat Vets voting Bernie? Maybe cuz we’re sick of unjust wars!
The establishment is pushing hard for Bernie to exit the race before the Convention. By any chance, did anyone see that Bernstein clip calling out Clinton about her emails? Bernstein is a direct line to the Obama Admin, who I’m sure are getting frustrated that Clinton hasn’t wrapped up the nomination yet.
@burnspbesq: Except for the vile anti-choice bill he signed into law today, sure. Hard to be worse than Jindal, anyway.
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Look, it’s a pie full of Hollandaise sauce!
Adam L Silverman
@SarahT: Trust me, I only peddle the best WTF stuff. Just ask Miss Bianca.
@The Thin Black Duke: SO fucking disrespectful. Yeah, ignore the President who actually DID give us healthcare. No way do I think that omission was accidental. Was just furious when I read that.
@Adam L Silverman: and us meddling kids appreciate it.
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
So new; so past your sell-by date. “Answers, I haz none to my most excellent question thingies!”
You have a geometry quiz tomorrow, mister, you best study.
@gwangung: Oh god…forgot about that particular piece of tonedeaf idiocy.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Look! It’s a country I can bomb!
Edward G. Robinson got his start in Yiddish-language theater in New York (under his birth name of Emmanuel Goldenberg, natch).
I just keep saying to myself “June 8. Hang on until June 8.”
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Wasn’t he arrested for thought crime and reconditioned?
@burnspbesq: Woohoo !
Major Major Major Major
Thank god, JHB is back. Hi Jonathan! *waves*
@burnspbesq: Stupendous! Congrats. (My stupendous niece is also named Lauren!)
@northquirk: Bee careful. That head pounding can hurt.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman:@SarahT: I…uh…what? I feel like the Dormouse in Wonderland!
No historian am I, but having lived through many a presidency I feel we’ve experienced a special era. I expect I’ll never be so moved as the president’s eulogy for Reverend Pinckney.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Lol. Awwww are my questions too ethical for you to answer? Maybe you’re upset the youth are rebelling against their elders?
Uh oh, I haz many questions on my thingy!
@Mnemosyne: Yup. And the only acual Jewish actor in ‘The Ten Commandments” (playing a baddie, of course). What I’ve read about Edward G. Robinson makes him seem to have been a pretty good guy in real life. Interesting guy.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
Good to see you too, ole buddy ole pal :)
Death Panel Truck
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
Whenever Lisa Douglas whipped up a batch of “hotscakes” for Oliver, she didn’t flip them until they started to “bloop.”
El Caganer
@Adam L Silverman: No, that was Winston Jones. Emmanuel Goldenberg was an invention of the Ministry of Truth.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca:
Paul Muni came out of a stellar career in Yiddish theater as well.
Remember seeing, sometime during the late Sixties, a poster (in English) for a Yiddish theater production starring Menasha Skulnick.
GIANT letters across the top shouting “Lovable Menasha is back!”
For some reason that phrase cracked me up, and still does.
Adam L Silverman
@El Caganer: That’s what the Ministry of Truth wants us to think!
ETA: Also, its Goldstein.
@trollhattan: Right there with you. We won’t see his likes again in our lifetime. Only consolation is you just know he’ll continue to do great work out of office, too.
@Miss Bianca: It’s those damn scooby snacks.
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: I presume the people here have been treating you with complete sentences for the most part.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Damme, sir! How *did* you guess at my passionate weakness for the Airplane?!
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: Oh, Denver’s lovely, thanks for asking.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Lucky guess. My two favorites are their version of Wooden Ships, which even Crosby and Nash admitted they thought Airplane did better, and Miracles.
@SarahT: Yeah….it’s too bad some of his…not so sharp….supporters were also some of the loudest.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
lmao! Indeed, the insults are grammatically correct.
Except for Trollhattan, I think s/he has been looking at too many cat memes.
Sent in my CA ballot with its eleventy-gazillion Hillary votes (yet–just two stamps) last week, so the dealio it is done.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: I’ll grant you your choices, but – oh! So much sublimity beyond them…now I’m listening to “Surrealistic Pillow” again and grinning like a fool. I thank you. : )
ETA: If you like “Miracles”, don’t you love “Today” as well? Marty Balin had a voice that killed as hard as Grace’s…
Welp, night all. Been an interesting and informational thread – thanks !
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Anyone read the interview about what “White Rabbit” means?
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Grammar is important. So are cat memes.
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
The only way Bernie “wins” is by convincing the supers to choose him despite the fact that he lost by every measure.
Very progressive.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I didn’t say I didn’t like other Airplane songs, just that those two were my two favorites. Somebody to Love is also right up there rounding out the top three.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman:
Forgive me. : )
“Somebody to Love” is one of those songs channeled from the Beyond.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: This Beyond?
Miss Bianca
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Which interview? Link?
Jonathan Holland Becnel
You mean those same supers who voted before the campaign even started?
You mean those same supers who are voting against the majority of their states voters?
Very progressive
Let Bernie run his campaign til the end like Clinton in 08.
Stop whining, it doesn’t suit you..
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman:
err…not quite. But sublime, quite sublime, in its way!
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
So? Also, they haven’t voted yet.
Them’s the rules, and even if you make them into pledged delegates, well, you seem numerate.
So he’ll concede June 8 then? OK.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Fair Economist
Actually Ryan’s district isn’t safe at all; Romney only won it by 4 points. Clinton will probably carry it – I’m expecting more than a 4 point swing from 2012. Ryan himself won by 11%, but still, he is safe only if he can keep some distance from the Republican Party (hard when he’s a top leader, obviously) or avoid having his election nationalized.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
i was responding to the “by every measure” part.
You’re right though, and no I don’t think Bernie will concede June 8 unless he loses by double digits in NJ and Cali.
My Christ, is it June 8 yet?
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
Criminal intent. What was it again? Because without it, indictments are rather rare…
Tell us again how it’s all rigged against you…
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
So you’re saying there’s a chance…
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
I see you avoided the point entirely.
Now if you don’t mind, please state the progressive case for disregarding that Sanders has won fewer votes and fewer contests overall.
If you can’t, just say so.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
Did you mean to quote Dumb and Dumber? Cuz if you did, then +++!
Haven’t you heard? Bernie and trumpistas are saying Clinton has to wrap it before the convention before her email investigation heats up!
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Throwing pie is very dangerous.
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
I did.
Did you know you can nest blockquotes?
Why would wrapping it up before the convention be in the best interests of Bernie, BTW, if the emails are going to actually be A Thing? Wouldn’t Bernie want that to blow up in her face before she’s officially nominated? Think, man!
It’s really sad that “progressives” like Jonathan Hollandaise Bechamel want to 3/5 vote of non-white Democrats, because they voted for not-Bernie.
Major Major Major Major
@Luthe: Aw, don’t pie the kid, he’s sincere and kinda fun to spar with.
Or, you know, do. Whatever floats your goat.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Boston Herald:
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
The Boston Herald?
Jonathan Holland Becnel
This is not in dispute. Clintons winning more voters and states.
You’re avoiding my answer. The Superdelegates are inherently not progressive. Get rid of em.
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
Caucuses too. They’re stupid relics of a bygone era. I used to think the idea was exciting until I went to one and was older than 24.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
How about CBS?
It’s not like the State Dept is being run by a Republican. This was an Obama appointee we’re talking about.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
Idk about you but 14 hours of hurry up and waiting sounds like tons of fun!
Fuck Caucuses.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
What? I’m from Louisiana where 2/3s of us are fucking poor no matter our race.
Ugh, I can’t even respond to this.
So ugly.
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: He’s got your name dead-to-rights though.
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
It’s tough to defend the indefensible.
But Bernie’s position is in keeping with other socialist revolutionaries who had little use for democracy.
His admiration of Castro seems to extend to more areas than previously thought.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
I do enjoy the name!
I’ve always liked nicknames to tell you the truth. My first one (and the one that stung the most) was when they called me “fatnel” in 2nd grade. Hollendaise has a nice ring to it.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
You do know that socialist Revolutionaries have been like THE MOST inclusive people ever right?
That’s why they had to be shut down. Can’t be having anyone other than propertied Caucasians voting in elections!
It’s the capitalists who screw over poor people, NOT SOCIALISTS.
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Regurgitated innuendo from a second-rate tabloid with a conservative bias? Why not quote the New York Post while you’re at? Where’s the beef, man? Where’s the evidence of broken law?
And WHEN were they deemed “classified?” And by “some” of them being “top secret,” do they actually mean 22, none of which can be confirmed as being “top secret” at the time they were sent?
This is what you’ve pinned your hopes to? More “smoke = fire” horseshit? Civilized America is up against a fascist who will take away healthcare and benefits from people a lot worse off than you’ll ever be and you’re still chewing on any tiny freeper morsel that will allow you to convince yourself your preferred candidate has anything more than an ass hair of a chance…. Way to go… seriously, top notch…
Jonathan Holland Becnel
And FTR, Sanders wins over more youthful minorities than Clinton if that’s how you want to play this.
@burnspbesq: Hey Burnsie. I’m not talking about Ryan’s district. I’m talking about a majority in the House. Perhaps you’re aware that he can’t be Speaker if his party doesn’t have a majority? His district is irrelevant.
But if you want to tell me all about his district, please enlighten me. How many times have you been there? Have you walked Burlington? Partied in Kenosha? Rang doorbells in Janesville?
Do tell. Amazing how a law degree entitles you to pretend you stayed in Holiday Inn Express every night of your life.
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and exuberance.
@Cacti: Nice. Gratuitous accusation of racism. At least we know you’re a complete sleaze.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Ummm, did you read all those response and rebuttals from the CBS article? I wanted to point out that Clinton lies. Then she changes her story. Then she lies again.
What say you? Why did she lie so much?
Jonathan Holland Becnel
@Major Major Major Major:
Ain’t dat the truth!
Every once in a great while, the youth get their 15 minutes.
@Reggie Mantle: Bingo. This is not the behavior of a confident crowd.
Major Major Major Major
@dollared: That’s stupid.
It just struck me…
As we’ve already shown that Trump got his campaign ideas from 30 Rock. Bernie had a great job lined up as a Democratic player but got delusions of grandeur. Bernie Sanders is Greenzo
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
He asks, supporting a candidate who still tells his followers he can win when he can’t, who will presumably release his tax returns any minute now like he promised, about the only person standing between himself and an utterly pathological piece of shit having access to our nuclear codes…
Half-truths in the face of uncodified disclosure rules aren’t crimes. What you adamantly call “lies” aren’t some nefarious plot. They’re a clumsy attempt to put a relatively trivial matter to rest. You go ahead and get hung up about it if you’d like, but the rest of don’t have the luxury of relying on our bullshit purity to make the bad man go away.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
Good Talk, Becnel!
Major Major Major Major
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Good game, good game, the boosters are picking up the tab for pizza, in the mean time why not read my new blog post about document formatting?
@dmsilev: West thinks Sanders is today’s Martin Luther King, so I doubt he would have been the best choice to explain.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
1) Technically he can still win if the Supers change their vote at the DNC. Likely? Hell no, but one can dream about those one in a million chances, can’t they?
2) Sanders tax returns? He will release those when Clinton releases her Goldman Wall St speeches. 2 mil$ in speeches last year from big corporations. Yeah, she’s TOTALLY on the side of the little people, while Sanders averages 28$ a pop!
3) You want to talk nuclear codes? Let’s break out the list shall we! Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Honduras. And you’re worried about Trump? Clintons the fucking Warmongerer.
4) Half truths in the face of uncodified disclosures?Yeah, that’ll go over real well with the voters! Not everyone speaks such refined language. She absolutely knew what she was doing.
5) Trivial matter? Try telling that to the submariner who accidentally took a picture and got thrown to the wolves, while the Sec of State blah blahs on an unsecured blackberry during a special ops briefing.
6) most Clinton supporters are so wrapped up in the whole wolf in Sheeps clothing that they dismiss out of hand any Criticism that comes her way as immediately a right wing conspiracy.
7) Purity. Hey, what can I say. When Bernies been saying the same shit over and over since the civil rights era, People tend to believe him.
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: @Jonathan Holland Becnel: Wow, you actually did! Haha thanks!
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
And technically I have a shot at sleeping with Allison Brie, in that we are both human beings.
Right, because they are the exact same thing. Corporate speeches heard by actual human beings, none of whom have ever come forward with damning quotes said by the candidate. Meanwhile, she has over three decades of tax returns available online, but he can’t be bothered to hit the “print” button on his Turbo Tax… jeez… what a farce..
Right, Clinton is the one whining about how unfairly America is treated abroad and how we’ll take everybody’s oil. Get a fucking clue already…
It’s gone over pretty well with the primary voters… as a wise mane once said, “I don’t care about your damn e-mails!”
Wait, you’re comparing 22 e-mails that were retroactively classified as “top secret” to actual photos of military hardware? Captain Ed must be vewy, vewy proud of you… ;) Maybe in his next life Saucier won’t destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation and throw them into the woods…
Not out of hand, just a weird observation that she’s been under constant GOP attack for the last 25 years without so much as a negative public perception to show for it, which was kind of their plan. Thanks for validating their efforts, though, I’m sure they appreciate it.
Sad thing is I used to as well until he was too wrapped up in his ego to realize he lost… now he’s just another self-centered poll with an axe to grind…
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
Which negates him losing minority voters overall by large margins because?
@Jonathan Holland Becnel:
“f I had done it right, more people would have been annoyed.” :)
Anne: “decrying the coarse anti-American partisanship of the party in power… especially if (goddess please make it so) that should be the Democratic party.”
No, if the party in power is the Republicans, then he’ll blame the Democratic Party.
Why do you even engage? Both Juvenile Hollandaise Bechamel and Ragged Mantle are clearly either
(A) Bernie-or-Bust-ers or
(B) Rethug trolls,
neither of whom is interested in anything other than:
in the case of (A), showing how pure and noble they are and if BJ-ers were just super nice and not at all insulting [lookin’ at YOU, Conster, you terrible evil person, in whose general direction they fart], they might maybe possibly sorta think about perhaps considering voting for Hillary in the General, but in the meantime they’ll tell us how much they hate her and how evil she is,
in the case of (B), they’ll tell us how much they hate her and how evil she is.
The main difference between the two is that JHB’s writing style appears to be not-dissimilar to that of a 13-year-old who thinks his every word is just too cute/funny/witty for words (HA HA! LOL! Hey kids let’s put on a show! Wheee!), and Mantle revels in adopting the “y’all are assholes for not treating Bernie better so FUCK YOU ALL” pose.
At the end of the day, neither will vote for Hillary, except perhaps if Trump declares he’s going to round up all Mooslims, Jews, liberals, first-born, and Bernie supporters, and put them in camps (“Trump macht frei, baby”) — and even then, Hillary is just like Trump, so
Johnson or Stein orTrump will get their vote.But as Shakespeare or someone else said, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Whelp, that’s it. I’m handing in my notice. I voted Bernie in March, will vote Hillary in November, and never got angry at anyone who’s getting absurd over the primary.
But this thread tears it.
Bernie has the support of 40% of the party for a reason. We’re not some small bloc of radicals, we’re the future of the party. We agree with you on 90% of everything, and 100% of everything that matters. But Balloon-Juice is now turning from being pro-Hilz (yay!) to bring anti-Bernie(boo!): from being anti-Bernie-Bro to anti Bernie-supporter.
You are very smart and savvy, much wiser than us idiot dreamers, no doubt. But you are basically purity trolls for moderation at this point, and I can’t keep reading this shit.
Peace, love and progress, BJ – see you after the convention, when we can focus on beating Trump.
I think you’re wrong about this particular part, but I understand your frustration (although not sure that’s the best word) with a lot of the back-and-forth here.
Be well.
Not surprised that a guy who doesn’t think that black votes matter should ignore a black president.
El Caganer
@Adam L Silverman: …and Winston Smith.
El Caganer
@tybee: “…and I would have gotten away with it, too, except for those meddling BJers and that stupid dog…”
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Then go away and vote for Trump
Uncle Cosmo
@efgoldman: Back in the 70s & early 80s I reviewed books freelance for a major metropolitan newspaper (more accurately, a minor metropolitan fishwrap with delusions of adequacy), in the process becoming adept at performing redundant figurative colostomies on various scribblers of bad SF & “mindcandy” (a friend’s apt term for Bourneish harumscarum).
I did this for one author & thought nothing of it at the time. About a year later my editor handed me this fellow’s next book & said, I’m not asking you to review this but you might find it, um interesting. The name of first character killed off in the book was a barely-Cubanized version of my own.
I didn’t read further–it wasn’t that interesting–but I wonder if later victims were also changes rung on reviewers who had savaged his earlier tome. At any rate it seemed an appropriate way of getting back at one’s critics…
Miss Bianca
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: thanks for that!
@Jonathan Holland Becnel: Wrong
Well, I think it’s quite possible to be for Sanders’ stand on issues, and against Sanders as a candidate and politician.
Raven Onthill
It worked for Reagan; he was able to use charisma and popular pressure to move Congress to the right. Come to that, it worked for FDR — fireside chats. I don’t think Sanders will be President, but if he made it, it might work for Sanders.
Still say that the best likely outcome is for Clinton to win, the Republicans to collapse, and the Sanders Democrats to form a new party on the left.
@Anne Laurie- take a deep breath for christ’s sake. Hillary is a horrible campaigner (not a horrible person- a horrible campaigner) and saddled with so much baggage (most of it undeserved) that having Bernie out there just keeps her from stepping on her own gigantic dick. Bernie isn’t gonna Nader the whole thing and she should focus on not Al Gore-ing, either.
Original Lee
@Carl W: There are six, I think? Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins Comes Back, Mary Poppins Opens the Door, Mary Poppins in the Park, Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane, Mary Poppins and the House Next Door. I’ve only read three, but now I’m looking at the omnibus paperback on Amazon.
Carl W
@Original Lee: Wikipedia counts 8, but I’m not sure if _Mary Poppins from A to Z_ (an alphabet book?) and _Mary Poppins in the Kitchen_ (includes recipes) include enough “Mary Poppins” content to count. (I think I’ve read the first 4; not sure if I’ve even seen the others.)
Original Lee
@Carl W: I think Wiki is including those two, or maybe also the “Disney” storybooks. Anyway, I’m ordering the omnibus paperback for future mental health day consumption.
Little Sonny's Bubbie
@Mnemosyne: According to Wikipedia, “[Carl] Laemmle remained connected to his home town of Laupheim throughout his life, providing financial support to it and also by sponsoring hundreds of Jews from Laupheim and Württemberg to emigrate from Nazi Germany to the United States in the 1930s, paying both emigration and immigration fees, thus saving them from the Holocaust.”
I mean Bernie’s lost a lot of appeal but honestly not keeping OFA rolling into 2009 and essentially running a permanent campaign was a mistake– if we had just kept attacking and kept the momentum going– letting people “be the change” I think the ACA would have passed sooner and we could have limited losses in 2010.
@Carl W:
Did Wikipedia also include some of Travers’s lesser-known ones, such as Mary Poppins Meets Freddy Kruger, Mary Poppins and the Umbrella of Doom, and Mary Poppin-Fresh and the Battle of Belleau Wood ?
Reggie Mantle
Bravo, sir. Bravo.
Carl W
@SFAW: (clicking on the edit button…) It does now!
(Just kidding… I like Wikipedia far too much to vandalize it.)
@Carl W:
And you have the thanks of a grateful nation. It is self-sacrificing stalwarts such as yourself who keep the massive series of tubez (i.e., the Intertubez) unclogged, so that kitten pictures can be shared nationwide. Or something like that.