I saw something today that captured the essence of Donald Trump’s political rhetoric:
Here’s the transcript:
Applebee’s now has trained meat cutters cutting every steak by hand.
For the juiciest, most tender steak ever.
Don’t believe us?
Ask the guy with the knife.
Think about it: this is every Trump claim ever:
My steaks are the best!
Because reasons. (Some guy in the back (of a warehouse three states over) cut a boneless piece of meat into smaller pieces!)
But trust me:
Believe me: they’re the best.
How can you tell?
Because I say so.
And my guy can kill you.
For the record: I do not plan to order a steak at Applebee’s, should I ever find myself with no other alternative than to eat in one. But this ad did give me some comfort. It’s the kind of thing that can pass as kind of a coherent claim on a single, inattentive viewing.
But as the backbone of a five month long attempt to convey plausibility? Not so much. Not at all.
Open thread, everyone.
Good choice. I recommend the salad bar.
Tom Levenson
@Baud: I do see what you did there.
I for one am glad that Hillary is pivoting to the general election. The sooner the better given the GOP’s financial disarray ahead of the convention. I’m sure some indie expenditure groups will crank up the ads shortly, but the broke Trump campaign got nothin’ in the short term. #haha
@Baud: The thread is over. Got it in one.
@Baud: I recommend a roller-dog at a gas station.
“I see from your job application that you used to work at Applebee’s.”
“Yes. There I received extensive training to cut meat.”
“You’re hired.”
Major Major Major Major
@msdc: Yep. Alright, next!
Don’t eat mammals. Fish and those mean dinosaurs are ok if meat is what you eat … .
Mike J
Rumor floating around that Balloon Juice changing its name to Booj.
And since he’s not wearing gloves, he probably will.
@Baud: “Hole in one”! Now if you can do that 17 more times you might be up to Kim Jung Un standards.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
M. Bouffant
I saw a car advert recently (Ford, I think) that suggested you could “make your driveway great” by buying a Ford. Not sure if it was national, I suspect it was a local dealers assoc., & haven’t been able to find it on the iNternetz.
Major Major Major Major
72 New Emoji Are Coming to Broaden Your Sexting Options, AV Club:
Germy Shoemangler
Amy Schumer’s new bit on what it’s like being a normal-sized woman trying to buy clothes.
@M. Bouffant: I’ve seen that here in LA, won’t be looking at Fords.
ETA: Whoever thought up and approved that ad is a moron for thinking it was a good idea in BLUE Los Angeles.
what is hell is tronc?
is this like clove cigarettes back in high school all over again?
FWIW, the “new, wood-fired grilled” steaks at Applebee’s sure taste a lot like the old ones, toughness and all.
Betty Cracker
So much for Bernie Sanders laying off Clinton.
I agreed to take on an editing project at work and I’m trying not to freak myself out about it. Basically, I have a French-to-English translation of the catalog for our next exhibition, and I have to rewrite it enough that it reads reasonably well in English, but not enough to change any of the meanings or add information that’s not in the French version. Argh.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
Those guys need to check a bit more carefully. There’s no curling stone in the new emoji; the only thing that looks vaguely close is the shopping cart.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: Who?
Have you also been getting the election flyers where every candidate is accusing the other one of being — gasp! — a secret Republican! They make me giggle every time.
And if you have a strong opinion about Friedman vs Sarkassian, let me know. I’m not sure what the local scuttlebutt is about them, but I’m not sure I like the PACs who are financing Sarkassian.
@Betty Cracker: I really only care about what he says after California.
Roger Moore
Apparently it’s a contraction of “TRibune ONline Content”, and the new name for what used to be Tribune Publishing. Damn do they suck.
Reggie Mantle
@Betty Cracker:
know them by the company they keep
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
If he wants some attention, maybe he should try making a speech that good. He knows he can’t, so instead he’s trying to cash in on her effort. Weak!
@hovercraft: Any progressives we’ve heard of?
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: Yeah, I didn’t see that either. Maybe they were looking at the skillet/paella/bibimbap thing?
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: commenters ‘aab’ and ‘Dave’ over at Yves’ blog, of course. You know, some real big dogs.
Chip Daniels
I’ve never had a steak at Applebee’s- I only go there for the salad bar.
They were discussing that on Tweety’s early show today. What happens if the networks call it after NJ, and she gives a victory speech and he wins CA will he come out and claim that it’s not over? My money is on him saying there’s still a chance.
Chip Daniels
Yes, our top men.
Schlemazel Khan
I would never eat from their salad bar but I count on it for my political insight!
@Germy Shoemangler: Good one. Except for the cow part, that’s pretty much it.
It’s not a list of names it’s a snotty piece about high income highly educated people she knows are virulently anti-Clinton. Like something Peggy or Friedman or maybe Bobo would write.
@hovercraft: Once it’s over, the clock will be ticking on his ability to negotiate anything. No one is going to wait weeks for him to get on board.
@Chip Daniels: You and Baud..
@Betty Cracker: Ugh. What an asshole.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
That looks even less like a curling stone. BTW, the official description is “SHALLOW PAN OF FOOD”.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: So you’re saying there’s a chance?
Schlemazel Khan
@Germy Shoemangler:
Not only do I find her hilarious but I think she is hot. I don’t get why some guys think she is fat, or unattractive. If I we 30 years younger & not madly in love already I could fall hard for a woman like that.
Roger Moore
@Chip Daniels:
White Men!
Shouty White Men!
Gin & Tonic
That commercial reminded me – I don’t know how many of you know what Montreal smoked meat is, but it’s a classic in that town (kind of like pastrami.) The king is Schwartz’s on St. Laurent. There’s another outlet more or less across the street, can’t recall the name, where I saw a sign in the window (yes, in English) looking for a meat cutter – with 2 years’ experience. Slicing that brisket is taken very seriously there.
@Corner Stone:
It’ s just a scratch.
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: Considering the entire exercise is about using these symbols as something other than what they literally are, perhaps we’re both missing the point.
Penises! (The point is penises.)
@hovercraft: Lame.
The Thin Black Duke
@Mary: Yeah, he is. But, thankfully, he’s also irrelevant. Besides delivering a serious ass-kicking to Trump, Clinton’s speech was also a declaration that Bernie’s Magical Mystery Tour is over.
My wife astutely noticed that they called them meat cutters and not butchers. Wording is critical!
Also, yes, some poor schlub cutting 3rd rate steak won’t make that crappy steak any better…
Schlemazel Khan
Have you already finished fucking yourself from the last time? If not, please go finish, if you have then you obviously did not really finish & should go off & finish fucking yourself.
Patricia Kayden
@The Thin Black Duke: Looking forward to Senator Sanders’ realization that the gig is all the way up. He and his spokespeople keep claiming that they plan to fight it out at the Democratic Convention. Sigh.
Since this is an open thread and in need of pets, there is a charming new piece up at The Atlantic about the origin of dogs:
All steaks are cut by hand.
@Patricia Kayden:
Once Clinton is officially over the top with pledged delegates, Elizabeth Warren will come of the sidelines and endorse her.
Schlemazel Khan
@The Thin Black Duke:
More correctly ‘Magical Misery Tour” with Bernie driving the great bus
Trump saves money by paying consulting fees to himself for foreign policy advice. “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”
Reggie Mantle
@The Thin Black Duke:
Because even when Bernie isn’t mentioned, it’s about Bernie. LOL.
He is really in your heads.
@Mnemosyne: I’ve always like Friedman, she seems like good people. My trips to the mailbox usually involve a stop at the recycling bin these days.
ETA: I’m still trying to decide on 5th Supervisor district, Barger’s out(she being Antonovich’s deputy).
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Yay! I guess President Obama will wait until after the Convention to start campaigning with and for Secretary Clinton. Looking forward to seeing him on the campaign trail again.
Reggie Mantle
@Reggie Mantle:
It’s Hillary’s acceptance by the likes of Podhoretz that’s a big part of the problem.
And remember, Ann Coulter once said “if McCain gets the nomination, Hillary’s our girl.”
@Major Major Major Major: Bibimbap, yum.
@Reggie Mantle: You look hungry, have some pie.
@Germy Shoemangler: “That is a tarp for wood.”
Oh, but he does have foreign policy advisers, like the one who thinks Native Americans might supply nuclear materials to Turkey that in turn will give them to terrorists. His advisers are great! the best!
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@liberal: Hey most “liberals” I know love pancakes ! Here’s a great recipe.
Schlemazel Khan
@Reggie Mantle:
Drumpf is such a fucking nightmare that even a flaming pile of dogshit like Podhoretz cannot pretend to suck up to him. When the GOP has lost ‘liberals’ like him Drumpf is on his way to garnering 27% of the popular vote.
Roger Moore
@Schlemazel Khan:
Just wait until he starts throwing his supporters under it!
Reggie Mantle
“What they also object to is that the larger bloc of Sanders voters has been treated with abuse and contempt by the Clinton camp, despite the fact that their positions—such as strengthening Social Security and Medicare, stronger educational funding and higher minimum wages—have for decades polled by solid majorities or, at worst, ample pluralities in the electorate at large….Yet the Clinton campaign is in such denial about this that it has become vitriolic in its verbal and tactical attacks on Sanders and his supporters—rather than recognizing that the stunning success of his campaign is proof of their abject policy failures. The message is clear: The Clintons believe, as Bill himself put it, that the true progressives have nowhere to go.
But in fact, they’ve been leaving. The Clinton and Obama administrations presided over the worst losses in congressional and state races in modern history in 1994, 2010 and 2012. And voter preferences were clear. Under Obama, it was the Blue Dog, Third Way Democrats who were turfed out, while candidates with strong stances on economic justice kept their seats.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/wall-street-2016-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-213931#ixzz4AT60LYui
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But you folks keep whistlin’ past that graveyard.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Pancakes as an alternative to pie, who knew?
Schlemazel Khan
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
I would have suggested an ex-lax chip pancake recipe for him. Once those did their job he would be too small to reach the keyboard any more.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Reggie Mantle: Hey Reg, don’t forget your pancakes.
Sanders jabs at Clinton’s foreign policy credentials following speech
Reggie Mantle
Pancakes and pie…it’s all just putting your fingers in your ears and yelling LALALALA I’M NOT LISTENING AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME while the election slips away from you.
Just watched this excellent inequality talk with Kthug (sell-out Shillary supporter): http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/05/25/talking-global-inequality/?_r=0. They make the valuable point that we spend too much time discussing redistribution to the expense of pre-distribution. Obviously, Kthug is a greedy fascist and, therefore, not worth listening to, but I thought I’d mention it.
@Schlemazel Khan: more correctly, with Bernie driving the Furthur bus
Splitting Image
Sam Wang has laid down his predictions for the November election: 336-202 for Clinton, give or take a state or two. I see no reason to doubt that. There is a small chance that Trump will somehow get over the finish line, but if the Democrats get serious about GOTV in the states with marginal Senate seats up for grabs (Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc.) the Presidential vote should take care of itself.
On the other hand, I think there is a non-trivial chance that Trump will seriously blow it. He’s already made the Koch brothers back away, and they were planning to sink almost a billion into getting Generic Republican elected. His main talking point is that he’s all about The Deal, and if he can’t close the deal with Republican donors, what else has he got?
A Ghost To Most
@Reggie Mantle:
Nah, his burning wreckage is in our rear view mirror. It smells of burning BernieBro.
Roger Moore
When all else fails, vote for a Democrat. Since Darrell Park is the only one on the ballot, it should be an easy choice.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Reggie Mantle: What do pancakes have to do with the election ? I’m just trying to make you happy by providing you with some delicious pancake recipes.
@efgoldman: No, she doesn’t have a mustache.
Matt McIrvin
@Splitting Image: That’s his “if the election were held today” snapshot; all he can really do for November is estimate a 70% chance of a Clinton win, given historical variability.
@Roger Moore: Heh, how can you tell? They all say they’re NOT Republicans.
El Caganer
@PaulWartenberg2016: One of Sarah Palin’s kids.
The Lodger
@Reggie Mantle: Pink Floyd reference?
El Caganer
@hovercraft: I read that thing earlier today. Interesting read; totally insane conclusion. If you vote for Republicans, the message you send to the Democratic Party is that you want it to be more like the Republican one. It’s not a lefty protest against anything – it’s nuts.
Chyron HR
@Reggie Mantle:
Remember, last week Bernie unironically declared that he thinks the Democratic nominee should be selected by Republicans.
Roger Moore
The others try to hide they’re Republicans. Park has a big “Endorsed by Los Angeles County Democratic Party” front and center on his web site and a lot of his other advertising.
Patricia Kayden
@Schlemazel Khan: Your knives are sharp!
@Betty Cracker: That is pretty assholey. The paradox here is that, regardless, if he somehow magically became the nominee, I’d still vote blue no matter who.
I’m such a sellout I don’t even care to whom I sell out. Assholey, not assholey, whatever. Just never Trump.
@Reggie Mantle:
Show me the polling that has large numbers of African-American, Latino, and Asian-American voters switching to Trump. As demonstrated in both 2008 and 2012, that’s Trump’s only path to victory.
White men voted for Romney by 62 percent last time. White women voted for him by 54 percent. Romney still lost in a landslide. Why, exactly, is Hillary supposed to be nervous that Romney voters are going to stick with Trump? Like it or not, white voters are now superfluous to a national election.
So if you want to vote Trump because you can’t stand the thought of
your mommyHillary being in charge, be my guest. Your personal psychological issues aren’t really that important to the rest of us, sea lion.BillinGlendaleCA
@Chyron HR: I been assured by my “progressive betters” the closed primaries are the work of Satan.
ETA: While the Democratic primary in CA is ‘semi open'(NPP’s can vote in it) the Republican primary is CLOSED.
Splitting Image
@Matt McIrvin:
True dat, although “historical variability” has to allow for the fact that there are fewer persuadable voters than there used to be. Bush was able to reel in a lot of Dukakis supporters in 1988 because there were still a lot of genuine independents in those days. There aren’t anymore. So while it is possible that enough people may change their minds between now and November to flip a few states, at least 40 states are probably already written in stone, and the rest will probably end up about where they are now.
Not very many people changed their minds between May and November in 2012 either.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m in The Palmetto State for 30 hours, then back to Detroit.
I hope to avoid understanding anything while I’m here. There’s an IMMENSE gun store/range next to my Holiday Inn.
@Roger Moore:
Is it bad that I immediately assumed he was Asian when I heard his name and was surprised to see that he appears to be a white dude?
But he has the party’s endorsement, so that’s who I’m going for.
@El Caganer:
It’s that Susan Sarandon syndrome, if we don’t get what we want the purest candidate ever, we’re going to take our toys and go home. They want to punish the democrats and the party for not recognizing the greatness of BS. They are as petty as their candidate, if they can’t win they’ll make sure you don’t either.
The question is how many of them will actually follow through?
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Can’t you just smell the FREEDOM?
@Reggie Mantle:
Well, when you’re making sounds like this, what did you expect us to do?
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m in the Mexican restaurant next door so all I can smell is the frijoles.
@Reggie Mantle:
That’s an ignorant article. I like where she blamed Obama for white drug addiction & white people dying early on opioids. Her blog is just as ignorant.
He had his shot last week when he gave his Univision south American foreign policy speech/interview where he admitted he didn’t know nothin about south or central America but he knows its important…
What a joke. If I were his supporter I would be really embarrassed for him and for me. Bernie has no class, his organization has no class and no one is gonna give a rats all about his fee fees real soon. I think he blew it. He had a really special opportunity and he was not a very special person to match the opportunity.
Reggie Bob Mantle in Portland does love those references to whistling past the graveyard.
Onward to victory, amirite?
Mike J
@hovercraft: Talked to a candidate for the WA-09 who is running against Smith baded only on his endorsment of Hillary. Laughed in his face.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
politics makes for strange blogfellows
(for those who missed it, one of my favorite actresses is for some reason being asked about the Democratic primary, is confident Hillary Clinton will be indicted)
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
He doesn’t like pancakes, he’s a sea lion. Maybe he would prefer a nice fluffy mackerel pudding?
Roger Moore
I think you were just playing the percentages. It does bring up the interesting issue of what names give you the least information about the gender and ethnicity of the person. I think the winner was “Alex Lee”, which could be a man or a woman and could easily be black, white, or Asian American.
I pity the fool whose Smartest Progressive acquaintances are those.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Mnemosyne: Oh my, if he doesn’t like pancakes he’s probably not a nice person.
Major Major Major Major
@Elie: My friend who I have a great deal of respect for supported Bernie for a long while, but in the last couple weeks he’s become kind of embarrassed about it and will be sheepishly voting for Hillary in CA.
@Mike J:
Why can’t these people count or read numbers, she has 3 million more votes.
@Roger Moore:
In my defense, most of the guys in the San Gabriel Valley named Darrell Park are going to be Korean-American.
He was apparently an Obama staffer in the OMB, so we’re good.
They are rich and successful therefore very smart, as Donald has demonstrated.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: I’m hoping a lot of people get over what I suspect is the softly radical chic and “message sending” of a primary vote they don’t mean.
@Major Major Major Major:
There will be a lot of that among his sane supporters (most of them). It will remain something of a mystery to me how he ended up making such chicken shit from chicken salad…. There IS a story here…. I just don’t know what it is ….
Roger Moore
As I said, you were just playing the numbers.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This this this… so stupid. I am also for closed primaries (no caucuses). Earn the nomination of our party the good old fashioned way — networking among democrats, ground game and building the party at all levels.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Elie: He doesn’t like pancakes.
Maybe in Glendale, not a huge concentration of Koreans in the SG valley.
ETA: Though the kid was looking in Alhambra since it was close to school, but ended up in the hood(also close to school).
Well, yes, but Park is not a common white guy last name, so of the various people named Darrell Park in the SGV, most of them will be Korean. It’s a small subset to begin with, admittedly.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: there was an article making the rounds the other day about how that number is a LIE because CAUCUSES and you forgot to factor in how much birds like him
Jim, Foolish Literalist
damn, Steve Kornacki is trolling hard– “This speech has been given a dozen times. Why is this one different?”
ETA: To be fair, that’s not actually a quote, but he keeps repeating that Romney, GW Bush and other Republican candidates have all already criticized Trump
Major Major Major Major
@BillinGlendaleCA: mmm, bibimbap
Totally random, but Ancestry.com tells me that California is one of the most common places where white dudes named Park settled by 1920 (ie when Asians were excluded from immigrating). Huh.
@Mnemosyne: I’ve heard Parks as more of an anglo name.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Nick Confessore: Trump hasn’t attacked Hillary on Libya, on Syria, on the obvious mistakes she has made in foreign policy.
Because we know for a fact that different policies– non-intervention in Libya, more intervention in Syria– would have had better results!
(and the small matter that she was not the Decider in those questions– and I say that as a devout O-Bot)
Roger Moore
Judging by the number of Korean churches, there must be a fair number of Korean Americans around here.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I am surprised its not part of the Hotel. A Bible and a gun in every room!
@Mnemosyne: Still might be Korean, there was alot of Korean immigration in the early 1900’s(mainly to Hawaii). Something happened in Korea then(Japanese colonization).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Are any of those guys running against Trump?
If you stay in a Marriott, you get a Book of Mormon, too.
I know I need to stop putting money in Mitt Romney’s pocket every time I stay at a Marriott hotel but, damn it, they have the only hotel mattresses that don’t give me a backache, and my lower back is more important than partisan politics.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well maybe he can share the link with us of “all those times” that it has been given. I love it! I know this shit is because it was so damned good. She filed ol Trump like a prime steer and put him up for special aged cuts later. I am just fascinated to see how he responds and he MUST — no way he can just ignore this
@BillinGlendaleCA: (Since I can’t edit my own damned comment, FYWP.) This is also why my MIL was born and raised in Japan(she passed before I met madame).
Next time I am at their salad bar I will take it out for a spin. Well done man here myself.
Salad bar is well represented in the comments. Well done BJers, well done!
@Mnemosyne: Your back is more important.
Roger Moore
He has apparently failed to respond on Twitter, which is amazing. I assume he just doesn’t know how to respond.
Do you have a Big Fury Hat?*
*Colbert joke.
@Ryan: This is good news for David Brooks.
@Major Major Major Major:
I had hoped that the primary results in Washington and I think it was Nebraska would put an end to that nonsense. Sigh.
Roger Moore
I thought that was Schlemazel.
The Thin Black Duke
@Roger Moore: Maybe it’s premature, but if Trump ends his campaign because of a mysterious “medical” issue, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Omnes Omnibus
@Roger Moore: efg is a usurper.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Thin Black Duke: that and the Producers theory were two I had for a long time, but now I think for pure ego he really wants it, just not, as we heard last week, the boring parts.
ETA: Also, I can’t get to it because of the WSJ paywall, but apparently Trump is doubling down on his campaign against the Trump U judge– it’s a conflict of interest because he is “Mexican” and “I am building a wall”
@efgoldman: just waiting til Bernie questions her ability and qualifications to be a mother and to have any idea on the income disparity between men and women…….
@The Thin Black Duke:
I keep telling you guys, it’s gonna be Alan Keyes. He’s the oh, shit, we need a placeholder on the ballot! choice for Republican elections gone wrong.
(And if I turn out to be right, it’s going to be like Homer and the comet.)
Schlemazel Khan
HEY NOW!!! I laid claim to ‘kahn’ weeks ago! Once Baud promised I could be Secretary of Internal Pacification in his administration. I promised to solve certain states problem with America in the manner of General Sherman
It’s crazy…in what kind of world does anyone say something like that (much less a candidate for POTUS) and not get hauled off to the psych ward and/or laughed at so roundly they never show their face again in public?
Media! Just stop and take two minutes with any random Trump statement and see it through to its logical conclusion (i.e., Trump in the psych ward)
Seriously…for just once, skip the ‘both sides do it’ and get this poor man the help he needs!!
Mike J
Al Swearengen
It irritates me to no end how many otherwise-sentient people completely miss the glaring lie tells that litter Trump’s speech pattern. “I tell you” and the mother of lie tells, “BELIEVE ME”.
Whenever someone says “believe me”, the one thing you can 100% believe is that whatever that person just said, or is getting ready to say, is complete BS.
@Roger Moore: Someone in whatever consists of his ‘inner circle’ has managed to take away his phone and/or computer and/or has convinced him that if he Can. Just. GET. THROUGH. the night without Tweeting, he’ll look super-duper-presidential, and Hillz will look totes stupid, and the election will be a lock.
Nickel bet.
Schlemazel Khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
I may consent to making him my second in command, perhaps allow him all the states not in the original Confederacy. Those are mine & I will take great pleasure in putting those opposed to America to the torch. Certainly he would have a few left for himself.
@The Thin Black Duke:
That thought crossed my mind after his ‘Sleazy from ABC’ speech, but that would be because the mean media won’t let him be preznit.
@Germy Shoemangler: Great bit. Interesting that the store looks to be Eileen Fisher, while Fisher is pretty good on sizing. Her plus size line is great – I live near one of the company stores and my stash of Eileen is growing.
@Roger Moore:
She mocked him so effectively in her speech about his reliance on Twitter that she boxed him in. If he uses it to respond he just validates that criticism.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: @Al Swearengen: his speech patterns fascinate me. It’s not quite Palin-esque, but it is a very strange word salad of sentence fragments and bragging non-sequiturs, all accompanied by schticky noises and gestures that I swear he learned from Joan Rivers in her declining years.
Corner Stone
What do you say in 140 characters that beats that critique back? “Dumb bitch be hatin’?”
This is Rovian shit, pinning your opponents strengths as their weakness. All that free media driven by tweets…see ya.
@Reggie Mantle: wait, so blue dogs elected in red districts as part of the 06 and 08 waves lost their seats in 2010, but before they did, the Democrats passed the biggest new entitlement program since the 1960s. And your point is what?
That these blue dogs were capable of changing their stripes, campaigning on single payer,and winning in a red District?
Why would you believe that?
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Has he actually shoved his finger down his throat yet? Next move for Trump?
@Mnemosyne: I know. I have about a half a million Marriott points because I just like them so much better than Hiltons.
Have you tried their Renaissance brand? Such comfy beds!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Kind of on the subject here… Mitch McConnell fears that Trump is going to lead the Republicans to a 1964-esque humiliation. I have to say, it seems a bit late to be worrying about this now. They’ve been working toward this for the last 40 or 50 years. I can’t understand how it can be such a surprise.
I said to my wife yesterday, that while this particular this we’re dealing with in 2016 is rather a surprise, and the fact that it happened this year is a surprise, this overall this was not a surprise at all. This was inevitable.
Trump according to the WSJ said the judge in the Trump Univ. case should step aside because he is of Mexican heritage. Since Trump wants to build a wall, there is not way the judge can treat him fairly. It’s one way to draw attention away from Hillary’s speech.
Next I guess is only old white men can hear lawsuits against Trump.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): That would be glorious.
Schlemazel Khan
Because there isn’t a pony under that pile of horseshit, there is a rainbow hued unicorn!
Trump is in CA, he has a rally at 7pm. He’s probably writing insults….
Mike J
@hovercraft: Regardless of how many votes she has, citizens, even congress people, are allowed to endorse candidates.
They keep saying supers don’t count until the convention and in the same breath they complain that supers endorsed before Bernie became a Democrat.
Schlemazel Khan
Plus they cannot be real Democrats because real Democrats would never vote for a Clinton
@Corner Stone: He did get one tweet in response:
and she (or her campaign social media team, more likely) shut him down in response:
After which he retreated from the twittermachine for almost the rest of the day.
Also, I have to admire this from her rapid-response media team:
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Baud: ‘Twould. In his new book, McConnell even said he voted for Johnson in 1964, since he was so turned off by Goldwater’s votes on civil rights. Shit. McConnell worked for John Sherman Cooper, who was a Republican senator from Kentucky for a long time. Cooper was a liberal. He was a big, big backer of civil rights. McConnell never had to go down this road. I wonder what must have happened to him to turn out this way…
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Reagan.
McConnell is a survivor.
Corner Stone
@dmsilev: The difference between now and 2008 is completely clear. Like a great video game she has earned the “Campaign and Election Staff Upgrade!”
Somebody or bodies are on seek and destroy mode.
Schlemazel Khan
OMG!!! Drumpf just lost the most important poll of this election season!!!
Poll asks if people would sleep with Drumpf for $1 million
53 percent of women and 55 percent of men would not sleep with Drumpf for a million dollars! Only 41 percent of women and only 36 percent of men said they wouldn’t do it with Hilz for a megabuck. Bernie falls behind Clinton but ahead of the Drumpfenstein monster
Whatshe gonna say? Call her some more names? Talk about Bill? Whatshe gonna DO about it? He’s gotta respond with power but all he’s got is name calling — perhaps some other false stories and accusations but all that makes him look is lame as shit. He has a problem. Lets see what he does…. what can he do? really?
I haven’t read the thread (I will in a sec) but if this hasn’t been answered:
I don’t cook. Well really I don’t cook protein. Cuz for steaks I am scared of overcooking it. And for chicken I am scared of undercooking it. So ballonjuicers::
What’s the best way to cook a medium steak indoors.
Have at it.
Keith P.
Who hand-cuts steaks any more now that we have robots?
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: Try this.
@Schlemazel Khan: AOL? Really?
I think this is going to be interesting, seeing Donald get talked-to like he’s never really been talked to before…they’re going to push buttons we only imagined…
@Jeffro: It’s going to be glorious.
Also, and I’ve said this before, it’s kind of amazing that none of the Clown Caucus gave this sort of mockery any real attempt. It’s not even mocking him for his beliefs (which they by and large agreed with), but instead is mocking the basic Trumpness of him.
Schlemazel Khan
Lets be honest, the job is too big for one person, I’ll share!
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Hope she has a really good range hood that vents outside for that recipe.
El Caganer
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Yeah, he was really pissed that Goldwater didn’t recognize the value of the Terrapin-American (TerAmer) vote.
@M. Bouffant: I’ve noticed that all the Ford ads I’ve been seeing for the last 6 months or so, they never show anyone actually driving the cars, it’s all how it looks, does it have bluetooth, etc. but never does anyone drive one.
@Helen: Cast iron skillet. Get it smoking hot with just a touch of oil – avocado if you have it because of its high smoke point. Seriously get that pan hot an no it probably isn’t hot enough yet. Meanwhile heat your oven to 275.
Steak in pan for 90 seconds. Flip. 90 seconds on. the other side.
Put pan in oven for two minutes.
Pull out and remove from pan. Cover and rest for at least three minutes.
This is assuming the steak is of a reasonable thickness, at least one inch.
El Caganer
@Shana: Maybe the engines were recalled.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ahh I have heard that before. Except I was told to start the steak on the stove then count to 90 before putting the steak in the oven and then turn the oven down to 350 when you put the steak in. But kinda the same process here. THANKS.
ETA. And Elmo beat me to it. Thanks all.
Also some trivia: did you know that Alton Brown was a filmmaker before he was a cook? Puts
“Good Eats” in a more interesting perspective, yes?
@Helen: For me I don’t do the oven part. I do 90 seconds on a side, cover the pan and turn it off. Sit for two minutes. I like rare steak.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Greed and lust for power. Those are the things that usually ruin people.
@Elmo: Too rare for me. I can do medium well or medium rare. Can’t do rare. I don’t like my beef almost mooing at me.
Gin & Tonic
@Helen: Too bad. I like mine so it doesn’t run away from me when I pick up the knife.
@Helen: My wife likes her steak like ahi. Blue and chilly in the middle. I’m slowly over the last 25 years coming toward her pov.
Gin & Tonic
In other news, I’m reading that Prince OD’d on Fent@nyl (don’t know what I can say with FYWP.) That’s serious business – it’s not like forgetting how many Perc0cets you took. Fent a nyl is a Class II substance. You can’t buy it as an individual. The dear Mrs, who spent her career in this field, says the DEA is going to be on this like a pack of hounds, and people could lose licenses.
Sear them in a screaming hot cast iron skillet on top of stovetop for about 2-3 minutes (depending on thickness, one or two inches). Have oven preheated to 450F and put steaks in oven for about 5-6 more minutes (temp in middle about 145F with instant read thermometer). Let rest 5-10 minutes. Eat!
Tom Levenson
@Schlemazel Khan: brain bleach please. Stat
I cook the steak sous vide with a plug of herbed butter until the top end of rare, then ice bath it to cool it off. then 90 seconds a side in a hot-ass cast iron skillet. I figure good thick steak is expensive, I’m gonna treat it that way.
@Schlemazel Khan: Back when Indecent Proposal came out in 1993, there was a joke at the time that the movie didn’t make sense – the question isn’t would you sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars, it’s would you sleep with Ross Perot for a million dollars?
@Helen: In my book, a good vet could resuscitate it.
pseudonymous in nc
I think that Hillary has to be willing to push the envelope on what the media considers ‘appropriate’ to say about a political opponent. I’m not saying that she has to give a live speech which is, in its entirety, ‘Donald Trump is full of shit’ and make them report it, but she has to head in that direction, because American political media is extremely good at reporting people who are full of shit, but is extremely bad at reporting people who say that people who are full of shit are full of shit.
@Baud: I had a steak at Applebee’s once, years ago. It might have been the worst steak I ever had. My co-worker told me he had the same experience. So, yeah, just don’t.