President Kennedy had a Harvard-trained intellectual; wanna-be-President Trump gets this guy…
Dick Morris named chief political correspondent for National Enquirer & 2016 continues its descent into self-parodyhttps://t.co/sbA7Pefpsx
— David Freedlander (@freedlander) June 3, 2016
Not a (deliberate) joke. Politico:
… Morris will have a column in the Enquirer’s print edition each week, and will also write for its website and do video commentary.
A former Clinton campaign staffer, Morris has become a cable news regular by virtue of his reliably critical takes on his former employers.
“The National Enquirer is one of the few journalistic outlets that has the courage to publish the truth,” said Morris in a statement. “As this critical election approaches, I am thrilled to have a perch from which to tell the unvarnished truth, particularly about Hillary Clinton — facts other publications just don’t print because it doesn’t fit.”…
Apart from bidding farewell to another handful of IQ points, what’s on the agenda for the start of the weekend?
Clinton/Batboy 2016!
The Blog Dahlia
This fuckin’ guy. Great.
Reggie Mantle
I don’t know if I’d bring Dick “Mr. Triangulation” Morris up if I were you, considering who it was that first inflicted him on the country at large.
Well, the tabloid reporting is about his level of accuracy and integrity, so…
“bitter, so bitter”.gif
Amir Khalid
I wonder: Just who reads, let alone takes seriously, political coverage in The National Enquirer?
Maybe Trumps no good very bad week gets worse. Her lead is growing.
chickens coming home to roost
Don’t believe your lyin eyes.
Morris had been a reliable right-winger before Clinton hired him. Then, after the 1996 election was over, he got fired as soon as he stuck his big toe into a scandal. I think Clinton hired him so, as LBJ once said, it’s better to have him in the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.
@Amir Khalid: the same people who take Trump seriously??
In response to a question about Trump’s attack on the judge, Clinton had this response to ABC LA.. link
I tried to copy and paste and could not. Maybe a techie could explain why…
Whatever happened between toe sucker Morris and Hillary, his hatred for her is borderline obsessive. Did she get him fired?
@Amir Khalid: I didn’t even know there was political coverage in the National Enquirer! I used to read the headlines when I was a grocery store cashier putting myself through college.
My favorite story was “Half-man, half-woman gives birth to child he is father to”. How is anyone supposed to take them seriously?
As I typed that, I thought: wait, isn’t that who first broke the story of the $400 haircut presidential candidate who was cheating on his wife while she was fighting for her life?
@hovercraft: There’ll be ups and downs between now and November. Best to keep an even disposition IMHO.
C’mon, we both know that can’t be true. After all, Berniebros have been telling me for weeks that everybody hates Hillary and only Bernie could have beaten Trump. Are you telling me that those people are wrong?!
@Baud: Batboy’s too flighty. Also possibly not Terran. Dems want a big tent but that may be a bridge too far. (slow day at Metaphors’R’Us)
@JPL: You couldn’t copy & paste because it appears to be an image instead of actual text.
Trump quadrupled down on his attack on the Hoosier-Mexican judge in a sit-down with Tapper today. The GOP will be at about 5% with Latinos for a couple of generations by November.
I kind of imagine this is how Speaker Ryan’s campaign manager is feeling today http://i.imgur.com/apAee7G.gif
I always assume he tried to hit on her and she laughed at him, and then fired him.
@Amir Khalid: It’s good for a laugh in the supermarket checkout line.
@Reggie Mantle:
Ummm, Morris had been around as a GOP consultant for a very long time before Bill tapped him for a position with him. Mainly as a measure to deal with the GOP attack machine. And you claim you’re so much better versed in politics than we are. You are a liar and a GOP troll. Go away.
@Baud: And we all know how that worked out for the Baud!2016! campaign.
@BillinGlendaleCA: When did my campaign have any ups?
@RaflW: Hey, it worked out so well for them in CA…wait a minute.
gogol's wife
A Trump sign popped up in front of the house two doors down from us today. My husband is trying to keep me calm. He won’t allow me to say I feel as if I’m in Berlin in 1936.
I’ve been down a car for some time now. Put a deposit on a low mileage car today for my son. My mechanic gave it two thumbs up. Now the kid has no excuse not to come home and see his mother
@Baud: Well there were the rumors of tweaking…
Patricia Kayden
@Amir Khalid: The same people who watch and take seriously Fox News, I guess. Or the people who listen to Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. There are too many of them. sadly.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I wish. Twerking would have improved things.
Absolutely, I’m just hoping that this is the first sign of his nomination bump fading. And I’m still hoping that the majority of my fellow Americans are not insane.
And it is a real poll, 538 rating A- . But yes early days.
At first I read that as twerking!
@gogol’s wife: Guy with the Big Ass Loud Truck(BALT) across the street has a Trump bumper sticker. I’ve considered replacing it with one of the bumper stickers from the LGF Trump bumper sticker generator.
Chyron HR
Ha ha, wow, Re**ie is utterly FURIOUS that a poll dared to show that bitch with a lead over his great orange hope.
P.S. He only supports Trump “from the left”, and you guys are the ones that sound like Republicans, so there.
@gogol’s wife:
There’s a guy just down the street who had a couple of Trump signs in his yard since at least a month before the PA primary. They disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Found out from one of the campus cops that someone stole them. Sign guy wanted the local cops to investigate. LOL!
Patricia Kayden
@RaflW: He also exhorted a crowd of supporters to look at his African American over there.
@MomSense: As did Baud! it seems.
Trump will take his running mate from a different defunct publication: Trump/Garden Yeti 2016!
In “water-is-wet” news, Bobo is really at it today with the false equivalence:
Both campaigns are “driven by fear, resentment, and pessimism”?
It gets worse, so don’t bother. If you want a fun read, ya gotta check out Catherine Rampell’s latest in the WaPo: her commencement address to the grads of Trump U! What a gem.
@Baud: Last I checked, Batboy and Rick Scott had never been seen together…
No matter how much she needs to win Florida, Hillary will never stoop that low.
Great (gutter) minds.
I’m calling bullshit on this…
@Chyron HR: It took a minute for me to figure out who Re**ie was, ah the commenter who loves pie.
@WaterGirl: My favorite, and this goes back years, was ” 2/3 of US Senate are space aliens. ” I always read the headlines while waiting in line. Always good for a laugh.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Baud, you really are funny. You should be writing a novel or something where you can showcase your humor. I would buy it.
The Other Chuck
I live in bright red Colorado Springs. And haven’t seen a single Trump sign.
I kinda want to see one so I can steal it and cut off the letters and have it read “RUM 2016”. I certainly won’t ever purchase one.
FWIW, this is pretty much what’s happened in California. Republicans keep nominating loser candidates for statewide office and not understanding why they’re getting their asses handed to them.
The guy who ran against Brown last time, Neel Kashkari, had commercials featuring himself shooting off an automatic rifle and throwing a small child into a swimming pool so he could pretend to rescue him. AND HE WAS THE SANEST ONE WHO RAN!!! I shit you not, one of his competitors for the nomination was an out-and-proud white supremacist who patrolled the border to keep Messicans out.
At least the hair will match.
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
Oh great – another outlet for Dick Morris to peddle lies about Hillary Clinton… at least it’s just the National Enquirer HA HA HA HA HA
@lamh36: This is the guy on Morning Joe this morning kept talking about the protesters the night before in San Diego instead of where they actually took place in San Jose. He was only off by about 500 miles.
Does anyone else feel like Hillary’s speech yesterday was the equivalent of Biden’s “noun, verb, 9/11” to Giuliani?
It seems like the speech was at least half aimed at the media, and now that she’s endorsed the frame of “look at Trump’s policy in terms of his personal vendettas and biases” it’s all they’re going to do the rest of the election.
The Blog Dahlia
Brilliant. OMG, he has Mexican heritage and he’s proud of it! Nobody who’s proud of their goddamn heritage is the sort of person you can trust, amirite?
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: It is to laugh. Halperin must be desperate to justify his tongue bathing of Trump’s behind.
@Luthe: True. Batboy may be more appropriate as Trump’s VP. He may actually raise the IQ and dignity of the Republican ticket.
@MomSense: I’m honored to share perdition with you.
@Patricia Kayden: You’re too kind.
I drive by a home that has a “Hillary for Prison 2016” sign out front. This is in a largely Democratic neighborhood. It doesn’t seem to have suffered any damage yet.\
I must say, I think yesterday’s speech was the best I’ve heard Hillary give. Hope she sticks to that kind of thing instead of fishing around to see what works. The bits I’ve heard of Trump’s reaction seem very Caine Mutinyish to me.
@BillinGlendaleCA: And since Garden Yeti is the strong silent type, Trump won’t have to worry about GY making any embarrassing gaffes that would upstage Trump’s own embarrassing gaffes.
@Patricia Kayden: someone called it his “macaca” moment, but what will this matter to a Trump supporter? To be clear the guys been saying toxic stuff…yet GOP fall in line? Trump done had upteen “macaca moments”…and yet still…here we are…smh
Seems Trump referred to a Black supporter in today’s Redding, CA audience as “his African American.”
I’m not so sure he’ll make it a month longer without a complete meltdown. He’s never had criticism like he has had this week in his entire life. Anybody want to bet if Liz Warren and HRC keep the mocking on solid for about 10 days that he’ll blurt out the “c word?” I feel it in my bones.
I’m past mocking..anyone who supports Donald Trump is trash…period!
No, I’m totally willing to believe that Trump’s aides are smarter and more politically savvy than Trump is, because my cats are also smarter and more politically savvy than Trump.
Patricia Kayden
Was there an epidemic of small children being thrown into swimming pools in California which he was trying to address? That is bizarre.
@BillinGlendaleCA: At least he got the right state, and didn’t go with San Antonio. Or Santo Domingo for that matter.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Lots of stimulating conversation about pie….
Weekend starts with a massage after work, then dinner with mr. h at a place to be determined. There is a Breckenridge Brewery near our place; reasonably good food and decent beer.
On a less happy note, our bosscat has been diagnosed with hyperthyrodism. We’re looking at treatment options but right now radioiodine injection seems to be the best bet. We have a referral to a specialist vet/practice that does the injections and will be talking to them on Monday. Also, our bosscat would make a better president than the short-fingered orange vulgarian.
Halperin is truly the stupidest pundit tubbie, hands down. I don’t think even Kristol digs down into the stupid with the fervor and self-confidence of Mark “Good News for John McCain” Halperin.
@Quinerly: excuse me… he said MY African American. He identifies heritage often, Muslim American, Jewish American, Mexican American and African Americans… get my drift.
Y’all do know, don’t you, that the publisher of the National Enquirer is named David Pecker?
I mean…really…really…fuq any and all Trump voters and idiots…and especially big fuq you to spineless jackasses like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell…I never thought I’d say but good on Mitt Romney for, at least so far, sticking to saying Trump is terrible.
But Bernie would be leading by eleventy million more.
Eeew, that’s disgusting.
@Patricia Kayden: As Mnemosyne said he was the SANE one.
Doesn’t trumps friend own te enquirer?
Reggie Mantle
@Chyron HR:
I assume Re**ie is me, and you’re lying. Again. Just like you did when you claimed I said I’d never vote for Hillary under any circumstances.
Granted, you’re reminding me again of why I have my doubts about her. But you’re still lying. Only one enraged is you because you got caught.
@dmsilev: The thing is, he didn’t say it only once; he said at least 3 times.
@Patricia Kayden: It’s not like either the IQ or dignity could go any lower.
@Reggie Mantle:
It’s always projection with you GOPers.
The Lodger
@The Other Chuck: Will Rum’s running mate be Romanism or Rebellion?
@Patricia Kayden:
It was a weird metaphor about how Jerry Brown was drowning California, but Neel Kashkari was going to dive in and save us all. But when I saw it, all I could think was, Okay, which genius thought it was a good idea to throw a kid into the pool for a campaign commercial?
I say “small child,” but we’re probably talking around 6 or 7, not a toddler. Like I said, Kashkari was the sane Republican.
The Blog Dahlia
I would figure. Our only hope is that when his breakdown happens he livetweets the whole thing.
@The Lodger:
Rum, sodomy and the lash. Duh.
@Gelfling545: That’s possibly the most believable headline I have ever seen/heard from the enquirer! This explains so much – they are aliens from Planet WTF?!
@Mnemosyne: Glad he didn’t believe Jerry Brown was driving California off a cliff.
Patricia Kayden
@Mnemosyne: Agreed. Trump aides may be just in it for the campaign $$$. They may not really care whether he wins or not. I assume they can read the writing on the wall and are watching with horror as Trump keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper with each stupid comment.
@WaterGirl: OMG he’s NOT a turtle!
Small quibble: Morris was a prostitute’s toe-sucker. He was not the stick-er of the toe.
@BillinGlendaleCA: All those Spanish sounding names
look alikesound alike.dmsilev
The end is in sight! Just another 100 hours until polls close in California.
It’s been a long several months, hasn’t it?
@dmsilev: Are all the final primaries on the same day? New Jersey and Puerto Rico come to mind. I know DC is later.
Thanks I was like huh?
I saw that. He insisted on saying it twice. What a moron.
Villago Delenda Est
Dick Morris really needs the instant cred that The National Enquirer gives him.
Patricia Kayden
@Mnemosyne: Maryland gubernatorial campaign ads are so dry that I would be hard pressed to remember any even though we just elected a new (sadly Republican) Governor in 2014. Our Republicans seem highly subdued compared to yours.
@hedgehog the occasional commenter:
FWIW, most people I know who did the radioiodine injection had great success with it and their kitties went on to live for years afterwards. Hopefully your kitty’s outcome will be as good, even if you do have to bag radioactive poop for a while.
@Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter:
But that’s the entire point. Trump is friends with the owner of the Enquirer.
Morris has been put on chief shit shovel duty so that he can come up with anti-Hillary and anti-Obama gems. Trump loves the sewer.
Patricia Kayden
@dmsilev: And it will be a long 6 months to November. Sigh.
@Baud: I decided to look it up. Puerto Rico is this weekend. All except DC will be over by Tuesday.
Villago Delenda Est
A reminder, folks. Do not feed the unentertaining energy creature.
The Twitter will not be kind.
Ella in New Mexico
Good to see!
Getting him on video overreacting like he’s on meth to perceived insults is clearly the best strategy from here to November. The more people who say “I’m just so over the Clinton’s and Hilary is so tarnished”see how completely unglued he becomes under pressure, the more they realize this is not a frigging reality game show.
@geg6: Which one of them called Obama a dick? He gets my vote for most stupid.
Well played.
Let’s see, tomorrow is a niece’s HS graduation open house, which I have just been informed by the spousal unit will be an all-hands evolution insofar as preparation is concerned – no excuses short of appendicitis or Ebola accepted. Sunday is the daughter unit’s birthday – which she has been planning for weeks and which had better go off without a hitch or there will be Trump to pay. A lot of it will take place at the zoo, which (oh please, please, please) I MAY be able to slide out of because SOMEBODY has to stay home to fill balloons etc etc. Not that I don’t love the Indianapolis zoo, which is very nice, but when you’ve already been there twenty times it gets old, especially at temps above 80 degrees. Knock on wood….
Villago Delenda Est
@geg6: Halperin is the dipshit who sparked the David French anti-boomlet.
I posted a comment twice in different ways. I’m being silenced! FYWP!
@Baud: Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are this weekend, DC is the 14th, and everything else is in the 7th.
Patricia Kayden
@WaterGirl: Halperin on Morning Joe.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’d ask which one, but it doesn’t really matter and seeing someone actually use its name would give it a charge right down in its naughty bits.
If you know what I’m talking about, and I’m sure you do.
@WaterGirl: That would be…Mark Halperin.
hedgehog mobile
@Mnemosyne: Thanks. Our vet said the treatment has a 96% success rate so we’re optimistic.
The Lodger
@Mnemosyne: The yard signs would be fabulous.
@Patricia Kayden: Thank you! The good news is that geg6 and I don’t have to fight about who is the most stupid. We’re both right – it’s Halperin.
I feel the same way about this as Eric Holder did when he gave the interview about the Joe Minchin “you lie!” outburst:
I love Eric Holder for saying that.
@hedgehog mobile: Wow, that’s a very hope-inducing number!!!
I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves”
Remarks by the First Lady at City College of New York Commencement
? Martin
Give an example of a non-loser Republican. Remember, we don’t buy into the god, gays, guns bullshit that’s peddled in the Confederacy. What’s left for a Republican to sell here in CA? It’s a loser party.
@danielx: The forecast is rain Saturday and partly sunny with a high of 75 on Sunday
Ella in New Mexico
@hedgehog the occasional commenter:
Just an FYI, but sometimes curing the disease can result in other, more latent stuff to come out that was either being hidden or actually helped by the hyperthyroidism.
Our 20 year-old, arthritic but otherwise spunky, active female kitty was diagnosed last fall, after months of noting she was getting skinnier and skinnier while demanding to be fed like 80 times a day, and a lot of weird walking around the house and yowling (a common symptom, I later found out). We got her tested and the vet put her on Tapazole twice a day, which blocks thyroid hormone.
Within a week, she was vomiting anything she ate all over the place, could hardly walk, and spent most of her time laying limply on the couch. It was really looking like she was gonna die. We took her back and they found her thyroid levels were lower, but now she had critically decreased kidney function, which was making her sicker. They had to give her IV fluids, and we then decided that it might be better to just let her be hyperthyroid, as it clearly made her function better. We took her off the Tapazole and within 36 hrs she was back to her normal self–jumping up on counters and tables and blatting in our faces for food every two hours, purring and demanding excessive neck rubs, and taking her daily “Gimpstatutional” limpy walk around our flowerbeds.
She’s gonna live forever, I swear.
@lamh36: Are both of those links supposed to go to the same article? It looks like a good one, so maybe it’s worth posting the link twice! :-)
So proud of our president and first lady.
I have an opportunity to see Ava DuVernay speak next week, so I’m bracing myself to watch “Selma.” I know it’s good, but I’m not really looking forward to it, any more than I would look forward to seeing “Schindler’s List” again. You know what I mean?
Batboy was a regular in the Weekly World News, one of the finest weekly publications America has ever produced.
The National Enquirer is just another stupid tabloid.
Please quit getting them confused.
Lizzy L
A friend called me yesterday to tell me she has ordered a anti-Trump yard sign for me. I am so jazzed, and looking forward to placing it prominently in my front yard. My neighborhood is at least 70% Hispanic, so I expect many of my neighbors will stop me on one of my multiple daily dog walks to inquire where I got the sign. :)
@? Martin:
Who was the pro-life guy they nominated a few elections ago. Guys, California is not going to vote to ban abortion. We just aren’t.
@gene108: That was before Dick Morris joined the Enquirer. I’m sure he’ll poach batboy from WWN.
Patricia Kayden
@Mnemosyne: Yes. That’s how I feel about the new Roots movie. I haven’t watched Schindler’s List for the same reason.
@Ella in New Mexico:
A couple of commentators were saying that yesterday, by using his own words to mock him and the crowds laughter, he would over react. The clips I’ve seen so far from his Redding CA rally are insane. She should be in jail, she’s a thief, we’re all going to die. The positive write ups she got for the speech are also driving him nuts.
Her strategy is a good one.
hedgehog mobile
@WaterGirl: Right? It seemed too high but it seems to be legit, as they say (I did my own checking and saw that percentage in more than one place).
The Trump properties are going to have to change their name to Drumpf the way things are going. Bookings at Trump hotels are down 60 % year over year and this has been a good year for hotels
@Mnemosyne: Before Cash and Carry you had Meg. Before that was the Governator.
hedgehog mobile
@Ella in New Mexico: Thanks. It is a risk. He’s 15 and diabetic; the diabetes is insulin controlled. He was diagnosed when our vest did a blood test to check the diabetes.
@Patricia Kayden:
I used to have a really strong stomach and be able to watch all kinds of heart-wrenching movies, but I just can’t do it anymore. I’ve become a wimp in my middle age.
Funny thing that happened recently: G started watching “All The Way” (about LBJ) in the middle — which I hate doing anyway — and there’s a scene where he deliberately interrupts some heartfelt testimony by a black woman who was beaten by white cops because he doesn’t want it to disrupt the upcoming convention. I made G change the channel to something less upsetting, so he switched to HBO, which was showing … “Game of Thrones.” And right in the middle of our screen was a close-up of a guy’s naked genitals.
I could NOT stop laughing once I got over being kind of mad. :-)
Actually it was Joe Wilson.
I think it was one of the guys they ran against Grey Davis. He was also a pay phone mogul — in 1998. Yeah, great business model, genius.
@hedgehog mobile: That’s awesome. I will be crossing my fingers for you guys, though that does make it kind of hard to type!
@debbie: I knew that! Thanks for the correction.
I would love to know the backstory on Morris and the Clintons and what made him turn on them like he has.
hedgehog mobile
@WaterGirl: Thanks!
@Mnemosyne: “Pretend to rescue him”?
How many kids drowned before they got a good take?
Re: Schindler’s list – I know what you mean. The movie should be watched, once. Any more times than that is masochism.
gogol's wife
Matt McIrvin
@hedgehog mobile: We tried to control our cat’s hyperthyroidism with drugs, which worked for a few years, until it didnt… but my wife had radioiodine for the same thing recently and seems to have responded very well. I imagine the quarantine is tough with cats, but it should work.
@Patricia Kayden:
This may be too late in the thread, but… (I’m gonna post it again in the next regular open thread)
Here are my final final reflections.
So, you may already know, I wasn’t gonna watch…then thanks to blogger Awesomely Luvvie ( On ROOTS Reimagined and Retelling This Classic Story) and other folk I respect I decided to give it a chance. I never saw the original. Usually, I shy away from this type of drama because unless you are a heartless bastard it sticks with you and unless you are a ditzy absentminded sort of person it lingers in your mind even after watching…but I disregarded my usual aversion and I watched episode one.
So first of all, History channel did a GREAT job of filling in some of the holes in the story, that folks expressed about Haley’s original book with facts, figures and real life events of the time. In fact, even though it was based on Haley’s book and ancestors, they stuck to the story Haley told, but interspersed the personal family story, with a History channel style reenactments of real life events and happenings of the time in which the story was set (if you followed them on twitter, they also sent out factoids about the time and the people during the commercial breaks, and also with blurbs at the end of scenes with significant historical impact).
Another thing I applauded, was that unlike with the orignal mini-series, they didn’t go for ANY stunt casting (no white sitcom stars or black pro-athletes in this one). Instead, other than for a couple of the iconic roles (i.e. Fiddler, Kizzy, Tom Lea…) the cast was made up of new, and hopefully, up and coming young actresses and actors of color, including some for whom the show was their very first real acting job (US or otherwise). The standouts including Malachi Kirby as Kunta Kinte, Regé-Jean Page as Chicken George, Erica Tazel as Matilda, and a number of other younger actresses and actors. The casting for the series was really good.
As I expected, each and every scene lingered. but as I watched the first ep and the second ep…I began to see this NOT as a story of victim hood, or airing grievances against white people (though to be fair from this family’s saga standpoint and millions of others who were slaves…the grievances against white folks were valid and should NOT be forgotten or erased from conversation). Anyway, I began to see it as the story of SURVIVORS! From Africa to the Americas…these people SURVIVED all this brutality and came out of it on the other side yes bloodied but ALIVE and in many cases unbowed. So even with the painful acts and lingering anger at the entire institution of slavery in America, I feel blessed to know that I come from generations of these Survivors and I’d like to hope that their stories are told and heard by as many folks as can see or hear them, Black or white.
Isn’t that Baud’s campaign platform??
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
so you know who’s the most pissed about Hilary’s boffo speech yesterday? Jeb Bush. Or maybe John Kasich. Kicking themselves, thinking shit, why didn’t I do that MONTHS ago! Then calling their erstwhile campaign managers to yell about not getting THEM great speechwriters!
On for the weekend – damn it. Microsoft kept trying to get me to upgrade to Windows 10, i’ve been stubbornly refusing for months -, don’t know if I accidentally clicked the mouse in the wrong square by mistake – stepped away from computer, came back 40 minutes later, the damn thing is upgrading ITSELF – it’s 40% through, I don’t dare kill ihe program, god knows what chaos will ensue. So now I have to figure out how to get this POS win 10 off my computer and back to 8. Bought the laptop off ebay, don’t think I have system disks – have to look. Anybody know a quick and dirty way to reverse this disaster, make it un-happen?
@reality-based (the original, not the troll): You didn’t click the wrong thing. That happened to one of my clients last week – a doctor’s office (!) and suddenly the machines were unavailable for 90 minutes while microsoft did the fucking upgrades that no one approved! I was livid!
I did a bit of reading up – Microsoft changed things so that if you even clicked the X in the “do you want to upgrade?” box to close that window, it takes that as YES and starts the upgrade. I cannot believe that isn’t illegal and that there can’t/won’t be lawsuits.
My initial thought was that it must be that they figure it’s cheaper for them to lose some lawsuits than to have to support older software. My next thought was that the bastards have surely put some “we can automatically upgrade you whenever we want” clause in the f-ing “I agree” statement we have to click okay to in order to do anything. I have always hated Microsoft – who knew it would be possible to actually hate them more?
@reality-based (the original, not the troll): I have always been punished in the past if I tried to roll back an OS upgrade, but I”ll bet there are windows experts here who could probably tell you how to do it.
IMHO, there have been two good Microsoft operating systems: Windows XP and Windows 7. The rest have sucked.
I no longer leave my PC on when I leave for more than a few minutes. It might start trying to upgrade itself. I LIKE Windows 7! leave it alone!
@Woodrowfan: Do some googling – there is a trick you can do to keep the upgrade from Windows 10 from happening. As long as it hasn’t started the upgrade. I didn’t bookmark it because that ship had already sailed for my clients.
Judge Curiel made his bones as an AUSA prosecuting Mexican drug traffickers. If Trump had the IQ of a Brussels sprout, he would … ahhh, forget it. What a silly hypothetical.
hedgehog mobile
@Matt McIrvin: Thanks, Matt. We figure we are best off doing the radio iodine as it seems the kindest option all around.
@Patricia Kayden:
I know the feeling, but I finally watched it and was blown away. Its masterful throughout, with only a few off notes. Its worth it despite this observation.
Splitting Image
I would also recommend Windows 98 as a “good one”. I still have a machine running it for some old games that don’t like newer computers and don’t like being virtualized.
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
oh, thank you so much for telling me that It wasn’t me – somehow, i feel better, knowing the Redmond fools are doing it to everybody! This is unbelievable – I have a very important project that MUST BE DONE by Monday, planning to work on it all weekend – and now my Display is screwed, my $%#^$# MOUSE is screwed up, my sound is screwed up, and I have a sneaking suspicion that my email is also screwed up. How *%$#$# DARE they!
And I agree about my beloved XP – I finally broke down and got Win 8 when I replaced the laptop because MS was making all kinds of dire threats about not security-patching XP anymore – so I reluctantly bought WIN 8 – and look where it got me!
Thanks for the emotional and technical support – I Believe I shall take to the broader Internets to vent and rant and hope there’s an easy rollback!
J R in WV
@The Other Chuck:
I’m sure they will give you one if you ask nicely. Then you can modify your sign, and put it in place where you please, and take the sign, if any, that was present where you put your sign.
Tracking with me?
There are two ways I know of to avoid getting ‘upgraded’ to Win 10 for sure: 1. run Apple and 2. run Linux.
I hate Windows. Haaaaaate…
J R in WV
@reality-based (the original, not the troll):
I am not a Windows guru at all, but I Googled “backing out Win10 update” and the first result was a Microsoft page
There, MS says
I don’t trust MS at all, don’t use their software, haven’t since I retired and didn’t have to work in their environment any more.
But there it is, straight from them.
BEFORE you try this, make copies on a DVD or thumb drive of all your current files, so that if you have to, you can start working on some other machine, while your current machine gets therapy for it’s MS infections.