It has been a very busy week. Spent a lot of time up in the mountains searching for moose and bear (we found squirrel – marmot to be exact). One of our moose is here. It was the first one I’d ever seen. The rest of the week was spent catching up on work.
I thought I should check in and let you know there wouldn’t be a recipe thread this week, I’m not sure about next week. It depends on how house things continue to proceed. Right now it’s going smoothly, but lot of ducks to get in a row. Keep a good thought.
My plan is to do the final Authors In Our Midst this weekend. Last call for entries.
It’s almost 90 degrees here at 7 pm and I’m sipping on a fake chocolate shake – milk, Hershey’s chocolate sauce and a tray of ice into the VitaMix. It actually pretty good – and besides it was all I had in the house.
You can do better, so here are a bunch of ice cream recipes, click here for a variety of flavors, styles and recipes. Pictured above is one of my favorites, Key Lime Pie Gelato. That’s the best I can do tonight for recipes.
What’s everyone up to this Friday evening? Anything good cooking this weekend? Consider this a sweet treat of an open thread.
Hillary Rettig
Did someone say Moose and Squirrel???????????????
Jay Noble
@Hillary Rettig: @Hillary Rettig: I wonder how many of us went “Bullwinkle!”
It’s 59 in my house right now and I love it. 49 outside.
TaMara (HFG)
@Hillary Rettig: This was our joke all week as we searched for moose and kept seeing only marmots and black squirrels.
@TaMara (HFG): I almost hit a moose a couple of weeks ago and it was the mangiest, scraggliest, ugliest moose I’ve ever seen. Hair falling out in big chunks all over him/her. Blonde and brown. He/she looked like a meth-head.
For those interested in the Bundy saga, today the Judge in the Oregon prosecution dismissed the weapons charge (18 USC 924(c) charged in Count 3 of the indictment. The link includes a link to the Court’s order.
Once upon a time (80s) I was driving from Lake Itasca to Fargo through northwestern Minnesota. The road was between two drainage ditches. I was driving a VW Rabbit. A moose came out of the right ditch and blocked my car. I stopped. I might have been able to drive under it. I sat and waited until it decided I was not a problem and moved to the left ditch. I moved on and passed an MG-B.. (2-seater, top down)..and watched in my mirror as the moose came out of the ditch and stopped him..glad I was not him.
Miss Bianca
@Jay Noble: Meeee…I did!
Tamara, where was the photo taken?
@Jay Noble:
You betcha, in a Boris voice!
Iowa Old Lady
@Mudge: Whoa. That’s a real north woods tale.
@Iowa Old Lady: Moose are large..and my wife decided to tell me right then about how when she was young in Arizona her dad had stopped for a horse and the horse tried to jump the car..shattering the windshield and killing the horse..which her dad had to pay for.
Felonius Monk
Sure it wasn’t your esteemed governor, Pasty Mucilage?
@Felonius Monk: In moose form?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: A weremoose?
Jay Noble
@Mudge: Had a friend in college who had a run in with a horse that left hoof prints on the roof of the car. The punch line – car and horse were both Pintos.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Ooh…weremoose…I hear their bites can be pretti nasti…
jesus. i’d be wearing a parka. it’s 79 outside here and 78 inside. and yes, the a/c is on.
TaMara (HFG)
@Miss Bianca: Bear Lake. We hiked there, trying to get to one of the upper lakes but were stopped by snow. Had better luck the next day near Grand Lake where we hiked along the Colorado river.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Don’t get me started on the llamas.
@redshirt: Prolly had the brain worms. One got stuck in a kids swing set near here and was like that.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, I heard you and Ralph the Wonder Llama had a falling out…
@muddy: Brain worms must suck, especially if you don’t have health insurance.
@tybee: I’ve taken the movie Frozen to heart.
@redshirt: You’re right, they do suck…the brains!
@Hillary Rettig: ?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: The cold never bothered me anyway.
@Omnes Omnibus: Are you willing to sacrifice?
@muddy: By definition, yo. I’m typing this as a brain sucking worm FYI.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: I come from cold country and don’t have a sister.
I was thinking of doing some kind of beans n rice thing with fried plantain, but I’m also kind of tempted by this savory Dutch Baby thing I saw on Food Wishes, since we are in the middle of local asparagus season here in Central Minnesota.
Miss Bianca
@TaMara (HFG): Only place I’ve seen moose was up in Tin Cup, going over Cottonwood Pass. Mama and two babies, all of whom were way taller than my car. Freaky!
I am going to try and find some homemade key lime pie this weekend