@Mike J: (Sorry to jump in with a different competition, but didn’t want to go off topic in a serious thread, and this is still in the world of sport. The Germany – England fight in F1 right now is probably a lot closer than Germany – Ukraine will be.)
The AfD guys are gonna note that this one can’t count.
Amir Khalid
Somewhat off-topic
I see three Muslims listed in Deutschland’s starting XI: Özil, Khedira, and Mustafi. (They’ve probably skipped fasting on this matchday.) Özil drew some flak from right-wing party AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) for flaunting his Muslmness: he posted on social media some pix from his recent umrah (non-Haj pilgrimage to Mecca).
Touching ‘Die Mannschaft’ or one of its stars in a derogatory manner is a third rail offense.
Tony J
Germany might be dominating this game but Ukraine have made enough clear cut chances to be at least level. How Boateng kept that out I can only grasp in slow-motion.
They’ll soon change their tune if he tries another dodgy pass along the back four like that one!
Ukraine certainly aren’t rolling over for the German Machine, I can see them nicking a point here unless the Germans up their attacking tempo.
It is interesting to note the sides which are multiracial (Germany, England, France ) and the sides for countries that have not integrated s couple generations if immigrants (eg. n ireland, Poland )
Witnesses said trouble began in the stadium after flares were let off by Russian fans near the end of the game. Some then climbed across barriers designed to keep rival fans apart.
. Some of the Russian “fans” were masking their faces and wearing MMA gloves.
@Tony J:
Watched the Columbia v Costa Rica game last night with someone who also does some officiating, and he was also unsure what that official does back behind the goal;)
@Randinho: I can imagine. Krauts were lucky to escape with a won. But sweet mother of kicking a ball, they have some serious talent in the attacking end. What movement and passing, such skill, so much wow.
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I’d like to hang with some Germans during a big match.
Mike J
Was surprised to see NBC put camera on somebody with a “comme de fuck down” hat. Come on, Hamilton! 25 more laps!
Warnings are real?
First place 25 pt, 5th 10. Lewis down 24 before this race.
Huh. Apparently Ukraine hasn’t heard they’re supposed to be overmatched.
Why is Low not wearing a suit? He wore a suit in Africa, for goodness’ sake.
Mike J
@Mike J: (Sorry to jump in with a different competition, but didn’t want to go off topic in a serious thread, and this is still in the world of sport. The Germany – England fight in F1 right now is probably a lot closer than Germany – Ukraine will be.)
I am in moderation :(
Also in a nice Hamburg wine bar. :)
Corner Stone
Oooohh the Germans!
Tony J
And that is how you deliver a ball into the box.
The AfD guys are gonna note that this one can’t count.
Amir Khalid
Somewhat off-topic
I see three Muslims listed in Deutschland’s starting XI: Özil, Khedira, and Mustafi. (They’ve probably skipped fasting on this matchday.) Özil drew some flak from right-wing party AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) for flaunting his Muslmness: he posted on social media some pix from his recent umrah (non-Haj pilgrimage to Mecca).
@Amir Khalid:
Thanks for providing the context.
Amir Khalid
There was also that “You wouldn’t want Jerome Boateng for a neighbour” nonsense, which went down very well — not.
Mike J
Rosberg! Wow!
@Amir Khalid:
Touching ‘Die Mannschaft’ or one of its stars in a derogatory manner is a third rail offense.
Tony J
Germany might be dominating this game but Ukraine have made enough clear cut chances to be at least level. How Boateng kept that out I can only grasp in slow-motion.
@Tony J:
The number of Germans who would welcome Jerome Boateng as their neighbor has risen to 90 percent.
Boateng is earning his keep today.
@humboldtblue: I was living there in 1974 and saw the championship in a house filled with Germans. One of the reasons I grew to love the game.
Amir Khalid
@Tony J:
I think it was Howedes who tweeted, “Wenn man Titel für Deutschland gewinnen will, braucht man Nachbarn wie Boateng.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Randinho: I was in a bar in Germany when they won in ’90.
Thor Heyerdahl
I was studying in Germany when they won in ’96. It was so much fun to pack into a student house with a couple crates of beer and enjoy the games.
Tony J
@Amir Khalid:
Ha! It loses none of its understated snark in translation.
@Amir Khalid: Bestimmt!
Tony J
They’ll soon change their tune if he tries another dodgy pass along the back four like that one!
Ukraine certainly aren’t rolling over for the German Machine, I can see them nicking a point here unless the Germans up their attacking tempo.
It is interesting to note the sides which are multiracial (Germany, England, France ) and the sides for countries that have not integrated s couple generations if immigrants (eg. n ireland, Poland )
In response to the violence at the England-Russia match, both sides have been warned of disqualification
. Some of the Russian “fans” were masking their faces and wearing MMA gloves.
Tony J
Uh, Neuer should have been carded and facing a penalty kick for that barge. What are the assistant referees on the line for, exactly?
ETA: Shows what a well rested guy can do.
Tony J
And that’s that.
@Tony J:
Watched the Columbia v Costa Rica game last night with someone who also does some officiating, and he was also unsure what that official does back behind the goal;)
@Randinho: I can imagine. Krauts were lucky to escape with a won. But sweet mother of kicking a ball, they have some serious talent in the attacking end. What movement and passing, such skill, so much wow.