Several folks are clamoring for something a bit more frivolous. So here’s two different fun dog videos and several panda videos to sooth your raw emotions.
by Adam L Silverman| 107 Comments
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Faunasphere, Open Threads
Several folks are clamoring for something a bit more frivolous. So here’s two different fun dog videos and several panda videos to sooth your raw emotions.
Comments are closed.
Adam L Silverman
BettyC, You don’t have to pull your post just because we had the same idea at the same time! I was just writing you an apology comment in the now vanished entry apologizing for underbigfooting you.
Lol, I was going to try to post the same exact first comment on this and Betty’s post but she pulled hers. It was an observation about how great front pagers think alike.
You and Betty are fantastic front pagers. Thanks for you work today, and every day.
Betty Cracker
@Adam L Silverman: No worries. I have a feeling we’ll need additional refuges from the madness in the hours and days to come, so now I have one stockpiled for later!
Villago Delenda Est
If you’re looking for an adorable one year old to take your mind off things, go over to and check out the Wonkette Babby!
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman:
Is “underbigfooting” the new “underboob” ?
Saw ‘The Lobster’ this afternoon. Quite a movie. Don’t ask me whether I ‘liked’ it.
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: Good, because the only stuff I’ve get left is a week and two day overdue obit post on Dave Swarbrick, who died the same day as Ali, one for Gordie Howe, who died Friday, and several clips from the soon to be released in the US horror film The Clown that I’ve been tormenting Miss Bianca with offline as a running gag.
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: It’s like a side boob, only not on a side.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: If that’s your kink, embrace it!
A nice story in the Sonora Union-Democrat about two young people I’ve known all their lives.
Corner Stone
@MattF: You like it?
@Corner Stone: A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in the pants.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman:
You can bet my sweet bippy I will be studiously avoiding that fucking monstrosity.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: But, but, but I have prerelease clips!
Corner Stone
@MattF: As Adam is fond of saying, if that’s your kink then sell all your worldly goods and devote yourself to a non-stop tour that celebrates it until you finally die penniless, old, alone and broken as a non-recognizable human being to friends and family that once embraced your zest for life!
Well done, Mr. Silverman. Pandas and talented dogs are always a good idea.
Corner Stone
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m a big fan of the underboob. Also the side boob. Actually, now that I reflect on it I find I am a fan of the boob. And I do not mean the nominee for president on the R side.
Corner Stone
@Elizabelle: Pandas scare me.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: She is not the only one afraid of clowns. They are scary.
Omnes Omnibus
Watching An American in Paris and avoiding any TV channel that could have news on it. Yesterday was a picnic, wine, and The Comedy of Errors at APT with friends and family.
Alain the site fixer
Yes, thanks to Adam and Betty for their hard work. This is just so horrible I can’t even say. I’ll be doing the site maintenance tomorrow, thus kinda threw my whole morning into hell. This site’s discussions on this have been my major source of info as I try to avoid our tabloid media. Thanks to everybody who’s adding info and helping advance our collective understanding of this. I just fear that soon we’ll be hearing that one or more readers have been directly affected. That just brings it closer; it’s horrible enough and at a scale that’s hard to wrap my head around except by turning off emotions.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat:
It is known.
gogol's wife
Nice bulldog.
@Omnes Omnibus: Were clowns considered scary before John Wayne Gacy?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Well, since his first offenses were committed when I was quite a young child, I can’t really speak to that.
@redshirt: Yes.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Not the only one. Clowns are scary.
Had a lovely walk with my son and pup in the woods today. Then we sat outside watching the birds politely take turns at the feeder while we read.
We did have a bit of excitement at the end of our walk when a fisher climbed down from a tree very close to us. It had something in its mouth but we couldn’t tell what it was. The dog went into hyper protective mode and was doing her harmonica barking. The growling sound on the inhalation is scarier than the bark!
schrodinger's cat
A purrscription to soothe frayed nerves
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh, no! Not Dave Swarbrick! I’ve loved Fairport since forever!
@gogol’s wife:
I assume you’ll be watching the Tonys tonight. Did you know LMM will be interviewed on 60 Minutes?
@Corner Stone: My whole family as well. Clowns are just not right.
Felanius Kootea
Thank you! Love pandas.
I never used to hate clowns when I was young, but the movie “It” went a long way to making me begin to find them creepy
? Martin
@schrodinger’s cat: Even meat clowns?
Chinese Panda propaganda using their Panda breeding mills isn’t something I support. Thought this was a decrease-stress thread?!
Villago Delenda Est
@Cermet: The wheels of the Panda breeding mills turn very slow, indeed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Faster than those at the sloth breeding mills.
schrodinger's cat
@? Martin: Much less scary than human ones!
gogol's wife
No, I didn’t. I’ll have to catch that later somehow. I have to watch the Tonys, and I can’t stand more than a couple of hours of TV at a time.
I know Gawker gets a lot of hate, but their coverage of the shooting has been really good. For example, I hadn’t realized this was Obama’s 18th mass shooting address. Jesus.
schrodinger's cat
Shiro Neko, like Tunch but more Zen.
For further distraction, I have a kitty bleg in the works to send to Anne Laurie. Maybe he will be a welcome companion for someone that needs a purrball to get the Trump/terrorism/hate to go away. I can’t put this off any longer because he deserves a forever home.
gogol's wife
Perhaps to make up for that hideous Maureen Dowd piece, the Times has a pretty good article about Hillary by Dominique Browning, in the Style section.
Elmo’s voice is haunting.
Yes. I have a woman friend who has always dreaded clowns. She backed out of an invitation to Cirque du Soleis that a bunch of people were going to because of this, and admitted that she had steadfastly avoided all family trips to the circus, etc. She asked me once “don’t you think clowns look sinister?”
A co worker similarly dreads clowns. A friend will email him pics of clowns no and then just to rattle him.
@schrodinger’s cat:
As a young child I had a neighbor 2 doors down who was a clown. He also had a prosthetic leg, which may or may not be a part of the clown story but was interesting to a 7-8 yr old. I think he lost his leg in WWII but he didn’t want to discuss it so we moved on to clown stuff. I think knowing a neighbor who was just a clown made it far more normal and not scary. But I can see the scary side of it.
gogol's wife
I hear he’s taking over the role of Burr in Hamilton when Odom leaves.
THANK YOU. I needed that. #mopanda
@gogol’s wife: I would pay $900/ticket to see that.
Fear of clowns seems so common. The real question is: Does anyone like clowns?
Keith G
An audio book is my padded room right now.
@gogol’s wife: I am catching up from the train, so I was too late to comment about the dreadful piece from Maureen dowd. I only read the excerpts elizabelle posted, but she really outdid herself on this one. I kept thinking this surely must be a parody! Unbelievable.
Keith G
Like ’em? Heck, I’ve dated a few.
But being picked up for a date in that small car was a major hassle.
@Keith G:
I’ve seen a padded room, on a psych ward. It does not look like a calming place. I’d much prefer the book.
@Ruckus: I had a roommate who was a clown for ringling brothers before and after I lived with him. He was fun and funny and his clown face was happy and fun and sweet. But there seem to be a lot of what I call ‘serial killer clowns’thatbare creepy, creepy, creepy.
I feel certain that the clown face you choose is a reflection of who you are. Kevin’s surely was.
Never mind. You fixed it.
Perhaps this was mentioned in an earlier thread — I kind of walked away when I found myself getting very cranky and typing intemperate comments — but lost in all the Orlando coverage was news that George Voinovich died early today at 79. Yes, I know he was a Republican who had endorsed Kasich, but my sense of him is that he was one of the last of the “reasonable” Republicans. He served as Mayor of Cleveland as well as Ohio Governor and Senator. I don’t know much about him but he always seemed like a pretty decent guy and public servant.
@gogol’s wife: That ain’t no bulldog, UGA is a BULLDAWG!
the ultimate clown cartoon:
The Hunt for Vulcan: …And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe
Written by: Thomas Levenson
It’s the Audible daily deal, today only for $1.95. You don’t need to be an Audible subscriber to get this, listen to it with an Audible app on your phone, tablet, or pc.
Omnes Omnibus
I would agree with that. I would never have voted for him for anything when I lived in Ohio, but he was simply a person with whom I disagreed about politics. Nothing like what has come after him.
@jeffreyw: Dang! I paid like 20 bucks for the hardcover!
@Keith G:
It was probably always crowded, too.
For some reason, I’m finding it extremely funny that of our state’s 58 counties, Sanders ran up his biggest percentage margin in Humboldt.
schrodinger's cat
@Ruckus: I find the clown make-up scary. You can’t really see a person’s face and those exaggerated features are scary looking and not very funny.
There was an episode of the old Superman TV series (George Reeves) involving a clown and his evil-murderous clown double that ruined clowns for me forever.
@burnspbesq: don’t bogart that vote
@germy: Bozo never seemed particularly funny to me. But I watched because… 3 channels.
@schrodinger’s cat: I posted this cat yesterday, but here he is again:
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@redshirt: Joker predated Gacy by several decades.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Great point. So is the Joker the basis of modern clown phobia?
I read that wiki link about French clowns but I don’t see how that influences US culture.
(Robert Benchley)
I have always liked clowns, harlequins, and a few mimes (for example, the wonderful mime in the film, Children of Paradise). And I am looking forward to Harley Quinn in the upcoming movie, Suicide Squad. If you do a Google image search of clown, the top images are mostly horrific. And oddly enough the zany harlequins have a sinister origin.
He was decent enough to stick to the tradition, as all governors did until Kasich came along, of sleeping in the sheep barn (no AC) during the state fair.
@Brachiator: Have you seen the movie “Shakes the Clown”?
this week’s lunch menu: Gumbo!
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: To be fair, the sheep banded together and got a restraining order against Kasich.
@jeffreyw: how do you do that? I tried earlier and they wanted me to sign up.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Less scary, but no less creepy.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Maybe it’s because I met this man before I saw him in makeup that I didn’t think he or the concept was scary. But I certainly understand why you or anyone could see clowns that way, I bet I would if it hadn’t been for this neighbor.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I bought three of Tom’s books on Amazon today: Vulcan, Einstein and Newton. I’m on a nonfiction kick after reading 14 volumes of crime fiction over the winter. maybe more. The fingerprints, train schedules and arcane clauses of British inheritance law all run together.
Anyway Tom’s will keep me company through a couple of International trips coming up next month. If I don’t finish them first.
Frank Bidart, 1939
Lie to yourself about this and you will
forever lie about everything.
Everybody already knows everything
so you can
lie to them. That’s what they want.
But lie to yourself, what you will
lose is yourself. Then you
turn into them.
For each gay kid whose adolescence
was America in the forties or fifties
the primary, the crucial
forever is coming out—
or not. Or not. Or not. Or not. Or not.
Involuted velleities of self-erasure.
Quickly after my parents
died, I came out. Foundational narrative
designed to confer existence.
If I had managed to come out to my
mother, she would have blamed not
me, but herself.
The door through which you were shoved out
into the light
was self-loathing and terror.
Thank you, terror!
You learned early that adults’ genteel
fantasies about human life
were not, for you, life. You think sex
is a knife
driven into you to teach you that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ultraviolet Thunder: You know that the Newton one is entirely about British inheritance law, don’t you?
Ultraviolet Thunder
I saw Marcel Marceau in a big auditorium and was not frightened. But every other clown-related person just puzzles me. Never funny, frequently awkward and completely baffling.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: I am not gonna eat that either. Mystery meat is something I avoid even if it doesn’t come in a clown visage.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, I’m familiar with the Newton story from Neil Stephenson and (I think) Bill Bryson. Also the penalty for debasing the Kings currency was really really nasty. But Newton was a fascinating guy. Can’t recall whet else I read about him recently.
ETA: Johnson’s ‘Intellectuals’ maybe? Brain tired. Not think.
Clowns are like dentists in the fear world. It all depends on what your first experience was with either. My first dentist was great. I especially liked the cherry flavored mouth wash he had to spit with in the swirling bowl. Very cool.
And who didn’t like Clarabell on the Howdy Doody show.
Of course, the big assed clowns with Cirque Du Soleil are a little much.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Me joke about topic.
@WaterGirl: Hmm… it’s been a little while since I started out, but iirc you have to sign up for a free account. There are several subscription tiers that do cost money but with the free account you can access the daily deal without paying the monthly fee, just the one-time charge for the book. I do think the subscription is a pretty good deal because there are a lot of offers for audio books that are pretty cheap. I’ve taken advantage of many that went for less than $5 per.
@WaterGirl: Did you read the CU paper??
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Audible offers an “Audible match price” for books you have already purchased through Amazon. You get the unabridged audio version for $3.95 for most, a few of the more popular titles cost more. Amazon can sync your place across all the media types.
@raven: no, I have been away on a 5-day trip. Just read the article you linked. So much violence!
@jeffreyw: hmmm. Good info! I had to sign up and choose my free book, but I didn’t want toms book for free because it’s so cheap today. Too complicated from my iPad on the train, I hope I remember to sign up before I go to bed tonight. Thanks
Ultraviolet Thunder
That’s good to know. My wife uses audiobooks and e-books. I’m pretty much a used paperback guy because I travel constantly and give away a book as soon as I finish with (what’s left of) it.
Keith G
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
What authors did you like most?
@WaterGirl: That is Mel’s husband.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Keith G:
Dorothy L. Sayers (the later books mostly) and Jill Paton Walsh. I read them all. Very enjoyable.
No. I’ve heard good things about it, but could never overcome my general dislike for Bobcat Goldthwait.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: I think I will pass.
@Brachiator: Robin Williams is in it too!
@raven: holy fuck. I knew he was an alcoholic and had issues. Wow. Her husband is the one who was killed? Will go back and read it again. Thanks for the heads up.
Don’t they have at least one daughter together?
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, right. The BJ community gets cute doggie and panda videos. *I* get scary clowns. Oh, well…at least you’re threatening everyone else with that horrible movie now, too. There’s *some* justice in the world.//
@Omnes Omnibus: Ooh, they’re doing “King Lear” too, I see…
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: “Errors” was really well done. Played broadly as farce. Last night was opening night. Also, the wine was good.
@WaterGirl: When you choose a “free” book for signing up I think you are also subscribing for a monthly fee. It’s been too long for me to remember just how I worked it but you can open an account that does not obligate you to the subscription fee. As I said before, though, the subscription allow you access to special deals they run. The daily deal is separate from the other specials.
@Villago Delenda Est: Donna Rose is wonkeadorable. She is so cute. Thanks for posting a link. Although at some point in the future, Donna Rose may very well ask her mother… posting that picture of me being born…. what were you thinking?
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: @redshirt: No. The original incarnation of the Joker, often drawn by classic Batman artist Dick Sprang in an uncredited assignment, was more of a trickster character. The Joker we think of today is the result of Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke and Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns and the execrable All Star Batman and Robin, though he had begun to trend this way when based on the voting by readers the Joker killed Jason Todd the second Robin. This joker is a much more violent and sadistic character. In the most recent iterations the Joker is taken even farther into full fledged psychopathic force of nature. Apparently DC is going to deal with this in the new Rebirth adjustment to continuity by revealing that there have been three different Jokers over time. The impression is that each of these is the three different variants over the years.