I’ve tried to think of what to say all day, and have…
So — song.
I’ve been listening around to stuff to try and be in and above the feeling, and that hasn’t worked too well either. I tried Keith Jarrett’s The Melody Alone With You — and while my wife and I have layers of memories with that one, it hasn’t got the razor’s edge today’s news needs. Sweetness is good — but the dying of the light is too real, and the rage…
So I just switched over, and this works better, if just for me:
Use this thread to share the music that helps you on days like this.
Right now, I’m watching the Tony Awards…
Look at all this diversity…
@lamh36: The cast of Hamilton will not be using muskets in their performances tonight.
Could we get a Tonys thread, or at least an open thread? I think we all need some relief this evening.
I don’t get to see them until 8:00 pm Pacific. Sadface.
The Smiths came to mind today. Death of a Disco Dancer as a fairly cynical angry response, and There is a Light that Never Goes Out as a kinder one.
music in bed
Since assault rifles won’t be banned and confiscated, nothing will change except many thousands more Americans will die unnecessarily. As the Koch Brothers have said: Americans dying as a result of capitalism is a sign that the system is working as designed (really they’ve said that). Maybe at some point the slaughter will be so great that things will change but I am not optimistic. There are so many stupid people in this country.
LMM is making me sob right now
I guess I’ll find out why two hours from now. This really sucks.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: This is an open thread.
@Mnemosyne: Make this your Tony’s thread.
gogol's wife
No spoilers, but Lin-Manuel Miranda is a great man.
@gogol’s wife: He was very humble on 60 Minutes tonight.
Lin-Manuel in his acceptance speech said love is love, and now I’m in tears. We have to work for change, because there is much to much rage.
Okay, I managed to get the official Tony Awards livestream to work, but I can’t tell if it’s the actual show or just backstage crap.
ETA: Nope, it’s just backstage crap. Fuck CBS. Where is my escapist entertainment, assholes?!?
@Germy: I don’t know the context of that scene, but that strikes me as a well-meaning but silly over-reaction. Like when Spielberg used CGI to replace the cops’ guns in E.T. with walkie-talkies in a later release of the film.
But their heart is in the right place. :)
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: I just answered your Joker question in the earlier thread.
@gogol’s wife:
Yes he is. My mom has been staying with me for a week and her hamildoctrination is now complete.
Before we turned on the Tony Awards she said “I really hope Daveed wins”. She’s crushing hard!
Shes 79!!
I just saw a commercial for
The Free State of Jones.
I know nothing about this movie – is it as bad ass as it seems?
@gogol’s wife:
Spoil away — I’m sure I’m going to see it all over Facebook and Twitter anyway. Stupid CBS. The only way to livestream it is to pay them.
What I said on a earlier thread.
The best opening of the Tony Awards ever.
Neil Patrick Harris in 2011. It’s not just for Gays anymore. Go google it.
“Come in and be inspired. There’s no sodomy required.”
The best.
No! Tell her that Daveed is my imaginary future ex-husband! She can have musical director Alex Lacamoire instead, who sometimes makes me hesitate in my love for Daveed.
normal liberal
After reading your enthusiasm for Hamilton, I finally bought the cast album (I keep wanting to say soundtrack-someday, I’m sure).
You have not exaggerated. It’s gorgeous.
Thanks for prompting my curiosity.
And LMM at about fifty minutes in is worth the wait.
Okay, now Twitter is letting me see LMM’s speech for Best Score, but there’s no sound. Vanessa looks great.
Here is Lin-Manuel giving his acceptance speech.
I don’t know, Mnem. She is a persuasive woman. She’s already planning a NY trip and making a list of everyone she knows in NY. She was a musician so she’s going through the list of who might be able to hook us up.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: Based on an actual story. Man with an African American wife during the Great Rebellion leads a localized revolt seeking independence and allegiance with the Union from the Confederate state they are living in. This happened in multiple places across the Confederacy.
The song is nothing without that intro.
@lamh36: Dust..in..eyes…
Mike J
@Mnemosyne: Have you seen this yet?
Tom Waits’ great lament against the endless cycle of violence
Road to Peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78YpvJI6eSw
Maybe God himself needs
All of our help
And he’s lost upon
The road to peace
@gogol’s wife:
If you dvr’ed it, I think you’ll like the 60 Minutes interview.
Sadly, she’ll probably be able to get to NYC before me. Stupid job. :-(
@Mike J:
I had not, but now I’ve downloaded it — thanks! I’m a longtime history buff, which is another reason I love the play so much.
gogol's wife
I managed to catch it. I liked that they showed bits of a lot of numbers I hadn’t seen before.
It made me cry twice.
I got news that a friend of mine killed his son last night.I don’t know the details but he shot the young man.
I’ve moved upstairs so all us Tony watchers can squee together.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Adam L Silverman: Jones County, Mississippi
Break through the romanticized southern versions of the Civil War. Many southern citizens had no interest in fighting on behalf of aristocratic plantation owners.
Tom — In the days and weeks following 9/11, there were various charity concerts. The one performance that really got me was Lou Reed doing Kurt Weill’s September Song, which was totally on target emotionally — “these precious days / were meant for you” — with the added coincidence of, well, September the month. Look for it on YouTube — powerful stuff.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Jesus. That’s horrible.
@Betty Cracker: When I read the FB post I thought the son was in Orlando but that turned out not to be the case. The mom succumbed to brain cancer just a while back. The only one left now is the daughter who just moved from Raleigh to Portland, Or with her partner.
Betty Cracker
Tom, I share your affinity for Sweet Jane. The Cowboy Junkies’ version is my favorite.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Good God. I can’t imagine what the daughter must be going through.
Oh god that is horrible. I’m so sorry.
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: I love the Cowboy Junkies, but the best version of the song is on “Loaded.”
@Betty Cracker: Here’s what she posted: “I will NOT go down with the ship. I swim HARD.”
@Omnes Omnibus: They walked off the stage in Athens because people wouldn’t shut the fuck up.
@Betty Cracker: Just like The Sundays cover of “Wild Horses” is best.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Sincerest condolences, keeping good thoughts.
@Adam L Silverman: thx
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Jesus f-ing Christ. I had a flat tire this morning and i was upset. Then there was Orlando. Now, things like this. It adds perspective.
Good thoughts for the daughter and all of you who knew the family.
I’m so sorry.
@Omnes Omnibus: This happened in Urbana, I know the death of mom was a blow and I have no idea how that impacted this situation.
Tom Levenson
@raven: So awful. Incomprehensible. My condolences.
@Tom Levenson: The father had serious alcohol issues for many years. I have no way of knowing what went down but I know he was very troubled.
@raven: :-( I’m sorry, raven. Condolences.
Horrible. Eerie echo of Marvin Gaye. I can’t imagine how a family overcomes something like that.
Here’s mine
RT. Dimming of the Day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EC-5vpJNlUk
Death is our gift to life.
Oh raven, how terrible. I’m so sorry.
My god. I can’t even imagine.
@raven: Here’s the CU paper article. Someone posted this earlier, I don’t know if you saw it. Condolences from another Illini.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@raven: So, so sorry. Fuck.
@MomSense: Are you on Twitter? There is a MomSense I keep seeing who posts to people I follow, and is sometimes retweeted and I wondered if that were you.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
OMG so sorry. Beyond awful.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
OMG, raven. Wotta day.
There are moments that the words don’t reach
Yes, it’s Hamilton. Trust me.
@raven: Oh no. Oh, damn. That’s just so terrible I can’t even imagine it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I loved that play since I heard about its concept, but the Hamilfans are getting weird and making me want to walk away from the whole thing.
Actually, Bob IS My Uncle
Aiii…that is just an indescribable level of pain. So sorry for that loss.
M. Bouffant
Every little thing’s gonna be alright
Fair Economist
@raven: so sorry, raven. My best wishes, for what they’re worth.
? Martin
@raven: So sorry, raven. Too much tragedy.
There are no words.
Miss Bianca
@raven: Oh, Raven, no!
One woe doth tread another’s heel.
I am so sorry to hear it.
@raven: Oh no, Raven. I’ve not commented on the Florida murders but this cuts into my soul, Condolences on losing a friend and his son to gun violence.
@raven: I’m so sorry raven.
@Omnes Omnibus: Let me help you to love it once again, OO….
The fangirls and fanbois can be a bit annoying, it’s kind of like sports that way, to me. But….
When Chernow’s book first came out, I got it for my father who is a “patriotic” (yes, Republican) American ex-pat in Canada who loves historical biography. I put a fresh tenner in as a bookmark.
Fast forward to a couple of months ago, and I asked Dad if he knew of the phenom of this musical. He had heard about it, but could not comprehend the popularity because he thought that the material would be too historically detailed and “dry” to work. So I sent him the cast recording. He listened to the first bit, but wasn’t always sure which character was singing, so I set him up with a genius link that had the lyrics, noted the character singing, and had detailed references in a dialogue box on the right that gave deep context, so he is eager to dive back in.
And to this I will add that high school students of US history now have a resonant context for what they are learning, so that is really cool – and the diversity of the cast makes it seem more current. I will also add my observation that Lin-Manuel Miranda is sort of a musical/theatrical genius, and also seems to display some aspects of the hypomania that Hamilton himself exhibited.
I’m a fan but don’t speak about it to others, and when I give it a listen, I’m all “I see what you did there” WRT to musical themes and references. I find it inspired, incredibly well-crafted, and that it honors the revolutionary spirit of the times in a way that is currently relevant.
This is not uplifting, but sometimes hits my mood: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jx3ajYfbzcw
Good choice.
@raven: There’s a tribute column to Matthew at the News-Gazette, under local news. He was a “big brother” type to some of my daughter’s friends on the local indy arts scene.
So far the reviews are not good for Trump.
The Biggest Lies in Donald Trump’s ‘Security’ Speech
This is presidential Donald Trump, which means he’s still spouting off a lie a minute, but he’s doing so in a cool and collected manner.
9 most egregious lies and inaccuracies in the speech.
Trump lays out dystopian future, Clinton stay the course
How many more media outlets will be banned ?