Trump's banned news orgs include: Wash Post, Politico, BuzzFeed, Huff Post, Daily Beast, DM Register, Union Leader, Univision, Fusion & more
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) June 13, 2016
He’s never been on good terms with the press, outside of the infotainment sector that’s served him as an unpaid public-relations office, but Trump’s ongoing war with reality is now fighting on too many fronts to sustain…
Trump inneundo about Obama is vile stuff, unhelpful and indicative of a floundering narcissist in way over his head.
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) June 13, 2016
Trump: "I refuse to allow America to become a place where… Jewish people are the targets of intimidation and hate." Hmmmm… ?
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) June 13, 2016
(Ioffe has reason to distrust Trump & his most fervent supporters — as do other Jewish journalists.)
A lot of the best coverage of Trump comes from outlets that are banned, oddly enough!
— Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) June 13, 2016
Almost like there's a correlation
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) June 13, 2016
A pres candidate calling the president a terrorist while adviser says opponent is harboring terrorist isn't just a day on the campaign trail
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) June 13, 2016
It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.
— David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) June 13, 2016
It’s the part where he lost Jennifer Rubin that I find particularly hilarious. It’s like having the “Bizarre Foods” guy taste your cooking and go Gordon Ramsey on it.
And the party he rode in on.
jesus, at this rate by next month trump will only have fox. i guess that makes sense.
Mike in DC
By the time we are finished, The Art of the Deal will be read only in Hell.–adapted from the original anti-Japanese sentiments of Adm Wm. “Bull” Halsey, shortly after 12/7/41.
Worst. Buddy movie. Ever.
I love how they;re all acting as if Trump’s “inneundos” are so clever and strategic- diabolical! Every asshole in the world uses this method to smear people. None of these people have ever run into it before?
@NCSteve: In fact, Rubin has been vehemently anti-Trump (and anti-Cruz) for quite a while. She suffers episodlc bouts of Clinton Derangement Syndrome- so her comment that Hillary is the ‘only grown-up in the presidential race’ is pretty remarkable.
I am freaking out. The fact that this existential threat has gotten this far is bad enough. As a brown-skinned dude who occasionally forgets to shave, I’m terrified of Trump encouraging more “good guys” (read: racist vigilantes) to walk around armed.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Well, that’s nice, JRub. But where were you guys 5 years ago when he started this? You guys were using him and the innuendo you now decry in a desperate attempt to defeat Obama and in the process you normalized him for the republican base and now you have blowback on your hands.
You built this, JRub.
father pussbucket
“Tantrump”? Nah, doesn’t quite work.
Schlemazel Khan
From your lips to His noodley appendages!
It must be remembered, The GOP chose Trump. It was not the majority of America it was a majority of dedicated Republican Party voters who selected him in all his hideous horror to represent what they believe, to carry their hopes and desires for the future of the country. Trump IS the Republican Party & both must be brought sown before they destroy us all.
As Americans we need to remain strong in the face of violence and intimidation, and resist giving in to despair. At times like this, we must pull ourselves up, hold our loved ones tight, block any legislation that would prevent suspected terrorists from purchasing guns, and say a prayer for the victims.
Does that mean we should give in and abandon our way of life? No. As always, when faced with these kinds of horrors, we must steel our resolve, comfort the families of those killed and wounded, and ensure that we continue to live under a system of laws in which anyone can easily purchase a semi-automatic weapon, no matter their possible ties to terrorist organizations.
This is who we are as Americans.
we must turn to God to give us the strength to carry on living our lives and rejecting bills that would keep guns and explosives from people who have violent extremist views. Let us all find His grace in these dark hours.
Now isn’t the time for politics, or bickering, or considering the fact that people with presumed ties to terror organizations bought over 2,000 guns from U.S. dealers since 2004, or turning against one another—it’s a time for coming together and grieving.
After all, what more can we do?
Mitch McConnell
I was poo-pooed yesterday about my thoughts for the shooter’s motives.
IMO, he hated what he was, which is gay. He’s in the closet. Beat the wife when she wouldn’t ‘ cure’ him of being gay. Couldn’t reconcile it, and decided to kill what he hated in himself. How dare these gay men be out, open, and expressing themselves freely as gay. And, don’t forget the timing – during Pride Month – so, of course, the club would be even more crowded than usual. This was a hate crime, from beginning to end.
Matt PearceVerified account
Pulse clubgoers said they saw the gunman there before, perhaps as many as a dozen times.
Christopher HayesVerified account
The man I spoke with today also said the shooter has messaged him on a gay dating app. His friend as well. We’ll run the interview tonight.
@father pussbucket:
So Hugh Hewitt poo-poo’s the idea that the killer was born and raised in the USA. “We are all the places we visit, the websites and chatrooms we frequent”. So it doesn’t really matter to these motherfuckers if people are Americans, it is their religion that we should focus on.
Schlemazel Khan
I just can’t imagine how the masters and rulers can unload their greased pig unless they have his cooperation. His army of brownshirts would burn the convention center down if they try to pull a fast one with the rules. The only thing I can think of is for them to gather their actual base, the Kochs, the Addelsons the other billion dollar babies together and find a way to transfer a yoooge sum of money to Trump with the agreement that he would fake a health scare and “regretfully step aside” while telling his little Sturmabteilung that they should goose-step behind the masters pick. This is about the only way I can see Trump stepping aside and the SA being OK with it.
Corner Stone
Christ I can’t fucking stand the fact that MSNBC repeatedly gives Hugh fucking Hewitt a megaphone to distort reality.
Plouffe rocks.
@Corner Stone: Actually, given Hewitt loathes Trump, I’d allow it this time.
Man, this is a bizarre election year.
I think you were exactly right.
@Schlemazel Khan:
I just can’t imagine how the masters and rulers can unload their greased pig unless they have his cooperation.
Surely you recall the fate of Francis Urquhart from the British version of “House of Cards”?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
It didn’t even work. They all embraced Trump in 2012 and they still lost. They got nothing.
Reasonable people can disagree.
@Corner Stone: I can stream MSNBC and heard Hugh say that the Trump’s speech was strong… I shut it down.
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet 1h1 hour ago
Media outlets: if Trump is not revoking your press credentials, what are you doing wrong?
@Schlemazel Khan:
Which they’ll then blame on Juden and Lie-berals and Hitlary usw.
Wie sagt man “Reichstag” auf Englisch?
I kind of hate it when a murderer’s motives get narrowed down to he was in the closet! but there does seem to be at least a little evidence in that direction. But there are plenty of similar assholes who do the same thing just because they’re murderous assholes and LGBTQ people are a convenient target.
Corner Stone
@gf120581: You must not have heard what Hewitt had to say. He was very encouraging of the Trump speech, mischaracterized what Trump actually said and did, made at least two statements that the speech was not bigoted. He also trashed HRC multiple times in contrast to her speech v Trump.
It was out of touch with reality.
Nope. Hewitt is on the Trump Train tonight. He loved his speech today. Hewitt seems to be swinging all sorts of ways where Trump is concerned. Tonight it was all praise.
@gf120581: I only listened to a minute, and it didn’t sound as though, he thought Trump’s policies were wrong.
I happen to agree that he was likely gay and desperately ashamed of it. Wonder, though, whether he had a particular animus toward Hispanics/Latinos, since he chose “Latin Night” for his rampage.
We will probably never know what the proportions were of (1) his identifying with DAESH, (2) homophobia/self-loathing closeted gay, (3) Hispanophobia, (4) ongoing mental health issues, and, of course, (5) ridiculously easy access to ridiculously lethal weapons.
What, they didn’t like the name “Underwood”? Thought it sounded too American? Buncha amateurs.
Iowa Old Lady
From NBC news:
I work in entertainment, as does Mr. Trump. Something people in show business tend not to grok completely is the difference between fame and respect.
Corner Stone
@JPL: And Brian Williams just sat there and let him continue on and on. No push back to actual reality, no statement to contradict it when HH said the speech was not bigoted. It was infuriating.
Good spokesmodel.
Could also make the argument he was extremely depressed and looking for a splashy way to exit.
Yeah, I didn’t hear much of Hewitt, but it sure sounded to me as if he were full of praise and admiration for Trump’s speech.
Trump implying that the sitting President is in league with terrorists has to be a bridge too far with the Republican Party, right? RIGHT?
I got into a huge Facebook spat today because I’m fucking sick of the whole well, there’s nothing we can do, which is absolutely fucking BULLSHIT. There’s plenty we can do to better regulate guns, but we as a country have CHOSEN not to do it.
This is the country that our voters have CHOSEN to create. I don’t want to hear any more bullshit about thoughts and prayers or how sad and shocked anyone is.
This is the country our voters have chosen. If you don’t like it, get off your fucking ass and CHANGE IT instead of wringing your hands.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Trump will prove uncontrollable. They should just throw in the towel now.
Schlemazel Khan
I am so out of it I didn’t know there was an English version of House of Cards! Do tell.
True, and quite likely a lot of other motives, or at least motive contributors, that we’ll never know about. If we could identify, let alone predict, the triggers for human behaviours, we could all retire in great comfort.
Mike J
@Corner Stone:
I want to thank you. I’ve read Adam’s and your comments on the Trump speech and now will only need to watch the exasperated coverage on my local Fox station tonight for the full picture.
@Archon: They’ve turned off their hearing aids. In fact, the very concept of a hearing aid is contrary to Republican policy towards Trump.
Schlemazel Khan
true, I let hyperbola get in my way. But when there were not a dozen little lumps he did gather the majority.
@Schlemazel Khan:
It was the original. Starred Ian Richardson as Francis Urquhart. There were three series: House of Cards, To Play the King (in which Michael Kitchen plays a near-clone of Prince-now-King Charles), and The Final Cut.
I’ve actually never seen the American version, but I dearly love the Brit orig.
Corner Stone
No, Bob Woodward, Trump’s statements on Obama are not muddled at all. The inference was repeated and clear.
Schlemazel Khan
Leider können Sie recht.ABER, nicht Juden, sondern Muslime
He was on msnbc gushing about Trumps speech today, he thought it was very effective. And Obama not using the magic words helps ISIS
Corner Stone
Suspend immigration from areas of the world…
@SFAW: the British version came first by several years.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: “Invokus magicus frasium!”
pseudonymous in nc
Genuine question regarding the other side of the access equation: would it be politically feasible for Twitter to suspend Tr*mp’s account if he did something that blatantly violated the site’s terms of service? If not — and I think it’d be very hard for them to do so — then that’s a problem.
MSNBC just gave a very long interview with Hugh Hewit. All I could think was “Who is this smug little shit?” Looked him up and …of course, another right wing radio blatherer. Says hell support Trump no matter what. ….Among the six reasons Hewitt would support Trump over Clinton, Hewitt singled out Trump’s daughter Ivanka for having an “extraordinary intellect” and for having a Svengali-like influence over her father.
I mean seriously people, WTF!
Schlemazel Khan
I posted the Onion note “from McConnell” because it really hits them where they lie, repeatedly lie.
@hovercraft: HRC uttered several versions of the ‘magic words’ today. I suppose just somehow it will escape the notice of reactionaries and fascists, or she didn’t say them right, or pix will emerge of her crossing her fingers behind her back, giving the secret blink codes… something…
I have baby birds in a nest over my front door. They recently hatched and are so cute. I have a date tonight, but I am so burned out on dating. I’ve been out with six people in the last month. I have been all over Austin and tried a bunch of new places, but god, I prefer being single.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: She’s a girl. Doesn’t matter what she says.
@Kay:I’m a fan of his ad-libbed “I’m not going to say “X”, because I’m not supposed to say “X”. Has all the wit and cleverness of “I know you are, but what am I?”
Trump is the guy who shows up at a screening and insists that his name must be on the list and DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!
@Mike in DC:
I’m not sure about that. I mean, there are some things that even Satan would hesitate to inflict on people.
@Shell: Well, I guess I was wrong about Hewitt. Apparently, you only have to bash Muslims to get him to love you again. Easy mark.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Tell it
Where have you gone, Rasputin? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And a Democrat.
Schlemazel Khan
I don’t know at the national level how the GOP operates. I do know that for the Dems there are a set of rules that get occasional tweaks but I don’t think anything major since the invention of superdelegates which were created specifically to prevent a Drumpf-like disaster, and never this late in the game that I can remember. But the rules committee is still empowered to make changes up to the convention so they could do it.
I wish they would for two reasons. The SA battalion would go nuts and extract retribution which might be enjoyable to watch. But better still would be if that a Drunpf defeat will be waved away as “he was not really one of us” while one of the other clowns would not allow them the same BS, they would have to admit they owned the defeat.
Corner Stone
Can someone please tell the media to stop framing two-thirds of the damn videos they show. And yes, I understand the aspect ratio thing. But they do it for almost all video now like they want to make damned sure it’s a home video and not their precious professional perspective.
@SiubhanDuinne: The original is brilliant (written by a Tory MP, believe it or not!). I found the remake tedious, but then I think Spacey is a terrible actor.
“Some people say..” Fiendishly clever, that Trump.
Also he says “hundreds of thousands” when he means “one or two I saw on the internet” much like many 7th graders I have known. Genius.
There’s another story in the WaPo about how he ripped off investors. A new one. That’s what this tantrum is really about.
@Corner Stone: If it’s old stuff, they don’t have much of a choice since it wasn’t filmed in HD. Newer stuff, I agree.
ETA: Of course there’s the people that video stuff with their cellphones in portrait mode; they, of course, should rot in hell.
schrodinger's cat
Does Gwen Ifill read Balloon Juice? She was not giggling tonight but Amy Walter couldn’t stop herself from smirking even while discussing Orlando and Trump’s speech. Surely, no laughing matter.
@rikyrah: my take as well. The isis/is is squid ink and useful for more than just Mateen in addressing the mass murder.
I think Trump somehow convinced himself that the press would simply bask in his awesomeness and not bother doing any digging. Unfortunately for him, once he became the presumptive nominee, the coverage standards change. Not to mention, the Clinton campaign presumably has opposition researchers that have at least a modicum of a clue about how to do their jobs.
He’s going to get a highly public 5-month-long colonoscopy, and I don’t think he’s enjoying the process very much.
Coupled with the fact that Trump doesn’t believe in doing this or polling.
Sans anesthesia.
@Kay: I keep waiting for a journo to interview a psychiatrist about the drivers behind narcissistic personality disorder – the shame, the lies, the gradiosity, etc. Seems like this wpuld be highly therapeutic for us all, and might provoke a nice little meltdown. Ms. Maddow, perhaps?
@dmsilev: In solitary the MSM needs to stop covering him. Trump would have a melt down, if he couldn’t point to the press cage and call them enemies.
@seaboogie: That’s Doctor Maddow.
Yes, I know. I have it on DVD and VHS.
Ian Richardson was awesome.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Maybe her problem is that he is just “over his head” because he’s running for president. Otherwise she wouldn’t care about the innuendo or the narcissism.
@seaboogie: More to the point, we’d like to know more about the course of the disorder. What’s the endpoint?
Yes, Michael Dobbs. I read the book about 25 years ago, when I was besotted by the BBC series.
(Autocorrect wants to change Dobbs to adorbs.)
One hopes that they’ll use that new device on him for that. I think it’s called an “umbrella.”
@JPL: That’d only work if Twitter banned him.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@SiubhanDuinne: Rasputin
5 months is a long colon, but then he is full of shit.
bemused senior
I have been very depressed by what’s happened and is happening. A friend posted this on the book of faces today. It struck me as being peculiarly appropriate.
Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.
-Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum
And in full view of the American public.
@BillinGlendaleCA: In fairness to the media, jamming a broadcast video camera up Trump’s ass is the best way to conduct a face-to-face interview with him.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Warum denn nicht die beide?
ETA: And I have keine Ahnung whether I’m parsing things properly. It’s been about 30-40 years since I studied.
@Lolis: Hang in there. I put an ad in the paper, had 88 replies, and dated twelve guys before I ran out of steam. My husband was, I think, fourth or sixth of the guys I met. We’ve been happilly married for 21 years. When you find the right person, its right. And until then just have fun.
It’s interesting to see how many people will vote for an obvious maniac. And by interesting I mean terrifying.
@seaboogie: Its not a problem, to a narcissist, to be called a narcissist. They think its a compliment. We should stick with tiny hands, small dick, and other categories that do matter.
@BillinGlendaleCA: You have to admit, that would be hilarious. He’d be like a mime trapped inside a box, wanting to shout but not being able to. We could update Harlan Ellison’s classic story and retitle it “I have no mouth, and I must Tweet”.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
♥️? ♥️? ♥️? ♥️?
@JPL: I don’t think the rest of the main stream press need to stop covering him, out of solidarity. The fact that Herr Trump has banned/blackballed the Washington Post is newsworthy and might even be above the fold on newspapers that haven’t been blackballed yet.
Agree with Plouffe.
The Trump movement is a nascent US fascist movement. It needs to be smothered in its crib.
@Ruckus: If the colon is full of shit, the doc will make you come back to do it again until things are relatively clean up there. That could account for the 5 month procedure.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: jrub sounds like a masturbation technique.
G was the 14th or 15th guy I met for coffee after I did an online ad. Our 10th wedding anniversary is in July.
(It was nice to meet G, the man of mystery last week.)
@raven: Somehow, this comment made me laugh. True, it was a bitter laugh, but still.
Somebody — very sorry, I can’t remember which brilliant BJuicer suggested this — recommended that Hillary photoshop small hands (25% smaller) into a photo of him.
I like the idea, but I’d prefer to fuck with his head a little more insidiously. Day one, reduce the size of his hands by 1%. Day two, another %. You see where I’m going. By day 20, the hands will be 20% smaller than on day one, yet the change will have been so gradual that just comparing one day with the day before won’t be revealing at all. But of course the hands will look much smaller.
My dad, an orchestra musician, did this many years ago to the baton of a guest conductor who was touring with “Up With People” and was in Atlanta for a 3-week gig. Just shaved off a leeetle bit each night (or rehearsal), not enough to notice one performance to the next, but at some point you can’t help noticing you have a 4-inch baton!
But as Marshall Dodge said in The Sassage: After you get done cleaning it, tweren’t nothing left
Schlemazel Khan
longer for me and I always think I will be publicly shamed by someone that knows how crappy my grammar is or that I chose the wrong word.
But I think the Drumpfenstein monster himself won’t target the Jews, only the Muslims. His SA though will see no such niceties as necessary.
@raven: Thanks for the correction. I sent the good Doctor’s team a tweet with a request for bringing a mental health expert into the dialogue.
Also, I am very sorry to hear the news about your friend, and the profound shock and grief his daughter must be dealing with. I kind of regret posting on that thread something about Hamilton instead of offering my condolences in the moment, but I think I was just beyond my limit of shock and grief yesterday. The blog went pretty quiet last night, so I trust that I was not alone in this. But again, count me in the number that keep you and your friend’s daughter (and ef and his missus) in mind when the pain of the fallout of mental health issues + anger + guns (and sometimes + alcohol) rears its ugly head and touches you personally.
@SiubhanDuinne: Transparency is important.
@bemused senior:
Wonderful. Thank you for sharing that with us.
@AnotherBruce: Brian Williams said that about 10 times while interviewing that fucking pig Hewitt.
Oh noze, Meccican Flags at soccer!
He liked you guys. He said it was much less stressful than hanging around with my coworkers, because he didn’t really care what you thought of him.
@Mnemosyne: We’re probably also ruder than your coworkers.
I thought of typing ‘lol’ but all this is not that funny. The elction is in November and this will go on until then.
@efgoldman: Just wait until the stories covering the “Trump Construction was linked to the mob” rumors start appearing.
@efgoldman: He’s running all of his tweets past the 140 character limit now, and uses the tail end to link to his fb page where his followers can get their full rant on. I suspect requests for do-re-mi will be forthcoming pretty soon….
Schlemazel Khan
Can anyone work in real estate development on the East Coast and not be linked to the mob?
Rubin has been accusing the president of being a terrorist sympathizer for years. She just does it with Village-approved innuendo and dog whistles. The idea that Trump is uniquely horrifying to her is hilarious. He’s just saying things she’s very blatantly hinted at, with his outside voice.
No futbol?
Schlemazel Khan
43 years Wednesday for the woman foolish enough to marry me and me.
She was the girl next door when I took my first job and moved to a small town
Mike J
Nice to see.
Uncle Cosmo
The offer is to pay off his primary debts, with interest. Since the vast majority of those debts consists of personal loans from Trumpolini to his own campaign, the vigorish is the interest rate. I’m thinking an across-the-board 25% markup would do it, & it wouldn’t even be a pimple on the arse of any of half a dozen GOP $crooge McDucks.
That’s the carrot. The stick is that the RNC directs all contributions to downticket races & lets Eel Douche twist in the wind. Which is a pretty good threat–presuming they can keep the legion of GOP brazillionaires from breaking ranks
@efgoldman: Nobody likes a braggart, Mr. Goldman.
Schlemazel Khan
the rude pundit has written out terms of surrender to the NRA
It also goes some way toward explaining why he would target a club 118 miles away.
He likely went to Pulse previously to mitigate the risk of encountering anyone from back home.
I was married in 1964. Divorced in 1979 or thereabouts (remember the precise date but not the year!) but stayed good friends with my ex until he died in 1999. In my head, I still celebrate (well, acknowledge) my anniversary, 52 years ago this past May 23rd.
That just makes us easier to ignore.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Yeah, I’m still in awe… I don’t follow a religion that specifies signs for “End Times” etc., but when I can agree with J. Rubin and Charles Krauthammer…? More than once in a month? VERY strange times indeed.
@shomi: Yeah, what you said. And rikyrah too. and hellslittlestangel. Let’s take another congressional seat for every gross offense to human dignity coming out of Trump’s mouth.
Betty Cracker
Jaysus, has anyone here been following the “election fraud report” train-wreck at Booman’s place? What an embarrassment.
Schlemazel Khan
He knows he can’t go after the Jews because too many of them are working business with him and he needs them. The minute he didn’t think he needed them it they would be under the bus with the Muslims and Hispanics.
OTOH, There is never an end to the line of marks for a good con artist. It will be interesting to see if he can keep it together after this clusterfluster he is running. If the bankers think he still can turn a profit he will stay in development no matter what. But then again, maybe some hard time for the TU fraud might put a crimp in that
Libby's Person
@seaboogie: Trumpcast on did an episode on Drump’s narcissism, with a guest who studies as well as treats this and other disorders. Worth a listen.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: true…but we’re still going to need non-insane conservatives to stand up like this if Trump is to get the epic beat down he so richly deserves. More power to her for having 100x more guts than Ryan and the Turtle
There are two areas of business in big cities on the east coast that, historically, involved making connection with organized crime.
Construction and trash collection.
No ifs, ands or buts.
How invidious the degrees of connection were by any such particular business is the only difference.
@Betty Cracker:
I read the first few and then it got wierder and wierder and move on as soon as I see Steve D is the writer. Booman does such a good job, it’s puzzling why he gives up space on his blog to something this whacked out.
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: Hewitt needs to be destroyed, just as Teh Donald needs to be destroyed.
Genius. Mwahahahahaha!
My father was born in 1914. He started his musical career as a trumpeter/cornetist/bugler. Managed to get excused from school all the time in the 1920s and ’30s so he could go play “Taps” at the funerals of war dead from the Civil War, Spanish American War, and WWI. He missed so much class time he never graduated from high school, but he was making so much money from dance band and funeral gigs that he didn’t really care.
When he was in his late 20s (extremely old for this), he took up the cello, also got interested in composition, studied with Leo Sowerby at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, ended up as a section cellist in the Chicago Civic Orchestra. In the very early 1950s he auditioned for a cello chair in the young Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and moved down here, was second desk most of the time but also librarian, personnel manager, and assistant conductor of the ASO. When Henry Sopkin retired, my dad was named Conductor in Residence for a couple of years until the Board hired Robert Shaw. He then moved to Midland, TX where he was Music Director of the Midland-Odessa Symphony for a few years, but couldn’t stand the oil baron conservative culture there, retired, and moved back to Atlanta. He wrote some fine works (the ballet Pandora, a fantastic set of three Christmas Carols) — but he was a terrible businessman and had no earthly idea how to promote his own works, so they languish unknown and mostly unheard.
@Corner Stone: Me too, three, four and five. Tonight was the closest I’ve come to throwing a chair at my television set. And that idiot loser liar Brian Williams sat there and took it up the ass. Most disgusting segment I’ve ever seen.
@Betty Cracker:
I first went there to check it out and saw it was a steven d post, so just disregarded it. But then I went back and looked at the comments and have one question. Is steven d related to freddie de bore in some way? Two people of the fringe left without a clue between them.
@Cacti: yep. We’ll have to listen in to the the conversation he was having with the police. It’s also possible that he was attacking somewhere crowded that he knew didn’t have easy ways ways in or out.
@Betty Cracker: Is it still going? I read a couple of posts over the weekend, and it should be against the Geneva Convention to torture statistics like that. Several commenters were fighting the good fight, but let’s just say that Stephen D wasn’t amenable to reason.
The English certainly write well for band (Holst, RVW, Arnold, etc.)
ETA: Not to mention all that glorious regimental music, for which I have a sentimental passion of a vegetable fashion.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Betty Cracker: Been watching for the last two days. Such a shit show fail parade. So sad. “My daddy says there’s fraud” SMH
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@dmsilev: Yes, now there’s another post where the “researchers” site opinion polls as some sort of data to support their fraud theory. A couple of the commenters are really blasting StevenD but he’s not really responding. Shameful really.
Doesn’t sound like he could explain the concept of reason, other than I’m right and the rest of the world isn’t. Had a young guy working for me once, one of the other employees named him mad at the world. He had to be right no matter what, even if it meant doing something dangerous or so stupid as to not occur to a 4 yr old. Cost him a nasty cut once that could have ended up being the tip of his finger. Still didn’t learn and wouldn’t listen because he didn’t want to.
@Betty Cracker: Thanks for following Booman so I don’t have to.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
I went and peeked at the comments. He’s definitely reached the “dazzle ’em with bullshit” stage.
Matt McIrvin
@seaboogie: I think that psychiatrists have a professional-ethics rule against psychoanalyzing public figures in the media, don’t they?
@Libby’s Person: I listened to it, but it was a very cursory overview. My mother has NPD, and I had a recent, terrible boss who had the same (a woman) and also a former partner, so I have pretty deep experience with this. A few years of therapy has helped me much in understanding this disorder, and how it affected me. But that’s just me.
Trump’s issues, and the discord that he is fomenting could (and is) have a significant impact on this country. The difficult thing is that a psychologist or psychiatrist is usually reluctant to diagnose someone who is not a client. Moreover, to use that insight to poke and provoke a reaction (and a Hitler-esque downfall) is not within their ethical standards of practice.
However, I do think that Dr. Rachel Maddow has the intelligence and perspicacity to interview and work with a qualified and prominent mental healthcare professional to pursue this effectively. My therapist is a British ex-pat who is frankly appalled by how the characteristics of NPD are not only accomodated here in the US, but actually celebrated and rewarded – and Trump is the cherry on the sundae of that.
It’s a pretty fine line to tread, ethically – but one that needs to be addressed. We are fascinated with the train-wreck that is Donald J. Trump, but this started with Fred Sr. – the heart of narcissism is shame and feeling “small” – and Fred Jr. drank himself to death. Don’s son Eric was tweeting pics of being in a presidential candidate’s motorcade, because “validation”. This stuff is generational, and the Trump family’s mental illness should not be allowed to tear this country apart.
Schlemazel Khan
@Betty Cracker:
I have just ignored those ignorant rants but decided for laughs to dig into the argument. I noticed our dear friend BiP is there as a strong proponent of Steve D’s laughable bullshit. Small world.
Lurking Canadian
@Archon: It’s not that different from Rubio’s line about dispensing with the notion that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing because he’s deliberately destroying America.
Little Marco got in trouble for saying it more than once in his best robot voice, but not because of what he said.
Ethical violation for pro to diagnose someone you have not directly evaluated.
Roger Moore
@Schlemazel Khan:
Won’t work. They’d still blame the defeat on Trump, claiming that the need to oust him as the nominee was what did them in. Their core beliefs must never be questioned, no matter what contortions they need to go through to avoid questioning them.
Anne Laurie
Hugh Hewitt, hand to goddess, went on the radio shortly after 9/11 and insisted that broadcasting from Fifth Avenue —mere blocks from the fallen WTC! — made him a “collateral victim” whose continued employment as a Wingnut Wurlitzer was just as heroic as those guys who actually actually signed up to go fight the terrorists overseas.
Hugh Hewitt, in other words, is a giant chickenshit with a grossly inflated sense of his own worth. Lord Short-Thumbs is a louder, grander, richer version of Hugh Hewitt… who has just promised to protect HH from the Mooslim boogey-men under his swivel chair. Of course Hugh Hewitt loves Trump, today!
And tomorrow, there will be another swing among the Media Village Idiots, and conventional wisdom will (once again) be that Trump is damaging the RWNJ brand. At which point, Hugh Hewitt will hate that traitor Donald Turncoat…
Roger Moore
I think Trump’s “baton” is a fair bit smaller than that.
@Roger Moore:
Roger Moore
Maybe there was an oversupply that forced them to branch out into other areas.
@Psych1: I know. I had it happen to me. My ex’s psychiatrist diagnosed me with BPD in absentia – and I committed hard to both having it and healing an almost untreatable condition in order to salvage the relationship. I called him out on it a couple years later (he is a professor at UCSF) and he apologizied. Significant moment in my healing, that was.
I never did more than work as a peer/suicide counselor in the mental health field and one of the first things we were taught was privacy. We were not allowed to discuss a client outside of our review classes and even then we never ID anyone. And I’m pretty sure it was that way across the board, from us, the lowest level, to any psychiatrist. The only time that wasn’t in effect was if it was legally required to divulge, for example in the case of someone wanting to harm. They you were required to notify the police.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: That’s a job/volunteer activity that I could never do. Kudos to you for doing it.
J R in WV
@Schlemazel Khan:
Really, it wasn’t even a majority of Republicans who selected The Donald Trump as their candidates. He mostly won around 30% of voters in Republican primaries, while the other 12 candidates got from 15% on down to ?Jeb? at 6 or 7%.
So I don’t think we need to worry that much about Trump gaining a majority of actual voters OR a majority of electoral votes. Not that I’m not going to do all I can do to help Ms Clinton in her race, we all need to work to save our nation from the racism and fascism of The Donald Trump.
If we’re luck, occupancy rates at his hotels will fall from 25 or 35%, where they are now, down to 15 or 20%, where he won’t be covering his costs any more. I’m not too proud to hope that his political extremism leads to his commercial failure. A real bankruptcy, that spell the end of his loathsome career, as opposed to the multiple fake bankruptcies that he has used to steal from his vendors and lenders, his workmen, contractors, and even, yes, even his lawyers.
How low do you have to go to be stealing from lawyers? Trump low!
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV:
The deuce you say!
@Omnes Omnibus: Honorary Brit, OO – right down to the “braces”, no matter how much it offends you. Do you iron your own shirts?
BTW, did you catch my message to you re: the Hamilmaniacs yesterday eve?
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: I have Brooks Brothers no iron shirts.
I did not catch your Hamilmaniacs comment last night. Was it good?
@Ruckus: Good work that you did and rigorous ethics are both necessary and respectful. For whatever experience drew you to that, I am sorry for it, and appreciate your pro-action and empathy.
I may have missed it — I was trying to follow the show on Twitter since frickin’ CBS delayed it for the West Coast. Wha’d I miss?
ETA: Oops, sorry, saw “Hamilmaniacs” and assumed you were addressing me. Never mind, carry on without me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Did it for 3 1/2 yrs. One of my last calls was a suicide call. Only one I ever took. 45 minutes of sheer panic. Wanting to say and do the right things because the caller seemed so very serious, resigned and calm. I have no idea how the situation resolved, the caller said they had to go and hung up. I was devastated, not knowing if I made a difference. The other staffer on call that evening was a very strong lady, somewhere about my mom’s age who told me, you gave the caller 45 minutes, that’s not a bad gift. Still tears me up 40 yrs later. And through those 40 yrs I can still hear that voice.
It was a volunteer gig, interesting enough, challenging some days, but that day will stay with me for as long as my mind works.
@Iowa Old Lady:
This is actually a great intelligence opportunity. They can give Trump misinformation that they want to “accidentally” get distributed, with high confidence that he’ll either blurt it out during a speech or tweet it.
Then, to kill two birds, they can arrest him…
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: The fear of that day is what would keep me from doing it. I have ways that I can help people and I try to do them, but that avenue is right out.
I was a premed student at the time. Extra curriculars were always a good thing on your record. And it seemed like a great place to learn how to discuss problems with people and get to the bottom of problems. It was. I learned a lot, even some about myself. I think it would be a great thing for anyone to do, if only for a while.
J R in WV
45 years last month, counting from the legal marriage. We met at a summer of 1969 job, it took about 3 or 4 weeks for us to connect. Wedding 3 days (waiting period) after Mrs J’s graduation from the U.
I think we’re in the lead here on the B-J blog, IIRC…
@Omnes Omnibus:
I can certainly understand that. But we got some pretty good training and we attended a group review session every week as well. It wasn’t like you were all on your own with no backup. Now having said that, I don’t think I could do this again now, although it was very much worth the time and effort. Kind of like the military, I put in my time, it’s someone else’s turn.
@Omnes Omnibus: Haven’t touched an iron myself in years (that’s what the dryer is for!) but I’ve known a few British men who iron their own shirts – and their fathers taught them. Yeah, I think the Hamilton comment might be interesting to you…I have limited patience for spelunking or retyping, but I’ll give it a minute or two…
@Mnemosyne: heh!
Do you have a newsletter? Because, you know, subscribe and all….
Wow. That’s some perspective. Somebody posted here yesterday about feeling sympathy for the first responders to incidents such as the massacre in Orlando, and dissing that, because reasons. My response (in my mind) was “where do you think PTSD” comes from? I still remember first responders at Sandy Hill telling the survivors that they were escorting out of the school to “turn their heads”. To this day, nobody among the first responder number has spoken of that day, and I suspect they never will.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ah hell – nevermind. We are discussing more pertinent things right now, and I already apologized to raven today for talking about Hamilton on that thread and not addressing his experience, because I was kind of shock and griefed out at that point.
I used to own an iron. Because most shirts needed to be ironed. I no longer own an iron and I believe that there is maybe one shirt in my closet that should be ironed. I don’t wear that one any more.
I had a friend who I worked for in a hobby situation. He was a Savile Row trained tailor and had been a British paratrooper. I’ve watched him sew up a suit while talking with me and never miss a stitch and then iron that suit. That suit today would probably a few thousand dollars. He had one client, a lawyer, who had paid him to tailor 350 suits over the years, no 2 exactly the same.
My cousin was in Vietnam and rarely speaks of his experiences. But the other day he allowed that whenever he hears a helicopter (mostly traffic choppers these days) he sort of clutches up and instinctively scans the sky to see what’s going on. Self-preservation.
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: @Ruckus: I am actually good at ironing. The army causes people to pick up some skills.
PTSD comes from as many places as there are people. It is a reaction of any stressful situation, be it warfare or an auto accident, or any stress. A first responder may or may not be affected, just depending on the person and how a situation affects them. A situation that affects one person may not affect someone else the same way in the same situation. Not everyone who comes back from combat has or develops PTSD. As well, most jurisdictions of any size have access to people whose job it is to defuse the stress and keep it from getting to that level. Schools bring in people after a lot of events just for that reason. And a person may go through several situations with no issues and then the next time, it strikes. And of course it can be a delayed reaction.
Regine Touchon
@Omnes Omnibus:
The navy taught us to put our dress uniforms in our lockers in such a way that they didn’t need to be ironed. Although I did notice that a set of ironed dungarees could go a long way to getting you out of situations caused by attitude or hair length. Or keeping you out of them in the first place.
I’ve noticed as some vets get older they will talk some about their experiences. I mean retirement age older. It also could be the environment of the VA.
Omnes Omnibus
Gold and silver bars did better. I always pushed those regs. My NCOs operated on the “if your hair is nearly as long as LT Omnibus’s, you need a haircut.” I provided an example.
The Lodger
@BillinGlendaleCA: Molotov!
So you two met for cocktails?
@Ruckus: My father used to pay me a dollar a shirt to iron his shirts. FF to several years later, and my husband had all sorts of washed silk shirts and cotton Safari shirts that he expected me to iron. I finally did iron all of them, but then he wouldn’t wear them, because they were ironed. Once I realized that the dry-cleaner on our block would iron our self-laundered shirts for 2 bucks a pop, the impasse was resolved. The toilet seat issue, however, was never resolved during his lifetime and an odd sticking point for him. The very same guy I married because he loved to take bubble baths by candlelight. Go figure.
Regine Touchon
Lord guys I’ve been lurking around here for too long without saying anything. That’s it MSNBC before Chris Hayes is a no-go zone. To hear Hugh (Hew?) Hewitt spew his poison and to watch Brian Williams not question Trump’s attack on Obama? Insinuating that he is a Muslim sympathizer is not how it went down. He said he and Hillary are sympathizers
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: I ironed my exes’ s stuff because she just was not good at it. She picked up things I wasn’t good at.
@Regine Touchon: Sorry, if your first comment says nothing about skull-fucking a kitten, it does not count. Kidding, of course, please post more often. New non-troll commenters are like gold. Keep talking.
I had a response to your wow comment but it was eatted and I’m not retyping it. FYWP.
I learned to put down the seat and the lid and this has sometimes been a hilarious concept with SO. Maybe not for them but having some one cuss you out in the middle of the night for sitting on that cold seat just strikes me as funny.
@Ruckus: I hear you. I did EMDR therapy a few years ago for a childhood experience – and that laid me flat out in an acute anxiety attack.
@Ruckus: You may or may not be a scholar (not important) but you are a true gentleman.
@Omnes Omnibus:
All collar metal of any description worked better than enlisted insignia. Always. Any situation. As it has always been and always will be, I’d bet.
We got away with long hair as long as you could put it under your ball cap or dixie cup and never, ever took it off in the presence of someone with metal in said collar.
I had to stand up and rub a toe in the rug. Aw Shucks. And thanks. At least someone noticed. Tough crowd.
@Ruckus: Hee….love that image! And yes, you should!
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: I know. My experience was so different from so many who post here. OTOH, there are a handful of ex-officers around too. It makes the conversation interesting.
@Omnes Omnibus: And also interesting to observe/read for someone outside that experience…
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s fun at the VA to try and imagine who was an officer and who wasn’t. The wasn’t part is actually pretty simple but sorting out the officers can be a little tough. Some are easy though, they still act like probably better than half the officers I ran across on active duty did, they are better than enlisted and they shouldn’t have to mingle with such rif-raf. But that’s the navy, don’t know about the other branches.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: No experience at the VA. OTOH, when I showed up at the finance office, for one of my guys, I went to the front of the line. Weird technical payroll things got fixed. That is a big part of what the army paid me to do.
@Betty Cracker: I have, and I cannot believe how utterly silly the whole “primary fraud” threads have become. The second, doubled down post was what, 3 screens full?
Central Planning
When I put the link to donating money for victims in Orlando on my facebook page the other night, I added the comment “Better than thoughts and prayers”. You would think that would get lots of Likes. It got 1. SMH.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Like NY where the perpetrator was born.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Schlemazel Khan:Trump’s campaign collapses, which it is doing a good job of the last two weeks, then the GoP leadership would be able to do that.