From long-term commentor Gex:
You say there weren’t enough pup pics? I have you covered! And then some. Although the kitten is in some of these too.
The pup is Casey, the kitten is Abigail.
Please note in this picture the piece of bacon brat that the pup is ignoring until I tell him he can have it. Whatta good pup!
Speaking of happy creatures, at least one Balloon Juice correspondent went to bed in a good mood last night:
— (((I Hate Nazis))) (@Johngcole) June 13, 2016
Apart from appreciating the simple pleasures, what’s on the agenda for the start of another week?
Jack Canuck
Been watching US election-related stuff on my FB feed from down here in Australia, and it’s been interesting. One thing that’s popped up in the last few days: Elizabeth Warren has been pushed off the pedestal by the purity ponies! Now she’s a traitor to the cause etc etc because she dared to endorse Hillary Clinton! How dare she!
That didn’t take long, did it? No true Scotsman, indeed! Now apparently someone named Nina Turner (never heard of her myself) is the goddess of All True Progressives Everywhere.
I’ve taken to posting T-bogg’s story about elections in Happy Gumdrop Fairy-Tale Land on those threads. Mostly get ignored…
Sorry to hear about your friend, raven.
@Baud: Indeed. I don’t know what can be said except I’m truly sorry for you and his family and his circle of friends.
And thanks to both AL and GEX for supplying and posting the pics. Comfort indeed. (He says as a cat wipes her ass across my face over the keyboard.)
Keith G
@Jack Canuck: It’s Facebook, Jake, or Jack. I think I have to remind myself from time to time is that social media excels at taking small currents and eddies in an isolated part of the pond and tries to extend them as if they covered the whole body of water.
@Baud: Thanks, the focus has to be on the surviving daugther.
@Jack Canuck: There is a “unfriend” button on Facebook.
Sometimes my feed on show one picture. When I refreshed they were all there, great critters!
@raven: ??? I missed it (as usual)
@OzarkHillbilly: Family friends in Urbana suffered another tragedy, the mom died of cancer just a while ago and Saturday night the father killed the son.
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
That is so horrible. What pain for that family. ??
@raven: Ooooffff. That’s a tuff one. my sympathies to all, especially the daughter.
@raven: How sad.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: How awful.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: Yes, that is a gorgeous kitty and the dog is ultra cute. A little joy amidst all this sadness.
Gex, Thanks for sharing the photos of your family with us. Casey and Abigail appear to enjoy each other, but I assume that’s because Abigail trained Casey.
@raven: Yes, just read that, so terrible for your friend, his daughter, and his late son. Condolences to the daughter, you, and their extended family.
Gex, your fur babies are adorable! Love the snuggling together pictures.
Another Holocene Human
I want to declare war on Tumblr today, even though it’s the wrong impulse. To be specific, Tumblr’s SJW-sphere. They are all about the circular firing squad and play oppression Olympics like it’s going out of style. Well, jerks, looks like the gay male body count is gonna be higher this year than the trans woman of color body count. Time to adjust who you scream “kill yourself” at. So tired of these fucking kids who don’t know shit, tearing people down when we need to build each other up because stuff like this happens in this world. And this killer, maybe something was just wrong in his head, or maybe somebody failed to show him compassion somewhere along the way because he thought any homosexual impulses in himself needed to be eradicated. Although I heard today he was an equal opportunity hater so maybe he was just a shitbag with a personality disorder, it’s quite possible.
I know Tumblr is the wrong thing to get angry at but I hate the way they talk to people. It’s evil.
@Keith G: yeah, I stayed off it yesterday, dipped a toe in this morning and called a Drumpf supporter a vile piece of crap immediately and then got out. Life’s too short. (Nasty bitch answering a comment my sister made, but I will probably be the bad guy for losing my temper).
Another Holocene Human
Yeah, saw that coming. What I didn’t see coming: she marched in Boston’s pride parade this year wearing a feather boa. Why didn’t something that cool happened when I marched in shitty 1999 Boston Pride? (Got the tshirt, had it fall apart in the wash. True story.)
Another Holocene Human
@satby: I know it’s wrong, but I want to give you a pat in the back for that comment. I’m sure they earned that one.
@Another Holocene Human: Thanks. I have the natural red hair and the temper that is associated with it. I know it’s useless, but sometimes you just have to call them as you see them.
@satby: Agree. Best pics. Who said dogs and cats living together was a bad thing?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Gex’s cat and dog are really photogenic and would make a good buddy-cop movie (ie 48hrs, The In-Laws).
Whomever suggested yesterday that the Right would blame the shooting on political correctness was dead-on. Cant link, but TPM has article about Failgunner Ted saying pretty much that.
A more loathesome POS I cannot envision.
Another Holocene Human
@Baud: Der Drumpf is either unaware we already have more lotto than anybody can stand or the real estate Geenyus doesn’t know the concept of “pushing on a string”.
I mean, I guess not, as he snookered people into starting a horrible Trump Tower in Chicago right when the bubble burst.
Jack Canuck
@Keith G: Oh, I totally agree. I’ve most been sitting out and watching, especially since it’s mostly links to other people’s rants that one or two of my friends share. The batshit crazy dead-endery has been interesting to watch, and I’ve just occasionally decided to stick my oar in to see what happens. Just got told to “fuck off and die” by one charming gentleman!
Jack Canuck
@raven: It’s mostly a “friends of friends” thing, so not too big a deal. Interesting to watch, from certain perspectives.
Jack Canuck
@Another Holocene Human: Likewise, I’ve been waiting for Warren to endorse Clinton and get the inevitable blow-back. It was so obvious that she’d be declared persona non grata as soon as she publicly came off the fence. It’s fascinating to watch the wagon-circling, the increasingly mad conspiracy theories explaining how Sanders didn’t really lose, the accusations that “if Trump wins it’s your fault, not ours, for forcing such a horrible person on us all!”. A certain subsection of Sanders supporters (NOT all, by a long shot!) simply can’t accept that other people don’t share their opinions and choices – it must be nefarious eeevill behind the scenes!
That top photo reminds me of that Nilsson song I can’t remember.
@Jack Canuck:
I like that she doesn’t care.
If there was one good thing about that atrocious Maureen Dowd article, it’s that it highlighted the fact that Clinton and Warren are working closely together to win this election.
Big Picture Pathologist
God, missed it the first time. I can’t imagine how devastated everyone must be. Much support and light to you and their other friends and relatives.
That was me and that is what they always do.
The first thing to do after the election is to dispute the Second Amendment. If people can keep fighting Roe v. Wade, why not this?
@Baud: I’m reading Max Hastings’ latest, The Secret War. I’m about 1/4 in, and he’s already established pretty conclusively that ‘humint’ as he terms it, is about 96% useless.
I shudder to think how many AR-15s will be sold today.
@Scratch: All of them, Katie.
@Punchy: Likewise, congrats to the swami who predicted it would be Obummer’s fault because he didn’t use the conjuring words, “radical Islam”.
Willie Geist did, however, during the few minutes I could bear to listen to Moanin’ Joe. Geist gives nepotism a bad name.
@Phylllis: Since most things are 99% useless, humint is ahead of the curve.
That’s a horrible idea on so many levels.
1. Shifts the burden for funding the national security state onto the poor and middle class…because supplying the actual service people isn’t enough.
2. The amount of money would likely be woefully insuffient.
3. As a national lotto it would have the biggest jackpot, whuch would suck the money out if all the other lottos meaning sates would need to make cuts and find funds to make up the shortfall.
4. Plus seriously. A lotto to fund national security. What’s next, bake sales to fund the State Department?.
I would also like to observe that the punchability of Rick Scott’s mug now exceeds that of Ted Cruz.
Patricia Kayden
@Punchy: Political correctness but not the ability for anyone to get weapons which are designed to kill scores of people quickly. How many Americans have to be shot down before our politicians are forced to do the right thing? And how would anti-political correctness have stopped Saturday night’s violence anyways? The perpetrator was born and raised in this country.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Trump showed up looking really orange at last night’s Tony Awards (photo)
@Jack Canuck: yes–its hillarys fault if people dont vote for her is one of the most classic bernie or bust hate fantasies. They repeat it over and over at dkos in the most gloating way.
We do it for schools and think it’s alright, so why not?
Patricia Kayden
@Scratch: That’s the kicker. Mentally unstable or just plain evil folks can just walk into gun stores and pick up automatic weapons. The nation mourns for a few days and then we move on with business as usual. Nothing changes.
@Weaselone: I have an idea, let’s stop pretending lotteries have any kind of redeeming value at all and just ban them all together.
@Patricia Kayden:
Not too hard to imagine the words “internment camps” will pop up in Trump’s speech later today.
Schlemazel Khan
That is horrible that poor kid has to deal with way too much shit. Words fail
I mentioned in another post how much I like Tumblr blogs for humor, but that Tumblr is super pro Bernie. That isn’t in and of itself a problem for me, but some Bernie fans continually insist the primary was stolen and they cannot imagine why he lost. below is a typical example of what I see all the time now. No corroboration or valid sources needed.
Schlemazel Khan
Whoever predicted the sun would rise in the East this morning was just as prescient.
@Patricia Kayden: whenever someone blames “political correctness” what they are really arguing is that they want to use lazy, ignorant, and illogical language to describe the things around them. But pointing this fact out is political correctness run rampant.
Jack Canuck
@Aimai: Or even less directly, it’s our fault because we forced – FORCED, I tell you! – Hillary on them! My charming FB interlocutor informed me that I was “just like the Republicans in December of 2000”, that I’m a “vote-rigging Regressive” and responsible for putting Trump in office, and that I “should know better than to shove another Wall St shill down the throats of people who simply aren’t taking any more of that shit. Fuck off and die.” Oh, and apparently I think I’m winning people over with condescension.
My response was this:
“I’m not trying to convince anyone. Manic conspiracy theorists (we was ROBBED!) are not generally susceptible to reason. Sanders lost the nomination because more people voting in the Democratic contest preferred Clinton. If you’re not able to accept that other people have different views than you, and voted differently and yet are not either evil or easily manipulated, then you haven’t grown up yet. And you don’t get to dodge responsibility for whatever happens in November by saying “You made me do it! It’s your fault!”. My five year old doesn’t get away with that line. Exactly two people have a chance of becoming president in November. One of them is a disaster of epic proportions waiting to happen. The other is not: she’s a fairly typical center-left politician, with some positives and some negatives. If you don’t help – even with just a vote – one of them win, you’re helping the other one. Clinton & Sanders voted together 93% of the time in the Senate. And you’re saying that other 7% makes her the Wicked Witch of the West? Unicorns don’t exist. Perfect politicians who just happen to believe every single thing you believe don’t exist. You’re not picking a best friend. You’re choosing between two options, and the two are not even remotely the same. So yes, I’ll say it again: grow the fuck up.”
I don’t indulge my son when he behaves this way, and I’ve gotten tired of seeing supposed adults doing it and getting away with it.
@Hal: What concerns and saddens me is that these people are taking a real serious issue — actual voter suppression efforts by the GOP — and trivializing it by trying to apply it to the Dem primary.
Schlemazel Khan
@Patricia Kayden: “How many Americans have to be shot down before our politicians are forced to do the right thing? ”
Well here is a clue, yesterday was the 163 day of 2016 and it contained the 173rd mass casualty shooting of the year. in the recent past we have had mass murder with people killed while celebrating holidays, while grading papers, while having a party, while eating in a diner or even a McDonalds, shopping at the mall and, as is always brought up at these times while attending kindergarten, None of these have moved the needle an inch. I know I have a bleak outlook, it is who I am but if all of this is not enough then there is no ‘enough’.
@Baud: You’re being politically correct again.
Schlemazel Khan
HEY! Don’t end my retirement plan!
A complaint frequently heard from President Jack Ryan. Which suggests where Trump gets his policy ideas: best-selling novels.
@debbie: trump was just on Today Show and I agree. I don’t know how he gets what he wants (no Muslims in this country who ever think bad thoughts in this country) without them. He won’t say it, but massively curtailing rights is exactly what he is pursuing. As a Christian, I could go to Saudi Arabia, but Muslim would not be allowed to go and come back. If you wish to marry someone who is from an Islamic country, good luck with that. You won’t be able to marry who you want and stay here. But then he talks about how Muslims seem to be all in on the game. Won’t cooperate with police. He thinks we’re going to find that there is a broad network of people who all knew what the shooter was doing and wouldn’t report it. There is this vast network of revulsive muslims and destroying that…how do you get there without separation?
@burnspbesq: I don’t know enough to know whether that’s right or wrong. I’m pretty confident that a lottery is not the way to go, however.
Schlemazel Khan
HA! as if the Drumpfenstein monster reads! While Clancy would be his favorite author I doubt he has read an actual book in years
@Schlemazel Khan: I’m not, assuming you are plan to work until the day you die.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Awesome!
@OzarkHillbilly: Ya never know.
Schlemazel Khan
That is plan B sadly
@Jack Canuck:
That Presidential elections are zero-sum games is the truth that can’t be spoken. Half the Berniacs don’t understand the concept, and the other half will burn you at the stake for saying it.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
msnbc played a role in this. They kept equating crowd size with polling strength. So the night before the NY primary Rachel Maddow actually said polls showing Clinton ahead by double digits can’t be right because Sanders’ rallies are so big.
Another Holocene Human
@Jack Canuck: It’s sad when grown people talk that way. At least when sports fans say “We wuz robbed” at least half of them are joking. :-/
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: We had a measure on the ballot last week to repeal a utility tax, there were a large number of yard signs for the measure(much more than against); it lost 70% to 30%. Yard signs and rallies don’t vote.
Another Holocene Human
@Hal: Yup. Sounds like tumblr, where this kind of “thinking” and “discourse” is validated on a daily basis.
You know how research shows one teen in a car with adults, teen will wear seatbelt. Four teens in a car, no adults, nobody wears seatbelt? Strap tens of thousands of under-26’s on one big blog and behold the infantile behavior from our “young adults”.
@Weaselone: When the NY Legislature wanted to start a lottery, they said it would be EXTRA money for school systems. Note that EXTRA money. Well, over the years the lottery money has become the state budget money for education.No more talk of extra frills for schools. The state lottery money funds the schools beyond what local municipalities raise from local taxes.
Gex: The fur babies are adorable
Link: “Cruz Calls for Abandoning ‘Political Correctness’ in Wake of Orlando.”
@bystander: I think it’s time for Obama to use the magical incantation. If it works than all of the terrorists will turn into pillars of salt. Then he can try rightwing nut job and see if the rwnj’s turn into salt as well. If it doesn’t work on the terrorists he can then say ‘ok what is the next magic phrase’. Not that the nuts will notice
@PurpleGirl: It only took 2 years for Misery’s legislators to accomplish that feat.
Patricia Kayden
@Steeplejack: What does that even mean? The perpetrator was born right here in the good old USA. How would being anti-politically correct have stopped him from acting on his hatred of gays? A better proposition would be to stop making automatic weapons so easily accessible. Do hunters and those who want guns for self defense really need automatic weapons? Unless we’re arguing that every Muslim in the U.S. is the enemy, this talk about political correctness is silly, irresponsible and dangerous.
Jack Canuck
@burnspbesq: Fortunately I’m on the other side of the planet, so burning me at the stake presents certain technical difficulties for them! It is ridiculous that this concept needs to be explained to (chronological) adults. One of them will win. Which would they prefer it to be? (Wait, don’t answer that: I don’t want to hear about “heightening the contradictions” and winning the revolution!)
@PurpleGirl: oh. At least ny still uses that lottery money for education. Many states have sold their future lottery revenues to private companies for quick payments to help them look like they’ve closed budget shortfalls.
Schlemazel Khan
This was Florida’s example also. Their schools were massively underfunded & the lotto was supposed to fix that. It did for a couple of years and then the legislature started reducing their share of the funding to divert money to other things so that by the time they were done most of the funding came from lotto and the schools were poorer than before. Here in Minnesota the lege only committed lotto money to the game & wildlife fund so it is a bit less critical but my guess is they have taken away money from that fund too.
Jack Canuck
@Another Holocene Human: Yeah, these people are not joking. They really seem to think that Hillary/Dr Evil has successfully cheated her way to the nomination. Missing ballots! Ratfucking in Nevada! Unstated and vague but doubtless twisted and evil shenanigans! It can’t be that my chosen candidate just isn’t as popular!!!
@Jack Canuck: Got it, I vowed to stay out of shit with other people’s FB friends.
Lottery is a really stupid way to fund anything.
Let me tell you about Florida. We put in an education lottery decades ago, pushed by an apparently well meaning Florida Legislator named Turlington. I looked it up later and he campaigned for it and estimated it would raise education funding by X%, x being 3% or less, but that would add up to an impressive number of millions which he said could go to “enhance” education funding. So it passed, and it turned out his estimates were pretty close to right on the money, however the legislature immediately started slashing education funding. then for the next decade Florida citizens voted down almost every state and local education tax because “the lottery” would take care of it. School districts became adept at arguing almost anything was an “enhancement” instead of a normal cost that used to be covered. Bah! finally they caught the government spending lottery funds on building a highway and redid the laws so all the funds went to a college scholarship fund whose rules have been revised several times, usually making it harder to get. The scholarship is easier to earn if your family is comfortable economically and you go to good schools of course. I don’t object to the scholarship exactly, but before some money went to each level of education from elementary thru college and at the college level, some was for academic scholarships and some was for need based grants. I liked it that way but didn’t like the diversion of funds.
I learned that people are too impressed with big money numbers, they don’t know how to scale those numbers to population size, nor what a reasonable cost is for a big public service. Trump clearly has no idea that such a lottery would raise just peanuts for a national anything and in my experience, few voters do either which worries me. If the media would intelligently explain this………
Years ago when the Orlando Sentinel tried to be useful, they published a piece that I still admire that laid out why roads cost what they do. materials, which kind of workers, how many hours each skill does on a mile of road, the heavy equipment costs, the financing and most importantly the costs of buying/condemning the land to put it on in terms of revenue lost and why some roads can’t be widened because we’d have to buy and tear down huge profitable businesses that have already built on them. Because our laws say the government can’t take the land without paying fair market value for it.
trump is older than I am but knows much less. Some people hide from learning anything.
Gex, Abigail and Casey are adorable.
@Jack Canuck: Can’t find the link but there is a web site dedicated to defining all of the stolen votes so that law suits can be filed. First we had Judicial Watch demanding that every piece of paper ever written by a Clinton up to 5 degrees of separation has to be made public. Now on the left we have people threatening to bankrupt anyone associated with Hillary via stupid law suits. We very richly deserve ‘old little hands’ as POTUS. IT will just speed up what appears to be the slow decline and fall of american democrarcy
Schlemazel Khan
And to add perspective on FL’s education system: When we lived there they had the lowest graduation rate in the nation and the lowest rate of graduates going to college. But wait, there’s more! 50% of all FL HS grads needed remedial math and English classes to survive Freshman year. That includes both public and private school grads.
My experience, living in the county with the lowest paid teachers in the nation, was that they were either very young and inexperienced of total lumps whose only career option other than this was “You want fries with that?”
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Cover NY Daily News — “Thanks NRA” (photo)
It should go without saying. It should. But if a presidential candidate can’t be bothered to go down to the studio to talk to the people face to face then I don’t think I should be bothered to listen to what he or she have to say.
And if this is the weakest tea the networks can cook up, I’ll stick with water.
I assume Casey is an American Eskimo judging from size and facial characteristics. With some help from my husband, yesterday I spent three hours combing out massive amounts of winter undercoat hair from our two Samoyeds. What a job. However, what an improvement. They look great now and will be super gorgeous after their baths.
Cole – I have a friend from WVA who paid me $20 to root hard for the Sharks, so that they would be guaranteed to lose (it’s an amazing talent of mine, comes in handy several times a year). I don’t want any cash from you (or him for that matter) but I will take a thank-you ;)
@raven: yes, condolences from this quarter also. Given the events of the last few days we tend to feel words aren’t sufficient, but having been in the mourner’s spot in the past I remember how just knowing others are out there, concerned, no matter the distance between, really does help.
the cat and dog above look pretty cute.
@Baud: “human intelligence”? I’ll believe that the Trump campaign has the smallest whiff of what that might entail the day I see the first inklings of intelligence or humanity from that movement. Thypical that he thinks he can buy same with other peoples money — habit of a lifetime.
That lot. Is happy to roll out the baked funeral meats when gays die, but won’t bake a cupcake for them in a moment of joy.
Is this still Balloon Juice?
In-focus pet pix prompt checking the masthead to confirm.
Miss Bianca
Oh, thank you, Gex and AL! The screaming cuteness of that pup and the tuxedo kitty is almost too much to bear! (No, I can bear it, I can bear it!) Is Casey a Samoyed, or a Sammy mix? They are lovely critters.
Today is a ton of work at work, and then a ton of work at play: King Lear is opening at the end of the week, and we have yet to make it all the way thru’ in under 3 hours! Gack! But everyone’s almost all the way off book now, so it should speed up.
ETA: I see upthread that there is speculation that Casey is an American Eskimo Dog from actual Samoyed people, so I’m going to go with that. ; )
@Schlemazel Khan:
I know I have a bleak outlook, it is who I am but if all of this is not enough then there is no ‘enough’.
I’m convinced that there isn’t enough. The people fighting this don’t care that people die, their guns are more important. Their supposed strength as individuals is guns. A gun will set them free, make them strong and keep every bad thing at bay and nothing you or I say will change that. It’s a cult, this gun fetish business, and cults don’t need logic or reality, they work better when they don’t have those.
So sorry to hear of this loss. So much anger in this sad world.
Fucking hockey. I’m so glad that shit is finally over. I live in what the assholes call “Sharks Territory”, and even the goddamn rock n roll radio stations have been going on and on about this. I’M NOT LISTENING TO YOU FOR SPORTS, SHITHEAD!!!!
I’m a sucker for pics of dogs and cats snuggling together, and those are a particularly adorable example.
J R in WV
Happy puppy!! Happy kitty, too!!!
So Sweet, thank you!
Our puppies and kitties help keep us balanced in hard times!
Your puppeh looks like my puppeh ( What a sweet looking dog!
Our Sunny is no longer a puppy. Like Rosie she has a bit of arthritis now but still attempts some craziness on occasion. Quite the talker too!
gogol's wife
BEAUTIFUL PICS! What sweet critters. Thanx.
@bemused: @Miss Bianca:
Yep, Casey is an Eskie.
Thanks all for the compliments on the pets. These are all the pics I keep in a photo album on my phone for when I need a lift.
JPL: Yep, they started getting along famously as soon as Abigail established her dominance. Someday I should send in video of Abi going nuts on Casey.
J R in WV
No, no! The bake sale will be for the air craft carrier battle groups!! Just a trillion bucks each!!!
J R in WV
Not me dude. My clever plan was to work for the government (state of WV!) and get a guaranteed pension to retire on.
Now WV is broke, we ran out of coal!!!! NOOO~! it sin’t fair!!! Wahhh!
Really, the problem is we elected a majority of Republicans to the legislature, and they won’t adjust the tax schedule, now that money from coal taxes is dropping like the coyote’s anvil.
‘Cause a bill with the word taxes in it is evil!
Evil Fuqers.
Oh, it’s “PENS” win? I thought it said…nevermind.