A presidential candidate just accused me and thousands of other troops of embezzlement while in a combat zone. https://t.co/Seiu5P0KcB
— Ben Kesling (@bkesling) June 15, 2016
Trump suggested tonight that American soldiers in Iraq stole cash intended for reconstruction of Iraq, are "living very well" now
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 15, 2016
We are witnessing history, folks. https://t.co/5CmVef9TXY
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) June 15, 2016
Someone tell Trump that that this was the plot to Three Kings. https://t.co/qenNVNtjPC
— Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) June 15, 2016
It was predictable that the first place Lord Short Thumb’s brain went would be “There was cash sitting around unguarded? Hey, who wouldn’t steal a brick or six?”
Which is not to say that “some people” aren’t “living very nicely” on the proceeds of such theft… but most of them would be ranking members of the Republican elite, like Michael Ledeen’s daughter.
Corner Stone
So, another voting block he has offended?
just came from free screening of Central Intelligence with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Kevin Hart!!!!
it was really funny. Kevin Hart played the straight man and The Rock played he comic relief. Kevin was funny as hell, no surprise, but The Rock was AWESOME!!!! FUNNY AS FUQ! Hell they even had really good action sequences at least 4 scenes of action including hand to hand and car chase!
Review: Solid A!!
Oh and Rock BAE was looking fawun GURL!!!
schrodinger's cat
R-troll has changed his tactics and become D-concern troll instead. Nice.
@Debsite: Rachel was talking about that, but I think the question was badly worded.
Corner Stone
I agree Debbie, and am very concerned at this point. Very concerned.
@Corner Stone: Not Debbie.
I believe everything Trump knows about Iraq he learned from “Three Kings” (which was set in the First Gulf War, 1990-91).
@Corner Stone: We have a very stupid 40%, but I don’t think he can get near a majority.
There was a Facebook meme going around last fall saying that Trump would tear off the mask soon and reveal he was Andy Kaufman the whole time. Seems like the best explanation.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: He is another iteration of R-along R-up etc, but this time he is in a Dem concern troll skin.
Is the Albania v. Mozambique thread up yet?
Corner Stone
@Baud: Debbie Downer. Not the BJ debbie.
I saw it too. How do you think it was badly worded?
Remember when Bush used Terrorism to his advantage? We could be seeing a return of that. This election may come down to who is more Islamophobic.
@Debsite: Can’t remember the exact wording, but it wasn’t a standard “who do you trust to deal with the issue” question? It was more like a “who do you expect will be more aggressive” question?
i can’t even with this guy.
Every day is Christmas with this guy.
To quote a certain British monarch in a certain hip-hop musical, “Jesus Christ this will be fun!”
But this country generally favors violent aggression even on the ostensible left.
Corner Stone
This is silly.
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: Gotta wait until the fourth quarter.
Trump is going to goad himself into an aneurysm at this rate. Despite that note his doctor wrote about him several months back (‘Mr. Trump is so healthy that sick people are cured simply by being in his presence’), he doesn’t look like he’s holding up well under the stress of the campaign schedule, and it’s only going to get worse from here on out.
@Corner Stone:
Please don’t confuse us!
I can’t imagine this badmouthing of the military will go down well with Republicans. Maybe he really has lost his mind.
@Debsite: Then the country has someone who will give it to them.
This Storify of tonight’s rally is worthwhile and appalling reading:
Mary G
Hurry up and say something over the offensive line so Adam can ban you again.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I really cannot begin to fathom what the hell is going on. Is Donald Trump trying to throw the race? Is he taking drugs? Has he lost his mind? What the fuck is this guy doing? It’s like watching some kind of deranged, really awful performance art. Does he know what the hell he’s doing? Does anybody? This is surreal.
Corner Stone
@debbie: No one is confused about Dubstep posting the relentless concerning concerns of the concerned.
I’m totally sure that much was stolen from those baskets of money-but not by the soldiers.
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm if a democrat said anything even remotely like this
Chip Daniels
The conversation we should be having, is starting…
Repeal the Second Amendment
No its not going to happen soon.
But getting people to imagine a different future is a start.
Corner Stone
We’ve left IOKIYAR in the rear view mirror in this election.
Mike J
@Corner Stone: WHY DO YOU HATE AMURRICA?!?!?!?!?!?!?
@Corner Stone: Why do you hate redshirt so?
I just want to chat about stuff, bro.
And yet you ignore me, completely.
@Mike J:
americans, iraqis, what’s the difference.
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: Man, he’s really living inside your head now. This is beyond funny.
P R O J E C T I O N !
Glad to hear a good review. Definitely want to see it. ?
I’ll be very curious to see the next poll after today’s competing speeches by Hillary and Trump in the wake of a “terrorist” attack. I think those numbers are going to flip in a big way.
Hey, if Carson could get away with using the Pokemon film as a campaign adjunct, why not Trump stealing Three Kings?
Le sigh.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump benefits from his speech. Scared people like to be scared.
Bobby Thomson
I assumed the cash was stolen by the people it was meant to be stolen by and is funding off book black ops. Or Dick Cheney’s perpetual life machine. If a few grunts took it they would be living the rest of their lives under scrutiny. Unlikely.
Much of the filming was done in the Boston. I have a few friends who worked on set. Will have to look for them when I see it.
I saw Food Fight about the Market Basket feud between two factions of the DeMoulas family. Great documentary.
@Gin & Tonic: LOL, right?
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: The GOP will shit on the military any time it suits them to do so.
Patricia Kayden
@Debsite: Let’s wait before we predict a Trump win. Demographics suggest a Clinton win. Not panicking at all.
Here’s a random thought – we should award Purple Hearts to everyone that was killed in a mass shooting. They gave their lives in defense of the 2nd amendment.
@Omnes Omnibus: Winning is everything..
The Sheriff's A Ni-
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): The GOP’s enabling of his boorishness is allowing him to go full tilt now.
Patricia Kayden
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Trump started his campaign by insulting a large minority group. That should have made him ineligible but here we are. I don’t think there is anything Trump could say which would cost him the nomination. Sad but true.
Matt McIrvin
@Debsite: I don’t know, I’m way more deeply concerned about the BRINKS TRUCKS.
robert thompson
It is gob smacking that Trump would boldly say that US troops would abscond with the cash delivered in bales to Iraq. But I think what is worse is his insistence that all the eggheads forgot to take the oil too! Like how were we going to do that? Very long directional drilling or maybe load up all the armored troops tankers with all the crude. How many boots on the ground would that require until we sucked the world’s second, or so, oil reserves dry. The man is beyond delusional. He is flat out psycho. It took awhile for Donald to be labeled fascist as their was reticence by many to go there. Now we are seeing people calling him crazy.
@Chip Daniels: It would be near impossible to change the 2d Amendment at this time. But since the Congress has seen fit to make it impossible to sue the gun-makers, I think the American people need to pick up the bill.
There could be a separate line on our tax forms, a surtax to cover the costs of gun deaths, medical expenses, survivors benefits, etc. Let Americans see the costs, understand how many died, and pay for it, until Americans say that they are tired of paying.
Very Reagan-esque!
Patricia Kayden
@bluehill: Or give awards to the actual guns which were used to exercise 2nd Amendment rights. Just waiting for the NRA to make this suggestion.
Corner Stone
@Matt McIrvin: Not me. I am much more concerned about ON DEMAND FUNDING, and the Hedge Fund Boys.
Ad buys, oppo research and so forth and so on.
If Trump can’t get AA votes, and pisses off the white military vote, are we going to end up seeing the military turn, with relief, to the Democrats and Hillary Clinton? This could finally push Trump’s voters down below 27 percent.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: SHOCK POLL! SHOCK POLL! This is the very one our friend is trying to spin as very concerning up there. Maybe an outlier. Will wait and see.
I don’t know, I thought Trump had it in the bag when the Orlando shooting happened, but the man seems incapable of pivoting to a general-election audience so far. He can’t even properly demagogue a Muslim guy committing mass murder. George W. Bush was actually far better at this game.
The Lord was obviously in a very good mood the day Hillary prayed He make her enemies ridiculous.
robert thompson
@aimai: It’s not empirical, but I believe that there is nothing below 27%. There is no lower to be found below the cretin threshold.
I want to see the Food Fight doc.
The whole Market Basket story was pretty incredible, you don’t see communities supporting workers that way very often
@Patricia Kayden: Shouldn’t be too long. There’s nothing left for the NRA to say. Well I guess they could start praising how effective the guns were.
Anybody hear Rubios comment that this could happen anywhere and it was just Orlandos turn. Talk about leading from behind.
According to a Politico article, 115 officers and enlisted have been convicted of theft, bribery and contract-rigging since 2005. Not cool of the Donald to mention it though.
@Corner Stone: Speak for yourself. I’m petrified that we might soon see FLAMETHROWERS.
Will no one take up my cause?
Ask CornerStone!
Hmmm. How did my nym get misspelled?
@Matt McIrvin:
W was very underrated as a campaigner by Democrats because he was such a lousy president. He was actually a very good campaigner, and most sources say that a lot of Rove’s dirty tricks actually originated with W, who was smart enough to keep his fingerprints off them.
Campaigning was probably the one thing W was actually good at.
trumpites are already spinning it as that he meant iraqi soldiers.
soldier on, kkkklown.
@Baud: There was more than one badly worded question. But, I agree. We are all screwed if the American voter opts for Trump. I honestly don’t think that’s gonna happen. But we shall see in November, won’t we? Never mind that my SO, a true independent if there is one, says that Trump won’t make it till November.
I think he’s going to lose more than he gains. Scared people like to think someone is in charge that knows what they’re doing. The Donald is standing in the corner going, “Game over, man! Game over!”
The Dangerman
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Today’s Bloomberg poll is nothing good for him; the last thing he wants is an ass-kicking. I wonder if he drops out for Medical reasons before long.
As an 11:11 disciple, that was a lot of shade.
@dww44: Your posts have been amazing, thank you.
right. in spite of the fact that the first thing we did after defeating iraq’s military was to disband it, clearly we then let iraqi soldiers disburse all the cash we brought back in the country.
Maybe Trump is playing Bingo. He has a card to fill and then he picks a group to alienate out of a hopper and when he finally gets what he needs he’ll yell BINGO! and call himself a winner? Because that makes as much sense as anything else to explain his behavior.
I’m still hog for Trump to decline the nomination, using the occasion of the Republican convention to shame primary voters for being and odd collection of scared sheep and vicious sociopaths.
@Corner Stone: So he’s playing Civ 5 on Deity difficulty level.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: It needed some CGI effects.
Trump thinks that if a black guy can run for president and win, anyone can, because it’s clearly so easy that even a black guy can do it.
It’s a racist assumption that has bitten more than one white jackhole in the ass in the past 8 years.
? Martin
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Self-described Master of the Universe convinces majority of a minority party that he is Master of the Universe, nation recoils in horror that he really, truly believes he is Master of the Universe and that it wasn’t some kind of act.
what happens if he abandons the race like one of his bankrupt hotels?
who goes on the ballot?
do the rethugs ressurrect JEB?
he didn’t quit, just suspended his campaign.
i suspect he’ll be back…. or at least wsnts to be…
U.N. Warns Trump May Be 7 Months Away From Acquiring Nuclear Weapons
@Princess: That seems worse than a Klan rally and they aren’t even wearing sheets. This is only going to get uglier.
Tenar Darell
At least one correspondent in the crowd at Greensboro rally. His storified tweets are here. The worst sections are those after he (Trump) was through speaking, beginning with “Just overheard…” because that toxic sludge will remain long after the election is over.
I also keep on thinking of bad similes, eg. that Trump is distilling hate like a supersaturated solution. (Pace chemists). But, I really know too much history to remain sanguine about what he (Trump) is saying. ETA clarity
@fuckwit: Before the GOP convention? There’s probably something buried deep in the party bylaws about what to do if a candidate drops dead (or …suffers an accident), though calling it chaotic would be an understatement for the ages. After the convention? Probably whatever maniac Trump chose as running mate would move up to the top slot.
I keep telling you guys who it would be if Trump dropped out at or after the convention, but no one will believe me:
Bank on it, libs!
? Martin
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Exactly.
LOL what a clown! So Troop loving Trump, in one day, accuses them of being thieves, and by saying “we’re going to lose the country” proclaims that the most lethal military in the world, can’t possibly vanquish rag tag ISIS (who are a problem, but c’cmon).
@Mnemosyne: I believe that proper usage is “bookmark it, libs!”.
That said, I believe you. I swear Alan Keyes is following me around the country. I lived in Baltimore when he ran for a bunch of things in Maryland (including Governor, if memory serves). A year after I moved to Chicago, 2004 happened. And the first election after I’ve moved out of Illinois, it would be only fitting to once again see Alan Keyes on the ballot.
Does anyone know where I can get a good rate on an exorcist or something? This is kind of creepy.
Supposedly, the first thing W said to Obama when they met after Obama’s election in 2004 was, “You and I have something in common, senator — we both debated Alan Keyes.”
The thing was it was a pretty big chunk of New England that stood in solidarity.
There were 71 stores at the time in MA, ME, NH and a few other states.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: Restraining order?
@Mnemosyne: I remember that debate. It was like reality colliding with anti-reality.
That election, I saw a grand total of one (1) Alan Keyes For Senate yard sign, and I’m pretty sure it was put out as a joke. I think Obama won Hyde Park with something like 99 or 99.5 percent of the vote.
? Martin
@Tenar Darell: This is what scares the GOP leadership. They know full well that the difficulty with campaigning on resentment isn’t stirring it up, but keeping it contained. The job of the candidate is to denounce the ugliness, to stay above the fray. Trump doesn’t get that. As you move out of the primaries you inevitably should be seeking a more diverse (ideologically) audience and you need to be seen as accepting of that. By letting his supporters run wild like this, and worse, by encouraging it, that effort is doomed. It’ll be impossible to hide. How do you win over married white women when your audience is running around in ‘Trump the Bitch’ t-shirts?
@dmsilev: As a Chicagoan I remember 2004 all too well. With a face and voice that literally scared small children, Keyes kept claiming that my very existence violated the Declaration of Independence. He got like 29%, which I thought was way too high.
@? Martin: what majority?
@patroclus: Alan Keyes got 27%, finally allowing data scientists to quantify the Crazification Factor.
Keyes got 27 percent of the vote. Obama vs Keyes is the actual origin of that meme.
? Martin
@efgoldman: I was feeling generous.
“It’s 1800 — ladies, tell your husbands, Vote for Burr!”
? Martin
@dmsilev: I believe it’s now referred to as Keyes Constant.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Burr was easily the most pro-feminist Founder-ish person. It may be do the fact that his only child was a very gifted daughter.
Villago Delenda Est
KS in MA
@dmsilev: Brilliant.
Bobby Thomson
@Omnes Omnibus: Colonel Burr was a feminist before Theodosia, who had his eyes and her mother’s name, was born. Aaron and Theodosia (who wrote him letters daily while her first husband kept Georgia in line) had a marriage that was unusual for the time in that it was based on mutual respect and not on convenience. She told him when she thought he was making mistakes and he sent her articles and pamphlets he thought would interest her. They both made the decision to raise their daughter in the same way a boy would have been raised by the elite. Of course, those decisions fell to Aaron after his wife died of stomach cancer.
@Baud: ok but let’s honor Dave09’s question, so yes, I can imagine the shitstorm. It would be apocalyptic…it would be Hiroshima on steroids.
Splitting Image
SurveyUSA has released a poll of the historic battleground of Utah:
Hillary Clinton: 35%
Donald Trump: 35%
Gary Johnson: 13%
I wouldn’t count on Utah going blue just yet, but if Trump does manage to fumble it away, it makes winning that much harder for him.
Adam L Silverman
@Debsite: And back into time out with you! I can’t take ten minutes away…
Omnes Omnibus
@Bobby Thomson: I was being gentle with a “Hamilfan.” Burr also unequivocally opposed slavery. Just saying. Burr and Hamilton are our real political ancestors – Jefferson-Jackson Dinners aside.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: He’s just crapped on a significant constituency. Very large numbers of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, of all ranks and cohorts, as well as Interagency civilians were involved with development projects that required the disbursing of funds. And while there were a few bad apples that had their hands in the till, they were usually caught. He’s just told the military that he doesn’t trust them to do their jobs and be professionals. The US military prides itself on being a Profession of Arms. This is a whole new class of out there.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Already did. The line that was crossed last week is enough for me to ban whenever he or she pops back up.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Please, please Hillary, rap this conspiracy theory around his neck with an anvil.
/Support The Troops
Adam L Silverman
@daves09: The CPA lost a number of pallets, but that wasn’t the military. Several of them were recovered a year or so ago in a cave in Lebanon. No one is sure how they got there.
@Adam L Silverman: Trump’s press person apparently is now trying to claim that Trump was attacking Iraqi soldiers, not American soldiers.
I’m actually kind of impressed. Up until now, it’s taken a few days before the walkback and the “well, he really meant to say…” started. Apparently Trump’s rapid-response team is improving. Now, granted, on an ordinary campaign, the rapid-response folks respond to things that the _other_ candidate says or does, but things are different in Trumpland.
Adam L Silverman
@Boidica: out of a total of 556,000 Army Soldiers serving during OIF. That’s not counting the Marines deployed to Multi-National Division West (MND-W) or the Sailors, Airmen, and Interagency civilians who deployed, let alone the total number for the other services.
@Adam L Silverman: *applauds* Thank you!
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Its going to be a little hard. We didn’t actually pay Iraqi soldiers. The Government of Iraq did. We did pay the Sons of Iraq out of one of the contract vehicles.
ETA: Also, there’s video that will be replayed over and over and over and over.
Miss Bianca
Uh-oh. I really wonder what in the hell made him think he was going to be able to get away with this. Wile E. Coyote sawing off the branch he’s sitting on – SuperGenius!
@Mnemosyne: Talk less, smile more.
Anne Laurie
Ted “Mr. Congeniality” Cruz was the last to “suspend his campaign”, and IIRC had the most delegates lined up. That’s been part of the Never-Trumpers’ problem — nobody wants to see Cruz as the GOP candidate either.
At this point, even John ‘Not Obviously Insane or Stupid’ Kasich has a better chance than Jeb, and that includes last cycle’s luzers Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan. Somebody will have to stand at the podium if Captain Overdraft has a major medical incident or otherwise disqualifies himself in the next few weeks, but right at this moment that’s looking to be crowned King of the Landslide Loser…
@Omnes Omnibus: Burr and Hamilton were proto-Whigs. it used to be if you wanted to make a name for yourself as a learned Republican intellectual, you’d write a biography of Hamilton (Henry Cabot Lodge, Teddy Roosevelt and Arthur Vandenburg each did just this.). I don’t think progressives can claim a lineage back to Hamilton– liberals possibly.
@Anne Laurie:
Saa Rah! Saa Rah!
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: It’ll be Ryan. That’s what the maneuvering will attempt to produce.
@Omnes Omnibus
@Bobby Thomson:
His only surviving child — their other three children died in infancy, with only Theodosia surviving to adulthood. Then Theodosia died in a shipwreck, and her son (and only child) died by age 12. That poor bastard Burr must have felt like he was cursed.
Meanwhile, the Hamiltons had 8 children, all of whom survived to a healthy adulthood: even the one who died young was shot in a duel. The play may have planted this idea in my head, but it’s hard to imagine that Burr wouldn’t envy the Hamiltons for that.
And Burr did own a few slaves as an adult, though he manumitted them. The only known surviving descendants of his are the children of one of his freed slaves. At least according to Wikipedia, she was actually Indian (from Calcutta), not African.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
Was the mysterious discovery before or after those ‘untaxable offshore accounts’ got busted? Cuz that about the time the Heritage Foundation officially ceded its ‘academic’ veneer to go full Teahadi…
@Bobby Thomson:
Also, Theodosia Sr. (?) was about 10 years older than Burr. They didn’t get married until about 2 years after she was widowed, and it’s thought that she wasn’t quite sure about marrying a younger man who was still a law student.
Omnes Omnibus
@sigaba: Read more.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: The money for CPA uses disappeared, or started to, in 2003.
And some was found in 2014 in Lebanon:
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, probably. But this time I actually believe Ryan when he pulls his let-this-cup-pass-from-me routine, because apart from permanently alienating God-King Cruz and his cultists, the eventual nominee looks to get an epic beating on a scale that will make McGovern and Mondale look good. Ryan wants to run in 2020, probably on a “don’t look at me, I warned you guys” Bring the GOP Home platform. Even being Not-So-Gifted-As-Boehner for another four years looks good by comparison!
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Looks like I should probably get a copy of Pay Any Price, but I’m afraid it’ll send my blood pressure into medically dangerous territory.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: And?
Burr was better on a number of things. Hamilton was better on others. Between them, we created us.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: I think he’s thinking that, but he’s so avaricious that if it comes down to it he’ll go the savior route. And by 2020 he’ll be really past his sell by date. He’s worn out his welcome with the Freedom Caucus and Tea Party folks already. The longer he stays as Speaker, the less chance he has in 2020.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: Have a cup of chamomile tea first.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It was more of a factoid — even today, it’s not that common for men to marry older women.
Suffragete City elftx
I saw a reporter claim Trump accused soldiers in Afghanistan of stealing last Sept. Can’t find the tweet now or would have copied it.
pseudonymous in nc
@Anne Laurie:
Were it not for an actual authoritarian mob rally 200 miles away, I’d be worried about 2020: potential for the inverse of 1992, plus redistricting prizes for whoever’s in charge. But, y’know, mob rally.
Ryan’s long game is surely “no personal culpability for Trumpismo” plus control of the House and some leverage over the Freedumb Caucus. I’m sure he wouldn’t even mind the Senate going over to the Dems, because that lets him be Head Boy Republican for the next two years in meetings with Madame President, without Yertle stealing his thunder.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, and if we’re back to the slavery thing, Burr and Hamilton worked side-by-side with John Jay at the New York Manumission Society, so they were essentially equals when it came to abolitionism.
Bobby Thomson
Or was killed by pirates in the Outer Banks. There are stories.
To add to the whole curse thing, she was traveling to New York from South Carolina, where she was First Lady, because her son had died.
Bobby Thomson
@Mnemosyne: well, Burr wasn’t the lover of John Laurens. That has to give Ham a little bit of an edge.
@? Martin: No, Mem had it right the first time.
Susan K of the tech support
All the more reason to be glad he’s sitting this one out. More paint to smear on a canvas somewhere.
Dear Georgie, try the Cadmium Orange. Oh, and some of that Raw Umber while you’re at it.
As for us’ns out here, we’re full up to here with Raw Umbrage as we still do cleanup from your disaster of a presidency.
Susan K of the tech support
Ooh la la! I’m all joyous at discussion of Hamilton and Burr, et. al. Because I got the earworm this evening, as Bernie and Hillary had their meeting. I wanted to be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens, the room where it happens.
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: Facts don’t matter for Drumpf, either.
Anne Laurie
@efgoldman: As long as Ryan doesn’t blot his copybook (to use the kind of metaphor that would enchant them), the Serious RWNJ Thinkers will have a cozy, well-compensated position waiting for him. And Ryan will enjoy being one of Those Guys, penning op-eds and giving speeches to explain that only Serious Thinkers stand between America’s virtue and the ravening hordes of takers, feminists, ISIS, and other Democrat supporters.
He’s already gotten as high as second-and-a-half place (VP to a losing presidential candidate), and he doesn’t need an elective position to feed his family. Nothing less than a plausible presidential candidacy of his own is liable to tempt him beyond his safe space.
That Trump dude probably watched ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ once too often.
Listened to Maddow and heard some of the “pastors” that put up youtube videos declaring they were happy that 50 people lost their lives. As far as I’m concerned the headline for those should be “Pastors Declare Allegiance to Daesh”
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@SRW1: You can’t watch Kelly’s Heroes too often.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
A presidential canidate just attacked combat vets? Trump understands he’s running to be president?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well isn’t that what Trump is normally on things like The Apprentice?
“Facts” about fictional movies? Nope, afraid I don’t care all that much.
Hey, sending pallets of cash into a war zone, in the charge of a bunch of Liberty U. grad true believers cozied up to local political grifters–what could go wrong? Of course it was the troops.
@Adam L Silverman: I thought the dig at McCain’s capture and imprisonment in Vietnam would have done him in, at least with vets, but if that didn’t, why would this? He’d probably have to literally take a dump on the Tomb of the Unknowns to lose a significant number of the vet community that supports him now.
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: Those assholes on the Atlantic City zoning board are probably sweating at that report.
@srv: How about you get your facts straight. The gold in the movie had been looted from Kuwait by Iraqi forces. So technically, the soldiers were ripping off the Kuwaitis, not just Saddam.
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: As long as keeps receiving epic beatdowns, don’t worry about it.
Paul in KY
@jonas: Johnny McCain isn’t exactly Audie Murphy in military circles.