Trump on Vladimir Putin: "Our nuclear's old and tired. His nuclear is tippy top, from what I hear. You better be careful, folks."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 15, 2016
Trump somehow failed to add: And his fingers, lovely, so long — there’s no complaints there, folks, let me tell you.
@KilloughCNN @NYTnickc And he knows this because Trump CM Manafort was let that deep into Putin's inner circle…?
— Trixie Carolina (@Trixie_Carolina) June 15, 2016
Not an exaggeration; ever since Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign manager, there’s been discussion of Manafort’s long history lobbying for Putin (and a squadron of other dictators & authoritarians).
Trump & Putin are close. Manafort is Putin's guy. Giving Trump intel is basically season 5 of Homeland.
— Jeff Hauser (@jeffhauser) June 14, 2016
@dandrezner Here you go.
— Mr ?????? (@MrMaitra) May 15, 2016
What Trump and Putin really have in common is that they’re both appealing to their separate national revanchists: the scared, scarred, economically threatened, badly educated & ill informed citizens who don’t care how much they risk personally by supporting Dear Leader as long as “those people” get punished.
Trump: open to Putin & Kim Jong-un, full of tough talk on terrorists &immigrants, scared shitless of reporters who point out things he says.
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) June 13, 2016
“It’s Mourning For America” RT @maggieNYT: "Everntually, it's not going to survive, just so you understand," Trump says of the United States
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 15, 2016
Trump: "The world is changing rapidly…and we’re going to stop it."
— Steve Peoples (@sppeoples) June 15, 2016
Jared Yates Sexton’s long series of tweets, A Trump Rally in Greensboro “Anger in here is palpable” (sequenced, storified, here) has been getting a lot of well-deserved attention. That’s the same rally where Trump talked about Putin’s “tippy-top nuclear”…
It isn't so much "you can't make this shit up" as that so many characters (Trump, Shkreli, Putin) seem crayon-scrawled, sub-fictional.
— William Gibson (@GreatDismal) December 18, 2015
And this is why George R.R. Martin will never finish the Game of Thrones series.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Looks like Angus King joined the filibuster? DIdn’t he vote against the Manchin-Casey (I think it was?) bill a couple of years ago?
Corner Stone
You can bet my sweet bippy that Putin’s nuclear arsenal is tippy top!
When is Obama obligated to start briefing Trump? After the convention? Is he really obligated? Could there be security reasons he doesn’t brief him?
I’m fairly certain Trump will use any info he gets against Obama and the USA, on behalf of Russia et al.
Corner Stone
Who the hell runs for president on the message that the country is about to not survive any longer?
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Aside from Trumpian idiots?
@Corner Stone: “What have you got to lose?” may be Trump’s only hope.
Isn’t that after the election?
I surely hope so!
@trollhattan: I thought both candidates for President officially got briefed by the current Admin.
@Corner Stone: Donald “the yuuuuge brain” Trump.
God Almighty. Real life just skated past parody and blew a fart at it as it went.
Have been waiting for Putin-Trump meme to take wing. Fly, my monkeys, fly!
@redshirt: Same question I had. If Trump did do that, the long awaited indictments of a candidate will finally take place, but it wouldn’t be Clinton.
Conversely, if the proposed terrorist watch list legislation gets passed, it will only be because the terrorist watch list disproportionally affects “those people”.
Such is the history of gun control legislation in America.
schrodinger's cat
I have lost my ability to snark about Trump. I am seriously thinking of putting off the decision to buy a house after the election.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Trump was really down in the dumps today during his daily public psych session:
Of course what he is symbolizing here is the state of his campaign. Yesterday’s poll numbers was like a catastrophic test result. Top that off with morbid vital signs (no money, can’t fund raise, no campaign apparatus, no help) and you get Trump rambling projections.
He’s seen this before. This probably how he felt when his c*sinos went bankrupt and when his highly leverage real estate collapsed. He knows winter is coming.
@Corner Stone: Who the hell runs wanting a ballroom at the White House. In fact he wanted to build a ballroom and the White House under Obama, and the administration never called him back. Plus Trump doesn’t like State Dinners and the tent the Obama’s used was a bad tent, he knows tents and would only use good tents.
I’m serious, that was part of his speech at the Fox Theater today.
I have an already prepared compound in Canada should the worst of the worst happens in November. All BJ’ers welcomed (except Corner Stone).
Sleeps 10, lots and lots of space for tents.
Iowa Old Lady
@redshirt: After the conventions. I believe the security briefings are customary rather than obligatory. Obama would have discretion about how much to share. He’s balancing off what’s dangerous to reveal to Trump with what Clinton will need to know to be an effective president from day 1, but I’ve read that Clinton has a team of her own gathering security information from public sources.
@redshirt: Is Canada far enough away?
One good bit of news is that the GOP collective establishment is by and large either pretending that Trump doesn’t exist or is taking potshots at him whenever he says something particularly egregious (i.e. weekly, soon to be daily). Attacks from Democrats can be shrugged off as the normal partisanship, but when he says something and takes fire from both sides, that signals to the vast mushy middle (and, importantly, to the press) that this is bad. In other words, it makes attacks on him more effective and lasting.
Let’s hope that’s enough.
Chyron HR
@Corner Stone:
Where the hell is the like button on this site?
It’s just a guess, mind you, but I think Hillary’s briefings are likely to be considerably more comprehensive than Drumpf’s. I would give him only the bare minimum of sensitive information.
In fact, no lie, if I were preparing the briefings, I would deliberately put in something shocking, outrageous, scary — and completely false — just to see how long it would take Trump to go public with it in a rally or speech or MTP interview. You know he would.
As I understand it there is no law on briefing at all, but at least in the nuclear era it has been convention to start briefing both ahead of time so if they win, they have time to learn and plan. It’s been talked about this time because of his campaign managers open ties to Russia that this time they may stall or give smaller amounts of info ahead of time. If he wins, of course, he’ll get the rest.
I have myself been wondering if they should give some false info, or tempting info, to see if his campaign leaks ahead of time. Normally it might seem a dirty trick, but all he has to do is not leak…..I just don’t think he even gets the concept of must remain secret. And he is a fool for hiring someone who worked for Russia. That would bug even if he wasn’t setting off other alarms.
A Manafart.
@Baud: Well, given that there will be a giant wall between Mexico and the US, it’s the only viable escape route that you could drive/hike to.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: I know the perfect place. Goa. Sun, sand and beaches and the best seafood, people are laid back and friendly.
Anne Laurie
Adam is far better equipped to answer this, but: As I understand it, there’s no “obligation” for the sitting president to share information with his hopeful successors. It’s a tradition, one put into place after newly-elevated President Truman discovered how much FDR hadn’t bothered to share with him, solidified when Eisenhower wanted to keep both Kennedy and (his own vp) Nixon from making threats or promises that would undermine what the State Dept was already doing.
In the past few months, foreign policy experts have written a great deal about the risks of Trump creating diplomatic mayhem — accidentally or on purpose — and I’m sure the professionals responsible for producing the ‘candidate updates’ have paid even more attention to every leak, gaffe, overstatement, and outright lie emerging from Lord Short Thumb’s campaign. (There’s even been some mischievous commentary that Trump and his handlers might be fed ‘targeted misinformation’ so that such leaks could be tracked, like putting dye in a toilet tank to gauge where the tubing needs replacement.)
joel hanes
I believe that security briefings commence after the election.
W’s first security briefing :
@SiubhanDuinne: While I am no Trump fan, I wonder how giving Clinton a different, fuller briefing then Trump is an anyway fair. I’d think Clinton would also have to get the same level of briefing that Trump gets.
Otherwise, the next time there’s a Republican President (FSM forbid!), the Dem will get nothing and the Repuke everything.
@schrodinger’s cat: But Modi.
Iowa Old Lady
@redshirt: If Trump wins, Canada will pay for a wall.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Ain’t going to Goa.
@Corner Stone:
The guy who intends to make a mint selling off parts of it?
I think both candidates get security briefings after they formally accept the nomination. They don’t get what the President gets, however. When a candidate becomes president-elect he/she starts getting more. I’m not sure if this is mandated by law, or an executive tradition. Dan Senor has tweeted that the Obama administration is going to have to do everything possible to limit what Trump sees.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Sounds like Trump as been listening to a lof of Trent Reznor
i can only take so much Trump, and this made me feel better:
The English poet who inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tonys speech – and why it’s a literary masterstroke
What is the saying? History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes? As we have noticed, Trump seems to continue to mimic the actions of past authoritarians. Nationalist rhetoric, scapegoating certain groups, willingness to limit freedom of the press, increasing calls to stifle dissent through violence and there are probably other things that I’ve missed.
The thing that I find concerning is that the growing acceptance of these actions that are clearly unconstitutional (yes ironic coming for the party that markets itself as strict constitutionalists) and start to lead us down the proverbial slippery slope. This incrementalism is insidious and is reinforced by rationalizations from the repub leaders.
Hate to go all Godwin, but found this excerpt from ‘They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45’ by Milton Mayer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
My god, that makes for some dispiriting reading.
The Dangerman
Won’t there be a giant wall at the Canadian border, too (built by Canada to keep US citizens out of their lovely country)?
You’re probably right, but I’m fed up with this imbecile and don’t really care about “fair” right now.
Gin & Tonic
Just to keep balance, Tad Devine (Bernie’s campaign manager) worked with Paul Manafort to elect the thug Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine.
Chyron HR
The GOP has already decided that Democratic presidents don’t get to make Supreme Court appointments and got a pass on it, why would they give security briefings to a mere candidate?
gogol's wife
Did you see this?
What was that called when the world stopped changing? Oh, yeah, the Dark Ages.
Under President Trump, we’ll have the best nukes. Beautiful nukes, frankly.
gogol's wife
@Chyron HR:
I cannot even think about that, it enrages me so much.
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
Achtung, der TrumpenFarter! Soon to be President For Life of South Trumpenstein (a small padded room at St. Elizabeth’s in DC).
@srv: Freddie has always been a joke but he soon will earn the lifelong label of fascist sympathizer.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Say what you will about Modi, as politician he has a much better instinct for survival. He has been active in politics for 25+ years and he is much less demented than Trump.
We should be fine. I know people who know the right people. Plus Goa has been popular with western tourists since forever so no will gawk, people are chill. In India each state is like its own country. Maharashtra and Goa is my peeps. I am not suggesting we go to Gujarat (Modi’s home state : too vegetarian, too fusty and straight laced)
This is what it looks like this.
Anne Laurie
The (semi) serious discussion about ‘customized’ briefings has been more along the line that former Secretary of State Clinton can make much more of a bare-bones wink&nod discussion about any given topic than former reality tv star Trump could manage — even assuming his handlers could get him to pay attention past the large-type headers on the summary sheet.
For example, Clinton would understand that “Leader for Life Xtravanga of the newly separated nation of Follice has reiterated his determination to achieve domination of the International Space Station” meant “another shoeless dictator makes mouth noises to rally his half-starved subjects” (even assuming there was such a place as Follice) — while Trump would be all too likely to announce at his next rally that the Follicians were threatening America’s space supremacy, again, and while the Democrats might be too feckless to defend our Space Station, once he’s in the Oval Office he will bomb Follice until the rubble bounces, yes he will!
(And if the media, those traitors, point out there is no such place as Follice, he will angrily demand to know why those losers are allowed to spread their lies, he’s gonna sue them so bigly!)
@gogol’s wife: I did see that! Well-deserved honor for LMM, amazing opportunity for the next LMM.
I was blown away at the Tony’s by how passionate he is. It gives me hope.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I would fit in.
say what you want about McCain and Romney, even W, Trump has got to be the dumbest nominee I’ve ever seen, at least based on his utterances.
Rachel announced they Sanders isn’t conceding tomorrow.
Smiling Mortician
I am still larfing at this.
This is kind of hilarious. Trump is finally on the RNC website, but the newest entry was posted back on the 10th- Trumps “Diversity Committee” has been invited to visit RNC headquarters. The one before that was on the 9th, where visitors to the site were invited to sign Trump’s birthday card.
Everybody clap! Good times, good times…
Anne Laurie
@Gin & Tonic:
Fortunately, Tad Devine is very very unlikely to be given access to the briefings shared with Hillary Clinton… and I assume it’s too late in the cycle/his fees are too high for Trump to hire him now.
@Baud: Face/palm. Head/desk. Power can do ugly things to (formerly) good people. Bernie is a huge disappointment. To me, it seems like he got “this close” and just can’t let it go. So sad. Someone who cares for him should be having some quiet conversations with Bernie, but that’s obviously not happening.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Hal: that’s why you have all those news stories about the citizen-sheriffs (do they have a name for themselves?) who are dropping ‘bad guys’ like… the characters in whatever video game allows them to act out this fantasy, and hopefully those are the only kills they’ll ever make.
@efgoldman: Yep. And she knows what questions to ask, in case Obama decides he needs to maintain an air of impartiality.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Then you are on your own. The vegetarian cuisine is delicious, Aao jo (au revoir).
@schrodinger’s cat: We’ll always have Balloon Juice.
I’m streaming CSPAN and I have to admit that I miss not having cable. I don’t bring my computer to bed with me, but tonight I might..
@Baud: I saw that earlier. At least he isn’t joining the Trump campaign yet.
? Martin
I don’t think Obama would have any problem with the argument that ‘Trump cannot be trusted with national secrets, while Clinton has proven that she can be’.
Fairness has no role in national security.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: We don’t have to hang out with aging hippies or new agey types.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: It also appears to lack ski slopes.
@schrodinger’s cat: You just knocked out 90% of Juicers.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You are better off in Canada with redshirt then.
It appears that the sharing of security briefings with candidates has never been a controversial issue for democrats or republicans. Questions of fairness have never come up. And why would any president withohold info from a candidate of the other party? They don’t talk about those briefings on the stump. But this is new territory. We’ve never had a candidate like Trump. He’ll be tweeting the content daily and making up shit. He has no respect for the office of the president, no respect for the American people, and absolutely no impulse control. Combine this with his intellectual inadequacy and his narcissism and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
Smiling Mortician
@WaterGirl: Agree that Miranda’s poem is awesome, but whoever wrote the article makes a few weird mistakes, not least of which is that the “Love is love” has three extra iambs (six extra syllables) — not three extra syllables.
/Sorry, I teach Shakespeare [hangs head]
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: I thought hippy punching is the tradition here.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Switzerland has its points. So does France.
Schumer is up.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Indeed! Casablanca reference FTW.
@Hal: I would think he would be too tired (and sticky) to draw his gun after that…
@schrodinger’s cat: Only when the hippies are assholes.
@schrodinger’s cat: Lot closer than Goa. Lot cheaper to get to as well.
Also, ocean front property! Killer views! More mosquitoes then you could imagine exist!
@schrodinger’s cat: Only certain hippies, you know, the “others.” Are the Libertarians the modern-day heirs to the hippies?
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: I have a standing offer to avail myself of my Norwegian friend’s apartment in Oslo. I haven’t taken her up on that.
? Martin
@Baud: Woo! I am the 10%!
This does not feel as empowering as I expected.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: How about summers in Canada and winters in Goa, best of all worlds and spring and fall in Europe. Now we have to come up with a scheme to fund all this.
@Kropadope: Or Bob.
Has Bob been around since Sanders finally lost?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Them ain’t hippies.
Mike in NC
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Thanks for that. “Empire of Dirt” perfectly fits this crook and hustler.
@schrodinger’s cat: What kind of desperate escape from the newly fascist AmeriKKKa are you suggesting? Sounds rather 1%.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: I do rather want to do the Cresta Run.
randy khan
It’s okay, Trump won’t believe whatever he’s told.
@efgoldman: I read about that moose. What the hell was it doing down South? They’re not smart creatures.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: If we were truly 1% we wouldn’t have to worry about funding it.
Nothing in law requiring it, it’s been tradition since the Eisenhower years.
Candidates/nominees releasing tax returns has been traditional since not quite that long ago – as Trump is purposefully not following that tradition, no reason Obama should follow the one about briefings. (Not to equate the two as being of equal import.)
Schlemazel Khan
I would have replied
“OH NOES!!1 If we have lost Fred Da Bore we have lost . . . absolutely nothing of value or any opinion that matters
But, like you didn’t want to feed the troll
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: I have never seen a moose IRL. I have eaten moose, but never seen it live.
Ah, but at least Fredi will not soil his hands by supporting a Centrist Democrat. [Note: The words “Centrist Democrat” should be accompanied by scary music, plus someone half-whispering “boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity-boogity” in the background.]
Chyron HR
That’s just a corrupt neoliberal DLC lie.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: Why did you take the moose to the radio station?
Can’t teach him much, the guy’s a real stiff.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: I had a moose stick its head into my tent while I was backpacking on Isle Royale. I was seven. My dad and I stayed very, very still. The moose left. The end.
Schlemazel Khan
@schrodinger’s cat:
A moose once bit my sister
schrodinger's cat
BTW did anyone see Thomas Frank on the Snooze Hour. I caught the tail end of his interview. Smug and annoying and critical of the Democrats. What’s his problem? Hillary and Obama refuse to hire him or something.
@Corner Stone: well, it won’t if he gets elected, so he could be right on that score if he’s prognosticating.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Was it cute? They look like rather large donkeys.
schrodinger's cat
@Schlemazel Khan: You must tell us the story, how did that happen?
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: It asked. How can one politely refuse?
Schlemazel Khan
@schrodinger’s cat:
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”
@schrodinger’s cat: Where did you eat moose? That’s an odd meat choice for most.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: It was huge. Female, no antlers.
@efgoldman: Drugs then. Clearly a moose with a crippling addiction.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: Moose bites can be nasty.
ETA: Damn it, I thought we were Americanizing.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: At a dinner party, the hostess had hunted the moose earlier in the season.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah that would be scary. They’re huge and dumb and while generally peaceful, who knows what they’ll do.
Smiling Mortician
@efgoldman: Not much. I think I occasionally catch him on something, though.
@redshirt: Is Bob a hippy or a Russian authoritarian?
@schrodinger’s cat: That makes sense. I can’t imagine a restaurant offering moose meat. But now that I say that, I bet somewhere in Maine a restaurant does, at least seasonally.
@Kropadope: Why not both?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodinger’s cat: politics as a spectator sport he finds unsatisfying, with a healthy dose of “everyone I know agrees…”
@Schlemazel Khan: What’s withy your Os?
@schrodinger’s cat
Bermuda or the Bahamas much more convenient so far as travel goes. ;)
Trivia: Hawaii has been a state of the U.S. for longer than Goa has been a state of India.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: I think venison is more delicious. This was gamey.
Schlemazel Khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
I can’t type fer shoit so I use cut and paste. That means the original swedsquish
@redshirt: I don’t think of authoritarianism when I think of “hippies.”
@schrodinger’s cat: Doesn’t seem kind, let alone benevolent or protective first to hunt something so loyal and orderly and then serve it up. Those elk-moose rivalries must be getting viscious.
@Kropadope: It’s a weird cross road of hippy and old Commie supporter of the USSR and the eventual Sovietization of the entire world into one country of harmony.
I aint going nowhere — certainly not vacating what me and my family fought for our freedom… not the easy stuff you white folks give up on apparently. Its surprising that you walk away so easily from what your parents and grandparent and their parents fought for, and made their way through. Why do liberals/progressives give up so easily? I aint going nowhere…. But I will read your comments from your “safe” haven elsewhere… Tell me, what WOULD you actually fight for?
Schlemazel Khan
They are gumlauts, from the Swedsquish alphabet
@redshirt: I understand that Maine severely restricts moose hunting, I bet it’s hard for a restaurant to offer moose, even seasonally.
@schrodinger’s cat: I’ve never had either so I’ll trust you on that.
The moose lottery in Maine is a big deal but I doubt it’s about the quality of the meat, and rather about the relatively easy chance to shoot a small elephant like creature.
Schlemazel Khan
Yeah, if we don’t win at the ballot box we can win at the bullet box. Its only fair to say that.
@Elie: I am entirely joking about moving the Canada. But then, if I lived in a country as described in “The Handmaid’s Tale”, I’m not sure I wouldn’t flee either. Better than dying, right?
@schrodinger’s cat:
Run for President, win, and sell Alaska back to Putin. Presidents are allowed to do that, right?
@Kropadope: It does, but an enterprising individual could probably buy several dozens of pounds of meat from hunters and offer up a special. I assume.
You’ve heard Trump speak, right? Anything that goes in won’t come out in any recognizable form. It’s worse than Palin trying to describe Paul Revere’s ride.
Frak you people I don’t want to live in a country behind in its tippy-tops! The US of A should always be toppy-tops: David Barton says that’s in the Constitution. Or the Mayflower Compact.
Omnes Omnibus
@Elie: You are off your game today. Chill the fuck out.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Not bullets… I do not mean bullets at all — but fight for in organize — stand together as has been done in many many countries. Could we be killed or hurt or imprisoned? Yes. Please think of this differently…
@Elie: I think you’re missing the whistling-past-the-graveyard-at-Halloween aspect. It’s a silly game. Most of us will stay where we are.
Anne Laurie
@schrodinger’s cat:
IMO, you haven’t missed much. The only thing that photos can’t tell you is how large & weirdly spindly they are. It has been said that horses are built ‘like a pickle on four toothpicks’, but moose are even heavier in body & longer of legs. The (bad) physics are why they’re so dangerous as highway impediments. (European elk are physically identical to North American moose, and Scandinavian cars are ‘built for safety’ because elk are just as liable as moose to wander onto twisty poor-light roadways.) Like gnus, they seem to have been assembled from leftover parts at the end of the day… by a team that no longer cared.
Ok got it. I take people at their word. They say they are going somewhere else and I accept what they say. I don’t have your fine ability to tell the “real” intended truth from what you REALLY mean, so apologies as necessary…
@Elie: Well, sometimes it’s just a question of choosing the terrain upon which we choose to fight. If I were to choose to up sticks for a better frontier or battlefield elsewhere I’d probably be slap-damn in the heritage of the bulk of my immigrant ancestors that similarly chose to battle things out elsewhere rather than in the exact muddy ruts of their forefathers. I’m not sure my main allegience is the dirt or coordinates of this nation, and there may be places where its better cultural characteristics are shared by people still willing to change and grow — the coordinates don’t have an exclusive on those.
Some elk also pastured on the big cattle ranch on Maui. Both elk meat and elkburgers readily available at the ranch store.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have had a bad day but that doesn’t mean that my bullshit meter isn’t working entirely. When people say that they are taking off from a fight, I see no reason to not take them at their word. As I see it, this aint no time to be pussy footing around what we are and what we plan to do. Maybe not for you. Maybe saying “I quit” is pretty normal and usually it is pretty ok to dink around with. But these are different times and I “look” so to speak, around to see whats what. Of for sure, people on a blog aren’t going to be immediately next to me or in my community — but their attitudes reveal a lot. Get over yourself. Its not about me entirely.
@efgoldman: I really need to talk to that neuron. I never get that word correct.
so you think there is a law somewhere stating that the two major party candidates get security briefings from the present administration? I sure doubt that.
It is a reasonable thing to do – a norm, as it were, but I doubt there is a law requiring it. That law would have to specify what goes in the briefings, which is virtually impossible to do years in advance.
Anne Laurie
A German restaurant in Springfield, MA used to have a wild game month. The moose was tasty enough, but it had been marinated for a long time & then covered with a cream-based wild mushroom sauce, so it could just as well have been carved from a baseball glove or a newish boot…
lurker dean
someone probably already posted about this but brad delong’s twitter take down of fournier last night was righteous.
(also posted this in an earlier thread by accident, mods please feel free to delete)
@p.a.: As with most things Republican, it amazes me that the party and the candidate that routinely trashes America is the one who gets the default “Patriot” label.
To suggest that the US nuclear arsenal is somehow (Obama!) in disrepair and the Russian arsenal – Russia, a country in a decades long state of decay and regression – is top notch, is ludicrous. And yet, here we are.
schrodinger's cat
@Anne Laurie: I still owe you the photos my friend’s garden. Google got rid of Picasa and my photos are in a bit of a mess. I haven’t forgotten about it and will get around to it soon.
I hear you and no disrespect intended when I say ok then…. those of you who “know” when you say it and mean it or just say it cause reasons…. may not communicate all the special ways that could mean different…
Look, I have a sense of humor and all and know folks might not “mean” it. But why say it then? I hate fooling around about some things. My bad… you guys know what you REALLY mean, wink wink for those of us who know we would have to stay and fight for a whole lot of reasons…I truly know you are all good people
@Omnes Omnibus:
Love that song
schrodinger's cat
@NotMax: The Portuguese had to be kicked out, they didn’t leave when the Brits did.
Anne Laurie
To be fair, two of my grandparents were (Irish) immigrants, and another was only born on American soil because her mother left Connemara just in time.
On the other hand, the family story was that my maternal grandfather’s father came to NY to serve as a “stand in” draftee for a rich Yankee who didn’t want to go fight the Civil War, so we have some skin in that game…
But I’m like you, those arseholes are not gonna drive me out of MY country. Although in my case, it helps that I’m old & fat & lazy & don’t have kids to worry about.
Omnes Omnibus
@Elie: Get a sense of humor. What this really was was sort of an exercise in where were would you go to live if you could live anywhere. If you can’t see that, you need to take a few deep breaths.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: Who?
@Elie: You’re welcome at my compound in PEI.
Omnes Omnibus
@sylvainsylvain: Me too. Sad Eyed Lady of the Low Life is fun as well.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: Quebec has better food.
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m sure. PEI, besides two “cities”, is rural as heck.
I had moose at a restaurant in Sweden. It’s been years, so I couldn’t describe the taste. I also had reindeer on that trip.
schrodinger's cat
@Elie: I am not taking off anywhere. Just holding off on making a huge purchase so that our assets are liquid. Besides, we have just started looking and it will probably take that much time anyway. I am going to volunteer for Hillz just like I did for Obama.
@Elie: Elie, you’re letting this bastard get you down. Don’t do that. It’s going to be a bitchfight and we’re all going to pitch in. Some of the commenters here have been fighting shitheads for decades and aren’t about to give up now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Elie: @schrodinger’s cat: I am not going anywhere either. My family has been on the continent for four centuries. If someone wants to take a little game and project it into serious political dialog, that person can but it is idiotic.
The Lodger
@SiubhanDuinne: Excellent.
There just aren’t enough Manafart jokes.
Only Canadian province which bans abortions within its borders.
schrodinger's cat
@NotMax: PEI or Quebec?
@NotMax: Huh. Never knew that. But then I have zero knowledge of PEI politics.
@Origuy: Ahh! A fellow terror to small still believing children! I too definitely had the reindeer, also in Sweden (with cloudberries). I bet they fed me moose too, but it’s less clear in my mind. The travel-hazard breed with all the signs posted along Swedish roads. I was never in a rudolph crossing zone on that trip, not that I noticed.
@Baud: no, that is pizza and wings.
The Lodger
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m holding out for the Kessel Run myself.
@schrodinger’s cat
@Omnes Omnibus:
OK then.
Just looking around and counting heads. (not really but you get what I mean). He’s not getting to me but I have learned for myself anyway that if I have to “Bring it” at some point, I had better start to think about getting ready and what that would mean. I am very comfortable in my life and surely do not see myself as some sort of freedom fighter — until I have to.
I am old (66) and would consider it important to be able to do what is necessary to save what can be saved if it meant sacrificing myself. Its important to have things mean something at this point. Life IS good — but that is why its worth fighting for the things and people that I believe in. And speaking of humor, I am fighting to be able to poke fun and laugh freely and not be afraid that a storm trooper is gonna show up at my or my friend’s house. I want to be able to post my comments to B-J and laugh at some of your funny asses for the rest of my life…
That it is! That is why I love it!
Miss Bianca
@joel hanes: OK, I enjoyed that way, way, too much. I “The Europese”…
And yet the scary thing is that even W. looks like a statesman and a genius. W. should be sending money to Trump’s campaign – he’s the only guy they could have got that could possibly make anyone feel any nostalgia for George W. Bush.
Miss Bianca
@schrodinger’s cat: Would O2 really abandon his country? That’s not what I was hearing.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: You’ve been to Isle Royale? I’m jealous – I’ve never been, and I grew up in Michigan!
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: The projection. It’s textbook.
@Miss Bianca: They’re going to get scarier and dumber with each election cycle.
FSM help us if any of them win.
schrodinger's cat
@Miss Bianca: We were all castle building in the air.
Very late to this party, but just gotta say – Holy shit that Jared Yates Sexton storify from Greensboro is terrifying. Trump really is unleashing the brownshirts. Sexton mentions that he dislikes the Hitler comparisons, but I agree with him that they seem sickeningly apt.