"My campaign has been one of honesty and substance." — Donald J. Trump, man without irony.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) June 16, 2016
Can’t find the link now, but somebodyHat tip to commentor Luthe, who recently posted tweeted “God must’ve been in a REALLY good mood when Hillary prayed that her enemies be made ridiculous.”
What’s on the agenda, as we wrap up another week few will be sorry to see the back of?
Heh, the RNC Chair’s job has devolved to being a chaperon to keep the nominee out of trouble https://t.co/eVJFv4pdWY
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 16, 2016
Flying to Dallas now with @realDonaldTrump…Reports of discord are pure fiction. Great events lined up all over Texas. Rs will win in Nov!
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) June 16, 2016
so Trump clearly stole Reince's phone https://t.co/kEv8klMPta
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) June 16, 2016
.@Reince Blink twice if you need helphttps://t.co/IkL3MYkI8B
— Gary Legum (@GaryLegum) June 16, 2016
Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. https://t.co/V8uPJ01BOc
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) June 16, 2016
Most common answers to Trump ?s from GOPers:
1. "I will support the nominee."
2. "Hillary's terrible."
3. "I forgot I have somewhere to be."— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) June 16, 2016
Major #RNC scoop from @zachmider: Wells Fargo, JPMorgan, Ford, UPS, Walgreens all pulling out of RNC convention https://t.co/FFD0xOhqd3
— Rashad Robinson (@rashadrobinson) June 16, 2016
The full headline: More Companies Opt to Sit Out Trump’s Coronation in Cleveland
Looking forward to the "Sad!" splash headlines when Trump loses.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) June 16, 2016
How can you be too evil for JPMorgan?
That seems unpossible.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill
Some call this Texas trip fundraising. I call it reassurance to Texas donors, who are dumb but not so stupid that they’re not apprehensive about Trump.
In short, he’s campaigning. In Texas…
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill: LOL, LOL, LOL; opps, just peed myself.
Easy for you to say, I’m surrounded by them.
Morning Joe has been interesting this week, seeing how many ways Joe of the Morning can say how fucked the Republicans are.
Reince made a route that goes past every book depository in the state.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ve got a guy with a Trump bumper sticker across the street.
I’ve solved the problem of finding dog poop at night…poop finder.
Anne Laurie
@Pangloss: I genuinely LOL’d!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Corporations throw big fancy parties during the convention.
The elected officials and local party bosses love to go and indulge themselves. It’s their version of Super Bowl week parties.
The look forward to this.
With Trump responsible for taking away their fun, they’re really gonna be pissed. Even more than they are now.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill
I thought that the foot was the perfect nighttime dog poop finding tool.
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill: I was looking for something more high tech and less smelly. I actually got it to help better cool the place and find electrical/plumbing problems(ok, there’s the it’s just so damn cool factor too).
Amir Khalid
My gouty finger is in demand! As an outpatient at a university hospital, I have been asked to participate in a student exam as, um, a specimen. A week from today, I will be showing my left pinky off to the students. I have even been told that the University of Malaya Medical Centre will pay me. (I would have liked a free lunch, but alas, not at this time of year.)
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
So they’re getting a taxpayer funded bailout – how very republican.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Will the taxpayers be paying for the escorts.
(Asking for a friend.)
Only 50K people? Shit, the RNC does less for its host city’s economy than GenCon does for Indianapolis every July/August.
MNGOP chairman, Keith Downey, wrote a gobsmacking, “party of Lincoln” letter to the Mpls Star Tribune. It was pure tripe.
“For the good of our country Republicans can’t retreat and we won’t back down. We will lead and yes, we will make America great again. Donald Trump’s unique opportunity is to help make it happen.”
“We also need America to be decent again.”
“Our ideas work.”
“Simply put, we care.”
I gingerly started to read the comments expecting at least half to be wingnut hysteria but was very pleasantly surprised. Most commenters just excoriated Downey and filleted him like a Walleye.
Good Morning☺, Everyone ?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: money is fungible.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Can iOS-Pot and Linux-Pot be far behind?
@Amir Khalid: I was once an emergency surgery lesson: How to Insert a Chest Tube. The Doc in attendance was of Pakistani (I think) origins. I knew I was in good hands with him as I could barely understand a word he said. (all the real Docs in America come from somewhere else) He was surrounded by a half dozen fresh faced very white… young persons. I listened to him explain the source of my physical distress, the procedure that was about to be performed and how it was going to relieve my life threatening condition. Most of those kids were looking a little green around the gills by this point and I thought “You people need to find another line of work”. Then one especially earnest young man stepped forward. He looked absolutely terrified. That was when I noticed the scalpel in his hand. And I thought….
“Oh fvck me….”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Microsoft is HQ’d in Washington State, pot’s legal in Washington State.
OT: I get the fast ring builds of Win10, the version(Anniversary Version) that will come out at the end of next month looks really good.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
He doesn’t get enough credit.
@OzarkHillbilly: At the kid’s pinning ceremony on Sunday; one of the speakers said that nurses deal with every bodily fluid and described some of them in detail, fortunately it was AFTER lunch was served.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: This was the topic of discussion on the first 20 minutes of Morning Joe.
Mustang Bobby
@BillinGlendaleCA: And I’m sure Joe and Willie and Mike and Mika are rushing down to the recruiting office to sign up to go over there and fight as the backup for the rest of the 101st Fighting Rumpsprung Bullshitters.
@Mustang Bobby: Mika and Willie weren’t there today, Donnie was the voice of reason.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@BillinGlendaleCA: @Mustang Bobby: Yup. They have kids who are old to enlist. They won’t.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid: Congratulations?
Someday, we will say, We knew him when!…
Mustang Bobby
I found out yesterday that my trip to Key West for a job interview was not going to result in a change of venue, but it was a nice day for the trip and the Mustang got over 25 mpg, which isn’t bad on the Overseas Highway.
Anne Laurie
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Hand sanitizer dispensers better be mounted by every entry.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Last night Adam wrote this, in response to a question that I asked him.
A couple years ago I got food poisoning, very severe food poisoning, so bad I thought I was gonna die. Then it got worse and I was afraid I wouldn’t die. It was so bad that I had my wife take me to the ER sitting on a 5 gal bucket while holding a large soup pot on my lap. It was so bad that before I got out of the vehicle, I had my wife go in, warn everybody that I was coming, and to clear a path to the restroom where I would await a room. The security guard held the door while standing far to the side behind it just in case I exploded on my way in. Trying to avoid the splatter effect I guess.
Anyway, the triage nurse took my vitals and all pertinent information while I sat on a portable toilet with a mop bucket in my lap gushing out fluids of every type from both ends. She’d ask a question, I’d heave, get out half an answer, heave again, finish the answer, and punctuate it with a gush out my ass. This went on for about 5-10 mins and finally she says, “I’m going to go get you something to stop that.” Comes back with a tiny blue pill and half a glass of water. I took it. Inside of 5 mins it all stopped.
“Damn, I want some of that stuff at home.” I thought
@Mustang Bobby: Are you okay with the response?
@JPL: That was what Donnie was bringing up, Joe, et. al. were forgetting about Russia.
El Caganer
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: ….and right on cue: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-bombing-us-backed-rebels-in-syria-us-official/ar-AAhbPmn?ocid=sf. How very, very convenient.
Mustang Bobby
@JPL: Yeah, I think it was because I am in the retirement plan where I am forced to quit in less than 3 years and they probably want someone who will stick around a little longer than that.
@Mustang Bobby: I guess I’ll uncross my fingers now.
JosieJ (not Josie)
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Oh, come now: surely sex workers are used to accommodating distasteful johns–no way they’re going to boycott the convention!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@JPL: but even if there was no russia/putin issue there’s no way to win in syria. once you step it, it’s quagmire time (photo).
Amir Khalid
How do people say such things about Donald effing Trump and keep a straight face?
sm*t cl*de
I didn’t realise it was a problem, but walking around barefoot works for me.
FWIW, I suspect that Der Trump has figured out that he’s going to lose and is just working now to build up his ‘brand’. Probably hasn’t yet figured out his exit strategy.
Iowa Old Lady
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill: I have read on this blog that the foot is the nighttime cat puke finder.
@Anne Laurie: <a href="https://balloon-juice.com/2016/06/14/open-thread-yuuuuge-joker-beats-three-kings-right/#comment-5853085">That wasn't a tweet, that was me in a thread a few nights back this week. *preens at ver front-paging*
Iowa Old Lady
@OzarkHillbilly: A friend who travels in China takes double doses of dramam1ne for food poisoning. Her doc told her that it has the same stuff in it that they use to stop vomiting, but in lower amounts. She swears it works.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Even blood red Alaska is running away from him.
Test. Good morning and TGIF
@Iowa Old Lady: very helpful to know. Thank you.
@Elizabelle: It’s not morning where you are.
@Amir Khalid:
Hopefully your left pinky will improve and be very boring for its big debut.
@Iowa Old Lady: My High Tech solution will work for that as well.
@Amir Khalid:
Clinton/Gouty finger 2016!
@OzarkHillbilly: loperamide. You can buy it anywhere. Goes by Imodium.
Speaking of Republicans not voting for Trump, my Congresscritter when I was growing up said he’s not voting for Trump. His name, Barry Goldwater Jr.
@BGinCHI: There is too evil and then there is too stupid. Sometimes interchangable, but not always.
@daryljfontaine: And GenCon doesn’t ask for taxpayer handouts.
Anne Laurie
@Iowa Old Lady: Not Dramamine, Bonine — generic, meclizine hydrochloride. I was given a prescription some years ago, between the time my gall bladder decided to try killing me & the date they could schedule its removal. When the pharmacy didn’t have the branded prescription product, my doc told me to double up on the OTC Bonine. Worked for me then, and still does when I get vertigo attacks.
Don’t take it if you need to drive or operate heavy machinery, though — it tends to make people really spacey. Slow-glassed, my sf-reading Spousal Unit & I call the state of (no) mind.
@BillinGlendaleCA: That’s a very odd place to put a sticker.
Via Reddit
Ah, that’s one of thse many many inexplicable Republican traits.
Mind you, this was written by the chairman of the MN Republican party. When our state in 2015 determined we would have a big surplus, Downey immediately put out an ad costing $150,000, called “Give It Back” supposedly to the taxpayers but everyone with a brain knew he meant reverse the tax hike on very wealthy individuals and corps with a few dollars to rest of us and never mentioned all the infrastructure work the state needs. The Republican leadership and Democrats weren’t inclined to take fiscal advice from him considering the MN Republican party was still in debt for $1.4 million. Then Downey a few weeks later requested a 70% raise hike. Curiously, Downey bears a close physical resemblance to next door Gov Scott Walker.
Most of the commenters to the letter were not buying Downey’s gibberish. The comments were astute and hilarious. Gotta love MN liberals.
@Iowa Old Lady: Good to know. Thanx.
@JosieJ (not Josie):
They won’t be there if there’s no money to be made. Sex workers don’t do charity work.
They should not be allowed to run away from their nominee. Hang Trump around their necks.
Anne Laurie
@Joel: Loperamide works to stun the bowels, but it’s not so effective on the upper end of the digestive tract.
@Punchy: It’s on his big ass(and loud) truck.
@Baud: Si.
@Joel: No. It was not Imodium. Imodium, like nearly all drugs takes a minimum 20 mins to work. This sh!t was immediate. Not to mention, Imodium no longer works for me.
Anne Laurie
@Luthe: Thanks, I edited for credit!
(And now I *really* need to go to bed… )
Ultraviolet Thunder
Hey, what do you expect? I found the mate to a stray sock this morning before I’d even had breakfast. I figure that’s my accomplishment for the day.
Glad to see the back of this week. The news has been shit, I’ve spent every waking moment in terrible meetings and now i see reporting that meatloaf collapsed on stage. Fuck 2016.
Is Kasich even going to show up at the RNC in Cleveland?
@Anne Laurie: NIght.
GMA praising Hillary’s twitter-fu.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Sounds like an easy enough job! My husband has gout, but his very infrequent flare-ups tend to affect one of his toes rather than a finger. As long as he avoids shellfish and drinks plenty of water, he can go years without a hint of trouble. I hope you’ll find a way to control yours with similar success. From what I understand, it’s quite painful.
Better than that, back in early May the next street over from us in Sunset Beach, NC, there were two houses with Trump signs in the yard. By Memorial day, the signs were gone from both houses (neither of which is on the vacation rental market, so that wasn’t the reason they came down) and neither had reappeared when I was last down there this past weekend.
Oh yeah I hear you. Was supposed to have dinner with my friend in hospice but I have to cancel because another friend’s husband collapsed dead at age 48 so I’m going to travel to the visitation service tonight and funeral tomorrow. Really 2016 is the worst.
@cmorenc: Heh.
@MomSense: That’s so awful.
One of my favorite things is when corporations don’t want to be associated with Republicans because I don’t think rank and file Republicans get it. The last time it happened was with ALEC. Corporations did not want their brand associated with voter suppression because they have African American customers and voter suppression is a horrible, grim tactic that no one wants to own.
This is particularly delicious because Donald Trump is a “businessman” and he doesn’t know that they 1. sell all over the world, to all kinds of people, and 2. they don’t want to be associated with hateful rhetoric toward their customers.
It’s as if white American conservatives believe they hold some inherent superior value as customers– like their money is better. It isn’t. They’re not a majority of customers, world-wide. Not even close. What Donald Trump thinks is political correctness is actually economic reality. He fails at even “basic businessman”
Mustang Bobby
In other words, that sh!t worked on your sh!t.
Same attitude they have with their votes.
Me too, and I’m in Maryland! There are more of them here than you think.
Betty Cracker
@cmorenc: There were three Trump signs in my town (on the routes I travel, anyway). Only one remains up now. Not sure if the others quietly removed theirs in the middle of the night due to shame or what, but I like to think so.
NYT is reporting that W. is going to hit the campaign trail to help GOP senators being dragged down by Trump.
Coca Cola didn’t want to be associated with voter suppression. They were shocked.
These are the free marketeers. Supporters of free enterprise.
The blindness is like a mental illness. Motorola doesn’t see any upside to pissing off a billion people and conservatives will attribute that to “political correctness” rather than “markets”.
@Anne Laurie: yeah, they give you antiemetics for those.
I got one for norovirus. All it did was prolong the misery.
@Baud: I thought he was a ‘non-person’ in the GOP.
@Betty Cracker: I’ve been seeing campaign TV commercials for someone named Heaney. Two different commercials in constant rotation. Quote: “They want to ban the pledge of allegiance! Political correctness is killing this country! I support the 2nd amendment!” In one of the commercials he says “I stand with Donald Trump!” and mentions “Donald Trump and I believe…” etc. The other commercial is similar, but no mention of Trump.
One of the commercials is no longer in rotation. (The one that mentions the Donald)
Too goddamn funny…
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporate Shill:
Where they’re already talking secession. Maybe he’ll tag along.
@Kay: Ironically, it’s the good side of the internationalization of corporations.
@Kay: Just like coal miners blaming the loss of jobs on ‘regulation’ when it’s cheaper substitutes(natural gas) that’s the primary reason for the decline in the coal industry.
Chyron HR
Can his opponent pay to keep airing the Donald Trump one?
@BillinGlendaleCA: That was the pre-Trumpian mentality.
Schlemazel Khan
@Mustang Bobby:
I am glad you are OK with the result, sorry it couldn’t have been better
That is so sad. Way too young.
@Amir Khalid:
When I was in high school, I fell asleep with a hard contact lens in one eye. When I woke up, as a reflex, I took it out, as well as part of my cornea. I had to be a ‘specimen’ for students at the nearby teaching hospital. It was horrible waiting for it to end so I could get something to stop the pain.
Tell that truth Kay.
Tell the truth.
I am haunted by this essay about our living connection to history, and how history is alive all around us:
W being a help on the campaign trail ?
To clarify, he may only be at fundraisers, so they would still be keeping him somewhat hidden from view.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Dramamine works wonders for hangovers too. Knocks out the nausea pretty quickly.
That’s exactly why a lot of nursing programs require applicants to have worked as CNAs for a certain period as a prerequisite to applying to nursing school. (CNA = certified nursing assistant, a position that frequently involves cleaning up messy bodily fluids of people who in an already repulsive physical state). They want to sort out the folks who will find themselves too squeamish to handle their clinical rotations before they occupy classroom space a semester or two before getting to that part.
Schlemazel Khan
Given a Drump bumper sticker and that it is a big ass truck I think stupidly loud would be implied. “Rolling coal” still would need to be pointed out but loud would be a given.
We have some of those assholes around here too
@Baud: Oh no, he insists on doing rallies where attendance is rather light.
@Chyron HR: Interestingly, his republican opponent is running ads linking him to (gulp!) Obama. And Heaney is doing the same thing to his republican opponent: “He agreed with Obama about something once!” Two repubs running against each other, trying to smear the other with Obama cooties. And both ads show very sinister, B&W photos of Obama, chosen for maximum smirk value.
(By the way, I acknowledge the left does this with photos. Whenever rawstory or crooksandliars or Salon runs a photo of Sarah Palin or Cheney or Bush, they always pick the least flattering, goofiest expression. Sometimes it’ll be a mid-speech freeze-frame, featuring open mouth and half-closed eyes.)
@cmorenc: The kid was a medical tech in the Air Force, so she had that covered.
@Schlemazel Khan: This is California, rolling coal won’t be happening.
Jeff Spender
@cmorenc: Actually, right now I’m a CNA at a hospital. Work on a cardiac rehab / progressive care unit. Most of my patients trend old.
I’m split between getting a BSN or a Masters in Physician Assitant Studies. I could go either way right now, and for me they’d both take two years to achieve.
I can’t decide of PA or BSN -> NP (or MD, one of our best doctors started as a CNA, then got a BSN, and is now a doctor).
i haz moderation.
Because I linked to an article about history.
@germy: Was it about the history of pen1ses?
That’s because Republicans never get past their slogans. They’ll think of something that sounds good but never think through to the possible consequences.
Schlemazel Khan
Having spent some time in MD I learned it contained a surprisingly large number of them. It surprised me but probably shouldn’t have given we have a similar problem in rural farm country here. Pennsylvania was the other surprising place because I always viewed them as mostly big D Democrats but discovered they are Reagan Dems (read working white racists)
@Baud: They will never be history.
@Jeff Spender: The kid just finished her BSN last week, now it’s studying for the boards to get her RN.
@Mustang Bobby: It was a dream come true, tho I stlll had to stay in the ER for another 4 hours while they replaced my fluids, some absolutely insane amount like 6 litres or something.
Betty Cracker
@BillinGlendaleCA: Practically every woman in my family except me is a nurse (well, we have one doctor). I lived with my sister and an aunt while we were all in college — they were in nursing school, and I was an English major. I’m exceptionally squeamish, and they used to delight in describing the grotesque procedures and gross patient care incidents, etc., they’d encountered during clinicals, especially during meals. I was much skinnier when I lived with them.
@OzarkHillbilly: Been there, done that; that’s when I quit drinking.
Schlemazel Khan
Another thing to like about California!
Iowa Old Lady
I was just reading Eugene Robinson on how much Trump lies, and I had a vision of Steve Benen. Remember how he kept track of Romney’s lies, posting a list once a week? Keeping up with Romney nearly crushed him. Imagine trying to do that with Trump.
@Baud: THAT’LL really work.
@Betty Cracker:
I haven’t noticed any signs yet, either party, but maybe I’m just not noticing. We haven’t put out signs since Obama 1st run and don’t plan to this time. People have gotten so insane no matter where you live that I just don’t want to deal with any possible nutjob vandalism or worse.
@Baud: maybe they can auction off his paintings. Here is the GOP. Circling the drain. Hear W is good w bathtub paintings
Patricia Kayden
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: And why would President Obama strike Assad? Wouldn’t that strengthen ISIS which Assad is fighting (along with a coalition)?
Don’t fall for the bait, President Obama.
Patricia Kayden
@Iowa Old Lady: Andrea Sullivan did an excellent job tracking all of Palin’s absurd lies in 2008. His multiple posts about her lies were quite entertaining. Keeping track of Trump’s lies will keep any writer super busy since all he does is lie.
Trump should make a deal with his super-duper deal-making skills. He’s worth ten billion dollars! He’s very, very influential in business circles.
@Jeff Spender: @BillinGlendaleCA: as the child of an md who spent a considerable part of her childhood hanging out in hospitals, i have nothing but the utmost respect for nurses. Jesus nurses get shit done.
@Kay: I think it’s because they believe that white people are the only ones who got their money to spend on consumer goods honestly. And who doesn’t like honest customers? Unlike those folks who steal from taxpayers with various welfare schemes like having babies to get $15 more in food stamps. Or selling drugs like the thick calved Mexicans do.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: Hahahahahahahhahahaha
Whadda choice, Trump or Dubya. They’d be better off campaigning with canisters full of ebloa.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Embedded neocon ratfuckers coming to the aid of rethugs ? Hope Kerry asks for their resignations stat.
Mike in DC
Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny Hands PAC has released their first ad in the DC Metro area, demanding that Trump release his hand measurements. I’d link but I’m on my phone.
@OzarkHillbilly: Reminds me the time an American MD who recently came from Iran, treated my rapidly deteriorating state from a spider bite (a simple brown recluse) that had gone septic. I was rapidly crashing in the ER from the effects and the attending MD had no idea what to do. So, he made a call and had someone else come to the hospital to see my case. This guy took one look, then simply took a scalpel, made an opening and then used scissors to remove the skin and all affected tissue then and there while still wearing his street clothes – he realized time was critical. He explained to me, as he removed tissue and I endured the pain, that he was an expert on poisoned wound treatment. Everything healed up perfectly and he both made the right call and apparently knew his stuff.
@germy: I’ve been working on this barn in Franklin County. It was built in 1861 or so. Old style, hand hewn timbers, pegged mortise and tenon joints, etc. Some of the old pine siding we are removing is as much as 2 feet in width. This is the original siding, put up with square cut nails. At 2 feet wide, that pine tree had to be older than 150, maybe even 200 when it was cut down. The tree from which that board was sawn was already an old man of the forest when the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia.
@Schlemazel Khan: Having gone to that Enormous State University in the middle of PA, I fully subscribe to Carville’s “Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, with Alabama in between). Maryland is much the same way, with Dems concentrated in the metro regions and Reps the majority everywhere else.
@germy: Heck no! They’re out front boldly leading the way.
@bemused: The only yard signs I’ve seen – and they’re all still there – are for Bernie and Trump.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mike in DC: Link to the ad Mike mentioned.
THAT…is messed. up.
And hysterical.
@Mike in DC:
Holy crap! That’s really a thing!
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: So the former Republican President, who is not going to vote for the Republican presumptive nominee, is hitting the campaign trail for faltering Senators? Awkward!!
@Jeffro: I’m more worried about HRC than Trump, if we’re imagining that scenario.
@Amir Khalid:
Ironically Gouty Finger was the Secret Services’ chosen name for Trump .
That’s sort of outlandish, though. No one in any Muslim country buys anything? Latinos in Los Angeles are all raising chickens ?
They must have noticed the diversity in advertisements- it’s not all white people anymore. Why do they think that happened? I’m as selfish as the next person, but this level of “me, me, me” is mental illness.
Are there really very many that are faltering? The one in Ohio certainly isn’t.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike in DC: LOL!!
Chasing the WHITE working class vote…..while, well, non-Whites are far more attached to reality and don’t have a multi-generational history of voting against their economic best interest.
@Mike in DC: Interesting that “Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny Hands PAC” was first called “Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC”, but the FEC made them change their name because it contained a candidate’s name but they weren’t affiliated with said candidate.
Jeff Spender
A commentor with the handle Pangloss. Truly we live in the best of all possible worlds.
@Cermet: It was (in retrospect) funny listening to their conversation:
“On top of the rib?”
“On top of the rib?”
“On top of the rib?”
“On top of the rib?”
At one point I almost sat up on the gurney and said to the kid, “Look asswhole, on top of the fvcking rib!”, but I knew that would really freak him out, so I just bit my tongue and tried to pretend that the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was. At one point I looked across the ER (this was a public hospital, they had one large room with movable screens for privacy) and I saw this cop with this very strange look on his face, sort of a cross between horror and queasiness to the max and thought, “I wonder what’s bothering him?” Then I realized it was me and I thought, “Geez, is it really that bad?”
Glad you got lucky with the fiddleback bite. A friend of mine almost lost her leg to one. As is her scar is legendary.
@germy: A man born in 1790 has living grandchildren? My maths are pretty good and I’m still struggling to figure this one out….
OMG. I just Googled. I thought you guys were joking! So far at least, even the commenters at Red State support the PAC.
I wonder if this man works cheaper than Hugh Hewitt
I can imagine someone on cable news buying him a suit and tie and pushing him onstage…
I have to run errands all over the place so plan to pay attention to any that are out there.
There was a Hillary for Prison 2016 sign up for a few months, but it finally disappeared. I’ve seen both Hillary and Bernie yard signs and only Trump bumper stickers. Small hands make for small signs.
@Amir Khalid:
You are going to help advance science!
@debbie: I’m at work so certain addresses are blocked, but I noted with amusement that one of the top returns on Google was the Redstate site.
Posted about that some time back. Tyler remarried and the newest wife bore some of their children when he was around 70 The two grandchildren in question were born circa 1920.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I hope Benen does do it.
It was National Service in 2012.
Please do it in 2016.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
While hunting for something else, I stumbled across this from former Local Woman now Hamilton’s Bullet, Ariana Debose.
She’s participating in this year’s Stripathon for Broadway Bares, raising money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
One of the vids on her page is a talk with Javier Muñoz, LMM’s understudy and a beneficiary of their support services.
Lots of beefcake on the page. Quite likely NSFW, I’m sorry to say.
jake the anisoshul soshulist
I have decided that Trump is the first post post-modern candidate. He has gone beyond “I reject your reality and substitute my own”.
It is now, “I reject my own reality and substitute another”. Or maybe he is just full of shit.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Why do I get the feeling that several Valued Commenters here are going to blow through that warning like a 55mph sign on the Beltway?
C. Isaac
From here in Dallas, where Hair Furor is campaigning atm, I was gobsmacked by what I saw last night.
Friends of mine who are conceal and carry 2nd amendment fanatics, went together as a couple down to the Trump campaign… and protested Trump. Life long conservatives, NRA members and all were standing outside his campaign stop with a sign reading ‘Trump is an Epic Douche Canoe’.
I was so proud to call them my friends, even when we disagree on many things.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Lots of videos from those events on YouTube.
Different Broadway benefit, but Florence Henderson pulls all the stops out in a barely safe for work number.
I love stuff like this. Many years ago when my sons were little kids, they were playing at a friend’s house (his yard next to some woods) and they found 19th century headstones. History is alive and it’s all around us.
@C. Isaac: Have they turned against Trump because he said he wants to limit the sale of assault weapons?
Can numbers go that high?
C. Isaac
Nope. It’s due to him being a rank homophobe and racist. They picked it up right from the beginning and have loathed him the entire time he’s been running.
IMO, they’re more liberal (socially at least) than they think they are. Just a matter of pulling the mask off the face of the GOP and Trump’s done that splendidly.
Got that right, and GenCon has much better costumes.
Who the hell will Trump get as VP? What politician would attach themselves as #2 to his ‘campaign’? Logically, it might make sense as a “I’ll take the bullet b/c the party will owe me huge in the aftermath” idea, except a losing VP pol tarred with this FUBAR effort may never recover.
So we’re looking at, what, a gambler politician trying to draw to an inside straight, or David Duke?
Once tore down a dilapidated old 2½ story house out in the boonies.
Can’t say for sure when it was built, however certainly no later than 1880s. Beautiful timbers. The only nails in the place were the ones holding the vertical siding (1 × 8 × ~16) in place, and those nails were hand crafted, with square heads. Everything else was mortise and tenon or tongue and groove. Was able to salvage a good 80%+ of the wood.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thank you; glad you survived your ER visit! Yours was just plan scary! Mine, I knew the doctor was an expert and I was in good hands (through, he didn’t bother to wash his hands nor bothered with gloves, lol. in the case of my wound, not such a big deal.) I cannot nor could I image being in your shoes!
From Vanity Fair about Trump and his ‘plans’:
C. Isaac
He could pick someone desperate for political affirmation. Someone who keeps running, failing, and feeling like they’ve been ignored. Someone like Rick “Don’t Google Me” Santorum. Or maybe a guest appearance by Ben “Nap Time” Carson as someone who wouldn’t challenge Trump’s preconceptions about himself.
Full-length mirror?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Whatever it takes to signal boost her effort. She’s so close to her goal….
C. Isaac
In the end, we all know it’s going to be the hairpiece.
Why, someone great. And yuuge. :)
My money’s still on Scott Brown.
Have noticed the name of Richard Burr (R-NC) popping up more frequently, though.
Just what we need ( ;) ) – a second vice-president Burr.
@debbie: Hey, these days, I don’t even look. If it’s weird, over-the-top, or WTF, it is much more likely to be true.
(Late 1800s workers pose with the tools of their trades)
@OzarkHillbilly: I ended up being a teaching exhibit when my oldest daughter was born – a breech birth that wasn’t a C section -something they’d rarely see. They called in every student, intern & resident in the place. Afterwards they all stood around congratulating the doctor.
Conservatives have a love-hate relationship with the free market. They love the idea of it because they believe it’ll always recognize their awesomeness and reward them for it, but half the time they don’t like the outcomes, so they have to spin a whole lot of bullshit to explain how the market has been tampered with to unfairly skew towards [insert thing they don’t like] because of [socialist interference, political correctness, whatever].
Which, come to think of it, isn’t all that different from their relationship to politics.
Oy vey.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
OMFSM! Darkrose! Paging Darkrose!
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: Good job! Make sure it is extra gouty when you go to the vivisect…err, I mean presentation.
@Germy: Ooh! With a classy gilt frame, cherubim, the works…
Paul in KY
@Mustang Bobby: Sorry about that, Bobby. Glad you got some good out of the trip.
No One You Know
@bemused: I’d like to read that. Didn’t see it on the Star Tribune…do you have a link? I need some comfort reading this morning (in addition to what’s here; thanks, everybody).
Own (and use) two wooden handtools which may well date back that far, a hand plane and a torpedo-style (only with square corners) level.
@NotMax: Excellent!
Paul in KY
@MomSense: Very sorry to hear that.
@OzarkHillbilly: So did he do the chest tube ok once he got down to it?
Only in America would we summon 150 jurors to a court house without anywhere for them to park and then announce that those who managed to find empty spaces in the parking lot would be ticketed and towed since those spots Weren’t meant for jurors. It’s almost as if they’re shaking us down. (The only spaces we found were 2 hour time limited spaces. I assume if I’m chosen for a trial I’ll be paying to serve here many times over)
Iowa Old Lady
Political correctness
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Tomorrow is donating blood and a dental visit for cleaning (the blood donation first). Then getting caught up on Stuff.
There have been Hillary and Priorities USA ads running in the Denver market fairly frequently. Also have signed up to help the campaign as I can; I suck at talking to people IRL so I’ll be a data entry/bring snacks to the phone bank people kinda girl. Also am very pleased that Senator Bennet took park in the filibuster. My call to his office must have convinced him. :nods:
Amir, I look forward to the AMA Journal writeup on your finger :)
No One You Know
@Poopyman: Excuse our dust.
Snark? What snark?
Paul in KY
@C. Isaac: Man, that is cool! They either have a big set of balls or they were hoping someone would assault them, so they could shoot them.
Either way, good on them for protesting the Combover Caligula.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Note to self: start breeding blue-tinted strain to be called “Blue Screen of Death.”
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
If you tell me Daveed Diggs is participating, I’ll die right. Now.
I lived in an 18th century farmhouse when I was a kid, outside of Bloomington, Indiana. No nails in the original framing. For the first few years we didn’t have a bathroom, only an outdoor bath with a path. My dad built a bathroom onto it, and made walls to break up the open second floor. My mom hated the place. It burned down when I was in third grade, probably from faulty wiring. It was a few weeks after Christmas and I had just gotten a big chemistry set. For years I thought that had caught fire.
@efgoldman: Yet.
@rikyrah: From your blockquote:
Do these people have no idea that Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Fox News exist?
Not to mention Breitbart and WorldNetDaily – which are more Trump’s speed.
J R in WV
@Amir Khalid:
Maybe you can get a voucher for dinner after sundown!!!
Be optimistic, go for what you want!
And good deal for volunteering. Mrs J was once in a teaching hospital with a collapsed lung, students were in and out all day to listen to the sounds her chest was making.
Miss Bianca
I’m leaving that part in because the kitten typed it. Yes, “kittens on the keys”? We haz them. Anne Laurie, I am totally sending you kitten pics – Pancho and Lefty are the best. That is all, except to review our themes: fuck Bernie Sanders for his intransigence and refusal to concede to HRC, fuck Trump on general principle (in the rusty farm implement way, not any other), fuck right-wing bigot bs that has killed on both sides of the pond, and go Team Blue. That is all, thank you. Back to klttens and database mining.
J R in WV
@Iowa Old Lady:
Oh, wow, that is so funny!! I hope they raise a lot of money, and then cause Trump to have a – something … maybe a seizure from anger?
@Miss Bianca
Zez Confrey is in the pantheon of personal musical gods. Kitten on the Keys.
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: : ) thank you for that. Hope you are well in beautiful HI!
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Ain’t it amazing that W. is seen as less toxic on the campaign trail than Trump?
@Baud: To accept the crown once Drumpf implodes – escapes being a Loser
@germy: Did you know that John McCain desiccated ancient fart was a POW?